Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 28, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Battleship Oregon Here
Boost Victory Loan.
Part Played in Attack
Spanish Fleet RecaKed.
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TVsel Will Bo Open to Inspection
From 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. Today;
Seamen Get Shoro Leave.
Daisy Alnswortb of Portland Spon
sor at Launching; of Great
Vessel In Tear 1803.
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'Crtmie1 Trom Tint Part.)'
l .een shore and vessel yesterday.
There were numerous courteous offi
cers and sailors who offered themselves
as willing guides to those desiring- to
explore the vitals of the ship. It was
a gala day the sailors being in their
lt dress and on their best behavior
and the visitors' numerous questions
found ready answers. Virtually no part
of the fightin? machine was closed to
the throngs from the mechanism of the
ilg 13-Inch guns to the sleeping- quar
ters of officers and men.
Ceaasalttee Meets Craft.
""The reception committee left the foot
of Airier street at o'clock yesterday
"hi'jrnmj on the Lurline. tn charge of
a ptain Jack iipeicr, harbor master.
The morning was cool and cloudy, but
-with a hint of sunshine to come. More
than a hundred representativea of Ore
con civic and public affairs were gath
er.d In the committee. The Oregon wa
nt about a mile beyond tit. Johna,
iow!y proceeding; up the river, nosing
tier way with easy familiarity along
the channel.
The Lurline circled about the fight
Ins ship as the jackies lined the decks
and at a distance of not more than 100
feet to port, accompanied the big ship
into the harbor. There was no salute
fired, naval laws forbidding the render
ing of ealutes on Sunday, but a 21-gun
salute will be fired this morning.
Tread Kather Greets Sea
As the Oregon dropped ancnor, about
f9 f-et north of the Broadway bridge
and rloae to Municipal Dock o. 1. and
tar Stars and Stripes were hauled down
from the lighting mast and raised on
the stern, the sun. which had been
hiding its fare all morning, broke
through the clouds In fitting welcome.
There was no one whose welcome to
the famous fighter measured up to the
joyful enthusiasm of W. 8. Ilogan of
ekiand. Or. who traveled 200 miles to
be a member of the reception party on
the Lurline.
As the river boat churned alongside
the battleship after the meeting djwn
the river. Mr. Ilogan climbed to a point
f vantage on the starboard, straining
his eyes as be gased at the blue-clad
lads who lined the deck of the ship
and waved friendly greetings, feudden
It. a whoop of pure Joy and "There he
is: shouted a proud father. A Jackie
threw his cap Into the air and waved
frantically. The boy on the Oregon was
Stanley Koran, aged IS, radio operator,
who had not seen his father In four
Illver Ride la BeaatlfnL
The young man had been in West
Folnt la radio work since he was 17,
explained Mr. Ilogan. and more than
a year ago went fhlo the navy. His
home was at Roieburg before the war.
His mother was not there to meet him
yesterday, but Is anxiously waiting his
arrival tn San Francisco where she Is
on a visit. The boy also had two sis
ters to greet him In Portland, lira
t.eorge li. Williams and Mrs. Alice
Sutherlln of this city.
"The ride up the river is one of the
most beautiful I have ever taken," com
mented Captain Tarrant on his arrival
in the harbor. "You people don't ap
preciate it out here. You are too ac
ru.stomed to It." Captain Tarrant Is
finding life on the Oregon quiet for
it is a new assignment, following li
months of service with the United
States transport Wilhelmlna and the
I". S. S. North Carolina on escort duty.
In the Atlantic lanes. In spite of his
continued service in the war sone. Cap
tain Tarrant regretfully said that he
li.i J never seen a submarine though
ihrre were numerous alarms, some of
vi h'ch may have been over real U-boats.
and constant care.
Battle eara Are Mlaataa-.
That the Oregon Is due for the junk
eap is denied with indignation by her
"She's far too good a ship for that.'
re declared. "After the present victory
loan cruise, which will carry us to San
J'ranctsro. San I'edro and San Diego,
the plans appear to be for the return
cf the Oregon to Bremerton where she
til undrrgo a thorough overhauling.
Fhe has been on continuous service
coring the war."
