Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Girls' Sample Dresses About Price SSSSSSH lS fcliiH 2d Floor
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps' Will Be Given on All Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before the 10th of Each Month Filled Stamp Books Redeemed at the Office on the Third Floor
Shoe Shining Parlors in the Basement Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Model Grocery, Bakery and Delicatessen on the Fourth Floor Tea Room on the Fourth Floor
"Employment Sunday"
Every returning Soldier and Sailor should have a
job. We unite -with .the U. S. EMPLOYMENT
SERVICE of the Dept. of Labor and the Churches
of the Country in the nation-wide movement to ob
serve Sunday, May 4, as "Employment Sunday," and
urge employers to list their openings at once.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Main Floor Dainty Handkerchiefs
with printed all-around borders, others
with colored embroidered corners and
crochet edges also Nursery Rhyme
Handkerchiefs with neat embroidered
wreaths and initials in corner 5c each.
Timely and Interesting News for Today's Shoppers
Take a Few Moments' Time and Look Over Our
Men's Clothing
on the other hand, we will be glad of
the opportunity to show you the new styles.
Our stock embraces several well-known
makes clothes that will give the- maximum
amount of service at reasonable prices.
Smart, snappy styles for young fellows and
the more conservative models for business
men in all the most desirable fabrics.
Men's 40c Hose
29c Pair
Main Floor A clear saving of lie on every
pair of these hose you buy. Famous Monito
make, styled with military tops, reinforced
heels and toes. Of splendid quality OQ,
lisle; black, gray, tan, cordovan, pair
Athletic Underwear
$1.00 the Suit
Main Floor Profit by this sale and supply
your underwear needs for the summer.
Men's Athletic Shirts and Drawers of crepe,
balbriggan, fioisette and madras materials.
Broken assortments of sizes. C- flf
30 the garment the suit at D-LUU
$5 Silk Shirts at $2.45
Nearly All Sizes
Main Floor Don't delay, for we expect to close out
this entire lot before the day is far advanced! Men's
pure silk shirts in an attractive assortment of nov
elty striped patterns in various colors. These shirts
are of a well-known make and are cut in J0 A f?
full standard sizes. ?5 shirts special at DrO
Men's $1.50
Shirts for
Main Floor Special lot of famous Bel
mont Shirts in soft cuff styles for warm
weather wear. Full range of sizes and
neat striped patterns. Shirt of QQ
standard $1.50 quality Saturday 0C
We give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps.
Boys' $17.50 and $20
Norfolk Suits
At $12.50
Main Floor Odd lines from our regular stock.
Fancy mixtures, tweeds, cheviots, homespuns
and worsteds, grays, tans, browns, etc. Broken
sizes 6 to 18 years. $ 17.50, $18.50 Q- O T A
and $20 suits Saturday at only DXOU
$1.50 Pants 98c
Main Floor Boys' Knickerbocker Pants in
fancy tweeds, homespuns and novelty mix
tures. Lined throughout and full cut. QQ,
Ages 6 to 14. $1.50 Knickers at only OC
Boys' Blouses 98c
Main Floor Boys' Khaki Blouses a special
lot that came to us underprice. Splendid well
made blouses for school and vacation QQ -wear.
Sizes 6 to 16. $1.50 values at OC
$5.50 Oxfords
At $4.00
Main Floor Men's Gunmetal Calf
Oxfords on medium English last
with white fiber soles, which make
them easy and comfortable on the
feet no "breaking in" necessary.
Soles are also waterproof. Shown
in a full range of sizes and widths.
A typical young man's
shoe. $5.50 grade at
Ivory Soap
5 Cakes 'ir
Special wOC
Ivory Soap will not be sold or de
livered at the above price except with
other purchases made in the Drug
Department. The limit is five cakes
to any one customer. Main Floor.
