THE 3IORNIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, 3IAY o, 1910 15 BEAT. 8TATC For Sale Lota. BEAUTIFUL RIVERSIDE DRIVE SITE. Wa have 2 Vi acres of beautiful river view property for sale at a remarkably low price. This property la in one of the moat exclusive pububan home districts, and. the neighborhood is of the best. If you ar look in for a ckwy building spot we have it. M. BILLNG3. 500 McKay bid?. Main 1S9Q. PARKROSR ACRE $1100 EASY TERMS 8om fine fir trees; close to Macadam road ; build a little cottage, save rent. J. L. HAKTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bids., 4th and Stark. Main 08. OLM STEAD, X. E. cor. Bryce and S2d., about W000 so. ft., $2400 clear. E. A. Curtis. Grant Park. Illinois. Flat and Apartment 1'roperty. MUST sell, $6000; Income 9120; 2 stories. S flats E. S.; nets 2u per cent; easy terms; part trade. W 120, Oreeonlan. For Sale -House. CLASSY BUNGALOW. $3300 MOVE IN NOW $3300. .AIT. TABOR. 53D bTKEET. Near and north of Hawthorne car. 5 rooms and den or 3 bedrooms, neat bathroom, fireplace and hardwood floors, good basement. We believe this house can read!!y bo resold for $3500. GEORGE E. EXGLEHART, Main 7200. 024 Henry E'.dg. ALL FURNISHED, READY TO MOVE INTO. 6-room bungalow, completely furnished and close to good school. This houe is just like new inside and out; nice lawn, fruit and lota of nice roses. Owner leaving city and will sell at the sacrifice price of $23on, part cash and terms. Hawthorne, car line. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 809 Oak St. Broadway 4133. ON EAST 18TH ST. NORTH, JUST NORTH OF ALBERTA. 8-room bungalow-type house; 5 rooms downstairs. 3 bedrooms upstairs : modern ; full basement; furnace; fireplace; nice lawn with fruit. A BARGAIN. Tabor 3433. Evenings Tabor 59. " : $3750 ' 5-room bungalow, corner lot. Improve ment are in and paid; nice district, close in, near good car line. .Attic, full base ment, furnace ami fireplace. A SPLKXDJ D BUY. MR. DKLAH t'NTY, Main 1700. Sun, and Eves.. East 2086. HAWTHORNE DISTRICTS Modern, 5-room. steam-heated bunga low: hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ia buffet and bookcases; Dutch kitchen large attic, full basement, lot 33xl0o, on paved street, 2 blocks from car; price $3250, $1750 cash, balance straight mo-t-gage, o 5 0 E. 45th st. Phone Tabor C530. SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW ON CORNER. One block from carline, on corner: 3 bedrooms; full cement basement; furnace; wash trays; floored attic; good neighbor hood; garage. $4500 ON TBRMS. Tabor 3433. Evenings Tabor 69. FOR SALE1 by owner, corner, 100x100, with well-built house, in good location; o rooms on ground floor, 2 rooms in attic, full basement, fruit trees, berries, etc.: 1 block from oar; $3000. terms if desired, or will sell 100x150 with house for $3700. Broadway 51114. FOR SALE By owner, at a sacrifice, to gether or separate, 4-room modern bun galow with garage, furniture, player piano and bicycle. Come and see at 5HS Lafav etto St.. near 14th st. Sellwood car. Sell wood 2SQ5. SHACK, odd-looking- but good size; two lots; fruit; $1100; discount for cash payment. House, 7 rooms, $1000. House, 4 rooms. 3 lots, $1600. Also some business and residence lots. Owner nt Mrs. Smith's, 5030 Oath st. S. E. FOR SALE Bargain; our 7-room Irvington house, fine location, garage, lawn and roses; fuil lot; owner, who is leaving city, will sell furnished or unfurnished; $5500. Call mornings at 0S0 Schuyler st. Phone Enst 8052. ROSE CITY PARK. Fine modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, all built-in effects; two blocks from car; partially furnished, $420Q; unfurnished, $3is00. See owner at 018 E. 45th st. N. PIEDMONT HOME FOR SALE. Near car, Jefferson high and excelent public library; east front, all improvements in and no incumbrance. 1171 Commercial st. Modern, six rooms besides reception hall and bath room. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. GARAGE CORNER. LOT 40x50: CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE; BEST CAR LINE IN CITY; S4500; TERMS. PHONE E. 0t0. BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL, HOME. This is one of the handsome small homes IN THIS CITY Choice location; choice district. A bargain. MR. DELAHVNTY, Main 1700. Sun. and Eves., East 206. $3500. Modern 7-room residence, Hawthorne car line. East 3ftth, corner East Harrison; all Improvements paid:, no agent fees; can take you to see this bargain. Phono Broadway 2554. A 4053. ROSE CITY bungalow, 473 E. 40th N.. "5 rooms, finished in white enamel, hard wood floors, furnace. fireplace, large flight, airy rooms, attractive location. Price. $3750, terms. H. E. NOBLE, owner, ."16 Lumbermens bldg. Phono Broadway tilo. CLOSE IN. ALBERTA ST. DIKE RENT. 6-room modern bun sal ow. full lot, hard surface st., price $300O, $000 cash. bal. $3 per mo:., including interest; that Is less than rent. Call at 304 Oak st. Broadway 200. Act quick. ALAMBDA PARK. Brand new modern 0-room bungalow, Just bclns finished; hardwood floors throughout; complete In every respect N. O. Ecklund, owner and builder. Tabor NEARLY AN ACRE. 354x200 at Sd and Schuyler sts., o-room house, city water, gas, etc.; garage, acre, chicken run, fruit and berries. Good soil, cheap, with terms. Main 2720. Sunday and evenings, Broadway 75 weekdays. FOR SALE -Good tl-room house, full lot near car and boulevard toward St. Johns; desirable, good home, good price good terms. Owner, phone Main S002, 'except Sundays, " "WE HAVE some of the best buys in gone City in modern bungalows; 1 that has never been on the market, 6 rooms, on line corner. J. Robbins, Ry. is. bldir Main 7031. " $5000, PIEDMONT. " For sale at bargain. 8-room modern bungalow, furnace, hardwood floors, fire place; death in family; must sell Bar gain. Buy of ownar ; terms. "Wdln. il'03. PIEDMONT CORVKtt A good home in fine location at low price; $4000; 7 rooms, furnace, 2 fire places, garage, fruit, shade, paved street. S2500 TKN-KOOM MODERN' irOTTfiR in good condition; double plumbing, suitablo ior wo lamutes; ouy irom owner, save commission; terms, rnone East 6040. A SNAP if taken at once House and lot located between Sherman and Grant, on East 10th st. By owner. Phone East 21 til. LADD ADDITION bargain. Two highly im proved lots, garage. S-room modern home lota alone worth $4000; for a quick sale $5000; terms. Owner, East 275. FOR SALE By owner, 5-room house, with 2 lots; first-class condition; full basement: terms. 204 E. Taylor st., bet. oth and e-u. mi. taDor car. PORTLAND HGTS. Fine 7-rm. house, built v w u r-1 . aige rooms, sleeping porch, aun room, modern. No agents. -7000 Terms. Call Marshall 0o70. EASTM OREL A. X I), moderrT5-room bung-a-low. large attic, full cement hatton extra larg lot, all improvements in and tlU, - QJ U. IT WUIltJ OBI I. IOIi). FIVE-ROOM bungalow. R. C. Park. rrt paved, 50x100 lot, house in good condition ivory finish, $3500, in all asstmts. Phone u ou. uiu c-aot. ouin st. i. "YOU could not ask for a nicer or more up-to-date bungalow than the one we have bldg. Main 7031. CORNER lot, streets fully improved, close in, one block from car. east sid, with mouern nouu, o rooms ana steeping porch $400. