Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 01, 1919, Image 1

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VOL.. 1YVII1". NO. 18,233.
Entered at Portland O r e r o n)
Portofflre a Second -Class Matter.
Officials All Over Nation
Marked for Death.
Infernal Machines Are Sent
Out Through Mails From
New York City.
Sixteen Bombs Found in Post
office at Gotham, When
: Clerk Grows Suspi.cious.
NEW YORK, April 30 Postorfice
officials tonight said 14 bombs, packed
the same as those discovered here
today, were being held in postoffices
along the Pacific coast.
) SAN FRANCISCO, April 30. Post
office officials in the principal Pacific
coast cities asserted tonight that no
suspected packages that might con
tain bombs were being held for in
vestigation, but that greater care was
, being taken in the distribution of par
jccls and packages of all kinds,
NEW YORK, April GO. With tho
discovery in the New York postoffice
today of 16 infernal machines, in ad
dition to half a dozen which have been
delivered to prominent men in various
cities, federal detectives tonight were
endeavoring to run down the organ
izers of what is believed to be a na
tion-widc plot to assassinate cabinet
; officials and other men prominent in
official and private life.
I Bombs have been delivered at the
homes or offices of former Senator
Thomas W. Hardwick of Georgia,
Federal Judge Kenesaw M. Lanelis of
Chicago, Mayor Ole Hanson of Seat
tle, District Attorney Charles M.
Fickert and his assistant, Edward M.
Cunha, of San Francisco, and Repre
sentative John L. Burnett of Alabama.
Among those found here today were
bombs addressed to Secretary of
Labor Wilson, Postmaster-General
Burleson, Attorney-General A. Mitch
ell Palmer, Chief Justice Oliver Wen
dell Holmes, John D. Rockefeller and
many other prominent men.
Women Are Injured.
While, so far, none of the men for
whom the bombs were intended have
been injured, Mrs. Thomas W. Hard
wick and her maid were severely in
jured by the explosion of the bomb
intended for the former senator which
was received yesterday, and Repre
sentative Burnett narrowly escaped
injury by the explosion of the bomb I
addressed to him which .was received
t Officials tonight refused to com
ment on the motive o" the wholesale
bomb sending, but it was declared sig
nificant that the discoveries were
made on the eve of "May day," which
has been set as the time various dem
onstrations will take place.
Agents of the department of jus
tice said they believed the mailing of
bombs was timed to cause a reign of
terror on May day, observed through
out the world not only by peaceful
labor orginizations but by the most
pronounced radicals. It was recalled
that radicals in this country had
threatened a demonstration on May
1 in behalf of Thomas J. Mooney,
under sentence of life imprisonment
"In California for murder in connec
tion with a bomb outrage.
Extermination Is Hope.
From all the information available
tonight it was apparent the -makers
of the bombs hoped to exterminate
i everyone who has been prominently
' involved in the prosecution or depor
tation of members of the I. W. W.
Not only were officers of the im
' migation bureau marked for destruc
) tion, but also the authors of the bill
. which would have stopped immigation
for a year. This measure would have
; made it difficult for Russian radicals
to gain access to this country.
All of the bombs were identical in
form and material, it is said, and all
1 were packed in the same manner, with
: fictitious tags bearing the name "Gim
' bcl .Brothers, New" York," on them.
A sweeping inquiry by postoffice
inspectors, agents of the department
of justice and police experts wa; be-
(CcncludeU on page 0, Column l.f
Radical Leaders Flee From City as
Defense Plans Show Fatal
COPENHAGEN-, April 30. (By the
Associated Tress.) The soviet govern
ment in Munich has been overthrown,
according to reports in Berlin, says the
correspondent or the Berllngske Ti
dende. The correspondent adds that the gov
ernment troops, in accordance with
martial law, shot a number of mem
bers of the red guard who had been
captured, while a mob attacked others
of the captured reds and tried to kill
BERLIN, Monday, April 28. (By the
Associated Press.) Communist leaders
are fleeing from Munich as the situa
tion caused by the advance of Bavarian
government troops become worse. Herr
Landauer, minister of popular enlight
enment, disappeared Sunday, and was
followed by Hcrr Fcchenbach, former
secretary of the late Premier Eisner.
Fechenbaeh was arrested at Ulm later
in the day.
.Military preparations of the com
munists are suffering from lack of
coal. In order to keep a few trains
running in the communist section of
southern Bavaria they are using wood.
