Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 30, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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MHtimmmmmmmiiHm..mmiH.H.Hmumi?tnHm u
Envoys Prepare to Make Long
Stay in Versailles.
Talk That Cfrman May Decline to
Mn Dictated Trace Said to
lie Not All Bluff.
C?:ri;it ty N- w Yrk V.rid. Tub-
1.4.. cl by Ar; nscnieru.i
RRRUV, via Copenhagen. April 8.
SpvctaL Th Cernun peac delegates
mho hivf (cone to Versailles took along
ixtra thirt. socks and collars sufft
cirnt for a Ions May. It is wrio-humor-uMy
explained In official quarters that
thv URniftttJ envoys are taking no
chanrr with the French laundresses
mho mitrht Mnke and refuse to Wash
T ;ton Itn n.
Thre is no worry over food, how
rr. for 1 1 f has been pased from
the commission to lrlin that
victuals will he plentiful and that the
Versailles trip wi.l re ally be a food
junket. That expectation largely x
pUt(i:a the Krimtie to set on board the
lira: train and the heartburntngs
airn; those left behind.
The World and orcgunfan corre-
poniirnt has rret only one eliRtble ier-
inan who dul not wK-h to go. lie had
te-n one of Count von Be rn s tor ( fa
l.cutrnants and he said: I have seen
Versailles und'r happy circumstances.
Knowing 'he Trianon in peace tims.
and so I becced off from thla trip, but
my stenographer is crazy to go."
(rmait laenerally It an try.
This official pointed out an element
ef pathos in th sttuntltm. ayina; that
aftr f-ur lean years most German's
.ave nj h a craving for proper food
that the prospect of eating their fill
in Versailles seems like a promise of
3ara'lt.H. lie ad tied that when the
.ele?ates pet back f lean home cook-In-
a run th'y will fe-1 that it would
have ben easier to stick to It than to
lave indulged themselves in feasting:,
thereby entailing fresh pang of priva
tion later.
Talk that Germany may decline to
eirrn a inted" pace Is not all bluff.
J(y ?r-sensit:ve official oc rman pride
i-hiiuM r t be minimized. It is a very
real factor in Germany's paradoxical
jeace piychoiOK
The first depa'ture among the dele
pat-s may be regarded as a "feeler
mission." It is believed they have in
tructions to withdraw from Versailles
and come home if they find not h in if
can be done by way of negotiation. Jf
they are "not humiliated" and are per
mitted to express themselves freely and
to Kin consideration for what they say.
a second section, now In reserve and
comprising expert advisers. primed
with documents and exhibits necessary
to a fu'l presentation of Germany's
case, will be rushed to their support.
isn't It?
A man sliould not under
estimate the importance of
hand-tailoring because we
have brought it within his
means. A collar button
does not cost, much, yet it
is more important at a
banquet than an invitation !
Exclusive Agents for
"Sampeck" Clothes for Young
Men and Their Fathers, Too.
Washington at Sixth.
pates, who are for the pay
ment of their share of the reparations.
No definite Jecisioi- on either question
vaj reached.
The British peace delegation has
riven out its views with regard to that
section of the cover.ant of the league
rf nations dealing with the Monroe
doctrine. It is declared that the Monroe-
doctrine and similar understand
ings hav shown themselves in his
tory to be not instruments of national
ambition but guarantees of peace." It
is expressly stated that the Monroe
doctrine hzz "become an international
Washington Is Selected.
It is reported that the first meeting
f the league of natirns probably will
le held in the White House at Wash
ington next October with Woodrow
WiNon presiding.
F.OME, April 29. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Premitr Orlando iir-his
address in the chamber of deputies to
day admitted that he received on
April it the American memorandum
ia"ing with the Adriatic question and
added that until that time he had al
ways been assured that the American
delegation had not .-cached any defi
nite conclusion regarding Italy.
Tremier Orando said that Italy be
lieved that her claims were founded
on such high reasons of justice and
right that any international treaty or
iiffreement should be set aside so that
thry might be accepted.
The prmt.r said that the world sit
ri'on at present in crave, and for
l'alv ''vmry arav." an! that It wa the
dutr of Ita'.y "trt prrsrrv the greatest
calm and aerenltv."
"The principal duty In this Brave
r-our tr the world, and for Italy very
;rrave." ald Sutior Orlando, "is to
preserve the jrreatest calm and serenity.
llrae4 Preaeate4.
