Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 05, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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7000 Yelling Fans See Oaks
Tied in 8th, Beaten in 9th.
Walker, Koehler, Siglin, Baker, Bo
gart and Cox Vpsct Dcl's.Mcn
and Give Portland Scries.
Pacific toast Lniue Standings.
W. L,. Pet. I W. L. Pet.
T,o; Angeles 20 8.714 Oakland 12 13 .4S0
P Francisco 1 7 1 1 07 Vernon 1112.478
Sacramento 13 IS .BOO Seattle 9 15.375
iiallLake.. 12 13 .480Portland . . . 8 17.31:0
Yesterday's Results.
At Portland Portland 4. Oakland 3.
At Seattle Vernon 5. (Seattle 6.
At Los Angeles Los Angeles 1-4. Sacra
mento 0-3.
At Oakland Salt Lake 5-4, San Fran
cisco 6-7. .
It appeared as though Carl Hollings
were going: to win his second game
of the series yesterday afternoon until
the eighth inning when Manager
McCredie used Baker and Bogart as
pinch hitters to advantage. These boys
with the assistance of Captain Paddy
Siglin, put the skids under the former
Portland Colt, scoring two runs and
tying the score and paving the way for
a sensational ninth-inning win. Final
score, Portland 4, Oakland 3.
After those two pinch hitters had per
formed so wonderfully in the eighth
and Captain Paddy had delivered at the
psychological moment the locals sim
ply could not be headed. Iick Cox
opened the closing stanza by singling
solidly to center. "Dixie" Walker at
tempted to sacrifice and did the job
so neatly that Pitcher Hollings did not
even toss the ball to first in an ef
fort to catch him. The pair advanced
a base when George Westerzll ground
ed out to Jack Roche.
Introducing: Mr. Koehler.
Enter Mr. Arthur Koehler, who has
caught the last three games on ac
count of a bad cold contracted by Del
Baker. He passed up a couple which
were not entirely to his liking and then
poked the pellet into left field, chasing
Cox across with the winning tally.
Guy Cooper pitched the first eight
innings for McCredie. He was taken
out to allow Eddie Bogart' to hit for
him in the eighth, and Tommy Lukan
ovic finished. Despite the fact that
Cooper allowed three runs and seven
hits while laboring he had a world oi
stuff and its a shame that he does not
get credit for the victory. Lukanovic
receives the credit but twirled only one
Hollings let the Beavers down with
hut two hits until the seventh, Walter's
lads obtaining eight in the last three
Did They Come Throanh? Rd!
Both Del Baker and Eddie Bogart
have established themselves as pinch
hitters since the boys came home. Thej
came through again yesterday in that
remarkable eighth inning when some
7000 fans who enjoyed the sunny after
noon and the lightning finish let out
a universal shout when Portland, two
runs behind, tied the score.
One would have thought that Mount
Vesuvius had burst again. Koehler
started the inning by lining to Dennis
Wilie who made a great catch. Baker
and Bogart, batting for Fuller and
Cooper, respectively, singled to right.
The pair registered on Siglin's long
single to right centerfield which Wilie
foozled after fielding.
Rowdy Elliott drove in two Oakland
runs in the second when he singled
to center after Ifoche had hit to the
same spot and Willie Stumpf had dou
bled to left.
When Elliott threw low to second
in the fifth in an effort to break up
a double steal on the part of Frank
Fuller and Walker, the. latter sprinted
across the rubber.
Billy Lane's single across second
scored Elliott with the Oaks' final run
In the seventh.
Here m Fanny Inning.
The Beavers showed their teeth in
their half of this inning when they
gave the first intimation of what was
to happen to Mr. Hollings in the last
two rounds. A bit of hard luck stopped
ine ouaaing rauy. ox singled to ieit :
and when Walker laced one between I
first and second the ball struck Rich-
ard on the big toe. "Dixie" then went
otit stealing and Westerzil hit an easy
chance to Murphy. There you have
the strange record of but three men
going to bat in one inning, two base
hits and the side retired.
Walker made four hits out of four
times up. Lane hit twice in three
trips to the rubber.
Batted for Fuller in eighth.
Let it be known that those Beavers of
ours took their first series, four games
to two. Also, gentle reader, we've won
three straight games and there's no
telling when they're goirng to stop us.
It was a disastrous two weeks for
the Oaks., They came north with a
fine record, but lost eight out of
twelve games to Seattle and Portland.
Bill Clymer's Siwashes open here Tues
day. The score:
Oakland I
T.ane.m.. 3
OIBlue.l. ... 4
O SiRlln.s.. . 3
Wllie.r. . 3
Murphy,3 3
.Miller.!.. 4
Bonne, s. 4
Roche, 1. 4
Stumpf,2. 4
Klliott.c. 4
Hol'ngs.p 4
0 1
1 0
0 1
0 2
1 It
1 1
2 7
0 1
-irarmer.l. 4
OiCox.r. ... 4
2 Walker.m 4
1 West' zil, 3 4
lKoehler,c 4
2IFuller.2.. 1
4 Cooper.p. 2
Bauer'. .. 1
Bogart.2. 1
Lukan'c.p 0
Totals. 33 3 7 24 12
Totals. .32 4 10 27 13
. "Batted for Sands in eighth.
