THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, 3IAT 3, 1919. 19 FOB RENT. Fumithed Rooms. A Modern-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTL CLIFFORD. Kant Morrison and Kast Sixth. Tlotel Clifford is the principal east side hotel ami la a. hotel of dignity and refine ment. Daily rates $1.00 up ; two ia room, $1.75 ; weekly rates, $5 and up. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. FIFTH AND WASH I NGTu.N STREETS. lllUU'f IN CBNTBR OK PORTLAND'S ACTIVITIES. LET lTS SHOW YOU OCR ACCOMMODA TjO.NS. KATES $5 PER WEEK AND UP. KORTOMA HOTEL.. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or ;nfile. witli or without board, tor families aoU bunineds men and women. We give you ail the comforts of home. Reason able rates. WEL,I,-FURNIiHED housekeeping rooms, $15 to ?20 a month and bachelor's quar tern, Also single Bleeping rooms, (2.50 and up. By week or month. City View hotel. 213 Vj Union ave.. cor. Clay. MCE. surge, airy sleeping room, employed couple, with privilege to wash; or 2 gen tlemen, housekeeping rooms, kitchenette. 05 Main st. FURM.SUEU rooms for rent. 321 6th St., cor. O lay. ruhbrd Rooms in Private Family. VACANT after May 1, parlor bedroom, 1st floor; heat, light, bath and phone; re spectable and quiet; 10 min. to business canter; gentleman preferred; terms reason able; ween by appointment. Alar. 34l. LADY, alone, will rent front room to 2 girls or married couple employed; kitchen and laundry privileges, bath, walking distance. 570Mj Mill. Main 6630. FOR RrONT In private Irvlngton home, convenient to Broadway or Irvlngton cars, sleeping porch with dreeing room; break fast if desired. East H0t3. ONE large, well-furnished, nicely located front room for rent, private family; suit able for 2 men: also 1 large side room. Phone East 2S IS. FOR KENT One nicely furnished sleeping room for gentleman, In private family, close In. west side. Marshall 3057. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, sleeping porch, running water, shower bath. 603 Kveret t. "WILL rent a room in our home at 7th and Prescott. to & gentleman; $15 a month. Wdln. 1Ql4. NEATLY furnished room for woman em ployed; u.e of piano and phone. Call before 10 o'clock mornings. Sell wood 19S4. TWO nicely furnished rooms very reasonable to business man. 474 Columbia, corner 14th st.; refs. Call after 6 P. M. iX'RNISHKD room for rent, nurses pre ferred; meals if desired, Marshall 2 4 GO. 7tW Quimby t. SLEEPING room, close In, steam heat run ning water, gentlemen only. Kast 7603. 408 East Alder. FURNISHED rooms, nurses preferred ; near hospital. 7tf9 Quimby st. Ma rshall 2430. ONE room for lady with kitchen privileges. 347 Vz Montgomery st. NEAT, comfortable room in homelike place. 414 Market. NEATLY furnished room at 404 Clay sU; 4 minutes from P. O. ONE! Tront room for gentleman, $2 week. 1081 K. 15th North. . LARGE, airy sleeping room, vacant today. 22d and Johnson. Main 1 000. CLEAN, pleasant front room $10. 693 Over ton. Main 2756. 3 ROOMS for rent, $10 mo.; furniture for sale. $200 cash. 11 E. "th st. X. FURNISHED rooms; price right. Call Sell wood 053. SMALL room for gentleman, with usual con veniences; closo in; reasonable. 269 13th. LARGE, neatly furnished bedroom; -walking distance; 92.25 per week. 431 bth. hoomv TVIth Ffofirrt. CAMPBELL TTTTL HOTEL. 741 WashinKton. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23d and Hoyt. Residence Hotel; American Flan. Excellent Dining-Room Service. On Cariine, Near Oarage. Reasonable Rates. Day Week Month. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; t4 per week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th st THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 8S0 10th st. For business girls and stu dents; reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board, excellent table; close in. 386 Montgom cry, near West Park. LARGE front room with private bath; good tablo board. 3tt 11th St., cor Mill. Alain 2006; references. HEREFORD HOTEL. 735 Hoyt st. Modern residential hotel; atti active rates to tran slents or permanent guests; excellent table. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. choice rooms and board, modern conveniences, walking dis tance. THE HAZEL "A good place to live," near auditorium. 385 Third. Main 7094, ,IRY room, good board. 261 13th. Main 2070. Rooms With Board In Private Family. IVERY pleasant room in modern home, with sleeping porch, suitable for two gentle men : all modern conveniences; good. wholesome cooking. No. 600 Hawthorne nve. Phone East 6300. ATTRACTIVE room, suitable for naxried counle or two business people, with board: piano mid home privileges; walking d is tance. 5T.3 East Couch st.. Rose City car to Last 12th. Phone Last 4ooa. MODERN, choice room, suitable for 2 work ing girls: home privileges; everything fur nished; $10 per mo.; board and room $25 per mo. o4 urn. ROOM and board for two in modern home; two meals, twin beds, home privileges. Phone iast 1147 alter 1 f. jn. fcaturuy and Sunday. LARGE, well-furnished room, suitable for 2; with board; gentlemen preJerrea. 4UO Aion roe st. East S0trt. NICE room, good board; hot water, shower bath; suitable tor t or - men; Doara witn out room. 681 Glisan. ROOM and board, home privileges, $8.50 per 1 fll V. 7ilh at XT XI V n r T hftp 0631. 58 11T1I ST., comfortable room with board, all conveniences; suitable for gentlemen; ciosj? tn. LOVELY room with or without breakfast closo in. East 1276. BOARD and room in private family. SCO Benton Ft. - ONE well furnished room, excellent board, modern home. East 4G16. A I-AROE front room for one or two people.' Irvlngton. East 5715. PLEAoAN'T room, modern. East 7100. 335 Halsey. home privileges. LARGE front room suitable two gentlemen. 