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. -ROOM modern bungalow, 75x100. reason able; 10 fruit trees; ytith st and E. Davis M. Rosenfeld. RuseelvU'e. box 284. A DANDY, strictly modern - 5-room bunga low in Brooklyn, l block from car, only $3000; terms. Alain 7031. 7-ROOM bungalow, uil modern, up-to-date; 120 E. 43d, corner of Alder st. Just $3500 Owner at 132 E. 47th st. IP LOOKING for a modern 5-room bungalow in R. C. on 40th St., call J. Bobbins, 301 Ry. E. bldg. Main 731. FOH SALE By owner, 0-room modern house in Sellwood; on paved street. Price $2300, terms. Phone Sellwood 1126. AM leaving city; must sell modern home of 7 roomr. 775 Ivon sc. or phona Sellwood 3" 12 forenoons or evenings. 7-ROOM house for sale with all modern conveniences; price $1800. Phono Tabor 550. $ 2.1 Oi) 6-room, sunny, modern, corner lot. beautiful view, 1 block to Oregon City car: ea.-y terms. Sellwood 1078. $1(500 5-ROOM cottage. ; (200 casii. AlcFarland, lots, 1 block car GO- Yeoa bids. REAL ESTATE. For teale Houses. LAURELHURST. LAURELHURST. LAURELHURST. LAURELHURST. BEAUTIFUL ARTISTIC BUNGALOW. Beautiful C-room bungalow, very mod ern in every raspect, hardwood floors throughout wonderful mahogany buffet across entire dining room. 3 full plate rnirrors In one bedroom, built-in cabinet bed in another room, etc.; beautiful eide porch with French doors leading from dining room; all finished in real old ivory. The lot Is one of the finest corners in Laurelhurst northwest corner of E. Burn Bide and 41st st. 60x164 and all paving and other municipal liens are paid in fi.l: owing to change of owner's plans exclusive bungalow is being offered for the very moderate price of $6250; $2750 cash, bal ance terms. Drive by this property, but kindly do not disturb tenants. See owner at 1314 Sandy blvd. and arrangements will be made to show you the interior, - LAURELHURST. LAURELHURST. LAURELHURST. LAURELHURST. THE EVENINGS ARE LONG. Let us take you out some evening after work and show you eoino real home bar gains. We are open every evening. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes it easy to find the home you are looking lor. Over oOO photographs of homes that wo are offering for sale are arranged in their respective districts in our display room. I have personally inspected and appraised every house. Every property we offer is a good value. Come in any evening and we'll drive out and look at a I$LW of the bet buys out of GOO houses. IF NECESSARY, I'LL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR FIRST PAYMENT. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Established lsau. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Main 5156. $350 CASH: Balance about like rent secures a very pretty 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace, built iua. basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, 50x100 lot, only 1 block from paved street and carline that serves Laurelhurst, Monta villa. Price. $2350. and small balance bonded on street. Vacant; remember it's clean and ready to move right in. 84 E. 83d north. Owner Tabor 854. FINE HOME SPECIALIST. I specialize in elaborate homes (located In the better residential districts and not known to be on the market), possessing touches of individuality in design and style that give them character and make them distinctly desirable and different from the ordinary home. If you are looking for a beautiful home for have one for sale), in either the Heights, Irvington, Laurelhurst, the Ala meda, or ML Tabor, I can be of great as sistance to you and can save you lota of time and money. Everything strictly confidential and homes shown by me by appointment only. R. H. Torrey, with the Fred A. Jacobs Co., 104 5th et. Main b8CU. Evenings and Sundays, Tabor 4t7. DON'T MISS THIS. $3600 6-room and aleeping porch, bun-g-alow-type house ; a very line-appearing home in a highly-improved district, close in, one block from car; entrance hall, large living and dining room, fireplace, furnace, 3 bedrooms with large closet, full concrete basement, lot fiOxlOO; $10't0 cash and balance $35 per month, including in terest. Blake Realty Co., 109 over Citizens Bank. Tabor 35S3, day and evening. $3S00 ROSE CITY $3500. "Why pay more? Land this home; 5 rooms strictly modern bungalow, everything. Near Sandy, below the hill; leaving, will sell furniture. Nothing better for price. See J. C. Barnes, 1314 Sandy. Phone Tabor 4U0. BV OWNER. 10-room modern house, 15 minutes ride irora courthouse, on hard surface street; loOxloO-ft. corner lot, on carline; fuil cement basement; full attic, furnace, hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, sewing room, large garage with 2 com plete living rooms over garage; a won derful home for large family and reason able in price. Call Sellwood Otfy in niorn ings; address 001 Clinton st. HAWTHORNE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Furnished or Unfurnished. Corner E. 3oth and Stephens; thoroughly modern and very conveniently arranged; Fox furnace, indirect lighting fixtures, both streets paved and all assessments paid; 5 rooms and large attic with room for ad ditional rooms. Price $3750. Call owner, Broadway 27ot or Tabor aoi 2. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, fireplace, Dutch AiLcueii, ouiii-ins, uasement, laundry trays; absolutely first-class condition; just a blk. south Montavilla-Depot car. Take the "limited," "No Stops" and get home quick ly. This is nearly new; 50x100 lot; vacant, move right in; $233o, $35o cash. Price. is very, very low. fc4 E. b3d N. Owner, Ta bor 854, forenoon. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, garages, residences anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SATISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting archi tects. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. BUNGALOW 5 rooms, modern, fireplace, built-in effects, Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, wash trays, etc. Lot 4ux 100. Located at 903 Division st. and 21th. Price $3000. $750 down, balance like rent Street imp. all in and paid for. Inspection by appointment. Vacant May 21. Owner. A. A. H ickey. Main 7070, composing room. 2 HOUSES and flat building 100x100; you can live in one and rent balance for $75 to $100 month ; all in fine condition ; I block from car; heart of Sunnysldc, N. W. cor. 34th and Yamhill. Look them over $100o cash will handle), then call owner in forenoons, Tabor S54. FINE 7-ROOM HOUSE on 100x100 corner. This house was built for a home. Every modern convenience, sleeping porch and garage : fruit, berries, garden, chicken run ; $3000, $lu00 cash. 4.;oO 51st st. S. E. Sellwood 1041. REAL. BARGAIN. 5-room cottage, close in, Mt. Scott dis trict; garage; owner leaving town and must sell, $1S50; party submitting best terms within next threo days get place. "Wood lawn 1158,. LADD ADDITION BARGAIN. 6-room house, tiled entrance, fireplace, furnace, eun porch, sleeping porch, fruit trees, hard-surfaced street, 15 minutes' walk to business center, $4750; terms. Woodlawn 1158. SNAP IN ALBERTA DISTRICT. C-room house. fruit trees, berries, grapes and roses, few minutes' walk of five carllnes; vacant and ready for imme diate possession, $1900; $4O0 down and $25 a month. Owner, Woodlawn 1158. MODERN fl-room bungalow with fireplace, tull cement basement, laundry trays, all built-in features, Dutch kitchen ; lot 50x 100; cement garage; 2 block from street car. Price $3500, $500 to $1000 down, balance easy terms. 