Woodbury's Facial Soap for 23
r'alro.olive boap priced, cake 100
Pears' Unscented Soap at only 200
Packer's Tar Soap, the cake 230
Resinol Soap priced, the cake 250
Sempre Giovine priced at only 490
Ivory Soap Flakes priced at 100
Lux Soap Flakes priced only 150
Drug Specials
For Saturday -
Kolynos Tooth Paste, per tube 280
Revelation Tooth Powder at 250
Pepsodent Tooth Paste priced 5O0
Listerine at 230, 450 and 850
Tevla, non-greasy lotion priced 500
Santiseptic Lotion priced only 450
Peroxide Tooth Paste priced at 190
Graves Tooth Powder priced 220
Colgate's Shaving Cream only 300
Everyweek Shampoo priced at 390
WATER GLASS, for preserving
eggs pint bottle 200, quart size
350, Vz gal. size 5O0, gallon 750
Mermen's Shaving Cream only 290
Girls' Hats
MENT Millinery
offers for Satur
day a small lot
of children's hats
in smooth and
rough braids droops, pokes and vari
ous other good styles in the wanted
colors. Priced special 'at $1.00
Women's Hats at $3.98
Basement Women's trimmed hat3 in
large, medium and small effects, tai
lored or dressy styles. CJQ QQ
Priced for Saturday at Dt.70
Portland Agency
Buster Broyh
Your child's feet are naturally
graceful. Buster Brown Shoes will
keep them so save them from twist
ed toes, broken arches, corns and bun
ions. Buster Brown Shoes excel in
wearing qualities as well as health
They are rightly shaped because
they are made on the scientifically de
signed Brown Shaping Lasts. Com
plete assortment in latest styles and
leathers on display in the Shoe Dept.
Sale Enameled Ware
PIE PANS Heavy blue and
white enameled choice of 9 or 10
inch size buy them at OQ,
the special low price, each OL
In the Basement
Heavy three-coat blue and white
enameled kitchen utensils at spe
cial low prices for Saturday in
the Basement Underprice Store.
blue and white enameled. . These
are also shown in 9 and 10- OOp
inch sizes special at only iOl
Special Sale of Tea Pots
2, 3 and 4-qt. sizes, special
Kettles, No. 8 size, at D-LO
New Suits
$25 to $48.50
Second Floor Beautiful models,
made up in serge, delhi, poplin,
tweed, gabardine, silk poplin, tri
cotine and wool jersey. Box coat,
blouse, tailored and novelty effects.
Suits of exceptional quality. They
are priced at .$25.00 to $48.50
OTHER SUITS of tricolet, satin,
tricotine and fine serge at prices
ranging $48.50 up to $140.00
New Coats
and Capes
Second Floor Customers will find
here a representative showing
the newest and smartest styles in
Capes and Coats. Serge, gabar
dine, velour, etc. $20 to $49.50
Other Coats and Dolmans at
prices ranging $50 up to $110
New Crepe Waists at $5.00
New Middies $2.50 to $4.50
Second Floor These beautiful
Georgette Waists at five dollars
are remarkable values. All popu
lar colors. Some are beaded,
braided or embroidered. C?K flfl
All sip in rhnnsfi from DJJJ
Second Floor Women's, Misses'
Middy Blouses of white galatea
some have blue flannel collars and
cuffs. Several different styles to
select from and full range of sizes.
Prices range from $2.50 to $4.50
de Chine, Pongee, Tub Silks $5.00
Tub Waists
At $1.25
Bargain Circle, First Floor
Dainty waists of white and col
ored voiles, lawns and batistes.
Large assortment of styles in
tailored or fancy effects. Con
vertible or large col- C" OCT
lars, Saturday special D
Women's Silk
Second Floor Petticoats in all
the new shades to go with
spring suits and dresses. Jersey,
taffeta, messaline, tub silk or jer
sey with taffeta flounces. Tucked,
corded, plaited or ruffled flounces
some in the new slit effect. By
all odds the best showing in Silk
Petticoats in Portland. Prices
range from $5.50 up to $15.50
New Sweaters
$4.50 to $57.50
Second Floors-Sweaters with tux
edo front sweaters with tuxedo
collars, fancy pockets and cuffs-slip-on
sweaters and sport coats in
numerous smart styles. Wool, mo
hair and silk. $4.50 to $57.50
Headquarters for World's Best Makes in
Third Floor CRYSTAL Refrig
erators with all-white enamel
cases and sanitary glass shelves.
