Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 29, 1919, Page 20, Image 20

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Deficit of $6,512,225 Must Be
Made Up Swiftly.
Outride off Portland Total or Almost
Twelve Millions 1 4 Subscribed
to Victory Loan.
ina" From T'.rmt Pjt.
Curry, chairman of the women's com
mittee. -We are starting the final
drive to wind up our task creditably.
Some in the residential districts may
have become impatient, but we want to
reassure them that they will be reached
in a day or two. If at the end of that
time no one has solicited thera they
may call one of our workers by tele
phoning Main 7131 or Main 7S12. Bet
ter still, women wishing to subscribe
can do so by dropping in at headquar
ten, 213 Northwestern Bank building.
for we have Just established a sub
cription booth to take care of them."
-My boy is buried in Flanders, My
part Is to subscribe."
With no more comment, an elderly
man stepped from the throng at Sixth
and Alder streets yesterday noon when
street speakers were talking for - the
victory loan and made his subscription.
An instant later a blind man tapped
his way through the crowd to the table
automobile tours of the Columbia high
way. returning in mid-afternoon. The;
lunched at Chanticleer Inn. saw the
wonderful scenic panorama spread out
before them as their cars wound high
above the river and each of them pro
fessed that the trip bad been a revela
But the rollicking gobs of the crew,
With soldiers of the SIM division, who
returned yesterday, were Just as pro
use in their appreciation of the mgn
tar. for all who cared to make th
tour were taken motoring during th
afternoon. Cars were supplied by th
motor corps of the Nation! League for
Womans Service, for the forenoon tour,
while the courtesy of auto dealers sup
plied cars for the afternoon
Crew Rlotoasly C ae-errd
All Portland, or at least those citl
sens who could be there, lined the
cowntown streets yesterday morning
Pont delay with your victory
loan subscriptions. The Job has
to be done. Why not do It In
such a manner that Portland
will retain her position as the
city which has never lagged in
any patriotic enterprise?
The district managers and their
representatives are starting out
today with renewed vigor to re
canvass their districts. Be ready
for them. Let's be the first city
on the coast to "go over."
City Sales Director.
and cheered riotously wtien the crew
of the Oregon, reinforced by 229 men
of the famous 91st division, and led
by the sailors own band, with Percy
Campbell and his contingent of musi
t cians In reserve, marched through the
tit n. The men of the 91st division
' were the first detachment of the Wild
, Vest troops to reach home.
Soldiers and sailors. In real cam
araderie. tramped rhythmically along,
with the clean, strong swing of men
perfectly drilled. The parade conclud
ed at Victory square, where the blue
Jackets went through Intricate drills.
Needless to say. business at Victory
but was brisk immediately following
the forceful reminder afforded by the
fight of fighting men of both service
branches on parade tn Portland.
Last night, at the Multnomah hotel,
the bluejackets were tendered a ball by
the victory loan committee. There was
to lack of pretty partners and good
music, and the deliathted "gobs' made
the most-of the time that remained to
them before they returned to their
Officers at Baaqaet.
Captain Tarrant and his fellow offi
cers of the Oregon were guests at a
banquet at the Hotel Benson last night,
given In their honor by the victory loan
committee of Oregon. The gathering
Instructions received from
Wsnhincton request every vic
tory bond buyer to wear the offi
cial subscriber's button. B"
mho have done their part In the
servit e Join in thi requcKt. Fail
ure to wear the button may set
a bad example and wilt surely
err at a lat?e Impression. Kach
purchaser of a victory bond
therefore I urged to m-ear the
button continuously until the end
of the present campaign.
State Manager Victory Loan.
was bri lit xnt. comprising representa
tivrs of ail governmental branches, lib
erty loan executives, and prominent
men of the city. Kven the church mili
tant was there in the person of Billy
Sunday. canrelit extraordinary, who
afterward thrilled a huco audience with
TMs victory loan message at the audito
rium. Women worker for the liberty loan,
who have charge of the residential dis
trict campaign, are determined to com
plete thur work wliMn the next few
rtaj. New workers have been secured
for lagjrard districts, and the house-to-house
drive Is gaining force and effect.
