TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1919. WANTED 1 1 SCKLtA NKOCS. J. MKYER, THE TAILOR. PAYS From S to J 5 Dollars for second-hand suits: also overcoats, shoes, etc. Why seil to dealers who have the clothes repaired, cleaned and pressed bv us? Therefore, we can pay more than aiiy other merchant. Our buyers call day or evening, tail Marshall 122t. or Mfldtson, naar 3d. WB PAY FROM 8 TO 13 DOLLARS for men's erond-hand puits, overco&ts. "Why sell to dealers, who resell them to m with big proitts? Better call us direct and get the highest prices. We also buy gum, trunk?, suitcase?, tfrlps, shoes, etc Broadway 3-41. Oregon Li.cbang Store, ft 4 Third st., corner Pine. HIGHEST PRICKS PAID. I buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladies' and gentlemen suits, drettses, etc New buver. Try me befcre you call others. Phone Broadway 3932. 241 BurnBlde, te tween 2d and 3d. OUR SPECIALTY Is buying men's cast-off ctothltiK- Highest caih price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAN D STORE, Marshall 3225 or 20V Madison Bu VANTED Used packing house machinery, m.il kind;, for new Blunt, must be in tirst- class condition; state size, make and con dition, with price. Address box 1648, Spo Vane, Wash. 2D-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. We pay highest prices for clothing, fur nit ore and ail kinua of junk Adam 7?& l 24b 1st at. WANTED 300 heating rtoves. also second hand furniture of all kinds; v.ill call and make cash price. Call Earst 4!2 for quick service, Estey Furniture, 362 Williams ave. M-:rOND-HAND portable garage. Mar. SUSP. Furniture Wanted. FURNITURE FURNITURE. Call Main 3052. We want your furniture, tools and household goods and will pay the highest cash prices. We specialize in this? line and are able to pay all your goods are worth, W e call immediately with the cash, Tou will benefit by calling us before you sell. A phone call brings us to your door. CALL MAIN 3052. PORTLAND SALVAGE CO. (Levin Bros.) Office 2 Railway Exchange BiiLj. Salesroom, 32 Front St. FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL BUT FOR SPOT CASH TOUR HOUSE HOLD FURNI1 IRE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONE CALL WILL UKINO US TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE. OUR VALUATION 13 HIGHER THAN THE OTHER FEL LOW'S. THERE'S A REASON. BE CAL'SK WE SELL TODAY WUAi WE BOUGHT YESTERDAY. Phone MARSHALL D0S1 GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, IS j First fctreeu READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of ne-.v and used merchandine than any store In the city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and sen. we specialize in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, ho Lei and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell. call or phone. MAIN 0072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 - It - ij from. ri.. oor. oaimon. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAT THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. 1D2 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. 1 WANT used furniture; cash will be paid fnr stoves and ranges and all kinds of feniiKfhnlri roods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will can, warsnan -oaj. crown WILL pay rash for contents of 4 or 5-room vmiK where house can he rented : must be on carline; state full particulars in first letter. M 22S. Oregonian. WHY pell vonr furniture and household ' goods? TRY the MICHIGAN FURNI TURE CO. We are paying the best prices poss I b le. Marsna i: is s. WE NEED cK(."OND-MAXD FURNITURE of miiv desv. rip t ton ; nave trie ready cash, Phone today. Main 4i . or u4 irst J WANT used furniture; will pay an much as any dealer can pay. t,ast t4i t. m. li, Calef. dealer, o4u Williams avenue. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL. PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. CASH FOR USED FURNITURE. Highest prices In city. Main 1833. CASH for office desks, chairs, files and safe. Pacific Staty. Prtg. Co. HELP WANTF-MALE. AUTOMOBILE washer wanted, experienced; -all between S and 4 Sunday. Kobinson Smtth Co.. th and Madison LXPERIENCED advertising and special ed ition solicitors. Phone Mr. Ciyde, Marshall 2310. DRAUGHTS MA N" wanted, several" months work. Appiy Crown Willamette Paper Co.. West Linn, Or., advising teleph one, U SN wanted to work on river steamboat, $70 per mo. and board. Apply Washington street dock. TWO more discharged soldiers or sailors to travel ; good pay. 304 Piatt bldg.. Park and Washington. JJAX for farm work; wife to cook for a few men; must have own furniture; no chil dren. Call Smith, ZX Alder hi. LIVE salesman; none other: at once for wholesale: city and country; state age and experience. AR 415, Oregonian. JJARBER wanted for Westport Oregon ; guarantee $25; 60' over $30. Inquire LewiH-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. WANTED Man to fire two boilers with wood and sawdust ; salary. $J." a week. Union Laundry, -d and Columbia. PRINTER wanted at union scale. H hours Columbian. once, floor man, Vancouver Daily WANTED Amateur musicians to loin an orchestra for practice work; room 510 toners music Diag., i wash. st. WANTED Wcod splitters, good, old growth fur timber; $1.25 per cord. E 700, Ore- gonian. WANTED Young man about 18 to learn automobile painting. Robinson-Smith Co., J.IOYS to learn the electrical business, excel lent opportunities ior advancement, Stubbs Elect. Co.. 6th and Pine. WANTED Experienced lumber invoice clerk ; out of town mill. For particulars phone Marshall 5034. PL A TEN pressman ; must be full expe rienced and reliable, for city plant. N Oregonian. "WANTED A violinist, drummer and pianist. N 490. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS coatmakers. Broadway. J. R. Grek. 110 HOY, 10 to ncss. SOS IK. tc Davis learn plumbing busi ptreet. "NIGHT clerk, transient hotel; necessary. E tt. Oregonian. experience A CARD sign writer for a few hours work. Call East 014 and ak for the warehouse. WANTED Experienced .lanitor for night work. Gasco bid?:, supt., 020; reference. MAN wanted to hang awnings. Awning efc Shade Co., 188 2d yt. Columbia WANTED A-l vulcanizer. Vulcanizer. it U and Tayior. WANTED Good barber at Y. M. C. A. shop, steady Job. EXPERIENCED grocery delivery man. Sealy-Drcsser Co.. 2H0 Stark. WANTED Janitor, man and wife. 402 Third st. PAINTERS wanted, apply ready for work, North 4th st. STABLE MAN WANTED. 