The great ship bears no scars from
'ie world war. That Is not surprising
for ste r-ally Is a "great ship in retro
nect only. In her day th was superb.
ruprrme. Tod;y she is sadly outclassed
by I note Sam s" new fichters, but In
sr:te of this fart she played no small
rirt In th winning of the great war.
ihe hunted for Hun raiders on the
Atlantic coast, convoyed troop ships to
Vladivostok and has served as a train
ing ship for transport guards.
eaaea kore Leave.
At a conference held In the captain's
rahtn directly af'er the reception com
mittee had boarded the battleship and
hj-l been greeted by the ship's com
mander. Senator Mulkey. Mayor Baker,
t'ounty Assessor Heed. Kobert E. Smith,
state manager of the victory loan cam
p.i'cn. John L. Kthrldce. state director
of orKantxation for the victory loan and
J. A. Currey. laid plans for the focal
About J00 enlisted seamen will re
ceive shore leave today out of a com
T'.ement of 0). Those who do not go
on shore today mere given leave yes
terday. Of the 45 officers. IS were
given shore leave yesterday aa they
must remain on duty with the ship dur
ing the festtviti-s today. Automobiles
were provided for a ride on the high
way yesterday afternoon, leaving the
J'ortland hotel at 3 o'clock.
Highway Trip la Plaaaed.
Automobiles to take officers of the
CVecon on the Columhia river highway
will be assembled at the victory hut at
t 3i thts morninc. The visitors will
proceed to Multnomah falls and on
the.r return will stop at the Chanti
cleer Inn for luncheon. Tonight they
-m tn be guests at a formal dinner at the
;non hotel at 7 o'clock.
The ship's band and 100 seamen in
chars of Lieutenant-Commander Wil
son K- Madden will parade this morn
ing at 11 o'clock, according to the an
nouncement of Aaron Frank, chairman
of the commit: on special features for
the victory loan. If possible. 300 over
seas men of the 31th engineers, due at
7 o'clock this morning, will be asked
to paride with the sailors.
A. C. Illack. chairman of the parade
committee of the apeclsl featuiea bu
reau of the victory loan management,
will be marshal of the parade. The of march will be from the foot of
S- jrk street to Tenth. Tenth to Morri
son. Morrison to Broadway. Broadway
tn Pine. Pine to Sixth and Sixth to the
Liberty temple.
Special Drill la Featare,
A halt will be called by the sailors
fctween Washington and Morrison on
F.ith street, where will be given a
pectal drill lasting IS or 10 mlnutea
At 12 o'clock the seamen will save
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rrlved at the Liberty temple. Speeches
will be given there and a public ap
peal made. The sailors are well qual-
fled to urge others to buy bonds, for
hey have subscribed for more than
tiOuO worth, though numbering bat 609.
Automobile owners who find it possi
ble to assist the entertainment commit
tee of the victory loan have been asked
to supply machines for the sailors who
desire a trip out the highway. The
autos should be parked on Tamhill
street between Fifth and West Park
streets by 1:30 this afternoon. There
Is need for at least CO automobiles, for
there are 100 men to be taken. Own
ers should report their offer to C. W.
As a part of the victory loan celebra
tlon tonight there will be six boxing
matches and a battle royal held at 8
o'clock In front of Liberty temple. Ger
man helmets will be the prizes award
ed winners.
Officer Precede VeaecL
After the Oregon anchored at the
mouth of the Willamette Saturday, sev
eral officers came to Portland on the
harbor tug McCracken, Including Lieu
tenant Thomas A. Stetson, liberty loan
officer: Lieutenant Frank L. Janeway,
chaplain, publicity officer; Lieutenant
Joaiah Merritt and Ensigns Preston and
SandervaL Lieutenant Stetson met his
wlfa at the Benson hotel. She came
from San Francisco to meet him and
will return to the southern city when
the Oregon leaves.
Captain Tarrant was the guest of
Senator Mulkey at dinner at the Ar
lington club yesterday. The Arling
ton club. Multnomah club, Waverley
club, inks club and many other Port
land clubs offered of their hospitality
to the visitors.
The last trip of the Oregon to Port
land was made in 1916 during; the Elks
convention. Prior to that time the
ship had not been to Portland since
1912, when It cam to the Rose Fes
tival. There la a chance that the
Oregon will return to Portland to assist
In the Rose Festival celebration this
year. Captain Tarrant announced.