For heating in Munich the communists
have cut down a number of great trees
In the principal streets. A revolution
ary tribunal has replaced the regular
courts. The new chief justice is said
to be a man named Cronauer. reported
to have been imprisoned a. number of
times for theft.
Allies More Liocral With Food Than
Kaiser's Government.
COBLENZ, Saturday, April 26. (By
the Associated Press.) The average
uniform ration for the 7,000,000 Inhabi
tants of the occupied areas of Germany
will be 930 grams a day for each per
son, according to the- decision of the
inter-allied military commission for
food supply for the civilian population
on the left bank of the Khine, an
nounced today.
This is an increase of 80 grams a day
over that provided by the German war
Omaha Mayor Announces Anarchy
Mutt Not Be F reached.
OMAHA. April 30. Mayor Smith to
day forbade the holding of an adver
tised meeting of socialists and I. W. W,
tomorrow night at which an "interna
tional labor day" programme was to be
'I want the whole world to know
that anarchy cannot be preached in
Omaha," said the mayor.
The committee in charge of the pro
gramme announced after being told of
the mayor's order that the meeting will
be held at the socialists' headquarters.
Correspondents In England
Now Send News at Will.
LONDON. April 30, 9 P. M. (By the
Associated Press.) This is the first un-
censored message the Associated Press
has cabled to Americas since 6 P. M.
August 2. 1914.
The official press bureau closed at
o'clock tonight; the correspondents may
telegraph now as freely as in pre-war
times, but are still subject to the de
fense of the realm act if any message
should be found to disclose military
secrets or endanger the safety of the
Budapest Residents Forced to Do
Menial Work to Obtain Food.
BERLIN, April 30. (By the Associ
ated Press.) Ex-army officers are
shining shoes in the streets of Buda
pest, and university graduates, lawyers
and Judges are doing menial duties in
order to earn enough food, according
to Judge Soelling of Kiel, who has Just
returned from Hungary.
He says the propaganda of the red
army has been a total failure and that
the few recruits who are coming in are
doing so out of sheer necessity to se
cure food.
Dtscourtesy Shown to American
Cause of Punishment.
COBLENZ, Saturday, April 26. (By
the Associated Press.) Carl Milner, a
former officer in the German army, who
claims relationship to Viscount Milner,
the British secretary for the colonies,
was sentenced to prison today for act
ing in a discourteous manner toward an
American officer, the German refusing
to share his seat in a street car with
the American.
Lieutenant Emmet t Hardwick of
Stanford, Tex., presided in the infe
rior provost marshal court.
German Correspondents May Not
Talk to Allied Diplomats.
VERSAILLES, Tuesday, April 29.
Fifteen German newspapermen accom
panied the German representatives to
the peace congress.
No censorship will be imposed upon
their dispatchese to Germany, but they
will not be allowed to communicate
with the allied diplomats or newspaper
men. '
Slight Rift in Situation Is
Descried atJVris
ntimatior- Received Over
tures Would Be Aceptable.
Comment Says That, In View of Sup
port Given Orlando, It Is Up to
AYilaon to Change Mind.
PARIS, April 30. (By the Associated
Press.) There Is a slight rift In the
Italian cloud which gives hope of the
clearing of the difficulties that have
arisen In the peace conference "over
the Adriatic problem.
Overtures for the resumption of rela
tions have not come thus far from
either direction, but there are intima
tions from Romo that overtures from
Paris would not be unacceptable and
would receive every attention.
Americana Asalnat Weakrnlns.
The prevailing sentiment among the
delegates, including several of the
American delegation. Is against solicit
T a return of the Italian representa
lives, and it was at first believed that
President Wilson shares this view.
Those nearest the president, however,
asserted that if Italy is disposed to re
linquish Fiunic and accept the compro
mise the president suggested, he could
doubtless, in the interest of harmony
make such friendly suggestions as
would permit the resumption of return
ty the Italians without any sacrifice
of dignity or self-esteem.
These personal susceptibilities are
felt to be more of an obstacle at pres
ent than the territorial merits of the
case. While popular sentiment in Italy
still insists on holding Kiume, the re
cent official attitude lias been less in
aistent and apparently tends toward .ac
ceptance of one of the various plans
proposed by the council of thre, where
by Flume would be internationalized
and some Dalmatian outposts given to
Wllaoa to Stand Plrm.
