VOL. I.VIII. NO. 18,233. Entered at Portland (Or off on) PoatoftMee tfl Feconfl -da?w Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ONE MAN IS KILLED . BY HURTLING AUTO GCY SWITZER DEAD, COMPAX IOX LIES IX HOSPITALS. ENTIRE U. S. FORCE MAYOR F. T. WOODMAN IS ACQUITTED BY JURY LOS ANGELES . EXECUTIVE XOI GlILTV IX BRIBERY CASE. SELF RULE IS GOAL OF IRISH REPUBLIC DESTROYERS TO LIGHT WAY FOR SEAPLANES LAST APPEAL MADE FOR VICTORY LOAN VOICE COMPLAINTS OMIIMG HOME 5QDN HEAVEXS TO BE SWEPT AT XIGHT FOR OCEAN FLIERS. CHINA AMD BELGIUM 9 V Peace Conference Awards Cause Dissatisfaction. ITALIAN BREACH IS UNHEALED Council of Three Shows No Disposition to 'Make Up.' ALU QUIET AT VERSAILLES German Delegates Wait Around for Credentials to Be Scanned Soviet Hale Fails at Munich. ' CBy the Associated Press.) ' With the controversy between ItalJ iand the council of three still unsettled and the Chinese delegation reported to ke disposed to protest against the award of Klao-Chau to the Japanese, Belgium now is. declared, to.be dis satisfied with the terms of the peace treaty as regards her territorial desires in Germany. Apparently no great attempts are be ing: made by the council of three to1 bring about a . reconciliation In ideas with the Italian delegates. The French ambassador to Italy, however, has con ferred at length with Premier Orlando. ' Council Dors Little. Aside from discussion by the council of three of minor articles of the peace treaty. Friday in. peace conference cir cles in Paris was a quiet day. Like wise at Versailes, where-1 the German delegates are awaiting the peace terms, there was little activity. The soviet movement in central Eu rope eeemlngly is fast approaching its downfall. Munich, seat of the Bavarian eoviet. which was known to be sur rounded by government forces of Pre mier Hoffman, is reported unofficially to have been, recaptured. In Hungary the forces of Kins Ferdinand of Rou rnania, with the monarch at their bead, are about to enter Budapest, while Bela Kun, foreign minister in the Hungarian fcoviet. continues to make overtures for a. cessation of hostilities by Roumania .nd also by the Czccho-Slovaks and tfugo-Slavs. Red Threaten Ronmanim. Advices from Moscow say the Rus sian bolshevik government has cent an ultimatum to Roumania demanding evacuation of Bessarabia. Forty-eight hours have been given the Roumanians to comply. The Spanish parliament has been dis solved by King Alfonso and new elec tions set for June 1, according. to re ports received in London from the Spanish capital. PARIS, May 2. (By the Associated Tress.) The Belgian delegation to the peace conference is expressing dissatis faction over the terms of the prelimi naries for peace as they affect Bel glum. None of the territiorial claims of Belgium has been granted, except that of Malmedy, in Rhenish Prussia, the population of which before the war was largely "Walloon. Malmedy will revert to Belgium. The territory on the left bans of the Scheldt river and Maastricht and the Limbourg peninsula are not mentioned in the terms. Hon Marks Lie Idle. t Of the $500,000,000 already mentioned il an immediate financial indemnity far Belgium, more than half the amount has merely been placed to Belgium's credit in allied countries as part pay ment of war loans. No provision has been made for the recall by Germany of the six billion marks which were left in Belgium and now lie in Belgian banks and vaults, bearing no interest and unproductive, as the circulation of the mark in Belgium is not permit ted. M. Delacroix, the Belgian premier, arrived in Paris today bringing a mes sage of proiest from the Belgian senate. M. Hymans of the Belgian peace dele gation is expected to appear before the council of three to make representa tions concerning the terms granted Belgium. VERSAILLES, May 2. (By the Asso ciated Press.) The German delegates to the peace conference today expressed themselves as well satisfied that the first meeting Thursday with repre sentatives of the allied and associated powers took the form of a mutual ex change of credentials rather than a one-sided demand for the production of the German papers for purposes of Identification. - They take this as an Indication that the negotiations are to be conducted on the basis of equality. Credentials Are Examined. The