Cox out, hit by batted ball.
One out when winning run was scored.
Oakland 0 2 O o O 0 1 O 0 3
Hits O 3 2 O O 0 2 0 0 7
Portland 0 O 0 1) 1 O O 2 1 4
Hits 0 1 0 0 1 0 2 3 3 10
Errors, Wilie, Blue. Siglin. Struck out,
by Hollings 5, by Cooper 3, by Lukanovic 1.
Bases on balls, off Cooper 2. off Hollings 2.
Two-base liiUf, Stumpf. Walker., Murphy,
Klliott. Double plays. Siglin to Blue, Elliott
to Stumpf. Sacrifice hit. Murphy. Stolen
bases. Walker, Fuller. Innings pitched, bv
Cooper 8, runs 3, hits 7, at bat 29. Credit
victory to Lukanovic. Kuna responsible for.
Cooper 2, Hollings 3, Lukanovic 0. Time
of game, 1:55. Umpires. Eason and Held.
Single by Schjck Clinches Sunday
Afternoon Game for Angels.
LOS ANGELES. May 4. A single by
Schick, scoring Luis in the ninth inning,
turned defeat into victory for Los
Angeles in the afternoon game with
Sacramento. The Sacramento batters
knocked Portica about badly in the
morning, taking the game. By winning
the morning game. Sacramento took the
series, 4 to 3. Score:
Morning game:
Sacramento I Los Angles .
Pinelli. 3. w l ' Klllller.'J. 3 O 1 2
Mid'l't'n.l 5 2 2 5 0'Sehlok.m. 4 113 0
Kldred.m 4
M'olter.r. 5
Griggs.l. 4
Orr.s.... 4
MT,aTn.2 3
Flrher.c. H
Gardn'r.p 4
2 2 2 0 Kenw y,3. 4 0 0 2 0
2 4 2 OlFourni'r.l 4 0 2 14 0
2 1 12 O'Crawfd.r 4 020
112 7 Ellls.l. . .. 3 0 0 0 O
O 'J 3 3 nrlscoll.s. 4 O O O 7
0 0 1 2 Boles. c... 4 0 0 4 O
0 2 0 OjPcrtlca.p. 3 0 10 4
Totals. 39 9 14 27 131 Totals.. 33 1 7 23 13
Sacramento ...0 0002142 0 9
Los Angeles .. .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
: :
Errors, Pertica 2. Stolen base-. Orlss-s,
Kllllfer. Schick. Three-base hit, Middleton.
Two-base, hits, Wolter. Crawford, Grls-gs.
Base on balls, off Gardner 2, off Pertica 4.
Struck out, by Gardner 2, by Pertica 8.
Runs responsible for, Gardner 1, Pertica 7.
Double play, Fournler, unassisted.
Afternoon same:
Sacramento I Los Anseles
Pinelli.3. 4
Middle'n.l 2
Eldred.m 3
Wolter.r. 3
Grlgss.1.. 4
Orr.s. 3
McGafn.2 4
Murray. c. 3
Piercy, p. 4
Prougb.p. 0
1 4
1 3
1 14
3;Schick.m. 5
OIFournier.1 4
OlCra'ford.r 4
lXapan.c. 3
4'Ellis.l... 3
niKenw'y.3. 2
2!Driscoll.a 3
l!Brown.p. 4
3 3
Totals 30 3 8 26 12 Totals. 3.1 4 & 27 19
Sacramento 0 2100000 0 3
Los Angeles 0 01000O1 2 4
Brrors. Pinelli. Walter, Orr. McGafflean 2.
Driscoll. Stolen bases. McGafflgan, Murray.
Two-base hits, Pinelli. Crawford. Sacrifice
hits. Middleton 2. Eldred, Orr. Murray. Bases
on baits. Piercy 4, Brown 2, Prougjh 1. Ptruck
out, by Pjercy 1, Brown 1. Innings pitched
by Piercy s. Prougo 1. Runs responsible for,
Piercy 2, Brown 3. Double plays. Driscoll to
Kenworthy to Klllefer to Fouraier to lville
fer. Charge defeat to Prough.