1118 E. 20th st. N. 7-ROOM, 2-story frame residence, furnished; ground space 50x72 ; garage space 22x22; a ehoice view ; close in. on Portland Hts. foothills; cash $1000, bal. easy: upper 50x72 same terms. Owner. 455 13th. cor. Jackson. $0500 WILL buy our double flat, in fine condition ; easy terms; good location : al ways rented; modern, close in; fireplaces; 4 blocks from grade and high school. Owner, 050 E. Alder. East 3245. $3300 REAL bargain : 5-room bungalow, liberty kitchen and bathroom, every con venience: paved streets. See Jensen, 724 Board of Trade. Main 3So3. GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas and estimate. B. T. Allyn, 243 Stark st. Office hours 3 to 3 P. M. Phono Main 63 L Res, phone. Tabor 104. COMFORTABLE 0-room home, all kinds fruit, with 1 or 2 full lots. 2 blocks from Franklin high. 1 block from car; sacrifice by owner. Tabor 8353. ROSE CITY PARK SACRIFICE Modern 8-room house, hardwood floors furnace, fireplace, etc. Owner will sacri fice; terms; no agenis.ta j.outn st N. HA VE 5-room house in Sunnyside worth $2500; will take auto worth $800 to $1000 on first payment, wnw w. j. Lertman, Salem, Or. FINE bungalow bargain, $3000 for $J50O; must have cash; one block from car on Mt. Tabor line. Ey owner. East 233. Give bargain to real estate men. BUSINESS section of Piedmont, 50x100 lot, modern house, fruit and flowers: fine location for rooming or boarding house. 1171 AiDina ave. vvooaiawn iut. $4750 FOR modern 7-room Willamette noi s is nome. iuoo uuu m i. uwner, Marshall 3915. 5-ROOM cottage on large corner lot, Haw thorne district; bath, etc. Price $1750; $SU0 cash wilt reco'e. rnone xaoor &2a. MODERN 4-room cottage, S1AO0. 50x1 Ou corner, near S. P. shops, 1 block from car, Sellwood 819. FOR SALE 6-ROOM BIG HOUSE. $3000; BARGAIN. 342 SAN RAFAEL ST. OWNER. FROM owner, 2 furnished houses, west side, Nob Hill. Mar. 3013. HOUSE and lot. Inquire 730 Raleigh, st., between 22d and 23d. FURNISHED house and lot for aale. 948 E. Clinton st. A FEW residences for fale by owner at rea sonable prices. Tabor 7624. 4-ROOM bungalow styie home for $1250; l erms. auor .iuot. IRVINGTON HOMES East R. T RTRRPT IKV. AGri.NT,' REAL ESTATE. For oale -Hoaaea. HOW IS THIS? Own your home, and live in a fine district Just one block from Sunnyside car and have $75 to $loo monthly income X will sell you the 2 houses and the t it N. W. corner E 34th and Yamhill looxHK) all in condition Just pay $looo cash, balance monthly. It will bo a good thing to own rental property as no new building is being done for jenting. Think it over: Phone Owner, Tbor 854. OWN YOUR OWN HOME! EXTRA INDUCEMENTS OFFERED IX WALNUT PARK. Portland's First-Class Restricted Real dence District. Best car service. Jefferson high school, large public library, paved streets, blocks with alleys, giving inside lots the con venience of corners. NO FINER LOCATION FOR A HOME IN THE CITY. We are offering a limited number of choice lots at prices, everything con sidered, very attractive. Financial assist ance if desired. You will make no mistake in building your home in WALNUT PARK. A number of othejs are building in WALNUT PARK, why not you? Call today. OFFICE 1149 UNION AVE. NORTH. Woodlawn 3304. w. M. KIL LINUS WORTH. Owner. $3150. A FAIR HOUSE AND A VALUABLE LOT. I am offering for sale the house. No. 270 Graham ave. It is 50 ft. west of Williams ave,, and is in the business district of Albina. The lot ib 50x!0O and has great prospective value as business property. The house will accommodate two fami lies, being arranged for housekeeping up stairs and down. This place must be sold to settle un estate. See MR. STRONG, Executor, Hotel Clifford. NO AGENT. NO COMMISSION. OWNER DIRECT. 50x100 on Eajst 11th near Ford plant, with 2 five-room cottages, all improve ments paid, for $3800. About 4 acres on Mllwaukie st. right south of Ilolprate with 4 houses and other buildings, and $5(uo in city liens paid; suitable for subdividing . For the whole S30.0O0; for south J2 with 3 houses, $15,000; for vacant part facing on East 17ta et. $10.000. J 735. Oregoniar.. ROSE CITY PARK Awfully pretty" 5-room bungalow, with fireplace, modern. It will make you a dandy home; only 2 blocks north of Sandy; roses, fruit, ber ries. It is "run down." It's fine. Price is $2450, $300 cash, balance $32.50 includes interest. Where can you beat It ? Cer tainly not in this most popular district. 701 E. 05th st. north. Phone Tabor 6oVG for appointment, please. HIGH-CLASS IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. New and modem 11-room Irvington resi dence, selected mahogany and oak finish, hardwood floors, three artistic tile fire places, tiled bathrooms, three toilets, sani tary plumbing, sun parlor, sleeping porch, full b.-isement. large finished attic, rooms beautifully finished; spacious grounds, rare shrubbery; materials and workman ship guaranteed; Inspection invited; rea sonable terms; owner, O 550, Oregonlan. $5000 BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Close to Park and Club grounds; almost new; hardly a scratch m 1 rooms, extra large attic; rooms ail rinished in old ivory. For appointment phone MR. DELAHUNTT, Main liOQ. Sun, and Eves., East 2086. IRVINGTON PARK BUNGALOW. Rustic modern bungalow. 4 rooms and path, large closet with window, glassed lu back porch, laundry trays, fruit cellar, electric lights and gas; lot ' 100x100 natural trees and shrubbery; berry vines' a. complete, artistic home for small family 328o Glenn ave. North. Owner, Main 8&20 or Woodlawn 3208. FOR THE OLD FOLKS. $1350."" NEAT 0-ROOM RUSTIC BUNGALOW WITH FIREPLACE. 8 bearing fruit trees, targe chicken 7, ' oweu auiiiuie ior garage, blocks from Mu Tabor carline; total price $lo0, $300 cash. $10 and Interest monthly. If red W. German Co., 733 Cham ber of Com, Open evenings and Sunday oOO I- OR a modern 5-room bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace. large attic and porches, concrete basement, fine lot. hard surface streets, in good district. An excep tionally good buy. Investigate. Phone Marshall 821. V. L. RLAVPHinn 519-20 Railway ExchangeB I d g. LARGE, roomy 8-room houre on Morris ' " ' " ave.; iuii cement bnse ment wash trays, furnace, fireplace, built in buffet, fine carpet on fioor included; cost present owner $55o0. I'rlc. $4100 half cash, bal. 7 per cent. Call 2tiS Stark t. Marshall 3 3 500. BEST PART ROSE CITY PARK. LOOK AT THE PRICE. $350'. Modern 5-room bungalow, attic, fire place, h.t water heat, garage, assessments paid. he this. Daring, 284 Oak st. Marshall 7.G. BU CITY lot. 50x02. corner Sth st. and Cora .v. u rtwrr ana. water are in; a steel shack with garago under neath now stands on property. Pries UoO, small cash payment, balance on time Jo rignt party; might consider trade on . . h uuumu 4-room, brown-shlnglcd typical bunga low; neat and conveniently arranged: full Plumbing, lights, gas etc. Price lbw, $.0j cash, balance to suit. JOHNSON-DODtiON' CW C4 N. W. Bank bldg. Main "787 A I TJ TT O T T . T ..