THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, MAY 5, 1919. 17 EDIT AT IONAL. KOTtriO -TO M K.N" TNTK RESTED IX LKAKNIXa THE AUTOMOBILE EUSI- NLS.S. ""e are graduating large classes and till oon have room tor 100 more itudenti. Make application now ro you can get start ed. Wo havu .lust remodeled our Portland school and it Is a credit to the northwest. We are giving J25 reduction to discharged soldi and sailors. Call or write HMPHTLL TRADE SCHOOL, 7u7 Hawthorne Ave. Corner E. 2"th si. Take Mt. Scott or Hawthorne car at 2d and Alder. .UTOMOBILKS, TRL'CKrf, TRACTORS. Learn to be a FIRST-CLASS MECHAN IC AND GAS ENGINEER, rebuild, operate and repair automobiles, trucks and trac tors. This is not an ensriueerintr school teaching THEORY ONLY; neither is it a OA KACE. hut a REAL PRACTICAL CHUUI, whrrn you learn the business; ACTUAL "WORK ON REAL MACHINES. We hnvo more and better equipment than ell other schools in Oregon COMBINED. SPECIAL TRADES Machinist, acetylene welding and vulcanizing; SPECIAL .SUM MKK RATES, day and evening: classes. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 44W Haw Ihornu ave, WRJTK KOK CATALOGUE. LEA KX AUTOS AND TRACTORS FJV5 DAYS' FREE TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED, i "We teach Auto, Tractor, Gas Engine tnd Auto Electrical Work. BIG lOO-PAGH CATALOGUE FREE. Address Adcox Auto &. Tractor bchool. Dept. K, Union ave. and Wasco t., Portland. Or. Phone East 7445. H U KSKLL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCtlOOL. Now Is the time to prepare for a better position. Our successful students prove that our methods are right. Individual instruction, new equipment. Lumbermen bid?.. 5th and Stark. Broadway 2464. Miss F Hurseil, principal. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any t:me. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. 3&XPERT accountant, American. 23 years experience, open to private engagements for auditing or accounting; also translator of Spanish, Portuguese. French, Italian, German. API 15, Oregonian. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 218 Hallway Exchange bide. Splendid oppor tunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free booklet. Railway Telegraph Institute. MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning; gives you a set of tools. Positions secured. Send for cata logue. 234 Burnside st. Broadway t. h. ACHING position secured, free registra tion. Phone Main 4ts35. Fisic Teachers' Agency, Journal blag. HISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day, evening, $0 month, 26U 14th. near Jefferson. Main 3S93. fcPAN IS I L in 20 lessons on 13 records, Cor tina method, 3 books and graphophone Included. Main S3l. , THE In ternationai Correspondence SchooU can raise your salary 191 Broadway. "TAYLOR-FAITH BUSINESS COLLEGE, fete vens bids.. West Park and Washington. SIT V A T ION. WA N TED MA LE. AXTED Position salesman, hardware im plements, building supplies, general mdse.. anything offering opportunity : outside city or country ; wholesale preferred ; no canvassing. Tabor Iti. 271 E. 34th st. Mannfl. l HIGH-GRADE, successful salesman wants tr get in touch with a reliable Arm of high standing: am 37 years old, 15 years experience; can furnish best of references and bond; give full particulars; can go anywhere. A It 392. Oregonian. WORK wanted immediately for a 2-ton truck, contract baais preferred, in or out of city. Let me figure with you. See Webb lit 000 Powell st. or phone Ddwy. 476. W A NTE D Work to do with Ford truck, express and transfer done, quick delivery. Address 5104 41st ave. S. E., near Anabel .station, Jedy Taylor. KN E RGETIC. honest young man wishes a steady poslon with some firm: has had some experience; references furnished. D 205, Oregonian. LOG or lumber hauling contract wanted, truck and trailer. Call or write, 627 East 15th st.. city. $1AN AND WIFE want cooking in camp; something steady preferred. Woodlawn 43 S3. 21 A RR1 EL man, 2 children, want positions on a fruit ranch. Hood river preferred. J. W. Johnson. 971 P.elmont st. GKA.MTK AND MARBLE MONUMENTS CLEANED LIKE NEW. A. WALKER, 4SS FLANDERS. FLOWI NG garden lots sol ici ted. Phones Bdwy. 301i, A 1711. or call 408 Flanders. PLUMBER Repair, toilets, boilers, ptop pagc, coils, gas. 85c hr. McCurdy, E. 3704. I'LOVVING and all kinds of teaming. East 730. CARPENTER, Al mechanic, remodeling or new work. Phone Tabor 9049. WANTED Carpets and rugs to clean; call at house to do work. East 4u44. will PLOWING AND HARROWING. CALL. FORENOONS. WOODLAWN 1123. 33 y first-class structural draftsman ; refer ences if desired. D 213. Oregonian. MAN and wife, good cook, camp or hotel. Room 220 New Scott Hotel. "ROOMS tinted. $2.50; quick service and sat isfaction; Nirkels, Bdwy. 3523. AC C O LT N T A N T a nd office manager with yen i s of experience. Main 2817. FOR PLOWING CALL WOODLAWN 5164. Rookkecpers, Stenographers. Office. UOOKK EE PER, competent, extensive ex perience, gjjod penman ; would consider position out of town or abroad. A P 187, Oregonian. j EXPERIENCED of fica man can do book keeping and use typewriter; moderate sal ary : references. G 12S, Oregonian. Soldiers and Sailors. DISCHARGED soldier, well educated, witb experience with groceries, hardware and Implements, wants place with chance to advance ; no traveling ; let me have your offer. AV P49, Oregonian. 