Bees, Outclassed in Batting Contest,
Lose Sunday's Games. (
SAN FRANCISMO, May 4. San Fran
cisco won both games from Salt Lake,
making the week's series 5 to 2. The
afternoon game developed into a bat
ting contest which came to a climax
in the fifth inning when Fitzgerald
knocked a three-bagger and then stole
home, tying the score. Timely hits in
the remaining innings settled the fate
of the Bees. Scores:
Morning game:
Salt Lake 1 San Krancisco
Mae'rt, m 3
Johns'n, s 4
1 1 OIHunter. m .5 1 1 2 1
0 F't's'g'd, r 2 1 0 1 0
OiCaven'y. 3 2 U 0 1 0
2Koerner. 13 113 3
O.Orandall.2 2 1111
1'Oonnolly.l 2 10 2 1
OiCorltan. s. t 1 0 4 o
3 Brooks, c. 1 0 0 4 3
2Crespi, p.. 4 0 1 2 ::
Mulvey. 1 3
Sheely. I. 4
Rumler, r 2
Knij, 2. . 4
Byler. c. 3
Schorr o
Willett.p. 2
OiMcKee, c. 1 0 0 4 0
iNlehott". 1
Tota.s 31 " 0 21 6 Totals 21 6 4 24 1:
Batted for Fuller in eighth.
Salt Lake 1 0 2 0 2 0 0 03
San Francisco 0 0 0 0 2 1 O it 6
Errors feheely. Rumler. K.rug. Cavcney 2,
Corhan 2. Brooks. Creepl. Stolea bases.
Maggert. Krug. Johnson 3, Brooks. Innings
pitched, Schorr 4 2-3. Thre.-baae hit,
Sands. Two-base hits. Johnson, Mulvey,
Crespt. Sacrifice hits, Connolly. Johnson,
Rumler. Corhan. Fitzgerald. Brooks. Koernrr
Bases on balls, off Schorr 8. off Crespi 5. off
Willett 2. Struck out. by Schorr 2, by Creepi
o, by wiiiett .. Runs responstDie. Schorr 4,
Cresnl 1. Charge defeat to Willett.
Afternoon game: Lake I San Francisco
mas 4 l y o
OIHunter.m 4 O 1 2 0
2; Fltzg ld.r. 3 1110
0ICaveney,3 3 2 10 2
0 Koerner.l 4 1 2 14 0
llCrand'II.2 3 10 14
SlConnolly.I 3 1110
ItCorhan.s. 4 0 12 4
HMcKee.c. 4 0 16 0
l:Seaton,p. 4 110 4
Johns'n. s 4 0 1 O
Mulvey.l. 4 0 12
Sheeley.l 4 1 111
Rumler.r 4 0 14
Krug.2.. 4 1 1 O
Byler.c. 4 0 16
Sands.3. .4121
Markle.p 8 0 2 1
Niehoff. 10 0 0
Totals.36 4 12 24 111 Totals.. 32 7 8 27 14
Batted for Markle In ninth.
Salt Lake 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
San Francisco -3 0101O11 7
Errors, Maggert, Mulvey. Koerner. Rtolep
bases, Maggert, Caveney, Koerner, Bvler,
Fitzgerald. Three-base hit, Fitzgerald. Two
base hit, Markle. Sacrifice hits, Fitzgerald,
Crandall, Mulvey. Base on balls, off Markle
2. off Seaton 1. Struck out, by Marklo 4.
by Seaton 4. Double plays. Rumler to
Sheeiey, Seaton to Corhan to Koerner. Runs
responsible for. Markle 4. Seaton 4.
Four Runs in Xinth Inning Turn
Defeat Into Victory.
SEATTLE, Wash., May 4. Staging an
eleventh-hour rally, Seattle put across
four runs in the ninth inning of today's
game and turned into victory what ap
peared until the last inning to be de
feat for the home team. Score:
Vernon Seattle
Mttchall.s 3
Ch'db'e.m 5
4lC'n'h'm.m 4
1 O
0 Pabrique.s 4
OlWalsh.m. 5
liCompton.l 4
2iKnlglit.2. .1
2iGlelch'n.l "4
01 Murphy, 3 2
llSchang.c. 1
1 ..
1 B
1 3
1 2
3 a
1 2
0 1
0 3
2 O
0 0
Meusel.r. 4
Borton.l. 2
Beck. 3. .. 4
Hosp.2. . . 4
Ed ngfn.l 4
Cook.c. . . 4
Dell. p.. . 4
Chech, p.. 0
0 JJ.Schultz.p. 4 1
I Bigbee. .1,0
Totals. 34 5 10 24 121 Totals.. 34 6 11 27 13
None out when winning run was scored.
Bigbee batted for iehang in tho fifth.
Vernon 1 0 0 01 1 0 2 0 5
Seattle 0 0 0 O 1 0 O. 1 4 6
Error, Beck 2, Cunningham 2. Murphy,
Schang. Two-baee hits. Hosp, Chadbourne,
Dell. Sacrifice hits, Fabrigue. Mitchell, Bor
ton 2. Stolen base, Mitchell. Double plays.
