TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, APRIL 29. 1919. 13 ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY fED IS POINTED OUT "We Want a Good Road and We Want It Bad," Is Slogan. COAST COUNTIES UNITED Jirn r. Jonr, Srvmarj ot A-wla-tion, rrprn Importance to Slate nd Xatlon of Propo-J Road. "We want a Kood road and we want ft tad." Thl Is tne slogan adopted y the peo ple of Lincoln county In their cam palgn to rele funds for the construc tion of the Roosevelt highway. The slo can was coined by Ben K. Jones, sec retary of th Roosevelt Hlichmay asso ciation, and representative to the atate legislature from Lincoln county. Representative Jones Is the father of rhe resolution by which the legislature, at lea recent session, unanimously de cided to submit a referendum bill pro viding th-it the stale b authorised to spend f.i.iol.o" for the building of the roposed hlshwir along the const of 'regon on conrii'ion lhat the frderal government contribute a Itke sum. lent (flea eerf lllzbnar. "The construction of the Kooeerelt huhway." says Mr. Jones. "Is a vital necessity to the future growth of the seven coast counties of Oregon. These wunul romprtse one-stith of the land area of the state of Oregon and they re practtca'ly isolated from the rest I the state at present. 'With the com pletion of the highway we have In con empUtion ar.d resultant lateral roads rora the Interior we will have advanced a hundred years In development. "It Is conservatively estimated that the Roosevelt highway will open up a territory, the development of which will add 10. . ") to the taxable wealth of union. The road, which Is designed to connect with the coast highway sys tem of Washington and California. ill firm a link In the great boulevard from Hrltlsh Columbia to the .Meiran bor der and will attract hundreds of thou sands of tourists to Oregon annually. "The highway is not only an eco nomic necessity for the st;il but it is reeded by the government as a military road. AM Offered Faster Oregoa. "The coast counties are putting forth every effort to educate the rest of the state aa to the Importance of construct ing this highway without delay. We are also working hand in Land with eastern Oregon and the other Irrigable sections of the state to pass the bill whereby the state will bo enabled to lend Its credit to IrriKation districts by guaranteeing the Interest on Irrigation bonds. "For the first time in the history of the state the great coast region and the mighty empire comprising the irrigable portions of Oregon are united in a com mon cause: good roads and IrriKation. These, are twin projects which mean more to the development of the state and to the reconstruction procramme lor the benefit of our returned fighting men than any other proposition that can be suggested at this time.' Ilallot TIMea Prepared. TUllot titles for the Roosevelt coast military highway and irrigation bond interest nuar.tntce bill have already Wen prepared by the secretary of state. The election to decide these Issues will be held June 3. I City Commissioner-Elect Pier, who Is also president of the Koosevelt High way association, is making an active fpeech-making campaten all over the tale on behalf of the project. He speaks before the Kiwanis ciud at tne Kenson tonight, before the Portland Ad lun Wednesday noon and he will leave Portland Wednesday night for a tour of the Willamette valley, speaking at Kugene, tirants I'ass, Medford, Ashland and other cities. MEXICO STANDS B THUTV HELD INVIOLATK DE SPITE .I.I.IEI Ir.M.M)S. Jlcfu-r.I of C'arranza to nerosnixc liuancial C'laiiM? or ArmiMirc I Di4'U-rtl In Tiiri. WASHINGTON. April 2V Refusal by ... . Vi A ...I.,..,. I .Mexico I" rrwK m . u oi l.vue of the armistice terms by which! , i; wrrmany pledged herself to the antes not to dispose of any or nr slocks in Mecie orwny of her foreign title deeeds or bonds abroad, whether In the po fon of the government, banks or private individualn or companies, is xuhtfct of discussion in Farts. It was learned today at the state department. Any action taken in the matter will be fvT the present dirrvtea oy tne repre sentatives of iho Miuciatcd govern ment. Mexico made known her attitude In a reply to t F. lc Jean. French charge d'affaires, who. in the name of the French Kovcrnment. warned the Mextotn p'ernmwnt of the determina tion of the allies not to permit t.er inany to profit m any way by the sale of securities and thus cheat the allies rf part of the daaiape indemnification that a to be demanded of Germany. Thia wa asreed to by Germany in it;ntrir the arinit i.e terms, but the itrranu atver:iment replied that