- -r. t- i-room bungalow on nice eorner lot plumbing, electric lights. gas, garaara. Price lb00. $50O cash, balance to suiu JOHNSO.V-bODfiO.V CO o.. w. uanK bldg. HAWTHORNE d Strict Modern bungalow mwiu, rooms ana bath, ce ment basement, laundry travs, Dutch kitchen, newly tinted throughout, cherry trees; vacant; $215o, terms. Owner. Ta- 5-ROOM modem plastered bungalow, fuil slzed basement, .lOxloO cor. lot; no ass ess - , civv caii, rem. .io per mo., includes b per cpnt Int. 3 blocks to Wood stock car. 50 lo K3i ave. S. E. Thos. F ' ireen. owner. .,-,wv RSH CITY PARK. 4.,no i -room, modem bungalow on E. 4-d st. All Improvements in and paid. A beauty for the money. Terms. M. BILLINGS. ,Vf McKay bldg. Main 1380 $15-00 3 -ROOM bungalow, with oath, toilet. electric lights and gas; on cor. lot 50x100- fruit and walnuts, nice garden, chicken house, cement walk; very easy terms. M. JliniUK3. jQ0McKay bldg-. Alain 1300. $3250 5-ROOM cottage, lot 50x100. in first clans condition: fruit trees, concrete base ment, gas, electric, wa-sh trays. 8So E Davis fit.; $10o0 cash. Inquire l0 Hazcl f. rn place after 4 P. M SMALL, noat plastered bungalow on good .. , e mew at k paid; h aving oJty Price $625; $225 down. Come on Mount Scott car to Kern Park. See No. OtflS, opposite. 8 ROOMS, plastered, near school and car- -11 --Y w uu; improvements all paid, a home for someone; $2000 any reasonable terms accepted, lnauire ow n,r after o P. M. East 4050. r ONLY $2350. Big bargain. East S3d trf t bath, wash tray, fireplace; house In fine f"0- "lUil " -en to oe appreciated ery easy terms. 20 Stark. Marshall 12 5-ROOM modern bungalow, in Rose City cn.s icixua tutu worm ino price Immediate possession. Tabor 6043. 5-ROOM modern house if sold at once, $1472 terms; near car line. Tabor 3242. tJ-ROOM house. Laurelhurst. 301 McKay Suburban Homes. A HOME BARGAIN. BY OWNER FOR 1MMKDIATR RiT.B 10 acres, not all under cultivation, io- cateu on u. J. iy., at Orenco. Or., 16 miles out. fare 54c. Large 0-room house uarn, etc., oerriea, young rnilt trees, hay, etc.; 2 acrea bottom soil; 15 min. walk from fine school, church. R n -nt Steady employment year around for men and boys desiring wages; neighboring prop erty has sold for high as $400 per acre, this goes for $2500. See owner at 505 Over ton st., city. Take N. A 8. or loth car and save dealer's commission. FORCED TO LEAVE. AN IDEAL HOMB. INVESTIGATE. STARTLING SACRIFICE. Modern eight-room house, corner lot, 175x100; garage, workshop, chicken house, cement basement, furnace. ornamental trees, 200 rose bushes; paved street, ce ment sidewalk. All improvements paid Eight blocks to car. 4SQQ Eight-second St. S. E. Tabor 5356. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES " and acreage, well located, near car Una. from $180O up. Inquire third house norta of Rieley station, on Oregon City car iin sign "Alder Brook." $1350 COZY 3-room cottage, acre garden, trees, $250 cash. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. $3 750 Nent 5-room bungalow, on Oswege Lake. McFarland, 002 Yeon Bldg. FoC Sale Bunine-w Property. FOR SALE Warehouse property at a bar gain hy owner, quarter block in North Portland suitable for warehouse, has rail road trackag. Income of property pays tax es. AC 5Q. Oregon! a n . COST $40,000. price today $32,500; monthly income $300. Sellwood 140. By owner REAL. ESTATE. For Sale -Busius Property. 100x100 East Water St.. between Morrison and Hawthorne bridges, on trackage, walking distance to heart business section; will sacrifice and give reasonable terms. Owner. Q 551, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Good income property, fine in vestment. Owner. 427 Broadway. For Sale Acreage DEAL WITH OWNER. 116 acres, all In cultivation, except 10 acres timber; fenced and cross fenced ; good buildings, two wells and spring; 3 miles of two good towns; in heart of Wil lamettte; fair orchard ; about 75 acres in grain, rest clover; rural route, telephone. H. R. station on place; stock and imple ments all go with place, at $125 per acre. Phone Columbia 371 or address 10oj Stockton st. 15 ACRES rich bottom land, ail but about 2 acres In cultivation; A mile from sta tion on good road in Clarke Co., Wasn. ; miles from Vancouver. This Is an ex- cellent property for market gardening. Had to take place under foreclosure of mortgage and must sell. Price $250. eas terms. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg.. Portland. Or. 3O00 ACRES in Southwest Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low prices. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonus accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. m Tacoma Bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. MUST sell to settle estate 100 acres near Garfield, east of Estacada, on good road, part or all; cheap. J. J. Johnson, executor, 314 Spalding bldg., Portland, Or., tele phone Main 3052. LOOK. LOOkT" HOOD RIVER. I have 5 acres in apples and will setl or rpnt. in raooq rtiver vatty. 02 East 33d st. 10 ACRES of land, good orchard, house, all outbuildings. Bull Run water; located just south of Dents. 0131 02d st. S. E. Thomas Allen. CHOICE river front acreage, aiao river view acreage ana otner acreage near Rislfy Station. H. G. Starkweather, 002 Broad way Bldg. Main 0190. FOR SALE 3 acres. Cook station, fine soil; iuw; matte your own terms, or will take good ear as first payment. C 20OO. M 200. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, 30 acres choice apricot iana in iuii bearing, tsundale. Wash.; $2o0. What have you to offer? Phone Tabor 1086 or Tabor 0390. 6 ACRES cranberry land. Long Beach. v smaii nouse, acre bearing. H. H. Stout. 724 Chamber of Commerce. $30 DOWN, $5 monthly, buys & acres fine anu, near car, scnoor, postomce, highway $375. Draper. 201 Wilcox bldg. TO 2-acre tracts: Hawthorne car. 71st St. Owner. East 3S6Q. CHOICE, close-In acreage, good soil, well ivv.i'-n. vwner. rnpna ts roaa w ay 4 093. Homesteads. Kellmitiltthmrnts, 16 RELINQUISHMENT, fair house and uarn, some iruit ana garden, 13 acres cleared, part fenced, excellent soil, fine creek, heavy pasture, some valuable tim ber, on mail and milk route; good neigh bors; If taken quick, $800 cash. 320 Mor gan bldg. HOMESTEADS A few cholcn homesteads In Rn 1 1 1 Vi t Oregon. For Information call Marshall 2003 alter 7. evenings, for appointment. For Sale Fruit Lands. 10O ACRES. 4V, miles east of Hood River. road to Mosler runs through place: 17 acres in apples, but nava been neglected by nou resident owner who lives in the east: cabir with spring water piped from reservoir served by five springs; sold 7 years ago for $21,000. Clar of debt; sacrifice price per acre, am i. orefonian. lor Sale Farms. 355-ACRE BARGAIN. Five miles from Crabtree: loo acres in cultivation; 10O acres open pasture; 55 acres siasnea; 100 acres line tunoer: good 8-room house; hot and cold water; 3 barns, stanchions for 10 cows, granary, machinery shed, hog house, 3 wells, good spring, woven-wire fence; land nearly level, well drained; telpnone, K. F. !.. with milk route: clove to school and church; good gravel road: price for nulck sale $60 per acre; half cash, balance 6 per cent, hnono .Marshall 12. 20.S Stark, lflO-ACRB STOCK RANCH $5500. 160 acres. 