TIIE MORNING . 0REGOXIAX,. TUESDAY, APRIL, 29, 1919. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Edltnr Msln 70TO. A Sunday Editor Wsjo TOTq, A Adrerttilnr Department ... Wsln 70TO. A "S fcup.rlm.nd.nt ol Buildln. Main Jot 0, A Mi AMrSEMEVTS. JIFrrr.trj 'BraAdr at Taylor) VauoTlIl. Tontsht Baker (Broadway, near llorrloti Baker PI..rs la "Th Claim.- Tonlshu AI-CAZAJt IVmien at Elrrnth t Aleaiar Players tn "Tha Trap." Toninht. VANTAGES (Broadway at Aider Vaode vllle: t&rM snows -dallr. S:0. T and :04. JrrPPODBOJIE (Broadway at Tamhlllr Vaodoirllla and movlni pictures. J to s. AS to 11 P. M. tSaturdaya, Sundays and holldaTa continuous. 1:13 to 11 P. M. STRAND CVlaahlnirton ilrwl. between Park and Weal Park VaudallM and moving picture. conOnuooa. X.TRIC irourtn and Stark) Lyric eotnpany In -Tha I.i. of Ko-Ko." This aftamoon at 2 30 and tonight at 7 0. THRIFT STAMPS and WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Sala at Dnlam office. Oreool. CaU Mala eliO or A 413. LiitnAXi TojfLncsox Lm Lrleu- f tenant Kenneth C. Tomlinson. u. r. xiiiinii .-nm vhn liu been stationed at TouL, France, aince the siRnina; of the armistice, arrived in ew lorn vrilenlir on the Minnesota. The news was received by his wife who has been tavinsr with her mother. -Mrs. r. rt Ftevenson. 510 Klixabeth street. Port land Heights. Lieutenant Tomlinson. while waitinir for a transport, obtained leave to visit relatives in England and ticot land. Vii LxcTOtc Axxocxcro. An Illus trated war lecture in behalf of recon struction efforts of the Salvation army will be riven this evening; in Salvation .Army hall No 4. First street. En- sisn P. Uorenzen will be the lecturer. The pictures will show Salvation Army workers on the battlefront. buildings, tiuts and much that is educative with reference to the service work done abroad for the soldiers. The title of the lecture is, "Doughnuts for Doughboys.-" CHACTArCA Ststim Aids Loax. The Ellison-White Chautauqua system, with headquarters In this city, has been tha means of helping; to sell 1:00.000 worth f victory bonds in Victoria, Tex. A telegram received yesterday by the Ellison-White people Is from the vic tory loan chairman. In Victorie: "Through kindly co-operation of your lecturer. Edward S. Trefs. and Manager Kennedy, held splendid meeting victory loan at Chautauqua last night, raising approximately $200,000. Accept thanks. Receptiox Committee to Meet. To talk over plans for a welcome recep tion to be given members of the Slth sanitary train. Slst division, members of the united auxiliaries reception com mittee will meet tomorrow night, at o'clock. In room -01 courthouse. It is expected that these Oregon men will be nent to Camp Lewis by way of Port land, but official word as to this is awaited. Loan Speakers Named. Speakers for the victory loan who will appear this evening at o'clock at the Llewellyn school are: Mrs. Alexander Thompson. Private Clarence Iikins and C. Ulysses Moore. Mr. Moore will show his screen pictures of Hed Cross work in France and Italy. Jason McCune. winner of the high school speakers' contest, will address the council members' luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce at noon. t.trE Sats: "Following years of war train sanitariums are busy taking care tof people who are worn out with nxiety and exertion and need to stop and rest and don't know how." The Moore Sanitarium with its milk and rest cure is getting the best of results In these cases. Office SOS Selling build ing. Phones Main HOI. East . Adv. She riff Goes East. Sheriff Hurl burt left last night for Baltimore to bring back to Portland Ren Silver, recently indicted by the grand Jury for forgery. He was accused of forg Insr the name of David C Wax to a check for l-'.O passed on the Ackerson tehoe company. Womaj Sues for Damages. Mary J. Toung filed suit for $10.v00 damages against the City Messenger & Delivery company in the circuit court yesterday as the result of injuries received when run down by a motorcycle owned by the defendant. To FirTEns of Office St;ppt.tE: Con sult us next time. Our line of modern revatems and office devices is unex celled. Something different to offer. P-Aclfi.