credentials committee of the peace conference held a meeting today to examine the German credentials re ceived yesterday. There is no disposition, it is said, on the part of th3 allies and the United States to raise any questions regarding the competency .of the Berlin govern ment to speak for the remainder o! Germany. They are proceeding on the Theory" that the Berlin ministry is the icsl German government. The arrangements for- reporting future sessions of the peace congress In the Trianon are expected to eho Immediate improvement. No telephones had been installed and the correspond ents were forced to walk half a mile through the mud to Versailles proper and telephone to Paris. Today, how ever, an army of telephone men invaded (Concluded on 1'age Column 2.) L. G. Jones, Driving Big Machine, Said to Have Been Drinking Be fore Attempting Turn. Guy Switzer. 5825 Eighty-fifth street Southeast, was killed, and L. G. Jones, 8927 Fifty-seventh avenue Southeast, was injured seriously at 2:30 P. M. yes terday by the overturning of an auto mobile driven , by Mr. Jones one mile south of Linnemann Junction, on the Gresham carline. Officers say they found in the wreck the remains of a jug which had contained wine, and that the accident was due to the excessive speed at which the automobile, was traveling, estimated by witnesses at iO or 50 miles an hour. The wreck occurred on a curve In Pleasant avenue. In front of the home of & E. Poppleton. About 100 feet from the turn he evi dently applied the brakes, but when the car hit the curve it turned a com plete somersault endwise, alighting In Mr. Poppleton's yard. The machin e, a heavy one, caught Mr. Switzer under neath, killing him almost instantly. The right hind wheel struck Mr. Jones' chest ar.d pinned him down, but prob ably did not injure him fatally. Witnesses of the wreck lifted the car off the occupants and telephoned to Portland for an ambulance. Manager Buck, of the Ambulance Service com pany, who answered the call, says Mr. Jones had been drinking. Deputy Cor oner Goetsch and Deputy Sheriff Beck man, who investigated, agree with him. Mr. Switzer was 37 years old. He lived with his mother, Mrs. Minnie Switzer, 5825 Eighty-fifth street Southeast. He was a horse trader. Mr. Jones, who is 23 years old. was until recently an em ploye of the Columbia River Shipbuild ing corporation. He is at the Good Sa maritan hospital. He is unmarried. The accident wrecked the automobile completely, crushing the top, breaking an axle, and tearing two wheels from the car. Coroner Smith- announced last night that he would hold an inquest. If Mr. Jones recovers, the authorities may file a charge againxt him. The body of Mr, Sv.-itzer is at the public morgue. SHIPYARDS WILL CONTINUE ew Contracts "Will Replace Can ceilatlons, Says Hurley. WASHINGTON, May 2. Shipyards will not be forced to suspend work nor will any men be thrown out of em ployment in the contemplated readjust ment of the building programme of the shipping board. Chairman Hurley said today. Mr. Hurley explained that the prospective cancellation of 2,000,000 deadweight tons of shipbuilding con tracts would be followed by the sub stitution of contracts calling for the construction of more desirable types of vessels. The prospective cancellations, he said. would be of undesirable types of ships, which cannot be completed until late in 1919. . : 1M JB BOLSHEVIST TEACHER OUT Former Portland Woman at Hood River "Celebrates" May Day. HOOD RIVER, Or., May 2. (Special.) Mrs. Gladys Wendover, teacher, of languages in the high school, observed May day in strictly bolshevist style yesterday, visiting other city schools, delivering bolshevist talks and dis tributing literature. Today she was dismissed by the city school board be cause of her radical tendencies. Mrs. Wendover, who came here from Portland recently, has been under observation for several weeks. Forme distributions of bolshevist literature brought warnings' from school author! ties. ARE CORSETS UNDERWEAR? Problem Referred to Revenue Com raissioncr for Solution. NEW TORK, May 2. Are corsets un derwear? This problem was put up today to Commissioner of Internal Revenue Roper by Lew Hahn, execu tive secretary of the National Retail Drygoods association. The new lux ury tax is the cause of the difficulty. An