Sehulz to Kabrique to Knight, Murphy to
Knight. Cook to Borton. Hosp to Mitchell
to Borton. Hit by pitcher. Murphv and
Compton, by Dell; Mitchell, by Schultz.
Mruck out. Dell 7, by Hchulta 2. Bases
on balls, off Dell 5, off Chech 1. Charge
defeat to Dell.
Indiana Wins, 6 to 1.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., May 4. Indiana
easily won a western conference base
ball game from Wisconsin here yester
day, i to t
Won IIiH Honors on AH Varsity
Teams, and Toured Afar
"With Dallas Quintet.
In the death of Carl B. Fenton Ore
gon loses one of its foremost amateur
athletes and one, wnose achievements
will remain long in the jnemory of
those who follow college athletics of
the Pacific coast.
He won the coveted monogram of the
lemon-yellow institution at Eugene in
all four major sports and he was a scin
tillating light in all branches of ath
letics. For four years he played full
back and tackle for old Oregon and his
main forte in helping his alma mater
win was his ability to boot the pfg
skin. As a punter he was ranked among
the leading artists of the nation.
As a first baseman he had few equals
and he was a, dangerous man with the
stick. He was a big fellow, tipping
the scales at better than 185 pounds
and standing six feet, and it was almost
impossible for his teammates to throw
the ball out of his reach.
Carl Fenton was used by Bill Hay
ward in the weights, and although he
won no records he was able to place in
various events at critical stages of
track and field meets. '
Probably the most famous perfor
mance in athletics which brought him
before the nation was his work with
the Dallas Oregons, a basketball team
which some few years ago was the
sensation of the country. This' quin
tet, which boasted of such wonderful
players as Fenton, Shaw and Morton,
made an enviable record while touring
the country combating the best teams
of the United States.
Fenton was always an amateur. He
was a landmark in amateurism. Sev-
Carl B. Fenton, who died In Dallas
eral time.s he could have broken into
professional baseball with Portland and
other teams of the Pacific Coast league,
but always turned down such offers.
Word was received in Portland late
Saturday night that the famous Uni
versity of Oregon star had died at the
family home in Dallas following an
illness of two weeks. The cause was
given as meningitis, which followed an
attack of influenza contracted in
France while a member of the old 3d
Oregon. He was 28 years old when he
Carl Kenton was a modest, retiring
young man. He graduated from the
University of Oregon in 1914 with high
honors, being designated a Friar, the
highest honor which can be conferred
upon a senior student. Following his
graduation from the university with a
degree of civil engineer Mr. Fenton
was a member of the faculty of the
Eugene high school. He was a member
of the Beta Thcta Pi fraternity. Carl
Fenton was a real student, a quiet gen
tleman, a soldier and a true sportsman.
The funeral will be held at 2:30
p. M. tomorrow from the family home
in Dallas. -
Oregon in Last Fight.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 4. The his
toric old battleship Oregon engaged in
her last fight yesterday, a sham battle
against three submarines, in the in
terest of the victory liberty loan. She
was defended by 11 submarine chasers.
Tho Oregon will leave tonight for
San Pedro and San Diego in the in
terest of the loan campaign, and will
then clear for a northwestern port to
be put out of commission.
Trustee Offers $100 for Prize if
Three Make Mile in Time.
Athletic interest at Reed college for
the coming week centers around the
offer of 100 to the athletic association
by James B. Kerr, of the board of
trustees, if three men of the college
can run a mile in less than five min
utes. The association has some ready
uses for the money'and is daily sending
men out to train for the race. Thus far
only one man nas covered the circuit in
less than five minutes, so that the "run
for the money" may Be close.
Reed track and field men are looking
forward to a big meet May 30. An
event of this kind has not been held at
Reed in three years, and with the Dor
mitory and Daydodger athletes com
peting, prospects for a revival of track
sport are good.
Next Friday the "frosh" and varsity
will clash in a medley relay race.
Starting with the GO-yard dash, two
teams of eight men will compete in the
75, 100, 220-yard dashes and in the
quarter half, three-quarter and mile
run. Freshmen track men have the best
chance of winning.
Half of the inter-class baseball
schedule has been played. The senior
faculty and freshmen are scheduled to
meet Wednesday.
Tennis enthusiasts keep the Reed
courts crowded continually. A formal
singles and doubles tournament will be
opened soon.-
I4-t-3 Score Over Clatekanie Prac
tically Wins Pennant.
ST. HELENS, Or., May 4. (Special.)
The St. Helens high school baseball
team practically cinched the lower
Columbia- river championship when It
scored a 14-to-3 victory ovef Ciats
kanie high school on the home grounds
Friday afternoon. McVey, pitching for
tne locals, was In great form and had
the Clatskanie batters eating out of
his hand all through the game. He let
tne opposition down with four hits
and struck out 14.