102i) K. YAM HILL ST. WANTED Elevator boy. at once. Hotel. 10th and Stark sts. WANTED A tailor. Ben Selling. ALL around cook 1751 Derby. Wdln. J l15. W AN T E 1 n-ik 'f I. c : pe r. 1' TtOYS want-d. Appiy at facto Riii nslde st. .-."T lsfst. N. 3 A K BE R wanted; steady job. 1134 First t. WANTED A barber at once. Sellwood 3U02. HELP WANTED SCALE. INlTuENT. (One of Many.) Office of Secretary Advisory and Employ ment Department V. M. C. A. Toung man. stranger, out of work $20 his total cash assets). If I pay you $5 for membership in the Y. M. C. A. I will have only $15 left between me and starvation. Secretary If you take out membership In the association you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all Its influence, strength and resources between you and starvation. Result Young man-joined the Associa tion. In Ips.s i han a week he had satis factory employment, and a membership card in his pocket, which assures him. along with Y. M. C. A. privileges, employ ment insurance for one year. The excuse the Y. M. C. A. has for ex istence is t hat it serves young men, and the function of this department is to serve them along a most vital line: the clothes line, the bread-line, the life-line. Calls for men since Jan- 1. 1919 6- Positions filled 479 Shy the kind of men wanted . .. ..3StJ The standing this department has with Portland employers Is due to the discrim inating service we have rendered them for a period of 1.1 years. If you will be guided by our Instructions we will guarantee that you will secure em ployment or refund membership fee. Sol diers and sailors given three months' com alimentary membership. LIMITED NUMBER OF MACHINE MEN. H E LP E RS AND LU M BKR HAN DLEKS WANTED FOR DOOR FACTORY; STEADY EMPLOYMENT; LOW RENT. HENRY" McCLEART TIMBER COMPANY, McCLEARY, WASH. TOUNO man, 38 to 20. student preferred, to nana. e oregonian route in west side down town district; ran make $33 a month; about 3 hours work per day. Apply today, room 203 oregonian bids. MEN wanted for Crown Willam ette Paper Mills at West Linn. Or., and Camas, Wash. Steady work. No experience necessary. Single men preferred. Free transportation from Portland. 42c per hour. S hour-day. Ap ply i10 Oregon bldg. TOTTNG man wanted, student preferred, to handle route in west side downtown dis trict: can make S:i5 a month ; about St hours' work per day. Apply today, room 203 oregonian bids. MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PAPER MILLS, 42c HOUR, 8-HOUR DAY. SEE MR. F. T. BARLOW, AT HOTEL ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAN BEDS 20c NIGHT; BEST WEALS 33e. SPINNERS WANTED Night work, 4S-hour week, no work Saturday or Sunday nights, liberal pay. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon City. NIGHT CLERK for 7.1-room hotel; one that is thoroughly experienced in hotel work ; one that understands running elevator. operate switchboard, do some Janitor work, clean up office, etc. M 229, Ore gonian WANTED A party with one-ton or ton and a half truck, or a man with team and three wagons, for loading 300 cords of slab wood; one-fourth mile haul on plank roads. Williams Avenue Fuel Co. WANTED An experienced vulcanizer, man who is experienced .on sectional and dry cure retread work ; state experience and previous employers. Address Simpson Tire Service Co., Pendleton, Or. EXPERIENCED miners at $4.25 and muck ers at 43 75 a day; board $1: .wanted for Troy. Montana, by Snow Storm Mines. Cons. Tunnel and stope only; bring blan kets. Apply Troy or t-pok a ne. ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTSMAN Wanted one or two good, all round men; state ex perience, age and wages expected. Ware & Treganza,, 610 U. S. &. T. Bldg., Salt Lake City. Utah. SHEET metal mechanics; 2 or 3 experienced mechanics, mostly heavy sheet Iron: prefer men familiar with blow pipe work; state experience and age. Address II. J. Burns, 1. o. oox i?42. Spokane. WANTED Young man about 16 for positlou us office boy ; must be neat, quick and willing to work; answer in own hand writing, stating age and salary expected; give telephone number. L 71, Oregonian. WANTED A bright, wide-awake boy or young man if to z years old to learn tho wlra and iron works trade. Call In per son, 51! Union ave.. corner East Oak. WANTED Cabinet makers and machine men. Carman Mfg. Co., 1214 Macadam, WANTED Party to contract to cut by the cord 5O0O cords of shingle bolts on Grays Harbor. Address C. W. Miller, Tillamook. Oregon. HEAD COOK for large catering business; attractive proposition to the man who can Qualify ; state where lat employed and . length of time. Address Y 210, Oregonian. WANTED Three first-class stock saddle makers, one first-class stamp hand; lung job; highest wages. Glendive Saddlery Co., Glendive. Mont, WEAVERS, experienced; steady work, good wages. Portland Woolen Mills. WANTED By wholesale , grocery house, stock clerk ; must write good and have grocery experience: give references and stute age. K 70ti, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS knife cutter to cut caps, or first-class shoe cutter; steady work, good wages. Puget Sound Cap Mfg., 4th and Marion. Seattle. Wash. BRIGHT young man as collector for large concern ; must be able to furnish good references; state salary expected; also give phone. T 178, Oregonian, WANTED Men for sawmill, lath mill and lumber yards; good wages, steady work. A V rite or wire Weed Lumber Co., Weed, Cal. WANTED Cabinet makers or good bench carpenters for factory work. Troy Lumber & Mfg. Co.. Clarkston. Wash. WANTED Expert bookkeeper who has had experience in stoca ana grain uroaerage. Jv iy4. oregonian. WANTED Shoe repair man. at once, fa miliar witn lemming machine. App.y the Price Shoe Co., Salem, Or. LATH MAKER, chain men. Macadam. contract work ; yard and Jones Lumber Co., 12S0 WANTED Commercial company wants young man with office experience who understands stenography. L. t.i, Oregonian. WANTED An all-around tailor; steady job, in good town in eastern Oregon. Main 7450 503 Ablngton bldg. YOU have steady work but would like to add to your present income. See Mr. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Japanese boy to work in candy store as buss boy and janitor. Rogers Candy Store, Broadway and Yamhill sts. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk at Bon Ton M ark e t. East 6th and Burnside. WANTED An old man to help; permanent home. Trtbor 2492. FJ RST-CLASS coatmakers. Reed Bros., 203 W 1 1 co bldg. ; WANTED An experienced hotel night clerk. K 20S. Oregonian. YOUNG man as assistant manager, at the Remlck Song Shop. Appiy FIRST-CLASS coatmaker wanted. Ervln Co., 205 Selling, bldg. K. S. GOOD cake baker wanted. Enterprise, Or. Model Bakery, WANTED By wholesale grocery house, an of f Ice boy. O 171. Oregonian. WANTED Draughtsman. Apply M i' irnade - Xurtn. t nt : ruction t o.. 1hh t. nion av WANTED A good -around baker, ply BJ 461. oregonian. CONSCIENTIOUS, first-class dental ralory man. L 153. Oregonian. Ap- HELP WANTED MALE. lumber mill men attention: JOB FOR GRADER STICKERMAN LUMBER HANDLERS CAR LOADERS PLANER FEEDER MILLS UP COLUM BI A RIVER CASCADE LOCKS AND BRIDAL VEIL APPLY 11 17 YEON BLDG. A FEW JOBS FOR LOGGERS AND MEN I N WOO DS UP CO LU M B I A R IV E R ; ALSO 1 WHISTLE BOY; 1 CAMP HELP ER AND CHORE MAN. PREFER MAN WHO CAN OPE R A T E DRAG SAW. APPLY 1117 YEON BLDG. TRIM MERMAN FOR AUTOMATIC AIR TRIMMER PALMER MILL BRIDAL VEIL LUMBER CO. APPLY 1117 YEON 1LDG. THE OLDS. WORTMAN A KING STORE requires the services or experienced night janitor. Apply superintendent's office W to 10:30 A. M. YOUNG men and women w ishlng to better their position will do well to call at our personal employment bureau, we win pu ou In .touch with desirable positions. THE SAMUEL E. TRJOMLE Y CO., Auditors and Public Accountants. 1020-2S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. EXPERIENCED shoe salesmen. Apply em ployment manager, sixth floor, Meier at loyment rank. Co. BOYS wanted Permanent, part lime, easy work for clean-cut ambitious schoolboys only; splendid opportunity to earn a Denco SI. 2.1 fielder's baseball glove and liberal profits by representing the publisher of tne Saturday evening foau . ppiy r . is. Bay, 27i 41 h sr. WANTED For out-of-town mill, scalar and log deck man. head dogger, second dogger, resawyer for horizontal resaw, two res aw helpers, trimmerman for atr trimmer. Au ply 31:7 Lumbermen's bldg.. Fifth and Stark. BOY. 10 to 20, student preferred to handle Oregonian route on east side, between the river axid 24 th street, near S. S. carline th's route will pay $35 a month or more. Apply today at room -03 Oregonian bldg. WANTED Telegraph operator with some knowledge of stenographic and clerical work: state age and experience, giving references; position in small town, salary $!2.i. AV U27, oregonian. WANTED An Industrious lad 1ft or over to work in cloakroom and make tiimseii gen erally useful; good chance for the boy who ran make good: ?4rt and two meals. Uni versity Club, 275 6th st. WANTED Laborers for city work ; steady employment. Apply uiu Oregon oiug. WANTED Experienced clothing man ha Ing good habits; permanent position and good oppori unity for the right man. Ap ply at Levitt's store, 4th and Washing ton sts. A MAN for circulation work, neat appearing, eood tal ker: other experience, not ner sary: permanent position; good money. Call 301 Oregonian bldg.. 2 to .1 P. M. WANTED Experienced chauffeur to drive private rar; references required. Appl Central Door & Lumber Co., 13th and Glfan sts. SHOEMAKKR WANTED Goodyear stitcher and Inscamer; good wages to experienced operator. A pply by wire to collect, to Zimmerman Degen Shoe Co., Seattle, Wash. WANTED Experienced janitor and wife to operate apartment house: must understand repairing of all kinds. Apply to Mr. Jones. 70.1 Davis st.. between 5 and 12. WANTED A first-class repair man at Woodstock garage on ftOth ave, and 47th st. ; none but experienced man need ap ply. Phone Sellwood 3333. WANTED Single roan for janitor of small apartment house ; must have experience and references. Apply 21 3 Chamber of Commerce bldg. F. E. Bowman &. Co. WANTED Man with heavy team. truck logs; short haul down hill, long Job; extra good wages or by the M. 1021 Corbett st afternoons: South Portland car. WANTED First-class stove repair man ; prefer one who can drive Ford truck ; steady Job for the right man; references. i!2l Front st., cor. Salmon. ! DRIVER for lubricating oil company: I'-a- ton Stewart truck; munt ne strong, witling and acquainted with city; give references and wages expected. BF 418, Oregonian. BOY, 18 years old, to deliver milk ; must have experience. Address E 707, Orego nian. BOOKKEEPER for hardware storeroom ac counting: give age, experience and phone, M 213. Oregonian. WANTED Man for general farm work. $40 month, room, board, washing. Write or call Frank Pierce, Clatskanie, Or. 5 MEN and 2 teamsters to work In Ice cream factory. Crystal Ice & Storage Co., 7th and is. saimon. MULTNOMAH LUMBER & BOX CO.. foot of Bancrort ave., fooutn fort tana, want sev era! yard and chain men WANTED Good, strong boy, about 18 years of age. to work in oag lactory. Apply Ames-Harris-Neville t o., j.ith ana Hoyt, WANTED Marker and sorter; good wages; write or wire Modern Laundry, La Graude, Oregon. JANITOR Good position for middle-aged man. Apply Willys-Overland-P a c i f i c, Kroadway ana uavis sts. YOUNG man to assemble orders in hardware dept. of large tore: atateage. experience and salary expectea. rv i.. un-gonian. w a'TED At once, first class battery serv ice and general repair man. Eastern Ore gon Auto t;o.. v aie. or. AUTOMOBILE painter wanted ; must be first-class man, itooinion-amiin to4 oih and Madison. Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMEN. ONE OF THE LARGEST RUBBER MANUFACTURING COMPANIES WANTS SERVICE PERMANENTLY OP THREE DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE SALESMEN OF PROVEN SALES ABILITY AND FOSSES- ING CLEAN RECORDS. TER RITORIES ADJACENT TO PORTLAND AND SPOKANE. SALARY WITH TRAVELING EXPENSES: PREFERENCE GIVEN TO ROAD SALESMEN NOW EMPLOYED. RUBBER EXPERIENCE NOT NECES SARY. TELEPHONE MR. C. E. CANNON, BENSON HOTEL, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. AFTER 9;15 A, M. FOR AP POINTMENT. SALESMEN fe.