It is the declared purpose of the
council, as well as President Wilson,
not to yield on Fiume, even if the peace
treaty is signed without Italy's par
ticipation. But, should the recent off!
cial tendencies at Rome take the defi
nite form of acceptance of a comprom
Ise, the president's friends say they
are sure that no feeling of pride will
restrain him from taking steps which
will fully restore the Italian delega-
(Concluded on Pace
Column 1.)
Tlans, Which Include Great Mass of
Equipment, "May Be Expanded
to Form Big Post.
LEGE, Corvallis, April-30. (Special.)
Major Edward C. Hanford and Captain
E. B. Wettingell, United States army
officers, who were detailed to take
charge of the work of organizing a
field artillery unit at the college, have
arrived and will spend practically all
of the time between now and nest
spring working out the plans for the
new organization, and taking charge
of the equipment, valued at approxi
mately 1300,000, which will arrive. Oth
er officers are on the way or will be
detailed soon. In all, four commissioned
officers and approximately five non
commissioned officers will be detailed
to handle the work of tho unit and the
Final arrangements for the establish
ment of the unit were made by Presi
dent W. J. Kerr., who has returned from
a six-weeks' trip in the east. Equip
ment will include nearly 100 horses
and mules, models of guns used by the
American and allied forces in field ar
tillery, tractors, wagons, machine-guns
and Browning automatic rifles. Much
engineering material is also included In
the inventory, and this will be avail
able for general instructional in the
Tentative arrangements, subject to
definite decisions after the arrival of
war department representatives at the
college and special conferences and in
spections, have been made for the es
tablishment of units of the signal
corps, motor transport corps and cav
alry. The signal corps would be limit
ed to electrical engineering students.
The motor transport unit would bring
to the college much war department
equipment, such as tractors and trucks.
The cavalry unit would consist of one
or two platoons with 37 horses to each
Permanent Scat to Be Built Along
Lake Geneva.
GENEVA, April 29. A palace for the
permanent seat of the league of na
tions will be constructed on one of sev
eral beautiful sites along Lake Geneva
near the city. Meanwhile the city au
thorities will place the Palais Kynard,
near the university, at the disposal of
the delegates.
Tomorrow will bo a public holiday
in Geneva In honor of the selection of
Geneva as the seat of the league.
New Loan of $50,000,000 Brings
Total Up to $1,571,300,000.
WASHINGTON, April 30. Italy was
given a new loan of J50.000.000 today
by the treasury to cover a number of
obligations incurred by the Italian gov
ernment on contracts for war materials
and foodstuffs from American produc
ers. The credit extension brought Italy's
total borrowings from the United States
to 91. 571. 500. 000.
Demands as to Kiao Chau
Granted at Paris.
Threat to Bolt Forces Council
of Three to Give Way.
I'ir-t Meeting 'With Germans Will
Be Held in Room Now Used by
Suprcme War Council.
(Copyright by the New Tork World, pub
lished hv arrangement. By wireless to
the World.)
PARIS. April 30. (Special cable.)
Japan has won the most signal victory
of the. peace conference.
Under a settlement reached today by
the big three her. relations with China
will remain on the basis set by herself,
although . the future development of
the treaties ' between the two coun
tries will be affected by the Interpreta
tions placed upon them by the league
of nations.
An official statement issued tonight
supports fully a dispatch sent to the
World on Monday which outlined the
basic terms of the settlement. To them
China filed a protest which caused a
holdup yesterday, when President Wil
son personally sought a compromise
more satisfactory to the Pekin govern
ment. Tho situation was too delicate,
however, to allow further demands on
Japan, as it was certain the delegates
would leave the conference and that
she would continue the occupation of
the Shantung Peninsula.
Treutlen Kept Secret.
Therefore, a formula was reached
today which practically coincides with
the position of Tokio. but is dressed
up to make it appear less of a victory.
Every effort to examine or abrogate
the treaties made between Japan and
China, vhich vive to the forn'er great
concessions, v. as blocked. Kiao-Chau
goes back to China, as Japan always
agreed should be done, without a for
mal limit being set. I am Informed
from a high source toxlght that Japan
to prove her good faith will surrender
it within a year. She had been told
that this act will be highly agreeable
to the other nations in the conference.
A high light on the solution shows
that Japan is buttressed in a paramount
position regarding China and is fur
ther strengthened by the "regional
policies clause of the league of na
tions covenant.
