IB TIIE MORNING OREGONTAN, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1919. FUR SALE AUTOMOBILES. VJ3 JIAVR THE LARGEST STOCK OP USED CARS IN TUB CITY. 1 AMERICAN" TOURING. 11914 BUICK, 4-CYL.. TOURING. 11917 BUICK, 4-CTL., TOURING. 1 1917 BUICK, G-CTL.. TOURING. 1 1015 BUICK, 4-CTL.. TOURING. 1 CHALMERS COUPE. 1 1917 CHEVROLET. CASE. MODEL 25. 31016 DODGE TOURING. 11917 DODGE TOURING. 1 1914 CADILLAC TOURING. 1 1918 CADILLAC TOURING. 11917 GRANT, 6-CTL., TOURING. 1 1918 IIUPMOBILE. 1 LAMBERT TOURING. 11917 MAXWELL ROADSTER. 1 1918 MAXWELL TOURING. 1 1915 MITCHELL LIGHT. 6-CTL. 11916 MITCHELL BIG, 6-CTL. 1 1914 MARION. 1 1916 4-CTL. OLDSMOBILB TOURING, 1 1916 OLDSMOBILB 8, ROADSTER. 1 1917 OLDSMOBILE ROADSTER. 8, CHUMMY 1 1917 OAKLAND TOURING. 11917 OAKLAND SEDAN. 1 OVERLAND, MODEL 69. 1 OVERLAND, MODEL 7-. 1 OVERLAND, MODEL S3. 11917 PAIGE TOURING. 1 1916 PULLMAN. 1 REGAL, 8-CTL., TOURING. 1 1917 SAXON. ROADSTER. 6-CTL., CHUMMT 1 1917 STUDE8AKER, 7-PASS., 4-CTL. 1 1916 STUT55 ROADSTER. 1 1914 WINTON 6 TOURING. 1 1&14 WINTON 6 ROADSTER. LIGHT DELIVERY AND TRUCKS. 1 115 BCTCR LIGHT DELIVERY. 1 1917 DODGE LIGHT DELIVERY. 1 FORD TRUCK. 1 1V--TON G. M. C. TRUCK. 1 1918 1-TON MAXWELL TRUCK. 1 RBO LTGHT DELIVERY. 1 2-TON REO TRUCK. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. EXCHANGED CARS. CHEVROLBTS. Wc trade in on NEW CHEVROLET CARS USED FORDS und CHEVRO LBTS In GOOD RUNNING ORDER. Our PRICES are the LOWEST in too City. The reputation of THIS FIRM Is BACK O EVERY USED CAR sold. We are always pleased to show and demonstrate these cars and you are under no obligation to buy. 1919 Chevrolet touring car $750 1918 Chevrolet touring car 6M) 1918 Chevrolet touring car 640 1917 Chevrolet touring car 5E0 1J18 Baby Grand touring 950 1916 Chevrolet touring 4-5 1917 Maxwell touring 550 FORDS FORDS. FORDS FORDS. FORDS FORDS. 191S Ford taurine 575 1917 Ford touring 450 li17 Ford touring 400 1914 Ford delivery i'OO 1914 1-ton Buick truck 30O -OUR REPUTATION IS TOUR PRO TECTION." Terms on any of the above. BEGNER & FIELD, 12 GRAND AVE. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. WE WILL TAKE YOUR LIBERTY BONDS AT FACE VALUE AND YOUR OLD CAR AS PART PAYMENT. HERE ARE A FEW "WE OFFER FOR YOUR APPROVAL: PACKARD. MODEL IS. 5-PASS. "WHITE SO. 5-PASS. CHANDLER. MODEL IS. 7-PASS. MITCHELL. MODEL IS. 5-PASS -MITCHELL, MODEL 17. 3-PAS. MITCHELL. MODEL IS. 7-PASS. HAYNES. 5-PASS. SAXON. 5-PASS. MITCHELL. MODEL IS. 2-FASS. A NUMBER OF OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAYER CO., EAST FIRST AT MORRISON ST. PHONES EAST 7272 AND B 1216. FORDS FORDS FORDS 3T1R Ford 1018 Ford 1017 Ford 1917 Ford 1917 Ford 1!16 Ford 1916 Ford 1915 Ford 1915 Ford 1915 Ford 1917 Ford Touring. Roadnter. Touring. Touring. Roadster. Roadster. Touring. Touring. Roadnter. Delivery. Touring. Don't fail to see these cars before you buy. They are like new. Terms it de sired. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., E. 3770. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. CHALMERS chassis, two independent Igni tion systems; Urea and engine in good shape. Would make fine bug or truck. Inquire 746 E. 15th st. South, corner Rhone st. Sellwood car. MOTORS, sears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co., North Broad way and Flanders. I CAN USE YOUK FORD. CHEVROLETOR MAXWELL AS PART PAYMENT ON BRAND NEW 1919 MAXWELL AUTO MOBILE. CALL TABOR 6o0. DODGE touring car; mechanically O. K good cushions and tires; a snap; can be .scon at J.aurei oarage Tuesday and Wednesday. AB 3h. Oregonian. BUICK 191R, E. 49. 7-passenger. oversized tires; excellent mechanical ly, with extraa Bargain at !OOo. Call Main 2119. or at fi h-.n anu weimoni in a. au OVERLAND touring, good mechanical con dition, ngnts ana si&ner, cneap lor cash. Ho? E. 3it st. laDor ut3. WILL sell my light Buick 6 touring car, ex cellent condition; painted like new. Call Mar. 2iL fcUPER-STX HUDSON. 1917; owner will sell cheap, give some terms; car Is in fine con dition. M -i i, oregonian. FOKD Practical new. Owner. 92 "1st st. North. Alberta car. 1913 FORD delivery, first-class shape. East 7094. .MITCHfcLLi L-ignt 4; u good tires; cash or terms, iOO.uoO Alder st. Bdwy 2717. BRAND NEW FORD FOR SALE. PHONE MAIN UMU3. 19.18 FOKD. must have money quick. $43o. fall iss cnapman st. VoR SALE Ford street. 291 Vj Burnblde OVERLAND. 1 91 fl. model 75. good condition; 1 UI (jUivik oaio fiiu. ivuk lull. FOR 6ALE AUTOMOBILES. BUYERS OF m;iCKS. PODOKS, FORDS, CHEVROLET3. OVER LANDS, BUGS. ETC., READ CAREFULLY THESE OFFERS. OUR NEW AUBURN BEAUTY SIX demands more room and you need THE USED CARS. 1917 BUICK LTGHT 6 ROADSTER. Best-looking BUICK In town, with a special made top and paint Job $1250 1918 OVERLAND 90. This car Is like new and the best buy in Portland at 17. cash. Note It needs quick action to se cure this. 19t"! STUDEBAKER . Like new; it will pay you to in vestigate this. 1917 STUDEBAKER 4. Appearance and mechanically per fect, $700. 191S CHEVROLET Good as new; 4 brand new tires; a real good buy at $075. lOlQ OVERLAND S3 Just over hauled: new tires anM can be bought for 495. . 1916 DODGE In fine shape, ?673. These are only a few of our se lections. ACT .NOW, while the selec tion is food. USED CAR DEPT.. AUTO SALE3 CO.. Ninth and Couch Sts. Open Evenings and Sundays. LEWIS E. OBTB MOTORS CO.. TNC., STILL HAVE A FEW OF THEIR USED CARS LEFT. 1 1017 BUICK. 6-CTL. 1 1917 BUICK. 4-CTL. 1 1915 CASE. 1 1917 DODGE. 1 1916 DODGE. 1 1918 HUPMOBILB. 1 1917 MAXWELL ROADSTER, 1 1916 MAXWELL ROADSTER. 1 1916 MITCHELL LIGHT 6. 1 1917 OLDS 8 ROADSTER. 1 1910 OLDS 4 ROADSTER. 1 1918 OAKLAND TOURING. 1 1917 OLDSMOBILB 8 CHUMMY .KUAJJS TJSK. 1 1917 PAIGE. 1 1916 STUTZ ROADSTER. 