23 THE 3I0RXIXG OREGONIAX, TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1919. t 1 - BILLY SUNDAY TALKS AS HE RESTS IN BED General "Ma" Orders Quie Before Evening's Work. "Billy" but ah looked at the news paperman, "you must rest." And cha said It with the sort of an air: "Here's your hat. bat don't harry." And when "Ma" Sunday acts like that It ia time to so. YELLOW CUR EULOGIZED Injustice Ione to IVg, Says Evan rrllt. When Comparlos Him to Mao Who Will ol But Bonds lDtr MAY TOt'R fEXTBIt ontoo COH VICTOR LOAX. Klamath Falls and Lakevlew want a victory loan speaker. H'nry K. Keed has offered Klam ath Falls the cream of tbem all. Last nlsht ho received this wire from A. B. Apperson. county chairman: -Sunday or nothing." . Mr. Heed showed the wire to Mr. Sunday at the Benson hotel and is hopeful that an epic-mak-ln Iah from IJend to Lakevlew and Klamath Falls may be made possible. If schedules permit, Billy" Sunday Is willing. "- - "BlUy- Sunday has the proof for the faith that is In him. v Here, by the bye. is that rft 1 . i . " c niiii T . . nisi u 1 1 . ..vw. Second loan: :5.0q. Third loan: :0,000. Fourth loan: 113.000. But that's only four loans you say ahat about the victory loan? Thai's exactly the question pro rounded to William A- Sunday, quon am ballplayer, as he lay In bed at the aHcnson hotel. v-a And the answer? ' "I'm corner the limit this time!' Less than a couple of hours before his arrest auditorium meeting last night. mily" Mundiv landed la roriland. There was no nonenseViThiiwever that Is not for "Billy.'" No "looking up the boys" or UfXaf himself oat. 2f. air Tee. . "Papa" saarfay Obeys Oraera. So. under direct orders from hi com manding officer. General "Ma Sunday -Willy" betook himself to bed. And. here a a secret, it Is "Pai" Tcy now. Alar be. the omnipresent Ma. devoted nerpmcet or Billy, a no has shielded him from the nonessen tials of life that he mlaht devote him self to the essentials, coined the -Hapa." Who knows; Anyway, "lapa" feunUay roes. Just as hard as he haa Indulged In di rect personal campaigns against their roll majesties, the kaiser and the devil. William-A. Sunday has been campaign lti-f for the victory loan. lie has dashed throuah the south and across the east. Everywhere he went he left a trail of enthusiasm and optimism and encouraged bond salesmen. When "Billy" gets Into action, even a cigar tore dummy blinks and geta inter ested. It s no snap to interview him. There tie Ilea in bed. trying ta rest. lie Is (.rfectly conscious of the fact that the reporter, with on eye on "Ma" knit ting and rocking, to sea how far he will dare go. Is baiting him and trying to rouse his Ire. And Juat when things get Interest Ing, why. Henry E. Heed, resplendent in 'open-face' ulilrt and cutaway coat, ail "dolled" up for the banquet at which air. fcundjy is to be the guest, arrives. Baas' Marker Drssasre. And of courts "Pa pa'' Sunday be rnm4 very, very conscious of his flsn- nel "nichtle." and the interview has to n.l temporarily. Mr. Sunday is tired. He was husky alth cold. T.in down- None knew that better than "ma." and there Is only one pcrxin in the world that could have liragi-ed "Billy" away from the sun and rent of Hood I'.iver. You've guessed it of course. Uncle e-am. "The man that won't buy bonds If he res the money Is Just ye. he is a )elUw cur." quoth Mr. Sunday. ".o" that's doing an Injustice to the cur. He's far worse than the cur. "The man who has money and won't tiuy bonds Is the same feller as the man who was willtn' for his father to sive him everything he had. so that when the father had given his all. he could kick him out of the house. "The man ho won't buy bonds will uncover when the flag goes by. Sure, he will. He is afraid someone will kick him If he doesn't. And he thinks no one will kick him If he doesn't buy bonds. "Surh a man has no personal respect He will allow his selfish interests to be paramount to the needs of the