official ruling has declared that corsets are underwear, Mr. Hahn says, and a luxury and taxable. Some merchants are collecting the tax and others are not, and Mr. Hahn appeals to Commissioner Roper to put corsets In their proper place officially. SHIPYARD WORKERS STRIKE Refusal to Recognize Shop Commit tee Ties XTp Plant. LOS ANGELES, May 2. Six thousand five hundred employes of the Los Angeles Shipbuilding & DVydock com pany at Los Angeles harbor went out on strike late today because officials of the company refused to recognize a shop committee. The day workers, 3500 in number, went out late in the afternoon. When the 3000 night workers arrived they were met by the day men outside the yards and told of the strike. The night force joined the day workers and the plant was forced to shut down. BRITAIN PLANS NEW-L0AN Issue Equivalent to 5 Per Cent Consols Soon to Appear. LONDON, May 2. The British gov ernment is about to offer a great new loan equivalent to 5 per cent consols, says the Daily Mail. The newspaper adds that the loan will take the form of consolidated stock bearing 4 percent interest. The issue price win be 80, thus mak ing the yield 5 per cent. Early Withdrawal From Germany Decreed. MOVEMENT WAITS ON PEACE War Department Plans Bear Out President's Statement. MARCH REPORTS PROGRESS Indications Are That September Will See Last of American Troops Out of Occupied Area. . WASHINGTON, May 2. Determina tion of President Wilson, indicated In press advices advices from Paris, that no American troops shall continue on German soil for a longer nerlod after the signing of the peace treaty than may be necessary to embark them for home, is borne out by present plans of the war department, which contemplate the return of the entire American ex peditionary force by September. Be cause of this General March, chief of staff, is making every effort to speed up the demobilization in this country. An official announcement issued to day as to the accumulation of surplus clothing for the troops stated that the estimates -were based on "troop with drawals to be completed in September, Schedule Recently Exceeded. The September date represents esti mates by embarkation officials as to the maximum possible speed in with drawing the entire force In Europe, in cluding the troops holding the Coblenz bridgehead sector on the Rhine. If anything, officers believe the move ment will be accelerated rather than retarded. The schedule has been ex ceeded recently and in increasing meas ure from week to week, with an in dicated monthly movement of 450,000 men, the best predictions of General March and his aides, bid fair, it was said, to be more than realized. General March returned today from a personal inspection of demobilization centers in the southeastern department At each camp the chief of staff checked up the semi-permanent demobilization personnel at the camps in an effort to reduce the number of men who are being held in the service for this work. Speedy Work Is Reported. Officers recently returned from France say the "two bottle necks" through which practically the entire movement must pass, the embarkation camp at Brest and the debarkation stations at Hoboken, are now operating at remark able speed. WASHINGTON, May 2. Only about (Concluded on Pe 3. Column 1.) NOT I ' I Presidir udg Willis Forbids Dem of " ation. When Verdict Is Announced. 7 ', ANGELES, May 2. Mayor F. T. .man was acquitted tonight of a .-ge of bribery. jVhen the jury sent word just before o'clock that it had reached a verdict. Judge Frank R. Willis, who presided at the mayor's trial, announced to the crowded courtroom that no demonstra tion - would be permitted, no matter what the outcome. ' After the verdict had been given. however, many persons crowded about the mayor and congratulated him. He stepped over to the jury box, shook hands with the Jurors, and thanked them for acquitting him. Mr. Woodman issued the following statement: 'I never had the slightest doubt as to the outcome. I knew I was abso lutely innocent of any wrongdoing, and that the Jury would bo decide. The verdict speaks for itself and I have nothing to add to it except that I re gret exceedingly the damage done the city of Los Angeles through the pub licity given the case." Announcement was made by the dis trict