3ft4 Columbia st. cor. 10th. Main 2884. MAN and wife : beautiful west side home. Broadway 1583. Furnished Apartments. $100 PER MONTH Elegantly furnished 5 room apartment, with grand piano; In high-grade apartment-house, near Wash ington st. ; close in; for appointment w inspect phone Broadway 7b4. Call 414 Pittock blk. , THE- STELWTX. Beautiful furnished 3-room apartment, light and sunny; also a 2-room with sleep ing porch. Chinese rugs and willow fur niture, and a suite of rooms for bachelors. References required. Marshall 2830. FREE RENT 2 rooms, some furniture, heat, light, gas and bath. 427 Rodney, for very light Janitor work. Elderly couple preferred. Apply on premises after 3 P. M. or phone II. E. Cross, Oregon City. ' .BEAUTIFULLY furnished 2 and 3-room suites; private bath ; everything new and clettn; also single rooms ; bachelors only. Call Broadway 5450 mornings, until 1 P. M. Seen only by appointment. AURORA housekeeping apartments, fur nished, easy wa! king distance, 2 and 3 rooms, moderate. East Burnslde, cor. Grand avenue. CARL OTTA COURT, Everett and 17th. west side. 5 min. bus. center; new. modem, clean: 8 and 5 rooms ; references. I.HREE ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE FUR NISHED, NEAR PIEDMONT CAR BARN". WOODLAWX 1871. NICE 3-room furcl-Jied apartment on west side; rent $40., Mtrshail apartments, 624 Marshall St. Bdwy. 3h5l. .NICELY furnished 2-room apartment, reas onable rent. 3S2 Hawthorne. The Kelso opts. " WILL share 4-room apt. with couple em ploved or 2 girls, sleeping porch if desired. Main 8041. LOWER flat, modern 5 rooms, sleeping porch, iiiti Everett. pnone Main 5800. West side. TWO 3-room apartments. 30 and $35, on May 1. Phone East 2946, Jackson apts. COMPLETE apt., $10; concrete bldg. Wdln. 512. BAGGAGE and furniture moving, phone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 411 Stark. 2-ROOM furnished apt., private bath and phone;' price $30. Tabor 546. PENINSULA APTS., 1135 Albina ave. Con crete bldg., 2 and 3-room apts. Wdln 1352. PALACE APTS. 2 rooms, furnished; private bath, phone; adults only. Tabor 2661. ONE 2-room, neatly furnished opt., at 361 lOta t FOR RWT. Furnished Apartments. ' THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly modern, 2 and 3-room furnished apts., all outside, with French Jours and balcony. THE EVERETT. 644 EVERETT STREET, between 20th and Ella sts. Furnished 3 room apt., all outside rooms, with or with out sleeping pore h; walking distance. Unfurnished Apartments. 4 OR 5-ROOM unfurnished, near Couch school ; w e have 2 children, would like to occupy about June 1. Will be at Multnomah hotel Sunday. F. L. Bein. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartratnts. PARTLY furnished or unfurnished fi-room apt. Call at 935 E. Ankeny or phone Kast 1204.. Flat. WEST SIDE: 6 rooms, including 3 bed rooms ; launary, iurnace ; moaern, ciean ; large yard; 5 min. bus. center; save car fare; $50. Manager Carlotta Court, Ev erett and 17th. LOWER flat, modern, 5 rooms, sleeping porch. 691 Everett. Phone Slain 0i00. West side. FIRST-CLASS lady finisher on coats. J. R. orek, 110 Broadway. UNFURNISHED 4-room flat for rent. East 6r4. MODE R X 5 -room flat, $20: good location. Phone Sellwood 573. 802 E. Clinton st. S. Furnished Flats. 3-ROOM furnished flat for working mother, children cared for during the day. East S140. FURNISHED 5-room flat, piano, large yard, good view, w alking distance, west side. Main 803 for appointment. EXPENSIVELY furnisned 5 rooms. Main 1H 73. m FOR RENT Furniehed 4-room flat, close In, west side. E 704, Oregonian. FURNISHED 5-room flat. 1043 Gantenbein, cor. Alberta, Williams or St. Johns car. $30 3-ROOM and alcove, porch, couple only. Gv. Market. FURNISHED 4-room flat with piano. 14H Randall st. H. C. car. 5-ROOM modern furnished flat, $40. 42G Rodney avenue. East 743. TWO or 3-room H. K. apt. 404 Park st. FOUR rooms, furnished. 877 East Stark st. Housekeeping Boom. THE BEAVER. 12tU and Marsha.lL Furnished housekeeping room. ga range, electric lights, public bath, $15 up. Take "S" or IGth-st- cars. - TWO nice, clean furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, electric lights and free phone, $16 per month; also airy sleeping room, close in. 2104 21st st. SUNNY, clean, 2-room apartment; 1 house keeping and 1 single room; not-water heat; running water in room. 65b. Glisan, near -utn. HOT and cold water. steam heat, gas, bath. Nokomls Annex, 2454 17th st. N. Broad- way 2642. SINGLE and 2-room housekeeping suites, completely furnished; also 2 12x14 tents. 32S Main st. . LARGE front room and kitchenette, also single rooms; very reasonable. 655 Flan ders. DORMER, 283 33TH ST. Housekeeping and sleeping rooms. BAGGAGE and furniture moving; phone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer, 411 Stark. BUSH MARK, 565 Washington, one and two room apts. ; modem. Broadway 6463. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, also H. K. rooms, reasonabl e. 372 i Hawthorne ave. 461 E. MORRISON, corner E. Sth., furnished 1 and 2-room H. K. apartments; adults ' Housekeeping Rooms inTrivate Family. SINGLE) furnished housekeeping room; light, sanitary; close in; running water; phone, water, light and bath free; $12; part in work If agreeable. Main 285. 3titi th, near Montgomery. FOUR furnished rooms, heat, gas, electricity, modern residence, front and back entrance, desirable location, no children, one block Hawthorne car. 734 East Madison. East 7531. $10 CLEAN, furnished housekeeping base ment rooms for adult working people; electricity, water, lawn; walking distance. 564 East 6th. LARGE, airy front room, suitable for light housekeeping, use of phone, bath, electrit light, gas. Handy to cariine. East 127. 331 E. 12th st. . . VACANT today; three dandy, large, clean, well-furnished housekeeping rooms. In fine residence. 