St. Helens showed ability to concen
trate its hitting, and as a result took
an early lead, tallying four runs in the
first. The locals scored almost at will
and pilfered 12 bases off Catcher "Red'
Snyder of Clatskanie.
Geary pitched a good game for Clats
kanie, but his support was always
Coach Kit Conyers is arranging
trip down the Willamette valley for
St. Helens, and will probably meet
Salem, Albany Corvallis and Eugene
Elizabeth Ryan Wins Swim.
OAKLAND. Cal., May 4. Elizabeth
Ryan of the Meadowbrook cjub of
Philadelphia won the 100 yards dash
event in the tank of a local amusement
park today. Her time was 1:112-6
Betty Grimes of the Minneapolis Ath
letic club was second, and Ruth Crane
of Alameda. Cal., third.
IN DISSECTING the golf driye into Its
component parts for the purpose of
detailed consideration you find that it
naturally falls into four divisions;
stance, grip, swing of the club, and
action of the body during the swing.
The stance is the easiest part of the
act of driving.
The somewhat complicated action of
swinging the club and twisting the
body cannot be properly executed if
the feet are not placed in the proper
position. There is no doubt that the
arrangement of the teet has a decided
effect on the way which the club come
through to the ball and beyond it.
The slight turn of the body that Is
caused by placing one foot or the other
in an advanced position makes itself
felt from the) shoulders to the anna
and so on dewn to the head of the club.
It is futile to attempt to say in feet
and inches Just how far the player
should stand from the ball. The height,
length of arms, the way one holds her
or himself, whether erect or drooping,
are all factors in determining where
to stand,
Portland Men Tie With 97 in
100-Bird Event Sunday?
Stevens of Atbena Gets Ran of 2 5,
Making Maximum and Sav
in; Long: Shoot-Off.
PENDLETO.V, Or.. May 4. (Special.)
Hugh l'oston. professional, shared
honors here today In tho practice event
of the state trapshoot with Frank
Templeton and Jim Seavey, both of
Portland. Toston broke 99 out of 100
birds, while Templeton and Seavey tied
for first money with 97 each.
Frank Troeh and S. II. Harmon tied
with 96 for second money, and Dr. C. L.
Cathey, Lou Rayburn and A. F. Camp
bell split third money with 95 birds
In the handicap, a 25-bird event for
the Taylor hardware trophy, the last
shot fired for the lay took the cup.
Trophy Shoot Close.
Omer Stevens, Athena sportsman.
halted a prospective long shoot-off by
breaking L'5 straight. Ford. Gray,
Bowker, Jerrett. Miles and McNurten
divided second money with 24 birds
each. Grice. Keister. Campbell. Spang-
ler. Templeton, Bowman. Seckel and
Stillman share third money with 23
Volch. C. Templeton, Searle. F. Troeh,
Rayburn, Keeler. C. J. Seavey, J. Troeh,
Sharman, Temp, Stewart. Drumm,
Watts, C. Dodele. P. Dodele. Lacey,
Jones, Baum, Mackey, Houser and
Drake divided fourth money. Fifth
money was split 14 ways between
Lieth, Veratta, Chessman. Preston. Mc
Cormack. Everding. Hallis. Rlckard,
France. Nickerson, Hamilton. W. Mat
lock. Anderson, Robinson, Wyrlck and
Spence, each hitting 21.
An even 20 squads went to the traps
today, among them a majority of the
ranking shotgun experts of the north
west, indicating that the competition
during the coming three days will be
Weather la Good.
Today's shooting was only practice,
but the trophy cup and added money
put considerable zest into the shooting.
The weather was ideal except for a
short time during the early part of the
afternoon, when clouds obscured the
skyline. There was some complaint
that a large grove of trees directly
opposite the traps was a handicap, but
there was no disposition to regard it
Three women are entered In the
events here Mrs. Schilling, Mrs.
Bowker of Heppner and Mrs. Jones of
Boise. All of them showed up well in
the day's events.
Following are the scores in the 100-
bird events:
H. B. Poston tro. C. Jerrert 02
Gus Peret IM'K.. Mlckrraon K7
A. W. Woodworth .'.' 11. R. Seckel fi
E. B. Monris 77 c. Miles Ms
R. K. Reld I0 K. i' Grlf. ml
C. J. Schilling. . . . A'l. B. Gray 12
C. I.. Cathey. . .
. B. I.. Stewart .
.o;l,A. I'. Campbell
.S7IW. A. Sillls...
.i'2!Roy Spangle. ..
.7.'l'Omer Stevens.
.S4;M. L. Walts..
. or,
li. . veatch. . .
H. B. XewUnd.
,ee Matlock. . .
K. G. Ilawmon.
E. B. Riches. ..
Charles Lieth . .
.!4IC. O. Dodele. . .
Ada Schilling tLoui Templeton...