attorney's office that the acquit tal of Mr. Woodman would have no effect upon the 'decision to place on trial George Henderso'n, alleged to have bribed the mayor, and A. W. Hackett, a police sergeant indicted during the Woodman trial. Hackett is alleged to have accepted a bribe to protect vice. Mr. Woodman is a candidate for re election. The primary election will be held next Tuesday. BOMB" IS GIMBEL WATCH Nervous Georgia Postmaster "Uncov ers Mail-Order Package. WASHINGTON, May 2. The post master at Americus. Ga., reported to the chief postal inspector today that he had held up a registered package. mailed from New Tcork with a Girobel Bros.' tag and addressed to a promi nent citizen of Amerfcus. The inspect or's office at Atlanta was ordered to investigate. AMERICUS, Ga., May 2. Investiga tion of the mysterious package with markings of the Gimbel Bros.' store of New Tork showed that it contained i watch from Gimbel Bros, to an Ameri cus citizen. TROUBLE BREWS IN SPAIN Parliament Dissolved Following Clash of Police and People. LONDON. May 2. King Alfonso of Spain has signed a decree dissolving parliament, says a dispatch to the Ex change Telegraph from Madrid. The dispatch adds that general elections will be held June 1. The police and people engaged in a May day demonstration clash yesterday afternoon, 29 police and several per sons being wounded. IF YOUR UNCLE SAM HAS HIS National Policy Based on People's Will Aim. EQUAL RIGHTS ARE ASSURED Copy of Indepsndence Declara- tion Reaches United States. FOREIGN ARMS PROTESTED Evacuation by All English Garri sons Demanded to Enforce In ternational Rights. XEW TORK. May 2. Supreme Court Justice Cohalan received today from Sean T. O'Kelly. the representative of the Irish republic at Paris, a copy of the declaration of independence adopted by the Irish republic parliament, publica tion of which has been suppressed In Ireland. This Is the first copy to reach this country- The text of the declaration reads: "Whereas, The Irish people is by right a free people; and Whereas, For 700 years the Irish people has never ceased to repudiate and has repeatedly protested In arms against foreign usurpation; and "Whereas, English rule In this coun try is, and always has been, based upon force and fraud and maintained by military occupation against the de clared will of the people; and Complete Freedom Aim. "Whereas. The Irish republic was proclaimed In Dublin on Easter Mon day, 1916, by the Irish republican army acting on behalf of the Irish people; and "Whereas, The Irish people is re solved to secure and maintain its com plete Independence In order to promote the common weal, to re-establish Jus tlee, to provide for future defense, to insure peace at home and good will with all nations and to constitute a na tionalpolicy based upon the people's will with equal right and equal oppor tunity for every citizen; and "Whereas, At the tnreshhold of a new era in history the Irish electorate has In the general election of December 1918, seised the first occasion to declare by an overwhelming majority its firm allegiance to the Irish republic: Support Pledged to People. "Now, therefore, we, the elected rep resentatives of the ancient Irish people in rational parliament assembled, do in the name of the Irish nation ratify the establishment of the Irish republic and pledge ourselves and our people to make this declaration effective by very- means at our command; "To ordain that the elected repre- (Concluded on l'ajc J, Column 1.) WAY, Huge Painted Numbers on Decks and Sides of Vessels to Serve for Daylight Guidance. NEW TORK. May 2. At 11:30 o'clock "some morning In Newfoundland" the navy's trans-Atlantic seaplanes will start on their flight of not less than 18 hours to the Azores, it was learned at the Rockaway Point naval air sta tion today. This means that the three planes, the NC-1. 