- Staty. A Ptg. Co, 107 id st. -Main 1971. Adv. Brx Scovell to Eectvre. Ben Scovell has been booked to give his lecture on dodging shrapnel In r"rance tomorrow evening at o'clock at the Church of the liood Shepherd parish kouse. Graham and Vancouver avenue. Pt-ASTn? No. Use perfection plaster board or Heaver board. Tlmma, Crass & Co, 154 Second street. Adv. Daxce. K. P. hall. 409 Alder, next Fat.; prize waltz: gents, link button; ladles, pearl beads. Adv. KAznns and safety blades sharpened, rortland Cutlery Co, S th st. Adv. Dr. David Meters moved. Stevens b'llMing AeJv. Citt amd State Both Proseccte. Horace A. Duke, negro, charged with violating tha prohibition ordinance, got Into jail on a new charge yesterday as soon as his attorney obtained his release on the first. Patrolmen Abbott and Drake arrested Duke with 11 bot tles of liquor In his possession. The judge fined him f 100 and sentenced him to ten days in Jail. The attorney for the defense announced an appeal, but as soon as Duke got out of jail on 1500 bail, police rearrested him on a charge of violating the state prohibition law with tha same 11 bottles of liquor. The prisoner is still In jaiL T. G. Galan paid a fine of S10 yesterday for violat ing the prohibition law. Chaplain Gilbert rx Massachusetts. Chaplain William S. Gilbert, who left Oregon as chaplain of the old 3d Ore gon regiment, and was later transferred to the 1st army corps as senior chap lain, arrived yesterday at Camp Bevins. Ayer. Mass, according to a message received by his wife. Chaplain Gilbert is expected in Portland within the nex ten days. Chaplain Gilbert returned from Franca on the Fredonia. which sailed from Brest on April li. It i not likely that he will be detained long in the eastern camp and he expects to receive his discharge very shortly after he arrives in the west. His home is in Astoria. Judge P.ossmax Deap to Appeal. Although their attorney offered to ar range for the purchase of $6000 worth of victory bonds if his clients got free Municipal Judge Rossman yesterday refused to suspend 30-day jail sen tences he had imposed, on W. Wo and K. Lee. operators of Chinese lottery- games. Three white men arrested in the resort paid fines of $10 each. Pa troimen Fair and Miller raided the lot tery last week. Police say that one of the white men got so excited th ha threw a $10 bill into tha fire while trying to dispose of lottery tickets. P.OTART Club Programme Extraordi xart. For the weekly luncheon of the FCotary club in tha crystal room of tha Hotel Benson at noon today a pro gramme extraordinary is promised. Alexander McFarlane, governor of the :3d district Rotary clubs will be the guest of honor. Frank McGettigan, manager of the Orpheum will provide musical acts from the headliners of the circuit. Tha victory loan will be featured with a talk by Lloyd Brown, Portland citizen and veteran of four wars, on Fighting on tha Western Front With Algerian Troops." Stolex Acto Quicxxt Recovered. Motorcycle Deputy Sheriff Wilson, whose memory for automobile numbers has proved the undoing of numerous thieves during the past few months. arrested Clyde Moore, aged 17. on tha Interstate bridge 'fill yesterday after noon in tha automobile stolen five hours before from Frsnk Hannan. The machine was stolen from in front of the Lumber Exchange building about 9:15 yesterday morning. Wilson recog nized the numberaa one he was watch ing for as the auto sped past him and gave chase on his motorcycle. Cadets Visit Battleship. About 100 cadets of Hill Military academy en Joyed a novel outing yesterday after noon when they were taken by Prin cipal Joseph A. Hill, through the courtesy of William E. Gib'wns, of the hydrographic office, for a visit on the battleship Oregon. The cadets were received by officers of the warship and spent an hour and a half in thoroughly Inspecting the vessel. Liquor Mat Pass Through State. Anyone can ship liquor through Oregon with impunity, so far as the govern ment is concerned. August Berg, who bought liquor at Weed. Cal.. and bought a ticket to Brownsville. Wash., was ar rested last week. Under a recent deci sion of the United States supreme court the liquor cduld not be seized nor its owner arrested while passing through Oregon. Accident Held Unavoidable. Police yesterday dropped the charge of driv ing an automobile with defective brakes which they had filed against D. H. Beck, driver of the car which killed 6-year-oid Ruth Alice Lenon at East Forty-eighth and Belmont streets. Coroner Smith announced that there would be no Inquest, inasmuch as the accident appeared unavoidable. Damages Asked for Injuries. For injuries received in an automobile col lision at East Thirteenth and Division streets on March to. 1919. damages ot $3000 are asked of R. F. Feemster by Mary A. George, in a suit filed in the circuit court yesterday. I Speaking to Women Causes Arrest. For speaking to women pedestrians Welcome little fixings for Spring to fix up a man's ap-t pearance, to fully equip him to the front line. Xew Pearl Gray Hats $3.00 to $8.00 New Four - in - Hand Ties in crepe file silks, 50. Others $1.00 and up. New -Lion Brand Shirts $2.00 and up. New Fiber Silk Shirts, $5.00 