Frank Vanatta
..MM. Mcl'herson. . .
r . 11. Reed
..KIM. It. Barnes
. .01 Ray Cannon.
J. K. Koskins..
C. L.. Templeton
. .Kl'O. M. Jones 01
. .'.a A. Bowker SX
. .S'i:j. A. Redd K7
. .SOi.Mrs. M. A. Bowker 7
. .'J2tC. J. Hamilton SO
R. S. Searie
Oeorge B. Raker
P. V. Bolohan .
Abner Blair
F. M. Troeh
.00 F. W. I.ampkln S
CJuy Chessman M Sol Baum.
Lou Rayburn ..
;i.-;m. J. Foster
r.. 1 1 . Keeler. . .
. .O-JiB. F. Bay 67
. .07! J. Boy AS
. .sts VVcs Matlock :j
. .01 ! W. ,T. stillman SS
. -!7:H. R. Anderson SS
. !(!,. K. Johnson S2
..n:F. M. Robinson 01
. .00 (5. (!. Wyrlck 7S
. .2'V. J. Bonsen SO'U 1. Drake si
,.S!I L. E. Coyle SI
T. Templeton..
C. B. Preston..
w. McCormack
J. W. Seavey . .
J. B. Troeh
H. P. Firrmann
s. Pharmon
B. 1.. Ford
B. Bailev
H. N. Temp . . .
A. J. Keister
s.-, nr. .1. K. Sharp 60
H. R. Kverdlng .0O Mark Didall SS
1.. A. Deumn
Onw. a. Harrison
A. W. Stronger
. .s. Dr. F. I Ingram.
. .R2 1.. S. Melllnger. . .
. S2 W. A. Williams..
. .'JO.O. G. Beiker
. . C. 1.. Mackey
. -Hll.I. McMuriln
. .:
. .60
O. Matlock
Fay LH',row . .
. .70
M. A. Kl kard
P. V. Dodle . .
. . S3
R. O. l.acy
. .SS
. .3S
W. P. Llttlejohn .. .fi.1l.lohn Folmsbe
h.. A. Zerba HitiJim Fpencer
D. C Bowman o:;;Mrs. O. M. Jones. ..SO
E. I. Valeen 80 C. S. Cheshire S
. r.. Frances 01F. Piatt 82
. Professional
Fashionable Dressmakers Along Rue
de La Paix and Avenue dc L'Op.
era Bnsy With Gowns.
PARIS. May 4. (By the Associated
Press.) The resumption of horse rac
ing on the French tracks after nearly
five years of interruption is helping
Paris to realize that the fighting is at
an end. The racing season will open
Monday at Maison Laffitte.
The bookmakers are busy along the
boulevards and in the cafes.
Fashionable dressmakers along the
Rue de la Paix and the Avenue de
L'Opera have been busy during the
past few weeks preparing gowns and
the display at Maison Lafitte on Mon
day, weather permitting, is expected to
surpass many previous displays seen
on the race tracks before the war.
The last race run in France before
the war was on July 29, 1914, at Chan
tiny, when Janville, owned by Vis
count Rlvaud, with Jennings up, won
the Prix de la Route Malland at 10 to 1.
Racing in France in 1914 had attained
a high degree of prosperity. Many
American stables, including those of
Vanderbilt. Duryea and Hitchcock,
competed for French stakes, as also did
several prominent English stables.
At the morning trials this week on
the Maison Lafitte track the scene was
not dissimilar from those at Belmont
Park and Saratoga.
O'Neill, Stern and other famous jock
eys were in evidence.
The number of horses in training has
diminished greatly, owing to the In
sufficient supply of oats and fodder.
Five thousand horses were trained in
1914, but at the present time only 1300
are being tried out.
The grand prix de Paris, worth 200,
000 francs, will be run at Longchamps
in June at a date not yet fixed. The
Paris grand steeplechase, at 100.000
francs also will be run again. The
present schedule calls for 90 days of
racing between May S and the last of
State College Holds Annual Inter
crass Track Meet.
PULLMAN. Wash., May 3. (Special.)
Washington State college sophomores
won the annual inter-class track meet
In Rogers field this afternoon with 65
points. The meet produced only medi
ocre records, due in part to the cold
weather, as snow fell during the after
noon. "Doc" nohler says a defeat at
Idaho's hands next Saturday is certain,
unless the boys can improve wonder
fully next week. The freshman class
took second with 26 points. Juniors 24,
seniors 12, "preps" 4.
The summary:
loo-yard dash Watson freshman. Tark
er (sophomore). Sutton (Junior). Time. 10.4.
Mile Ratchford isophomore). Phillips
(senior), Roberta fjunlor). Time. 4.M.
Shot King (sophomore). Yenne (fresh
man), Brandt (senior). 30 feet 4 Inches.
220-yard dash Watson .(freshman), Park
er (sophomore), Morrison ("prep"). 24.1.