- vacuum . cleaners and elec trical household appliance line; libera commission. Stubbs Electric Co.. Ot h an Pine. SALESMAN of experience for selling higit grude automobile tires; must be result getter, have good character and well recommended. 64 Broadway, HELP WANTED MAUL Help Wanted Salesmen. SALESMEN, desirous of startln gthelr own permanent business have the opportunity to handle the latest electric vibrator, sells for $A; nationally advertised, factory rep resentative here tor a few days; don't delay. 610 Buchanan bldg. SUCCESSFUL subdivision company oper ating in southern Idaho needs a few high -class subdivision salesmen who can Show good past records. Write North western investment company, Focatello Idaho. HERE i your chance: We have 3 counties left open tn Oregon, x in wasn., aiao city agents for fast-selling devices. Call and convince yourself. 037 Pit toe k block. SALESMAN Capable of earning $75 per week. R 174, oregonian. SALESMAN and collector. 402 Washington street. AGENTS and salesmen wanted; apply at once. 610 Buchanan Dldg. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED I-adies to solicit on good propo sition ; liberal commission, pleasant w tn; no experience necessary ; no samples carry. Call mornings. Pacific Outfitting Pi,, gee K. Morrison. AGENTS at once. Sell Ouc per m&nla hos pital tickets. 20 Coroett Dldg. HELP WANTED FF-MAM, EXPERIENCED saleswomen for women's ap parel section. Apply employment manager. Sixth, fioor. Meier Frank Co. WANTED Neat appearing young lady to work at fountain in cauuy store after noon and night hift. Don't phone. Rogers' candy store, cor. Broadway and Yamhill ft. WANTED. Girls of age for cabaret show; experi ence unnecessary. Call in person at Con radine hotel; ask for Kennedy, between 2 and 4 P. M. No phone calls answered. YOUNG WOMEN To learn weavlnr. Pref- rnre given those living near Portland Woolen Mills. WANTED Helper In small restaurant, either cooking or waiting; $10 per week, room and board. Box 4S. Wasco, Or. WANTED 3 bright, capable girls und-T 2.1 years to learn a work that win pay siu per day: m-atnes. fair education, some salesmanship ability required ; room 31 1, 4iH Washington ft. WOMAN wanted, to take charge of modern home; man atone; no laundry; hold orders over phone; a good home; no nhtecttnn to. woman with small chold. AV UC, Ore gonian. WANTED Young lady for office work; ihi ary to start, $S a week; chance for im mo ate advancement. Apply bet. 2 and 3 to day. 4'H oregonian bldg. WANTED Dictaphone operator: good posi tion; state age. salary expected and what linen you are familiar with. K. 183, Ore gonlan. SAUESLADIKS. to demonstrate and sell elec tric vibrators ; every woman and man a prospf-i; big money to the right parties. rn 11 t'tl O Buchanan bid g. WANTED A piano ans violin teacher for out of town; dandy good opening for the right parties; small investment. M 21. Oregonian. EXPERIENCE t stenographer and ft ing clerk ; one who is quick and accurate on Smith machine and wants steady position; S0 to start. K 20 J. Oregon tan. WANTED A woman of good appearance to take charge of dining room In first-class family hotel; must be experienced and have city references. Alt 4ft. Oregonian. TENOGRAPH ERS Dictating machine op erators furnished good pot it tons; instruc tion free. Tho Ediphone, Till & Trust bldg. . WEAVERS, experienced; steady work, good w ages. .Portland w ooien -vinis. ANTED Young or middle-aged woman. mechanically Inclined, for light work in mechanical establishment; steaay posi tion. L 70, Oregonian. WANTED At once, for month of May capable housekeeper; will pay reasonable wages and treat ou as one of family Mrs. Grace Tuggle. Tabor H32. WA NTED Ladies to solicit on good propo sition, b g money, wages paid oy day week or month; nothing to carry. Call 333 Morgan bldg.. 11 until - P. M. WANTED Fully competent housekeeper for small family ; good salary ana permanent place for right party. 1'none liroaaway n3. WANTED Elderly isdv to heln keen house one t hat w ants a home ; widower with 3 children, 10, 12, IS years old. F 57. ore gonlan. LADY to do ironing, pressing, repairing and alterations. Apply the Cabinet clean ers, 4J4 Morrison st. WANTED Woman for alteration room ladles ready-to-wear, biraon s store, 1st and Alder. TWO women wanted, one "or chamberwork one for dining room, oil N. ist. North Hank hotel. EXPERIENCED packer and candy maker helper. Scoff In Chocolate Shop. 314 Washington st; ANY girl In need of a friend apply to tho Salvation Army xtencue Home, sv. ci lotn st. is. or pnono it-ast i-j. ( XOl'NG woman wanted as housekeeper and tako care of a-year-oia boy. Willis Hall, gen. del., Portland, or. WEIMSU girl to assist with general house work in small family; wages 930. Mar shall 4306. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. $loo; die taphone operator and stenographer, $H.; stenographer, $S.i. 39 1 N. W. Bank bldg. GOOD plain cook for general housework. $40 per month; no washing. Phoue East 62 4. "i. ASSISTANT working housekeeper, under 35 years, in institution; references required. L 14. Oregonian. ELDERLY' woman or girl to cars for 3-year- o:a girt wniie motner woras; light house keeping; small wages. 24i E. 6th. SCHOOL girl to wait table from 5:30 to ; on Sunday morning from e:o0 to 11 :SO. Campbell Hill hotel. WANTED Couple without children to care for baby boy 10 months old. Yt 117, Ore gonian. W A NTED Cham ler maid ; must be experi enced. Apply Aiaiiory notei. lit Lowm- dale. CANDY girl. experience unnecessary ; must parents. Harris, 12U1,. 5th, live with after IO. WA NTED A mateur musicians to Join an orchestra for practice work. Room 310 Eilers Music bldg., 27 WsHhlngton St. WANTED Experienced typist who can spell correctly: no Knowledge ot stenography re quired. Apply lopu Wilcox bldg. W ANTED Woman to do chamber work for herself, husband s room ana ooard. 412 N. ltth st. WANTED Marker and sorter for 2 or 3 days a week; good pay. d ana i-verett. Opera House Laundry. WANTED Two experienced dictaphone op erators; goou salary. Appiy xniu uit iA- PHONE. 