The terms under which Alsace-Lor
ralne will be returned to France were
defined this afternoon by the big three,
Paris tonight is entering virtually
oncluifi1 on Pace 0, Column
Private Clamp Wins Crosss for Rush
ing Tlirou;
h "Pillbox" and
: 35 Prisoners.
NEW TORK. April 30. In addition
to tho proposed citation of tJladys and
Irene Mclntyre for war service. Com
mander Evangeline Booth of the Salva
tion Army today announced a long list
of awards to her co-workers in various
countries made by the respective gov
ernments. The Victoria cross has been
won by two Brltisn and one Canadian
Trivate W. Clamp won the cross of
heroism in rushing a German "pillbox"
and bringing out 35 prisoners. One
Briton won the highest Serbian honor.
The British military cross was nine Salvationists; the dis
tinguished service order to one; the
distinguished conduct medal (with bar
to flnp; the plain distinguished conduct
medal to 23.
The military medal (with bar) was
won by three Salvatior tsts and tho
plain military medal by 73 others. Tw
won the meritorious service mrdal.
Two French and two English mem
bers were decorated with tho French
crolr do guerre, while threo won the
French military medal.
Others won the Belgian crotx de
guerre, the Italian St. Maurice and Ft.
Lazarus medal and the king of Serbia's
silver medal.
Board Closes Jas-prr N. Miller's
School When Health Fails.
EUGENE. Or.. April 30. (Special. )-
Jasper N. Miller. 7S years old. and said
to be the oldest rural school teacher in
the state, has resigned his position in
school district No. 125 in the Spencer
.rvcK vaucy. near rugene. lie Degan
his term last fall, declaring that ho
was as able to teach as he was 30
years ago; but his health declined and
It was thought best that he re.igi
His position has not been filled and
the directors have decided to close his
school as the term would have been
completed in less than a month.
Ex-Portlandcr Succeeds O. C. I.eitcr
on Oregon Welcome Commission.
SALEM. Or.. April 30. (Speclrl.)
Governor today appointed Miss
Peggy Cut Us as a member of tho Ore
gon welcome commission in New York,
succeeding O. C. Leiter, who has re
turned to Oregon. Miss Curtis, a for
mer Portland newspaper woman, has
been serving as executive secretary of
the commission since its inception at
the close of the war.
Either Thomas C. Burke or W. L.
Whittlesy Is expected to eucceed Mr.
Letter as chairman of the commission.
British Unemployment Situation De
clared Not Bad.
LONDON. Tuesday, April 2!. In de
fending tho government's policy of do
rations to the unemployed, Sir Robert
Stevenson Home, minister of labor. In
the house of commons today said it was
unnecessary to take a gloomy view of
the unemployment question.
Since the armistice, he said. 4,000,
000 persons have been demobilized and
only 1. COO. 000 remain unemployed.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 73
degrees: minimum. .".u degree.
TODAY'S Fair; gcntlo winds, mostly north
I orelgo.
Itay hints overtures from allies would prove
acceptable. Page 1.
Rert successes counterbalanced by reverses.
Pst,e a.
Soviet rule fails In Munich, city scene of
riots. 1'ate 1.
Streets thronged to see German envoys.
Page. 3.
Day of opportunity damns on Ttalkans as ene
mies become powerless. Page
Los.-es of battalion heavy in Argonne.
Page 6.
Kiao Chau dispute settled. rage 1.
Withdrawal of troops from Russia not ad
visable, war department announces.
Paga a.
Former national guards reach American port.
Pago 4.
Prosperity predicted by nation's leaders.
Page . I
Old Mother Earth shudders In night. Seis
mographs get records. Page U.
Nation-wide bomb plot bared. Page 1.
Salvation army workers cited for service.
Page 1.
Pacific Northwest.
Officers o' artillery school arrive at Corval'la
to begin work. Page 1.
Fishing season to open on Columbia river
today. Page 7.
Commerrlnl and Marine.
Potato surplus on
coast may prevent ad-
vance. Page 2..
Corn market rall'ej
break. Page 2:1.
from Tuesday's severe
Stock selling heavy and market unsettled.
Nine w-ooden ships launched In April.
Page 'I'l.
Pacific Coast league results: Portland 3.
Oakland O: Sacramento 1. Lm Angeles O;
Fait Lake 3. San Francisco 1; Vernon 5,
Seattle 1. Page 14.
Beaver club to see shake-up: four players
must drop out. Pag 14. .
Commerce hlgn raps out victory In eighth
frame. Page Id.
Portland and Vicinity.
Ad club $211. BOO to victory loan In six
minutes. Page 4.