Silk Shirts up to $10.00. WHY NOT TODAY? Kuppenheimer Clothes for Men and Young Men. MORRISON AT FOURTH Speeder Is Fined. Dan Schnell, ac cused of speeding in excess of 45 miles an hour on two different occasions, s fined $100. or $50 for each offense, when ha appeared before District Judge Bell yesterday. Louis Maggetti for speeding and having but one license Plata, was fined J-o A similar fine against Randolph Waters for having no license was remitted when it was found tha lad was but 17 years old, and his case remanded to the juvenile court. M. Wood was fined $15 for speeding and fines of $10 each ware assessed P. C. Harbaugh, C Shaylor and Mrs. C. O. Stewart, Dr. W. I. Northtjp, dentist, returned; 707 Stevens bldg. Adv. HART WOULD RUN AGAIN .ctin;j Governor of Washington Will ing to Be Candidate. YAKIMA Wash., April 28. (Spe cial.) "I may consent to run if there seems to be a demand for my candi dacy, but I do not want the office," Acting: Governor L. F. Hart said here yesterday when asked if he expected to be a candidate for governor in the next election. Mr. Hart said that no one could know when Governor Lister would resume his work or what his position would be the next election. "It is too early to make any statement regarding- the matter," he added. A Contrast in Duty and Responsiveness Performed (From Oregonian April 26.) To Be Performed , (From Oregonian April 25.) CAPTAIN ALBERTSDW PORTLAND L AGGARD BRAVE TO THE LAST Clarke County Man Beloved by Men of His Company. WITH VICTORY LOAN 'Average Business Man Says "Call Tomorrow." EYES WET WHEN FATE TOLD MOTHERS SACRIFICE AND BUY "Mca First," Always With Comman der of Company B "He Was Jast Lite Father," Said Men. BY COLIX V. DTMENT. American Ked Cross Searcher With tha 91st Division. - EIGHTEENTH ARTICLE. About the time that Abercrombie. captain of company 51. 363d Infantry, was fatally wounded in the battle of cllsfontaine as described in the last ""her 863d captain was afternoon Two hundred and twenty-eight sons of Oregon, fighting under terrific con ditions, on meager pay, gladly gave their Htcs that our nation night endure. Chairman Olmstead Appeals to Pride of Citizens. $25 YET NEEDED The people of Portland, living In peace, comfort and prosperity, are asked to lend a small part of their sav ings at an attractive rate of interest that the credit of our country may be preserved. Are they to falter now after a com mendable record In the four previous Liberty Loin drives f Yours for the Victory Loan, LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY cress. He nointed out that notash is payment for food and that France now one of the articles which the allies have is offering potash for export from Al- seen fit to permit Germany to export in sa-ce-Lorratne. Washington's Road Programme Big. YAKIMA. Wash., April 28. (Special.) Washington's road programme is so big that it cannot be worked out on pa per. Acting Uovernor L. r. Mart sain, here yesterday. Consequently the state! highway commission proposes to spend as much time as possible this summer personally going over the state's high way system. They will first visit west ide roads and expect to come to laKl- ma and other points on the east side of the mountains in about two weeks. CARD OF THANKS. We extend our sincere thanks to all riends and relatives who were so much us durfntr the illness and death of out dear husband and father. God bless each one. Also thanks for the beauti ful floral offerincs. M lis. JKNMK l.lliTZ. Adv. FRANCES LIETZ. CARD OF THANKS. at Eleventh and nashington streets Saturday night. Neil James. 18, paid a I -ye wish to thank our many friends fine of 110 In tffe municipal court yes- ' for the kindness shown us during the terday and spent IS hours In jail. Pa- : illness and death ot our beloved nus troimen Gump and Read arrested him. Rid Yourself or Moths. Murray's Moth Doom not only destroys but pre vents. Poes not soil the finest fabrics. Sold only in one-gallon cans. Price 81.50. Pillman & Co., agents, 45 Union avenue. Adv. Ceokge W. guiDERBt'an Is Sought. Mrs. B. B. Medley of Ililltboro. Or. is trying to find George W. Sliderburg. She last heard of him two months ago when he was in Portland. Expert paper hanging, satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 4S!M. Adv. band and father, floral offerings. Adv. also for the beautiful MRS. J. r. MOODY AND FAM1EY. T 01 Germans May Export Potash. WASHINGTON. April 18. Replying to a request that some steps be taken to restrict importation of German pot ash into this country. President Wilson, in a cablegram today, advised Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska that it was doubtful whether