23 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1919 E 0 f J PACIFIC COAST Recent Heavy Shipments Were Put Into Storage: BUYERS VERY CAUTIOUS Growers Still Hoping for nigh Prices at Clean TTp Shipment of Seed Potatoes Is Sent to Russia. The local potato market va quiet yes terday at unchanged prices. There was but little business In the country. Three cars were shipped to Los Angeles and one to Stockton. Ths potato situation Illustrates a big dif ference of opinion between the growers and the dealers at the present time, with the former holding firm In conviction of high prices for the clean-up. while the latter are moving- cautiously and shipping considerably less stock than during the previous month. The heavy movement up to two weeks ago has largely been put Into storage in Cali fornia, which Is taken as an Indication that upplies will be so plentiful that extrava gant prices will not prevail on the Pacific coast. The eastern situation is unsettled. While the Chicago market stands at practically the same figures as a week ago, in the mean time It reached as high as $2.35 for best Wisconsin and Minnesota stock and dropped back to $2.10(3 2.15. The advance was made so cautiously at 5c to 10c per day that some began to figure a spring advance had set In definitely, but the slump wiped out all the gain. Prices are strong at all western shipping points, with Idaho growers getting $1.90 for Russetts and Colorado farmers get ting $1.60. Oregon and Washington grow ers are holding generally, but a little stock is moving at $1,508 1.C0 cash to the growers. Carlots in Los Angeles are bringing $2.25 2.35 per cwt There are widespread rumors of large purchases of potatoes made and con templated for export to Russia. The war trade board states positively that the recent order of approximately 100 cars for seed purposes Is the only order of its kind placed or contemplated for Russia. FIRMKR TOSE IN BUTTER MARKET Stocks Are Cleaning Cp and Prices Tend to Advance. On the suggestion of several dealers, Portland butter prices, as quoted by the bureau of markets, will from this time on. be given on 81 and 90-score butter in stead of on 92 and 91-score butter as for merly. It is felt that a score of 92 is too high as a basis for the Portland market and that the lower scores more nearly represent the true conditions. This change will not affect market transactions and is adopted merely as an aid in standardizing this market with the other markets. There was a firmer feeling in the market yesterday and cubes were reported sold at 52 and 53 cents. Holders of the best stock asked 53'.4. Trading was fairly active with a better outside demand. The sur plus was partially reduced and some dealers had clean floors. Receipta on Tuesday were: Pounds. California - 2.430 Oregon - 0.564 Washington 2.4S7 Total 11,481 The in-storage movement was 1740 pounds and 8732 pounds were withdrawn, leav ing a balance of 32.593 pounds. Street stocks were 1185 cubes and 342 boxes. Cheese receipts on Tuesday were 3730 pounds. LOCAL GRAIN MARKET IS IRREGULAR Barley Is Firmest Feature In Trading- Oats Easier. The local grain market was irregular yes terday. Sacked oats bids ranged from 25 cents lower to 25 cents higher than the day before, while eastern oats were down 50 cents. May corn was 60 cents higher and June 50 cents lower. Barley bids ran from unchanged to an advance of 50 cents. At San Francisco December barley sold at $2.43. Weather conditions in the middle west, as wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg, cloudy. cool. All over grain belt, temperatures to 60. raining at Dayton. Columbia, Spring field. Little rain at Chicago. Rained last night at Omaha. Receipts at San Francisco in April In- eluded 4010 barrels of flour from Oregon and 66.487 barrels of flour and 4700 centals of wheat from Washington. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Portland. Wed. 14 7 5 15 10 Year ago 2 .... 5 . Season to date.7033 1021 2443 "Year ago 3690 3S0 1049 vTacoma. Tues.. 4 .... .... jYear ago 4! 1 . I Season to date.5247 34 .... Year ago 5023 80 .... Seattle. Tues .... 4 Year ago 34 6 5 Season to date.5273 73 1216 Year ago 4614 319 1561 I 661 1407 1 3 157 281 "i 526 1059 3031 2299 1198 1601! 24 25 3030 Ego; Prices Firming; Up. The egg market was firmer with lighter receipts. Several of the large buyers will put out a 41-cent cash quotation today Receipts Tuesday were 868 cases, as follows Origin Idaho ..... Oregon Washington Exp. Frt. .573 . 36 254 103 Total .611 357 Storage holdings Increased 1108 cases and now stand at 22,180 cases. Street stocks were 5063 cases. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities jffiieraay were as rollows: Clearings. Balances. Portland $4,281,393 $ 725.165 Seattle 5,660,481 1, 4:16.063 -i acoma oa.405 257.834 Spokane 1.260.54 5 447,689 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATION Grain. Flour, Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: May. Bid. June. Bid. Oats No. 2 white feed......... Barley Standard feed Standard "A" ........... Eastern oats and corn, Oats ?. 3 white 38-lb. clipped white...... Corn No. 3 yellow No. 3 mixed WHEAT Government bushel. ...$54.25 . .. 55.25 . . . 56.00 bulk ... 