Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 30, 1919, Image 1

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    VOL. I.VII1. NO. lS'-Ti. ;.t.,B;ar-,al,rvT:''r
BOLT mis
Orlando Hints Versailles
Meeting Will Be Ignored,
Premier Still Wrathful Over
Wilson's Statement. He Ad
mits to U.S. Ambassador.
Bolting of Italians, It Is Said,
Will Not Prevent Making
of Peace.
COPENHAGEN. April 29. (By
the Associated Press.) There have
heen noisy anti-American demonstra
tions in Flume. American officers were
hooted in the streets, according to a
report received by way of Germany,
and British and French troops main
tained order with difficulty.
PARIS, April 29 (By the Associ
a'ed Press.) The British prime minis.
ter again has intervened in the Italian
situation by sending one of his trusted
associates to communicate personally
with Premier Orlardo at lomc.
While the desire t. to conciliate Sig-
nor Orlando, yet the premier is ad
vised against the inclusion of Fiume
under Italian control, as likely to
make a settlement difficult if iv-t im
possible. The person bearing the message
was a member of the Asquilh cabinet
ith .Mr. Lloyd George.
ROME. April 20. (By the Associ
ated Press.) Deputy Turati, the offi
cial leader of the socialist party, de-!
rlared that the socialists would not
only defend the sac re J riphts of self
'ietermination in the case of Fiume.
but also of the equally sacred right of
revolutionary Russia.
Reasons Are Set Forth.
"For the same reason," continued
Signor Turati, "t cannot range our-.-clves
with the socialists of other
Mates, who in accordance with the en
tente ideology have applauded the new
African and Asiatic empire of Great
r.ritain, American domination in Eu
rope and the occupation of the Saar
region, where there is not a soul who
-peaks French, just as in Fiume there
is not a soul who does not speak ItuI-jan.-
TtT the .Xs.'.'V t.TM Pr.r
With everything virtually in readi
ress for the handing over of the peace
' caty to the Germans at Versailles,
the Italian situation looms large as
.in impediment in the way of unani
mous agreement on the part of the en
tente and associated governments.
So tense is the situation that Vit
; rio Orlando, the Italian premier, at
a conference with Thomas Nelson
Tage, the American ambassador to
1'aIv, left Mr. Page with the under
.-.anding that the premier did not in-
tend to return to Paris for the signing
rf the peace treaty.
Orlando to Stay Away.
Tremier Orlando gave the ambassa
dor the impression that, owing to the
critical situation and the fact that the
premier's action either in going to
ersalles or remaining away from the
peace conference would have serious
consequences, it would be preferable
to have the trouble come from without
Italy rather than from within the
A dispatch from Tan's says that
v hi!e the non-return of Orlando would
give the situation a more serious as
pect than did the departure of the Ital
ian delegation from Paris, the allied
nd associated powers would proceed
to the signing of the treaty, notwith
standing Italy's non-participation.
The main German delegates have ar
rived at Versailles, but it is probable peace treaty will not be delivered
f them until Friday, as on the previ
cjs day. "May day," a 24-hour strike
v hich will dislocate transportation and
communications is planned by labor
Conference Is Held.
The council of three conferred
throughout Tuesday with Baron Ma
kino and Viscount Chinda of the Jap
anese delegation with reference to
Kiau-Chan and with the Belgian dele-
t'von-.l'iJfi on lJ 4. Cif uma Li
Suhvrlptlons Bard on Official Re
port to Trparjr Approach
Billion-Dollar Mark.
SAN" FRANCISCO. April S?. Port
land. Or., and Alameda. Cal.. were run
ning clo! tocether today for first hon
on in the victory liberty loan cam
raien In the Kth federal reserve dis
trict. l!h Tortland havlnp subscribed
more than SO and Alameda 49 per cent
of their quotas, liberty loan headquar
ter here announced. Berkeley wit
third with 41 per cent: San Francisco
and Los Anselcs were tied with per
cent. San Jose had subscribed .9.
Fresno SI. Oakland -1 and Sacramento
5 per cent.
WASHINGTON. April 19. Subscrip
tions to the victory liberty loan on t e
basts of official report to the treasury
tonlcht approached the billion-dollar
mark. Contributions officially tabu
lated showed total sales to be $981,881.