11SCH A RGED soldier wishes employment lor tew hours evenings, between 5 and 11 o'clock; best references, AR 414, Ore gonian. HONORABLY discharged soldier, who Is an experienced traveling salesman, would like to secure a position with Portland cor poration. W 120, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED truck, tractor and auto driver wishes position with reliable firm ; married man, just discharged from U. S. army; know city. Call Tabor 1680. EX-SA I LOR, age 22, wants position with hardware or grocery firm ; three years' retail experience; references given. Call Tabor 3452, between 10-12 A. M. SOLDIER mechanic with a full line of tools will repair your car at your own garage. All work guaranteed. Call Sellwood 2956. DISCHARGED army officer wants position: 3 5 years' experience as a salesman. AC 592, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A place to take care of children evenings white mother is away; references. Woodlawn 3 01 1. liXPERIENCED w oman wants laundry work, cleaning, 0 to S hra. day. Main 1140. LADY wants housecleanfng, other work hour, day; sati-f. guaranteed. Woodlawn 0305. , WOMAN wants any kind of H or 8-hour day or weekly work except Sunday. East EXPERIENCED woman wants work by the hour. i'lione Kast 3J!. ASSISTANT in boarding house or chamber maid. Broadway l -.-'. room ol. DAY work wanted. Call before 10 Sunday or alter 4 f. wroaaway 43. WOMAN wants day work, room fl. Marshall 370: EXPERIENCED woman wants house clean ing or laundry. Main 72S. Boo kkeepers. Stenographers, O f f ice. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist de sires position, r.ast 4i.-. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and easier and typist. Main 2M7. BOOKKEEPER wants day work, is study ing snortnanu mornings. .Main .'m. GOOD laundress wishes work all day Mon day. Phone about S A. M. Broadway 2S12. Dressmakers, JPL A TX sewing, knitting, and crochetin, Wdln, 3ra. 152; Vfllard ave. CAROLINA convalescent home: room an board old people and nu rein sr. 472 Sell wood blvd.. cor. K. 9th st. Sellwood 394. XtESPOXSI BLE and experienced with th sick: convalescent preferred; references Marshall 349. WANTED Convalescent patients, nice aulet nome: Dr. references. oouiawn aiflH. notrfkfeprri. WOMAN with 7-vr-old child to kee house for a widower. Address Mrs. S. Black, 108 W. 23d st. AIIDDLE-AGED ladv wants position, house keeper and cooking for 2 or 3 people. 151 tun si., ciose to aepot. WANTED Position as housekeeper in re spectahie family. 320 Front St., room 1 Domestic. CURTAINS iaundried to please. 3S62. Call E WANTED TO BENT. Houses. RESPONSIBLE party with references will lease from one to three years tix or seven room" modern unfurnished houne in good location ; sleeping porch desired ; tour adults in family. Phone Tabor 207. V ANTED To reut 3-room house, partly furnished; must be within six blocks of car line. Responsible family of threi AP 'in:;, Oregonian. I WANT an unfurnished 4 or 5-room house or flat before May L". W. A. Bartlett. care Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Al der. Main 6806. 5 OR 0-ROOM modern house or bungalow with garage, west side preferred ; will pay up to $50 Pfcr month. Call Main 5502 and leave house location. ADULTS Professional man and wife, wish five or six-room furnished house; strictly modern, close in ; others do not apply. Main 3s4. WANTED to rent or lease 3 or 6-room bun galow, not over $3u; references lurniaiieu If desired. Tabor 843. BANK clei k wants to rent furnished house or bungalow ; no children. Wil 1 take best of care of property. Phone Tabor 2231. A STRICTLY modern furnished bungalow; permanent tenants. Call room 611, Carl ton hotel. COTTAGE, 4 or 5 rooms, with gas, electric ity, bath, etc. J. S. L.. E. 3S44. WANT Strictly or bungalow. modern furnished house Marshall 2411. 5 OR 6-ROOM modern house, will lease 1 year ; 3 aduits. Wdln. 5084. 5 OR 6-room unfurnished house, flat or apt., on west side. Broadway 4331. SMALL houses for returned soldiers. Main 313, Diberty Temple. Rooms With Boar A. YOUNG couple, employed, desire room and board or housekeeping apartment in mod ern, well furnished private home; Pied mont or Kenton district preferred. B 879, Oregonian. Housekeeping Room. WANTED By adults, before 10th. 2 or 3 large housekeeping rooms in private home or apartment, where heat is furnished. Marshall 55T before 12:30 A. M., after 5:30 P. M. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms in pri vate family, C. S- preferred. Call Wood lawn 3737. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms , A Modern-Priced Hotel of Merit, HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal east side hotel and Is a hotel of dignity and refine ment. Daily rates $1.00 up; two in room, $1.75; weekly rates, $5 and up. flTV VIEW HOTEL. Well furnished housekeeping rooms. $13 t sn npr month, and bachelor s Quarters also single sleeping rooms, $2.50 and up per week; by wecK or munin. -u ; Union ave.. corner Clay st. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. RIGHT IN CENTER OF PORTLAND'S ACTIVITIES. LET US SHOW YOU OUR ACCOMMODA TIONS. RATES $5 PER WEEK AND UP. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's no wn town hich.ri.iii f-.mllv hotel: rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families anu ou.SiiiCSB men uu un'tu. you all the comforts of a home. Reason abie rates. NICE, large, airy sleeping room, employed couple, with privilege to wash; or 2 gen tlemen, housekeeping rooms, kitchenette. 305 Main at. . ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th. cor. Washing ton: clean, reeuec table, modern conven iencec; transient $1 day up; permanent $4 week up. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St., at Tenth Rates $1 per day up; weekly, $4.50 up; running: water; free phone and bath. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. St.; downtown location, respectaoie ana stncuy iiiuueru, steam heat; rooms large, ciean. JOHNSON hotel. 