govern ment." A Few Wards an Sersrlty. "What reason can a man have for not buying bonds?" was the question that was In common fairness asked. "Billy" held his Bible in mid air. "I can't figure what In the name of heaven It can be. when he knows the government is secure." "But Is the government secure?" the Impertinent Interviewer persisted, de termined to rouse "Hilly." There was no question of success Mr. Sunday gave the reckless reporter a look that should have blistered him. The air Just sisxled. "If a victory bond Is not secure, what In the name of everything is? The I'nited States Is the bakeshop of the entire world and will be feeding the entire world for the next five years -why: t ! :! ?-: No. not expletives, but simply -"Billy" expressing his opinion of the newspaper man who would dare venture such a query. "If a victory bond Is not safe, your torn, is not safe, the shoes on your fet are not safe. Everything will fall, become chaotic, topple everything." C'aaarteattawa Oajecf.r Scred. 'Mabe there are conscientious ob jectors about buying bonds?" tf course, it was cruel, but "Conscientious objectors slackers lot i.f hot air no sympathy with 'em. No sympathy with a conscientious ob jector either about buyina bonds or fighting. Conscientious objector'" Here please register a loud and em phatically voiced sneer. "Wonderful how religious some of these fellows become when their skins ur their pockclbooks are in danger. I'm I for vthe sake of my life dig around in tiny mind and find where business or property would be if It were not for the government. "And look here" explosively "If the banks have to take these bonds, money will be ttchi and business and employ ment will suiter. Uel that. The banks will take them If others won't. Then we II all suffer. The business man. the farmer and the working man. Tliea De-eta re Altrrwatlte. "If we boy bonds we get our money back, and then some. In the way of In terest. If we don't bay bonds, t'mrle Sam will get It any way taxes, taxes, taxes. Taxes on everything. "We incurred honest debts, didn't w-e? We could not hate won the war with out debts. Do these people who don't bay bonds exp-ect we can be pikers and welsh on those debts?" -Now, papa," said "Ala" Sunday to At the Theaters. 1YT Pantagrs. f.T.K. BIANCA. a revelation In phys ical control, la the topllne attrac tion on Pantages' new bill In a series of delightfully artistic dancing spe cialties. Mile. Bianca was formerly premier ballerina at the Metropolitan opera house in New York and evidences her thorough training in ballet art in her dances. Her first offering Is a Spanish dance with an original treat ment of the rapid whirling steps. Her next la a dance nocturne, an exquisite ly graceful number In toe dancing in which an agile and strong man dancer, Walter Manthey, assists her. The Masurka polonaise is an espe cially beautiful dance, all whirlings and plrouettings. and for this dance Mile. Bianca wears a strikingly color ful idealised Russian costume. Her last number is an Egyptian ballet, a rhythmic, sinuous, exceedingly clever idea beautifully worked out. In her artistic terpsichorean conceptions Mile. Bianca is using harmonious and appro priate Incidental music and has her own violinist to direct the orchestra. Besides Mr. Manthey, who is an ex cellent dancer. Mile. Bianca also num ber in her company a graceful girl dancer. Julyette Charlotte. There a a skating act that attracts attention, offered by the three Naesses. two maids and a man, from Norway, who demonstrate figure skating, dan cing on ice and novelty skating, all of it on a field of ice substitute spread like a carpet on the stage. Their agility and grace Is remarkable. Mel Klee is a blackface comedian who has some new stuff and some no so new and who sings and tells stories nicely and grows confidential with the New Wirthmor Waists on Sale Today, $150 Fourth Foorw44 The Quality Store &zZ4a Established 1857 All