"This Malement aims to present only
t'.e impartial declaration of facts o
thnt parl.amrnt nay have a!l the ele-
n"ln n..-earv I rm- j'l.lrment on
the work of the Rovernmcnt and on the
Italian delegation at the peace confer
ence as well as on the situation created
bv the last painful events.
" think It opportune to recall briefly
the attitude ot the Italian delegation
in that phase of the necotlations which
began about the middle of March. - At
that time the preparatory work was
finished and a programme for definite
deliberation had to be decided upon.
Questions concerning peace with Ger
many were given the precedence, but
it was agreed that those recording
Italy should follow immediately."
Section missing.)
"There are certain diversions of views
between the two- governments (Italy
and the United States), but never did
I believe that such differences were
Irreconcilable. Indeed, until April 14,
when the American memorandum was
delivered us. I had always been as
sured that the American delegation
had not reached any definite conclu
sions regarding us. Several times I
stated with firmness consistent with
courtesy that the programme of the
Italian territorial claims was based on
essential cardinal points of acceptance.
which was nn absolute condition for
the Italian government."
parliament as Premier Orlando has
Americana Are Crlticlaed.
A telegram from 'Sebenico, In Dal
msria, 70 miles southeast of Triest,
published in the Epoca, states that Dr.
Anton Korosec, president of the Jugo
slav party, has arrived at Spalato and
has organized an anti-Italian demon
stration there. The telegram adds:
"The Italians at Spalato blame the
weak attitude of the American naval
authorities for permitting public anti
Italian manifestations. notwithstand
ing the orders f the inter-allied coun
cil of admirals.'"
Quick Financial Aid Is Jfeeded,
Council Is Advised.
VERSAILLES. April 29. (By the As
sociated Press.) The main German
peace delegation arrived at the Vau
Cresson station at 9:30 o'clock this eve
ning and came to Versailles by auto
Try it! For a few cents you can
dry clean everything.
PARIS. AprU 29. (By the Associated
FressJ Ambassador Page telegraphed
from Home today that he had gathered
from Premier Orlando in a long con
ference Monday that the premier did
not intend to return to Taris for the
si&nlng of the peace treaty.
" Amhaador Meet Premier.
The premier expressed regret that
the time was so short before the ar
rival of the Oermana.
The Italian premier, the telegram
from Ambassador Fair added, feft tha
his action either way would nave sen
ous consequences, but It was preferable
to have trouble from without Italy
rather than from within Italy, because
the present state of public feeling in
Italy would not Justify the lning of
a treaty which did not Include the
Italian aspirations.
- Ambassador Pane said he had taken
steps to have the Italian authorities
suppress manifestations directed against
'resident Wilson. As a result one of
the principal demonstrations In Home
was aiven un.
Should Premier Orlando not return
for-the signing of the treaty, it would
Eive the situation a more serious aspect
than the departure of the Italian dele
fcation. as the allies would be required
t- take final action without the par
ticipation of Italy. While there is
every desire to avoid this result, the
Indications are that the allies will pro
cecd with the sliming tf Italy decides
to withhold participation.
Treaty Uraft la Loig,
The final draft of the treaty is vlr
tua 11 y completed. The men In charge
of the work say they have no further
doubt that they wl!l he able to finish
their work by Thursday or by such
time as delivery is made. The latest
count shows a total of 60,000 words In
the treaty.
An official summary of 10.000 words
has been made. It Is in such shape
that tt would be made public at once.
but the intention is to hold It for pub
lication throughout the world at about
the same time that the treaty is deliv
ered to the (irrmnns. The various Rov
ernments are cahhnr this summary
every w here for simultaneous release
when authorization is given by the con
fere nee.
Care fire to ten dollar quickly by
dry cleaning eve. y thins; In the home
with rmsoline ttat would be ruined by
a jap od wa tar suits, coats, waists,
sua, laevs. k loves, shoes, furs drap
eries, rugs everything!
p;ce m gallon or rr.ore of gasoline In
a dish pan or m ashbotler. then put In
the thlntrs to be dry cleaned, then
wash them with Solvit soap. Shortly
everything comes out looking; like new.
Nothing fadea, shrinks or wrlnklea
Io not attempt to dry clean without
fcolvite luipi This gasoline soap Is the
ccret of all dry -leaning.
pack are ot Solvit soap containing
directions for home dry cleaning, costs
little at any drug: store. Pry clean out
joori wr away from flau.