30 acres thoroughly cleared and under cultivation, balance rolling and good pasture for stock ; very good itmces, 6-room box house, water piped in houne and barn, barn 50x100, in fair shape; two streams on place, 5 miles to Battle Ground, Wash., and two miles to store at IjOuIh- vllle, one mile to school; price $55O0, half cash and half time, or will accept houwe and lot in city up to 42oOO. A. L. Lass well. Battle Ground, Wash. $20 PER ACRE will buy 100 acres 4 miles from i-yle. Klickitat Co.. Wash., on North Bank R. R. ; about 6 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared : small house and barn; we'l settled neighborhood; fore closed property, must be sold. This is an excellent place for fruit or grain. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg., Portland. Or. SO ACRES, alt fenced and in cultivation; sandy loara; 60 acres sowed to wheat, bal ance reaoy to plant: o nines irom ale: on county road: small house; Va-mile to good school. R. F. 1. and telephone ; best buy In the county. Price $SO per acr. trms. Paid wafr for Irrigation. John Hardwick Realty Co.. vale. Or. BUY a ranch in Rogue river valley; location, climate, fishing and hunting; the best; no better place for prunes and all kinds of fruits; now lu grain, grass, alfalfa and woods; for sale at 60 pr cent actual value If sold soon : 10O acres $ 3.100. ly a rea, &35U0; 153 acres. $7500. Address owner, box 143. Riddle, Or. ALMOST A THOUSAND Acres, only 3 la miles from Columbia river and R. R. : good county road and school, partly cultivated, plenty of pasture ; some bottom land and most of It excellent or chard land ; ail of it well watered. Will sell cheap to ma-n with some money; some on time. L 82. Oregonlan. $50 DOWN, $12.50 MONTHLY. Fine level 20-arre tract of unimproved . land, 3Va miles from liillsboro. 7.oO per acre, fine soil, running stream, good shack. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Commerce; open evenings and Sundays. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland. $73 to $2o per acre, easy terms; best soil. Karma for sale, all sUes McFarland. 602 Yeon b'dg.. Portland. 20 ACRES, 10 cultivation ; about 25 sacks or potatoes pianieu. um. in nay ; 4-room house, good barn; terms. See owner, 31 N. 10th st., city. FOR information regarding farms for sale In Yamhill and Polk counties, write for copy of "Dirt," or call on C. W. Vait Carlton. Or. FOR SALE 1G0 sores, all level; good soft watr 12 ft.; all fenced; 4-room house, small bam. Implement house; cheap ior cash'. R 6S1. Oregonlan. WHAT will you give for Itto acres in fcc. 17. Twp. 1 S., R. 5 E.. Multnomah county? Owners wlh to sell. John Bain, 507 Spald ing bldg.. Portland. Or. COME to 141 East OHth at. North, deal with owner, save commission ; two SO-aere farms. 25 in cultivation: s-ll. trade or rent gttocked. Phone Tabor 7055. Grant Harney. 5Vi ACRES, good soil, near wiiiamina level cleared, fenced ; good 3-room house lion down. $10 month. J. R. Sharp. Ki 3d st. 3 OR 10 acres. 14 miles out. near 2 electrics and highway, level, timber, creek, beaver dam; terms. J. R. Sharp. 93 'A- 3d st. FIRST-CLASS stock land for sale by West ern Ore 110 n Land Co.,- CorvaHla. Or. 12 ACRES, house, barn, orchard. $3&00. Main 3672. McFarland. 602 Yeon Bids. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED In district bounded by Russell street. Union avenue and Holladay avenue, house In good condition. Will trade city property or suburban acreage on west side highway, at station on electric car, close to city. T 177. Oregonlan. I WANT from 1 to 3 acres of improved land with house, on good road, close to car line; will pay part cash and assume mortgage -give location, price and all particulars, first letter. No agents. V US Orego- iiiu.ii. & OR 6-ROOM bungalow with good-sized rooms and room for garage, give price and location first lettor; owners only. T 200 Oregonlan. RESPONSIBLE party wants small well located bungalow, $200 or $300 down, 6 Interest on deferred payments. J 73S. Ore gonian. Farms Wanted. WANTED About 10 improved acres, close in, terms must be reasonable. Call Wdln 2706. Wanted to Kent Farms. WANT to rent fully equipped farm or work on shares or salary. NL 418, Oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE, cheap: 240 acres of timber land in Oregon, 4 miica from R. R. For Inlor niation write J. L. Heller, 224 & N. Broad way. Seattle. Wash. WANTED TO BUY A PLACE About 20 or 40 acres, with timber and running water on it and payment to be made with wood. AL 283. Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland prop erty. 20 acres of apple land. 3 miles from Mosler. P7! Vancouver ave. Vdln. 3&;o. WI LL exchange my 6-room beach home for nice place In Portland. Call Tabor 6780. FARM land for sale; best of soil in Co lumbia county; excellent place 44 acre. SO in cultivation; $20o per acre; crops all in: terms. A. E. Lund. Warren, or. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 100 ACRES land, Easkctchewan, Canada; o0 acres in cultivation; 12 miles from Luseland; at presort leased; valuation $30 per acre; will trade for land within 50 miles of Portland, up to $12,000, and as sume difference. F. C. Muiiner, Aituita, Kan. TO EXCHANGE For Oakland, Cal. resi dence lots, or cio.e-in rancn; a spienaia bearing, commercial apple orchard, near Lyle, Wash., on Columbia river. For full particulars address C. E. Sutler, 363 12th st., Oakland. Cal. $2700 TERMS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. FIVE-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK WAY. FJ. E. DARING. 2S4 OAK. MAR. 756. LEGITIMATE EXCHANGES WANTED. Desirable lis tin g-4. no junk, hot air or inflated values will be considered. Mr. Hard, with Fred W. German Co.. 7i2 Chamber of Commerce. WILL trade first-cioss wild wheat land, 1 V miles from R. R. station In southern Al berta, fr-r garage or interest in one. H. B. Smith. Mllwaukie. Or., Route 2. box 157. 160 ACRES, between 4.00U.OOU and 5,000. 0K It. green nr. tooo; will accept auto part pavment. remainder 6 per cent. K. K. Stearus. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. FOR quick sale or exchange for Wisconsin land, lots 7 and K. block L Errol heigh is addition. Address R. F. Groves, Fred ertrr. Wis. EASTERN OREGON stock ranch, improved, unlimited free outrange : 10,000. unin cumbered; sale or trade. Danug, 2S4 Oak. Mar. 750. 600 PROPERTIES to sell and to exchange. Send for my list. Box 275, Salem, Or. TO KXCT1ANG1 -MISCKLLANOV9. FOR SALE, or trade for chickens. Flemish Giant buck, 12 lbs., and 2 with your.g. Call after 12, Tabor 7307. 6210 vSth ave. S. E. MAMMOTH rea raspberry plants for sale or trade for chickens. 1224 East Main St. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. A PAIR of black mares. 4 and 5 years old. 2750 lbs., bound and gentle ; a 5-year-old dark gm v m a re and 5-year-o 1 d sorre 1 horse. 2 son. The best pair of iron-rrava in the Btate. for anybody and everybody to handle, 3 years old, 2-Soo lbs., noimd : also have a number of heavy horses I have taktn in exchange; all kinds of har neVs and wagor.s. I hire by the dav. week or month to responsible people.' All block guaranteed as represented. CROWN STABLES. 2" Front at. IM11U Sl'KTTER. TEAM of Shire mares. 7 years old, weight 2750; team of geldings, and S, weight 2000; these horses are right out of hiixxt work; one 3 wida tire Bain wagon. These horses must be sold regardless of coat. 234 Front st. Stable foot of Main St. st. CAMP LEWIS HORSES 75 head must bo sold within next three days regardless of price, ranging in weight from HHHI to 13o lbs., in age from 0 to 0; nearly all well broke; 5 fino saddle horses. Can be seen at Union Stockyards. i HEAD of sound young blocky-huiit horses and 1 mare, 3 sets of larm harness. 