1 WINTON ROADSTER. LEWIS E. OB YE MOTORS CO.. INC., BROADWAY AND COUCH. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. NEW OAKLAND SIX. Kor sale by owner, who wauts larget car; suostantiai discount; co.n be sees. Monday and balance of weak a.t Zl N. uroaaway. ask. lor max on. HUDSON SUPER-SIX. Like new ; driven 8000 m i les : 2 tires with tire covers; motortneter light; plate glass rear and. Hides; spare car ui quamy unu at a nargam price. I. C WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. Main 780. r8 N. 23d St. PREMIER SIX SPORT MODEL. 191S Premier Six, first-class condition victoria top, magnetic gear shift, fully eq ulpped ; wire wheels ; spare tire and wneei; oniy run iu.uuu mucs; cost S3G00 will sell for $-'000. Call L. B. Barde. 240 r runt si. O-FASS., 1I4 Buick. Deico lights and tarter, new storage battery, new tires. new paint, recently overhauled; $550. See uni, WENT WORTH & IRWIN, 200 2d St.. Corner Taylor. 1018 CADILLAC. Perfect mechanical condition, for sale at a sacrifice. Call Bdwy. 3327. Ask for Mr. Kipper. GRANT SIX. Ovarland, Cola and several other very good values to select from. Light cars a specialty. WHITE OR STEVENS. 10th and Bumside fits. Brdwy. 521. BUICK BUICK BUICK. 1917 model, completely overhauled, fine condition, privately used; cheap for cash; no dealers; leaving- city. Address 52U E. 3::d S. Sell wood b02. BEAUTIFUL 6-cy Under car at the price of an old boat; Hudson Six or light tour ing; must raise money: your choice, SSou. Richmond garage. 111! Division st. Ta bor 415$ for appointment. Biff USED CARS. Prices Stock. Right. No misrepresentations. COVEY. . . MOTOR. . .CAR. . .CO. 1918 BRISCOE. Fine condition ; practicallv a new car. 523 Alder. Mr. Cary. Bdwy. 24f2. $450 DOWN BUYS 1918 CHALMERS SIX TOURING CAR. Al CONDITION; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 1962. OLD TIRES We pay the highest price. Phone East 13i3; we will call. UNION AVE. TIRE &. BATTERY SHOP, 488 Union Ave. N., cor. Sacramento. 1913 MAXWELL. This is a bargain in a light car. See it at o-'S Alder or call Mr. Carey, Bdwy. 2491i. FOR SALE 7-passenger auto in good shape. good tires, iO(J; will trade lor o-passcnger. Inquire of worker at C. L. Boss Automo bile company. FOR SALE 1917 Grant six, in first-class condition ; will accept used l ord car as part payment. Inquire Otto Erickson & Co., Ford garage. Forest Grove, Or. AUTO PAINTING. High-grade work done at a reasonable price. Auto Knameiing v orks, 7 Union ave N. Call Woodlawn 4P.97. MT BEAUTIFUL 1918 Maxwell, electric lights and starter, looks like brand new. a car you can be proud of, only $790; would take Ford as part payment that could be made over into trucK. bell la9. BUICK six for sale, original paint, like new. car must De seen to be appreciated: S5UO down and drive it away; you will have to Hurry, liu latn st., Broadway 48. LATE-MODEL Overland 0. new naint 1nb. first-class mechanical conditiqn, new cord tires; a snap, see .timer, us is. st. IF TOU want a bargain. 191S Ford, call Andrews, East ..til E. Morrison st. MITCHELL 1916 model 5 passenger, $S0O. !3 W. Park st. FORD touring, Woodlawn 14i!7. line condition, bat sain. FK A NKLIN. 1 i 1 6 ; better for $1050. all cord tires; Franklin hotel. nothing Automobiles Wanted. LONG & fclLVA, Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you GO per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless of condition. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne ave. WE CAN GET YOU MORE MONEY FOR YOUR CAR. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. CONLEY S USED CAR CENTER. S. W. COR. 15TH AND WASHINGTON. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR IF A LATE MODEL. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, .VJ7 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE BROADWAY 15S2. IT IS AUTO wanted. 7-passenger 0, must be in good condition, not run over 6000 or 7000 miles. Call Borthwlck st. after 6 P. M. Phone Woodlawn ',Zo7. WANTED A '3 6. '17 or '18 Ford body, roadster or touring. Reliable garage, 530 Alder. Broadway 717. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. AUIU ALtS KKJ., U1H A!NL CUH.H, WILL pay cash late model Louring. P. O. Box 6. Portland. Or. LOTS to trade for small car. Lombard st., near Union ave. Phone -4W, Oak Grove. WANT good Chevrolet or Franklin: pay cash Xor bargava, JJeatmL Jaaxtfuau ut. FOB 6ALK AUTOMOBILES. Automobile Wanted. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will exchange two choice lota at 6altslr station, Tillamook beach, near depot and hotel ; adjoins board walk, county road and railroad; faces the pacific ocean: size 50 by about 140 feet; suitable for busi ness or for cottage; will pay some dif ference. Address BP 205. Ore yon lan. Motorcycle. BICYCLE WEEK. BUT RIGHT RIGHT NOW BUY A NATIONAL. THE BICYCLE IS COMING BACK. NATIONAL BICYCLES Will be the leaders. A carload just received. A high-grade bicycle at a medium price. Send for catalogue; live agents wanted everywhere. THE BULLDOG EXCELSIOR. THE LIGHTWEIGHT CLEVELAND. Thrt leading motorcycles of the day. All models in stock: cash or terms. MERR1LL-STRINE CYCLE CO., SO Broadway. EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLE AND SIDE CAR ?'2O0; positive bargain quick sale. 25 motorcycles from $50 up; no reason able offer refused. Merrill-Strine Cycle Co., Si Broadway. BICYCLE WEEK Thousands of men and boys wanted to ride t he best bicycle on the market, "The National." Merrill Strine Cycie Co.. 86 Broadway. MOTORCYCLE and sidecar. 19 model almost new. a bargain. See Allen, -01 A-h nt. 1918 INDIAN. Marshall 170 new aide car. 48 N. 20th. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY LS. 2(4-2fl SD ST. Main tflUO. A a to Tire and Accessories. TOURISTS AND TRAVELERS, ATTENTION! Gerber has juft what you have been looking for In his "patent-applied -for" BED ARRANGEMENT In YOUR BODY; saves you taking along a lot of bedding: can be BUILT in ANY BODY. YOUR INQUIRIES SOLICITED. G. G. GERBER, 55 Oth SU N. Broadway 1S73. NOTICK, AUTOMOBILE OWNER, Why not have your repair work done on a contract basis and save money. We will do you a first-class guaranteed job. The Auto Repair Shop. Jbi. 43d and Haw thorne ave. Tabor 9u06. VULCANIZING AND RETREADING. Will take your used tires in trade for Tiew; used tires bought. Mason Tire bhop. 83J Union ave. N between, bailing &nd Shaver. PORTLAND ELECTRIC SERVICE STATION, 302 PINE ST. Auto electric experts. Ford magnetos re charged. TWO 34x4 tires, cords preferred. Call Miss Leader, Maiu 214, between 9:30 A. M. and 6 P. M. MAXWELL and Ford specialist, vision. Sellwood 3755. Automobiles for Hire. NEW AT'TOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVER LANDS HUDSON'S. LOWNSDALE GARAGE. BDWY. 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. 1. SULLIVAN, FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAM HI LL. A 1236. HIGHWAY auto service; highway and city trips. N- W. cor. tith and. Wash. Main 700. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage 86 3 0th st. Broadway 840. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD AND G LIS AN BTS. A 2620. BROADWAY 2629. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3347. FOR RALE TRUCKS. 14 -ton Federal. 2-ton Reo with freight body. :i-ton Standard. lH-ton Federal. 1- ton Menominee. 2- ton G. M. C. Pay us a small deposit and take your choice today. DIAMOND T TRUCK, Pales Agency, 330 Bumside. COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH OTHERS. Three-fourths ton Buick express $ 3"u Studebaker panel delivery 330 . Dnfl-ion Renublic. exDress body and new tires uio 3 i. -ton G. M. C with power hoist and dump body; pood tires and fine mechanical shape 1700 IV -ton U. M. C, used less than 90 days 22M) l'a-2 ton White, rebuilt 17&0 THE WHITE COMPANY, Park and Couch Sts. USEDT RUCK BA RGAINS. 2-ton Republic, overhauled ...$1W0 Oversized 2-ton truck, like ntr 12no Buick, -ton. express body 7.ri0 i'w. M. C. -ton, cord tires lO.'iu Ford truck, body and top 4nu Kissel delivery, nearly new brio 2-ton Mack 1000 ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. INC., Park and Everett Sts. 1917 FEDERAL 2-ton truck, in good con dition, all new tires, equippea wun two yard dump box and power hoist, designed to permit change to any body style in few minutes, suitable for gravel, fuel, gar bage or any business where load Is dumped. C. Maxwell, Long Beach. Wash. 1918 1-TON MAXWELL TRUCK. LIKE NEW i-j "NOTE" YOU MUST ACT QUICK TO GET THIS ONE. AUTO SALES. HTH AND COUCH. 2-TON truck with, transfer body and top at eacrifice. tnone woocuawn -ill fau in ner st. . TWO-TON REO with good flat body, in good snape, cneap, casn or terms. - l East Water st. FOR PALE A good -ton delivery truck in l lrsL-class condition. van t-oi. GARAGES. AUTO REPAIRING. DIVISION . . . GARAGE. 1372 Division St. Phone Tabor 591. EXPErT . . AUTO . REPAIRING. GARAGE for lawn 4.,G6. rent- Call evenings. Wood- WANTED MISCFLLANEOtS. WE PAY FROM TO J17.BO FOR MEN S SECOND - HAND SUITS. OVERCOATS. WHY SELL TO DEALERS AND TAILORS. WHO RE-SELL THEM TO US WITH BK5 PROFITS? BETTER CALL US DIRECT AND GET THE HIGHEST PRICES. GIVB US A CHANCB TO SEE YOUR CLOTHES AND YOU WILL GET THE REAL VALUE. WE ALSO BUY GINS, SUITCASES. GRIPS. TRUNKS. SHOES. ETC. CALL BROAD WAY 3240. OREGON EXCHANGE STORE, 54 THIRD ST., CORNER PINE. J. MEYER, THE TAILOR. PAYS From 8 to 15 Dollars for second-band suits: also overcoats. shoes, etc. Why sell to dealers wbo have the clothes repaired, cleaned and pressed by us? Therefore, we can pay more than anv other merchant. Our buyers call day or evening. Calt Marshall U-t. or 0J Madison, near ild. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off clothing. Highest cu.a price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLES SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall or 2uW Madison St. OVER THE TOP 17.50 AND UP for second-hand suits and overcoats. We pay more than any merchant for second hand clothing and shoes. PHONE MAIN 73S. 2D-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. We pay highest prices for clothing, fur niture and au a in as ox judk. sa.am 246 1st st. WANTED 300 heating stoves, also second hand furniture ot all Ktnus; win call and make cash price. Call East 496 for quick service. Hiatey r urnuure,j)OB vv imams ave. WANTED Cylinder block In good condition for Overland automobile, o-cylinder, model 66T, block number bAAol. Box 24. Burns, Orepon. MISFIT AND DISCARDED CLOTHES BOUGHT. CASH PAID. ALTERATION EXPERTS. PHONE MAIN 670L WANTED Strawberry plants. Everbearing or Standard varieties. Aittcneu nursery, l acorn a. PAINTING, kaisominlng 13.30 s guarantee good work. East O'Mara. room un Mr. WINCHESTER, Remington automatic pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld. 83 and 3d. WANT girl's bicycle. Main 4495, Tabor 6708, Newman, 1US 1st st., near Washington. $10 AND up will pay for men's suits, over coats. Aiain ut. WE BUY oi gold, diamonds, watches and jewelry. 6IQ nucnanan bidg. JUNK, rags, old clothing, tools, metals, bot tles, rubber, good prices. East B17I. WILL buy 5000 Idaho Gold & Ruby mining ftocK. tic. tjox ant, ouax, wan. WANTED Dark fox or wolf fur. Sunday, wee k a ays a.i icr ji unman avo. WANTED One triple plate tailor's mirror. .1. Biers. 41 J .Morrison st. .Main U07. WANT a big horse, cheap. Marshall 3471. Inquire Monday, WANTED A good hath cabinet with eiec trie or gas neat, ruooe juar. uXdi. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy All second-hand clothes, especially ladles' and gentlemen's suits, d rentes, etc New buyer. 1 ry me before you call others. Phone Broadway 39311. 114 5 liurnalde. be tween 2d and 8d. Furniture Wanted. FURNITURE FURNITURE. Call Mala 8053. We want your furniture, tools and household goods and will pay the highest cash, prices. We specialize In thin line and are able to pay all your goods are worth. We call immediately with, the cash, Tou will benefit by calling us before you sclL A phone call brings us to your door. CALL MAIN 8052. PORTLAND SALVAGE CO. t Levin Hroa Office 2 Railway Exchange Bldg. Salesroom 232 Front St. FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL BUT FOR SPOT CASH TOUR HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE FOR ANT AMOUNT. A PUOXE CALL WILL faltlNG US TO YOUR DOOR. 2iO CHARGE. OUR VALUATION IS HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FEL LOW'S. THERE'S A REASON. BE CAUSE WE SELL TODAV WHAT WE BOUGHT VESTEKDAf. Fhons MARSHALL 981 GJ5VURTZ FURNITURE COM PAN Y, 185 First Street. READ IMPORTANT RS AD. We carry a greater varied assortment ef new and used merchandise than any store In tbe city. There Is hardly sn Item we do not buy and sell. We specialize In shelf snd heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, oflice furniture hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone. MAIN 9072. A 7174. lEVTN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO 221-3-5 Front bt, cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 303 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAT THK HIGHEST CASH PRICKS EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE C1TT FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS, ETC YOUR CALL WILLBRLNQTHS BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 392 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranees and all kinds ot household foods. Call us for one article or a bouieful and a competent, courteous buyer will calL Marshall -693. Crown. WILL pay cash for contents of 4 or 0-room house where house can be rented : must be on carl in; state full particulars In first letter. M Oregonian. WHY sell your furniture and household Koods? TRY the MICHIGAN FURNI TURE CO. We are paying- the best prices possible. Marshall 18 82. WK NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description ; nave tne re art y cash. Phone today, wain or U4 r irst I WANT used furniture; will pay as much ss any dealer can pay. East 6417. AL IL Calef, dealer, 64Q V llllams avenue. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED, WILL PAY CASIL MAIN 3332. WANT pood vanity dresser and chiffonier; describe. w law. oregonian. CASH for office- desks, cnarrs. files and safes. Pacific Sta.ty. Prtg. Co. HKIP WANTED MALK. BRIDAL VEIL LUMBERING CO., FOR JOB AS GRADER, CAR LOADER. LUMBER 1'ILER. WANTED Druggist, capable of tsklng full charge, either registered or assistant, good pay; permanent position to right party Address Fruitland Drug Co., Fruitla7id Idaho. WANTED Thoroughly experienced assistant buyer lor waist department in specialty suit and cloak house. Write, stating ex perience, references and salary expected. J. h. uranam, inc.. r-eattie. wain. WA NT ED Man to take charge of altera tlon room in specialty cloak and suit bouse. Write, stating experience, references and salarv expected. J. b. Graham. Inc. Scat tie. Wash. COMPETENT millinery buyer to take full charge or department in specialty cioaK ana suit nouse. wrii. scaling experience references and salary expected. J. Graham. Inc., Seattle, Wash. MILL men for lumber work can find work at Cascade Locks or uncial veil; a lew houses for family men. For lnformat ion apply at company's Portland office, 1117 Yeon bidg. FIVE discharged soldiers or sailors, 4 por day guarantee: hotirs from S:.;o to i . from 1 to 3:30. Call after ;i:30, room U07. Wtll- ard hotel. WANT experienced liability and fire insur ance solicitor; state Deginning arrange ments requested; give relerences. i 4, Oregonian. WANTED Industrious boy 16 or over to work in cloak room and make himse) generally useful. $40 and 2 meals. Uni versity club, 275 ttth st. YOUNG men with bicycles or motorcycles wanted to train Tor races iviay so ana June 1. Call Merrill-Strine Cycie Co., b Broad way. rnone Broaaway j.tj. WANTED A collector and skip tracer: one who is acquainted with city: salary S1J week and commission. Call at Wash ington st. BOYS wanted. Apply at factory, 34 1st eU N. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, (100 stenographer and dictaphone operator, fiun; law stenograpner, bj to sioo. JO N. W. Bank bidg. WEAVERS, experienced; steady worx. good wages. Portland woolen Mills. BRIGHT young man as collector for large concern ; must be able to turnisn good references; state salary expected; also give phone. l 17a, oregonian. WANTED Men for sawmill, lath mill and lumber yards; good wages, steady work. Write or wire Weed Lumber Co., Weed, Cal. WANTED First-class all-around baker good wages, permanent job tor tne right man. Royal Bakery, ooooing, Idaho. AUTOMOBI LE mechanic capable of (akin cnarge of large shop in city: salary and share In profits, tall Marshall 12. EXPERIENCED tailors wanted at th Brownsville Woolen Mill, 3d and Morri son ; steady work and good wages. WANTED An assistant janitor in first class aDL. mechanically inclined, nand and very clean. Tip-top wages. Mar. X'Su BOY with motorcycle ; permanent position can earn from 4 to per day. Apply 17 11th st. WANTED Experienced bushelman an presser; top wages to tbe right man. 42, Jefferson st. WANTED Two rouuh