42tf wasnington st.. at v a. m. GIRL, experienced in handling retail trad and taking orders on teiepiione. Ar lii. Oregonian. GIRL WANTED Work for soft drinks. U01 Madison street. WOMAN flunkey, logging camp, $UU month. 21 N. 2d St. WANTED Experienced waitress. Nortonia hotel. Jlth and btara. WANTED Lady cook. 1701 Derby. Wdln. 291. WANTED Chambermaid. 1731 Derby Wdln. 2U13. NURSE, who understands massage, wanted. .v52 Washington Ding. WANTED Woman for house nurse, Patlon Home. Wdln. 1700. EXPERIENCED waitress; good wages; day shift. Acme restaurant, vi rs. in WANTED Vest maker, tailor, 2S9 Wash. Apply Maxwell the FIRST-CLASS vestmaker. 20 S Selling bldg. K. S. Ervln Co., WANTED A matron for children's Institu tion. M 220. Oregonian. WANTED Woman alone for permanen home, widower. K 204, Oregonian. WOMAN to cook breakfast and lunch 3:30 A. M. to l f. a. t ampoeii hm notei. WANTED Girl tc Apply In person. work In Swetland dining & Son. Y'OUNG lady pianist, must be good sight reader. Appiy rtemica gong enop. WANTED Experienced chambermaid, wages $14 per week. palace notei. 446 Wash LADY barber wanted at once, steady work. 32 -lisan, cor, qui. WANTED Good cook, man or woman. 29 First sL CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en ragements. no traveling. Casino Theater. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may b obtained by caning .viain nrj. A. GOOD woman to assist In kitchen work. Whitehall hotel. 2-3 tn st. W A NTED A ' eMeri ctd uui lor children. Min :;i:;. PIANIST for miburban picture feUow; week. E 697, Oregonian, $6 per HKLP WANTED FEMALI. WB WILL PAT A GOOD SALARY TO A LIMITED NUMBER OF GIRLS BE TWEEN THE AGES OF 1ft AND 80 TEARS WHILE WE TEACH YOU TO OPERATE A POWER MA CHINE; STEADY EMPLOYMENT AND GOOD WAGES PAID TO OUR OPERAT ORS. APPLY AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE BAG CO., 15TH AND HOYT STREETS. TOUNO LADTES WANTED FOR telephone operating, paid while learning. telephone company room 01. sixth floor park: and oak. ktrle'is WANTED In garment factory making aprons, dresses, etc.. experienced opera tors; girls making from $15 to $30 week, steady work; modern, daylight, fireproo bulldlnr. tin wU'b additional Wage will be paid at the expiration of six, months ii operators remain tnat lengin o niuc For pa rt icu la rs add revs COOPER CO ATE & CASEY DRY GOODS COMPANY. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, WANTED Experienced office girl; one wha has some knowledge of tvpe writing. Ap ply tf to 10 3 A. M.. superintendent s oiiicc. Olds, Wormian A King. WE have several nositlom oocn for good stenographers, especially In law; all kinds of typewrlt.-rs usd. WE MAKE NO CHARGE FOR I'Ut'lTluNS. Register quickly. Miss A, G. i'mvaley, employment mgr., Noiseless Typewriter Distributing -o . 81 Fourt h St. YOUNG lady, for poeu inn in machinery house as dictaphone operator and stenog rapher; must be nat. rapid and accurate; state age. experience and salary expected: give references. A B Oregonian. WANTED -ExDerlenred sewlnr machine op erst ore. Apply Standard Factory No. 2. orana ave. ana lui lay tor. GRADUATE AND UN D E R G R A DU ATE NURSE FOR SMALL HOSPITAL: GOOD WAGES AND STEADY EMPLOYMENT: SEND REFERENCES AND AGE FIRST LETTER. DR. JOSEPH AS Pit A Y, MOS COW. IDAHO. HEAD cook and baker, $70 a month; second cook. $40 a snont h : cook's helper. $3.i month, board, room and laundry Included with all three positions. School for I'eai, Vancouver. Wash. Phone Vancouer 191 W anted Dottiest lea. WAXTKU Girl for general housework, small modern and convenient house; small lam ily; no young children; salary paid weea Iv : an v riri who appreciates having i nice room and an agreeable place to work will do w ell to answer l his ad. Call Ta bor L'Ol, or. better still, co me out this morning. 11NR K- Yamhill st.. cor. 3tth. W A NTED Housekeeper, refined lady, by itacneior in home or reiinement on irun rsnch in small town south of Portland; permanent position to right party; can raise poultry of her own If desirable. AV !31. Oregonian. W A NTED G 1 rl tar jreJ-l aotuwsork. sma II rami ly. w ages $o0 ; no wavsning. Apply mornin . room 439 Multnomah Uwlal. COMPETENT girl (or woman) to cook and aid in genera l house work ; small xami ly ; pleasant surroundings: we want a girl w ho is anxious to make herself agree ably helpful In exchange for fair wages and a good homo. K 106. oregooian. WOMEN for general housework; no washing; no heavy cleaning; plain cooking; & chil dren going to school : go to baeh sum mer months; state wages expected, also experience. If any, AP 172, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing; good wages. :0 Elizabeth street, Portland Heights. Mar- shall a039. GIRL to assist with house work ; one who Is willing to go to the beach later In tho summer; good home and wages. Gh5 E. 22d N. East 14U. WANTED An experienced girl for cooking and general housework ; good wages. 8ttu Marshall st. Main 744Q. WANTED Experienced cook for private family; must have references. Call Main 4M. EX PERIENCED girl. general housework, nea t and good cook ; no washing; no up s t a 1 rs work. 2 in family.. Main S356. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework and coo Wing. Phone East 23i0 or call 4i3 Hassalo. corner Lat Tenth. EXPERIENCED girl for generak housework, 4 in family; some washing. 7ul Tilla mook. East 6216. EXPERIENCED girl for work; no washing; good "2d St. Sellwood 2.VI9. general house w ages. 1340 E, WANTED A cook to do some genera, housework, by May H; answer now; good wa ges ; no furnace. Iv ltf.i. oregonian. WANTED An experienced girl for general work in a small family or adults; no waan 1 n g. Call mornings. Main fo24. HOUSEKEEPER for 2 gentlemen. Austrian. Address L. Rumpbeii & Co., Win lock. Wash. KXPKHIENCED rook and clrl for second work ; Riverw ood home; la minutes from town; Marshall 41i7. WANTED A w oman to do housework; washing sent out. Call 1147 Haw thorne ave.; Tabor 3553. WANTED Reliable girl for general liouae- work; must be good cook: r-r. rcquireu; i in family. Phone Main 0439. W ANTED Girl for plain rooking, small lamilv. 67 N. ltn St.. uuway can mornings. WORKING man. 3 children, wants house keeper. Call attcr :au. i orris mu MitisUsippl car. u. VTt'li Kullablo woman for aeue-ra housework ; small lamiiy ; goo a wages. Main 43S4. WANTED Competent girl for general houneworK ana plain cooaiiig: o-room nai no furnace. 