150. That the victly loan Is lagging- to
some eitent appeared to be indicated
by comparison with progress of the
fourth liberty loan drive. In which sub
scriptions amounted to 11.3:3.7 1S.O00
hen the campaign reached the same
Subscriptions to the victory loan by
districts and percentages officially re
ported tonight were as follows:
Chfcago. i:o;.:i3.000, J0.9 per cent;
Boston. II02.54I.0OO. S7.J per cent;
Kansas City. $4.750.00n, ;3.9 per cent;
New York. $2SI.OOO.O0. 1S.5 per cert;
San Francisco. IM.M4.250. 2.l per cent.
Former Premier Likely to Be Envoy
to Washington, Is Report.
LONDON. April 29. Herbert H. As
qutth. former premier. Is likely to suc
ceed the earl of Reading as ambas
sador to the L'nlted States, according to
the Evening News today.
The newspaper says it understood
that Mr. Asquith "was informally of
fered the post a few months ago and
declined, but rot In such a way as to
preclude an offer later."
The Evening News states Its belle!
that all the ministers strongly favor
Mr. Asquith's appointment and that he
may consider It his duty to accept.
li Margaret Rise and Ray Burgess
Wedded In Vancouver.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. April 19.
(Special.) Mrs. r.ay Burgess, formerly
Miss Margaret Rise. 15 years old. of
Portland. Is probably the youngest
bride In the United Mates. -ne was
married to Kay Burgess, II, also of
Portland, here today.
Pavid Shauver. 21, of Walla Walla.
Wash., and Miss Thelma Barker. 17
years old. of Portland, were also mar
ried In Vancouver today
Nine couples were married in this
city today.
Chicago Liquor cndcrs Are Frepar
ing for Prohibition.
CHICAGO. April 29. Harbingers of
ihe soft drink flood that is expected
to follow prohibition next July were
in evidence today.
A large brewery sent an order to the
federal employment service seeking
salesmen to sell soft drinks.
A beverage exposition is announced
to be held here next November when
many new drinks will be introduced to
the public
Already the Chicago Federation of
I-bor has been notified of a soft drink
clerks' union now forming.
Farmer Attempts to Kindle , Fire;
Women and Children Dead.
CHELSEA. Okla.. April 29. Ten per
sons are dead and one fatally injured
as the result of an explosion today fol-
lowing the attempt of Tom Ballard, a
Lfarmer near here, to kindle a fire with
coal oil.
The dead are:
Tom Ballnrd. his wife, baby and two
orphan children; Mrs. Charles Ridenour
and three small children, and E. W.
They were unable to escape the fire
which swept the house.
Widow and Four Children to Share
EMate Equally.
SALEM. Or.. April 29. (Special.)
An estate of approximately $18,000 was
left by the late Governor Wlthycombe,
according to the unofficial inventory
filed for probate in the county court
The deceased governor left all his
property to his widow with the pro
vision that In the event of her death
or remarriage. It should be shared
equally by his three eons and one
American Legation Building at San
Salvador Damaged.
WASHINGTON, April 29. The state
department was advised today that a
severe earthquake occurred in San Sal
vador at 1 o'clock yesterday morning,
causing 19 deaths, injury to many per
sons and considerable damage to prop
erty. The American legation building at
Sun Salvador was damaged but no
Americans were reported injured.
Formal Order Issued by
President Approves Return of
Telephone and Telegraph.
LEGISLATIVE ACT NEEDED I Action, Involving; Taking
Over of Lines by Government,
May Be Dismissed.
TVASHIMTOX. April 2r. Control
and operation of all American cable
systems, taken over by the government
last November, will revert to their
private owners at midnight Friday.
rostmaster-General Burleson today
issued an order providing for the return
of the poperties in accordance with his
statement of yesterday announcing that
lie had made such a recommendation to
the president.
The postmaster-general's order fol
lows: "'The marine cable systems of the
l'nlted States and every part thereof,
including all equipment and appur
tenances thereto whatsoever, and all
material and supplies, the possession,
control, supervision and operation of
which were assumed by the president
by his proclamation of the second day of
November, 1918, to be exercised by and
through the postmaster-general, Albert
S. Burleson, are hereby returned to
their respective owners, managers,
boards of directors or officers to take
effect on midnight May I, 1919.
Approval la Given Order.
"Representatives of the postmaster
general now operating said properties
will take immediate steps to carry this
order into effect."