W Mtea 9tart Klaal Drive.
"Oraanlxation of captains and work
ers for practically every district has
Wn mm ! t1. said Mr. Charles
ACold? I
N'o oni need
rufft'r with ' a
co Kl nowaday,
with MI'S-
i T A U P C B -
I'.ATK n eaey S
to get. Hub it
on well and
rfMa rh and .11 pains van-
"ST: lh tn abort ordT. No chance
for conceation or pneumonia '
; ; cither, for "The Little Doctor-'
will not l-t It set that far
- neat opal Jara.
H 23c and 50 Sizes H
1 MAC L AH EN'S jj
1 jSi
" I iuno i sin i tit
Hi At Your Druggist's H
or 9t Postpaid kr
fi " V
I - 5 i
: , -V i v-:,,;
Service Is Scheduled
Start Today.
Joan U Etherlda-e. state director
7 of victory loaa organisation,
J who piloted the oater-atate
coaatlea to quota a access.
set in the street and added his name to
the list of those who love America and
are willing to testify to it by practical
County Still Approximately $30,000
Short of Making Up Its Quota.
BEND, Or., April 28. Special.) Al
though the victory loan drive has been
on here for an entire week and even
longer than that, when the subscrip
tions turned in before April 21 are con-
idered. Deschutes county is still ap
proximately $30,000 shore of making up
its quota. C. S- Hudson, county chair
man of the victory drive, reported to
day. Both Bend and the rural districts
are behind and Mr. Hudson diagnoses
the troubls as a general apathy.
One of the country districts. Tumalo,
ls gone over the top, raising $6000,
considerably more than the amount
aked from that section, and promising
that a total of $7000 would be reached.
Aside from this one Instance the mills
are the only units which have made
goot" to date.
Tms week Deschutes will see put on
the nwst thorough campaign of the
drive to bring the county over the top.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
SAX FRANCISCO. April 21 (Special.)
Stanton ft Berry, who have succeeded in
establishing- a creditable forwarding- bosi-
hre recently, have been appointed pan
Francisco rereaentattvea of the Munson line.
which operates steamers between New York
snd gulf ports and porta of Cubs and the
east coast of South America. The local
concern believes they wiil soon be In po
sition to develop considerable increase in
business between Call Torn is and the La tin
American count nes included In the service
of the Muiison line. The plan l to ship
goods from this port to New Orleans via
ratll and then trananhtp by steamer. If busl-
develops materially It la probable a line
of steamers wttl be placed In servic
this coast via the Tanaina canal.
Ben C. LMIIey. who fought valiantly at
W.shinston in the Interest of the Pacific
oaal foreign trade for restoration of P re
ar export and Import rail rates across the
continent, is home again, lie brings assur-
nccs from John II. itosseter that the com
nc harvests overseas will relieve much ton
age and that as soon as considerable busi
for the Psctfic coaxt originates on the
Atlantic seaboard, sufficient tonnage to
arry it will be supplied by the shipping
Three paseenrer liners wit) srrive from off-
fiore ports tomorrow. They ere the China
Mall liner Nanking, the Union Hteamshlp
company's Moana and the Matson liner
Manoa. The Nanking Is from Hongkong
ia Yokohama and Honolulu, with 170 first.
sevond and Oo oriental steerage passen
grrs. a capacity cargo, and la due at day
Ught tomorrow morning. The Manoa has a
apacity paasenger ht. aa ls the case with
il the boats with any psmengT ar com mo-
la (Ions at ail from Honolulu and Hawaiian
Island porta. The Manoa Is due at 3 P. 11.
ni the Moan a in due at 4 F. 1L. from Yeii-
Ington. X. Z ia I'apeete.
ASTORIA. Or., April Fpeelat. The
Steam schooner Johan Poul.-en will be due
ton;ght from an r'randsve ith freight for
The tank steamer J. A. Chajilor srrlved
S:0O this morning from California will, a
cargo of fuel oil for Portland.
The steam schooner Krnent H. Meyer ar-
ved at l:n last night from San Fran
sco with freight and proceeded to Portland.