321 i Water st., come; Clark, 2-room n. k. apt.. aiso aieep Ing rooms. Phdne Marshall 2371. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th, cor. Washing ton; modern conveniences; transient i. up. Permanent, $4 up. SARGENT HOTEL. 271 Grand ave. H. K. apt. and sleeping rooms. rast -im. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, o. North Third st., $i.ou ana up. Unfurnished Rooms. LARGE, unfurnished front room. $10 per month. 01 Columbia st. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room in private familv; bath and use of tele phone: west side, walking distance. Mar shall 3057. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms to young men ; modern conveniences, walk ing distance: references exchanged. BJ 409, Oregonian. $3 PER WEEK Sunny, well ventilatea front bedroom: heat. light. bath and phone; 10 minutes walk to business cen ter. 415 Broadway, west side. COMFORTABLE weli-f urnished bedroom fo einffle man. private family. 13 minutes' walk to center of city. 205 E. First N near Holladay ave.. phone Home C 1066, FOR RENT Dandy parlor suite, with piano, for 2 or 3 employed ladles; also 2 single rooms. 201 loth, corner isyior. FOR 1 or 2 business men; large cheerful room in beautiful home, all modern con veniences; west side, close in. Main 4574. FOR RENT Well-furnished room with al cove, 4 large windows, lacing on parte 890 Park st. LARGE airy front room; walking distance. 24S N. 20th st. PLEASANT room, heat, phone and bath. close in. 44i r.. ciay, cor. un. jasi idi. URNISHED front room, bath and hot wa ter handy, warning instance. baat Ub4. DESIRABLE furnished room with bath, pri vate family. 546 e. 7th st. N. BRIGHT, attractive room, close Multnomah club; gentleman. jviarsnau awo. 269 14TH Choice rooms, walking distance. Main 3893. BEAUTIFUL furnished room: running wa ter, shower Datn. ooo vereix. NICE front bedroom for two. 455 Market. Main 1737. $10 SLEEPING room, modern. 327 6th at Rooms With Board. BOARD AND ROOM Large, light room with hot ana coio water, suitaote xor two; excellent table; close to business center. 332 Tenth. Main 6381. ROOM and board fcr business girls; all modem conveniences; waiKing aistance: $4 per meek. Kast 4732. 13 E. ?th st. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. SSO 10th st. For business girls and stu dents; reason a ble rates. Marshall 1251. PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board. excellent laoie; ciow in. ou uuu ui. fry, near West Park. ( 452 MORRTSON. corner 13th. choice rooms ana ooaru, w ainui. uiDiftiiuo, muuei u vuu veniences. LARGE front room with private bath; good table board, "ni ntn si., cor ju.ui. juain 200t ; references. HEREFORD HOTEL. 735 Hoyt st. Modern residential hotel; atti active rates to tran sients or permanent guests: exrelient table. THE HAZEL "A good place to live auditorium. Third. Main 7004. AIRY room, good board. 261 13th. Main 2070. ONE ROOM for lady, laundry and cooking privileges. .17 -Montgomery sr. I rr Coprrifht, FOR RENT. Koomi VTltli Boara. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 74 I Washington. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23d and Hoyt. Residence Hotel ; American Plan. Excellent Dlnins"-Room Service. On Carline, Near Garage. Reasonable RateA. Day Week Month. ANNOUNCEMENT. CHKSTERBURY HOTEL, XORTH 2UT1I AND KEARNEY STS. Thoroughly renovated and under the management of M rs. J. D. Strvker. as a strictly up-to-date. American -pi an family hotel. Desirable rooms aud excellent table. Meals served transients. Koomi With Board la PHratc Family. HOMELIKE room for two men in refined Irvington home, walking distance and good car service, board if desired. Kast 397. WOMAN would like to care for 1 or 2 chil ilren in her home ; mother's care. Phone Sellwood 3274. HOARD and room in private family. 360 Benton st. LARGE front room suitable two gcntlemea. 3!1 Columbia st. cor. 10th. Main Mi4. FURNISHED front room with or without East 3 276. breakfast : two rarllnes. PLEASANT room, with sleeping porch, good cooking and home privileges, 'labor vi. A LARGE front room with board for one or two people. Irvington. Last &7li. WELL furnished room with good board, 706 Flanders Ft.. Main isr:;. Fvj-ntanea Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Franks store; good surroundings, strictly modern, 2 and 3-room furnished spts.. all outside, with French door und balcony. $100 PER MONTH Elegantly furnished 5 room apartment, with grand piano; in high-grade apartment-house, near wasn ington st.; close in; for appointment inspect phone Broadway 7b4. Call 414 Pittock blk. THE STELWYN. Beautiful furnished 3 -room apartment, light and sunny; also a 2-room with sleep ing porch. Chinese rugs and willow fur niture, and a suite of rooms for bachclors Referenc: required. Marshall 2830. FREE RENT 2 rooms, some furniture. heat, light, gas ana oam. i-i for very light janitor work. Elderly couple preferred. Apply on premises after 3 P. M. or phone 1L E. Cross, Oregon City. CLEAN and neat, newly furnished bunga low apartment: Deautiiui view. mtnin Willamette river, one block north gas plant on St. Helens boulevard. Call Co lumbia 9 S3. WANTED 1 or 2 girls to share apt., every convenience; references exenangea. can Mar. 3120, from 9 A, M. until 1:30 P. M., Sunday, May 4. AURORA housekeeping apartments, fur nished, easy walking oistance, - ana . rooms, moderate. East Burnside. cor. Grand aveiiup, NICELY furnished 2-room apartm' tit. reas onable rent. iJ-V xiawiaorne. ine xveiou apts. LILLIAN APARTMENTS. 