3 and 4 will travel all of one night and will not alight before 5 or 6 o'clock the morning after they de part from Newfoundland. Sixty de- troyers equipped with powerful search lights will sweep the heavens with con tinuous swinging beams all night so that during the hours of darkness the air pilots can find their way along a path of light with a "lamp post" ap proximately every 50 miles. For daylight reckoning huge num bers will be painted on the decks and the sides of the vessels so that observ ers In the planes may check their course. Flying will be at a height of about 1000 feet. Estimates available tonight are that each machine will consume about 650 pounds of gasoline an hour at the start. but that by the time the Azores are reached fuel consumption will have dwindled to something like 360 pounds an hour, the decrease being attributed to lightening of the load carried as gasoline is consumed. FRESHMEN WIN BAG RUSH Green taps Burned at Agricultural College Campus. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallit". May 2. (Special.) For the first time In several years, the fresh men -won the annual bag rush this morning. The first-year men carried six bags over the sophomore line, win ning by one bag. A free-for-all clash developed after the rush when the win ners endeavored to serpentine on the campus. Finally the freshmen tri umphed and serpentined, rooting and yelling on the Mower field. George M. Schwarz. president of the student body, was official starter, and each of the 11 teams was managed by a senior man. Jimmy Richardson, baseball coach, mingled unintentionally In the rush when he saw W hitney Gill, catcher, and Babe McCart, pitcher for the var sity baseball team, in the thick of the fight. He rescued the two. formal burning of green caps and ribbons, official insignia of freshman followed and the morning's festivities cloned with the dedication of the senio bench by Orin Dadmun. 1919 class pres ident. EATING PLACES HARD HIT Strike of Cooks and Waiters I neon vcnlenees- Salt Lake. SALT LAKE CITY. May 2. Salt Lake citizens had a difficult time today find Ing restaurants, due to the strike of rooks and waiters. Only a few eatin places in the city are being operated The cooks and waiters are demanding a straight eight-hour shift wlthou breaks. About 200 are said to have quit work. Unless a scttlcmeent is effected to morrow in the controversy between the bakers and their employes this city may face a bread famine. Bakers are demanding day work and wage In creases. Several bakeries have been forced to close. Contraband Is Destroyed. VANCOUVER. Wash.. May 2. (SDe claL) Seventy gallons of intoxicating liquor were poured down a sewer a the county court house today by Sheriff Johnson and deputies. The liquor wa taken In raids on Illicit stills in th county and was a mixture of rice wi and beer made from wheat and pota toes. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Heather. TKSTERDATS Maximum temperature. 1 decrees: minimum, 43 degree. TODAY'S Fair; moderate northwester winds. 1'ore-ism. China and Belgium voice complaints. Face Car-f nthfan troops to oppose Juco-Slav In veston. raco 5. 4'2B Pari policemen Injured In Mar day no lb. face Hlndenburc reforms German army in haste. face o. Irish -American delegation leaves Paris for Dublin. Pas & Many killed by single Boche shell. Page 14, National. Entire TJnlted States force In Germany t come home soon. -Page 1. Rise In Intranstate phone rates defended. Face 4. Tom efttir. Clarence Keames and other western official: on bomb list. Pace 7. Destroyers at night to light way for ocean fllon. Pago 1. Mayor Woodman acquitted. Pace 1. Court holds testimony of baby's face Is dangerous. l'Mge 4. Sports. Pacific Coast I-eague results: Portland 2, Oakland 1 ; San Kranclsco T. Salt Lakt ft (12 Inning; Vernon 4. Prattle 3; La Angeles 11. Sacramento 6. Pago 12. Columbia nine trims Washington, 6 to 4, Pago 12. Interest centers on track meet teday. Pa co 3 3. Commercial and Marine. Winter wheat makes good procresa in all Pacific coast states. Page -1. SSOO-ton hull, to be launched today, buil in day. Page 20. Low-grade rails artlve feature of Wal street trading;. Pace 21. Portland and Vicinity. Portland to fight federal luxury tax. Page Last appeal made for victory loan. Page Warriors expected home folk to buy bond says t a trier Kolley. Page 7. Portland may yet obtain assignment battleship Oregon to harbor. Page 13. Portland barber charges attorney and others wild blackmail. i'ago lo. Captain Mannlon returns from futile pursuit or -aiio to Honolulu. I'sge io. Laudation of reds aemittted by editor. rage 22. Mayor Baker asks Mr. Hurley about ship yara future in Portland. Page 2u. Guy 8wltxT killed. L. G. Jones hurt. In automobile