Cerr Ing a full cargo of lumb-r from
aajnon the ntm srhooner 1. Llnd-
aur sai-ed at l'i.l'i for .an IranUca
The atram schooner Halo. with lumber
from the Hamnvnd null is to sail tonight for
ban Pedro.
COOS BAT, Or.. April C ( Special. The
steamer C A. Smith arrived from Kan Fran
cisco at S o'clock, this afternoon for a lum
ber cargo.
The gasoline schooner Enterprise sailed
his afternoon at 2 o'clock en route from
Astoria to tne gulf of Mexico.
Captain A. Aaa of the harkentlne Ben tela
as his lumber cargo of mn,HH feet loaded
nd fastened ready to sail for Bare. Kast
fries. The Bonicla's crew Is short and
the craft w ill not aail until more men arrive
from Kan Kranclsco.
The Cooa Bay Shipbuilding company to
day announced readiness to pay guards re
troactive pay due between August 1 and
November , Jit 18.
TACOMA, "U'ah.. April 2. (Special.)
After an absence of 1 months in the naval
resTvrs. Lieutenant -"oniman-ter W. Frank
Andrews has returned to Taroma. During
the time he waa In service he had command
of the Went Co has snd msde two voyagen
scmsa to France beside.-se eral to the west
coast. Captain Andrews is vice-president
of the International Stevedoring company
and manager nf the Washington Stevedore
comp-nv of Tacoma.
Kcbert II. HJI. assistant to President H.
K. Alexander of the Pacific Steamship com
pany, has gone to New York to confer with
President Alexander, w ho has been east
for weveral months.
The Mexico Maru. of the Osaka Shosen
Katslta. Is due here this week from the ori
ent and the Canada .Maru of the line sails
Wednesday night for .lapan and China.
Plan Is to Use Trucks to Gather
Freight From Inland Points
for River Trip.
Entering the Portland-The Dalles
service as a passenger and freight ves
sel, the steamer Nespelem will leave
Taylor-street dock at 7 o'clock this
morning under the banner of the
newly-organized The Dalles-Columbia
River Navigation company. The Nes
pelem will operate from Portland every
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, re
turning from The Dalles alternate
The Nespelem was constructed on
the upper Columbia river, well up
toward the border, and was brought
down last year. Captain Charles Miller
undertaking the task, and he is- to
handle the steamer in the new service.
She was used for a time on the run to
The Dalles, handling freight princi
pally, and it was decided to add passen
ger accommodations, and she is rated
today one of the newest and best-appearing
of the sternwheel fleet.
The steamer Tahoma, owners of
which are also Interested in the new
service, the former Peoples' Navigation
company, being a part of The Dalles
Columbia River Navigation company.
made her last trip from The Dalles
Thursday and will remain tied up until
the Nespelem draws more business
than can be handled on the present
schedule. It Is not improbable the lat
ter will ultimately be placed on the
night run from Portland, returning the
following day, so a daily service will
be afforded. -
The company's representatives toured
the interior country not long ago and
their plan has been to reach the upper
Columbia region, using the Celilo
canal, and handle freight at certain
landings accessible to interior points,
such as Walla Walla, moving the ship
ments to and from the river on motor
The Dalles-Columbia line is operat
ing the steamer J. N. Teal as far as
The Dalles, so tne middle section of
the Columbia river is being favored
with an adequate service now. It has
been some time since steamers plied
above the Celilo canal, but that end
of the route may be covered again
soon, depending on Inducements in the
way of traffic.
is on her first voyage and sailed from
Kobe via Puget sound.
Previous to the war Shanghai pur
chased regular shipments of lumber at
Portland and there is every reason to
expect that business will be regained.
The China Import & Export Lumber
company was in the field before the
war. It was controlled by German
interests and It Is regarded as doubt
ful if they will seek the field again in
the immediate future.
Employes of Motorship Company
Receive Government Bonus.
VANCOUVER, Wash., April 28.
(Special.) About $10,000 is now being
paid out by the Motorship Construction
company of this city In back pay to Its
employes as awarded by the Macy board.