955 Interstate ave. Miss, car to Prescott. Adults only. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; everything furnished. 30- 22d st. X. Phone Broa dway 2028. LARGE room, with kitchenette, hot and cold running water, private entrance; adults only. 246 North 20th. LARGE, light attic room, furnished for light H. K.. suitable for 1 or 2, employed; good location, west side. Bdwy. 1604. FRONT H. K. suite. $5.50 per week; also sleeping romfis; walking distance. ZQoha Grand ave. S. H. K ROOMS, someone who can play piano; rent low. 851 Thurman. Cail 6 to 9 even ings, all day Sunday. 4 COMPLETELY fur. housekeeping roons, on west side; light, phone, water fur nished. Mar. 1267. FOR 1 or 2 business men; large cheerful room In beautiful home, all modern con veniences; west side, close in. Main 4574. NICELY furnished 2-room suites. 347 Hall st. PLEASANT front housekeeping suite, 1st floor. 632 Flanders st. NICE clean h. k. rooms; will accommodate 3 or 4 employed. Main 7364. NICE 2-room housekeeping apartment in private home1. 1224 E. Main st. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms In pri vate family, C.S. preferred. Call Wdln. 3737. WHOLE floor, 3 rooms, modern. 382 E- 1st st., 1 block to Broadway car. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 320 Tflla moqk st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone C 2338. 263 Knott St.. near Williams ave. TWO upstairs H. K. rooms, furnished or un furnished; close in. East 8725. Honses. FOR RENT 2 houses with all modern im provements; centrally located: one 7 rooms, the other 6 rooms; desirable neigh borhood ; both houses in good condition. Call 747 E. Burnside st. WTLL lease from 1 to 3 years to reliable party fine B-room house; beautiful corner lot; all modern and up to date; close to car line. Owner, 1273 E. lAth st. S. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN BLECTRIC light service. Broadway 5S0, A 6747. MOVING Piano, furniture and long-distance 4iaullng a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co. 4Q 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. MODERN bungalow, 6 rooms, 2 sleeping porches; rent $40. 88 E. 10th, near Wash. T.- - Gil One 6, one 7-room house, hard finish with bath, etc., on Peninsula, rent $11 per month. Parish Watkins & Co., 106 2nd si B-ROOM modern, about $350 good furniture for sale; terms. Wdln. 1024. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale ; no dealers. 748 Missouri ave. 6-ROOM house, west side. Call 605 Orego tilan bldg.. 12 to 3 P. M. --,.-.! Bill. A?f ) (Mm. FOR BENT. Housusw S LARGE rooms, fine home, very pleasing surroundings; 2' blocks north St. Johns car. Will rent for 6 months or longer, $27.50 month, but entire rent must be paid in advance. 1700 Berkeley at., about 35 minutes out. Tabor 854. BIGGEST SNAP IX TOWN. G-room house, full basement, bath, toilet, electric lights, $15 including water; will vacate to prospective renter if he buys $250 worth of furnishings including range, for only $125. Wooustock-car. 11&4 Schiller st. $37.50 7 ROOMS PARTLY FURNISHED. E. 10TH AND DAVIS STS. Modern with exception of furnace; easy walking distance west side. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. JUST like rent, several moderate-priced 5 and 6-room homes in good neighborhoods, small payments down. baL monthly. Schlndler & Ross, 210 Stock Exchange bldg. MODERN bungalow to lease 1 year. Call Wdln. 44S5. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT Furnished house. Willamette Heights, from June 1 to Sept. 1. Com pletely furnished, 6-room house. ideal for summer; two large porches, fine roses, wonderful view. Phone Main 13Q7. WE HAVE over 25 houses, apts. and flats for rent, 2 rms. and bath to 8 rms, and bath; rent $15 to $50; furniture is for sale In the above vacancies. Prices $150 to $S00. Main 7626. 565 Yeon bldg. BUNGALOW for rent, $15 to purchaser of furniture; located near Albina ferry, close In. past niriA Wood lawn 1 482. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house, east side, elope In. block Irom 2 car lines; own er leaving city for year; $30. East 234 7. 3-ROOmT-nJce1yfurnIshed flat, built-in fur niture, hardwood floors; no children; $5. 787 U East Main. Phone East i:;0. BUNGALOW for rent. $15 to purchaser of furniture: located nar Albina ferry, close in. east side. Wood lawn 1482. PARTLY" furnished 5-room house for rent. ?30 per month. East 6042. 5-ROOM nicely furnished cottage; modern; lawn, roses. rajt ow. 1RVI NGTON 16 rooms, beautiful home; ga rage; furniture for sale. East 419. Fult RENT 5-room furnished house. 546 Broadway. KUKMSHED houy for rent. 388 Grand ave. North. Store. 161-163-165 Grand ave.. one block south of East Morrison st. Each store 2060 with basement: two of the stores are connected, are well lighted and one is a corner. All or part can be rented at a very reasonable rent; 50 per cent of the auto traffic over Morrison bridge passes this confer. Seo STANLEY S. THOMPSON CO.. Agents. 302 Oak St. FINE SMALL STORE. In heart of financial district, about 5000 sq. ft. of floor space, suitable bond or private bank or any concern handling bonds, municipal and other security. Fine for high-class merchant tailor, of fice supplies, ticket office, etc. W. H. WEBB. Yeon Bldg. Main 4913. pine drug storb tn Multnomah hotel. 3d street side. 24x60 and basement; will make good deal with right man. W. H. WEBB, Teon bldg. Main 4013. Offices. DESIRABLE offices, modern conveniences; Stark street, between 3d and 4th. Apply room 312. Railway Exchange. PRIVATE office and share reception room, etc.; also furnished office. Stock Exchange bldg FUR NISHFTof fire, desk or deskroom, with phone. Phone Main 6127. . CHOICE offices. Henry bldg.; heart of banking and brokerage district. Main Slftft. OFFICE for. rent. Pittock block, room 456. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. COAST INVESTMENT CO., BROKERS. Apirtment, rooming house and business chances. We help you buy your business. Phone Main 3052. Room 2. Ry. Exch. bldg. CIGAR and soft drink stand for sale: pro ceed. $1000 per month; also Hudeon car in good condition. Call at 170 2d St.. after 11 o'clock. Monday. WE CAN turn those old accounts, notes, etc., into cash for you. Alliance Collec tion Agency, 702 Spalding bids. Main 1116. WILL sacrifice my pool ball, cigar store, lodging house. 11 rooms, light lunch, near Portland, at Invoice, Call 60 X. 6th. AUTO specialty business, clear you $5000 a year; $506 will handle it. Call and see. 711 Clinton st. WANTED Pa rtner for & manufacturing business; requires auto and $500. 501 Spalding bldg. MUST sell on account of other business; best paving grocery and delicatessen on Wash ington st. 546 Washington. BUSINESS PROPOSITION. $5500 required. See Mr. Tyueman. Busi ness service. 317 Henry bldg. FOR SALE Gen. mdse. store In country town: $12,000 business done In 1918. AV 930, Oregonian. ' MAN to buy Va interest and drive 3 '4 -ton truck; make $28 day; $1100 required. 317 Henry bldg. . FILLING station and repair business, good location and good trade; owner will make right price. Call 311 Railway Exchange. LA RG K restaurant, going cheap; Just as It stands, for $350 (three hundred and fifty). 100 South Jerrey Ft.. St, Johns. W A XTE L 500 men to try t he new lady barber shop on 5th and Gllsaiu have 15c Haircut. 25c. Shampoo. 25c. FOR SALE One 40 M. Cap. mill, three donkeyn and complete rigging, planing mill. A. A. Lausmann. Timber. Or. WE sell all kinds of barbers' supplies. Agents for Koken's barbrr chairs. Kemp Barbers' Pupplv Co.. 271 Washington st. MOVING PICTURE THEATERS FOR SALE SERVICE FILM & SUPPLY CO., 393 Oak st., Portland, Or. FOR SALE Restaurant doing good business, close to Union d'-pot: good location; cheap. Apply 03 N'. 3d st. HANDY ma with $375 can buy In auto re pair business with a mechanic; profits good. Room 401 Dekum bldg. GARAGE and repair shop; 50 cars steady Mora ge ; profits $400 month. Call room 401 Dokum bldg. FINE restaurant for sale; good business, good location, cheap rent; owner quit. Sell che a pl 0 N. 6t h . $325 RENT $25 month; choice refreshment location : west side ; down town. Apply 5222 Washington. 2-CHAIR barber shop for ale at 203 Jeffer son and r ront. AUTO garage for $1000; 3 cars steady stor age. 403 DeKum Dtug. A RESTAURANTtak!ng in $50 day; $450 required. 403 Dekum bldg. PARTNER wanted for a ntpre; only $250 required. 403 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE A 2-chalr shoeblack stand. 465 Washington st. RESTAURANT for sale. 222 Couch st. l. quire within from 6-8 P. M. WANTED Bakery, no delivery. BC 66, Ore go nlan OLD established grocer owner retiring, not able to handle business. East 342. GOOD opportunity for men with mechanical experience and small capital. 814 Stark st. CASH grocery and confectfonery, end of car line. Alain 6365. 414 Gerlinger. BA RBERS 2-chair. white shop for sale; good location; cneap. i-. uj. urryonlan. BARBER shop for sale. 242Vj Madison st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PATENTS AND TRADE MARKS. Introducing Material Chasers Company, 326 Railway Exchange building, represent ing largest, most reliable patent special ists. We are practical equipment special ists. Your trade murks and patents abso lutely guaranteed; confidential assistance; standard rata for patent $75 for 30 days will give our clients 5 per cent reduction. Don't let your Ideas lay idle, office hours, Sunday and week days, morning 8 to 10 ; afternoons. 1 to 3; evening. 7 to 0 o'clock. We buy and sell your - patents. Time is valuable. WANTED A MAN. Qualifications: Clear record, tact, ability to fill executive position. Your services are required by a growing corporation. The position carries with it a comfortable sal ary but tht earnings beyond that are ample; $10,000 Investment required In cor poration; highest banking and individual references will be required. They will also be furnished by us. Details by personal in i tervlew only. Call Main 1103. or address B 23, Oregonian. WE HAVE BUYERS for Grocery Storea Cigars and Confectionery Restaurants. Garagt-s. Hotels and Rooming Houses. Anything in the business line. If you wish to buy or sell call Main 5315. ATLAS BUSINESS AGENCY & REALTY CO.. 716 Board of Trade bldg. (0000 BEST hall in Astoria for dances, lodges, etc, SOxlOO, 2 floors, on main busi ness street: 1 floor contains 8 2 and 8 room apartments, furnished and bringing in big rent; long lease, low rent, excel lent opportunity for good dance school, none in town; big money can bo made here; other interests demand my atten tion. R. Jones, 30 Laurelhurbt ave.. Port land. IS0OO WILL buy a 50-room hotel, farniture and lot 50x110, two blocks from Union depot, on main street and only commer cial hotel In town; $5000 cash and balance on time; mlao wltth to sell only steam laun dry in town and lot on Main rtreeL, best location for a garage, 50x1 1U, or will sell leading coal and hay business; no agent. Address W. E. Christ, Montcsano. Wash. REAL BARGAINS. $1500 Cafeteria, seating capacity 60 peo ple, equipment cost $3.00. J 5000 Cafeteria, seating capacity 250 peo ple, equipment rout 1 5.006. CARL E. TfUOLB, 630 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SACRIFICE INSIDE PROPERTY -A block on Morrison street, best location in city tor family hotel or spartment house. $!tuOO f Jess than assessors value, price jmu.oou. Give phono number, no agents. All 10, Ore gonian. IF YOU have the money and mean business and want to get an interest in established manufacturing plant of the coming busi ness, call on owner any evening after 6; quick action and no trlflers or agents; $1000 or more required. 