any restrictive meas ures could be made effective in this matter without further action by Con- Brownsville Clothing Is Everything That Good Clothing Should Be Clothing in order to be "good" must be made of reliable materials, serviceable linings and trimmings and the tailoring must be beyond reproach. Brownsville clothing has all these things 100 plus. Next thing is the price you are asked to pay. Perfect clothing can- be made by almost any manufacturer, pro vided he is not limited as to cost. i We, through our Mill-to-Man system of selling, through which the customer meets the make face to face without the aid of any middleman, have brought selling prices down to a level impossible to attain by the ordinary sort of a clothing store. PREMIER SIX AUTO 1919 Premier Six, with white wire wheels and maroon body. License number 3540, motor number 1514. LIBERAL REWARD G. N. SMITH 3d and Glisan Streets Phone Broadway 2629 MABEL GARRISON Prima Donna Soprano Metropolitan Opera Co. Auditorium TONIGHT APRIL 29 With the Apollo Club 70 MALE VOICES Wm. H. Boyer, Conductor Prices $2, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c .. Plus 10 War Tax Seats Now Selling at -Sherman, Clay & Co.'s (Sixth and Morrison After 7 P. M. at Auditorium A visit of inspection to our store will make things clear as crystal to you. Woolen Mill Bldg. Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Mill-to-Man Clothiers, Third and Morrison TONIGHT Free Lecture On Christian Science By William W. Porter, C. S. B. of New York member of the Christian Science Board of Lec tureship of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., at First Church edifice, Nineteenth and Everett Streets. Doors Will Open at 7:30 Public Is Cordially Invited YMUA BUSINESS SCHOOL V Unprecedented opportunities await the man who is ready and trained for a business position. Bookkeeping and Stenographic Schools run throughout the summer. Enroll now and be ready for employment early in the fall. For detailed information call at or address DIV. C, Y. M. C. A, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, PORTLAND DAIRY LUNCH and CAFETERIA 323 Washington St. (Near 6th) Choice Roasts, Steaks, Chops, Chicken, Fish, Eggs, etc. 15, 20, 250 RICH HOTCAKES ' CRISP. WAFFLES and all short orders, any time of day or night Excellent Chicken Dinner Stfnday ASK FOR and GET v orlicEs's The Original felted mk For Infanta and Invalid OTHERS are IMITATIONS It. t lltu JtllT, UII11I mm mm FX J Class "JUST THE HOTEL FOR YOU" COURTESY, comfort, homelike atmosphere at . moderate prices, whether for the day, week or month. Absolutely flrrproof. Centrally located. x Convenient to all carlinea and points of Interest. Refined nnd substantial fur. nlsblnffs cheerful and inviting. . . GLENN B. HITE, MGR. WASHINGTON AT TWELFTH . Portland, Oregon. Th SEWARD Is a new, modern anl elegantly appointed hotel, possessing one of the most beautiful corner lob bies in the North went. Located at 10th and Alder sts., opposite Olds. Wurtman & King's big department store in heart of retail and theater district. Rates, 91 and up. Bus meets all trains. "W" car also runs from Union Depot direct to Hotel SEWARD. W. M. Seward, Prop. w w r in" -. x PALACE HOTEL 448 Washington Street. Larce. airy rooms, elesrantly furnished, in heart of retail and theater district. Strictly modern, absolutely fireploof. clean and quiet surroundings. Rooms without bath, $1.00. Rooms with bath. $1.50 and up. Our $1.00 rooms equal to any $1.50 rooms In the city. Our rooms with bath at $1.50 equal to any $2.00 in the city. Special rates by week or month. Best rooms In city for the money. A ModertelT-l'rlecd Hotel or Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD East Morrison St. and East Sixth. SI .2!5 Per Day. 8 Per Weefc TJn. Sfpsf f f?if i EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFIC Office Furniture & Appliances PRINTING ENGRA VING BOOKBINONO MARSHALL eOSO MFTM S OAK STRUTS POTlHO. OMWOt ' COMPLETE LINE OF STEEL riuNa devices ano systems Wanted Chairs to Cane by School for Blind FOR PARTICULARS CALL Mr J. F.Myers Mar. 6060 or East 6000. A Heart-to-Heart Talk Like Pershing's gallant men, our Radiantf ires are ever ready. For a rainy morning or a chilly evening, a modern home cannot do without a Radiant fire. Let us put one in your fireplace. You will come and thank us and then you will wonder how you ever did without one. Sold on the instalment plan if you wish. See them a-going at the Gasco Building, Main Floor, Fifth and Alder. And inspect that wizard of all in ventions, the instantaneous automatic water heater. "Meet me at the Gasco" Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6093