3 -room apartment, strictly modern. Tel ep h o ii e Marshall 1378. CORNER 2-room apartment, $33, including light. Belknap apt., 1M litn St., near Yamhill. Main 4t'.97. iTTRArTIVl-' aoartment to sublet to Sep tember l; rent $TU including iignt, grunu piano, gas, phone. Marshall 24u. FURNISHED two-room apartment. heat. light and phone, private- oatn, a montu. 616 Pettygrove. Phone Bdwy. .4-'.. COMPLETE apt., $19; concrete bldg. Wd'.n. 512. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette, bath and phone; adults only: $40. J4i Min ar. BAGGAtiE and furniture moving, phone Brosdway 4rtl. Alert Transfer. 411'a Stark. ONE 2-room neatly furnished apartment at 361 10th. PENINSULA APTS., 1135 Albina sve. Con crete bldg., 2 and 3-room apts. Wdln 1352. COJvTpLETE apt., $19; concrete bldg. Wdln. 5 1 2. FOR RENT Modern 3-room furnished apt., East 20S. HIGHLAND COURT APT. 4 -room furnished apt. Marshall 3181. 2-ROOM furnished apartmen, 4j Trinity place. Mar W. 658 FLANDERS: basement apts., 3 r., 30 4-r., $33; ref. req'd. No children. I nfurnNhed Apartments. THREE very large unfurnished rooms, apt., all outside, beautiful corner, hot water heat; no children. 81C Albina. Mississippi car. on: Kl larzo 3-room unfurnished apartment with outside balcony. $13. Call Majn 3S3. Kingsbury Apartments. UN FU R N ISHED two-room water, light, phone; adults. r.partment 427 Salmon Flat. 4 -ROOM unfurnished flat, with bath, water, gas. electric lights ana complete e;i range, furnace : refined ami permanent tenants; no children. Call Marshall Jjo. 3..0 bhermati st. MODERN 3-room flat, with gas range, nice yard. Apply ooj jowen s, or aiam iooi cheap rent. . MODERN upper 5-room fist. $2; 1 r.3 H. 17th st. Marsh all 431 MODERN 5-room flat, $20; good location. Phone Sellwood f73. hK J. jikh elj S-ROOM FLAT, close in. Inquire Oregon Tax I rah Co., Oregon notei. Furnished FInts. FOR RENT Entire lower floor, yard and garden: to responsiDie aduit tenants oniy Heiiwooa niJ. FURNISHED 5-room flat, piano, large yard, good view, wal king distance, west side. M aln P03 for appointment. FURNISHED 5-room flat. 1013 Gantenbeln. cor. Alberta. Williams or St. Johns car. EXPENSIVELY" furnished five rooms. Main 1973. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Furnished housekeeping rooms. gas range, electric lights, public bath, $15 up. Take "S" or 16th-st. cars. "TTtE MONTGOMERY." cor. East StU and East Morrison, completely furnished two room housekeeping apartmen rs ; aiu!tc. DORM ER, 2S3 13TH ST. Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 411 Stark. BUSHMARK, 505 Washington, one and two room apts. ; modern. Broadway 54 4:1. LA RGB front room and kitchenette, single - r joins, baths, phone, adults. G55 Flanders. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. IN 2-room sultee, all outside rooms, light and airy, quiet place. 4 So V2 Belmont st corner Ith. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, neat, clean, desirable location. 3t3 Johnson. N ICE 2-room housekeeping apartment in jirivate home. 1224 E. Main st. THREE separate furnished housekeeping rooms. 3fr7 Taylor st. THREE and four housekeeping room." In private residence with parage. Tabor 426. .- h-r m,l -YJp ' ii ROM AifeOC V&rk. Xo Srd. -: a M: a mmmA jrmki . 1919. hj N.w.p.per Feature Service. Inc. Great Britain RirhU R...rrel FOR RK"T. Housekeeping Rooms tn Private Fnjly. $10 CLEAN., furnished housekeeping base ment rooms for adult working people ; electricity, water, lawn; walking distance. r.t.4 East 6th. WI LL RENT from one to three modern furnished rooms, with kitchen, bath and phone; walking distance; 29 E. Ash st. Phone East 113. LARGE, airy front room, suitable for llirht housekeeping, use of phone, bath, electric light, gas. Handy to carline. East 127. 31 E. 12th et. FOR RENT Four housekeeping rooms in private family ; modern ; suitable for adults. Phone 61 -R Milwaukiu. Wcndet, No. 1 Oak st., Mdwauklw. TWO nicely furnished rKins, sleeping or housekeeping: everything furnished com plete. 431 10th st. LARGE room and kitchenette, hot and cold running watt-r, private entrance; adults only. 246 N. 20th st. ONE 2-room apt., gas and lights, S6 week; 1 single housekeeping room, $1 week. 396 North 26th st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms for rent, $ 1 8 a month. 393 Grand ave. S., on the Bridge and Brooklyn car line. TWO pleanant light housekeeping roori facing park blocks. 4ot Park st. Houses. BIGGEST SNAP IN TOWN. C-room house, full basement, bath, toilet, electric lisrhts. $15 Including water: wilt vacate to prospective renter if he buys $25o worth of furnlBhinss Including range, for only si.'O. Woodstock car. lib srnuierit. WHEN YOT7 MOVE Use NOR f H WESTERN ELECTRIC l!ght service. Broadway 5 SO. a 6747. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance hauling a npecialty. O. W. Truck Servlce'Co-, 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. 5-ROOM cottage for rent, walking distance. Sellw ood 32. 3. Furnished Houses. WILL rent downstairs of my strictly mod ern home, consisting of 4 nicely furnished rooms, large bath and sewing room, nice yard and roses: adults only. Call after 1 P. M., Tabor 4350. COM PLETEIA furnished house, everything modern and in best of order. Call before 11:30 A. M. or after 2 P. M. 353 E. 12th st. N. BUNGALOW for rent. $13 to purchaser of furniture; located near Alblna ierry, close in, east side. w oodlawn 14s2. PORTLAND HTfl., exclusive 7-r. house. finely furnished, sun room, fine garden. cared for by owner; $5. Call Mar. ou(0, NICELY f urnished 5-room house. Overlook blvd. Summer Resort. C-ROOM cottage, bath, llrplace. I'nrk. w inf. iarhaii Htores. 