Many of the employes of the company
are at other places now, though some
are yet at the plant. Unless the men
call for the pay this week what is left
will go back to the government. How
ever, it is thought that the men will
nearly all be there, to get their back
pay and It is expected that some of
them will buy victory bonds with it.
The company has practically ceased
operations building lifeboats, but is
turning to building concrete barge
and has one large one already poured.
$5000 Worth of Camouflaged
Whisky Is Seized.
Deputies Confiscate 480 Pint Flasks
of Fine Liquor in South
Portland Raid.
One Government Hull Will.. Remain
at Supple-Ballin Yard.
The tenth hull of the BalMn type fin
ished for the emergency fleet corpora'
tion, and next to the last of the type
the Supple-Ballin Shipbuilding corpora
tion is to turn out for the government,
leave, the ways at the Oak-street plant
at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Miss Helen
Lansguth Smith, a student at the Jef
ferson high school, being selected to
christen the vessel.
The Supple-Ballin plant has four
building berths, so with the launching
of the ship today, which is to be chris
tened Deva. three ways will be vacant.
Of 15 steamers recently sold by the
government five were of the Supple
Ballin fleet and it is said there are
more inquiries for the same design.
The Birchleaf, one of the five disposed
of. was given a dock trial of six hours
yesterday at the plant and goes on her
24-hour sea trial Thursday.
C.RAYS HARBOR, Wa.h.. April C8. (Spe-rial-V
Th. B'iKtan schoon.r Uftby, carrying
a cargo of lumber, rl.arrd Saturday for
Kalmouth. KnicLand- After dls-harictnjr her
carco In EncUnil he so to her home
port, Antwerp. Bel, turn.
TNe ateamers Carloa and San Jacinto ar
rived at ft o'clock thia mornina. The Carloa
I. loailine at the Donovan mill and lh
Pan Jacinto at the K. K. Wood milt ia
O.e L.unf. a dock worker with the Graya
Harbor Mevedorln companv. mas killed in
an accident at Wllon Brothers mill during
the loading of the ateamer Idaho. He wa
worklnc on the dock when a ahnr load of
lumber intended to go Into the hold waa
dropped accidentally on the dock, atrikina
ntm and mumx mm instantly.
Meeting Held at Kllopia.
r.VSCO. Wash.. April IS. (Special.)
A large number of Pasco people went
to tltopla Saturday night to assist in
a victory loan meeting. They took the
l'asco band and chorus of ainseta.
Ferris Type Steamers Will Be Float
ed at Astoria Yards Tomororw.
ASTORIA. Or., April 28. (Special.)
Two hulls of the emergency fleet steam
ers are to be launched at the Astoria
yards on "Wednesday afternoon. One will
be the Munra at the Rodgers yard and
her sponsor will be Mrs. Katherlne
Bunch, daughter of Captain E. K. Dyer,
federal inspector at the yard. The other
vessel will be the Onteora at the Wil
son yards and her sponsor is to be Mrs.
W. A. riggers, wife of the president of
the Marine Iron Works.
Both craft are of the Ferris type and
the hulls are 100 per cent completed.
They will be taken to the plant of the
Astoria Marine Iron Works to nave
their machinery installed. Another ves
sel, the Wowahbe, is to be launched at
the Rodgers yard in about 50 days.
Record in Building Held to Entitle
Oregon to Remembrance.
Since names of steel ships building
t the northwest and Columbia river
yards were changed recently, the prefix
west"' being dropped, it has been sug
gested that Mrs. Wilson, wife of the
president, who has named the vessels,
be asked to make another change and
give one ship a local name.
As there are steamers caned I'ort
and and other cities of that name.
Willamette has been proposed as a
locality name, also Columbia and Mult
nomah It is suggested that the state
be remembered in this connection, as
the Oregon district has made a record
in the war drive for tonnage, both in
steel and wood construction. A big
steamer named Oregon, it is held, would
not be amiss.
Actions Following Assignment to
Ship Here Cause Downfall.
Rene Denis, a French sailor who
came to Portland last year with a crew
assigned to one of the new ships con
structed by. the Foundation company,
goes back to France under a deporta
tion order, because of difficulties with
the police soon after reaching the city.