52.00 ... 62.50 . . . 66.00 65.00 $54.00 54.00 54.50 52.00 62.50 65.00 64.00 basis, $2.20 per FLOUR Patents. $11.45 delivered. $11.30 at mill; bakers'. $11.15 1 1 :30: whole wheat. $10.2510.40; graham, $10.05 & 10.20. MILLFEED Mill run. t. o. b. mill, carlots. $37 & 3S per ton; mixed cars. $37.50038.50: too tots or over. $39gM0: lea than tons. $49 &41: rolled barley. t5S60; rolled oats. $58; ground barley, $58. CORN Whole, ton, $68; cracked, $70 per ton. HAT Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland; Eastern Oregon timothy. $3032 per ton; alfalfa, $2525.50; valley grain hay, $26; clover, $26&27. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 8253e per pound; prints, parchment wrappers, extra, box lots. 55c: cartons, 56c; half -boxes, Ho more: less than half boxes, lc more; but terfat. No. 1, 53(3 54c per pound, station. EGGS Oregon ranch, case count. 43c, candled, 45o; selects, 4647c CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets, 32c; Toung Americas, 33c: Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point, triplets. 31 Vic; Young Americas. S2V,c: longhorns, 32ViC- POULTRY Hena, 323.34c; roosters, 24c; 1 POTATO ST ducks, 48050c: geese and live turkeys, nom inal: dressed turkeys. 48c VEAL fancy, 18'a 19c per pound. PORK Fancy. 25c per pound. ' Fruits and Vegetables. Local lobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges, navals, $4.7SOT; lemons. 33.75d per box; bananas. 8ft O9o per pound: apples, (2.253.50 per box: grapefruit, $3.50 3 9.50; strawberries, $30 4.50 per crate. VEGETABLES Cabbage. $6 7.50 pef 100 pounds; lettuce, $35 per crate: pep pers. 60 75c par pound: celery, $10 per crate; artichokes. $1.15; cauliflower, $20 Z. i5; beets. $2.25 per sack: carrots. $2.25f 3 per sack; turnips, $2.25 per sack; cu cumbers. $1,5032.25 per dozen; tomatoes, $4.50 per box; spinach. $1.25 per box: peas. 14&16C per pound; rhubarb, $2.25 & 2.75 pes box; asparagus. $1.50(33.75 per crate. POTATOES Oregon BuifcanKs, best, $1.75 S2-, Yakimas. 31.T5&2; new California, 710c per pound. ONIONS Oregon. Jobbing prices. $4S$5 per sack. Staple Orocerlea. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit and berry, $9.55; beet, $9.45; Honolulu cane, $9.50; ex tra C, $9.15; powdered In barrels. $10.25; cubes in barrels, $10.45. NUTS Walnuts. 2735c; Brazil nuts, 82c: filberts, 26c; almonds, 24&30c; pea nuts, 15c SALT Half-ground. 100s, $15.90 per ton; 60s. $17.25 per ton; dairy, $25 per ton. RICE Unbroken, 9& 11c per pound. BEAMS Buying price, large white. 4HO Cc per pound; red, 4c per pound. COFftE Roasted. In drums. 25 & 40c Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice, 39HO40C; stand ard, 884 & 39c ; skinned, 35c; picnic, 28c; cottage roll, 84c LARD Tierce basis, 32c; compound. 23 per pound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 27083c; plates, 2S25c; exports, 80c BACON Fancy, 62 0 54c; standard. 45 0 48c; choice. 34 & 42c Bops, Mohair, Etc. HOPS Oregon 1918 crop, 42$42ttc pel pound; three-year contracts, 30c. 28c, 25c WOOL Eastern Oregon and Washington, 29 0 51c per pound. MOHAIR, 1919 clip, 45 50c per pound. TALLOW No. 1, ec per pound; No. 2. 4o per pound; grease. No. 1, 3c; No. 2, So pef pound. CASLAKA JJAK1V UIO, JdC PCT pOUHO. GRAIN BAGS In carlots. 13c Hides and Pelts. HIDES No. 1 salt-cured hides, 30 pounds and up, 13c; No. 1 part-cured hides, 30 pounds and up, -lifcc; ro. l green hides, 30 pounds and up, luc; No. 1 salt-cured bulls, 50 pounds and up, 10c; No. 1 part-cured bulls, 50 pounds and up, 8 Vac; No. 1 green bulls 60 pounds and i-p, 7c. The price on No. 2 hides is lc per pound less than for No. of the same kind. No. 1 calfskins up to Is pounds, 35c; No. 2 calfskins up to 15 pounds, 83c; No. 1 kip, 15 to 80 pounds, 20c; No. 2 kip, 15 to 30 pounds. 18c; dry flint hides, pounds ana up, 2c; ary tunc can. under pounds, 21c; dr salt hides, 7 pounds and up, dry cull hides, half price; dry flint stags or bulls, 18c; dry salt stags or bulls, 12c; dry hides, according to size and take-off. $1.60 to 92.0O each; aaitea norae Aides, xj to $5. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, per pound, 20c; salted long-wool pelts, $1.6002.50 each; dry short-haired goat skins, each. 35c to 75c WINTER GRAIN DOES WELL SEEDING OF SPRIXG WHEAT, BARLEY, OATS CONTINUES. Soli Is In Good Condition and Germ ination Is Satisfactory Fruit Outlook Excellent. Crops are making good progress In this state, as shown by the weekly report issued yesterday by the weather bureau, which says : . The weather of the week was generally favorable for farm work and for the growth of crops. The temperature averaged slightly above normal, but there were several cold nights, and some frost occurred. There was considerable cloudiness, particularly in the western counties, and some rain fell, hut the soil was generally In better condition to be worked than at any previous time this season, and farm -work made rapid prog ress. Farming operations are still backward over most of western Oregon, but are fairly well iid to date in the central and eastern counties. There is still some complaint of shortage of farm labor. Winter wheat, rye and oats continue to make good progress. Some low fields in the Willamette