120-yard hurdles Howell (sophomore),
Hansen (junior). King (sophomore). 17.3.
Disciia) King. Baker. Jenne (sophomores).
116 feet 3 inches.
440-yard dash Calder, Stone. Sutton (jun
iors). c.7.
Pole vault Jenne (sophomore). Baker
(freshman), Hanley (freshman). 10 feet
SKO-yard run Phillips (senior), Garver
(sophomore). Clifford (sophomore). 2.10.2.
Javelin Yenne (freshman). McCroskey
(senior), Jinna (sophomore). 1X3 feet.
High Jump Jenne. Home!! (sophomores),
tied for first; Roberts (freshman). o feet
7 inches.
220-yard hurdles Howell (sophomore).
Jones (freshman), Hansen (junior). 2. 2.
Broad Jump Jenne (aophomore). Morri
son ("prep"), Sutton (Junior). 20 feet 6
Two miles Smith (Junior), White (sopho
more), Roberts (Junior). 10.."5.
Relay Juniors (Sutton, Smith. Hansen.
Kotula). 1.40.
Cincinnati. Willi Sal Ice on Mound,
Wallops Chicago, 8 to 1 : St. Louis.
Loses to Pittsburg, 3 to 1 .
BROOKLYN", May 4. Brooklyn de
feated Boston In the first Sunday ma
jor leaarue baseball game played under
New York state's new "local option
law" in regard to Sunday amusements.
Brooklyn won by bunching eight hits
in trfe fourth and fifth innings.
R.'H. E. R. H. E.
Boston.... 2 7 l,Brooklyn.. S 11 1
Batteries Regan. Scott and Wilson;
Marquard and Kreuger.
4, X'tw York S.
May 4. In the first
Sunday major league baseball game
played here since the Sunday amuse
ment law was passed, the New York
Nationals lost to Philadelphia. ' Will
iams' home run In the ninth off Causey
decided the game. Jacobs, though hit
hard, was effective with men on bases.
Shortstop Bancroft of Philadelphia had
to be carried off the field in the third
inning when he sprained his right ankle
over a base.
Philadel'ia 4 7 VNew Tork 3 12 hr
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Philadelp'a 4 7 i;NewYork. 3 12 0
Batteries Jacobs and Adams; Ben
ton, Causey and McCarty.
Cincinnati 9, Chicago 1.
CINCINNATI, May 4. Sallee. for
merly of New York, making his first
start of the season for Cincinnati, held
the Chicago champions to three singles.
while Weaver and Martin were hit
hard, the Reds winning easily.
R. H. E. R. H. E
Chicago 1 3 2, Cincinnati. 8 9 1
Batteries Weaver. Martin. Carter
and lJaly, Killefcr; Sallee and Rariden.
Pittsburg 3, SC. Ixjuis 1.
ST. LOUIS. May 4. Cooper held St
Louis to five hits, while Pittsburg com
bined four hits with an error by Cruise
in the fourth, and won the opening
game of the series. Score:
Ft. H. E. Ti. H. E.
Pittsburg.. 3 9 1SL Louis... 1
Batteries Cooper and Schmidt;
Meadows, Sherdell and Snyder.
Robert Cannefax Wins Three-Cushion
Event, 130 to HI.
NEW YORK. May 4. Robert Can
nefax of New York, won the three
cushion billiard title from Alfred de
Oro. ISO to 141, although he lost the
final block of the match last night.
rc Oro made a wonderful spurt in
this block, getting 63 points before his
opponent scored the GO points necessary
to end the match.
Play lasted 90 innings.
Penn Defeats Middies.
ANNAPOLIS, Md, May 4. The Ann
apolis midshipmen met defeat on the
field and track here yesterday before
an all-star team of the University of
Pennsylvania by a score of 79 to 43
points. Pennsylvania also took the
tennis match by a count of 4 to 2.
2L Ja7E!vks
HENEVEK the name of Ed Walsh
a stunt Clark Griffith, then managing
New York, put over at my expense.
It -was a bit of clever stuff on the paVt
of Griff, and I was responsible for it,
bv setting the trap myself.
Walsh had caught a couple of New
Yorkers off first base, and, although
a kick was made, neither of the
throws to first was ruled a balk by
me. despite the fact that down in my
heart I felt Walsh was getting away
with something. One of the runners
was caught about 10 feet" from first
without a chance of getting back. He
stood as if hypnotised while the first
baseman touched hiin out. Griffith in
sisted no base runner could be made
look so foolish, unless the pitcher had
gotten away with something. I agreed
with Griffith and rather foolishly re
marked that when another runner was
made look as foolish. I would penalize
Walsh. An Inning or so later. Neal
Ball reached first, only to be caught
napping, and he looked more foolish
than the other runner. I went through
with my declaration and called a balk,
although Walsh insisted that if he ever
threw to first base legally in his life,
he did so on that particular occasion.