409 E. Couch. $350. Lunch counter and steam table. $700. Grocery and confectionery, living room. MR. MAGOON. 431 Chamber of Commerce. WELL established business In one of the best office buildings in city: price $400; fully equipped with high-clas fumitur. This business will net from $:;00 to $.MK) mo. Cull between 1 and 3 P. M., o05 Yeon "bldg. . GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR SALE. Doing $100,000 a year; will sell at In voice, no dead stock; reason for selling other business. Do not answer uuless you have $6M0. AV l52. Oregonian. AT A DISCOUNT. $2300 stock of new assorted grocer cases never opened ; Htock Includes flour and all stapl groceries; change of lans compels quick sale. MAIN 9052. $25 RENT 525 month, liberal terms; best Ice cream, soft drink location, get your cream and cones in today; make month's expenses. Sunday apply 522 V Washing torn ONE SOFT DRINK CARD ROOM. The best corner in the north end; bar, bark bar, tables, chairs and everything found 1n a first-clsss place. Price for one week. $750. Apply aL Alcazar. 41 N. 3d at. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL, Secretary. FOR SALE, CHEAP. Two continuous regulation bowling al levs in first -class shape, complete with automatic spotters and balls. J. W. Baney, 86-a Broadway. HAVE customer for rooming house or hotel with from $3000 to $4000 cash, sura sale if location and price are right. t I'. BLANCH ARD, Phon Mar. 829. 519-20 Ry. Ex. Bldg. BARGA1 X. Cash grocery store with living rooms, well furnished; rent for all $35; does $55 daily business; price $1600. Call fill Rail way Exchange. A SNAP Grocery, of t drinks and lunch counter: rent $30; five living rooms; $1200; dally receipts $50. Atlas Buines. Agency & Realty Co., 716 Board of Trade bldg. Main 5315. NEW ERA FORD STARTER. Marion Co. agency for sale at a bar gain ; 5000 Ford cars to work on. Ford Starter Co., 495 N. Commercial L, Sa lem. Or. GROCERY store, doing about $4000 a month business, for sale reason for sal, leav ing for the south, ""all 568 2d st. South. Phone Marshall 2lr. BARBER!. ATTENTION. Have splendid opening for barber shop., well established. Hotel Bradford. 10th and Hoyt. opposite N. Bank depot. FOR SALE Cretor's popcorn wagon, auto driven: cost new, $2000; price for quirk snle. $350. Weeks Transfer Co., Vancouver, Wash.. Ill Mnln st. ' CRETOR'S Spl. C" popcorn wagon ; best town, best climate. So. Idaho. Fine busi ness, $1525, for quirk sale. Address O. V. Smith. Caldwell. Idaho. GO INTO business for yourself, big opening In land clearing with profit making equip ment. See Reierson Macninery Co., - ort land. Or. . FOR SALE Hemstitching, pleating and button businesi; long established, fine condition and paying well, owner retiring. $4000. E 7o2. Oregonian. I HAVE something of Interest for 6 par ties who con tern plate purchasing motor trucks for road or contract work. N 41)5, Oregonian. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. Films Theater Supplies Slides. SERVICE FILM A SUPPLY CO., 393 Oak st., Portland, Or. 3-CHA1R barber shop. See Win. Lewis. 601 Main street, Vancouver. Wash. iluninen Pportnoit lew Wanted. 1 WANT to buy a barber shop In a town of not lets than 2000. Write full particular. AV 881, Oregonian. WANTED To hear from own or of good business for sale ; state cash price, full description. D. F. Bush. Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED Good confectionery in live town: give terms. A. Smlthllne, Sta, A. Van couver, wasn. Hotels and Rooming Hons. HAVE a client who wants to buy 50 or AO-room rooming house. Atlas Business Agency & Realty Co., Main 581 5. MAK1 E. LENT. HOTEL APARTMENT HOUSE BROKE3 723 4 N. W. BANK BLDO. FOR SALE 10 housekeeping rooms, closo In, money-maker,- cheap, $500. Phone Broad- way BOARDING HOUSE. 9 rooms, near factories South Portland; 15 min. to shipyards; al-nit- n-irA 7-.n mat rnr-r., !BKST 15 H. K. rooms for the price, west side, $650 cash. 288 North IQtu st- POLLY AND Ve. fieE-ftD t ALL. OdT. rris TJ Copyright, 1919. V I- ' - Mr) t 5 ill I'AW HAS THE IlKAL. EXFUXATIOM. BY CLIFF STliRRETT. JLjl XO '.M.'J'.' - -. . J .. KlINF.S3 OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming House. I- YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel, Rooming or Apartmsat Uoum of any kind, anywhere tT. R lord on. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULT 31 RITTER. LOWE St CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade B:dg. HOTEL for Bale in one of the best towns in western Oregon; located in the heart of the town. A money-maker; reasons for selling, have been in huiul business her for 16 years and want to retire. Prica for building and furniture and land lOOx 100 feet, $5U6; terms, half cash, balance to suit. Box 45, Stayton, or. RARE OPPORTUNITY. 4 5-room strictly modern hotel with 10 bathrooms; lease ; good furniture, clearing s:tAO to $400 each month; only $4500, $2000 cash, $50 month. CARL E, TLGGLE. 630 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL list your boieis, apartment and rooaatnj bouses with us; we get results. DORCAS 4k CO m 20 N. W. Bank Bldg. $120O. $80O rash for 22 rooms good furniture and carpets; rent $50. in com $210. This will go lodav. MR. MAGOOX. 431 Chamber of Commerce. 125xino COR., best apartment house or pub lic building site in Portland on 12th near Villa St. Clair. Why wait to build? Cost of building will not come down. May 1 most apartment houses raised their rents. -. K. Held. 2Q2 Wilcox bldg. FOR SALE or trade, international hotel, log rooms, office, dining room and kitchen on ground floor: rent reasonable. 72 North Third street. 23 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close In. rent $50; 2-year lease, clears $2O0 per month: price $1Ki0 for quick sale; terms to suit. Owner. Kast 654. t. AM GOING AtHt, sell cheap, 2 rooming houses. 