TIIE MORNING OKEGONIAN, . TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1919. Cliarge Purchases Today and Balance of Month Go on Bills Dated Jilne 1st. Two-Day Month-End CMercKandiso of cJ Merit Only" Pure Thread Silk Sox All Colors and Sizes M N Second Qualities 45c Unusual Values These at 45c while classed as slightly imperfect, are pure thread silk with reinforced double heel and toe of lisle. The colors are the best spring black, cordovan, brown, gray and champagne. All sizes; only a lim ited number. Street Floor, Just Inside Washington-Street Entrance. Lip man, W olfe & Co. These sales are store-wide, and right in line with the policies inaugurated last February. However, these sales are wider in scope, even more remarkable than the previous two month-end sales, because they bring quantities of the most desirable new wanted spring merchandise at especially good savings. Much of this merchandise has been in the house but a few weeks and the prices are reduced only because under our new policy we prefer to "turn merchandise ove" quickly, that is, where assortments are incomplete and lines and sizes broken, we take a reduction price right away and use the proceeds for buying a new, fresh stock. Read this page carefully. While many items have been given but small space, they are quite as important as though the space and type were many times their size. If you attended the previous sales, you will appreciate the importance of shopping early. While some lots are large enough to last throughout two days, many will not be here for more than a few hours, and in some instances there are but one or two items of a kind. Reductions on Spring Cottons About 3500 yards of choice spring cotton fabrics reduced for clearance. Spring Voiles Special 39c Good designs and col ors in broken lines of de sirable voiles. Galatea Is Special at 39c Striped and checked galatea. for the most dur able dresses for children. Good colors; 15 patterns. 32-Inch Gingham, 35c Plaid, checked and striped ginghams, as well as plain colors. All colors included in this special group. 32-Inch Cotton Shirting at 29c Wide and narrow striped cotton shirtings a real bargain for shirts and blouses and children's wear. 36-Inch White Wash Goods, 19c Plain and fancy striped wash fabrics for shirt waists and general summer wear; reduced for clear ance to 19c. Second Floor. Lip man, Wolfe & Co. $3 1 50 Worth of Hand-Painted China Every Kind Included OFF! Dinner, Breakfast. Tea and Bread and Butter Plates, Fruit Saucers, Oatmeals. Tea Cups and Sau cers, Chocolate and After - Dinner Cups and Saucers, Teapots, Sugar and Creamers. Large and Individual After -Dinner Coffee Sets. Chocolate Sets. Coffee Pots, Choco late Pots, Teapots, Salad Bowls, Fruit Bowls. Handled and Unhftndled Bonbons, Pickle Dishes, Olive Trays, Spoon Trays, Mayonnaise Sets, Whipped Cream Sets, Mint Sauce Boats, Covered Water and Cream Pitchers, Mar malade Jars, Con densed Milk Jars, Mustards, Salt and Peppers, Handled Cake Baskets, Cake Plates. Handled Nap pies, Party Sets, Dresser Sets, Comb and Brush Trays, Powder Boxes, Hair Receivers, Ring Trees, Hatpin Hold ers, Jewel Stands, Cheese Dishes, Butter Dishes, Covered Muf fins, Cheese and Cracker Trays, Sand wich Trays, Tea Strainers, Vases, Lemon Squeezers, Oyster Plates, Celery Trays, Compartment Trays, Relish Dishes, Rose Jars, Nut Bowls, Syrups, Jam Jars, Placques. Manicure Sets, Chop Dishes, Nut Dishes, Pin Trays. Comports, Ice Bowls. Ice Plates. Olive Sets, Bonbon Boxes, and others. To make this sale all the more remarkable, all pieces are marked at their original before-the-war prices which are now cut one-third. This brings most of them to about 2-3 the present wholesale cost! Just consider that! There are 5000 pieces In this sale including eight Besides this, there are other exquisite and artistic Roval Noratki tets all in fine hand-wrought patterns in hand-painted china. A rare opportunity designs. for you to buy gifts! Sixth Floor, Llpman. Wolfe & Co. Solid Gold Rings At One-Half Now SI to 97 for solid gold rings set with beautiful doub let and genuine atones topaz, garnets, sapphire, amethysts, etc. Street Floor. Lipman. Wolfe & Co. 536 Rolls of Wall Paper One-Half Now 20 25 30 40" 50C for papers for living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms. Paper your rooms now for one-half! Fifth Floor, Llpman. Wolfe & Co. 600 YeLrds Fancy Silks . Left From Big Sales $1.35 We have held several large and exceedingly successful silk sales this season. Naturally there were many short pieces left each time. So they have been grouped and repriced for clear ance at $1.35. Included are 33-inch sclf-striped Messalines heavy quality navy, bottle green, gray, plum, Copen, wine and white. Also 35-inch Louigene plaids in some of the very best color combina tions we have shown this season. Light and dark colors. While any remain only (1.35 the yard. Second Floor. Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 96 Collars and Vests For Clearance 69c 1 Odds and ends of collars and vests that have become slightly soiled from handling. Included are fine piques, linens, satins and colored silks. All greatly reduced. Street Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co, w omens PI ain am Fancy Handkerchiefs 5c More than 1 100 handkerchiefs in this lot; all kinds, fine Shamrock lawn and mercer ized cotton; some with colored borders, some plain white and many initialed; broken lines. Street Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 1 1 00 Yards of Fine Inlaid Linoleum $1.23 These are in pieces from 10 to 30 yards of a pattern. All are good standard quality fine linoleum, and there's a large variety of patterns. Very special at $1.23 square yard. Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 360 Emmerich Feather Pillows 49c These famous feather pillows, made with fancy patterned art ticking. Good for home use and splendid for outings and beach cot tages. Size 16x23J2 inches. Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 300 Fine White Wash Skirts-Month-End Sale $2.85 Beautiful skirts of fine quality white pique and cotton gabardine, odds and ends of higher priced lines, reduced for this two-day clearance. Every one is in perfect con dition and well made. Some are slightly mussed and soiled from display. There is a wide variety of styles. Some are buttoned dowa the front with large pearl buttons. Others are in straight-line effect and most of them have novelty pockets and detachable belts. This sale brings excellent savings on good tub skirts! Third Floor, Lipmah, Wolfe & Co. Odds and Ends Flowers, 25c Fine quality flowers se lected from broken assort ments. Both imported and domestic flowers roses, foliage, etc. Third Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Odds and Ends Auto Hats, $1.69 Auto hats of silks, patent 1 e at her and d u v e t y n in brown, blue, gray and two tone effects. Lovely combi nations. Street Floor, Llpman, Wolfe & Co. Odds and Ends Corsets $3.95 Ju.t 7 corsets in this group and all of them are popular brands such as Modart front lace. La Vida and Etoile de France. Siies from :0 to 3 but not all sizes in every style. Low. medium and high bust models, with medium and long hips. Fourth Floor. Lipman. Wolfe & Co. Boys' Wash Pants at 2Sc-43c Half price for white pant and a few colors for ho 2 to 18 years. Not very many pairs of a kind and only one or some. Fourth Floor. Lipman. Wolfe & Co. Allover Lace and Nets at 25c Half price for beautiful white and colored nets and all-overs. Also a few lace flounces and some black laces and dotted nets. All kinds. Second Floor. Lipman. Wolfe & Co. Laces of All Kinds At Greatly Reduced Prices WASH LACKS AT J.O YD. Fine English Vals and two-thread laces and insertions special lOe yd. IMITATION FILET CROCHET AND t ll.W LACES. 25 YD. Laces for bras Meres, curtains, pillow cases, trimmings, underthings, etc. VAL LACKS. iSe YD. A large assortment of different kinds of Val laces. Just fn time for your late spring and early Summer Sewing Days laces at worthwhile savings. Not large assortments of very kind. Second Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Stamped Needlework And Models A Sale STAMPED NEEDLEWORK AT THESE SPECIAL PRICES Crash Pillow Tops, Laundry Bags, Hot Water Bottle Covers 25c. Combing Jackets. Pillow Tops, Utility' Cases, Repp Centerpieces, Laundry Bags, Bath Towels 4c 7 C. Cuddle Dolls and Shirt Cases 25. HAND-EMBROIDERED MODELS REDUCED to Considerably Leaa Than Hall Price. Couch Covers. Luncheon Cloths, Bed Quilts, Scarfs. Baby Kimonos, Dresser Scarfs. Baby Bath Squares, Garden Aprons, Pillow Tops now 75 to $9.00. Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 68 O.D. Wool Blankets $4.95 Regulation O. D. Wool Army Blankets two pieces spliced. They're just the kind of blanket you will want for camping, outing and auto use. They are 64x84 inches and are very specially priced. The lot is limited so early shopping is advised if you want one of these. Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 800 Yards of Pro-Linoleum At 59c Fine quality Pro Lino leum in 7 different patterns for your selection. All de sirable for kitchen or bath room use. Very special at 59 square yard. Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Picture Frames Trays Mirrors Reduced 20 Antique gold French Trays special at 98. 29 Stand Military Frames special at 69. 6 Fancy Antique Stand Mirrors special at S2.9&. Sixth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. 0 BALKAN FUSS IS DEPLORED AltTlIICIAI. RACIAL DIVISIONS ILCLKKI OVEK-KMPHASIZED. I'lartng of Fcoplc I'ntlcr Govern ment of Own Nationality Hold to Rc Impossible. BT WILLIAM T. EI.I.IS. Coprlsht by the w York Herald com' panr. All nhts reserved. MACKDONIA. Suppose the peace con ference should chuck into the fire all the formidable piles of nips and charts and books and documents concerning Balkan boundaries and ethnological groups and historical claims and decide to treat these people Just as folks MORE SERIOUS NOW Tin Kirr Before Brniiw mt War Rrdareti Reaerve St react b. The war has been far-reaching In Its effects. It has caused worry and anxiety in every home, and has af fected the health of every family. It has aggravated chronic, troubles. In creased their tenacity and mad all epring ailments more serious. As a result, a blood-purifying, stomach-toning spring medicine is more nec essary this year than ever. People still take Hood's garsaparilla because it is an old family friend, has proved its merit to three generations as a spring and all-the-year-round medicine in purifying the blood, ex pelling humors, restoring appetite, re lieving rheumatism, banishing that tired feeling. Jt combines, roots, barks, herba and berries often prescribed by physicians for sprin; ailments of the blood, stom ach, liver and kidneys. Hood a Fills are a good cathartic. Adv. whom some malevolent agencies have snarled up in a tangle of artificiali ties? Would it not nelp progress? Before they are anything else they are simple folks who have to make a living and want a chance to sit in safety about their humble firesides and to dress up in their gayest garb on feast days and dance together in the village squares. They are folks before they are Serbs or Bulgars or Greeks or Albanians or Turks. The elemental human needs dominate them. Hunger and cold and suffering they endure bravely and splendidly when it seems necessary. They are not pacifists, and they love honor more than life, and they are a bit quick on the trigger. Nevertheless they are only simple, docile, loyal peasant folk who have not got on very far in the scale of educa tion. Therefore they have been blindly obedient to slogans and symbols and leaders. Mtaatloa Made .Complicated. That is fact No. 1 about the Balkans. The elemental simplicity of the case has been obscured by a welter of dif ficult names. The "experts" on the Balkan question talk in terms which only confuse the average person. Boundaries are discussed as if they were as sacred as the decalogue. An entirely unwarranted importance . is given to minor consideration. Racial statistics are treated with a venera tion which if applied to America would send the nation flying into fragments within a year. "Nationality is made a fetich by all who deal with the Balkans, and the premise is calmly as sumed that no Cireek can live under Albanian rule, no Serbian under Greek rule, no Bulgar under Roumanian rule, no Roumanian or Turk under Bulgar rule, and so on ad infinitum. Imagine trying to parcel out the government of any American city on this basis. In simple reality these Balkan peo ples are mostly shepherds and farmers and a bit nomadic. They are moved about so much, often perforce, that on people has Interpenetrated another. Just as there are Jewish and Italian and negro settlements in most Ameri can cities, none of which ever dreams of claiming self-government as a right, so there are groups of villages of each of these Balkan peoples in the terri tory ruled by others. Within a square ten miles one may find Bulgar, Turk, Serbian, Greek and Roumanian settle ments. The peninsula is a sort of ethnological archipelago. Racial Islands dot it. Racial Tangle Inextricable. No power, not even the peace confer ence, can disentangle these. Neither the principle of nationality nor of his torical boundaries may be fully applied. As everybody who knows this part of the world fully understands, the princi pie of nationality may easily be re duced to an absurdity. There