He has been sent to Seattle by Immi
gration Inspector Bonham and sails
from there Thursday, on a French ves
sel. The termination of actual warfare
abroad has enabled the immigration
bureau to start a number of aliens for
their native lands who had been held
for long periods, some of them since
the time that America entered the war.
Kaian Mara to Load Shanghai Lum
ber Cargo.
It has been so long since a tramp
steamer flying a foreicn flag traversed
the harbor that the arrival yesterday of
the Kaian Maru. one of the latest-built
Japanese freighters, attracted consid
erable attention as she steamed to the
upper basin and berthed at the
I'oulsen mill. The vessel comes to load
a Shanghai lumber cargo being fur
nished by Dant & Russell, about half of
which will be taken aboard at the mill
of the St. Johns. Lumber company. She
Bush rod Takes Waves Nearest Com
pletlon. of Ail From Plant.
'VANCOUVER, Wash.. April 28. (Spe
cial.) The Bushrod, Ballin type ship.
of 4500 tons burden, was launched
2:35 o'clock today in the wooden ship
yard of the G. M. Standifer Construe'
tion Corporation. Miss Blanche Walker
was sponsor for the vessel.
The Bushrod is the nearest completed
of any boats built by this company
when launched. There was not room
for her at the outfitting dock, so the
workmen kept on working on her and
completed nearly everything except
placing the boilers and engines in the
Marine Notes.
At an adjourned meeting of the Coramls
sion of Public Docks this morning it is fully
expected an award will be made lor the con'
structlon of pier No. 2 at the St. Johna
terminal, also for extending the wharf of
pier No. 1 inland 300 feet, bids on which
were opened Friday.
Virtually a new roadway to the upper
and lower dock, the cutting or a small
sixed lawn about the watchman's office and
a general air of housecieantng is in evidence
at Ainsworth dock of a resumption of service
with the liner Rose City. G. F. Egan, gen
eral agent, aald yesterday that there had
been no change in the original programme
and that the ship will depart from the
Golden Gate Thursday for Portland.
J. F. Schabert has been signed on the
Lydia Anne, vice W. F. Hnratz; H. Arm
strong la operating the Water Witch in
place of Harry Run. and J. F. Hagen has
been signed aboard the new ateamer Klamath
aa master, according to custom-house
The steamer Aurelia is due tomorrow
morning with frieght from the Golden Gate,
carried on account of the Admiral line. The
vessel was reported leaving Eureka Sunday
night and sails from Coos Bay today.
Cargo brought from San Francisco by the
steamer Ernest H. Meyer, which discharged
yesterdav at Couch street dock, was made
up of 300 tons of asphalt, 600 tons of sugar
and loo tons of general cargo.
The tank steamer Oleum, of the Union
Oil company's line, was entered yesterday
from San Francisco with 33.000 barrels of
crude and refined oil. She had discharged
7100 barrels at Astoria. Tne vessel Is to be
overhauled here soon by the Willamette
Iron & Steel works and measurements were
taken yesterday in her boiler and flreroom
in connection with new work ordered.
Collector of Customs Moore has received a
suddIv of Datterns to be used as a guide by
small boat owners in fashioning letters and
numbers to be displayed on their craii, in
accordance with a law now being enforced,
which demands that all small boats be reg
istered and display a license number. There
have been a number of fines levied on per
sons failing to comply with the licensing
feature, also for neglecting to report to the
Custom House the sale or a boat.
The steamer Santa Monica left St. Helens
for San Pedro last -night, carrying a capac
ity cargo of lumber.
More time has been taken in loading the
initial cargo of the steamer west Munham
than waa estimated, so Frank O Connor.
Portland agent for the Pacific steamship
comDanv. figures she will have tne iasr
aboard tomorrow. The steamer should de
part Thursday for oriental ports.