101 -113-1 5 Orand ave., one block south of East Morrison st. Each store tuxm wttn basement; two of the stores are connected, are well lighted and one is a corner. All or part can be rented at a very reasonable rent: 50 per cent of the auto traffic over Morrison bridge passes this corner. See STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO.. Agents. 302 Oak, St. STORE. 20x60, nice balcony, good location for any business. 94 5th st. N. $20 STORE. E. 1st and Holladay, key at corner. Offires. DESIRABLE offices, modern conveniences; Stark street, between 3d and 4tn. Apply room 312. Uail way Exchange. PRIVATE OFFl'E and joint reception room; also furnished private office. siock Exchange bldg. CHOICE offices. Hnry bldg. ; heart of banking and brokerage district. Main &!.:. Bl'FINFSS OPPOnTFNITIF.S. LUMBER looks good. If Jou have been making money tor your einpiover. wny not for yourself ? I need a first-class planing mill and box factory man to take charne of that end of business. Some capital required for ex:enslm of business. Nobody wants to sell out; money goes into business. All emmu nidations strict ly con fidential. Address L 81. Oregonian. 40 A'RES, clear, 4 miles Summit; pood road; 15 acres plowed; stream. Hunting, fishing; best soi!: f-r.bln; saTlflco cash or equal trade. Kofton, Highland Court apts. Marshall 3221. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR BALE. Doing $100,000 a year; will sell at In voice, no dead stock: reason for selling other business. Do not answer unless you have SH00O. AV 152, Oregonian. ONE SOFT DRINK CARD ItOOM. The best corner in the north end ; bar. back bar, tables, chairs and everything found In a first-class place. Price for one week. $750. Apply at icaar. i iiu si CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal cf so-called Interest In established real estate oueiness, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL, Secretary. HAVE customer for rooming house or hotel with from $3O0O to $4000 cash, sure sale if location and price are right. F. L. BLANCH A RD, Phone Mar. 829. 519-20 Ry. Ex. Bldg. NEW ERA FORD STARTER. Marion Co. agency for sale at a bar gain; 5u00 Ford cars to work on. Ford Starter Co., 403 N. Commercial st., Sa lem. Or. " AN INVESTMENT of $50 will return ap proxiinately $323 annually; security guar anteed. See Mr McClcllan, 802 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR sXLE Hemstitching. piestlng and but ton business ; long established, fine condition and paytnv well. Owner retiring. $4000. E 702. Oregonian. Fo"r S ALE S tore with ft-room flat and sleeping porch, occupied by groceries doing good busmen.-, on fine corner; can be bought together or separate; look this up; no trade. C 201, Orr gunian. COAST INVESTMENT CO.. BROKERS. Aprtment, rooming house and business chances. We help you buy your business. Phono Main 3052. Room 2. Ry. Exch. bldg. AUTO specialty business, clear you $5000 a year: $500 will handle it. Call aud ee. 711 Clinton st. WANTED Partner for a business; requires auto tpalding bldg manufacturing and $500. 504 COLLECTIONS of all kinds. Alliance Col lection Agency, paiaing Diug. Main 1116. LIGHT crocery and delicatessen for sale by owner, account of other business ; sales from $25 to fo per nay. Taoor 7112. 12-BLADK grinding machine with device lor sharpening clippers, razors, knivea and scissors. s6 tith St., near Stark. GOOD buy. $1150; poolroom. 4 tables, cigar store, best location; takes in $U3 day. AB 3 0 4 . Oregonian. LARGE restaurant, going chesp; just as it stands, for $350 (three hundred and fifty). loy South Jersey M.. St. Johns. WE sell ail kinds of barbers' supplies. Agents for Koken's barber chairs. Kemp Barbers' Supplv Co.. 271 Washington st. FuR SALE One 40 M. Cap. mill, three donkeys and complete glng, planing mill. A. A. Lsusmann. Timber. Or FOR PALE -A 2-chair shoeblack stand. Washi n gton st. RESTAURANT for sale. 222 Couch su quire within from 6-8 P. M. 3-CHA1R barber shop, oee Wm. lewis. Main street. Vancouver. Waah. KOKEN and Kock barber chairs and mir ro rs. S acriflce. 80 th at., near Star k . AGENTS wanted to rell New Life Vibrators. 80 6th st., near Stark. POLLY AND HER PALS in HIT I'A'O BK BCSIXEM OITOKTIMTIKS. AN OPPORTUNITY IN GROWING Klamath Fulls, one of the wit-st lo cated dept. stores In Oregon's best tow n : .;00.uou monthly payroll ; $4.O0.OO government Irriat ion project now operating, large timber Interests, no vacant ptorra or bouses, clean. EASY COMPETITION. Business vry prosperous, sales nnnun'.ly. Stoek and fix tures a out $U5.oOO. tun reduce to suit purchaser. All good, cleau staple stock, no junk; wiil ell at invoke which is 2o per cent lcs than goods are worth toduy. J. F. MA GUI RE. 713 Main St.. Klamath Falls. Or. At Imperial hotel Monday and Tuesday. PATENTS AND TRADE MARKS. Int roduclng Material Chasers Company, 321 Railway Exchange build Ins. represent ing largest, most rviiable patent special ists. We are practical equipment hpecial ists. Your trade marks and patents abso lutely guaranteed: confidential assistance: standard rata for patent $75 for 30 d a s will give our clients 5 per cent reduction. Don't let your ideas lay idle. Office hours. Sunday and week days, morning to 10; afternoons. 1 to 3; evening. 7 to 0 o'clork We buy and seil your patents. Time is valuable. WE HAVE BUYERS for Grocery Stores. Clears and Confectionery Restaurants. OarugMf. Hotf'i and Rooming House. Anything in the business lim-. If you wish to buy or sell call Main 5315. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY & REALTY CO.. 716 Board of Trad bldg. $G"CO BEST hall n Asiona for dances, lodges, etc, 6uxlOu, 2 floors, on main busi ness street; 1 floor contains 8 2 and S room apartments, furnished and bringing in big rent; long lee, low rent, excel lent opportunity for good dance ech'ol. none In town ; big money can be made here; other Interests demand my atten tion. R. Jones, 3U Laureihurit av., Port land. STOCK of dry goods, ladies and gents fur ninhingM, shoes, etc.; will sell in lump or inventory ana discount oxock rdoui f ixtureH $45u ; must be Hold this week ; lease expires; new N&tioimi cash register. counter case, window fixtures, etc.; some one gets a bargain ; good location can be had; business established 6 years. Stev- ens'store, 6t27 U2d st., S. K., Lents. JfeOOO WILL buy a 50 -room hotel, furniture and lot 50x110, two blocks from Union depot, on main street and only commer cial hotel in town; 5oo cash and balance on time; also wlh to sell only steam laun dry In town and lot on Main street, best location Cor a garage, 50x1 lu, or will seil leading coal and l.a luMnes; no a cent. Address W. K. Christ, Montesano. Wash. fToU R" M ILLS. Wanted Addlttonsl capital and part ners by owners of 20-bairel flour mill in interior for construe ion of coast mill of equal or larger capacity, to be operated In conjunction wit:i interior mill. Coast -ite and part of macb inery already ar ranged for. Address "Export Mill," AV 1M0. oregonian. TELEPHONE exchange and property fo saie; 113 phones; not Income never leys than $1K per month. AV i'o5. Oregonian. FOR SALE Oen. mdre. store in count rv town; tl2,oou bUEinoas done in 1918. AV U30. Orcbuiuun. 11 ti Miners Oproriunitire t anted. 1 WANT to buy a barber shop in a town of not les than 2UOO. Write full particulars. A V S-M. Oregon tan. WANTED Oood confectionery In live town; give terms. A. Smithline, Sta. A, Van couver. Wash. Hotels and Rooming House. IF you WISH TO BUy OR SELL Business. Hotel, It our:! as or Apartm sat House of any kind, unywhers, F. Rio id on. WATCH OUR ADS. W GET RESULT R IT TER, LOWE A. CO.. 0--5-7 Board of Trade Bide IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Hat your hotels, apartment and roomlaj buue with us: we et results. DORCAS & CO.. 20 N. W. B nk Bldg. 125x100 t'Oll., best apartment house c-r pub lic building site in I'oriland on 12th near ilia St. Clair. Why wait to build? t:ost of building w ill not come dow n. May 1 most apart men t houses ra iscd their rents. . K. Held. 2U2 Wilcox bldg. FOR SALE or trade. International hotel. 100 room, office, dining room and kitchen on ground floor; rent reasonable. 72 North Third street. 17 ROOMS Beautifully furnished, beautiful home, close in, rent $ld. Includes piano, leaving city. $105o will handle; no dealers. F 1 7. Orfgonian. 23 HOUSEKEEPING- rooms, close in. rent $50; se. clears $20O per month: price $1H50 for quick sale; terms to suiu Owner, East f54. AM tiOING eusc. sell cheap. 2 room ins houses, 11-12 housekeeping, all full, close In. owner. 305 Main st. FOR belt bargain In rooming or apartment house nee members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 24J 4th st. HOTRU thriving town, lease or sell, csy terms. Owner. OOft Northwestern Bank bldg. Ft) II SALE 33 housekeeping rooms; In come $-10; rent $40; no agents; price $1400 East Mil-.K . FOR SALE 10 housekeeping rooms, close in. money-maker, cucap, suu. i'lioue . road way 2V.4. MAR E. LENT. HOTEL ft APARTMENT HOUSK BROKEN V23-4 N. W. BANK BLDG. HOTEL for rent furniture, for 550 per month. 2S rooms; ale. For information cali Columbia v-.l. BOARDING HOUSE. 0 rooms, near factories South Portland; 15 min. to shipyards; al v s full: P'lce $73u. 1 0H5 Corbett rt. BEST 15 H. K. room a for the price, west vide, $t50 cah. 2bS North 10th st. 25 W. K. RMS. at sacrifice. See owner, 535 j Couch ft I UOOVINO house for sale. 44 rooms. $4400; $2 500 cash. I'hoTiS Kaft S. WANT to bu v ro-imi 11 k h oue, 1 0 to 15, weft side. B 370. Oregonian. LOST AND rOO'D. LOST Purse containing money, keys, gaso line and oil tickets In Meter Jc Frank's rest room Saturday afternoon; reward; return to Minerva Caldwell, Woodlawn nftKO. 1jC-T A pursa containing $2 and t wo r in its by returned soldier Friday niht it auditorium. Finder kindly return same to oreonian and reeelve reward. LOiT Sunday, near Palatine hill road, heavy automobile robe. Finder pier, no phone Mrs. D. H. Cearln. Main 3057. Re ward LOST Anyone finding or hearing of a child's red push cart taken from 30 th and Madison return to 1147 Hawthorns ave. Reward. LOST Large a met hyp t p!n. in gold su In jc; pin list during punt 10 clave; communicate and receive reward from D. L. Dougherty, 143 Alameda. STRAY bay mare taken up, weight about 750 lba., bnnd on left hip SIC. Owner can call at C. T. Cheer'. Powell Valley road, one-half mile east of Buckley ave. $25 REWARD forreturn of female English setter n.i med Mel en, w bite and ticked. Main 40'.:i, or BJ 40", Oregonian. LOST Hound ; black, brown, white; license 2506. Phone East LO?T Gray pony, thth st. Finder call at 1741 East LOST Jersey cow with long rope attached. Reward. Tabor 2123. f MILLS TR. Hour,! 