carpenters. Call 9U4 East 34th st. N. near Frescott st. from Z, P. M. until S P. M. TRUCKERS and laborers wanted for per manent work. Apply American Can Co, 14th and Front sts WANTED Japanese boy to work in cand store as buss boy and janitor. Rogers Canny store, Broadway and lamhlll sts. EXPERIENCED ad solicitors: weeklies. monthlies, special editions. rnone Clyde, Marshall 2310. COLLECTOR and deliveryman for the Ch cago Portrait Co. Apply 0 to 11, room Oregon bidg.. oth and Oak. "WANTED Man. good worker on grounds an tennis courts. Apply Laurelhurst club, aft ernoons. WANTED A man who understands care of vegetables and who nas had grocery ex perience. Apply L. Mayer & Co., lfis 5fh WANTED or ; ply with tools, and Siskiyou. carpenters' helpers. Ap st., oetween b tan to JANITOR for night work. 11:30 P. M 8 A. M. Apply room 317, Piatt bidg m r k ana w ua ninsion sis. WANTED Elevator operator. Eaton. Apply Hot BARBER wanted, must know his busines steady Jon. 3lo h landers st. ELEVATOR boy wanted, and Stark. Morris hotel, lot MEN wanted to distribute circulars by Ore gon Distributing Co.. 331 H E. Morrison st TWO experienced janitors for night work. 2.x Morgan nidg. THOROUGHLY able hotel. 3d experienced and Main. Ven EXPERIENCED man for soft drink parlor J'U i. Mroauway. MAN to work in wholesale grocery ware house. n x. itn sc. BARBER wanted, Morrison st. good steady job. BARBER wanted steady Job. HQ Kute HELP WANTED MA LE. INCIDENT. i One of Many.) Office of Secretary Advisory and Employ ment Department Y. M. C. A. Tounf man. strap iter, out of work 20 his total cash assets . If I pay you 5 for membership in the Y. M. C. A. I will have only $15 left between me and starvation. Secretary If you take out membership In the association you will have the Y. M. C. A. with alt its Influence, strength and resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined the associa tion. In less than a week he had satis factory employment, and a membership card In his pocket, which assures him. aionff with Y. il. C. A. privileges, employ ment Insurance for one year. The excuse the Y. M. C. A. has for ex istence is that it serves young- men. and the function of this department Is to serve them along- a most vital line; the clothes line, the bread-line, the life-line. Calls for men since Jan. 1. 1919 85 Positions filled 479 Shy the kind of men wanted ...3H4 The standing this department has wtia Portland employers Is due to the discrim inating service we have rendered them for a period of 15 years. If you will be guided by our instructions we will guarantee that you will secure em ployment or refund membership fee. Sol diers and sallons Riven three months' com pllmcntary membership. LIMITED NUMBER OF MACHINE MEN. HELPERS A NJ) LUMBER HANDLERS WANTED FOR DOOR FACTORY; STEADY EMPLOYMENT; LOW RENT. HENRY McCLEARY TIMBER COM PANT, McCLEARY. WASH. MEN wsnted for Crown Willam ette Paper Mills at West Linn. Or and Camas. Wash. Steady work. No experience necessary. F ingle men preferred. Free transportation from Portland. 42c per hour, 8 hour-day. A p py 610 Oregon bidg. BOY, 1 to 20, student preferred, to han dle Oregonian route on east side, between the river and 24th street, near SS" car line. This route will pay a month or more. Apply today at room 203 Ore gonlan bidg. WANTED SAWMILL MEN. Grader and marker at dry kiln, sort ing table: must know lumber $5 60 Factory bench saw operator 6.00 Sawmill circular swing saw timber trimmer, experienced 4.75 All above a hours' work. Excellent ho tel accommodations $3.35 per week. Steady employment. CROSSETT WESTERN LUMBER CO.. WAUNA. OR, 75 miles below Portland on S., P. & S. Ry. WANTED BY G. M. STANDI FER CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION. Steel Yard, Vancouver. Washington. 2tM Bolters up, at $4.64 per day. 100 General helpers at $4.64 per day. 100 Laborers, at $4.16 per day. tiood accommodations at the new Lib erty hotel, built especially by the cor poration for Its employes. Hates u7 cents per day. Meals cafeteria style, average 3," cents. MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PAPER i,Lh, t'B.MS HOCK, H-HOUR DAY. SEE MR. II. A. SWAFFORD AT MILL, OFFICE ACROSS RIVER FROM ORE GON CITY. GOOD HOTEL PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS 20 CENTS; BEST MEALS 3a CENTS. SPINNERS WANTED Night work. 48-hour wees., no wora baturaay or Sunday nights liberal pay. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. MECHANIC WANTED. Want flrst-ctasu automobile mechanic at Cascade, Idaho; wages from $li0 to $2oo per month, depends upon your ability; from to Sou per month made on over time. MEADOWS VALLEY &, CASCADE AUTO COM PAN Y. WANTED Two neat, energetic sinule men by Chicago Portrait Co. to travel in ad vertising with sales manager; experience unnecessary; reference; salary or commis sion, beo W. A. Gray, Hotel Oregon, v-12 WANTED An experienced vulcanizer. man vijo is experiencea on sectional and dry cure retread work; state experience and previous employers. Address Simpson Ttre Service Co.. Pendleton, Or. ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN Wanted one or two good, all round men; tate ex perience, age and wages expected. Ware & Treganza,. tlo L. fii. X. LIUg.. Salt Lake City. Utah. SHEET metal mechanics; 2 or 8 experienced mccnanics. mostly heavy sheet Iron; prefer men familiar with blow pipe work; stale experience and age. Address H. J. Burnt P. O. box 1642. Spokane. EXPERIENCED registered Pharmacist, for city, capable of taking charae uf store during owner's absence. . Address, giving references and experience, E tiyj. orego nian. EXPERIENCED married or single mun who was raisea on a rartn; no others need in quire; to take permanent position at once on good Willamette valley farm. C. F. Rein. -JhJ Wilcox bidg. WANTED Young man for furniture fuc pre tory; one who is bandy with tools f erred. CARMAN MFO. CO., 1-14 Macadam. WANTED Young man for office boy; must do energetic ana wining to work; answer in own nanawruing. stating age. aalary expected and give telephone number. J hi, oregonian. W ANTED Men to work in wood -work ins iMiiuij. vKfB e-. . o noun; aicaoy wor, with chance for advancement. Give phone numuer smi ua rcss. w i ,iu. Oregon lan. 10 MEN to cut wood, $1.70 cord; big first growth timber; a miles from Tualatin. C M. Williams, Oswego. Or. Home phone I) oini, lltST-CLASS hardening room man by Seat- lie tooi manuiacturer: permanent position and top pay lor capable man. AV Oregonian. HEAD COOK for large catering business attractive proposition to the man Mho car qualify; state where last employed and ingtn or time. Aggress r 220. Oregonian. MEN v. anted to work on river steamboat. tu per mo. and board. Apply Washington eiicri uuv. iv. MAN for farm work; wiio to cook for a few men; must nave own furniture; no cbll dren. Call Smith, 22H Alder STEAM-ENGINE operator familiar with starting eiectrto motors. crown-wlUam ette Paper Co., Camas. Wash. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for manufac turing concern, 2 miles from Portland, references required. T 241, Oregonian. CAR LOADERS and pliers to handle lum ber on contracts, gooa wages guaranteed. isortnern faciuu umoer to. WANTED Good, strong boy, about IS years of age, to work In bag factory. Apply Amci-nm i i-.'c 1 1 1 c k. , join ana i loyt. WANTED Marker and sorter; good wages; write or wire Modvra Laundry, La Graude, Oregon. WANTED Cabinet makers or good bench carpenters for factory work. Troy Lumber Mfg. Co.. Clarkston. Wash. WANTED An all-around tailor; steady job, in good town In eastern Oregon. Main 7405. 503 Ablngton bidg. DRAFTS MA N wan teL Apply Crown-Will-amettc Paper Co., West Linn, Or. WANTED An experienced hotel night clerk. K 20S. Oregonian. WANTED A good all-around baker. Ap ply BJ 4W, Oregonian. W A NTED Pressor to work nights : steady job. Henry W. Jacolson, 324-2H Morrison. BARBER Shop. wanted. Benson Hotel Barber PLANING mill machine man. M. & M. Wood Working Co., HOP Multnomah st. BKNCHMKN and cabinet makers. m7&M. Wood Working Co., OO Multnomah st. COMPETENT auto driver; 3 Hoyt st. must know city. KITCHEN helper wanted. Liberty lunch, 12 r.th st. PAlEUS w;intcd. Call Eat 54b0. Call HELP WANTED MALE- MILL MEN WANTED BY WIND RIVER LBR. CO. 1 TALLYMAN. 1 GRADER. 5 CAR LOADERS. 4 LUMBER HANDLERS. 1 TIER. APPLY 1117 YEON BLDG. THE MEIER : FRANK CO. requires the services of experienced salesmen for tne linen department. There are seversl opportunities for boys between tbe ages of lb and -0 to learn the dry goods business. Apply Employment Manager, Sixth Floor, Meier c Frank Co. A FIRST-CLASS PRINTER snd pressman can secure permanent position with a loading county seat newspaper of Wash ington ; the lob will be open within ten days, and only a skilled man able to do the best of work will bo considered write statins: your terms and state where you was lat employed; the place will be permanent to man who can fit into the vacancy in the shop. Address Colfax Commoner. Colfax. Wash. WANTED Experienced janitor and wife, (or 705 Davis-street apartments: must have good rcferenct-a and thoroughly un rtertitand oil-burner, elevator, minor re pairing sbh1 painting: wages 12i and 3 room apartment. See L. II. Hoffman at fil H Flanders st., Monflav evening, or a I ftli Rallm my Exchange bidg.. Tuesday. LOGGERS CAMP FT COI.VMHIA RIVER. 2 WHISTLE BOY S. 1 CHASER. 1 CHOKER SETTER. 5 LABORERS. APPLY 1U7 YEON "BLDG. TWO energetic, neat, alngie men by we.i known firm hi salesmen in crew working Oregon and Washington, travel with sales manager, experience unnecessary, reference, advancement ; salary or commission. Seo F. S. Huffman, Hotel Oregon, 1-12 A. M WANTED An experienced eleaner and pressor or a good general all around tailor; free room nd accommodation : German preferred. Write and address to 1121 2d et.. Htll.noro. Or. WANTED Young man as assistant to buyer of women's apparel: best dept store in citv of Mtfl. tine wit h experience preferred. Good opport un it y for advancement. Ad dress AV IM.1. Oregonian. Help Waat -Sad sm. WANTED Saleswomen to sell the well knomn Ilassler shock absorbers to Ford owners in Portland. Ambitious. bard workers will make good money. No others need apply. Call 104 12th su before 10 A. M. LADIES or gentlemen, three for Portland, one in every city or town on Pacific coast snd inttrmountula states: this is an arti cle of merit sold on monev-back guaran tee. H. R. Black. Fourth st Fort land, Or. Main 1973. SUCCESSFUL subdivision company oper ating In southern Idaho needs a few high-class subdivision salesmen who can show good past records. Write Nort h western Investment company, Pocalcllo Idaho. I1KRE Is your chance: We have Z counties left open In Oregon, 2 In Wash., slso city agents for fast-selling devices. Call and convince yourself. 637 Pittock block. W A NTED Salesman for varuum cleaner und electrical household appliance line; liberal commission. Stubbs Eiccirical Co, it h and Pine st?. COLLECTOR and deliveryman for the Chi cago Portrait Co. Apply 0 to 11 room -10 Oregon bidg., 5th and Oak. SALESMEN and salesladies wanted; can ma ke bl g commission. i04 Spa! din tr bidg. SALESMAN wanted, to call on retail trade, at once. 610 Buchanan bidg. SALESMAN and collector, street. 402 Washington V A N T ED A G EN TS. AGENTS st once. Sell 50c per m&nlh hos pital tickets. 