C L Mercler. formerly steward of the
tcamer Rose City and who entered the navy
when the United States Joined with the
Mies, has been discharged at the Brem
erton navy-yard and has proceeaea 10 mh
Francisco to rejoin the Rose City in his old
In addition to the steamers Ashawa and
Muloua. steel carriers drawn from San Fran
Cisco to load flour here for the Atlantic.
the third steamer to be assigned has been
announced as the Kekettlcut.
A. C. Stubbe. manager of the Columbia-
Pacific Shipping company, which ia acting
as agent for the Matson Navigation com
pany in handling the new steel steamer
Glorletta. Is seeking freight for shipment
from Portland to Honolulu. There will be
consignments of mill feed and the like, but
Mr. Stubbe says there should be other
products of the Oregon country that would
find ready demand in the Hawaiian group.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. April 28. Arrived ta 3:30
A M.. steamer Afrania. from sea trial trip.
Arrived at 3 P. M-. Japanese steamer Kaian
Maru. from Seattle for Shanghai. Arrived
at 8:30 P. M., steamer Ernest H. Meyer,
from San Francisco. Sailed at 5 P. M.,
steamer Santa Monica, from St. Helena for
San Pedro. Arrived at 7 P. M., steamer
J. A. cbanslor, from Gaviota.
ASTORIA, April 28. Arrived at 11 last
night and left up at midnight, steamer
Brnest H. Meyer, from San Francisco. Ar
rived at 7:45 and left up at 0 A. M., steamer
J. A. Chansior, from Gaviota. sailed at noon.
steamer G. C L-lnaauer, tor can pranciuco.
Left up at 4:30 A. M., Japanese steamer
Kaian Maru, from Seattle.
F.URKKA. April IS. Sailed at last
night, steamer Aurelia. from San Francisco
for Portland via Coos Bay.
SBATTTLB. April 28. Arrived Steamers
Governor, from San Diego: Rainier, from
Sar. Francisco; schooner Azalea in tow Mon
itor, from Levuka. Sailed Steamers Ktchi
kan and Admiral Rodman, for southeast
Alaska: Admiral Schley, for San Diego;
J. A. Mof fett, for San Francisco.
NAGASAKI. April 21. Arrived Steamer
Wilis, from San Francisco for Batavia.
MANILA. April 24. Arrived Steamer
Wlndberex, from Seattle via Yokohama.
HONGKONG, April 23. Sailed Steamer
Senator, from Singapore for Seattle.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 28. Arrived
Steamers Klamath, from Everett: Tamaha
(British), from Yokohama. Sailed Steam
ers Yellowstone, for Coos Bay; City or To
peka, for Portland: Willamette, for Seattle.
V. S. Naval Radio Reports.
(AH positions reported at ft P. M. yesterday
unless otherwise indicated.)
D. G. SCOFIELD. San Pedro for Point
Wells, 3!. miles south of Point Wells.
CELILO. San Francisco for Portland, five
miles north of Cape Blanco.
YOSEMITE. San J rancisco ior aeame. lz
miles from Seattle.
ADMIRAL utiwci, r-eatiie ior can r ran
Cisco. 340 miles from Seattle.
IRIS, Seattle lor san r rancisco, i miles
south of the Columbia river.
PHYLLIS. San pearo ior iseiungnam, eas
miles north of San Francisco.
I.YMAN STEWAiti. Seattle xor uieum,
2S5 miles from Oleum.
MULTNOMAH. Tacoma tor Ban x rancisco.
115 miles from San Francisco.
ATLAS, point wens tor juenmona. zdu
miles from Richmond.
WASHTENAW, fort t-an ior ikutom.
Alaska. (:! miles north of port ban Luis.
PRESIDENT. San r rancisco tor W ilming
ton. IS miles soutn oi roini Bur.
HUMBOLDT, San l rancisco lor Los Ange
les. 10.1 miles south of San Francisco.
QUEEN. Wilmington ior aan rrancisco.
100 miles from Wilmington.
KLAMATH. San Francisco lor ban Pedro.
90 milea south of San Francisco.
Four hundred and eighty pint flasks
of excellent whisky, valued at about
5000, were confiscated by Deputy
Sheriffs Beckman, Christofferson and
Schirmer yesterday in the biggest boot
leg catch of the year, when these of
cires arrested Walter Raleigh and Joe
Kowishi. A bribe of J 6000 is said to
have been offered the officers for Ral
eigh's release.