He became peeved, and New York made
four runs In that inning, just one shy
of tying up the game. .
Later Ball was sold to Cleveland.
After making my decision I began to
think possibly Griffith had put some
thing over at my expense. ' Ball later
told me Griff had instructed him to
get caught off as far as possible.
Officials to Watch Move of Pitchers
Toward First.
Umpires this season will undoubtedly
pay much attention to the manner in
which the pitcher steps toward first
base. He is supposed to step directly
toward the base, but many pitchers
step at an angle of about 45 degrees,
much to the" woe of the base runner.
Others have a habit of starting their
throw an instant before they start the
step, which Is also wrong. Others as
sume a position in which they face the
first baseman more than the batsman
while starting the delivery of the ball
to the batter. Also the clause that
says a balk shall be any motion of the
arm. shoulder, hip or body that the
pitcher habitually makes in his method
of delivery, without immediately deliv
ering the ball to the bat. It would be
a wise move if some of the pitchers left
their near balks in the spring training
camps, if the umpires as a unit train
their guns on them. The game is sure
to benefit aa a res of .such a crusade.
Winged M Tank Picked for Na
tional Indoor Event.
Local Club Officials Surprised When
Announcement Made, as Honor
Was ot Espcctcd.
November 22 is the probable data
of the junior national indoor fancy div
ing championship, which has been of
ficially awarded to tho Multnomah
Amateur Athletic club by Frederick
W. Rubicn. secretary of tho American
Amateur Athletic union.
Officials at Multnomah club had no
inkling of being awarded tho junior
national' diving event until O. J.
Hostord, swimming chairman at the
club, received a telegram yesterday
saying that the event had been set for
the M. A. A. C. tank overnight. No
date has been set. but Hosford is of
the opinion that it is too late in the
season to stage another meet, and
would prefer to hold the event the week
before Thanksgiving.
It is understood that the junior na
tional diving championship is open to
any man diver who has never taken
part in a national diving meet. This
would make all of Multnomah club's
men divers eligible for the event.
There is little probability of there
being any more indoor swimming meets
in the winged M tanks this season. Tho
river is calling most of the swimmers,
and whenever it is possible to get out
in the open it is a difficult thing to
draw a crowd of fans indoors. There
was some talk of a dual swimming:
meet between the Crystal Pool repre
sentatives of Seattle and those of the
Multnomah Amateur Athletic club, but
nothing has been done in that direction
by those in charge of swimming at
Multnomah club.
The next big swimming meet ill the
northwest will be the Pacific North
west association outdoor championships
at Victoria. B. C, either June 1 4 or 21.
The meet will he staged by the Victoria
Island Athletic association, and Multno
mah club will be represented by a com
plete swimming and diving team. Last
year George Cunha and several other of
the best swimmers in the country who
were stationed at Camp Lewis, went
to Victoria and took the majority of the
short-distance events at various styles
of swimming. This season they will
not be on hand and local swimmers will
have a chance to annex some laurels.
Distance swimmers will have their
inning on August 5. the date set for
the National A. A. IT. one-mile swim in
the Willamette river. The titular event
will be staged under the auspices of
th Multnomah Amateur Athletic club
and the winner of the race wU be sent
east to the National A. A. U. marathon
Both the men's and women's fancy
diving championships at the P. N. A.
indoor. meet at Multnomah club Satur
day night were closely contested. Miss
Thelma Payne, women's National A. A.
U. indoor fancy diving champion, aprain
won the northwest title, with Mrs. Con
stance Meyers, former national cham
pion, finishing second. Miss Virginia
Pembroke scored third. "Happy" Kuehn
won the men's fancy diving title after
a great struggle, am cnver oi jiuii-
nomah club, was second and Mcradden,
of the Crystal Pool of Seattle was third.
Sunday Morninjr Game One-sided
Affair, With 13-3 Score.
In the only game played yesterday
in the Sunday Morning league of the
Multnomah Amateur Athletic club. Bert
llen's team went down to defeat be
fore Taylor White's hard-hitting nine
by a 13 to 3 score.
'White's crew Jumped on tho offer
ings of Berg at the start of the game
and did not let up until the fourth.
when Knudsen. last year s champion
hurler. went in and held them to one
hit the remainder of the game. Fred
ericks led the winners in hitting with
four swats in four trips to the bat.
Bennes and Cole featured for the
losers. The batteries: Allen Berg,
Knudsen, and Shea. White Thompson
and White.
Iron Works Team Wins.
Smith &; Watson Iron works defeated
the Hawthorne business men s basc-
lall team. 8 to 4. yesterday morning
at the Franklin high school bowl.
Pitcher Shipley starred for the iron
workers, strinking out IS men.
Formerly at
Sixth and Burnside, is now
located at
Near Tenth
Worn the
World Over
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