Among the officers on tne Oregon
are: Captain wiiiiara 1. i arrant;
Lieutenant Commander Wilson E.
Madden and William Speck. Lieuten
ants Carlton J. An a r us. iesue w.
Branch, Frank L. Janeway. Joaiah
Merritt. James E. Miller. Thomas A.
fctetson and Samuel Thurston and Lieu
tenants (Junior grade) Jesse M. Acuff,
Ernest A. BToms. Clarence EX Garcia,
Dotle GreenwelU Wllford R. Hall.
Caleb A. Holbrook, Herbert B. Lan
gllle. Edwin. P. Lacey and John M.
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fore the war, is a son of Mrs. S. Langille
of 693 Wasco street. To him the visit
of the Oregon is like coming home, for
he ha spent considerable time here.
Harry J. Sanders, chief gunner, was
aboard the Oregon when she came here
In 1912 and a check shows him to be
the only member of the present crew
who made that trip. The nary depart
ment sent the ship at that time because
of the Elks' convention.
"The Bulldog of the Navy." a the
I sailors affectionately dubbed the U. S.
ra. uregon many years ago, alter iaureis
fairly won in Dattle, was launched
from the yards of the Union Iron works ,
of San Francisco In 1S93. A Portland
girl stood sponsor for the vessel and
Portland girl touched the button
which released the mighty hull on the
greased ways.
Daisy Alnsworth, daughter of Cap
tain J. C. Ainsworth, father of J. C.
Alnsworth, president of the United'
States National bank, was the young
woman who dashed a bottle of cham- '
pagne against the steel prow of the
debut of the fighting ship. Miss Eu
genia Shelby, daughter of Councilman
Shelby, and sister of Miss Anna Blanche
Shelby of Portland, pressed the button
which started the vessel on her way
to fame, on her way to make Oregon a ,
household word In the nation.
Oregon Girl Spofiaor.
Miss Ainsworth was named to repre
sent Oregon by Governor Pennoyer at
the request of Irving M. Scott, man
ager of the Union Iron works at that
time. Miss Shelby was selected by
Mayor Mason. The mayor and all the
councilmen accepted the Invitation to
attend the launching In a body.
"It was a great day," commented N. J.
Levinson of Portland, who was on the
San Francisco Call at that time and
remembered well the occasion, yester
day. "The Oregon was the best ship
In our navy In tho days of her prime.
At the time set for the launching Im
mense crowds lined the shores of the
bey and crowded vessels of every de
scription. I should eay there were at
least 30.000 people witnessing the
event. The launching itself? Well.,
she just elid into the water. That's
Dash to Cuba Recalled,
The famous exploit which made the
Oregon spoken, of with affection In
every American home was her 14,500
mile dash for Cuba. There was no wire- .
less in those days and nothing was
heard of the vesFel for weeks. She was
plowing through seas infested with
Spanish torpedo boats part of the time
and America ngurativeiy neia lis
breath during the perilous passage.
It was not alone the arrival of the
Oregon at Santiago "fit to fight" that
made this event memorable. It was the
fact that it set minds In America to
thinking with the ultimate result that
the Panama canal was built to reduce :
the Isolation of the Pacific coast, in
case of war.
Sonthem Voyage Stormy,
On February 16. 1898, the day after
the Maine was blown up In Havana
harbor, the Oregon came out of dry
dock at Bremerton. She proceeded di
rect to San Francisco where she took on
provisions for six months and on March
19 started out of the Golden Gate and
headed south. The voyage down the
coast was stormy but the good ship
drove through the seas, passing through
the Straits of Magellan and put Into Rio
de Janeiro on April 30. While there sne
received news of Admiral Dewey's Vic- .
tory at Manila on May 1.
From Bio. the Oregon, undisturoea
by the report that Spanish destroyers
were lurking In her path, made a dar
inir run through the Caribbean Sea and
dropped anchor off Jupiter Inlet, Flor
ida, on May 24, In prime condition.
eedlng no repairs after her voyage or
4.500 miles. The news of her arrival
in such excellent condition thrilled the
whole nation with a sense of relief and
Spanish Fleet Outwitted.
Then the Oregon joined the fleet of
Admiral Sampson, which was blockad
ing the Spanish ships of Admiral Cer-
Bnyers, Trader and Manufacturers vera In the harbor of Santiago de Cuba.