Charge Purchases Today and Balance of Month Go on May Bills, Rendered June 1 I Second 51 LY S 1 , 00O0DAS KED FO H RECOXSTRCCTIOX PROGRAMME OF CITV TO BE CUT. Measures Most Likely fo Win Will Bo Retained Others Will Be Lopped Off. The reconstruction programme to be presented to the voters by the city of Portland will probably amount to ap proximately 11.000.000 instead of 13.000.000. as had been contemplated. At a meeting of the city council yes terday the special election waa au thorixed for June t and :;n sppropri atlon of 113.000 was parsed to bear the expenses of the voting. The cut which Is expected in tne programme comes through the deter mination of the members of the coun cil to present a programme of im provements which are necessities and not crowd projects upon the ballot which are not essential, when it is probable that these measures will not only meet with defeat, but will also carry the necessary measures to oe feat aa well. City Commissioner Barbur is seri ously considering delaying the preacn- atlon of a charter amendment author- sing the Issuance of bonds to the ex tent of t2.000.000 for the purpose of paying for the construction of main runk sewers and main highways from the general fund of the city. City Commissioner Mann will not present any items In the proposed pro gramme, as there is sufficient money available In the water department to handle the improvements which he plans without the necessity of asking or authority to Issue bonds. The withdrawal of these items prunes an other liOu.000 from the list. Mayor Baker also Joined the hands of he "pruners" in virtually deciding to rop the proposed sub-police station on the east side from his list. Several members of the council stated that they did not believe such a station necessary and Mayor Baker intimated that he would leave the station off the ballot In the Interest of the measures which do go on, although his final de sion In this connection, as well as Commissioner Barbur's. will be made nown tomorrow. As the matter now atands approxi- malely 1850.000 Is sure to find its way on the city reconstruction programme. This Includes JiOO.000 which Mayor Baker will seek in bonds to finance the uildlng of comfort stations, community houses in various psrts of the city, and other needed improvements in some of the city parks. The voters will also be asked to au thorise a bond Issue for approximately W0. 000 to be used In remodeling the tty hall and JiOO.OOO to be used in the construction of eight new firehouses. wo new docks for the fireboats and ew houses for the members of the fire- boat crews. Wednesday has I -en set as the final day for the submission of measures by the commissioners and a complete pro gramme will be decided upon at that time. GENERAL MAY CAMPAIGNS Colonel of Old 3d Oregon Hard at Work for Victory Loan. Brigadier-General John L. May, who was trainmaster on tne oouinern ra- iflc prior to entering the war and ho as colonel of the 3d Oregon took the regiment to France, is campaign ing for the victory liberty loan by tell- ng the men In service of the railroads hy they should buy bonds. He spoke i a large gathering of railroad em ployes at the Brooklyn shops of the Southern Peciflc Saturday and yester- ay at noon talked to nearly 1000 em ployes at the Oregon-Washington Al- ina shops. Last night Oeneral May left for Kosehurg. accompanied by Su perintendent Mercier. and is booked to ddress railroad employes there at noon today. Reports received by Federal Manager Brlen indicate that thus far the em- loyea of the system lines have kept up their stand established in the fourth loan. On lines under his jurisdiction up to the close of business April 27 subscriptions smounted to 1799,050. and about SO per cent of the employes had thus far subscribed. For the fourth loan the total subscription was 11.750. ouo from thia division of the railroad service. 