valley are showing yellow, but the condition Is not serious. Winter wneat is in the boot in Douglas county and rye is headed In the milder parts of the state. Seeding of spring wheat, barley and oats continues. The soil is generally in good condition and germination is satisfactory; though growth is rather slow. Plowing for corn is in progress and some corn has been planted. An Increased acreage 01 corn is ex pected. The general outlooK tor xruit is excellent. Some local damage has been done to all kinds of fruit by frost, and cold rain has in terfered with pollenation in some cases, but this anDlies to a very limited acreage. Peaches, plums, cherries and pears are well set. Prunes are setting well. Apples are In full bloom in most of the commercial districts. Spraying Is well In hand. Ex tensive plantings of strawberries and logan berries are being made. Conditions have been particularly favor able for grass and hay crops. Alfalfa is 12 inches high in Umatilla county, etch is doing weli. Stock continues to maKe good gains, xne percentage of lambs is highly satisfactory. Shearing of sheep and goats nearing com pletion in Douglas county. Planting of potatoes and garden vegetables is becoming general as the soil dries. Early garden vegetables are growing fairly well. Some early potatoes are up. COAST AXD EASTERX DAIRY PRODUCE Butter Market Conditions at Leading Dis tributing Points. San Francisco and eastern dairy produce reports received by wira by the Portland of fice of the bureau of markets yesterday follow: Chicago There Is little change in the but ter situation here today. Trading is de cidedly dull in most quarters and the feel ing weak and unsettled. Dealers are simply awaiting developments. Cars of centralized offered are few in number and Inc'ine-d to drag. Sellers, however, will not consider less than the full quotations for 9u-polnt cars of standard quality. Receipts were 7874 tubs; 92-score, 59 cents. New York The price of butter was un changed. Deliveries from the docks and trading were both light on this market to day. Deliveries were held up to a large extent on account of further labor troubles among the longshoremen. The butter mar ket was steady, although quiet, and depends much upon the settlement of the strike. Supply of butter of all grades is light. Very little California or centralized is offered today and for both these grades 60 to 60tj cents was being asked. Receivers complain of considerable quantities of garllrky and off-flavored butter being received. Receipts yesterday amounted to 10.320 tubs. Storage hnldines were further increased about 1700 tubs. The reported street stocks this morn. lnir were Blichtly heavior. 92-score. 01 cents. San Francisco There is little changa in the situation today. A greater rano in prices was noted. Some dealers decided to sell their limited holdings at present priees. while others askad prices above quotation on 94-score butter in unbroken carlots. Stccks on dealers' floors are- 30.000 pounds lighter this morning. 9J-score, 5A cents. Coffee Futures Recover. NEW YORK. April DO. The market for coffee futures recovered a good part of yes terday's reaction at the opening today. First prices were 20 to 30 points higher in re sponse to higher Brazilian cables and re newed buying by brokers with Wall street and European connections. This demand supplied on the advance to lie for Decem ber contracts, however, and the market later eased off on realizing or liquidation which included selling for trade account. December broke to 16.60c and the market closed net unchanged to 9 points lower. May, ISc; July. 17.53c; September. 17.15c: Oc tober. 16.89c; December. 16.60c; January 16.55c: March, 16.53c. Spot coffee quiet. Rio 7s. lSc; Santos 4s 22 ra c. ' Doluth Linseed Market. DTJLrTTH,. April 30 Linseed on track $3.85 03.88; arrive, $3.85 3.86. ' Cotton Market. NEW YORK, April 30. Spot cotton quiet. Middling. $29.15. - We pay 25c for top block pork. TVe pay 18c for top young veal. '"vVe pay less for what is not top. We do not charge commission. FRANK L. SMITH MEAT COM PANT. "Fighting the Beef Trust." 228 Alder street, Portland, Or. Adv. STEERS SENT TO CHICAGO! snirrER says he could not GET BID HERE. Five Loads of Three and Fonr-Year- Olds Are Sold, at $14 for Shipment East. Henry Eckhoff of Dixie. Wash., brought in five loads of fine steers from Walla Walla, They were 3 and 4-year-olds and averaged 1500 pounds, bur Mr. Eckhoff says he could not get a price put on their at the yards, as they were held to be too good for local consumption. He finally disposed of them to Amos Dcmarles of Milton. Or., at $14 for shipment to Chicago. The general market was slow and drag ging. Eleven loads were received, but trad ing was not active. Two lots of hogs were sold to go to Seattle, freight paid, at $20.75. but the top of the market was held to be $20.25. Cattle were weak, with $13.50 on steers and $12 on cows given as tops. An oversuppiy has put the cattle market in bad shape. Receipts were 44 cattle. 386 hogs and 742 sheep. The day's sales were as follows; Wt. Price. I 24 steers . .1175 $12.8510 hogs 8 cows . . . 720 5.50! 1 hog Wt. Price. 183 $20.00 170 2O.0O 1 steer ...1000 11.25. 4 hogs .... 