1 . U. S. Patent Office. O.UIb JIST TI1K SAME. BY CLIFF LOST AND FOUND. PARTY w hi picked up card and currency c:ise at Bonneville fish hatchery Sunday wiil return same to avoid further troub.i as Ih-enee number was taken an i rr-c identification was given at time of finding by p:i ny in loaur'a car. Return to ore gonian and nothing further sd. AP 112, O reconlan. LoT Opal jnng surrounded with a.nsll diamonds; liberal reward. Marshall 1015 after 6:30 P. M. SPECIAL "OTTCK M ifcllnneous. NO TIC f; TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1, MULTNOMAH COUNTY. OREGON. You are hereby notified that pursuant to a. resolution of the board of school di rectors of t chool difctrict No. 1. Multnomah county, Oregon, a special school election will be held within the district on Satur day, the loth day of May, 11)19, to vote uion the question of authortainn the dis trict to levy taxes In the year 1U20V larger by $53l.0o0 t ha a the amount limited by the constitution and statutes of Oregon, unless speciiically authorised, by a vote of the electors of the district, said amount being the amount neessary In the opinion of the board to provldo an Increase o( ap proximately 3d per ront In the salaries of the teachers of the district. The polls will be open on the day of election from 12 ovIhk noon to 8 o'clock P. M., and the qualitlcatiotis of voter at this elcK-tion are fixed by c nap ter gen eral laws of Oregon for 1 j 17. In this election the voter must have the property qualification. Dated this lbth day of April, 191A. H. 11. THOMA3, Clerk for School District No. 1. Multnomah County. Oregon. I WILL not be rMon?lbIe for 1bta con tracted by my wtfe. Mrs. F. T. Mantarca. Signd K. T. MANWARXN. I WILL not be responsible for any debia contracted by my wife after this date. EL Carlson. FINANCIAL, LIBERTY BONDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. NEW YORK MARKET PRICES WITH THE ACCRUED INTEREST ADDED SATURDAV WERE AS FOLLOWS: $1V BOND. FIRST 31.. $100.05 SKCOND 4"3 P; 1 1 THIRD lt FOURTH 4,r 4.61 OUR CHARfiK ON $ 50 BOND $ .r,5 OUR ClUKr.i; ON lOrt BOND .TO OUR CUALGE ON loot! BOND 2.50 WE LOAN OF THE FACE VALUE AT 7i INTEREST. WE BCY AND SELL CANADIAN VIC TOItY WAR BONDS. OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL S P. M. FIN A NC E S KCL PITIES COMPANY. HU'Tfbiors to ELWOOD WILES COMPANY. STOCKS AND BONDS. 231 U. S. NATIONAL DANK ELDG. LIBERTY r.ONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LOANS ON T.I PERT Y BONDS. YOi: CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS OR OTHER PROPERTY. SEE K. HLT.K1TT. PTTUET VRY Oregon Bond & mortgage 212 SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR), CORNER SIXTH AND ALDEU ST.. U. S. BOND DEALERS. If you money and must sell your bonds or partly paid receipts, sell to us. Friday we paid: Second 4s $rrt 0t Third 4is l.Vll Fourth 4 '4s 94.47 T.fia 37c brokerage and commission on & $50 bond. others may pay less, none psy more. Wo buy and se 1 all Issues. We mail checks to out-of-town sellers 5av bonds are received. NORTH WESTK KX T KUST COMPANY, Second floor, ticox bldg. 6 th and Washington. Est a blip bed lfoo. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. MAIL BONDS to us. We will remit by return mail. Send us your receipts. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved real estate. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Remember the P:ce -725 Gas.-o bulV.lng, Fifth and Alder. C ELLA RS - M URTON CO. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers eon--tracts on real estate in Washinieion or Ore gon. 1. L. Noble. 3 Id Lumber mens bid. PATKNTS and Ideas financed. I'ortland Patent Co., 514 Commonwealth bldg. TO LOAN $200, $500. $1000, $1500. $2000 w nd up. Oeo. P. Lent, 717 Corbel t bldg. Money to l oan on Real KMate. FARM LOAN?. Inranre company money to losn ai lowest current rates on Willamette alley frms. No commhslotis .No ueisvs DE V R K A UN M UKTt ; A G K CO Ni PANT, h7 Mailt St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low mtr, promptly closed, Attriictivt) rpalng privileges, A. H. It I R RE LL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS, FA P. M AND CITY PROPERTY. EH PER CENT. 6 PER CENT. 7 PE'l CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security going rat of Interest. OTTO Ac 1! ARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. $500. $400. $50o. $50, $750, $1000 AND UP; lowcKt rates; quick action. Gordon In vestment Co.. 031 Ch. of Com. Main 1370. $.0.tt00 TO LOAN in sums to suit ; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Heck. 215-216 Faiimg bldg. Phone Main 3407. LOANS ON IMPROVED CI TV REAL ESTATE! STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO., 3('2 OAK, $5O0. $10OO AND upward on Improved real estate; lavorabie term, no delay, no brok erage. J oil 11 Bain. 5u7 Spalding bldg. $5u0. $4oo. $5ji, $750. $100 and up at lowest rateo; quick action. Fred W. Cermaa Co., 7X2 Ch. of Coin Main 445. LO A N S on city and la rni p ro p-1 1 y . 5 per cent up. F. Kuril s. 4 2Q Cham, of Com . SEE OREGON JNV. A MORTGAGE CO.. 222 'hamber'cf I'omnierce. 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE loan-. lowept rates. A. H. Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. $4'0 TO $4tMK; no commission. Main 1160. F. II. DeMion. t15 Cham, of Com. bldg. Mo.NtV t'J loan on farm and Improved city property. K. K. Baxter. 7t)4 Spalding blilg MOltTOAOG LOANS. 0 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO.. 4Q Selling bldg. INVESTMENTS. loans. notes. mortgages. K. II. Lew 1 . 30:t Lewi a bldg. Mar. 1333. PRIVATE fundi to loHn. resl estate security; 11 rat mort gaice. s 513. Oregunin. $55 0o 3 to 5 years. Kast 54:i. Will divide if desired. AaaVHudV Li OoVA r?xioijxM ro rn rv?iTRCti2fc w STERRKTT. 1 if n 1 1 a. IN NCI Money to Ioati on Real LMate. OUR Installment plun Is the Lest and surest method of iyinir a loan. 32.2ft per month for 3ft month, or S2L.24 per iTiontli for HO inotitb. or $15 17 for bo months pa a $ioOO loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. e loan on improved city property. No commission charced. LQUITAHLK SAVINCS LOAN ASS'N. 2C2 tark t., Portland. Or. KESl DENCE LOANS. From fi'r t 7 per cent for five years. YOU MAY PAY $10O or any amount ao prin t pal and reduce ii' teret:. ABSOLUTELY n CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also se us for lowest intcrc&t rates on business property. MOUTCAflK LOAN COMPANY. Phone Main 2541. 