Approval by the president of Postmaster-General
Burleson's recommen
dations that the telegraph' and tele
phone lines be returned was announced
today at the White House. Arguments
in the pending legal controversy be
fore .he supreme court . i c, train tlie
postmaster-general from increasing in
trastate telephone and telegraph rates
will bit heard next Monday.
The I postmaster-general in making
publiv the formal order regarding the
cables issued a statement reiterating
his announcement of yesterday that the
telephone and telegraph lines, taken
over last July, would be returned as
t Concluded on Pane 2. Column 3.)
L : i
Acting Secretary of the Navy An
nounces Purpose to Maintain Ves
sel as Permanent Victory Ship.
ngton. April 29. The battleship Oregon
will be assigned to Portland harbor as
a permanent victory ship unless rea
sons unforeseen arise to change the
plans. Acting Secretary of the Navy
Franklin D. Roosevelt told Senator AIc
Nary this afternoon.
Much concern regarding the fate of
the old Oregon was indicated today in
telegrams to the navy department and
to members of the congressional dele
gation which came from Portland and
elsewhere in the state, headed by Gov
ernor . Olcott; Mayor Baker and the
Portland Chamber of Commerce.
As a consequence the acting head of
the navy found much of his time taken
up reassuring Oregon folks that there
was no intention of throwing this fa
mous old battleship into the scrap
Mayor:- Baker received a telegram
from Senator McNary yesterday assur
ing him that the battleship Oregon
would -not be dismantled, and. that it
probably would be left at Portland.
The telegram follows: "Assistant Sec
retary of the Navy Roosevelt Informed
me today that the department had no
Intention of scrapping the battleship
Oregon and that it would be preserved
as a permanent monument. There is
no reason existing why the Oregon
could not be placed In Portland harbor
as perpetual memorial. Later I shall
be notified of details."
70 ACRES BRING $32,000
Portland Men Buy Mcdford Pear and
Apple Orchard.
MEDFORD, Or., April 29. (Special.)
Dr. Henry Hart sold his orchard
south of this city today to W. J. Fur
nice and Max Liederman of Portland
for $32,000. The new owners will take
possession Vay 1. Dr. Hart will move
to Medford, where he is now practic
ing his profession. This is the first
large ranch sale in the valley for sev
eral years, and the price indicates that
orchard values are being well main
tained. The Hart property consists of -JO
acres of bearing pear and apple trees,
about equally divided. Dr. Hart pur
chased the ranch several years ago,
coming here from Qulncy, IH.
Switzerland's Federal Council Or
ders Two Weeks' Abstinence.
BERNE. Monday, April 2S. (French
wireless service.) Because of the in
creasing difficulties of provisioning
Switzerland with meat, the ' federal
council has decided to forbid the eating
of meat from May S to May 13 through
out the nation.
Prices Tumble When Man
ifesto Appears.
Grain Corporation Chief Calls
Halt on Speculation.
Grain Supply In C S. and Canada
Declared to Bo Sufficient if
Brokers Are Curbed.
CHICAGO. April 29. Julius H. Barnes,
president of the -grain corporation of
the food administration, made an as
sault on high prices today which was
promptly reflected on the board of
trade in a maximum decline of 11 V
cents in the price of corn.
Of possibly more interest to the
housewife was the slump in the pro
visions market. Pork dropped an ex
treme $1.80 per barrel, while short rib-
sides, known to the breakfast table as
bacon, declined a maximum of $1 per
hundredweight as compared with the
close - yesterday.
Barnes' Threat la Plain. i
, Mr. Barnes assault was in an an
nouncement to the trade. Its purport
was plain, to-wit: That the speculative
tendency on white flour must stop.
As an earnest of his intentions the
president of the grain corporation an
nounced that the corporation would
cease buying flour for export .(except
first clears and victory mixed flours)
and that also it would resell at such
important centers as New York, Baltl
more and Philadelphia floor previously
bought for export. He named the price
as "$11.50 jute per barrel."
American Wheat Plentiful.
"The purpose of this," said the an
nouncement, "is to stop the speculative
fever in flour before it becomes neces
sary to take off all import restrictions
on foreign wheat and flour, for there
is plenty of American wheat and flour
if this speculative tendency is checked. "
Mr. Barnes" threat, the trade realized
instantly, had back of it the fact that
the Canadian granaries and elevators
are fairly bursting with wheat at the
doors of the United States, not to men
tion the vast stores in Australia and
It was explained that the Canadian
supply has been comparatively little
(Concluded on Pace 3, Column 1.)