200 20.25 2 cows ...1045 11.251 1 hog 250 19.25 16 steers .. 931 11.25 12 hogs .... 368 20.00 1 cow 1040 7.5060 hogs .... ISO 20.25 8 cows 924 9.25i 7 hogs .... 100 20.75 2 steers .. 963 10.00 18 hogs .... 144 19.00 59 hogs ... 1S3 20.75 15 hogs .... 1S5 20.25 14 hogs ... 128 18.50,12 hogs .... 165 20.25 8 hogs ... 184 20.00 4 hogs .... 215 20.25 6 hogs ... 170 20.25 19 hogs .... 252 20.25 1 hog 220 20.25,73 limbs .. 83 16.00 Prices quoted at tho local yards follow; Cattle Price. Best steers $13.0013.50 Good to choice steers 11.00 11.50 Medium to good steers 10.00 011.00 Jr air to good steers w.oo'? lo.uo uommon to isir steers . S.00W 9.00 Good to choice cows, heifers.... 10. 000 12 0 Medium to good cows, heifers. 00'U 8.0 rair to medium cows, hellers. Canners Bulls Calves Stackers and feeders Hogs Prime mixed Medium mixed 5.00 6.00 3.50 !& 4 50 .00tf 8.54 9.50$14.00 7.00 t 10.00 20.00ft20.25 19.50 19.75 18.30 W 18.75 18.75918.20 16. 00 91 6. 50 15.50 if 16.00 11.00 W 12. OS Rough heavies Pigs Sheep Spring lambs ................ rnms lamDs Yearlings Wethers 9.00O 10.00 Ewes 6.00 Itf 10.50 ORIGINS OF LIVESTOCK LOADEW Shipments in the Leading Markets of the Pacific Northwest. State origins of livestock loaded April 8. 1919: Cattle. Horses.Mlxed Calves. Hogs. Sheep. Mules. Stock. r or .Portland Oregon 2 .... S 2 4 .... B 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 7 10 .... .... 8 1 1 2128 660 136 566 1S45 746 140 568 16S3 753 205 649 2111 1235 86 615 V aahington Totals 2 Week ago...... 1 pour weeks ago 10 Vear ago 19 t or otner maraets- For Seattle. ... 1 For Spoitane. Totals U. S 2969 Week ago 2969 Kour nks. ago. .2398 Vear ago 3065 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. April 30. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts. 17,000: market very dull, mostly 10c to 20c lower than yes terday's average. Bulk of sales, x.20.1539 20.40; heavy weight. $20. 30 20.65; medium weight. $20.10020.50: light weight. 19..ri 20.30; light light, $18.5020; sows, $18,500 0: Pigs. 1 17 to 18.50. Cattle Receipts, 7000; beef and butcher cattle, steady to strong; calvea about steady; stockers and feeders, steady to higher. Heavy beef steers, $11.25t20; light beef steers. x 10.25 17.85; Dutcner cows ana heifers. $7.50'l.j; canners and cutters, $3.85 010.25; veal calves, $ 12 13.25; stockers and feeder steers. $8,503? 15.50. Sheep Receipts. 13,000; market opening slow: best wooled lambs bids 10c lower. Lambs, 85 pounds down, $17.753 19.50; 85 pounds up. $ 17.25 w 19.40; culls and common $13fc.l7; springs. $18.50tS21; ewes, medium and good. $11.75 315.50; culls and common. $oa 11.75. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. April 30. Hogs Receipts 13.500 10&15c lower. Bulk, $19.90; heavy weight. t20.204i.20.40: medium weight, $20C322.Ui light weight. $19.6520.15; heavy packing sows, smooth. $20. 10 & 20.25; packing sows rough, $19.80320.10; pigs. $17018.50. Cattle Receipts. 4000; slow, about steady yearlings mostly 25c lower: beef steers, me dium and heavy weight, choice and prime, S171pl9: medium and good, $15.50 ijf 17.25 common, $12(al4; light weight, good and choice, $14 16.25; common and medium, $9.75(814; light weight, good and choice. $14 16.25; common ana meaium, u.tjvi butcher cattle, heifers, $8.2514; cows, $7. 25 13. 25; canners and cutters, $397.25; veal calves, $12.30 13.25; feeder steers. $ 11. 50 15.25: stockers, $8 812.75; stocker calves, tsii 12. Sheep Keceipta, 2500: lambs 15c to 25c higher; sheep steady. Lambs, 85 pounds down, $17.5018.50: lambs, 85 pounds up, $18.5019.25; lambs, culls and common, $9.50i&16; yearling wethers, $15.5016.75; ewes. $1518; culls and common, $12u 14.75 breeding ewes. $6'ir 9. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, April 30. Hogs Receipts 82. Steady to firm. Prime $20.75 21; medium to choice. $20.509 20.75: rough heavies, $18.50 & 18.75: pigs. IIS.M'O -u. Cattle steady. Best steers. $11.50314.50; medium to choice, $10.u0(9ll; common to good. $7&10; best cows and heifers, $S212 common to good, $5 "j 7.50; bulls, $6410; calves, $ & 1J! , SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Egg. Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SANf FRANCISCO, April 30. Eggs Fresh extras. 4UVc; iresn extra puuets, 47c Checse iirsta, doc; xoung Americas, 33 c. poultry Mens. 3B4uc: roosters, young 42 45c old -zoia-ic; oroiiers, as?40c small, 42 'a 43c large; tryers. 65 (u 58c; geese, 35 0 38c; pigeons, $-'.25 a 3 dozen; squabs, 60 60c pound. Vegetables Asparagus, graded, 78c; eel ery. $3 Q 5 crate of four and five dozen summer squash; glvl.Jo crate or box; to matoes, f2.oofd lor jso. 1 Mexican ex -car lettuce, Los Angeles, $11.50 crate, iced do. uniced. 75c&l; potatoes. Deltas $1.75'rfi cental, ureuon uuruanas. sweet, 4.J'u S: new. 3V45c pound; do. rarnri. 54j5'4c pound: onions, 1404.25 cental; ice house. gren. -w.-o dox; strawberry rhu barb, 1. 351.85 box; green peas, southern, 5'a7c pounu; do. bay. UirlOc; cucumbers. $3.7504 box, notnouso; spinach. 75cl. crate; cabbage, $2.50.2.i5 per 100 pounds string beans, 1502oc pound; do, wax, 15 a 20c; carrots, $2.5&v3.25 sack; beets, $101.50 sack; turnips, sack, yellow, $1.