HOME. April M (By the Associated
Press.) Thomas Nelson Pas:e, the
American ambassador, visited Premier
Orlando Monday. The two men had a
friendly conversation in which the am
bassador expressed regret at the situ
ation that had arisen.
The ambassador said he thoujrht the
situation had been afrcravated by Ital
ian newspaper criticism based on a
wrons; interpretation of Irr?ident Wil
son's attitude, and added that all those
interested In preserving: Rood relatione
rei ween ire iwo countries snouia au
their best to prevent such disturbing
factors from having play.
Premier Orlando in reply said he con-'
sldered the situation very serious. bJt
that his desire was to ameliorate it and
refftorv calm. The premier said he
deeply regretted that the incident had
occurred and had been much disturbed
over iu
Ifaliaaa Continue Oesnoaat rat lone.
Demonstrations in Home yesterday
in support of the government's stand
on the Adriatic question culminated In
a great mats meeting, convoked by
Prince folonna. the mayor, on the Cap
itoltne Hill. The citizens at the meet
in c adopted unanimously a resolut Ion
a.kintc the annexation of all territory
plven to Italy by the treaty of London
and also Klume. The resolution also
urged the g-overnment to remember the
"suffering and hope of Spalato and ,
Trau." j
The assemblage took a solemn oath
to remain united as the famous Capi
tol ine bell was rung.
A procession afterward went to the
Quirlnal. where the kins and queen ap
peared on the balcony of the palace.
With them were soldiers who had been
wounded during the war. The crowd
cheered and cried: "Flume! Dalmatia!"
President WHson i challenged by the
Glornai d'llaiia to "appeal to i own
PARIS. April 29. (By the Associated
Press.) The session of the council of
three ended late this afternoon with
out any decision on either the Japanese
or Belgian questions.
A compromise was proposed to Japan
oy the council with respect to the Kiao
Chau problem, but no conclusion was
reached and it is understood that fur
ther consideration will be given the
matter at an early date.
The financial experts of the United
States and France were called in while
the Belgian delegates were being heard
regarding the necessity of earlier pay
ment to them of their share of the
reparations. The discussion was left
Helatan Situation Serloa.
The Reuter correspondent says he
learns from Belgian delegation circles
that the situation is so serious that
unless financial aid Is received from
the allies it may be Impossible for the
Belgian delegates to sign the peace
It has been virtually decided that
the first meeting of the league of na
tions shall be held in Washington next
Plans are being formulated for the
holding of this meeting, the initial
gathering to be tn the east room of
the White House under the presidency
of President Wilson.
At yesterday's plenary session of the
peace conference President w ilHon
moved for the appointment of a com
mittee of nine members to arrange for
the inauguration of the league, and
this committee will begin its work to
morrow. Its task will include the
formulation, of permanent plans for the
work of the league at Geneva and for
an inaugural meeting in Washington.
Approval Seems (General.
Meanwhile Lord Robert Cecil and
K. M. House and other men of various
nations have discussed the holding of
the meeting in Washington and found
general approval of the plan among
the delegates so that it has virtually
been settled upon.
The salary of Sir Eric Drummond,
secretary of the league of nations, is
to be $25,000 yearly, with a similar
amount for the expenses of the office,
Including the clerical staff, according
to the representative of Keuter's Lim
ited in Paris.
Before the meeting of the council of
three this morning. President Wilson
received Baron Makino, head of the
Japanese mission, and Viscount Chinda.
his colleague. Their conference lasted
nearly an hour. Presumably the ques
tion of Kiao-Chau was under discussion.
Because of the 24-hour strike set
for May 1, especially affecting trans
portation and communications, some
doubt was expressed today whether
the peace terms would be presented to
the Germans on that day, as had been
planned. It was thought the function
probably " would be postponed until
Friday, -May z. -
Our Women's Ready-to-Wear Department Is Complete Here Are New York Styles, Right From the Makers to Us!
Dandy Garden Tools
Garden Barrows. .$5.50, $6.85, $7.50
Wheeled Hand Cultivators $5.85
Steel Hose Reels, only $2.45
age 6 packages for...: .....25.
Tobacco for Less!
George Washington lunch box;
16 oz.
Gold Shore lunch box, 14-oz.. . . . .$1.00
Prince Albert, 16-oz. tin $1.40
mounted; assorted shapes. Bargain prices.