74 Kearney. Main U041. YOUNG girl to at. 1st with housework : no washing uor cooKiug; can xorenoous. cast 4344. WANTED Nest girl to assist with hou work and care of children; wages East 4458. t;i UL. to assist with general housework small family; nest, wages paiu. r-asi WOMAN to assiot with general housework. Apply 264 Morrison. GIRL for general housework. c-33 Glenn ive. N. Broadway car. HE LI A BLK girl for hosjsework in flats small family; Pest wages. hast WANTED A woman to assist with house work. Apply E. Ttn st. WANTED An experienced sec o. id maid good wages. 4 N . lut mt. Bdwy. 027- WANTED Capable cook In small family good wages. Main 82. OU North rup st. GIRL for general housework ; 3 adults. 739 Kearney. GIRL for general housework; adults; good wages; Irvlngton. rnont Kat 1 18 J. GIRL wanted to assist with general ho us work, no wasning. st-i .ortnrup st. KXPKHIENCED girl for cooking and down stairs worK. irving st. 3iain s.jo. CAPABLE girl for general housework, fam ily of 3. Marshall 47.7. WANTED A reliable girl for housework. In family. Main overton. GIRL wanted for housework; no cooking, Call East f w.io. COM PETENT help for general housework family of 2; call mornings, onn 'ist st. COMPETENT girl for general housework going to beach jater. Eabt 6-0. A GOOD reliable girl, highest washing. Phone East 3i00. wages; WANTED Woman for general housework r.ll 41st s. E. t-enwood GIRL to assist with general housework. Lovejoy st. Apply mornings. GIRL wanted for day work. Tabor 752 HELP WASTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED ONE HUNDRED MEN AN WOMEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPH OP KRATJ NO. SPECIAL UVIWRMT TO FIRST 23 APPLICANTS. APPL HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, 124 CTH ST. NORTH. SAVE YOUR HOUSE RENT. MAN AND WIFE FOR JANITOR. To do cleaning, attend oil burner an water and cut lawns for 3-room modern apt.; man can work out; no children. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. WANTED Collaborator on scenarios and stories. I have the plots, hut need ex perienced writer to " give them proper dressing. N 487, Oregonian. MEN and women tailors wanted. The Vic tory Tailors. 4rt: Wash Ips; ton st. HH.CATIONA L. PRIVATE tutoring: children under 12 a spe cially. G lii. Orcgoniao. EDUCATIONAL. TO EMPLOYERS: We have opened a personal employment bureau lor accountants, book keepers, stenographers and general office help, and are fully equipped to fill your vacancies at short notice. V e are able to furnish you with employes that arc espe cially adapted for your particular needs. Call Marshall 15x3. THE SAMUEL E. TROMLEY CO.. Auditors and Public Accountants. 1026-28 Chamber of Commerce Hldg. PRACTICAL instruction at this school on automobiles, trucks, farm tractors, air plane motors, starting, lighting and Igni tion systems, screw -cutt ing lathes, oxy aceteylene welding will qualify you for a good position at big pay. send for NEW tree catalogue No. Seattle Engineer ing School, Roy street. Seattle, Wash. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE DAYS' FREE TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATUSKIED. We teach Auto. Tractor. Gas Engine and Auto Etectnca! Work. BIG iOO-PAGB CATALOGUE FREE. Address Adcox Auto t Tractor school. Dept, K. Union ave. and Wasco st.. Portland, or. Phono East "45. BCRPELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Now la the time to ere pare ior a oener position. Our successful students prove that our methods are right. Indl vidua Instruction, new equipment. Lumbermen bldg.. 5th and Stark, Broadway Uto4. Mist F. Burt ell. principal. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. WANTED ONE HUNDRED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPH OP ERATING. SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY TO FIRST 25 A V PLICA NTS. APPLY HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, ll4 till! ST. NORTH. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE Uf BE11N KE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. LEARN TELEGRAPH Y Young men and women wanted. Call 21S Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid oppor tunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free booklet. Hallway Telegraph Institute. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. Films. Theater Supplies. Slides. SERVICE FILM . SUPPLY CO. 8ns Oak St. Portland. Or. MOLE R BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning; gixes you a set of tools. 1'osmons sccurea. i-ena ior cata log us. 234 Burnside. Broadway 1731. ' MISS DECKERS PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. SPEC I A 1 COt 'Kfcrt IN CA I.' A l.ATOR. Altsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. TEACHING position secured, free regiatra tion. Phone Main Fiak Teachers' A geney. Journal bldg. kflSS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit, Ing School, day, evening. $6 month. 14th, near Jr f lerson. Main 3M'3. POR1LAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade In S weks; pay while learning; po sition guaranteed. Couch st. WOMEN, l-arn barber trade frea. wages while learning; position cuarantvd. Oregon Rarber Col i-ge. -.33 Madison st. ROC K Y MOT "NTAI NT EACH ERS' AGENCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-ast. State Stipt.. mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly TEACHERS wanted for positions now ojh-ii. Yatna-Ktsber Teachers' Ageucy, toll liroad- way bldg. TAYLOR -FAITH BUSINESS COLLEGE. Stevens bldg., WestPark and Washington, THE International Correspondence SchtNii can raise your taiarr i:i urundway. SITUATIONS WANTED MA1T, HORT Line offlc la I now employed wishes o connect with large lumper company or short lice to hand I o raiiroad department ; prprt iial experience n maintenance w orK. auditing and op rating: unusually tuccc- f ul in organising and handling men. , P26. regor.lan. HIGH sthool boy de-irea position as chauf feur in private family; capattie oi uri Ir.g and taking care of any car; can work afternoons, Saturdays and Sundays. Call East 746. between 6 and