11-12 housekeeping, all full, close in. owner, GC Main st. FOR best bargain In rooming or spartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co 249 4th st. H jTE l. thriving town, lease or sell, easy terms. Owner, 906 Northwestern Bank bldg. FO R SA LK 33 housekeeping rooms. In come 5216; rent $40; no sgenta: price $14) Kast S',2.. 00 ROOMS, mostly housekeeping, barsain, 1600; Capitol apts., 372 Hawthorne ave. 25 H.1C. R M S. at sacrifice! See owner, 533 Couch rt. SPECIAL NOTICES. MlMrelJaneoo a. NOTICE TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF SCHOOL PTSTRTCT NO. 1, MULTNOMAH COUNTY. OREGON. You are hereby notified that pursuant to a resolution of the board of school di rectors of school district No. 1. Multnomah county, Oregon, a special scnool election win be held within the district on Satur day, the 10th day of May. 1919, to vote upon the question of authorizing the dis trict to levy taxes In the year 1920, larger by $531,000 than the amount limited by the constitution and statutes! of Oregon, unless specifically authorised, by a vote of the electors of the district, taid amount being the amount necessary In the opinion of the board to provide an Increase of ap proximately SO per cent in the salaries of the teachers of the district. The polls will be open on the day of election from 12 o'clock noon to 8 o'clock P. M-, and the quail! Ications of voters at this election are fixed by chapter 99, gen eral laws of Oregon for 117. In this election the voter must have the property qualification. Dated this 18th day of April. 1919. R. H. THOMAS, . Clerk for School District No. 1. Multnomah County, O re go n. I WILL not be responsible for debts con tracted by my wife, Mrs. F. T. Manwaren. (Signed F. T. MANWAREN. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife after this date. ANY debts of Mrs; E. J. Mears I will not be responsible. E. J. Mears. Proposals Invited. KLAMATH FALLS. OR.. April 29. 1919 The undersigned will receive bids at the office of the reclamation service. K'amatii Falls Or., until 2 o'clock P. M. June 5. 1910, when the same will be publ ir ly opened for the reclaiming of about 7O0O acres of swamp land In Crystal Creek marsh: 1000 acres in Hank's marsh, and 19H0 acres in Pelican Bay ma run, upper Klamath lake, Oregon, within the Klamath project. No rent u.1 will be exacted for t he use of the land, but tho successful bidder will be re quired to begin work within six months from the fate of the contract, to complete the work within thre years from said date and to give bond In the sum of $40, 00 for th reclamation of Crystal Creek marsh lands; a bond of $10,000 for the reclamation of the Hank's imirsh lands and a bond of $2.o00 for the reclamation of the Pelican Bay marsh lunds; aaid bonds to be with an acceptable surety company as surety. conditioned for a faith fill .compliance with thn terms and provisions of the respect I ve contracts. Bidders may submit proposals for any or ail three tracts, but in awarding the con tract each tract will be considered as a "par.i: unit. Each bidder must state the shortest period of time for which be will accept the use of the land as a con sideration for reclaming It. which period will be considered in awarding contract. Bidders and others interested may be present when bids a re opened. For lurt her iniermatton ana a copy or the specifications and cont racts to be entered into apply to V. S. Reclamation Service, Klamath Falls. Oregon. LOST AVI) FOUND. LOST A prll 30, between Freiuon t and Union ave. and Woodmen templu, 128 11th U, gold Woodcraft 'put guardian" medal. Inscribed on bark "Marion Vena," etc. Reward. C 279, Oregonian. LOST On 11th St.. between Morrison and Washington, black fox fur. Return to the Cabinet Cleaners, 424 Morrison. Re ward. LOST April 30, one Scotch terrier dog. blue white on breast, collar and chain on. Last seen on Front st. Return to Columbia stable and receive reward. J. T. Kirk. LOST Lady's black pocketbook containing about $13, also owner's card and tele phone number. Mrs. J. I . Mnlth 201 W. Russet t Wood lawn 1 035. LOST or strayed, iome weeks ago In Rose city Park, large tiger cat; black stripe, 4 white feet, pink nuse. Reward. Tabor 3825 or Tabor 66. LOST Irish water spaniel. crossed with Gordon setter; large feet and legs, color ntacK. lbs west raric .Main u. Ke ward. LOST April 22, In Mt. Tabor or Mt. Scott district. 2 diamond rings: $150 reward. Finder please notify T. Coleman. East 6551. LOST April 22. In Mt. Tabor or Mt. Scott d 1st Hct. 2 diamond rings ; $ 150 reward. Finder please notify T. Coleman. East 6551. LOST Opal ring surrounded with small diamonds; liberal reward. Marshall 1G15 after 6:30 P. M. LOST Sofa pillow, between 13th and 15: h on Washington. Finder, please call Broad way 4S26 LOST Pair nose glasses, at t h Liberty theater. Thursday evening. Reward. Re turn to 11U Mtlwttukie. Sellwood 191. LOST Between the Washington Hazelwood and the Imperial hotel, black fox fur. East 8567 LOST Black overcoat, on Cornell road, Tues. evening. Bdwy. 4079. Reward . LOST Hound; black, brown, white; license 2506. Phone East 8431. FOUND One tire. Marshall 1890. HER PALS I it br Nw,pper Feature Serrice, Inc. LOST AND FOUNT. THE following articles nave been found on cars of thu Portland Railway. Light & Power CoH May 1. 1U19; 3 purses, 1 foun tain pen, 1 bunch, of keys. 1 knitting needle, 1 badge, 4 packages. 1 stool. 5 suitcases. 4 umbreHas, 12 lunch boxes, 1 thermos bottle. Owners may obtain prop erty at First and Alder-street station. LOST A gentleman's black leather bill book, containing registration card and exemption papers, wit h name Joseph A. Harnett. A:so receipts and kodak pic tures. Finder please leave at 500 Elizabeth St.. Portland Heights. LOST Fox terrier puppy, brown and white, wears collar; answers to name of "Mutt." Finder return to Lownsdaie garage and receive reward, or J. A. Winter, Coinmer cial hotel. 