Portland rallies but la still $3,000,000 behind
in loan drive. Page 1.
Question of free beds again raised. Page 13.
Flour buying for export trade to continue
In Portland. Page Id.
Housekeeping chosen by one of 221 girls of
Polytechnic school. Page 12.
Weather report, data and forecast. Psge 17.
Walter F. Burrell pays son's fine, doors of
Jail open. Page 7.
Mr. Olcott plead.- for preparedness, rage 11.
No loyalty shown in Finn editorials of 'i'oveti.
Page 7.
Quota Still Obstinate and
Fisht Not Won.
CITY'S DEFICIT 55,023,725
Hats Doffed to S. Benson, Who
Subscribes $100,000 More.
Don't Wait for Solicitor Is Urgent
Pica Made to All Citizen Im
mediate Action Necessary.
There will be an emergency
meeting of all district directors
and their assistants at 12:15 noon
today In the blue room of tho
Portland hotel. All directors
should report promptly.
Executive Secretary.
OrrKon'i Ylrtory Loan Progrre-as.
Entire state quota. ... 926. 747, 550
Subscribed to dtac.... 21.723.S23
Heficit to date $ 5.023.725
Portland's quota J1I.TS6.32j
Subscribed to date..
Deficit to be raised.. $ B.023.
Outer-state quota sub
scribed In full 911. 961.
ron't wait for the solicitor. CJo to
victory headquarters or to any bank,
and make your subscription. Now.
Such is the victory loan pica to Port
land. Like some hard-pressed fighter,
shoved back to the ropes. Portland ral
lied a bit yesterday and swapped' nunch.
for punch with its obstinate quota in.
the victory loan match. At sunset both
were still going strong, but observers
admit that Portland must force the
fight even more if she Is to send the
word "victory" flashing forth on Sat
urday night.
There is evidence that the insistent
urgency of the victory loan call has
been shouted with telling effect into the
hitherto drowsy ears of business men
and citizens generally.
A number came blinking forth from
their own affairs yesterday, asking
what it was all about. And then they
smote te quota heavily, with sub
scriptions that swelled the day's totals
and gladdened the work-worn sales
Ilata Are Off to S. Benson.
But It Is to S. Benson, first to an
swer the call of the forlorn hope, that
the city committee doff their hats as
one man. For Mr. Benson now holds
$350,000 worth of victory bonds, having
voluntarily Increased his subscription
by 9100.000. Largest of all individual
subscriptions in Oregon, he stands for
the type of patriot who realized Port
land's plight and made an answer with
a sack of gold.
At the close of the day's campaign,
officially 9712,5u0 bad been addel
lo Portland's straining effort for the
goal of f 14.7S6.52:. The city has a
deficit of $5,023,723 to raise in three
days. Its total subscriptions to date
reach $9. 762. 600.
The city executive committee will
give to the press for publication tomor
row a complete list of subscribers, of
9500 and more, up to the close of busi-.
nesn tomorrow 'night' and sometime
within the next 24 hours, from 20,000
to 30.000 citizens will be called by tele
phone and reminded that Portland is
striving to end tho campaign by Satur
day. Rift Instalments Made.
"There is evidence that Portland peo
ple have at last come face to face,
many of them, with the serious and
critical nature of our task." said City
Chairman Emery Olmstcad. "Some sub
scribers are responding with big in
vestments in the victory loan. The.
gratitude of Portland is theirs. But
the pace we arc showing now must be
kept up. If Saturday r.lght is to wltnc.-
the finish. And Saturday night marks
the close of the campaign for our sales
force, who will have given two full
weeks in difficult, unselfish sacrifice
to the loan.
"Here at headquarters, after sizing
the situation from every angle, we are
more than convinced tnat every resi
dent of Portland who is able must an
swer the request of the government if
we are to attain our "juota and gain a
place worthy of Portland. Every man
who has not subscribed should faea
himself and ask the question. 'WhyT
And every man who has subscribed
should ask himself if he has dona
S. Benson Taken SIOO.OOO Mare.
It was at the weekly luncheon of the
Portland Ad club that S. Benson, prac
tical patriot, smote the quota for an
other 9100.000. Charley Berg, victory
loan enthusiast and assistant city sales
manager, had talked for tho bonds, lie
turned to John I- Etheridge, state
director of organization.
"Will you match, dollar for dollar.
I'.'oncluiicd on i'a;e 0. Colutim l.i