ac tion on the pirt of Mexico in prevent ing any such sales ouM violate the terms of a treaty between Mexico and Germany und that the Mexican gov ernment would not accede to the re quest of therilics. Prilling lor Oil car Iloquiuin. HXjriAM. Wash.. April 2J. Spe cial.) Operations by the Standard Oil company of California in this. field have started, with a force of more than CO nigauvd tn preliminary work of build ing the bridge acns the Mocljps riv er and the mile of motor truck road from the crossing to the stte of the wrIL I'ilednver. auto truck, lumber and other material were sent down Frida. krlso to See War Trophies-. KELSO. Wash. Apr J 2V tSpe rial.) Kelso and I'o liti county people will get their only chance to see the war trophy tram Thursday between the hours of 11 and 1- A. M. when the .rain makes its only Cowlitz county top at Kelso. Accompanying the t rophy train are a number of the heroes of the northwest. The airplanes will fly during the stop here. Stix k. Miov Kuiiil Itaisctl. HOOD I1IVKR. Or- April 2V (Sc rtaL The Hood River vnllry has subscribed Its $I0n0 quota to the ific Jnternattonal L.ivetotk exposition fuud. Without any polu-itation. shares of 2S each have ben taken by 41 orcliardiftts and busintas men. Before the campaign is over It I expected that othera will voluntarily ask lo shares. COVE SENTINEL SUSPENDS Editor Joins Paper With Xortli Pon der After Two Years. NORTH POWDER, Or.. April 28. (Special.) Calvin Goss. who two years ago started the Cove Sentinel, has dls continued that publication. For the past eight months the Sentinel has been printed in the office of the North Powder News, which .Mr. Goss leased Since then he has published both pa pers lone-handed. The editorial work on the Sentinel was done by Mrs. Nellie It. L.roce at Cve. w ho was assisted by members of the Cove Womans Civic Improvement club, who at the same time conducted the Cove moving pic ture theater. Calvin Goss has had an Interesting career as a newspaper publisher, start ing at Fredericksburg, Jnd., in 1881. and has since published paoers in Indiana, Michigan. hio, Washington, Oregon. Alberta, Canada, and British Columbia. WHIPPET TANK AT BAKER Five Thousand People Witness War Stunts of Traveling Fort. BAKKR. Or.. April ITS. (Special.) Ft re thousand people witnessed the Performance of the whippet tank in dta wnderitiKS through a frame bui'ming wire ..entanglements and trenches. .Short talk in behalf of the loan were made by Sergeant Charted L. Hender phot and Corporal (icorpe A. Alden. who accompanied the tank and William Smith Jr.. and Representative A. A, ir-mith. Today noon the t.mk was driven to the lumber mills where it was put through its ittunts and talks mnde by the tark keepers and Attorney Wood son L. Patterson. This afternoon. Sun day's performance w? repeated and the same speakers pleaded in behalf of the present drlv. CHARTER APPEAL IS HEARD Stale Ban Wing- Board Listens to Ap plication for New Bank. SALEM. Or.. April 2". (Special.) The mate banking board today held a public hearing on the appeal of L. A. Bass, whose application for a charter for a new bank at St. Johns was de nied recently by Superintendent of Banks Bennett. Mr. Bennett denied the application on the grounds mat two nanus are sufficient to meet hu sines con d it ions in the peninsula district. F Kmiip, president of the 1'eninsula. Shipbuild ing companv. headed a coterie of ic ninsula business men who appeared here to oppose the application of Mr. Has. The board tooic the appeal under advisement. lloqiiiam Fails lo Stampede. IIOQI'IAM. Wash., April 28. Spe rial.) Itesponse to the government's call for 50.nu0 men for regular army service, which was localized two days by 1 1, e recrui I int; t ra i n f mm Ca in p L.ewis. could not b described as i stampede. Nine applications were re reived in the "trays Harbor towns Four of these were from Hoqutam men w ithout previous military experience, and three of them failed to pass the physical test. I'lrp Iotros Building at liakcr. BAKKR. Or.. April 2S. (Special.) Kire of unknown orisrin. which was l iscovered at 6 o'clock this even in c practically destroyed the Oakes build ing, owned by Airs H. H. Ifindman and located ort Washington street, between First and Second. The buildinir, which was a frame structure, was occupied by the let HiiiK Tonje noodle house and VZ. A. Jerome, contractor. Insurance only partially covered the loss. Cciitralia )vcr-ubrilcs Loan. ('KXTRAL1A, Wash.. April 29. (Spe cial. The city of Ccntralia yesterday oversubscribed Its quota to the victory loan, total subscriptions of $20.noo be- in reported on an allotment of $200, OflO. District No. 11, Fords Prairie, also went over the top yesterday, reporting- sub scrintions of 93500 on an allotment of S3 150. Theodore Hoss Is vice-chairman of district No. 13. Oswcro I. O. O. F. Celebrate. OSWKOO. Or.. April 2S (Special.) Members of the ladopendent Order of tdd Fellows of this city celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of the form ing of the order in their hall Saturday even inc. A literary and musical pro gramme was given, followed by a sup per. French Free Trade Vneertain. PARIS. Saturday. April 2. (French Wireless Service.) A report that M. loucheur. minister of reconstruction, had said that importations into France would again be entirely free after June declared to be erroneous by the Fetit Farisien. O-wrgo Hears Field Worker. OSWKOO, Or., April 8. (Special.) N. C. .Maris, field worker of the State Industrial club work for boys and ! uirls. delivered an ill us t rated lect ure j in the school hit.ldinsr Saturday eve- j niiiR-. One standard clnb has been or-i F:niM n 0wpen, besides several In- Constipated Children Gladly Take 'California Syrup of Figs" For the Liver and Bowels Tell your druggist you want genuine ''California Syrup of Figs." Full directions iand dose for babies and children of all ages who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on the bottle. Look for the name "California' 2nd accept no other -Fig Syrup.,? dividual projects taken tip by the students. Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Phone Main K?Q. A 60$;;. AMISEMENTS. ANNETTE KELLERMAN (Ilerelf AiPted lir KKItll A WFSTOV and JUk (Oor.W tn an Intimul- Rvue. The reitt Lrtrr Mantaret Vouoc Kdvtlie A ,ddie AUair Florene Kune Brwdran and MUrrrooon Orpheum Travel Weeklr Kiaocnuna. GENE GKEKNK Only Three ijht Hud Jtloa. Ta loe u fl- Fear Maunect Sun., 1on.. Toes., Wed. 10c te 1MABEL GARRISON Prima Donna Soprano Metropolitan Opera Co. AUDITORIUM TONIGHT With the Apollo Club Prices: JS2. $1.50, SI, 7."iV50 Sale at Sherman. Clay & Co. After 7 P. M. at Auditorium PA N T A G E C MAT. DAILY 2:30 "W1 Special Fngaremenr Kxtraordinsry. AlLiab. iilAMA, Laie rr'mlT Dunwuse nt the Metropolitan Oner:i Oomvanr of Nw York. In Scenic and Nitertaculttr lances. Assisted hv V niter Munthry. a 4tui-:k Bit; acts a Three Performances liaily. Night Curtain at 7 and 1. FOCRTH AT WaaU. TOI1AV OM.V WILLIAM KUSSELL "All the Woridto Nothing" Also Harold taoyd Comedy, "Dutiful Hub." tocratth and TraveloKtie. Open from u o'clock in tho morning unlit 4 o clock the followuiK morning. BASEBALL Portland vs. Oakland APRIL 29, 30; MAY 1, 2, 3, 4. GAME BEGINS WEEKDAYS 3 P. M. SUNDAYS 2:30 P. M. DANCEat Cotillion The Hall Beautiful Ball-bearing spring floor. Finest Ballroom in West. Informals Every Evening 14th at Washington OAKS ROLLER SKATING RINK NOW OPEN Largest and finest Skating Hlnk in the Northwest. Perfect Ventilation Health and Exercise. Afternoon and Evening. Can First and Alder. ' ...r-. m ,mi I W 1 i f - 7' ' THIS "1 f " m J THEDA EARA W, M M. ; "THE SIREN'S ' ; A song" fa 1 faslssSB.SSSSSBBBBM(r - II " " I. ' !- i Cousins; I ' I "THE PARISIAN I ', i TIGRESS" f, : ' 1 Viola Dana Ir-." AMUSEMENTS. TICKET OFFICE SALE NOW OPEN T TTTTT Jf Broadway t Taylor. ITlIZiLJuilyj Main 1 and A 1122. IMZlZYZVZ: NIGHTS, MAY1, SPECIAL PRICE MAT. SAT. COHAN AND HARRIS PRESENT MUSICAL COMEDY TRIUMPH "GOING UP" CfT DCDDI C SPLENDID CAST WW I LUI LL "CLASSY" FASCI.tl vTINti MELODIES EVITS Floor. J2; Balcony, U-50, 1; Gallery, 75c, BOc SAT. MAT. Floor, $1.50; BaL, f 1, 60c MORRISON AT IITH PLAYS THAT PLEASE RICHARD HARDING DAVIS AND JIL1SS ECKHAHT GOODMAN'S A STORV OF THE Yl'KOX. -25c. SOc, SOP. Mats NEXT THE WOMAN HE MARRIED -r MAT. j Sc. BARGAIN WKD., S5c, Famous Stock Company in THE CLAI A rushed tale-of the Arizona mining rnmps and nance halls, aa played by Florence Roberta. A real hit. S3r. SOc. -Mats. d.. hat., 25c (tax). Next Week THE GREAT DIVIDE. LYRIC l Matinee Daily. 10c Only. The Airy. Merry Musical Farce Cherry Blossom Mirth. Melody and Pretty Girla. Company if 00. With tho Rosebud Chorum. Tonight Country Store (Extra). TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. L.OST Between Portland and Vancouver, discharge papers and postal check and $40 in currency. Kinder return to Gust Kahros, Villa St. Clair, apt. 2, and receive reward. WANTED To simonize your auto; price rlht; car personally inspected, top dress ing a 'sperinEty also, at auto simonizlng chop, 340 East 7th St., cor. Mill st. East FUNERAL NOTICES. Ml'LLEN' In this city, April 2, Charles y. Mullen, aged 73 years, beloved hus band of Mary A. Mullen, father of Kd ward J.