When the Spanish fleet made a dash
Full Report on Proposed Scheme of
Study for Schools of 17. S.
Will Be Issued Soon.
to escape on July 3, the Oregon Joined
the battle and engaging the Christobal
Colon pounded her with the accurate
fire of her big guns and drove her on
the beach. Tho Spanish fleet was de
stroyed and the national celebration of
the Fourth of July was unriiled.
Since the Spanish war tne Oregon nas
been attached to the Pacific station,
where she has been on duty for the
Dast two years' as convoy escort or
American troops to Siberia and traln-
Ensign Henry Schumann-Heinle Is
Among the Number.
There are Oregontans on tho battle
ship Oregon, now here; that Is. men
who resided In the state before the
war. and one of them la Ensign Henry
Schumann-Helnk. son of the famous
singer. Madame Schumann-Helnk. For
two years he has been In the navy. He
has a brother In the service on the
Atlantto side, while a third Is In the
navy flying corps. Mr. Schumann
Helnk spoke on his arrival last night
of happy times be had spent on a ranch
near Medford. where ho lived for a
Herbert B. Langille. lieutenant, junior
grade, one of the engineer off leers, who
was on the faculty of the'Unlveralty of
California, teaching- engineering. be-
ington, April 27. Professor Joseph
Schafer, of the University of Oregon,
who is chairman of the new committee
of eight, on history and education for
cltlxenship In the schools, with head
quarters in the building, this city, has
Just completed the draft of a report on
a proposed common school course In
history, correlated with civics, geog
raphy and reading. The report is to be
printed In the May number of the His
torical Outlook. Philadelphia.
Dr. Schafer. after planning the course.
conferred with Dr D. C. Knowlton, of
Newark, .M. J., who la secretary of the
committee, whose suggestions also are
Included. Their purpose In this prelim
inary publication, la to arouse discus
sion among history and civics teachers
and secure for the committee the bene
fit of suggestions from every part of
the country.
Speaking of the forthcoming report.
Dr. Schafer said:
'Dr. Knowlton and I believe that our
proposed course will result in these ad
vantages. It will strengthen the work
In social science by making better use
of the time heretofore devoted to his
tory, geography, civics and reading; it
will broaden children's knowledge 'of
world affairs as distinguished from nar
rowly national affairs; It will. In con
sequence. Impart a truer knowledge of
American history and life; It will shift
the emphasis somewhat from the too
purely political history to the social.
economic commercial and industrial as
pect of American life; finally, it will
result In a much more definite and, we
think, more adequate training for citl
senship our supreme object."
Dr. Schafer will attend a conference
of Mississippi valley history teachers at
St. Louis early In May to discuss the
plans of hi committee. He expects to
call a plenary meeting of the committee
before June 1 to make definite recom
mendations for both the common school
course and the high school course.
Wasco Hero Returns.
THE DALLES. Or, April J7. (Spe
cial.) Sidney Wilson, who arrived at
Camp Lewis Saturday wearing the
helmet of a German officer whom he
killed during the Argonne-Meuse of
fensive, is a Wasco county country
boy. He halls from Wapinitla and was
the first selective service man to go
from this county to Camp Lewis.
Bead The pregonian classified ado, '
(1) Jackie lined up on deck a reception committee near on steamer Lurllne.
2 U. 9. S. Oregon, passing: through, railroad bridge. (3) Senator Mulkey.
chairman of the reception committee, and Captain W. T. Tarrant, command
ing officer of the Oregon. (4) W. S. Hoxaa, of Oakland, Or., meets son,
Stanley, whom hie ha not seen In four year.
From Every Continent Gather
at St. Louis-.
ST. LOUIS, Mo, April 27. (Special.)
The enormous collection of 10,000,000
pelts offered on the International fur
exchange at St. Louie, has proved
magnet for fur buyers, traders and
manufacturers from every continent.