The liquor had been shipped to Port
land from San Francisco in soldered tin
containers, each holding two pint bot
ties neatly packed in cotton waste.
They bore pink labels headed "Carbon
Tonic." with the information that it
was manufactured by the Carbon-Tonic
company of 1145 Turk street, San Fran
Safe, Use Freely, Label.
ine contents were guaranteed on
these labels to "increase your horse
power" and to "increase your mileage
25 per cent on the average and reduce
the cost of your fuel materially." It is
"non-explosive." the reader also ls
formed. One bit of advice given on this
interesting label which future purchas
ers of "Carbon-Tonic" might be expect
ed to observe rigorously was "Use
t reely."
A well-directed "hunch" was re
sponsible for t.he haul. The deputies
were on their way to a shipyard to
investigate a case, and oassing S70W.
First street they noticed a man haul
ing sacks from a small shack at that
address and loading them into a high
powered, six-cylinder automobile. That
occurred to them as a peculiar vehicle
to carry sacks in. The worker looked
at them with a cannv eve and thev
kept on their way, supposedly, but
going around the block.
Bribe Declared Offered.
They came back in rear of the house
and watched proceedings for a minute
not longer. They then stepped in
and placed Raleigh and Kowishi under
Say, if you bovs lust foriret this.
I'll see that you get 16000 that's $2000
eacn, is tne offer Raleigh, who seemed
to be the principal in the case, is
sworn to have made. At first the
proffered bribe included the retain
ing of the liquor, but later was made
without reservation, say the officers.
Tin containers were scattered about
the place. Most of the liquor had been
removed from the original packages
and placed in the sacks, which were
being taken to the waiting automobile.
The deputies helped ' the men finish
loading the auto and then ordered
them to drive to the county jail.
Escape Is Attempted.
The liquor deposited behind jail bars,
the two men were then taken around
to the Manning warehouse, from where
they admitted the liquor had been re
moved last Saturday night. Mean
while federal officials had been noti
fied by telephone of the raid and joined
the sherifrs men at the warehouse.
The place was systematically searched
ror more carbon-Tonic. None was
When the search had led to the third
floor Raleigh, who had hung back
trifle, made for a fire escape. He sped
down the steps and had reached the
first floor when Inspector Bryon of
the federal police called to him from
the third landing, leveling a revolver.
'Halt! Come back here, and be quick
about it," he ordered. Pale and shak
ing, Raleigh returned to custody.
The men are being held incommuni
cado at the county jail, though bail
has been fixed at $1000 each.
Raleigh said Kowishi had nothing to
do with the liquor deal, asserting that
he had been hired to guard the whisky
Saturday and Sunday and to help carry
it out yesterday. Raleigh is married
and 35 years old.
want "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with the
"Bayer Cross" Genuine! Safe!
Old Soldier Head of Camp Lewis
Until General Johnston Arrives.
TACOMA, Wash., April 28. (Special.)
Colonel T. M. Anderson, acting com
mander at Camp Lewis until the arrival
of Major-General W llliam Ji. John
ston, is an old soldier. Colonel Ander
son is in infantry. He will be execu
tive officer at the cantonment until
General Johnston arrives from Cali
fornia to succeed General Joseph D.
Lei ten transferred to Siberia with the
rank of colonel which he held in the
regular army prior to the war.
Major W. G. Muller, camp adjutant,
as had a varied military career, 10
years of which was spent in the Philip
pine constabulary.
Rumors That F. Pautmeier Mas
Murdered Declared Unfounded.
ALBANY, Or., April 28. (Special.)
Rumors here today that Frank Paut
meier, who was found in a dying con-
ition in the orchard at the rear of
is residence just southeast of Albany
Saturday evening, did not kill himself.
"You can't hand me any substitute for the true, genuine
'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' proved safe by millions"!