- Mullen and Mrs. Parmelia Mc Intyre, both of this city. Samuel P. Mul len of San Diego. Cal., Robert E. Mullen, K. of C. secretnry of France, Mrs. Mary A. Grant of Baker City, Or., brother of Parmelia Ricker and Miss Kato Mullen of Homersworth. New Hampton. Funeral partv will leave the residence at 1111 Eat Washington street, today (Tuesday), April 1V, at K:30 A. M., thence to St. Stephen's church, 1138 East Salmon, where requiem, mans will be offered at 9 A. M. Interment Rs City cemetery. Arrange ments in eare of Miller -& Tracey. GFABEL, Funeral services foi the late Hnrv Geibel will be heid tomorrow 4 Wednesday). April 'JM. at 1:30 P. M from K. T. Byrnes residential funeral parlors, 001 Williams avenue at Mason street. Interment at G. A. R. plot at Greenwood cemetery. Friends invited to attend. WOOD In this city. April 27. Oliver Louis Wood, a red 34 years, late of 3(4 Everett Ftreet: husband of Mrs. Lucy Wood. The remains will be forwarded this (Tuesday) morninir by J. P. Finley & Son to Banks, Or., where services will be held and in terment made. WATSON In this city. April 27, Helen Watson, ased . 37 years, beloved wife of Body Watson. Funeral services will b held todav (.Tuesday;, April 2!T, at 4 P. M , from the chapel of Millar Tracey. Interment .Mount Scott ceme tery. . - , CHOBLS I I SUPERB I ( PRODUCTION I wi n4 WHERE EVERYBODY llsjbi goes i m IPP0DR8ME I mi VAUlitVlLLfc m34 T0DAY TODAY KING & THORNTON CO. present "The Village Priest" THREE ANDERS SISTERS A Trio of Pretty, Witty Girls BESSIE FRANCES CLIFTON AND HUME 7 SNAPPY ACTS 7 WILLIAM DESMOND in "THE PRODIGAL LIAR" ( this w eek 1 B A W km fbf WILLIAM I lli- FARNUM 1.1 1 i i ' in Ij I 3 S . "THF. j;t;lb 3 I 1 JX THAU." M j g I f-J COMIJTG 1 1 H '3 t'i I "WIVFS OP MEV," I S i.j ;. , I The Ulgr Super t ea- I S iiiiil iAIIil ICNKKAL NOICES. WINKLER At the family residence at J Tisardville, Or., April Zt, -Marie- wiener Winkler, aed 74 years, -wife of Isnatz Winkler, mother of Mrs. Anna Plieth. .Herman wiener ana Aiireu nimci . Tigardville. Or. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Wednesday), April 30. . at '2 o'clock P. M., at the Grange hail I at Tigardville, Or. Interment at Crescent Grove cemetery, Tigard, Or. The re main are at Finieys lontg-ooiery at Fifth. HOSE In this city, April 27, Ella Hose, aged 55 years, .late of. 41 4 Flidner build in, flster of Mrs. Frank BeH 'of this city, lire. Clara Cheadle of Lebanon, Or., Sirs. A. B. Hansen of Eusene, Or.,. MrsJ Alice Means of Sioux City, la., Airs. Samuel Martin of Boone, la., and- lMn Lovell Freeman of Adel, la. The funeral services will be held today (Tuesday) at 3 o'clock P. M., at the Portland crema torium. Fourteenth - and Bybee treete Friends invited. J. P, Finley &. Son, directors. NEWMAN April 27, 1019. at the family residence, W0:i Colonial avenue, Jonas A. Newman, aged h'2 years, beloved husband of Hilma, and father of Agnes Newman. He is also survived by one brother. John Newman of this city. Deceased , was. a member of Court -Scandia lodge. No. 7, F. of A., also Alberta camp. No. 4741, M . W. of A, and the Grain Handler's local. Funeral services will b conducted tomor row (Wednesday). April 30, at 2 P. M., from Pearson's undertaking parlors, Rus ell street at Union avenue. Frienda in vited. Interment Rose Citv cemetery. WILSON In this city, April 28, 1919. George G. Wilson, aged 63 years 5 months and S days, beloved husband of Mrs. George Wilson of Indepondence. Or., and father of Clvde G. Wilson of this city, Mrs. Walter Hooker. Nora Wilson, Delia. Dorothy. Roy and Ruth of Independence. Or. The re mains will be forwarded to Independence for services and interment today by F. 6. Dunning. Inc.. 414 East Alder St. NICHOLSON In this city, April 2S. Eliza beth Nicholson, aged 80 years, late of 4J4 Hall street: mother of F. C. Nichol son of Nebraska City, Neb.; A. W. Nichol son oi Seattle, w aan.: A . 'i . isicnoison. Jessie and . Ella Nicholson of this city. The remains will be forwarded to Nebraska City. Neb., for interment. J, P. Fina-y ac feon., directors. CLARIDGB In this city, April 7. Tom Claridre. atred retw. husband of Mrs. E. Mathiide Claridge of 538 Goodnough building. The funeral services wttl be held tomorrow l Wednesday). Aoril 30, at 2:30 o'clock P. M-. at the Portland crematorium. Fourteenth and Bybee streets. Friends invited. J. P. Finley & Son, directors. LENON In thia citv. ADril 27. Ruth Lenon. aged 6 years H months 17 days, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.enon. Funeral services will be held today (Tues day), April 29, at 2 P. M., at the Punny side M. E. church, corner of East Thirty fifth and Yamhill streets. Remains at the parlors of Breeze ft Snook. Belmont at Thirty-fifth, until 1 P. M. HOENEL At North Plains, Or., April 27. 