4tQt, Washington st. LOST LadiCH gold brooch in cresent form with two elk teeth in cecter with elk head set on top part with star In center: ami able reward for return. C. S. Wheeler, 2 s3 6 62d st. S. E. LOST Small black wallet, containing check, ring and cash: will give $20 reward for return of purse and contents; payment has been stopped on all checks; return to oregonian office, cashier. LOST Female- English setter, very fat. name Helen. Sultabla reward. Main 4013, between 0 and 5. FINANCIAL. LIBERTT BONDS BOUGHT AXD SOLD. NEW TORK MARKET PRICES WITH THB ACCRUED INTEREST ADDEU FRIDAY WERE AS FOLLOWS: $100 BOND. FIRST Su $loot.', SECOND 4W P.Y99 THIRD 4i 9.V!v FOURTH 4lT. 94.50 OUR CHARGE ON $ 5n ROXO $ .35 OUR C HARGE OM TOO BOND 70 OUR CHARGE ON 1000 BOND 2.50 Wn LOAV f0- OF THE FACE VALU1 AT 7 INTEREST. m WE FTTT AXD .SELL CANADIAN VIC TORY WAR BONDS. OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 8 P. M. FINANCE SECURITIES COMPANY, Successors to ELWOOD WILES COMPANY, STOCKS AND BONDS. 231 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. U. S. BOND DEALERS. If you need money and must sell your bonds or partly paid receipts, tell to us. Friday we paid: Second 4s $96.01 Third 4Ws 95.91 Fourth 4s 94.47 Less 37c brokerage and commission on a $50 bond. Others may pay less, none pay more. We buy and se'l all lMeur. We mall checks to out-of-town sellcra c"ay bonds are received. NORTH W FSTK RN T RUST CO MP AN Y. Second floor, Wllrov bldg. 6h snd Washington. Established 1900. LIBERTT BONDS. CASH PA m FOn ANT ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE. LOANS ON LIBERTY BONDS. TOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS OR OTHER PROPERTY. SEE E. BURKITT. SECRETARY OREGON BONO A MORTGAGE CO., 212 SELLING BLDG. ISECON'J) FLOOR), CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STS. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. MAIL BONDS to us. We will remit bj return mail. Send us your receipts. MONEY TO LOAN on improved rcaj estate. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Remember th Place 25 Gasco building. Fifth and Alder. CELLAKS-MURTON CO. CASH paid for mortgager and sellers con tracts on real estate in Washington or Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. PATENTS and ideas financed. Portland Patent Co.. 51 4 Common wealth bldg. PATENTS and ideas financed. Portland" Patent Co., 514 Commonwealth bldg. TO LOAN $200. $500. $Ioo0, $1500. $2000 and up. Geo. P. lent, 717 Corbett bldg. Money to Loan on Heal Fstate. OUR Installment plan Is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 86 month, or $1:1.24 per month for AO months, or $15.17 for 96 months pay a $lu0o loan and interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAV ASS'N. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. "FARM LOANS. Insurance company rnnnev to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette Valley farms. No comnitrslons .No nelavs LEVER EAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive rrpalng privileges. A. H. BIRRKLL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg., Marshal 1 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. D4 PER CENT. 6 PER CENT, 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. MONEY to loan on rsal estate security at goin g rate of Interest. OTTO At H Alt K SON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. $300, $400, $500. $650, $760. $1000 AND UP; lowest rates; quick action. Gordon 1 n veptment Co.. 60I Ch. of Coin. Main 1370. $000 'iO $ 6 nd 7 per cent; no com mission. W. E. Thomas. 4 00 Chamber of rqm rncree "jog. $20,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, low est rates. W. G. Reck. 215-210 railing uiug. rnon Main A4U. $50O. $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favorable terms, no delay, no brok orace. John Bain. 607 Spalding bldg. LOANS ON IMPROVED CITY REAL ESTATE. ST AN LEY S. T HOM PSON CO.. 32 OA K. $300. $4 CO. $500. $750. $1000 and up at lowTTi rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co, T32 Ch of Com, Main 6445. LOANS on city and farm property. r per cnit up. F. Furha. 4110 Ch a in. of Co rn . SEE OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO . 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Staric MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates. A, JL. Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. $400 TO $4000; no commission. Main 1166. F. H. Deshon. 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. MONEY to loan on farm and improved city property. K. K. Baxter. ?Q4 Spalding bldg Mortgage loans. 6 and 7 per cent LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 408 Selling bldg! SEVEN thousand dollars to loan. 6 per cent, term years. 11 First st. INVESTMENTS loans! notes. mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 303 Lewis bldg. Mar. 133. 6h PER CENT money to loan; approved real estate security. Hitchcock. So 4th st. Ikhv' ,4Tepi Jul- m"ftfct' ' CbJAlfZi'U. -V - Mt' - 1 r - Britain Rights Reserved. Registered in U. S. Patent Offi FINANCIAL. Money lo Loan on Real Lstat RESIDENCE LOANS. From 04 to 7 por cent for five years. - a 1 1 x .- r 1 jr mi y uuguul oa principal snd reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. ANo see us for lowest interest rates on busine?s property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Pl-one M:in 2541. 1524-29 Yeon Bldg. Money to I own--Chattels end Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 910. 