wreck. Page 1. caUier report data and forecast. Pace 2L Come Forward' Is Slogan for Final Drive. CAMPAIGN ENDS AT MIDNIGHT otal of $2,464,275 Needed to Put Metropolis Over. UPSTATE COUNTIES SAFE Life-Saving Demonstration, Street Meetings and Band Concerts to Close Great Drive. BANKS ORDERED TO REMAIN OPEN TILL 9 O'CLOCK TOMGHT. It is the manifest duty of every citizen to use every effort to raise - Portland's victory loan quota. Given the opportunity, every man and woman will re spond. No matter what other cities do. Portland must answer in full. That citizens may have this ODDortunltv. everv bank In J Portland is hereby instructed to remain open today until 9 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of taking victory loan subscriptions, keep. Ing windows open this afternoon for that purpose alone. Citizens are asked voluntarily to prove Portland's mettle. GEORGE L. BAKER, Mayor. Portland. Or., 1 A. M , May 3, 191?. Kntire state quota. 1:6.747,530 Subscribed to date, outer-state and city 24.2S3.275 Deficit to raise today 2.464. 175 Portland's quota share. 14.7S6.325 Subscribed to date.... 12.322.050 Deficit to raise today 2.164.275 Today Is the Isst day of the Oregon victory loan drive. In the victory loan drive today the last resolute rush of the Portland cam. paigners for their city and for Oregon's honor, the reserves of citizenship must be hurried to the front line If the quota is carried tonight. To every man and woman and child, whose means permits the buying of a bond, the message is addressed. "Today Portland and Oregon have the opportunity to close their war rec ord with a perfect climax." runs the appeal. Portland" lienor at Makr. "Come forward! If tonight brings success. Portland and Oregon will be first in the west and third in the na tion. At victory hut. or at any bank, the bond blanks are waiting for you. The last duty of victory, the privilege of co-operative citizenship. Is yours." But there must be giant strides today. The city campaign definitely closes to night. Outer Oregon has long ago com pleted Its quota. The state waits on Portland. And Portland, by official es mates late yesterday, lacks S2.464.27a of Its S14.7S6.325 quota. Its total on the morning of the last day is S12.322, 030. Its subscriptions yesterday rolled forward with renewed impetus, reach ing the daily total of SI. 377.250. Tho whippet tank, familiar ltttla favorite of the earlier days of the local drive, is to arrive this morning from Hood River, and will be stationed at Sixth and Alder streets, in mimic de fense of the -ictory loan trench. Fire works and gunfire will add to tho realism of the tank's participation, laveatora Rally to Call. The rallying call of the last few das has been loyally answered. The ad mirable nature of the investment itie'-f is at last clearly understood. At vic tory hut. Sixth and Morrison, and at ail banks, thousands of volunteer subscrib ers have fulfilled their duty in the bend d-ive. More will throng forward today, for time doss not permit waiting for the solicitors. They have worked In cessantly for two weeks. They have given their toll and time without fee. New they must return to their own neglected affairs. If Portland wins tonight. Oregon will win. Mora than that, the downtown district will witness the joyous cele bration of a city that has closed it record cleanly. Plans are perfected tor a mighty rally tonight in victory square, when the thousands of men and women campaigners, with a host of citizens, will form the "victory patrol" and will await the word that seals the city's pledge to the nation. Portland Qnota Is Kxpcrted. Tf Portland people will do what they should." declared City Chairman Kmery Olmstcad late last nlcht. "there is little do-.ibt but that Portland will lead the cities of the west, and that Oregon will be the third state in the union. And T feel that the people of Portland will respond with a generous, spontaneous rally on this closing day. I am not confident of victory, but I hope for it with Indications pointing the way to a complete subscription of the city quots." "The response the past two days has been very encouraging," said Willis K. Clark, city executive secretary. "It has given new heart to the men and women who have been working hard In the ACuucluded oa, i'agt tulmua S.J. 102.0v