2 5 2 5 s 2 2 62d Day of sAniniv Meier & Frank' ersarv Sales EUGENE HIGH CLASS LARGE n. I'. Irtine of Portland lo Deliver Commencement Address. FI'GENE, Or.. April :. (Special.) B. F. Irvine of Portland haa been se lected to deliver the commencement ad dress before thia year's class at the Eugene high school, according to an nouncement of C. A. Howard, principal of the school, today. The commencement exercises are to be held at the First Methodist church on the evening of June C. The bacca laureate aermon will be delivered by Rev. K. V. Stivers, pastor of the First Christian church, on the evening of June 1. It Is announced that there will be a class of about 100 this year, but the names of the graduates are not yet given out. for the reason that the list is not yet complete, The primary purpose of this announcement is to make known to everyone that practically all the wonderful offerings told of in our four-page advertisement of Sunday are still available and that, despite the unprecedented buying, assortments are yet virtually complete. Those who shared in the first day's bargains need not be told that MEIER & FRANK'S 62d Anniversary Sales, commem orating "62 Years in Portland," have brought the most remark able buying opportunities in years. C To those who were for any reason prevented from getting their share of, the good things so bountifully in evidence yesterday we say come today and profit by the unequaled economies. And come as early as you can for the response is sire to be tremendous, as the fame of these 62d Anniversary Sales spreads. There are plenty of additional experienced salespeople for this occasion. Look for the sale cards as you go through the store they point the way to wonderful savings. Here Are 50 Memorable Anniversary Offerings for Today Men's New Silk Broadcloth Shirts $6.95 New silk broadcloth shirts in Spring patterns and colors. All sizes. Main Floor. Men's Silk Sox (Seconds) Pair Only 50c First quality would sell for ?1.00. All wanted shades. All sizes. Main- Floor. Men's $4.00 Silk Lisle Union Suits $1.98 Long 6leeves, ankle length union suits. Broken line of sizes. Main Floor. Men's $3.00-$3.50-$4.00 Hats Only $1.65 Felt hats and cloth hats in all the popular shades. All shapes. All sizes. Main Floor. Men's 35c Initial Lawn Kerchiefs at 22c Hand-loom embroidered initials in white and colors. Many styles borders. Main Floor. Boys' $10.00-$12.50 Suits at Only $8.45 All from regular stocks. Good fabrics, styles and colors. 6 to 18 years. Third Floor. . Women's $39.50-$48.00 Suits for $29.50 Attractive styles and colors. Serviceable materials. All sizes. Fourth Floor. - Women's $25.00-$29.50 Dresses at $17.85 New silk dresses in wanted styles and colors. All sizes. Excellent values. Fourth Floor. Women's New Blue Serge Capes $10.00 Surplice vestee models bound with black silk braid. Pure worsted serge. Fourth Floor. Women's New Trimmed Hats for $9.75 Hats for street and semi-dress wear. All shapes and colors. Neatly trimmed. 1th Floor. Women's $15.00-$20.00 Blouses at $11.45 One of kind models of Georgette Crepe. None on approval, none exchanged. 4th Floor. Famous Perrin's Lambskin Gloves $L39 One-clasp style. White with self and black embroidered backs. All sizes. Main Floor. Crepe de Chine Negligees Only $11.45 Straight-line models in rose, Copen, pink, blue and lavender. Third Floor. Fine- New Dresses $2.59, $3.95 to $6.50 Percale and gingham porch and morning dresses. . Attractive styles. All sizes. 3d Floor. Women's Coverall Aprons at $2.29-$2.98 Percale and gingham aprons in plain colors, checks and plaids. Third Floor. Women's $2.50-$4.00 Corsets Only $1.69 Back lace and front lace corsets in flesh and white. 