The Newest Spring Merchandise
Immense Stocks Ready for Your Choosing AT LOWEST PRICES. BUY HERE AND SAVE !
Just in by Express
Here are smart, stylish suits
for boys; the very latest
waist-seam models with de
tachable belts. Every suit
with two pairs of full-lined
knickers with taped seams.
A fine range of fabrics and
patterns from which to se
lect. These are just the suits
you want for jtmt boys, and
look at our price!
Only $8.98
Men's $5.50 Corduroy Pants, $4.25 .
Heavy, well made pants, with double-flap back and hip pockets,
Splendid values! "
Men's Heavy $1.50 Work Shirts, 98c
Good, heavy shirts in black and white stripe fabrics. A bargain price!
Three Sensational Specials
in Silk Fabrics
for Women's Wear
The newest and the best! Try shopping downtown at this store;
you'll find the same fabrics as shown at the uptown stores but '
here the price will be less! We bought these fabrics in New York
there's nothing newer!
$1.50 Silk Poplins, only 98c
The fabric for Summer suits, skirts, dresses, waists, etc. All are
36-inch materials. The colors include wistaria, taupe. Burgundy,
navy and Alice blue. Come early; only a limited quantity to sell
at this special price.
Regular $2 and $2.25 Dress Silks, $1.69
A large selection of the loveliest of Spring silks, both plain and
fancy weaves. All are 36-inch materials, beautiful in patterns
and colors.
Regular $2.25 Georgette Crepes, $1.85
All wanted shades in 40-inch crepes at a decided saving in price.
.Come and make selections from the newest and the best!
Crockery Specials
Covered Casseroles, only.... 55
Class Water Sets, only .. .$1.25
Water Glassesi fine for restau
rant use, dosen .....85
Taney Kmt Bowls and Hammers,
rr solar priced S1.2S and si. SO,
now 65 "nd 75
Cream of Rice; 2 pkgs..'. 25
K. C. Baking Powder; 80c n(n
size for
Folger's Golden Gate Bak- OP.
ing Powder; 2'j-lb. can.. OOC
Fosfo Baking Powder; 5- fiC
lb. can
Fine Candies
Assorted Chocolates, lb 40
Assorted Cocoanut Chips; QQf.
very fine; lb
Some Shoe Bargains!
Always good shoe for left at
S Unone. See these bargain!.
Munson Last Shoes
for Men $4.98
Boaght by am from the erovernment.
Two fall goleft, vineolized; outside
counters. No better shoes made for
hard wear. Worth $7 oar price J
now $-4.98
Boys' Shoes $1.69
Good calfskin In blncher. lace or
fcntton. Exceptionally good shoes
for school or dress wear.
Women's Two-Strap
. Slippers $1.49
All sizes In fine, soft leather ribbon
bow, Cuban or low heels, flexible
soles. Worth S2.25 our price SI. 49
Women's Fieldmouse
Shoes $4.98
A very dressy lant In the very latest
spring; shade, cloth tops to match,
military heels. We show all sizex.
Good 97 valnes, pair $4.98
Jr W"
at r I
Women's Wash Waists $1.49
Portland's wash waist headquarters! Nothing less! We
buy only the best makes, and we sell them at a very small
margin. Inspect any waist! Our guarantee for good wear
goes wies every one! Here are the newest styles round
neck, plain tailored and frill collar; also lace collar models;
models in plain or colored embroidery fronts. Stacks of voiles
and other summery novelty materials. See our waists and
you'll need go no farther. ; - ' A- :
Women's Petticoats, Only $2.49
An attractive array of beautiful heatherbloom skirts, made
with never-rip placquet and closely fitting top; deep flounces.
A large variety of colors from which to choose. Mail orders
filled at the advertised price.
of penumonta and medical men who
treated the .cases diagnosed them as
a-rippe; The opinion prevails that
Marshfield again is in the grip of in
fluenza. Many homes are reported to
have from two to five cases, most of
whom are confined to their bods.
One councilman last night tried to
compel reporting of all suspicious cases
to the health authorities, but no record
was made of any definite action by the
council. Today's victim was Mrs. Annie
Lasilla of Englewood.
Astoria Reservoir Completed.