1 will sell this stock cheap ; going away. Joe. the blacksmit h. 6th and Hawt home. See boss at the Hawthorne stables. TWO fresh tovvi with calves, giving about four gallons each, and 2 heavy springers; price urouud $70 each. East 0th and Flan ders . 2o0-LB. TEAM, harness and ranch wagon, in good working order: have, no use for it. must sell. Apply at Model Stables, Kut IQth and Flanders sts. Mrs. Green's outfit. FOR SALE Team and harness. Portland Auto Delivery Co.. 27 N. Front su Bdwy. 1730 or A 075I. 130 BEEF steers on feed at Montague. Cal.. also rtock cattle. Welborn Bteaon. Talent, Oregon. JERSEY cow, 4 gallons p-r day. Phono Co lumbia 2J-3 or call 1 227 Lombard St.. St. Johns car. Will exchange fur beef cattle. FOR SALE CHEAP. Good farm team, wagon and harness. 0" 1 i Fost er road, Lents station. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash p.d for dead cows aod crippled horses. Phone Mllwaukie O.I for suits. Yol'NG cow and calf for sl fresh two weeks. M rs. A. SchamonI, Tlgard. Or. PASTURE near cltv for rent; horses or cat Tle. fall Smith, Main 120. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 20. DEAD horses taken quickly ; paid for cows and crippled norscs. T abor 4203. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. During our 00 th anniversary ale on pianos and plncr pianos we will have some wonderful bargain in new and second-hand Instruments. Don't fail to visit "our muni.! floor" and get our prices and terms. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO.. WE STORE, mov. ship, tune un 1 repair 1 ' 11 vo niiu mi uuui IMU9H at ilistl UIIP'niB. Guarantied service, lowest rates. Tele phone Mm 112:;. or call at Eilers Music building. 7 floors devoted to music and musicians. Entrance and elevator 2?7 Washington street, below 3th. MUST BE SOLD TODAY! " Mahogany cabinet grafanola. like new, other makes of talking machines and rec ords. No REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. Newman's Exchange. 129 First St., near Washington. MA Hot IAXV IMayuIa player piano left on salu by family moving away, an be had f r $b.. which is less t lian half price ; music rolls included. ce 11 at Ktlers, sec ond floor Liiera Music bldg.. 27 Wash ington. elegant mahogany v.cirola and records, all complete. r..t ; f ino tone, cabiurt will ho'.il n.-nrly m records, will t.ike r, t-;i-h or lu four payment. Talk ing machiuc u.-pt.. ircgon Lil-rs Music HoiiBf, :7 Washington st., below .".Hi. W i-4 ARE offering two snaps in a Bush & Lane player and upright during the 09th anniversary sale. There is a saving of fievora I iiunurod doiiant on t hese instru ments. Trms. "Musical floor." the 7tl 1 .1 P M AN. WOLF & CO.. 1 UAUt. your piano for a good modern phonograph and records. We make liberal hIIomuiicu and will pay cash difference. Apply lUi floor. phonoK-aph uept.. iregn Hilcrs Music Hour-, entrance 7 Wash ington st.. below oth. $3 OH $10 In record purchad sends to your jKime any new f-o. .. v. -tO, soo, $.u, $100 or $113 type iihocoKraoh. buliinca .Vir 73c. $1.00. $!.. or $l.r.O weekly until iiiuy pain, .srtiwan n.ino jo.. ill 3th M, WE II A V E a second-hand Stein ay grand offered for sale during the greet ooth an niversary piano sale. Terms if desired. "Our musical floor." the 7th. LIPMAN. WOLFE tfc CO. PIANO BARGAINS. Wo hsvo several good used standard plan op irnm $!;." and up : terms g 1 ven. SE1BERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 120 4th st., bet. Wnsh. and Aldr ft. PIANO WANTED. Wo pay cah for used pianos. Get our price. SE1BERL.1NG-.UCAS MUSIC CO.. 1 23 4 th st. Main K" SO. $13 CASH, $H monthly sends new $373 up right Piano to your home for $2S1. subject to exchange within one year, allowing full . amount paid. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4lh. PL A V K R PIANO, late M at a big dfs rount: like new. SElliERLING-LL'GAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st., bet. Wash, and Alder sts. BIDDLB new Ivory keys), $187; Mathus hek. genuine rosewood, $20; Huntington the latest model), $75. Harold S- Gil bcrt, 3S4 Yamhill st. TRADE YOUR ORGAN OR PIANO for a new Vlctrola and records; get our proposition; best ever. SEl B I" KLI NU -LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 4th st. Main fejUO. wTlL'pAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AM) BAND INSTRUMENTS. SIEBERLINO LUCA MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. A $100 P. S. WICK player piano, good es new, for $730 cash; also 9nme furniture for sale. I'all nt 24 E. 34th St. IS". WILL sell !0 Vlctrola, ped 30 days, for cash, or trade on piano. R 07o, Ore gnuian. M ELOD Y C Buewcher low-pitch saxophone with capf. never used. $135. Oregon Eilets Music Houee, Filers Music bldg. $1)5 CASH buys $375 used upright piano at " Security Storage Co., 100 4th st at Wash ington. EXCHANGE the player rolls you are tired of at 30c per roll. Harold S. Gilbert, 3to4 Yamhill st. BRUNSWICK PHONOGRAPH and records, large size, nt a bargain. SEIBERL1NG LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 4th st. KIMBALL, late style, good condition, at half price. S EJ BE RUNG -LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st. WE WILL buy your piano and pay all cash. See Mr. Sturgeon, 2d floor Eilers Music bldg.. 2S7 Washington et. Phone Main 1 1 2a. ONE Wurlltzer band organ for sale; no rea sonable offer refused. AP 17.". Oregonlan. PIANO wanted ; will pay $1 3 casii for a good P no. Marshall 1317. PIANOS tuued. $3. Georje T. Peck, Tabor ii4. Graduate New Eng. Conservatory. I PAY CASH FOR tSEO PIANOS. " HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3t4 Yamhill st. $15 BUYS disc phonograph at Siiwao Piano Co., Ill Fourth aU Pianos. Organs and Mmdcsd Instrument. WILL take $20 for superb C'hlckertng. mag nificent, tono and not nt all old-fashioned upright case. Have also one of th late $7.7.i finciL . mahogany Chl kerings. owner gone away, willing to make birr sacrifice for quick fale. At Or-?on Et iers Munlc Hous". 2d fioor Kiler Munie bid, entrance 27 Wusnmpion. below irh. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instrument. A CORRECTION. A typographies 1 error occurred In out advertisement cf March 30, when the word "new" was inad vertautly printed instead of the word "nice" us intended. The advertisement erroneously appeared as follows: A new Mason & Hamlin or Kan left on sale, will sell for $20 or what il will bring; no reasonable offer refused." It should have appeared as follows; "A nice Mason : I la mil n organ left on sale, will sell for $20 or what it uil bring; no reasonable offer refused."" We cheerfully make this correction at the request of the Better Business Bureau of the Portland Ad club. OREGON EILERS MVSIC HOUSE. CLOSING OUT THIS WEEK. 2 parlor organs, $2S and $4a cash. 1 square piano, 7 octaves. $33 cash. 2 small upright pianos, $V and $7-$3-o Schubert large upright, cash, $! . $375 Bradford upright piano, cavh. $100. $4. VI new, store!, 1& mod,, upright, $23. $473 new, store!, 'IS mod. upright, $2i. $350 new. stored, "IS mod. player, $305. To f I rst caller. Pianos bouk'ht nd sold for cash only. Storage 30c weekly. Security Storage Co., loft 4th at Washington. AN ELEGANT Packard organ, will lake $4" if sold at once; also a vry nice little used parlor style Estey organ with mirror for only $-'3, cost when new $0O; also an ex ceptionally eleboratA parlor s: yl. cost 14U new four years ago. can now be Imd ' f..r $57; terms, 7 cash. $5 a month, fall Vregon Eilcis Music House, 2"7 Washing ton St. PHONOGRAPH, new, cabinet size, with rec ords; pla vs all recr r:s ; price $" ' terms given. S EIB Eli LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 4th st. Furniture for Sale. 1 AM compfl'.cd to iuovi and will sell kit chen cabinet, china cabinet, gas range, re fricerator. Parlor dining set and olhe pieces t sacrifice All in pood condition. ail or write. 