206 Corbett bidg. HELP WANTE1 -FEMALE. S A V E your hair combings; e buy It from you or mane it up into swttcnes tor you at reasonable price; work guaranteed. Phone or call today. Madame Curtis, 15U N. 2 Jd st. Phone M a rshall 2-."0. YOUNG lady, for position in machinery house as dictaphone operator and stenog rapher; must be neat, rapid and accurate; state age, experience and salary expected; give references. AB 2S0. Oregonian. WANTED Salesmen to sell the well-known HiKslcr shock absorbers to Ford owners In Portland. Ambitious, hard workers will make money. No others need apply. Call 14 12th st. before 10 A. M. WANTED Experienced sewing machine op erators. Apply Standard Factory No, 2. Orand ave. and Last Taylor. GRADUATE AND UNDER GRADUATE NURSE FOR SMALL HOSPITAL; GOOD WAGES AND STEADY EMPLOYMENT; SEND REFERENCES AND AGE FIRST LETTER. DR. JOSEPH ASPKAY. MOS COW. IDAHO. YOUNG WOMEN To learn weaving. Pref- ence given those living near Portland Woolen Mills. WOMAN to manage crew and canvass per sonally. 9-o wethiy to rtgnt perbun. Apply 1 to 11. room 210 Commercial Club bidg., Mh and Oak STENOGRAPH ERS Dictating machine op erators furnished good positions; Instruc tion free. The Ediphone, Title . Trust bidg. WEAVERS, experienced; steady work, good wages. .rortiana vs ooien anus. WANTED Fully competent housekeeper for small family : good tfa.ary ana permanent place for right party. Phone Broadway 14'iS. COMPETENT second girl: private family. Mrs. oorhlcs. telephone beiiwood lOUJ. EXPERIENCED pants finisher can find steady employment at tne isrownsvtne Woolen Mills. ;d and Morrison. Apply ready for work. Good wages. WANTED Operators on two needle union special macmnes on tents ana ciotmng. Apply Hirsch-Wets Manufacturing Co., 2(1 Z Hurniide st. WANTED Capable woman for housework. one willing to assist witn care oi invalid. Tabor ftl . WOMAN with some knowledge of X-ry laboratory work for physician's office. Call betwen It and l a. m. iiu jorunat mug. TV ANT ED A Woman to care for two oi ladle : also a housekeeper. Pat ton Home. Woodlawn 1 iiM. .MIDDLE-AO ED couple going to beach for a htrt lime desire servlees of woman or pirl to do light housework- East Mou. EXPERIENCED young lady bookkeeper and stenographer; permanent position. BU 287, tiregonian. WANTED Experient-ed chambermaid, wages $14 per week. Palace hotel. 44 Washing ton street. WOMAN, or gtrl. lor general housework and cooking on farm; one accustomed to couu try llle; wages 4. Eat 81. WANTED Experienced fire insurance- sten ographer; state beginning salar' Klve ref erences. V 207. Orrgonian. HELP wsnted : experience not necewarv; chance for advancement. Palace Laundry Co., East loth ami Everett. WANTED Woman for and cleaning by the day. Rafael St. ashing. ironing Call at 2ul San MAN for farm work, wife to cook for a few men; must have own furniture; no chil dren. Call Smith, 223 Alder st. BUSINESS COLLEtJE giri wanted to work for room and board and per month; good ptace. close In. east side. 1-;at ."7L' 4. ANY girl In need of a friend anply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 392 East 16th st. N. or phone East 123. TYPIST Must be first-class, abbs to cut mimeograph stencils. Crane Letter Co., Royal bidg. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en ga semen ts. no traveling. Casino Theater. WANTED Waitress and pantry Columbia St., .Oper month. girl. CHAMBERMAID 2? Washington. w anted. Angela Hotel, EXPERIENCED telephone operators may obtained by calling Main 102. A 2667. EXPERIENCED waiters wanted. Rose Bud restaurant. 133 10th, WANTED Experienced hotel. 11th and Stark. waitress. Nortonia WAITRESS wanted. 24 North wages. -d bl Oood LADY compositor, steady nosition. Printing. 1U1 3d sU EXPERIENCED counter girl wanted. Liberty lunch. 126 Gth. WANTED Experienced chambermaid Campbell hotel. 2:id and Hoyt. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Call Main 13d, after A. M. WANTED Girl for counter work. oD Al der, New Paris Luncli. WOMEN and girls wanted, ttlu Buchanan bidg. Apply at once. COUNTER girl and dish wash er wanted. 126 5th st.. Liberty lunch. i.Xl'LKlLNCLD waitress wauled, lid 2d U HLLP WANTED FEMALE. THE MEIER & FRANK CO. Invites ail for mer employes not now engaged to report for work Monday for our Anniversary Scales. Pleao report to Employment Man- kit, Oth floor, at 9 A. M., prepared to go to work at once. There are vacancies In several depart ments. Experienced saleswomen are In vited to call and arrangu for permanent employment. There are openings for apprentices be tween the ages of lti and -0 in several de partments. Our Picture Department requires the cervices of two experienced eaieswomcn- Our Wash Goods section requires the services ot experienced saleswomen. Thot-e experienced in celling linens and muslins gl en preiervnce. Our Tea Room requires two waitresses, hours 12 to 3. WE WILL FAY A GOOD SALARY TO A LIMITED NUMBER OF GIRLS BE TWEEN THE AGES OF 10 AND 50 YEARS WHILE WE TEACH YOU TO OPERATE A TOWER. MA CHINE; STEADY EMPLOYMENT AND GOOD WAGES TAID TO OUR OPERAT ORS. APPLY AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLB BAG CO.. loTH AND llOYT STREETS. Former employes of Llpman. Wolfe : Cu. arc as-ked to a-P-i-t-in our 60th, anntereary atlc; this includes ea.stiier ls w II a c-alryladiev. I'ltou or call a.L kuprriatcnJcni s oUico immedi ately. VOl'M', LADIES WANTED FoK TELE PHONE OPERATING. HK3INNFT:s IN TIIAlNINii tCHOOL WITHOUT ANV EX I'KKIKXCH PAID AT liATE OF Ml l'KU WEEK. APPROXIMATELY IS FEU MONTH. F R K W U 1. N T 1NCR K A S E S I N PAY AFTER TKA.NSFKUKINli TO OP EliATI.V; WORK.. CALL AT ROOM SIXTH Fl.uOlt. TELEPHONE iiUlLD l.N'i. PARK AND OAK STREETS. THREE ladirs lor special child wel are work; should be between 26 and 4.". vrh educated, of