Tribunal Sees Danger of Placing
Attorney-General at Mercy
of Restless People.
SALEM, Or.. April 29. (Special. )
"To hold that the attorney-general
must prepare a ballot title for this pro
posed referendum would place Kim at
the beck and call or any restless people
who might desire to refer any subject,
for the purpose of obtaining a straw
vote on it, from a joint memorial peti
tioning congress to improve a harbor up
to the action of the peace conference
upon the covenant of the league of
With this terse declaration, the su
preme court, in an opinion written by
Chief Justice McBride, dismissed the
mandamus proceedings , brought by
Karl Herding, representing California
grape growersv who sought a referen
dum of the legislative joint resolution
which ratified the national prohibition
amendment. The court holds that the
legislative resolution is not subject to
the referendum, and the attempts of
the liquor interest 'to delay nation
wide prohibition are defeated, so far
as Oregon is concerned.
The, opinion recites that the initiative
and referendum law states specifically
that the people are given the power to
approve or reject only acts of the leg
islature, and a joint resolution, not be
ing a legislative act. is not subject to
the provisions of the law and hence can
not be referred to a vote of the people.
Dan Kellahcr and P. E. Sullivan
Protest to Oregon Senators.
ington, April 29. Girl messengers from
the telegraph offices were swarming
about the senate and house office
building all day delivering telegrams
from Irishmen in almost every state
protesting against the league of nations
The first telegrams from Oregon ar
rived at about 3 o'clock and were from
former City Commissioner Dan Kella
her and P. E. Sullivan, of Portland,
urging the Oregon senators not to com
mit themselves on the league of nations
until they have heard from Oregon on
the "self-determination of Ireland."
Interest Is Shown in Request That
Mexico Express Opinion.
VVASHINGTO.V, April 29. Unusual
interest was manifested today in offi
cial circles as to the identity of the
governments friendly to Mexico that
have requested the foreign office to
express an opinion on the recognition
of the Monroe doctrine as announced in
official dispatches from Mexico City.
It was intimated that diplomatic in
vestigations might be made to ascer
tain the identity of the nations re
ferred to.
Sofia Jails Are Emptied in Fight
Against Greeks.
SALOXIKI. April 28. A large num
ber of convicts have been liberated
from the jails of Sofia and have been
eent to the region of Strumnitza to aid
the Bulgarian campaign of terror
against Greek inhabitants, reports from
Strumnitza say.
A Bulgarian official named Hadjieff,
known for his cruelties against the
Greeks, it is added, has been appointed
prefect of Strumnitza.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 71
desrcs; minimum, Til degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; warmer; moderate winds,
mostly northerly.
Italy may refuse to ain peace treaty.
Pae 1.
Plight of Munich corrmunists is becoming
desperate. Page '2.
Mfller Hill charge costly to Yankees. Page 6.
Prospect of food at Versailles lures hungry
Huns. Page 4.
Germans may balk at terms of peace. Page S.
Measures for feeding Germans and neutrals
passed. Page 0.
Cables revert to private owners Friday.
Page 1.
Senator Chamberlain not opposed to league
of nations, .fage a.
Itaiv's demands are upheld by Senator
L.odge. Page 3.
Corn prices tumble when grain corporation
cniei acis. iro-nv .
Portland leads in twelfth district victory
loan drive, .fage i.
Battleship Oregon to rest permanently in
Portland harbor. Page 1.
Condition of Oregon soldiers Just landed, re
ported gooa. rage
Pacific Northwest.
Dry referendum defeated by Supreme Court.
Page l.
Pacific Coast League results: Portland 1.
Oakiann IjOS Angeies oacramenio i:
Salt Lake 5, San Francisco 1; Vernon 3,
Seattle 2. Page 14.
Pacific Coast League clubs cut to 16 men.
Page 14.
Willie Ritchie declares he is through with
ring career. Page la.
Commercial and Marine.
More government wool auctions may be held
in tills city., rage
Action against high prices causes big slump
in Chicago grain and provisions. Page .y.
Engineers report stable foundation for ele
vator possit-ie. Jfage
Portland and Vicinity.
Former Portland man one of piUiir named
for trans-Atlantic flight, rage 22.
Douglas M. Burrell. 18, in jail for speeding.
Page 24.
Billy Sunday to make speaking tour for
victory loan. Pago 16.