Is no power on earth, or yet to be cr- .ted in Paris, that can put each of these Balkan peoples under a government of its own nationality. The racial tangle is simply inextrica ble. And the artificial stress that has been laid upon race and religion has kept alive antagonisms that would long since have subsided, had they ever ex isted. For these people are just plain folks, simple and kindly and hospitable, and ready to be neighborly if their "leaders" would cease to Incite them to hatred. The considerations that separate these villages one from an other are mostly artificially created and stimulated. Supplant these influ ences by a cult of tolerance and good will and establish stern, quick and even-handed justice among them at the bands of a supreme power, and they would In a generation be getting along as amicably as the Pennsylvania Ger mans with the Pennsylvania Scotch Irish. Balkan states there must be, for the present at least. The passionate and unextinguishable devotion of these peo ple to their histories insures that. Op pression has only intensified their patriotism. But these states may be created along common-sense lines with respect to the rights of all and without any undue effort to put every man under his own flag. That question may later be settled by migration, if it is as sacrosanct as many authorities contend. HIGHWAY CONTRACTS LET Washington Orders Paving and Bridgevtork on Main Road. OLTMPIA, Wash., April 28. (Spe cial.) Three new construction con tracts were let by the state highway commission today, as follows: Paving a gap on the Pacific highway between St. Clair and Nisqually, Allred, James & Hendricks of Centralia, J21.226. Building steel bridge of four 184-foot spans across the Cowlitz river at To- ledo, on the Pacific highway. O. E. Heintz, Pacifiic Iron Works, $128,922. Grading and graveling six miles of the North Central highway in Lincoln county between Mohler and Harring ton, W. J. Smith & Co., Ritzville, 64, 996. By appointment of Acting Governor L. F. Hart, Dr. S. A. Fulton of Walla Walla succeeds T. J. Allen on the state board of dental examiners. Dr. Allen intends to remain at Vancouver, where he has been stationed in government service. FRENCH ART IS EXHIBITED Display in Bavaria Intended to En lighten Population. Sunday, April 27. (French Read The Oregonian classified ads. There's something about them youlllikc- Twcntv to the package Phone your want ads to The Orego- I nian. fhono Main 770, A 09S. PARIS, Wireless French t was ope Bavarian presence different Service.) An exhibition of rt works of various sections ned at Zweibrucken, in the palatinate, yesterday. In the of a large crowd from the places of the region General DANCING GUARANTEED IN EIGHT LESSONS LADIES $2.50 GENTLEMEN $5.00 AT DE HONEY'S BEAUTIFUL ACADEMY Tv-renty-Thlrd and Washington. New classes for beginners start Mon day and Thursday evenings this week. Advanced classes start Tuesday and Friday evenings this week. All Dinofi Tauirht L-adlen S2.50, -Gentlemen 5.O0 to All Joining- Theae Claaaea Thia Week.. Take one or four lessons a week. Tick ets are good until used. The only school teaching from 8 to 11:30. Plenty of practice. No embarrassment Separate step room and extra teachers for back ward pupils. A thorough printed de scription of all dances tree for pupils. We have large and select classes and the social feature alone is worth double the Drice. and this is the only school where they guarantee to teach yoi to dance. Private lessons given all hours. Avoid inferior teachers who dance and teach only a few simple ballroom dances. Learn correctly from profes sional instructors wno can dance and guarantee to teach you to dance. Learn the gingle fox trot and new jazz stepe. Call afternoon or evening. Phone Main 7656. Gerard, in command of the French eighth army, which is occupying the palatinate, opened the exhibition. The general said that the chief ob ject of the exhibition was "to make this country acquainted with the geniua of France." 4S S W Q1- p5 t5 (v VV THOMPSON'S e) THOMPSON'S .V Are Better, jl (Trademark Keglslercd) (&THE SIGN OF PERFECT &) SERVICE JJ gEyes carefully examined &and properly fitted with av glasses without the use of f) a drugs by skilled specialists, gt v CI Complete lens grinding VI A factory on the premises. w SAVE YOUR EYES Da - D OPTICAL INSTITUTE Portland's Iarrent, Moat Modem, Beat i Equipped, Exclusive optical .bgtabiisii iiit? at. S0f-21O-1 1 COKBKTT ni.DUM a a a a mm. . w w birw-e lint. (I 1 V