"Man alive! Haven't you heard? A Brooklyn fraud is in jail
for flooding the country with millions of counterfeit tablets. He
labeled them 'Aspirin,' but they were 'talcum powder.' "
Be sure your druggist gives you "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
in a Bayer package not in a pill box. Take them as directed,
without fear, for headache, rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, ear
ache, toothache, neuritis, colds, grippe, influenzal colds, or almost
any pain or ache in face, neck, limbs or body.
Proper and safe dosage in each
genuine "Bayer package."
Look for the safety "Bayer Cross"
both on package and on tablets.
Boxes of 12 tablet:: bottles of 24 and bottles of 100
Also capsules.
Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture f Monoaceticacidcster of Salicylicacid
but was murdered, were dissipated to- I at Seattle. This system was slow and
night, when a coroner's jury returned expensive and to supplant it the trade
verdict that Pautmeier met death by ! and commerce bureau of the commer-
his own hand when insane. The in- cial club arranged for the boat service.
quest developed nothing whatever to
indicate foul play.
Sheriff Kendall and Coroner Fisher
made an investigation Saturday and de
cided that it was a plain case of sui
cide and that no inquest was neces
sary. However, rumors became current
today, so Coroner Fisher convened an
Evidence at the inquest showed tnac
Pautmeier, who lived alone, had shown
signs of mental derangement for the
past few days. Saturday evening he
slashed himself in three places with a
butcher knife, wounding himself ter
ribly. When discovered he was alive,
but unconscious, and died half an hour
Freight Boats Run to Bremerton.
TACOMA, Wash., April 28. (Special.)
Tacoma Jobbers are to have a direct
freight service between this port and
the Bremerton navy-yard beginning
May 1, when the steamer Atalanta, Cap
tain A. R. Hunt, goes on me run. jne
trip daily will be made. Heretofore
wholesalers have had to ship freight to
Seattle and then have it transshipped
Gobs from the navy-yard may now
come direct to Tacoma when they are
on leave.
3000 Pounds of Salmon Confiscated
by Vancouver Officers.
VANCOUVER, Wash., April 28.
(Special.) The season for commercial
fishing for salmon in the Columbia
river opens May 1, but several fisher
men have been out this month, and
have been apprehended by officers, and
3000 nounds of salmon confiscated.
One of the men had a note book show
ing he had been catching Ilsn neari
fivprv dav for several weeks, as h
rjut down the amount he caught each
day. They were unloading the fish at
the city dock when caught.
Before W. S. T. Derr today, William
Steenson was fined $100 and costs;
Arne Broholm, $-5 and costs; and A.
Larson', $25 and costs.
-ch 1,
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Tides at Astoria Tuesday.
Hiich. l.ow.
1:22 P. M 7.S feet'7:2 A. M -O S foot
r. M l.s leet
Pnone your want ads to The Ores
man. l'hone Main vu.i. a buaj.
Between Portland and
San Francisco Only
Freight aad Fasaena-errs.
Leave Ban Franciaco 11 A. M.. May 1
Leave Portlaad 3 P. M., May 6.
Sailings Every S Days.
San Francisco & Portland
S. S. Lines.
Tickets at Consolidated Ticket Office,
Third and Washington.
Phones Main 3530. A 8611.
Freight, Ainsworth Dock. Broad
way 2814, A 1234.
Phone. Mar-shall 325, Home A 1428. Portland. Oregon.
The Dalles and Way Points.
Sailings, Tuesdays, Thursdays and
Saturdays, 10 P. M.
Ash St. Dock. Broadway 3451
Honolulu. Suva, Now Zealand
Largest, newest, best-equipped steam era
For fares and sailtnss apply Can. Fae. Bail
way, 65 Third bt., Portland, or General
Afcot, 410 fcrejmour St tuunumt B. U
Win. Cornloot, Frealdeat.
Plant and General Office. Portland
Lumber Manufacturers
Foot of Spokane Avenue,
Portland, Oregon
P. O. Box SSS. Phone Slain 1101.
Specialty Foundry &
Machine Works
Iron and Brass Castings
Moulding Machines Used
Special Hatea on Small Work.
Seventh and Belmont. Portland. Or.
Neustadter Bros.
Manufacturer of
"Boss of the Road"