S P. M. "ANTED Clerical or bookkeeping position; ago 26 : 6 ears experience railroad ac countant and office work: 1 year payroll department large corporation. C 2i6, oi e gonian. R ANTED Room and board in private fam ily by widower years old; emnioeu. would take care of garden and law u after 4 P. M. for room rent; Alberta ave. or Woodlawn dist. pref. K H3. Oregonian. WANTED Position on farm or in any branch of work in city, preferaniy in or around Portland; write. Howard Le Blanc, Goldcndale. Wash. YOUNG MAN, 21. thoroughly experienced Ford driver, desires position on laundry ot bakery route; can keep car in repair. F 62. Oregonian. WANTED Position as licensed embalmer and funeral director; also am experiencoa in furniture and general mdse. Address AV U03, Oregonian. WILI do 3 hours carpenter or other me chanical .work ft days each week, after 4 P. M., In exchange for room and board. .1. Jokumsen. f73 Kelly st. OUNG MAN. 21, w Ishes position as assist ant to electrical engineer; can furnish ref erences. Phone Rroadw ay 1270. room 4u7 and leave number. WANTED Position on ranch by married man. with small famt'y. can give ref erences aud have experience. Alt 433, Ore- gontan, ' LOt or lumber hauling contract wanted. truck and trailer, call or write. C- r.aol iMh st.. city. A LI' around baker wants posit ion. country preferred. Apply or write is. -od Second street. SA I.ESM A N Position, city or coun try. spe cialty salesmen wit n rora car ana sales ability. G 131. Oregonian. CH EE First-rlass. ex perienced n hotal or cafe. quires situation. Oregonian. CAKI'KNTKU, firt-c:ass. active and ao: inside finisher and general, goou too.s; cont ractor preferred. Hroad v.iy 71 d. WANT position driving or washing cars; handle any make, Marshall loJS between 12 and 1. ' YoUNtl man, experienced as auto salesman. would like position aitcrnoona. a it -i, oregonian. AUTOMOBILE mechanic capable of taking charge of large snop in city: salary auu share it. profits. Call Marshall 12. LET MB figure on yo-ir building; old. reit- ahie contractor. l years in roruinu. Phor.e Marshall 413. YOUNG men and woman want work; 4k? hour, carfare, one meal. Main 23t4. room 1. PLoWINti garden l a solicited. Phom- or call 4UH Flanders. Hdwy. aoi. a l.ll VACUUM cleaners for rent; vacuum clean- Ing. Broadway '-'tm. POSITION by middle-aged n:n as Match- nan or janitor. seiiwooa .t.in. HAVE 1-tot truck : want contract whole- sa . e houe. 1'none Main t iu. J AN I TOR withes w ork In small apartment hnuae. 1IK 4U2. iregonian. PLUM BER Repair, toilets, boilers. rto 37d. page, cons, gas. for nr. aici. uriy, r.. PA PERU A NOINt't. painting and timing , r. 24i?,. ,ood worK. rignt prices. me LA W N work. experienced men. GUroy, Broadway jy.i. EXPERIENCED young man tiesirea posi tion as elevator man. i. tTfgonian. CA RPENTER. A I mechanic, remodciitig or new work. Phone Tabor WANTED Carpets and rugs to clean; will call at house to do work. t,ast 4U44. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. AN experienced accountant, who has some extra time eacn aay. win siraiiemen out your accounts and keep them in proper shape for you at a reasonable charge, lie r. oregonian. BOOKKEEPER. years' lumber office perlencc; married, permanent. H 2ou. ore- gonlan. BOOKKEEPER and general office man. S years' experience, desires permanent posi tion In the city. T lMl. oregonian Hold ier and Wallers, YOUNG man, 2 years old. 10 years' experi ence in all departments or transportation company, operate tjpewriter, bookkeeping, good education. 8 months' service with U nitod States army. desires to make chance, account waitcs and better him self: furnish first-ciass references; wi:j consider good proposition. AR 41 , Ore gonian. DISCHARGED soldier, married, wishes po sition in general office or salesman; have had experience In bookkeeping and billing. also experience in salesmanship. . Constabio Peterson. Main 6730. for partic ulars. WANTED Bv discharged soldier, employ ment on ranch : experienced in hand 1 ing horses: also mother would like position as cook with myseir. rite H. 1- uryu Northwestern Nursery. Route . Salem. ' POSITION wanted, dentist, not licensed, as general assistant In office or laboratory desire very much to ppeclalire in pros thetics: discharged soldier; will do the right thing. Y 201. Oregonian. WHO would like to have the services c ex-soldier after 4 P. M. for 4 or 5 hours AH t'M. Oicgonian. DISCHARGED A. K. F. soldier, excellent typist, good know led go of office work, desires position. x-none ceiiwoou. .i. OVERSEAS aoldler. disabled, desires driving job; married; rererenrea. v.ou.awn -t i MTtATlONS W A NT KB F KM AIE. WILL take ra.i- of chiluicn at my hoin.' ;-i St. Johns. 412 Allegheny at.; for reierenccs call 2b2 Columbia. PTTrATIONS WANTED FKMA1.E. LADY of refinement cares for children even ings, during parents" absence: French con versation and music if uesired; moderate terms ; re f s. Mar. 34 1. W 1 DO W 1 ady w is h es pos i t io n as a co m panion tor lady or taking charge of chil dren, state wages; reference, L 63, ore gonian. WANTED A place to take care of children evenings while mother is aw&y; references. Wood lawn 1611. LADY leaviug New York eltv for Portland. Or., about May IS, will care for old lady or child during journey. T 170, Oregonian. NEAT colored girl wishes work, housekeeper fir bachelor or widower. Ta to r S 015. RUGS vacuum cleaned, save that hard work; t sf H-uion gun r-.i n iced. Tabor 0 HOURS work by experienced woman, iron- inc. preferred: references. Main 73M. WOMAN wants spring cleaning, $2 day ro.rn, boa rI. K Dv Orecoiiitin. 1 took keeper. Stenographers. Office, A CULT IV A TE D. refined, settled tin iversity young lady, now unending business col let, desires position w here refinement ia an esse nt tal : prefer clerical work : wi ! work either afternoon or n.l d.iy. Is tier "if li a place for sn easterner? East 76-2. STKNih;ka PH ER of limited experience but b;t lug intelligence to take charge of of fice in time. Will be mil ling to work f-r beginner's salary the first month, E 70-S. Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes office work, typing. at. bookkeeping and general office work, Bl 4tS- Oregonian. STENOGRAPHIC position, lady Just out of business college, Marshall 1J4& Some ex perience. BOOKKEEPER, year of experience wishea posu ion ; t horouchiy competent; prefer half -day work. I road way 273J. BOOKKEEPER. 10 yars experience, wishes half-day work. Broadway 2732 after H. EFFICIENT bookkeeper and stenographer; beat of references. Mam 2M7. BOOKKEEPER nd typist. have aoni knowledge of dictaphone. Tabor oTW. BY ST EN OGKA P HER of 4 years' experience. W 131. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with some experience row open for po-ition. Call East 64. V ANTED It 14.T7 -Typing to Uo at home. I'hona DrcMioanrra, PL A I N V d n. pe ing. 3 .". knitting, and crochetir.g. r.2 Vi.lnrd a e. Nante. CAROLINA board n;d oo 1 1 b I v o convalescent home: room and people and nursing. 472 Sl. . cor. E. tth st. Kellwood 34. M:HSK ants work. wJH do light house work. Cs.j Tabor 7o". W ANTEle cpnvr lescent patients, rice nulet hme; Dr. references. Woodlawn 31". lloiiekrepeM, tiontf. tnidd ie-aged widow wishes work where she can take 2 ima' boys; gooff Pinm cook. Wi'.l go out of city. K 20 rrgonijin. -ITIoN a housekeeper, apartment land lady or will leave city for beach or coun try. Tabor 944 COMPETENT bouekeeper. for lady em pioxed preferred, or chamber work. 'Babor 4u3. W 1 1 OW with boy 14 months, wishes house keeping on ranch where boy Id can help. K Ml. Oregor.l.in. WOMAN wlih boy three wishes position S3 bonfek neper. Pho?ie Tabor 317 Doinestlca. EXPERIENCE D lady wants tti a i fj il.n' ft other work; hours, day. satisf. guaranteed W oodlaw u GOo, before 8 A. M., after 6 P. M. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. NEWLV married couple wish to lease for fix e mont hs five -room furnished bunga low or low er flat w ith garden ; will pay two months In advance. Best of references. 'MK N 4. oreconfan. WANTED To rent, furnished or partly fur nished 6 -room or more house, bungalow tr lower flat: steady tenant, with best of references, Whit have $ou? AF 2ai, Oregonian. WANTED To rent modern 6 or 7-room house. Alameda Park or irvlngton pre ferred : three adults; reference given : ti months or year rent advanced if neces sary. Woodlawn 37M. WANTED To rent 6 or 7-room house, furnished; adults; must be modern and reasonable rent handy to car; would con-r-idt'r suburban home with some grounds. Phone East s-4Md. YOUNG man and mother wants small fur nished house or fiat with modern conven iences; rent not more than $30. H. W. Janes after 4:30 P. M, Venable hotel, both phones. 1 WANT a 3 -room modern house with ga race, within 1 mile radius of business cent er ; w est side preferred- 434, Oro gonlan. JANITOR of Sunnyalde school wants to rent - room bouse near Sunnvside district. Ask for Mr. Scharx at school or phone Tabor M .".; evenings. W A NTED Modern houe. 4 bedrooms or 3 and inclosed sleeping porch, east side; guarantee best care ; several months rent In advance. East '2."4. SMALL furnished house by man and wife, no children, price about $20. Phone Maiu c. 173. W A N T EI lloue or apart ment. moderu. good lora'iiy: wi; buy furniture If reason - a loo. Main 7120. WANTED To rent unfurnished $ or fr-room modem house ?otith of ILiwthornc; steady imi int. Phone Se'lwood 2 tI. FURNISHED huse. 4 or 3 rooms ; prefer ably with large grounds and garage; state prle. Ad'fcress T Oregon nan. V A .'T ED To rent 3. 4 or 3 -room flat or house, unfurnished. W. A. BartletL Main iVm. S.0 Alder. WANT Strictly modern furnished hour or bungalow. Marshall 2411. W ANTEf cottage -To rent & or 6 -room furnished adults only. East 4(4, KooM house ; prefer 1 rv iu g ton; A part me at. FU RN1SII ED flat or apartment within IS bio. ka of B. Hroadway and J.th at. Phone East 3231. MobKKN furnished 3 or 4 rooms, by m.:t and wife, no children ; price about $.. Phone Main t473. Koocns With Board WANTED Room and board by ;ady unem ployed. In private fanil-y ; wl.Uug to go oit ; must ie reasonable. x - i. urefio Hi; II. Y t ii .n man desires loard and room i-i Chrisi Inn science lamiiy ; A-l reierence It F 4ti. Orecoman. TOR KENT. Inrnitbrd Rnorn. A Modern-Priced Hotel of Merit, HOTEL CLIFFORD. Fast Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is tho principal east aids- hotel and Is a hotel of dignity and reiine ment. Daily rates $1.00 up: two in room. $1.7.": w pc k 1 y rates. $: and up. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown Mch.un family notei: rooms en suite or s-ingle. with or without board, tor families and business men ana woman. v giv you all the comforts of a home. Reason able ratea ' WKLL-Fl'RNISH ED housekeeping rooms to t -xl a month and bachelors Quar ters. Also singl sleeping rooms. $2.30 and up. By week or month. City View hotel. 2i:i1- l nion ave., cor. clay. NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets. Rlaht In center of Portland's activities. LET US SHOW YOU OUR ACCOMMODA TIONS. RATES 3 P.1C fc. K. A.NU Ul'. GORDON HOTEL, 174 West Park st. New mauaxement. catering especially to bui- n-cn jcople, telephones and elevator; out- tide rooms, io per wcck. NETHERLND8 HOTEL. 126 13th st., corner Washington. Rooms 4 up. Homedse. ciesn. phone, steam hea'r HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison St.. at Tenth- Rates $1 per day up; weekly, $4..'u up. running water: free pnone and bath. PALACE HOTEL. 440 Wash, at; downtown. location, respectable and strictly mode r a. steam heat ; rooms large, clean. JOHNSON hotol. 321 Water St., corner Clark. 2-room h. k, apt also sleep ing rooms. 1'none Marshall 23 rJ. ANSON 1A HOTEU 124 14th. cor. Washing ton: modern conveniences; transient $1 u- Ptrmanent, $4 up. SARGENT HOTEL. 271 M: Grand ave. H. apt. and tt keeping rooms. East 211. CRYSTAL HOTEL, Park and Alder. Outsuis rooms, modern, day or w eek. Main t. - LARRABEE HOTEL, 227 4j Larrabee; mod. cian, steam heat; 2.fu up. fc.ast b4U. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, t -z .Norm inira st.. si.ou ana up. FURNISHED rooms for rent 321 6:h si.. cor. . lay. Unfurnished Kooma. FOR RENT 2 unfurnished Eist S2H. rooms. Phone Furnished Kooma In Private Family. KDUM' for f.lil. in i sab . 5T . ash. MP. i; furniture Kf t !i st. N. . I I LARGE front North luiu i room, lib el v f urniaii i4 t. uiuauwai 1.0.