4:4 Sumner street. $0"! BEAUT I PU L quartered colonial oak bed. practically new. 5 lit; aino 1a sona gold beads $7. and $15 diamond ring 5. l'hone liroadvvay 4064, after Sunday. NEARLY new furniture, a oarain: oi.'vinrf city. ."712 ;idth ave. S. E. Mt. acud cat to A rchur place. t'Olt SALE 1 mission leather davenport. 2 leather rocking chairc, 1 meion library table; very . heap. 407 14th tt. near Hall. RANGE, fiiol-class conuiLion. 02 N. 21sL Mai. 1 :Srt. FURNITURE for salo of 5-room apartment. ; II 2U Hammond Court apt:. Ponltrr. WHITE LEGHORNS are the most profit able breed of poultry. If you are In the buslnefe.s for profit you will eventually hv them. Early broilers, early layers eurly profits. We sell only White Leg horn Baby Chicks from heavy laying Ho ganized hens, afe delivery of full count live chicks guaranteed. Price per IOO; April, May and Juno delivery, $12.50. Tho Pioneer Hatchery, 402 Sixth L, Pala tums. Cal. LU H R POULTRY FARM. We supply your poultry wauts: eggs, chicks or grown stock; buy or sell In large or small lots; correspondence solicited; visitors welcome. Kendall siation. then follow the arrow sign. P. O. Address. 1 3. Box 2S, Lents Station. Portland. Or. WAR-TIME prices canceled; Old Trusty in cubators and brooders selling at prices ef fective prior to war. immediate delivery from factory; write quick. Material Chaser's company. 320 Railway Exchange, Portland, Or. Representatives wanted. BA BY CHI C K s"K0U SA LIS. " S. C. White Leghorn chicks during April, May and June, $11 per 100; ega irom tree-ran go hognnixed stock only. Write lor circular and price list. Oak Hill Ila'.th ry. ."li5 Howard St.. Ptaluina, Cal. BABY CHICKS White Leghorns, full of "pep." 'vim'" and "vigor." Our chicks mature early, lay heavy, pay big. Free catalogue. Fresh laid Farm. Colfax. Wjn. BARRED Rock hatching eggs, $150 per setting, per hundred. 4U0 1 34th ave. Tabor 405S. FOR S A LE Bronze turkey eggs for hatch ing. MHin Ml1?-. FOR SALE Barred Rock laying hens, 4 roosters. ."'. Borthwick, st. South. Pot. Rrthbim. Biro. Pe Stoe-. WHITE bull terrier, female. .lu years, good pedigree, cheap. 075 Market street 11 rive. THE PADKREWfcKl CATTERY Orange Persians of quality; stud service; eaatero flock East 3067. Launches anil Boats. FISH boats and scows built and repaired, bought and told. Marino Repair e Con struction Co., yard and wa3 ft. Albina ave. Phone East 21t2. FURNISHED houseboat, 3 rooms and bath. Houseboat B. Willamette moorage. Sell wood 1O30. TROLLING boat. 2JxS. vaiue $4no, or trade for good Uied car. til Willamette moorage. Machinery. SPECIAL 1 Mershon horlontal rtsav. 1 No. 342 Berlin band re aw, &-ln. blade. 1 Pair 14xlH H. S. a. G. twin engines. 1 Pair 1S-20 Frost twin engines. 1 Lot of second-hand A- C motors, from 6 to 75-horsepower. ALL KINDS OF REBUILT SECOND HAND MACHINERY. THE J. L- MARTIN CO., 83 First -U Portland, Or. IRVINGTON cut-off saws. ' Saw gummcr and grinder. Saw anvil. DO pounds. One lri and one .10-11. P. motor. Ami man A: Taylor sawmill. Three 4 V inch circular raws. Axta, rUdges, wedges, cant hook.. 'ro-oiit saws, ued. bargain irices. " ! WEBBER, 58 Lumbermen's bldg. Jll T dismtee id bit:yc!e sundries, newand second hand air pumps, shaft and hanger blank keyca, watr motor, half cost price. K.MSt 55" 1. 402 FHna t. OAK rolls, oak -plit pulleys, good as the best, cheaper than the cheapest. lllihee Mill & Manufactory, Oakland. Or. Tyiew riter. RENT a Remington; special ratea to stu dents. Buy your uew Remington now. im mediate delivery, reasonable terms, flem- lutton Typewriter Company. (iL'AIUN'TfcliD factory rebuilt typewriters. A LL MAk his, old on mon 1 hly paymrnli; seud fur prico list. The Wholesale Type writer Co., retail depC, 321 Wash. t NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 14o. REBUILT typewriters and supplloa. Corona deaJera E. W. Fose Co., 1 IO toixtb at WE will buy your old typewriters and pey you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 04 5th. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. W4 0th. Maiu 36o4. REMINGTON tyjicwriler for sale, chfp". Call at 7o5 Couch bldg., 4th and WasJu W ANT K 1 Underwood lpewriter; late model preferred. Y 24. Orvgont-n, MiscIIaneon, HOT WATER tanks, an sizes, in good serv iceable condition. 30-gal.. $7; 40-tfa!., gr 201 Adums st.. cast cod steel bridge. Phone Esst frK. $:; WILL buy $5u grafonola and recomls. left with us for quick sale. Seo Mr. New-m-11. od floor L tiers Music bid j., b7 W:ihlngton st. FOR SALE Standard Brunsw irk billiard table, excellent condition, used only In private home; Ivory balls; full equipment; $25o. CaH Main 4742 after t P. M. SAFES DI KBOI.D. New and second-hand. Prices rlcht. PACIFIC SCALE Ac SUPPLY GO.. 40 Front st. Broadway 1 P 0. FOR SALE or rent, logging axid hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rally, cars. lUiUay Equipment Co., 235 Stark it THE old original home remedy, VlavL pre vents operations, 423 Pittocic block, Broadway 001 FOR SaLk Cash register, safe, ad din It ma shine and aliowctMt, 174 1st at, corner Yamhill. SANITARY oak roll-top writing desk $40. Smith Premier typewriter $10. 14yi East 0th et. North. BEAUTIFUL sot of mink furs in first-class condition: will sacrifice for $lOO cash. Main MT7. NEW navy serge cape, trimmed in braid and buttons, lined throughout with foulard silk, $25. Main M77. DELICIOUS crabs, clams, oysters, fresh dally. 120 First nt., bet. Wah. and AN der. Western Fish Co. Mar. 5180. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cascs and wall cases, fixtures; eay terms. W. J. Quigley, 227 First. Main 6399. PR IN TLNG-FOR LESS 5 oo envel" or bond letter hda.. $2.75; prompt service, best work; try us. Smith, printers. 2Q4 Stark st FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. carload at once. Write or wire. J. E. Dodson. Homedale. Idaho. VACUUM cleaners old, repaired, rent, ex change. bought. Bwnttey Co., Main CHOICE potatoes, $2.00 pack delivered. Call Broadway 454; evenings call Sell. 2S30. HIGH-GRADE National cash register for sale: good condition. :i0 d street. NOW is the time for painting and pepsr hanging: n estimate. Tabor 0736. SHORT wood $4 and $4.0. at 4th and Jcf f eraon. FOR SALE Wood and coal range. $40. GCI K. Morrison si. $ 15 WICK ER baby carriage in Kood condt tion, $25. s:;o 01nn ave. N. FOR SALE To-ll. P. return tubular boiiei used .' c-ai'oiis. G 17, Orcgoiiian. COMPARATIVELY new White rotary mewing mHchlii": alHo a guitar, fail .Mnln 200 L BRONVCE turkey efsg for hatciiii-n. M. s. fi-a umt j-aitt. Call faeliwood X or H 1122. FOB. SALE. Miscellaneous. RELIABLE gas rane, side oven, wood and coal water healer atachment: Guernsey Ice box. loO lbs. caoacitv; iron bed, prins and ma : t n-ss : while en am 1 ch:i fonicr and commode; small kitchen range, ratfp coil and pas attachment, atl at bargain prices. "' v "-' 7 !.M n. S. K. Mpvtns stoic, lnt. SEWING machines, nc and eecond-hand, old for ics ; no ilhodU nipio cd ; com plete line of pans lor ail makes: machines repaired and rmica. Main 0431. fed-WING M.t'lilNE EMPORIUM. ItfU 3d. near Taylor Street- LADY'S b.