&01.75. do. white, ill..,!. Fruit Lemons. $2.504 box; wrapped navel oranges, $4 6-5.50 box; do. Valenclas. $4.50(3-5; tangerines and mandarines. $3.50ti 4 In half-boxes; grapefruit. $303.50 box. fancy; bananas. 7fe8Hc pound; pineapples. $:0U aozen: mmicbh limes. !r;is crate; ap pies. Newtown x-ippins. ...on.au box Wlneflaps, $3.o0z4: loquats. 608c pound strawberries. 1&017 cnest. Keceipts Flour. 7457 quarters; barley, 6124 centals; beans, 1727 eacks; potatoes, 3994 sacks; onions. 8J0 sacks; hay, 325 tons hides, 213; wine. -1 ,uu gallons. STOCK SELLING IS HEAV PASSING OF STEEL DIVIDEND UNSETTLES MARKET. Rubbers, Equipments and Tobacco: in Last Hour Serve Partially to Restore Losses. NEW YORK. April 30. Elimination of the extra dividend on United States Steel, com mon, announced after the close of yester day's session, was the unsettling develop ment of today's stock market and served in no small degree to curb the almost con tinuous advance of the past ten weeks. United States Steel was the center of attraction from the outset,, extensive offer ings forcing the price down 4 points, from which it rallied a point, but closed at 97 Vt. a mere fraction over its minimum and a net loss of 3fc Other standard or representative shares fell 1, to almost 3 points, while the selling was at Its height and speculative Issues reacted 2 to almost 6 points, many "slop A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCORDION I'Lt.vllAO, ILfcMSTlTCiilNG. WK fLtAI skirls, any style, $1; hemstitch ing luc per ard; Duttons covureo. eastern Noveity Aug. j.. bj" ath st. iidwy. aouu. AOATK tlllms AX1) MfU. JjjrtELt.Ha. JEWELKY and watch repairing. 355 Wash St.. Majefetlo Aueater blug. ALFALFA MEAL. bKOl.VU i ttU. ULA . WALTER. SCOTT. .Board of Trade. M. 861)7 ART. MKS. J. EPPENSTiilN. 464 Washington, is now oflering a remaraable seiectiou oi the lmest goous at extremely low prices. ASSAVfcKS AN D ANALYSTS. ilu.NTAXA ASsAl' OFFICE, 142 Second Oold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS A. OOLDS 1'EIN. practice in all courts. 802 iNortnwestern bunK bldg. BARKERS. 3 LAD1' BARBERS. A good shave for 15c, haircut tel Medforq. 5th and Olisan sta CAKt'LNTLK. :5c ho- Pllfi Tha klni that wear the beat are ItUUO made from your wornout carpets by The Northwest Rug Co. ttormor address, 163 Union ave. . Kag rugs woven ail sixes. t-arpet cleaning, reiitung and resizing. Man orders solicited. lad bast feignta. rHUKK EAST HDBO. B 12 SO. CANCKK TKKA TALENT. L. M. JONES, M. Li. CANCER TR.EA.TxiO. oi jqorgau mag. iiarsnaii B143. CARPET WEAVING. luff Ruga From Old Carpets Rag Rugs, Ail Sizes Mall oraers Prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 Rugs Steam or Dry Cleaned. $1.50. FLUFF RUG CO. 64-56 Union Ave. N. East 6016. B 1473. CELLULOID BlllO.Ns. THE IRWIN-HUDSON COMPANY. S7 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. $00,000 KNOW AlcMahon, 100 chiropractor. Auivugo pj-ououueing treatment easiest, best, permanent. 31 treats'' $15. TL CHIROPODIST ARCH bPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florella Da Vuy. the only scienurio chiropodists and arch spe cialists In the city. Parlors 302 Ueriinger bldg.. southwest corner Second and Aider. Phone Alain 130L CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Rov.l building, Marshall 6o22. Multigraphiag. mimeograph and mail advertising. COLLECTION'S. NETH CO.. Worcester bldT M.in 1 70S No collection, no charges. Kstablisned 19UU. DANClNtr. LEARX to dance wher all lM,nn, . r. strictly private; 12 lessons, $5. 4 lessons $2. 603 Eilers bldg., bet. 4lh and 5th, on Wash. st. Main 5O04. MRS. BAYH'S DANCING Academv. SO8-1I Dekum bldg. Best instructors. Beginners' class Tues. eve., class oartv fe-rl 1 sons days and eve. by appt. Main 1345. SERVICE Jazz orchestra music for all oc- x-uono lauor Wooulawn 4576. BERKELEY Dancing School. 129 4th it, 3d ,iuur. min 1U19. mtb. summers. Lessons by appt.; personal attention. Dances Wed. ALI6KY Dancing Academy. Private Instruc tors oay ana evening. Classes Krlday even lng. 2d floor Ailaky bldg. 8 lessons. $5. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY, 109 2d St. B7T- awiu uu Bitifl aancing; class Tues., 4 ri, ave.; children specialty. Main 2100. DA-NCE orchestra, "Union." Violins repaired. w. A. K-ing. 544 Wash., Broadway 47a. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. HOSPITAL Dr. G. H. Huthman, veterlna- i " cml un sc. r.ajit inu. h !, ELECTRICAL REPAIR SHOP. , H. M. II. ELECTRIC CO. tflTJtt 1 nonu iai Ml., foriiana, or. Ke winding and electrical repairing a specially, nee us spdu; nc- ur used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1046. FUEL. WE ARB now in a position to take orders tor summer delivery or woo a. cora wooa, slab wood, block wood and eountry slab. Call East 3351, B 818S. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. DUBRUILLB TOP CO.. 9th and Oak. DBY OOODS NOTIONS. LniL'CI CDICI Pfl Stockroom and office UINNlLOiiLL UUi47 North Fifth street. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. THANHOUSER HAT CO., 63-53 Front at. HIDES, WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS., 103 Front street. FAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davla sta. loss" orders being dislodged during the general decline of the mid-session. In the last hour rubber, equipments ana tobacco shares developed buoyant tendencies and served partially to restore losses .else where. Substantial advances were largely re stricted to motors and kindred epet-ialties. United States P.uliber closing at a gain of CVi points and Keystone Tiro at 1. Other strong shares Included the sugars. Sumatra Tobacco. Steel Foundries and Agricultural Chemical. Ralls, shippings and oils fluctuated wide ly. Independent steels were influenced by United States Steel and coppers and utili ties were hesitant or heavy. Sales of 1.70O.0OO shares approximated the year's high record. Railroad and industrial bonds were Irregu lar and liberty and foreign issues held steady. Total sales (par vaiUe) aggregated S12.375.000. Old United States registered 2s rose U per cent on sale. Others unchanged on call. Leading futures ranged as follows: CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last Sales. 12. loo 61, Too 5.3(10 S.IMIO 13, Woo K'-'oO 8. MM) 18.400 2.100 High. feO H3 114 70 U 131 1 IO luo's 'ii" ' i4 14(1 112 4S 74 H Low. T7 03 H Mi 1 13 T4; To", 1-'V! ior lo4Vi Sa.c. Am Beet Sugar. fcO r.3(, i3 114'. 7 71 ', 1'. loll 104 7 14 ! 61 '.s B4 American Can.. Am Car A Fary. Am i & Lt via.. American Loco.. Am Sm & Refit. Am Sugar Keftf. Am Sum Tobac. Amer Tel Tel. Am Z L & S:n. . , Anaconda Cod .. 4.2U0 Mm 21,7'IH 23.i'0 l.'-'HO 1J.T00 COO 200 6.200 l.OiO 2,1(11) OdO 01 i K4 140 li Atchison A G IcWISSL Baldwin Loco .. Halt it Ohio . . . Beth Steel B . . NO1' I 41 4 73 27 H 101 V 78V, fil 'a B & S copper. . Calif Petrol . Canadian 1'aclf. Central Leather. 27 1C.1 '.. 7s. HI 4i 37 ' "' 2., 'i 3C. L 42 ' ' !'.( ' -j 3I. 74 -1(1 1H(I' 17 -U2 42'.- 4o" liVs 20 4' 21H 32 173"'i 23 4J . TO-t lies & Ohio . . . Chi M & St P.. Chi Ac N W Or. I R I Pac. 1.1" 2-". 3(1' 42 '3 lv 70 .12',; 75S 17 lOO'i 1 mi ' t2-, 43 'a V.I 40 118Tb Chlno Copper . .. in (i Colo Fu &. iron. MM) Corn Products .. 10.7'M) 2fi,4'M 13.2tMI 10.f.( Ml 1,1 (Ml 4(M1 24, SOD fl(M 5,300 V.200 20.000 14.3(" U.IHM) 2, ( 2.300 "sV.ioii 7"0 6,000 12.300 2U0 2 200 liooo " V.700 2.600 Y.r.nn 3.4(10 7( 1.5(10 .MM) Crucible Stee! . . Cuba Cane Stig.. Distill Sec Corp. Erie 32 rs 7C 17 1(11 l31i i3' 43 . "io'i General Electric General Motors. Gt Nor pfd .... Gt Nor Ore etfs. Illinois Central., lnspir Copper . . Int M M pfd ... Inter Nickel . . . Inter Paper ... KC Southern . .. Kennecott Cop.. Louis & Nash . . Mexican Pclrol.. Miami Copper . . MM vale Steel . . Missouri Pacific Montana Power. Nevada Copper. N 1" Central . . .. N V N H H . . Norf & West . . . Northern Paclf. Pacific Mail Pac Tel & Tel . . Pan-Am Petrol. Pennsylvania .. Pitts & W Va .. Pittsburg Coal. . Rav Consol Cop. 21 H 32 116 175 23 45 28H 70 'i 161 75 20 S in-, H3 'i 37'- 82 l - 32 4rt 2SH T0 , 20 'f3H 30 'f-ii 4-. 3d ' 50 20 S, M -, 50 10T-. '- '.4 7S 22rt f-7-4 131 S 132 ' 1S4 !(S 11l TO 61) 92 H 37 U "m 44H 30 4.1 4 201, h3i SO 1(''54 l-s'-i 7.-.Vj "r.s; 130H 131 l. -.( ni 1 44-, 30 4:H 2d 5i, I'M'.. Reading - 6.!(M) 3.10 Reo Ir & tsteei. Sin Oil & Rerg.. ! (" Southern Pacif.. 37.2MO Southern Ry ... 1.1"M Studebakcr Cor. 2(1. Mo Texas Co T.K 0 Tobac Prod nets. K..'oo Unlin Pacific . . "."? Unit flu Stores. i.1"0 L" S InS Alcohol 1.VSO0 V S Steel 306.O00 rto ofd 40 224 8(1 1304 131 V 151 07 S 1 1 6 r 75 '. bS ftah Copper . . . Western Union. 2 1 ((( DuO I '.J. II liVI-l-l ITrviis U l; ; J II I I ri II I 1 CORD WOOD, COITNTRlf SLABWOOD. Multnoman fuel Co.. Main 554U. A 3116. EYE, EAR. NOSE ASD TUROAT. ' Dr. F. K. Caoseday. specialist; glasses fitted. 7QO E. liurniittt, cor. 2UIO. B ijl'B. E. 4734. HEMSTITCHING. HEMSTITCHING. 8c per yard; operator of 3 years' experience. 350 Vs lorraon. room 40." Phone MalU 2H5. R. STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 219 pillock blk. Broadway louo. HUMIDIFIER. FOR HOT-AIR FURNACES, invigorating, healthy and saves fuel. 4W4 Northwestern Bank bldg. MUSIC. E5IIL TH1ELHORN. violin, viola teacher: pupil Sevclk. 207 Flledner bldg.. Bdy. 1629. OPTOM KTR1ST3 AND OPTICIANS. " GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on tha basis of capable service. Thou sands ot satisfied patrons- A trial will convince. Charles w. Goodman, Optometrist. 209 Morrison. Mala 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. EX-CONG RESSMAM R. M. MCCRACKEN, registered patent attorney, loul Avon place. Washington. D. C R. C. WRIGHT 22 years experience TJ. 3. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. GOLDBERG. 820 Worcester bldg.. Main 232$ FUY6ICUXS. DR. R A. PHILLIPS. 905 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels. throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressura. BH. R E. WATTERS. SOS-Swetland bldg. 0TOf increased efficiency druglesa t rent Li U Cment, goitre, paralysis, headacha. appendicitis, liver, kklney. plumbing" "supplies. PLU11BI.NQ SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 212 Third. Main 797. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbein. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 1 Front st corner Stark. Main or A 1418. PRINTIN IT W RAT.TF.S J& rflUPA w iU 1st and Oak .. Main 165, A 1165.' SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITUR CO 221 Front Street. We buy and sell everything in the. hard war and furniture Una. Phone Main 9970. A 7174. SHOW CARDS AND SLIDES. Washington Slid Co.. 351S Washington. Mesxanlne fioor. Majestic bldg. Mar. 3. STOVE REPAIRING. WHO said your stove couldn'l be fixed? Send it to us and see any old stove. We soe clallze on duplicates, welding, renlckellng of stove parts, buy and sell stoves and pay highest prices; colta put in; all work guar anteed. North Portland Stove nepsir Works. 5"4 Savler Street. Pnone Rdwy. 1859. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. WILLAMETTE YALLEY TRANSFER CO. General Transfer and Forwarding Arenta TRACKAGK. STORAGE AND TRANSFER 230 ASH ST. BROADWAY 454 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gilsan sT.. corner of l:Uh. Telephone Broadway 1281 or 1169. We own and operate two large class "A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in the clly FIREPROOF STORAGE OI.FEN TRANSFER CO.. 24S PINB r. M. MAIIISON'-ST. DOCK A WAREHOUSE Of fice. 180 Madison st. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 1611 FOR reliable piano and furniture moving call Noli Hill Transfer Company. Mar- shall IV'4. PACKING MOVING STORING. FECl'RITV STORAGR TRANSFER CO. 1US Park st Main 5195. A 1051. CLAY S. MORSE. Inc. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 448-434 Gilsan St. HOt'SE moving 1116.1 or Hilwy. and L'4i. transfer. Call Tabor WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid old watches and Jew. elry. Condition no object. Repairs a ape clalty. Rainier Jewelry Co.. 449 Wash, at. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OIL ANU GLASS. RASMUSSEN He CO.. 'Jd and Taylor. PIPE." PIPE FITTING ANU VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-S Front street. 1'LIMIILNU AND STEAM bL'PI'LIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Frontatret. PHOUIC'E COMMISSION MERCHANTS. fiVEP.Dl.NO & FARRELL. .140 Front street. ROPE AND BINDER T WINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davla sta WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. Weitlng Electric 20.T00 Willys-Overland. 60wO0 50 H 32'., S0 Z4 6i Bid. BONDS. U S Lib SV4s... fls.os U S 4s coupon, .lon'i do 1st con 4s. HX.Hd'Atch gen 4 K2 do 2d 4s 1'3. T I) R G ref 5s.. 4 do 1st con 4'.s '.i.i.imi .n y i. en aeD os. : ( ' do 2d c on 4'.s H3.no N P 4s do 3.1 4 t, s. U.-I.24 N P Ss do 4th 4 . . !3.!MI !'ac T & T 5s. . !( ' . !(.? W .H . 1II4 .106 U S ref 2s reg do coupon. . do 3s reg. . . ilo counon . . !'. )'a con 4Vss... j U P 4s Kit i; S Steel 5s .. 89 S P CV 5s. . . do 4s res lUfiiiAnglo-French Ss. 1)7 Bid. Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, April 30. Closing quotations: Allouez 34 '.North Hulte T Aril Com 1 1 !4 -ld Dominion... 32 'j Cal & Aril Ml isoeola 47 Cal & llecla 3!'0 I'-Juincy &s Centennial 12 S .Superior 4 i Cop Kango 42' Boston... 1 Kant Butte Cop. 8 Shannon 2 Franklin 2'-i,l"tah Con 7 i Isle Kovalle 25 Wimfna 80 Lake Copper 3 S I Wolverine 15H Jlulmwk 56 Greene Can 3'J i Money, Exchange, Etc. LONDON. April SO. Bar sliver. 4S 7-?d per ounce. Money and discount unchanged. Nival Store. SAVANNAH. April 30. Turpentine firm. 7"l.c: sales. 510 oarreis: receipts. SuS bar- rels: shipments. 150 barr ha rr.l. stock. 18.7X0 Hoslri firm: sales. 431 barrels: receipts. r.T barrels: shipments. oarreis: Slocic, 55 342 barrels. Quote: B, $11.1011.20; D. $11 35ft 11 411: E. $1140: F. $11. 4j a 11.50 -. ill '.-..-.ft 11.60: H. $1 !.. 11. 7: I. $11.75; K. $13.1041 13 30; M. $ 13.30 u 13.40 ; N. $14.10; WG. $14.25; WW. $14.35. Eastern Eggs and Cheese. CHICAGO. April 30. Eggs, unsettled. Re- celDts. 2S.033 cases: firsts, 41 St! 43c; or- din.-irv firsts. 401 41c: at mark, eases in cluded. 4lV4?43c: storage packed firsts. 4:l'.i 4.1Vc: extras. 44c. Poultry, alive higher; springs, none; fowls. 36c. NEW YORK, April 30. Eggs, firm: fresh gathered extras. 47Vc: firsts northern sec tion. 44 40c; do. southern section, 43 4j-4 5c. Cheese, steady, unchanged. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, April 30. Evaporated ap ples. Quiet; prunes, unsettled: peaches, quiet. LANE HAS LABOR SHORTAGE Eugene Bureau Unable to Supply Present Demands for Men. JXGESE. Or.. April 30. (Special.) Places for labo.-ers far outnumber the men .-pplyinfr for them In this section, according to Frank L. Armitage. super intendent of the federal labor bureau In Eugene. There are 73 positions open at" the present time and the employers are hs ins difficulty in obtaining enough men to carry on their enter prises. The preatest demand comes from the lumbering and logging camps and the farms, says Superintendent Armitage. While a few returned soldiers appear almost daily at the office for positions, Mr. Armitage cays the boys Just arriv ing from France are already supplied with positions without seeking; the aid of the employment bureau. THE MORRIS" PAYMENT PLAN Victory If You Can't Buy Them on the Government Plan Buy Them on the Morris Payment Plan In order that every man and woman who is desirous of buying VICTORY Bonds may do so without financial embarrassment or hard ship, we have decided to give them the advantages afforded by the Morris Payment Plan. This Is one of the most liberal and patriotic offers ever made br anyone. It enables you to buy j our VICTORY Bonds at only 10r' down and 5 or more a month thereafter, paying the same? rate of Interest on the deferred payments as the bonds bear. SCHEDULE OF IstPay't. ( 50 Bond... J 5.00 100 Bond 10.00 500 Bond 60.00 1000 Bond 100.00 Place your order personally with us or tell the solicitor who calls that you want to buy your VICTORT Bonds through us on the Morris Payment Plan. BE A COCPOX CLIPPER. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE, SOO -11 Stark Street Hetvreen Fifth and Sixth Streets. Telephone! Itrosdway 215 1. Established Over 25 Tears. uy Another Victory Bond L pevereaux o(5mpany S7 Sixth Street Municipal Bonds Broadway 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Fargo Building As Bond We unqualifiedly recommend Victory Loan Notes, yield and safety considered, as the best bond investment on the market today. CLARK, KENDALL & Fifth and Stark Streets RALLY IN CORN MARKET PART OF PREVIOUS DAY'S LOSS IS MADE IP. Last Prices Show "et Gains of to 2 i Cents All Offerings Are Quickly Absorbed. emfirn inrll 30 Moderate reactions took place In tne corn market today from ; yesteruas s big break, the severest wh.c. i. ever happened during a single session i the Chicago hoara ot irauc. . ternoon at the close, as wen s """," ' out the (lay. were ex. ie. ".'',. ", ' ouo.at.ons showed H-ceni to 24 cent, net dvance. w jtn au,j 7 .,?',-,-... . tembcr l.J arm ... '--- r i ents off to cent. uP. ... '"''"-"'"' ) outcome varieu irom - - equal gain hu, carried Llquiuauon oy "",;.riv m,llh do the corn marsn v vv..-, ----- i below yesterday s minimum, urn ,"" . ! on. selDacas were foliowea u i rinclnal oesrisn iv- . U miAi.-- .,.,.,, knowledge earlv was inurr " - . . .i i vx-,t Tlirecl Harnes would ..f.'. ...v speculative effor'.s fo ho st the cost of Hour. All offering . miieklv absorbed o shorts eomisslon houses. The thief new Hi- centives to buy were reports that muny shut off selling or country "-- --.,,.- d,m!,nd h ders, thi l toe e.i n. K the market had been shaken out. holdings in i,i,-e oats nor provisions u..ui .-v dependence of corn. CORN. Open. ..$1.52 .. 1.47 .. .6 .. .66 High. $1.57 S 1.53 . OATS. .60S .68 Low. $1.51 i 1.47 Close. $1.56 1.52 July Sept. .61 .06 July Sept. .65 MESS PORK. 53.25 52.25 47.80 4U.50 47. HO LARD. 32.40 32.20 30.40 ai.ua 3o.40 SHORT KIBS. 7 75 2.70 27.75 Gil'.TO 27.20 26.00 52.: 4'J.: May July S2.20 30. (io Mar July 28 70 27.00 May July Cash prices were: Corn So. 3 yellow. 1.5Tpl.5n: No. 4 ye!- ow. $1 56', il 1.5 t , o. o yellow, iiurii.nii O-its No. 3 white, 68 0 uc; sianuaru. w Kve No. 2. $I.70H1T1. Barley $1.14 ll 1.21. Timothy $8'!T 10.75. Clovel" Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $32.1 i 32.20. Ribs $27.50 28.5(1. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. April SO. Flour. $11. 4.V Oraln Wheat $2.20: oats, red feed. 2 15 $2 30: corn. California yellow, I3G3.25; . barley. No. 1 feed. $2..VJ V 2.53. Buy Wheat or wheat and oat. $17$lf; ! tame oat. $17fl: barley. H2tfl5; alfalfa.. $13l&20; barley straw. Slf80c bale. I Meals Alfalfa. 130jj32; cocoanut. un- quoted. i Minneapolis Grain Market. j MINNEAPOLIS. April 30. Barley. tl.01f ' 1.12. Plax. $3.5 b 3.S7. j Hops, Etc., mt New Y NEW YORK. April no Mop- rk. MEAT SHIPPERS These hot days why take chances on having your shipments spoiled? Ship to us. Our sanitary cold storage, will keep your meats fresh and sweet. "We- Kan Oar Commlaalon. THE SAV1NAR CO., INC. 100 Front St. Us tab. 1913. Bonds PAYMENTS. Per Wk. Per Mo. t 2.50 5.00 25.00 50.00 $ 1.25 6.25 12.50 Dealers CO. medium to choice, 34ff42p: 1917. 20;Sc: Pa( Ific coast. WIS, 30 0 45c; 1917, 25 S 2Sc HMe BrM vvorl. un-hnned. Subscribe Now for The Tonopah Miner ' Recognised Authority n Southern Nevada Mining Since 1U0O Official Reports on the Tonopah Divide Mine Most Marvelous Mineral Discovery of This (.feneration. Weekly review of all development In nivl.ie Oistrtot. Authentic Information Concerning Progress In Rrougher Iivldes Gold Zone, Gold Reef. HaFt.rourk, li vl.le Kxtension, Ilile Consolidated. Gold Wwlfo and Thirty Other Operat ing Properties. Complete Reports from Tonopah. Gold field and Manhattan. Special Offer to Annual Subscribers Mup of Divide HUtri.t in Color. List of Forty Divide Companies With Capitalization Fill out the following blank and re turn with remittance: Subscription Iept. A. The Tonopah Miller. Tonopah. Nevada. Gentlemen: Enclosed find S5.00 In pavment for one vear's subscription In advance to THE TONOPAH MINER, and a map in colors, showing the lo cation of all the principal properties in tiie Divide Mining Iilsirict. . , 6 Months, $3.00. 3 Months. Cl-50. Name. A1rlre.s Write name and address plainly.) DELCO -LIGHT The comple-to Electric Light and Power Plant Pumps the water and grinds the feed. An extra hand at chore time. MOIIKHN API'LllNCi; O. Seattle. 11. A. t onaer. No. 3 N. ath St.. Portland. Or. ORDER NOW Save Money on Your INDIANA SILOS Discount to Earlv Buyers SPAULDING LOGGING CO. Salem, Or. J. B. Steinbach & Co. Stocks Bonds, Cotton, Grain. 201-2-3 Railway Exchange Building. 1-. K. Ilntton & Co.'m Coast k lre. cSRa iSs3- to . Coast Liberty Bonds Bought and Sold Tela. Alala S3-24.