1919, Frederick H. Hoenel, aged 42 years, beloved husband of Elisabeth Hoenel, son of Frederick E. Hoenel of 402 West Lom bard street, this city. Friends invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2 P. M. today (Tuesday), April 29, 1919. In terment Columbia cemetery. HANSON In this city. April 28. Phineas T. Hanson, native of Maine, aged 77 years, beloved husband of Adele J. Hanson and father of Mrs. Mabelle Gordon. Funeral services will be held at the chapel of Holman Undertaking Company. Christian Science and G. A. R.. April 30 at 2:30 P. M. Interment at Columbia cemetery. HANSON In this city, April 2. 1919, Phineas T. Hanson, aged 77 years, be loved husband of Adel J. Hanson. Friends invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral piiriors at 2 :."() P. M. tomorrow (Wednes day). April 30, 1919. Interment Columbia cemetery. LESINA In this city. April 28. Joseph . Elvzio Leslna, aged 13 years, son of Mr. , Mrs. Joeenh Ieslna of 1131 East Twenty- 1 ninth street North. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Wednesday), April 30, at 1 o'clock P. M., at Finleys, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Multnomah cemetery. SIMPSON At Estacada. Or.. April 26, 1919, John E. H. Simpson, aged ;.h years. Friends invited to attend the funeral serv ices, which will be held at Ft. Mark's church. Twenty-first and Marshall streets, at 10:30 A. M. today (Tuesday), April 21, 191ft. Interment Riverview cemetery. Re mains at Holman's funeral parlors. BADE The funeral sen-ices of the late Harvey otto Bade win De neia tomorrow Wednesday), April 30, at 10:30 o'clock A. M.. at Flnley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview cemetery. HAMILTON The funeral services of the late Svlvia Hamilton, aged 28 years, be loved wife of John Hamilton, will be h-ld today (Tuesday), at JO A. M., from the eliapol of Miller & Tracey. Interment G ree n wood cemetery. HENENHOFER The funeral of the lat Caroline Henenhofer will be held today (Tuesday), April 29, at 2 P. M., from the Episcopal church, Forty-third and Hroad wav. Interment Rose City cemetery. Ar rangements in care of Miller & Tracey. LEWIS The funeral services of the late Richard Lewis will he held tomorrow (Wednesday), April 30, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at Finleys, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Rose City cemetery. NALONE' Tn this City, April 26. Mrs. Miriam Nalone. a go 72. Funeral services will he held today (Tuesday). April 29, at 7:-"0 P. M.. at the chapel of Breeze & Snook. Belmont at Thirty-fifth. Re mains will be forwarded to Sparta, III. STURGESS Nathan P. Sturges-s. lato resi dent of Mosier, Oregon, on April 27, 1919, in hia 71 Kt vear. Funeral services al Miller & Tracey' parlors, April 29, at 7:30 P. M. interment lorenoon oc April du, Mosier, Oregon. JJoKEH The funeral services of tho late Robert A. McK.ee will be held today (Tuesday) at 1 o clock, P. Al. at Finley Montgomery at Fifth. . Frienda invited. The body will be placed in a vault ut the Portland crematorium. HANSEN The funeral services of the late Petra Hansen win be neld today (Tues day) at 2:30 o'clock P. AT. at Flnley'a Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview cemetery. STURGESS Nathan P. Sturgess, late resi dent of Mouier, Or., on April 27, 1919, in his "1st year. Funeral services nt Miller & Tracey's parlors, April 29, at 7:30. In terment Wednesday forenoon at Mosier. Or. OGAWA April 2S. C. ogawa. aged ?S years. Funeral will be held from McEntce & Filers parlors today (Tuesday), at 2 P. M.. tnence to .fortiana crematorium. MEETING NOTICES. B. P. O. ELKS, No. 142- Special meeti-nc; this (Tues day evening. Elks Temple, 8 o'clock. Initiation of candi dates. Visiting brothers wel come. M. R. SPAULDINO. iiecretary. WASHINGTON COM MAN, DKK1. NO. 13 -A Special con- "7 clava will be held this (Tues r day) evening at 7:110 o'clock. The order of the tenioie wi! be conferred on a class of four. A large at tendance is desired. All sojourning tiir Knights are cordially invited to be present. C. P. K1SMAN, Recorder. A. AND A. S. RITE. OREGON CONSISTORY. NO. 3 Regular meeting In audi torium, Scottish Kite cathedral, this (Tuesday) evening & o o'clock. By order MASTER OF KADOSH. A. AND A. S. RITE. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL OF KADOSH. NO. 1 Special meet ing in auditorium. Scottish Rite cathedral, this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. Election of officers. By order EMINENT COMMANDER. THE SOCIAL CLUB OP ROSE CITY CHAPTER. ORDER OF EASTERN STAR wiil give a card and dancing party at Ma sonic temple tonight (Tuesday), April 2u. Members of the order and their Masonic friends cor dially invited. Iv"ANHOai LODQS, NO. 1. KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS, meets every Tuesday sveoing. Casus Hall, Eleventh and Alder sta. Visitors welcome. THAP L. CRAVES, K. r. 1. THE MASTERS. WARDEN'S AND PAST MAfcltKS AS5W.1 ATION. wi" net al the Acacia club Central Building, at 8 o'clock this (Tuesday) evening. By order of the president. y LESLIE S. PARKER. Sec. IMPERIAL LODGE. NO. 1.19. A V AND A. M. Special com munication this (Tuesday) even in. April 29. S o'clock. Work hi the E. A. degree. Visitors wel come. W P. ANDRUS. Sec. HAWTHORNE LODGE, NO. Ill A - F. AND A. ft. Special communication this (Tuesday) evening at 7 o'clock. Work in the M. M. degree. Visiting breth ren welcome. C. E. MILLER, Sec DANCE K P. hall, 40H Alder, next Satur day Prize waltz, gents, link buttons, ladies, pearl beads', best floor, music. BIO DANCE Wednesday night, hall re modeled, jazz mnsic. 129 4th St.. 3d floor. EMBLEM Jw..r,. Ductons, eBarns. ,la w aesigns. Jasge- Bros 131-3 otb. su R1F.DLANDER'B tor o6gt .mblesss. Ilia f las sad usdala. 110 WualBgtaa K. I A-directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Alain 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCORDION Pl-EATlXli, UtMSilXCIUMi. PLEAT skirts, any slylu, Jl; fceniULcii ; ing luc per ar4; buttons covorea. Eastern Novelty iifg. Co., bo 5th bl txiwy. iluoo. AGATE CCTTKKS A1 M'G. JEWKUiKS. JEWELHY and So0 Wash 8L. watch repairing. Miller's. Jdajestic xnealer blag. A1.FAUA MtAL. (iKUl.VU I'EEU, UA. WALTER SCuTT. Board of Trade. iLBuU7. MBS. J. KPPENSTEIN. 464 Washington. i now offering a remarkable selection of the goods at extremely low prices ASMAVKBS AMI ANALYSTS. MONTANA, ASSAY OFFICE, lil Seoond ooid. silver and platinum bought. ATTOKXKls. ilOKRIS A, GOLDSTEIN, practice In 1 courta. SQ2 Northwestern Hank. bid. 11 VKlltliS. S LADY BAKBEKS. A good ihave for luc, haircut 20c tel Medford. Cih and Ulisun sis. CAKI-EMEK. pijRC The kind that wear the beat art I'WUw made from your wornout carpets by J.1" Northwest Itus Co. tformer address, 3o8 Vnion ave.. liag rugs woven all sizes, l.arpet cleaning, refitting and resizing.' orders solicited. Jh East Eiahth, PHONE EAST 35S0, B BO. CANCER TUEATMENT. JONES. II. D. CANCER TREATED. Morgan bldg. Marshall ens. , CAItPET WEAilNU. Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets nusa, Mzt-s Alalt- Orders. Prompt,' Kend for Booklet, Rugs Steam or Dry Cleaned Sl.oi). FLUFF RUB CO.. o4-.C Union Ave. N. East .M0. B H73. CELLLXOID HITTONS. THE IRWIN-ilODSO.M COMPANY, gb7 Washington. Broadway 4J4. A 1254. CUiaoPBACTOB. SUO.OOO KNOW McMahon, 100 chiropractor. Throngs pronouncing treatment easiest. best, permanent. 81 "treats'" 1S. Tel. CHIROPODIST AKCI1 SPECIALIST. WILLIAM, Estelle and Florelle Da Veny, the only scientilio chiropodists and arch spe ciallsta In the city. Parlors 802 Oerllnger bldg., southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CUtt'lLAB LETTERS. C?A.NS LETTER CO.. lS10-H-ia Royal building, Marshall 6oi2. Multlgraphing, mimeograph and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS. NBTH & CO.. Wnm..t., KIH t-r.a - No collection, no charges. Established 11)00. DANCING. LEAKX to dunce whet-n nil l,.n ar suiclly private; 12 lessons, Jr., 4 lessons (iiK! Eilers bldg., bet. 4:h and ilh, on wash, su Alain OuOJ. MRS. BATH'S DANCING Academy. 808-11 UUI oiug. iiesi instructors. Beginners' class Tuea. eve., class party Frl. eve. Les sons days and eve, by appt. Main 1345. BERKELEY Dancing School, 111!) 4th st 3d .1001-. ..lain ouia. .sirs, summers. Lesions by appt.; personal attention. Dances Wed. ALISKY Dancing Academy. Private Instruc tors day and evening, classes Friday even- lng. 2d floor Alisky bldg. 8 lessons, o. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY, 109 2d St. Balil room and stage dancing; class Tues., Fri. eve.; children specialty. Main 2100. UAcfs ohestra, "Union." Violins repaired. W. I. King, 6444 Wash.. Broadway 478. DOG AN'I CAT HOSPITAL. BOSPITAI Dr. G. H. Huthman. veterina rian. 415 East 7th et. East 1847. B 19iii DKEMSMAKlNfi. LADU..-, brini; me your hats, suits and gowns and have them made into up-to-date styles. Ha dyed, rcblocked nnd trimmed, $2. La Saylcs remodeling shoo city hall apts., ant. 20. 2I7H Fifth. ELKCTRICAL KKPAIK aliOV. " sH M TT VI vr"VTir nr 31 North 1st St.. Portland. Or. R. . ntiiuiis anu ciccinixi rcpairiug .a specialty. Se us about new or aused motors. Edwy. 104o. A 1046. VIIOLESALERS AND AITO TOPS. DUBP.U1LLB TOP CO.. 0th and Oak. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. L.DINKELSPIELCO. Stockroom and office 47 iN'oriH I' if tb streeL CRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC URA1N CO.. Board of Trade bldg. THANIIOL'SER HAT CO.. 53-o5 Front St. HIDES, WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS., 195 Front street. PAINTS AND IX'BRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER CO., 12th and Davis AUCTION SALE TODAY. aT the Baker. Auction House. Yamhill and West Park streets. Sale at 10 A. to. DIED. HEALY At residence. 4..4 Ivist scvontn street North. April hainm.vn .ut-ait:., aged 34 years, beloved wife of .lumvs liealy and mother of Frances. Nancy, Alice and Robert Healy; daui;litcr of John Waters and sister oi Hannah and Hush Waters and Mrs. John Sharkey. Oakland, Cal. McEntee & Eilers. directors. DOKSEY At residence. 4912 East Kichty slxth street Southeast. John 1". Dorsey. iiBed T4 yenrs. The deceased leaves a widow and live children, Ui'Dine s.. Law rence Nora, Carrie and Carl l)nrscy. He n'ains are at ilcEnlee & Eilers parlors, sixteenth and Everett streets. Funeral Notice later. L1ND In this city, April iS.. Erik Llnd. aged 41 years; husband of Mrs. Alice Lind of .)Oii Fettyi;rove street. The re mains are at Kinley's. Montgomery at FifUi. Notice of funeral hereafter. t CAMERON In this, city. April 2S. lnm. John A. iameron. sse-l n M'ura. jtemaiiiB are at the Dunning & MeEnl.e pal "" pril 27, Bioadwav and Ankcny street. r notice later. r-AKKV At ih Oddfellows home. Ap John W. Carey, ajjea o eais o iiiotuno and S davs. P.einains at conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 E. Ai der. Notice of funeral later. Y'OUNG -Lato of 'this city. Mrs. Mary Young, aged To years, jtemaius at reun iting & McEntee's funeral parlors, Broad way at Ankeny. FLORISTS. JAPAN FLOIUST. 180 4th at., bet. Yamnnl & Taylor. All kinds of flowers, bed ding and vegetable plants, hardy perennial flowering plania. nurs ery stock, paneled, seeds, tub. basket. Speciai saie. I I il LIN KK. FLOKIST. 323 Morrison el. Portland hotel. Mar. 7"iS, 26 HorriEon, bet. Bdy. and Park. Mar. Z57. Wreatiis as low as sprays MARTIN & FORBES CO.. Florists. 334 W ashington. Alain oa, A azw. lowers for all occasions artistically a ranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. Ubl Morrison su Main or A l&Uo. 1-ine iiowers ana iiorai Ufcsigns. No branch stores. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP, 240 Alder. Flow ' ers and designs very reasonable. Mar. 51il'2. 1HVINUTON PARK FLORAL CO.. 4th and Yamhill. Funeral desiBners: lowest prices. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7213. A 3121. Sailing building. 6th and Alder sta. lONSETH FLORAL CO.. 2S WashlnKtoa St.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1161. MONUMENTS. ' PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 268 4th St. Opn. City Hall. Men Bros. Iifb BLAESING GRANITE CO. T-T ThIhOAT MADISON STREET OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Bona 153 Courthouse. StU 6U Katraoc. Phone from 8 to 5. Mala XT8, Home Pbons A 2520. Msut call after office hours. UooU lttn 764. - Report all casts of cruelty to the abovs address. Eectric iethal chamber for sraa.l animals. Horse ambulance for sick and dis abied animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pet communi- cate with u. Call for all lost or straysd StOCK. as WO IUO. a.... . " . ' There is no mora city pound, just ureca ilumaD Society. flKl. VS'E AKE now in a position to take orders ! lor summer delivery of wood. Curd wood, slab woou, block wood and country sjat can East pool. H 31&S. conuwooLi, COUNTKlt teL.AUVV'OOD. Multnomah Fuel Co., Aiain bOiU, ASlft. KYETli.iilNOsE-AN lT TUKO.T. Dr. F. F. Casseday, specialist; giassef fitted. 70u K. Buraamc, cor. iiotu. Ji lajo. E. 74i. irtMsrifcmiti " UE.MisTlTCHl.NG. 6c per Jard; operator of o years' experience. ' Alorrisou, roou iUo. 1'houc Muln k. STEP11AN, henistltcl-.ing, scalloping, to cordioa side pleat, buttuus covered; xuail orders. 111 Piltock Llk. Broadway lW'fU. lll.MlDllltK. FOR HOT-A1K IXll.NACtb; InvlgoraUng, bealtny and saves luui. 4oA Nortnwsera liauk bldg. EiliL TUIELHOKN, violin, viola teacher; pupil Sevcik. 