-autifu! K'gin gold watch and chain, 15 jewel, almost new. cot .o sacrifice for $:iu; ai lady's gold ring Kt with t hrce small, fine qua! it v dUniontlM. cost $to, must sell; bargain at $40. I'hono East 3J44 liEINFORClNG steei. :t5o:me hoist, steam don keys, boilers, cone re 1 o mixers, pumps, general bridge and cnuctora' et4uipiuen& lot ale or rent. Vnio.i Bridge Co.. Argyio st.. city. Phone Woodlawn 20d. BAKKS--Fire and burglar-proof S-fes, new and second-hand, at ri-L prices, bougtu, so 1 d and exchanged. NORRIS SAI st LOCK CO, 10a Second St. Phone Main 204!, APPAREL EXCHANGE Ladles, call and see Mnart ?uit!. dresses, beauritui dancing frocks; sli.hily uied: secured from prominent social lcaucrb ; prices Tabor 22V GENTLEMAN'S moltsktu waterproof coat; never been worn; lust the thiu for ma chine or struct wear; io 30 or 3S. Call Kat 54 2 . PGR SALE Shelling, good nd clean; a bargain, household fut itidnngs ali-o. I X L. Furniiure Stov LAchan,. St' 1 r irst st. Main 70: -. ON B c ec t r ic ucnibb in machine and hot water rinsing tnk. ruiut: for office .bld. wltn uiarb.o tlooja. Washington street. TWO Edison dictating utachinus. used 2 mJ. 4 oak roll-top ieks, 1, e clalra und fl'.lEtf eaumet. 1 B. K, desk. 1 mhu. roij-top. B-jshcng A Co.. 11 p. trie st. RE LI ABLE 0-burner, 2-oven caa ran,; ifcod .is new; suUahle for restaurant or; nouse; prico $,o. Cali 452 Sa.- nion ti. bi.MlXi: mahogany pane'.m: just tn. t t:nc tor w aiuscutinar or i her interior r.n itihing. Kr sale cheap. See Mr. Graef orcg.n Eilers Music House. MUST d:pos,. cf bu vcle sundries, new and second-hand uir pumii. sltuit and hangero. blank k.-ys, wt-T luulor, cost twice East 5571. 402 Flint st. SoDA I'ouiUain with lountcr .nd back bar. cash rcj;is:cr, scales, show cases, couuti.r and wali case, also lino'. uni, at bargain. 2 l second st. Main ;H2. TORPALK AVTOMOBH KS USED CAR BARGAINS 1 Overland ito 1 Chalmers 0 , 2 Stuuehaker Rh. each 2 Chevrolet 4l'Os. each 1 Oakland bus 1 Siudebaker bug 1 Loner bug 2 Overlands. caoh 1 Studebaker 1 Studebaker C; Forda $205, $S2-- S cars ; .$05o . S1H . 0w . 450 . 40l 275 , 450 . 2.50 . 2W 175 and 0 to :oo &eeral trucks 1 to "J-ton en cap to etoso out. LO.; & SILVA. 4t2 If awthorne. CHALMERS 4-PASS., $250. NO ELECTRIC LIGHTS OR START ER, BUT CAR IN FINE SHAPE ME CHANICALLY. ONE OF THE? BEST BUYS WE'VE BEEN ABLE TO OF FER IN SOME TIME. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 514 ALDER ST. - CAN DELIVER LATEST NEW MOD EL MITCHELL LIGHT SIX. WITH FAC T,V tAitANlKK AND SERVICE. MoVRTONX "ACRV. SEE AL J. 4 'HA HAM" MOTOR CAR CO.. 10-TH AND STARK. BliOADA'AY 3'3I RESIDENCE, TABOR 0252. HLTMOB1LK. FINE SHAPE. Enirlne good ss new. just overhauled ou could not buy tin.- for double it 1 tli i not have two; 5 good tires, ;i corda extra tubes. Weed chain, H17. the year the made 'cm sood. Am offered $115A r,o davs from row. but It a caah I want NOW. Will acrt, o fot giooo ctgi or liberty bonds. Call East 042. V E 1 -1 E. V 1 ; I . i"tT Several to choose from; lilti, l!I7 anA 1PI mode In, all thoroughly 0 rnaul. ; and guaranteed to gtvo ou satisiactiry fervlco and make ou a Velie bootc-. RetuemlM r, we. are flic -lisirtuutor um-1 our reputation m at stake on every 011c: . wo sell. price xl-ht: nv pniw 1: c w AUKt.N MOTOR CAli 0.. Main 7 SO. :-S N. 23d St I DODGE BilV. NEW. ROVDS TER; 1 LEXINGTON HoDY. NEW 7. -PASS.; I PACKARD 5 - lAsS TOI HIN; BODY, 1-MAX- TOP. REAR FKNIKIS, TAIL U.Mr, HORN. (itiKHtIK, THE KAhlATult M A V 1,1,1 N- R road way A!T3. p.i HI'ICK hi: lit t x t-Miriiig, fi:-jt-c.- mechanical c-nd tt hut. driven only s5ou luile-. 2 new cord liri?. almo-t new A" M" sr-,,,:1'it. Hoover bumper.--. M cKee, knscjs $ i:;5o, t-rnis t rr5in: b'.e part ; no t rades. Call Frank Smit.'.. Broad w ay 1 1 ".O. F.U7 MITCHELL i TOURING Privately n, d: 111 line im con dniou; tlr.-s. ono etra tirt. .owt Iiwiit, bumt'er, good ttntfh; pri- e 1o- .,11., t'Tiua. ;a. Monday. liroad BARGAINS IN STUDE BAKERS and I'.EOS. A Ider. Mr. Pary. Alde- SAXON SIX. Classy, Hphi 5-paenger: bought new last May; great tiru equipment; new bat-t-r . IK C. WARREN MOTOR CAR O.. Mam 7S t . 5S N. Vt St. ' SPKKDOLINE saves gasoline, increases uiileags. removes carlon, prolongs life of motor and gives you a gasoline with a .pccitic graxity of Saripiia free. l'hone Ma la 2tf7o. PoJ North weytt-rn Bank bldg. lll 7 I 1 " 1 'K liii t si x with mw pantaoto tp ami side curtains; gol tir.: tii. condition : original f in'li transmission lork. $1054); $525 will hand!" this oar. Caii Frauk Smith. Monday. Bdw y. 1 3 1 S 11 U I K riX. 5-PASS E NG E R Let nic show- you the nice.; -kept car it th cltv; rxtraa Include spot light, bumper, extra tire and tiro cover. A.k tor Mark won li. Hrond way 1 1 ., Monday. " BL Il'K Sixl Tn first-class cunditloii, 5 cord tires. A rial bariin. WHITE OR STEVENS, loth and Lurnstde Sts. Hrdwj-. o21. 1017 CHEVROLET touring, in first-elasa con dition; a rood buy for cash or trade; w iu consider Ford part iavrnont. WHITE OR STEVENS. 10th and Rurnfcide St. Rroadway ,V21. CAN you imagine this? nplv $;VJ5 for a 6-cvl., seir-starter, lectrlc-llrhted bug. . I need the money more than liio car; see car at Z'd 2'id st. N. ItllS LIBERTY. Almost a new car at $1500. Ask Mr. Cary for te mis. 5 23 Alder. H d w y . 2 1 i 2. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Pope Hartford, not a light car. just the thin;; for lamily car or bus. ii!4 Ross et. l'hone East S51, evenings. CLASnY Overland Country Club, like new ; completely equipped ; st the right price, on good terms. .Main 27. lit 15 l'.UICK bug: eb-c. lights, starter; or trade . for Hender?on molorcvclo Sell. 17:i5 cf Marshall 5470. FOR SALE, cheap, or exrhanje for lot. , clear. Carter-car. model H. 4 good tlrca. A K. 2tif.. Ore gm I ai 1. $300 DOWN BUYS 101H MAXWELL TOUR 1XG CAR: REPAINTED, Al CONDITION. CALL 1 ADOn VoU. $200 DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURINd CAR, Al CONDITION AND OOJ RUli UITM 'HI. K AST l'lrt 1VH0 OVERLAND, model 83; good mechan median 2o2 Knott t. ical condition , fiu cavil. East 4043. 17 MoDKL Oakland roadster, good condi tion aii-t good rubber. Piedmont Garage, 1 !:; AllilTit ave. LU1CK, 1017. light si, run but very Utile; tires almost new; it wf'l pay you to see tht car. Promlwny hotel. C KRI.AND country ciub roadster with wLe wheels; a snap. Seo Cary, 5 Aluer. Bdwy. 54-.2. BARGAIN IN 1018 CHALMURS SIX, RUN, AND LOOKS LIKE NBW. CALL TABOR 3Q. OAKLAND SIN. ft pang r IWtC. extra tire, fcpot light, owner $5o. Tabor :;4:. PACKARD. H-cyiind-r. T-pjfMngrr. toood condition. ft-'S Re'mont yt. Kant 7340. FOK SALK Hy owner. P.O 7 Ford tourinjr, exce'ient c inditon. 41 N. ifo h t . IuVKHlANU car, good m-Hnnieal condition. . im y ior cay n. -i ;ir. o i , . fcLfGHTLY used tires."" $Hto $15 eah; UU caaiicd. -oc; tiro icpairlnfi. 207 Madioo.