Special election June 3 to submit to voters
. spending $12,500,000. Page 12.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 2p.
Demand for houses in Portland grows.
Page"' 13
Jury obtained in espionage trial of Finnish
publishers- Page 1-'.
Liberty temple may mov- to new site for
employment bureau. Page 7.
Portland's honor ai' lUke iu victory loan
drive. Page L ;
Proud Place Reserved, but
it Must Be Won.
Victory Drive in City Will Close
Saturday Night.
Totals Leap Perceptibly, Day's Koc
ord Eclns $400,300, Malting the
Aggregate $8,738,150.
Oregon's victory quota. $26,747,550
Subscribed to date 21,011.635
Deficit to be raised.. $ 5.735.S55
Portland's quota
Subscribed to date...
Deficit t obe raised..? 5,735,855
Outer-state quota,
raised in full 11.961,225
Oregon waits for Portland. Sub
scribe today. Don't put it off.
Call at victory hut or at any
bank. Victory must come by
In the sisterhood of states, ecrivins
for records in response to the victory
loan, there is a proud place reserved
for Portland. But she must win It.
Every citizen of the city, who has not
subscribed, or who has not subscribed
as he should, must answer for the
honor of Portland, the patriotic.
The drive will close Saturday night.
If a deficit exists then it will be the
sole fault of the Individual subscribers,
or of those who have failed to sub
scribe. For two weeks the sales forces
will have given their time and toil
freely to the cause. They can do no
more. They must return to their every
day tasks and their own affairs.
Last night the city total had leaped
appreciably. Th day's returns showed
a gain of $765,825. making a :ity total
of $9,050,470. AVith a quota of $14,
786.325, thcr Im still a barrier of
$5,735,855 between the city and its
honorable goal. The barrier must be
S. BetiHOD Subscribe 90,0OO.
To one man in Portland is largely
accorded the credit for yesterday's
showing. He stands, in the opinion of
the city committee, as an example of
how men of great public spirit and
patriotism answer the need of their
home town. His name is S. Benson.
Through the Lumbermen's Trust com
pany, early yesterday afternoon, Mr.
Benson subscribed $200,000 to the vic
tory loan and the city quota. Previously
he had subscribed $50,000, making his
total investment in genuine patriotism
tally at $250,000. He is now the largest
individual subscriber in Oregon and
possibly in the northwest. He carries
the honor modestly. 31c did not want
his subscription made public.
"Let Portland look at Mr. Eenson.
said City Chairman Olmstead. "He
heard the call, he appreciated (he
urgent need for aid, and he more than
doubled his subscription. He mulii-
plied it by four. Many more of our
largest subscribers must follow his lead
if the city's honor is to be upheld.
Many of them already have doubled
their subscriptions, but more must act
Portland Holds Oregon Dark.
It is Portland, and Portland alone.
that holds Oregon back from another
record. There is but one way to at
tain such a climax to our list' of pa
triotic achievements. It is for every
man, woman and child in Portland to
bear a just share of the victory loan
quota, cheerfully and gratefully. Where
are the boasts we made when the bo.vs
went overseas? If we have forgot leu
our pledges, sacred and binding, the
answer to the victory loan will show it.
I tell you that the honor of Fortiand
is at stake."
Here is the plight of Portland, un
camouflaged and desperate approxi
mately 5,000 subscribers are needed to
carry the loan quota before Saturday
night. In round figures the city must
raise an average of $1,500,000 each day
of the four remaining days. It vis a
task for a titan. If a single citizen
shirks it, the failure of Portland to re
deem her pledges is forecast.
Officials Are Discouraged.
There is no disguising the situation,
at victory headquarters, the officials
and sales directors are moody and dis
couraged. The' are face to face with
the first possibility of failure that has
confronted the city since that April
day when the word went around that
Germany had to be whipped. They
have trudged and entreated. They
have neglecteM their own Enterprises.
The drive has cost each of them dearly.
And they were volunteer agents of
Portland and America. Saturday night.
come success or failure, must clinch the
victory loan answer of Portland.
If Portland . does respond, if she
speaks as clearly and loyally as in
other drives, it is almost a certainty
that the city and state will .bo liic
first in the Twelfth federal reservo
district, first or ihe Pacific coast, to
sain honor by a fuli quota. Mora than
that. Orp'on rr.av b (bird In t!i union.'
.Cunulutk-d n Fact; S, Coijum 2.)
jig:i 1Q6.Q