ASTORIA. Or.. April 29. (Special.) eiaU K. E. Beard, for ten years ed-
The construction of the new 20,000,000
pallon high service reservoir for As
toria's water system is completed and
water was turned, into it for the first
time this afternoon. The biar bowl.
which cost J150.000, is located at a
sufficient elevation to ffive a gravity
fire pressure in the residence districts
at the highest points in the city. Tha
water commission is -irrancrin: for a
public demonstration at the site of the
new reservoir in the near future.
E. E; Beard probation Officer.
VANCOUVER, Wash., April 29. (Spe-
Cass in Marshfield Diagnosed
.'rippe; Deaths Occur.
MARSHFIELD. Or- April 2. (Spe
cial. Several persons here have died
... .Ill III I..IIIISI II I I H IIIS Ill - J
TijIi i i r - - - - if - - i -iiiii--
Last Times
- in
itor and publisher of the Vancouver
Daily Columbian of this city, and who
last fall disposed of his paper, has been
appointed probation officer of this
county. Mr. Beard will assume his
new duties May 1. E. H. Wright, who
has been probation officer for the past
six years, resigned the position to give
more time to personal business.
Dry elaovrood and Inside wood, green
stamps, for cash. Holman Fuel Co.
Main 3S3. A 3353. Adv.
new r
f -
Got No Relief From Medicine
Until She Took Tanlac
Now Enjoys Life.
"Tanlac is the only thing that has
ever helped me, and that's saying a
good deal, for I had been trying for
15 years to get relief from my trouble."
declared Mrs. C. Fred Smith, who lives
at East 827 Ermina street, Spokane, to
a ianlac representative a few days
ago. Mrs. Smith has lived In Spokane
for 25 years.
"In all those years that I suffered,"
continued Mrs. Smith, "I could not eat
anything in the vegetable line; even
baked potatoes and gravy would cause
severe pains in my stomach, and ap
ples and other fruit would make me
suffer so after I had eaten them that I
got so I avoided them, although I had
always liked fruit. No matter how
little I ate, I would be bothered with
gas on my stomach and I was restless
and I couldnt sleep and was irritable
and nervous and would get very de-
1 but didn't dare eat what I wanted most.
. "I tried several treatments and also
took everything that anyone would
suggest but got no results, and then a
friend of mine in Portland told me
about the good Tanlac was doing for
people who had troubles just like mine,
so I tried it, although I didn't have
much faith in it at first, because I had
! t a L n nn ,nnv rfiffrnt mprtlnines
without being benefited, but Tanlac
helped me and I certainly believe in it
now. My relief has been truly won
derful and I now eat anything I want,
even cabbage and sauerkraut, and I
surely relish fruit now; in fact, I never
knew that fruit tasted so good before!
I have taken five bottles of Tanlac
and It has built up my system and im
proved my appetite so much that I Just
feel like a new person. I have a large
house and I do ail my own work, and
i nave 4U cnicKens to iook alter dui uo
1 everything with ease "and never get
I tired, although I always felt tired be-
fore I began taking Tanlac I am not
I nervous any more, nor Irritable and I
sleep like a child all night long and it
rests me, too.. I am so much better in
every way that I am getting so I can
I really enjoy life once more and I cer
I tainly can speak well of Tanlac."
! Tanlac is sold in Portland by the Owl
'Drug Co. .
1 Roaring into i
Portland at g
a 112 Miles an JS j I
Girls! Make beauty lotion for
a few cents Try Itl
Squeeze the juice of two lemons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and you have
a quarter pint of the best freckle and
tan lotion, and complexion bcauiilier, at
very, very small cost.
Tour grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of orchard white for a few
cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant
lotion Into the face, neck,, arms and
hands each day and ace how freckles
and blemishes disappear and how clear,
soft and rosy-white the skin becomes.
Yes! It is harmless and never Irritates.
Judge Makes Erro
neous Prediction
Regarding Lawyer
"About one cJean shirt is al! I thought
he would ever wear. H had fnlSen
away to a mere shadow; was as yellow
as saffron and often doubled up with
pain. Doctors continually save him
morphine and "were abut to operate
for gall stones. Mayr's Wonderful Rem
edy quickly restored him to perfect
health again." It i a simple, harmless
preparation that removes the catarrhal
mucus from the intestinal tract and
allays the inflammation which cause,
practically all stomach, liver and intfs
tinal ailments,, including appendicitis.
One dose will convince or monry re
funded. Druggists everywhere. Adv.