24 to SO. Third Floor. - Sale of Women's $2.00 Brassieres at 50c- Popular styles for stout figures. Back fastening models. Sizes 38 to 54. Third Floor. New "Sun-and-Rain" Umbrellas $3.95 Purple, blue, lavender and changeables with contrasting borders. $5-?7 values. Main Floor. Women's New Crepe Collars $1.89-$1.95 For suits and one-piece dresses. A variety of flat and roll styles. Main Floor. New Washable Vestees, Special at $1.59 Of madras. Well made and lined. For wear with suits. Main Floor. Women's to $14.00 High Shoes for $7.45 J. & T. Cousins and other makes. Lace and button styles. Broken lots. Third Floor. Women's to $8.00 Low Shoes Pair $5.45 Tan and patent Oxfords, patent and black kid pumps. Broken range of sizes. Third Floor. Women's Fine Pure Silk Hose, Pair 89c Seamless and full fashioned. Wanted colors. Mostly sizes 9 and 9'4. Main Floor. - Women's Lisle Union Suits at 89c-$1.09 Nushape union suits in Summer styles. Sizes 4 to 6 at 89c Sizes 7 to 9 at $1.00. Main Floor. Women's 25c Pure Linen Kerchiefs 16c Hand-loom embroidered in colors and plain white. Three for 45c. Main Floor. NEW Crepe de Chine Silks, Yard $1.59 All the wanted shades. Excellent quality. 40 inches wide. Second Floor. New All-Silk Imported Pongee, Yd. 98c Shantung pongee of a very heavy quality. Natural color. S3 inches wide. Second Floor. , ALL-WOOL Storm Serge, Yard $1.69 48 inches wide. Excellent quality storm serge in navy blue. For skirts, etc. Second Floor. iflS & 40c Woven Suitings, Yard, Special 29c 27 inch woven suitings in light and dark stripes and plain colors. Second Floor. 35c Kimono Crepe, Yard, Special at 25c 30-inch kimono crepe in light and dark colors. Floral and conventional designs. 2d Floor. Sale of Wash Laces, Yard 5c and 10c Domestic and imported edges and insertions for women's and children's wear. Main Floor. New Spring Embroideries, Yard at 25c Edges, f louncings, galloons, beadings, bead tops. Swiss, cambric, longcloth. Main Floor. & JU 4e. r ef T T f" $5.00 Mercerized Table Cloths at $3.00 Woven in regular patterns with border to match. 60x60 inches square. Second Floor. $2.50 Mercerized Table Napkins, Doz. $2 Excellent quality mercerized napkins for ordinary use. 20x20-inch size. Second Floor. -4s r "i $1.75-$2 Inlaid Linoleum, Sq. Yard $1.29 A good selection of patterns blue, gray, tan and brown. Very special. Seventh Floor. Nippon China Cups and Saucers at 24c Thin white Nippon "china cups and saucers with neat gold band. Six for if 1.40. Basement. 4 ir1 1 Sale of Galvanized Ash Cans at $2.98 Heavily reinforced with steel slats. Steel band at top and bottom. Basement. $6.50 Hall Wheel Cultivators for $5.49 Wheel garden cultivators with four tools plow, weeder, rake and cultivator. Basement. fc r cf T" $10.50-$11.00 Collapsible Sulkies $7.79 Limited number. With rubber-tired wheels. Black or gray enamel. Fifth Floor. SjS SfC "T sj 4 A Sale of Stand Frames at 98c and $1.39 Antique gold and silver swinging stand frames with glass and back. Fifth Floor. 45c "Snowbird" White Outing, Yard 29c Extra heavy weight, well-fleeced outing for night wear, etc. 32-inch. Second Floor. jJ; jJs Sale of $3.50 Crochet Bedspreads $2.50 Size 81x90. Heavy crocheted bedspreads. Limited number at $2.50. Second Floor. A Sale of $1.50 Muslin Sheets for $1.25 72x90-inch seamless muslin sheets that are already hemmed. Good values. 2d Floor. Women's $2.00-$2.50 Leather Bags $1.49 Pouch styles. Also top-strap and back-strap purses. Main Floor. Women's New $2.00 Pearl Necklaces $1 New pearl bead strands in neck lengths. Uniform size beads. Mam Floor. j 5: :p 9 31 $3.00 New Haven Alarm Clocks $1.95 '.'Typhoon" alarm clocks with inside bell. Good time keepers. Legible dials. Main Floor. A Sale of $1.25-$1.50 Books Now at 50c 2000 books original editions several well-known authors. Less than half. Fifth Floor. Children's Hairbow Ribbons, Yard 39c Heavy taffeta ribbons with satin borders and fancy edges. 6 inches wide. Main Floor. Boys! A Sale of $1.50 Bats for $1.00 Louisville Sluggers, Buddy Ryan, Bill Rodgers and other well-known models. Sixth Floor. $70.00 Universal Wood-Coal Range $63 Installed complete including pipe and water coils. ! Terms in reason. i Sixth Floor. 111 1 I