1!UT 1'lleduer bids., Bdy. Hj2. Ol'TOMETRlsTS AKIJllClAKii. jiv OLASSES AT A 6AV1NO. ''S solicit juur pationago on the aoj basis of capable service. Tbou- sands of sauslicd patrons. A . trial will convince. Cliariua V. Croodmau. optometrist, uud Morrison. Main -la4. PATENT ATTORNEYS. EN-CONG RESSM AN registered patent place, Washington, R. M. McCHACKK.M. attorney, 1601 Avon D. C. R. C. WKIOHI 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. QUI Dekum bldg. GOLDBERG, Quo Worcester bldg.. Main XSJj 1'llYsrcT.VNS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, U05 Broadway bldg. Itheumatism, fumale disorders, skin trou bles, btofnaco, livor, kidneys, bowels. throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. DR. It. E. WATTE KS, o'lili Swetland bldX fine ncresed ell'iciency drugless treat. UU Cment, goitre, paralysis, headaobe. appendicitis, liver, kidney. JLIMU1NU Kt'PI'LIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 Third. Mala T87. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbein, Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 V Front C corner Stark. Main or A 1418. PUIWTIWfJ F- w- BALrjiS & COMPANT.- J ' inillllllU 1st and Oak sts. Main 165. A 116S. ( SECOND-HAND STOKES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURK 46.'. 221 F'ront Street. We buy and sell everything in the hard ware and furniture line. Phone Maia liDTO, A 7174. SHOW CARDS AN D M l DLS. Washington Slide Co.. liOlii Washington. Mezzanine floor. MuJcBtic bldg. Mar. 2. " Tlt.NSI;lt AND STORAGE. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. General Transfer and. ForWardinR Agents. TRACKAGIi. S'l'OHACiK AND TRANSFER 2.10 ASH ST. BRO AjDWAY OREGON TKANSKKft CO.. 474 Olinaa at., corner ot 3:itii. Telephone Broadway 181 or 3169. W'e own and opera 10 two larsre class "A" wareliousea on terminal tracka, Lowest Insurance rates in the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE OT.SEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 PINE. MADISOX-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE OV . fice, 18tf Madison St. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone M;iin 1601. "OR reliable pla call Noli Hill shall 1V14. :io and futnlluic moving Transfer Company. Mar- PAC KING MOVING STORING. SECURITY STOitACii Sr. TRANSFKR CO. 105 Park nt. Main 01115. A 105L CLAY S. MORSE, Inc. TRACKAGE. STORAGE. TRANSFER. 448-454 lillsan St. HOI.'SE lilil:i o noxiiig and Ildwy. 212. tiausl'er. Call Tabor WATCH' IE K PA lit ING. HIGHEST-piieea paid old watches and Jew. elry. Condition no object. . Repairs a ape cialty. Itainler Jewelry Co.. 4I0H Wash. St. 5IANUFACTURERS l'AINTS, OIL AND GLASS. RAS.ML'SSKN & CO, 2d and Taylor. PIPE, PIPE PITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE-, al-SU Front street. PLllllilNO AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-btt Front street. PliODlCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. KVERDINO & FARRELL, .140 Front street. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Nortbrup. SASH, DOORS AND t,LASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davis sis. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. WILSON & ROSS EAST (SEVKXTII AXU MULTNOMAH. I'ortlanU's Most Ag-erenslva FUNERAL DIRECTORS EAST 84 0 SIM HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Alain Co 7. A loll. Lady Assistant. JMlJjijJliXi 6J Perfect Funeral Services for Less, Independent Funeral DIrcctora Wash si., bet. 20th and 21st, West Side. Maiu 261)1. Lady Assistant. A 78ai. - J. P. Finley & Son ? i ppnr.PRSfiTVR FtTNEKAr, ' EjlREtTORSl. a!air. U. Montgomery at 5th. A 15Ui. ; McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors, with all the privacy of home 16th and Eveiett sts. Phone Broad way 1213; Home, A 2133. F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder, phor.s East 02. Perfect service, personal direction, fres use or floral chapel and auto equipment. DUNNING & McENTKK. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway 430. a 4jJ8. Lady attendant. MR AND 11RS. W. H. HAMILTON. Fu neral service. 11'73 E. GlUan. Tabor 43ia. P.L.LERCH Kast 11th and Clay Sta East T81. B 1833. PDTPOilM Twelfth and Morrison streets. HiKllfcUIN Broadway 2o34. A" ii rTT'T t t.-it rf 1I2 Williams Ave. A. D. KENWpUTHIC CO.. 5802-04 92d St.. Lents. Tabor ii28T. BREEZE & SN00KT7ijrs'nB1q. BKEWES UNDEKTAKINQ COMPANY, .nd Clay. Main 4152. A 2421. Lady assist 3d ant NKW TOIIA", SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS OIil Burs and Woolen Clothlnn. We Make Heversible. Hand - Woven FLUFF RUGS ' They Wear JLlke Iron. Mail Ordem. Sel Booklet, Has Huxs Woven. All licit. Carpet Gleaning 9x12 Kugs, Steamed Cleaned, $1.50 WKSTKR.V IXt'I'K HIT, CXL, S4 Union Ave. S. . ast B51. B 147S JOHN B. COFFEY lIUUTuAbE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds 502 WIlCOX.BLDIi. Mnl 702. A 3702 r - nn p I r f)fl 5flLt Six-Koom H on hc GaH, bath, elct. Would rent for $30 a month. StiSMO, tor:ns. JTf5 31lUlppl Avenue. Corner 31uuroe. r1'- ii . :. t i i f V t 1 ;