Priced from $55.00 to $100.00
A U TOM ATIC Refrigerators
with side door. Solid ash case,
golden oak finish. Prices range
from $37.50 up to $103.00
ILLINOIS Refrigerators with
top icing door. Solid ash case,
golden oak finish. Prices range
from $15.50 up to $30.00
Gas Hot
Gas Hot Plates all sizes.
Prices range $2.30 to $10.50
Fireless Cookers $10.50-$51
Headquarters for screens.
Garden Hose Reduced
Department Third Floor
chance to buy at a substantial saving. Our entire
stock will be on sale Saturday at special low prices.
50-ft. length -inch Black Hose, special .SH.IO
25-ft. length Black Rubber Hose; special $3.81)
Complete stock of Garden Tools, reasonable prices.
cutting blades bottom knife of
best tool steel adjustable split
brass bearings. Coldwell make.
mous Coldwell Lawn Mowers with
4 cutting blades of best tool steel.
Adjustable bearings. Third Floor.
Marabou Scarfs and Capes
New Shipment Just Received
Main Floor Beautiful Scarfs, Capes and Stoles of marabou also
combinations of marabou and ostrich or marabou with Georgette
crepe or satin. Very newest shapes and decidedly dressy for wear
over spring waists and frocks. Shown in black 6eal, mole and taupe.
Prices range from $5.95 up to $H7.50. We give S. & H. Stamps.
Trimmed Hats at $10
Saturday Special
"ITTOMEN look to this store for best val
" ues in Millinery and those who attend
this sale Saturday will not be disappointed,
for we have grouped a large assortment of
beautiful hats at the above price none
worth less than $12, while the great ma
jority are $15, $18 and $20 models. Large,
medium and small styles all pop- f
ular straws. In black and colors
Children's Hats
$1.50 to $7.50
Bring the children in and let them see
the many delightful new styles in summer
hats. Prices range from $1.50 to $5.00
Saturday Last Day of the Great
Hosiery Sale
CENTER CIRCLE, FIRST FLOOR Hundreds of women have already
availed themselves of this opportunity to buy hosiery at good savings
and many more will no doubt be on hand today to lay in a supply.
seamless styles with reinforced
soles and lisle tops. Irregular
makes of regular $1.25 quality.
Black, white and all the FJCkf
staple colors, special pair U
fashioned styles. These are of ex
cellent quality "imperfect" of
$2.25 grade. White, Q" Of?
black and colors pair 0-LAtJ
Ask for S. & H. Trading Stamps.
wide lisle garter tops and double
soles. Semi fashioned, seamless
styles. Chocolate, cordovan,
bronze, brown, champagne, rose,
black, white. On spe- (J" OPT
cial sale at the pair 3J-.00
fashioned ankle and seamless
styles. Very sheer and elastic.
Black, white and a few FTQ
colors; 3 pairs $1.75, pair JJvs
Children's Hosiery
BOYS' HOSE of extra heavy
quality famous Sandow make,
noted for splendid service. Fast
black, elastic ribbed.
Sizes 8 to 11, the pair at tJVJU
RIBBED HOSE for boys and
girls medium weight, ribbed;
elastic and very durable. Shown
in all sizes from 6Vi up QCn
to 10'. Priced at the pair ODL
New Georgette
Crepe $2
Lace Dept.. First Floor Over GO
desirable shades, including black
and white. All silk Georgette crepe
of dependable quality the kind
that gives excellent wear. Much
the vogue for summer waists and
dresses. Priced special QO ff
for Saturday, the yard 5.UU
60c Japan Tea
50c Pound
Fourth Floor Dependable Japan
Tea natural leaf, Regular Cfl
60c grade the pound at JvJU
Solid Pack Tomatoes, can 19
Preferred Stock or Monopole
Canned Peas. Priced spe- OO
cial for Saturday, the can "iJL
English Walnuts, pound at 35
Basement Underprice Store
Men's Union Suits
Saturday Special
Basement Men's summer weight bal- Ar
briggan union suits long sleeves and
ankle length. Full assortment of sizes. See
these Union" Suits on sale Saturday in our
Basement Underprice Store at only $1.00
Boys' Waists at 25c
Sizes Up to 10 Years
Basement Splendid well-made waists just the
thing for school and vacation needs. Assort- O
ed patterns and materials. Special at only
Sale of Undermuslins and
Women's Coats Continues
Mayor liakcr Serves Notice That City
Intends to Stand Behind
Health Bureau.