good appearance and in posi tion to travel; we Instruct in requirement; guaranteed expenses ; position pa a o prr week to those qualified. It la the op portune time tor this work. 14 Couch bidg. FUR finishers, experienced on. fine fuis; good saiory. N. M. CNGAR. Cor. Lroudaay and Alder. WANTED Stcnngrspher. thoroughly com petent, also office ucuMstant; must bo able and willing to turn out work and have had experience in the machinery line; wages SllO per mo. No telephoue Information. M. pardf A Son. 24Q Front Ft- WANTED 2 strong, healthy girls for bus girls to r leu ii tables and arry dishes ; work tt days per week and as late as 12 P. M.; saStrv H'0 per month and board. Apply alter 11 A. M. Thu llasclwood, 3S3 W a?hington M: WANTED Young lady stenographer; ouo w ho can ue Royal or Remington ma chine; salary 12 a week; typu applica tion, gi in; experience and phono num ber, i; UTS, on Ionian. WANTED Neat appearing young lady to work In candy storo afternoons and night shift. Don't phone. ROGERS CANDY STORE. Broad way and Yamhill St. WANTED Laundress, who undcrt-tiinda using electric washing machine, riugrr and mangle, to do. f a.mily washing and live in house : permanent all time placo for right person. Telephone Main ltiil. A Hu:t. W anted lmmestlcs. WILL pay $,"() per month and gie perma nent place to reliable and experienced m;i id for gcnerul housework: mut-t be nrwt and a good cook: no washing. Tabor 61- or C ."1n7. between lO A. M. anu - . au or call at 4s 3tith st. North. or. llsnrock. WANTED Woman for gtnerai housework and cooking ; sum 11 house and family; poud wages; rrft-rences desired. Tabor ooUo. or call lliCi Eh st Davis si., liuro! li u rst- RESPONSIBLE person to do small, ea-sy washing, ironing and mending ir roupio every other week; must take work home. lain r4.-i. WANTED School girl or woman, from 4 to S P. M .. wo Im-I cook n inner, wasn dishes, other light duties. Call Katt 2Viil. or inJ E. Yam h ill. EXPERIENCED girl or middle-aged woman lor general housework; gooa nome, goon wages; no washing. Kat-t Gtfll. osl E. 1'Jd N. UOOD reliable girl for housework; no wash ing: hlphrst wages. inoiupsou. i-oonv East ;iiuy. WANTED Oirl to do home, good salarv. morning. housework ; Tabor o4S. good Call PERMANENT children's nure with Port land relerences lur t o invio sn io. v u.". GIRL for cooking and liousrworK. no warn ing tr ironing, wass wo- mwu Marshall H.". WANTED A waitress: muht be experienced, good wages, roojn and board. Mallory ho tel. 171 Low ns'l:ile. WANTED family. sent out. A houfekcepor. 3 children in iss 13. LI and rt years: washing Tabor :i.V.;;. 1147 Hawthorne vc. WOMAN warned for light housework and c are of ::-vcar-oId child. 7o3 S Hoy I. Marshall ".'-tjo , WANTED wage? : Heigh r Experienced second maid; good rotVroneo required. Portland Marshal! 21 X. CilHL for general housework; must be good cook ; - in f inll . Ca ! I Main -!o7. ibl Jackson Ht.. Portland Heights. EXPERIENCED gtrl for general housework; "no upstairs work; 2 In family; no wash ing; good wages. Vain ra."o. WANTED oool cook ; ;t adults: room oil fir East 4;i:5. good wages paid ; t floor, with bath. WANTED A young girl to assist With housework. 1 SO 7 Belmont, phono Tabor 122 J. - EX PER I ENC E D K n for Kenera i house w oi k "snd cookins: one not opposed to seasido summer. Phone Mrs. PoUisen. East 7 1 . OTlRL wanted to help with housework, $2' a month and good home. Call Tabor .vh. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and downstairs work : no washing; good wages. Broadway 47. WANTED An experienced t llv ot adults; no warning. Main 5.V24. irl for a, fain Call mornings. W A N TL D Oood cook in f m a 1 1 family, good wages, no washing. Main U270. 7 oil North - rup t. O I HI. for house work, good homo tor righ : party. A n p i y M 2 Johnson si. WANTED cou p!c. -Woman to keep houe for yuucg A rl I V 707 H a w t h o m e ave. COMPETENT Ctrl for jrenem! housework. tall East 4V after 10::.0 A. M. WANTED Experienced m.iid for cooKiog and general housework. Phone Mam 01q. WANTED An good wages. experienced 14 N. 21st d. lidwy. 5277. GIRL for general housework ; adulu ; good wage; Irvlngton. Phone Ea?-t UStf. Gl KL w onted to at-aist with nenersl house work, no w ashing. r isortnrup st. COM PKTENT Kirl for ircm ral housework. o. C 1014. going to heaeh later. iiN. WANTED Jirl for general housework. Mrs. Seeiry. 74 Pat ton road. Main TM 1 WOMAN w anted lor dih washing. tith st. WAITRESS wanted tor noon hours. Unlver- htty club. i n ana jener.-on. GI KL for hou-w ork in .Vroom j1t; no wash ing; nest wages. r-asi i, . WANTED Second maid. Apply to Mrs. Hur rell. S2S Hawthorne ave. Phone East 37. WANT experienced girl downstairs work, good for cooking and Rages. East Jt"S. EX P. girl for general housework. 251 N. 24th frt. WANTED A girl to do cooking and down stairs work. Main 2i2rt. WANTED An Broadway. experienced maid. 06 N. HELP WANTED MAt-K OR FEMALE. WANTED Man or man and wife to raise stock on shares; good place for right man. C. L. Cox. cure Rose City hotel, t. Johns. WOMAN Wanted for light housework in small family, country town, month. Main 7411, apt. o, Sheffield apis. EDUCATION A L. BARBER COLLEGE teache PORTLAND trade In 8 wet-hs; pay whue learning sition guaranteed. 234 Couch st. po- ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY. Krenk K. Welles, ex-astst. State Supc. mgr. N. W. Dank bidg. Teachers placed promptly MEN WO M E Tci learn barber tra.du free ; wages while learning: position guaranteetl. Oregon Barber College. 2.iC. Madison st TEACHERS wanted for positions now open. Yatcs-Kisber Teachers' Agency. 911 3road w a y bl d g. " PRIVATE tutoring: childreu under 12 a spe cialty. U bo. Orcgumao.