1524-2: con Bldg. Money to l.os T nattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 010. SO Stark Street. Near 10th, Loan. on diamonds, watches, v!ctro!as. piano, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musi cal instruments and anything of value, KSTARLISHED BY THE PPOPLE OP PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWED City and county warrants cashed for face alue. CARRIE MTERS-HERRMAN, .Manager. DO YOU NEED MONEY. W" mak a specialty of loans on auto mobiles furniture, vie trolas. etc. Security left in your possessiuu. tir.all wee..y or monthly raynicuts. ALSO Loans made to saUr.fd people. Rate reasonable. irivale office. All business Confuli-ntial I'ORTLAND LOAN CO (Licensed). Third and W ashiUtm h:s. o-T Dekum bldg. Marshall 326 SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL. WE loan money on short notice to psiinci oe working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or month I v payment. Lach 1 rati suction strict "y cuufidt i.tia!. NO MORTGAGES. NO 1 N DORSE R ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We ilso loan on household furniture, piauos. cic, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LiCENSEl. 21S Failing Building. MONEY to loan on diamonds. JewWiy; legl rates, ail ariiciei held a ur; etablistieU since 1 SS. I an Marx. 2- Washington. u wmtra. VaNT $1(ko on improxt-d rci estate. 4 Ir rent, no comiuisioiu Al 1 L, Orc- FIRST M T - H. DE? S. FO R SA I .. HON. 15 CHA. g.M0 AND UP OK COM. Bldg. EE E OREGON 1NV. XORTGAGH CO- 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Star. VKKONAI HAlK GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 20-lnch wavy switch, 3 ftp ...$I.4' All-around trans format ion 1.45 Hairdressing rhampoomg, fce niasae. hsjr bobbing, manicuring, 2-'c. Itair ic itiovea by vicctio io-i;; i:cn iut.l of combing.'), u5c. Ssiuury priois. 4UU-41J Dekum bldjc., ;td and ah. M.irahail l.OJ. iVILL the lady who wants a suit, coat, dre&s wmLsI or pfttieoitt nt wholesale prices caii m t i'eterson's M tnulan urrrj' tuilet ? fc CUN D FL' 0 U T A K E E LEV A 1 OR. 205 PITTOCK BLOCK. Mail Orders Promptly k iieii. TH E institute of hvdrot narpy. clecti oi ' 1 rp and mecliaiio-theiapy, imluding real Swtrvi in:i niassages. Y'e treat all chronic and acute d i&eascs. office 52 uahwi&tou bid;., l onirr 4th a;d uaLingioti bis. I'hone M.itti 34. Dr. tieorgo Rubensicin., returned from tho lorvhc; h w ui save you from $2 to $-1 on any styie of eyes.ussc. He is an expert optician and his prices Are very reasonable. 22i" Morjison st. Main 2'.l. " AN KLECTRIC-CAB INET BAT 11, a ti ud a sclentlDc massage lor rhen- mau.m, lumbago, neunun, etc., t hoo siae Institute. 27-S-U Ptttuck blk.: grad uate nure assistants. Plioue Bdwy. 212. MRS. M. U LAMAR. 235 5T11 ST. SPIRITUAL AL lEIt. Instructions in luo taeury oi health, sue reus imd harmony. M Ka. STEVENS. 25 years Port land's re nowned teacher of palmistry aud crystal .anin, looK. has crystals for -iIe: aIo her "Palmistry Made Easy.' 575 Taylor. FEB VET A: 1 1 AN N E B L' T. leauing wig and toupe makers, f iuest stock human ha.r goods. hairurcKsing. manicurli.g. lace uuJ. vcalp treatment. 541 Ald:r. 5Iin 54ti. WILL the party with whom Mrs. M. G. Med lit) hail a room in J unu and July jL 1 .t 1 ptea com in u n lcte wit U .Misa CI 1 llintuii, 330 Lutna drive, 1 oi Angclts, Cai. 7 $1 WILL g'-l both our feet llcd up good at li. E.i ton's t!i ciiircpi.ntisi. t ho uotn't li u 1 1 ou . 5 y t -a id lit- re ; m. trvtu G I o b Tiltalvr P.dtf .. 1 1 Hi :t:id W asii. Bdwy. -2Jl FAC E and sea 1 p mwsa g 1 1) g. sham pool n hairdrcHing. m.inicui lug. Sieutttic lncth ods. 211 Swetlaud tui.diiitf. Main l'J4l. TH E OLD original homo reined v Viav i prevents opefattous. 4.'3 I'll lock. bl jtro.tdwi av 5u 1 5. Sll'liUKLL'Ol'S hair U <iyed forever by niu.uiilo needle indorsed by phy Bll.Kn. 5Q4 i xetliind bids.. 5:h at N ;u-h. Tk 4DIJATE nurse treats lumbago. etc. i lours 2 to 5 .r by appointment. lhwue Main 1U40. Office :i)Ji C :id. s"l' I'KH1''L'IA'LS h:ir. mol' I, wails ieiuoed by lO-iieedh mett.od; trial tree. Jo?ie F'ni ey, iil4 Bush A- Lne bi1g. Main tiOS. oOlMUA B. hEil1. spiritual adviser. 2nu C.ooUnough bide QtiesL.on mcetiiigs. Tuts . Fi 1.. S P. M- Msr.-halI250;:. 1K. ELNA SOKalNSEN. 50S Panama b'.dg. Druie-s inttnoas. Stomach. Kidneys, iheu metis in. cony 1 1 tion, fern. la trauble. e t o. Dlt W. I HOLLOW A Y. Ch 1 rpr:tctor end oifaer drugiess met hods. 70."-7o7 iVkutu blug. Main 4133. lies.. Woodlawn 5112. BEST steam bath, massage, vibration, elec tric and chiropractic iu city. Dr. Mar garet Haynie. 215Swetiand b.dg.Ma!n 1.63 bl'MMtH FURS at upstairs prices, remodel ing and to order; cleaning- The Fur Shop, butt Swetiand bldg.. 5th and Washinsiou. J;tTii UDE DANIELS, superftuous hair rveclalist, manicuring, face nnd scalp. l-'ieoer b:dg. Broadway Mr.'. Bii Imlivitlual, comfortable and nvlish, hae Barclay corset made lr j u. V ood lm.n 5775. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHoRl, spiritual adviser. 15 fc. loin M. , Duiiiriwv. v'VMiud meeting Tucs.. Tnurw.. M. Eaat Sie4. LAWVUil 5 1 Jasrt not oppicd; DK N ELSON curt, s rorna, run ion, in grow n nail; very reasonable. fA'3 !kuin blug. pTlKS CAN BE-CURED without-operation; send f o r free booklet. P. O. Hm 1 1 05. KLPTRE CAN BK rlKhU without an op eration. Frea booklet. P. O Box llu5. PRIMK1A BALM, formerly called Balm oT Fik. 64 E. hlid. Sellwood 2213 mornings. DOESN'T Tom. Dirk or Harry pay you? See Viereck. col sections. Dekum bldg. illni v. L" LLl-N. scalp treatment, manicuring. Gp Hush Jt lJ itie b'.dg.. Bdwy. A Aide,' sta. LADY BARBERS Shave. 15c: haircut, :5c; face massage, 35c. :i25 Ciian. nr. ith. CBuStAlfe5'i IxJSlU 0 .4 I ma