Onq of the first steps taken by the
city council in a determined effort to
bring about a "clean-up" in Portland
rpstaurants and cafes was the, revoca
tion of a license held by the Orpheum
restaurant. 225 Madison street, operated
by C. Allen.
According to evidence presented to
the city council by Gordon Lang, chief
sanitary inspector. Mr. Allen ignored
the notices given him by the city health
bureau to make changes held necessary
in the interest of sanitation. These re
(guests were made repeatedly, according
to Mr. Lang, but no efforts, he said, .
were made by the owner of the restau-
rant to comply with them.
City Commissioner Mann, in charge 1
of the health bureau, said he expected
to have other similar cases before the
city council soon.
"We are not molesting the restau
rant owners who comply with the law
and do not bother those who are at
tempting to comply, with our sugges
tions," said Commissioner Mann. How
ever, we have issued notice to clean up
in- all places where conditions warrant
a change, and new licenses will not be
issued on July 1 to any restaurant un
less it is in absolutely clean and sani
tary condition."
Mayor Baker said that the public was
entitled to cleanliness in all restaurants
and that the city council would stand
behind the health bureau in its efforts
to bring about the desired clean-up.
Ridgefield's Quota Subscribed.
RIDGBFIELD. Wash., May 2. (Spe
cial.) Ridgefield is the third town in
Clarke county to go over the top in
subscribing to the victory loan. The
quota for this district was $10,366.
Ben Selling at Luncheon Matches
$3000 Subscription by Mem
bers to Victory Loan.
A total of J6000 was added to Port
land's victory loan subscriptions at the
luncheon of the Portland Realty board
yesterday, through word from Ben
Selling that he would match any sub
scriptions made. When this was an
nounced $3000 was promptly subscribed.
On the Initiative of J. Fred Staver,
the realtors voted to appoint a com
mittee to work for constructive changes
in the new housing code, some provi
sions of which are considered too dras
tic. L. R. Bailey, architect, called at'
tention to the fact that, for instance.
under the present wording of the code
It would be unlawful to build a small)
breakfast room in a house, and that on
corner lots in the residence section
even such fine residences as those of
Laurelhurst wouldn't comply with requirements.
Eugene E. Smith and Oscar W. Home,
labor members of the last legislature,
spoke in favor of the reconstruction
programme to come before the voters
June 3. Mr. Smith emphasized that the
programme should be considered an in
vestment, not a debt. He especially
favored the proposal to guarantee irri
gation bonds.
Mr. Home said this is the first time
when the big interests and labor have
agreed on the same programme for de
veloping the state. He said labor would
vote solidly for the whole reconstruc
tion programme. He discussed at length
the building part of the programme, and
declared that if this building is under
taken the example will be contagious
and will result in another era of build
ing. He also spoke warmly in favor ot
the Roosevelt highway project.
Yakima l'ruit Not Damaged.
YAKIMA, Wash., May 2. (Special.)
Reports from the Kiona district are
that there has been no frost damage
to fruit there, and that practically all
the fruit ranches in that district will
bear heavily this season.
Marshriold Man Ofrorcd Job.
MAR&HFIEL.P. Or.. May 2. Spe
cial.) James Polhemus. manager of the
Coos Bay Shipbuilding company, has
been tendered a position at Washing
ton by tha government engineering
board as consulting engineer in the
construction of a large government bar
Canada's pulp and paper exports load
all manufacturing industries, except
that of explosives.
Lipman, Wolfe & Co. it yr' a x r-
for the acid-distressed
stomach try two or three
after meals, dissolved
on the tongue keep
your stomach sweet
try Ki-moids the new
aid to digestion.