394 Stark Street. Near 10th, Loans on diamonds, watches, v'ctrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, ra usl val instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OP PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOH. ROWER. City and county warrants cashed fo face value. CARRIE MY ERS-HE RRMAN. Manager. DO YOU NEED MONEY. We make a specialty of loans on auu-mohiie-K furniture, victrolas, etc Security left In your possesion. Small weekly or monthly payments. ALSO Loans made to aaiarird people. Rate reasonable. Private office. All business confidential PORTLAND LOAN CO (Licensed). ,Thir" mnd -shingt.m ta. n-307 Ifkum fridg. Maraha'.l 32?S SALARY. LOANS CHATTEL. I WE LOAN MONEY on ort none to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or month I v pavments. fcaca transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. also loan on household furniture, pianos. rt. wjthout removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. I.lri.'vi.'ii 2TS Falling' Rui'ld 1 n g. llONL to loan on diamouua, jewelry; lel rates, all articles heid a year; establUtiwU since ls. Pan M.irx. 2Vi Washing ton. toi Wanifd. HAVE .Md buiik'aiow 1 'j blocks t-outu Ru$e t uy car. $2000. $5lo ca.h paid to date on conrrart. Will s-il contract. $M0. psv ub) 20 montn land 7 er cent int., also lyable mont hiy . 7r. diwrount. I will give you warranty deed and abstract to property, you to convey to purchaser when balance la paid. Owner. Tabor b54, fore noons. K 7'.,;i, Oregonttn. W ANTE D $2 0 Hi on good residence pree- SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO, 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 20-lnch wavy switch, 3 sep ....$1.40 All-around trr.nsfnrmatioti 1.43 Halrdresning shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 2"c. Hair re moved jy electric nedie; switch made of torn birn;s, '.5c. an It ary parlors. 40O-414 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wash. Marshall 17t2 WILL the lady who wants a suit. coat, dreaa waist or iM-iticoat at w holesaie prices C-U t Pet croon's M . nuf a cturere' Outlet ? frUCOND K1HK-TAKIJ ELEVATOR. 205 PITTOCK BLOCK, Mail orders l'rumptiy Fillsd. TH E Institute of hydrotharpy. elecirotharpy and niechano-iherapy. including real, Swed en massages. We treat all chronic and iicute cicaa'-s. office 5. 2 Washington Mdg.. corner 4tU uttd Washington bis. Phone Main 634. Dr. George Rubrt:steiti, optician, returned from i ho service ; h will save you front $2 to y:i 011 any t,r of cytgiausc. He ia an expert optn ian and his pri s are very rea?ionhlp. 226 Morrison st. Miin 2L AN ELECTRIC-CABINET BATH, a tub xnd a scientific massage for rheu matuTn. lumbago, neuritis, etc. at Iroe slue Institute. 327-b-u pittock blk.; grad uate nurse aaslnunti. Phone Bdwy. 212. MRS. M. L LAMAR. 255 5TH T. SPIRITUAL ADVISER. Instructions in the theory of health, sue ffap and harm o u y . MRS. STEV ENS. 25 years Portland's re nowned teacher of palmistry aud crystal );aziug; Ii.ih crystals for stale; also her hook, "Palmistry Made K.a.y.' 37.V Taylor. FEB VET HANNKHUT. leading wig and loupe makers, fine&t stock human hair goods, hairurt'Fsing, manicuring, f ave and Bialp treatment. i-l Aider. Main 546. $1 WILL get uoch your feet fixed up good at Dr. Eaton' th clnrupuuist. who donn't hurt you; 5 jeara here; txum, free. Globe Tlif-att-r bldg.. 11th and Waiit. Bdwy. 224. DETECTIVE United Servico Detective Bureau. A .1 worU executed by skilled op eratives; confidential, too 7 Stuck Exchange bldg., id and Yamui,:. Main 3M2. MOV I N O P ICT U R K M ACH I X E& Films Tlie:iter Sup pi lc j tiitd'S. SERVICE FILM A Sl'PPLY CO., 3iW oak ft., Portland. Or. FACE and scalp massaging, shampooing, liairdr tin g. 111. inicui ing. Scientific metu odd. 21 1 Swetland L-uilding. Main luil. PR1 V ATE work sol lei ted ; information fur nished; interview a confidential; srMces rwioiiHb!e. Alt 1 To, Oregonian. TH E OLD original homo remedy Vlavi jrt- 11 s op- ra lions. 423 Pittock blk. REV. MRS. J. C. S 13 E. 15th st. X. 11JRI. spiritual adviiT. mveitng u Thur."., P. M. East 50M. bL PERFLUOl'S hair destroyed forever b; multiple needle methods, indorsed by phy im'I a.n. 54 Shetland bidg.. ,t h at Wash by V "h. GuI'i'HE. enlarged, g:ands. cure yourself per manently. A K birachan. Rout a, lillls bcro. orrgon. GRADUATE nursi treats lumbago. eie. Hours 2 to 5 or bv appointment. Phone Main lo4'.. Office 0S C 3d. fcCPE RFULOUS hair, moles, warts removed bv lo-net-aK iii-ihnd; trial free. Joie Fiu lev. Ul4 Bush A.- La lie b:dg. Main 636S. Sol'H 1 A B. SKIP. spiritual adviser. 200 Goodnough bldg. Question meetings. Tues., Frl., b P. M .Marshall 2503. Lit. ELNA 6011-NSKN. &0S Panama bldg. Uml", infthjils. Stomach, kidneys. ihcu mutism. conGj atlon. female trouble, etc Lit. W. 1 - H0LL0WAY. Chiropractor and other drugiess method. 705-707 Dekura blilg. Main 4 133. Rt-a.. Woodlswn 5172. Bl.aT stcsm bath, raaaaage, vibration, else trie and chit opra: tic in city. Dr. Mar garet liaynlc. 215 Swetland biiig. Main lit) 5 trV'MMER FURS at upstairs price, remodel ing and t order; cleaning. The Fur Shop, 606 Swctland bid,;., 5th and Washington. Gfc KT Kl'DK DANIELS. Superfluous hair klit'Ui it. manicuring, face and scalp. J K 1 1 .iner bldg- Broadway S92. DR. X ELSON cures corns, t unions, ingrown nalis; very reasonable. 5 J3 Dekum bldg PILES CAN FE CU REDwuiioutoperatroa; send for free booklet. P. O. Box 1103. RUPTURE. CAN HE CURED without an op sratton. Free booklet. P. O. Box 1105. I-RIM EDA BALM, formerly called fialm e? Figs. f4 E. ::id. Sellwood 2213 mornings. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you 7 e Vie reck, collect Ions. Dekum bldg. MiSi MULLEN. calp treatment, manicuring. 610 Husli & Lane bldg.. Bdwy. A Alder sts. LADY BARBERS Shave. 15c; haircut, 25c; face massage. 35c. 25 Glisan. nr. 6th. LA W Y E R 5iy:. 7ase not opposed; $35. Main - - 1 6fc So TJtRAi Y J a s