A delegation of fur traders from Si
beria, another from Japan are here to Ing ship for gun crews of transports
observe the methods and management I and merchantmen.
of the fur industry, and to attend the The Oregon is 351 feet long and her
two weeks' Dublic auction of raw furs tonnage Is 11.668. She carries lour u-
ODeninar Monday at the international inch runs and eight 8 -Inch guns. On
fur exchange. I her famous voyage and during the
The collection of 68 kinds of furs IslSnanlsh war the Oregon was under the
larger than New York and the three command of Captain Charles E. Clark,
concurrent London sales all combined I now rear admiral, retired.
can show. Conservative estimates place I
n n. i tinnnnnnn 11... I
than 400 buyers already are present. SPELL NG SCORES PERFECT
Plnal Chiltn T IT'nviL-A npndrlanr r I W www " 1
B. Fouke,
International fur exchange, said to
day that conditions in the fur trade
give every evidence of a fundamentally
sound financial basis.
A victory loan campaign will precede
Chester Boling of Elma Wins First
Prize In Senior Contest.
Manager of Music Industries Cham
ber of Commerce Ad
vances Theory.
SEATTLE, Wash.. April 27. (Special.)
That a cure for the unrest among the
people of the nation and a safeguard
against the spread of bolshevism lies
In educating the people of tne unitea
States musically, was the opinion ex
pressed by George W. Pound, general
counsel and manager of the Music In-
dustrie Chamber of Commerce of the
United States, at a meeting of the mu
sic dealers of western Washington held
in the Masonic club of the Arcade last
Music makes better citizens, happier.
brighter homes, more contented men
and women and more substantial sons
and daughters." Mr. Pound said. "We
must convert America to the ways of
music and make it not only the great
est musical Instrument manufacturing
country of the world, but the most
music-loving country In the universe.
Too much is taught with the eye In our
present age, and far too little with the
Truer words were never spoken than
music hath charms to soothe the sav
age beast. Bolshevism represents ig
norance, music culture. Kaise the
standards of bolshevists by the agency
of music and you will eventually stamp
it out."
Because of his faith in what music
could do for the country, Mr. Pound
carried on a campaign in Washington,
D. C, to see that music was carried to
the soldier. Regimental bands were in
creased from 28 to 60 as a result of
these efforts, and musical instruments
were sent to all the army camps in the
United States and overseas. Two thou
sand trench pianos, of a special make.
were taken into the trenches in France.
The men were brought together to sing.
Suggestion of Station Manager Is
Declared Feasible.
ABERDEEN, Wash., April 27. (Spe
cial.) Catching whales by means of
airplanes, a suggestion made a short
time ago by Victor Street, former
whaling station manager, but regarded
as chimerical, is not to be ecoffed at
according to George Le Marquard,
present manager of the Bay City sta
Captain Marquard says the airplane
will be valuable in locating schools of
whales and notifying the hunting ships,
rather than killing the whales with
airplane guns.
In the early part of the season, says
the captain, 'it is difficult to locate
whale schools. With an airplane wire
less, he says, much better results could
be gained than by whalers.
"Employment Sunday" Announced.
SALEM, Or., April 27. (Special.)
May 4th will be observed as "employ
ment Sunday throughout the United
States and Governor Olcott today is
sued a statement calling upon the peo
ple of Oregon to observe the day. The
purpose is to aid state and federal
agencies In finding employment for re
turned soldiers and sailors, I
ABERDEEN. Wash.. April 27. (Spe
opening of the sale at international clal.) Three perfect scores were made
fur exchange when it is confidently ex
pected that the quota assigned to the
exchange will be raised in record time.
Edwin F. Sweet, assistant secretary
of commerce, and Dr. Smith, U. S. com
missioner of fisheries, will represent
at the county spelling contest held at
Montesano, at which 15 communities
were represented. Chester Boling of
Elma won first place in the senior
contest with a score of 100.
In the Junior contest Maud Morton,
United States government Alaska sealsistn a grade, Lincoln school, Hoquiam,
Captain C. J. Glidden, in New Tort, I
Offers Information.
. NEW YORK, April 27. (Special.)
All men who wish to take part In the
development of the nation's air serv
ice as aviators or dirigible - balloon
pilots, chauffeurs, mechanics or work
at some 30 other trades required in the
air service, by sending their names
and addresses to the department of air
was tied with the contestant from the ,
Wynooche Valleyschool. Attempts to
break the tie with additional words
were futile. Both will bo given medals.
When the Children Cough, Rub
Musterole on lnroats
and Chests
No teHta? how soon the symptoms ma
i aepartment or air - - -. - . , ij f,..i
portant communication on the subject I terole at hand to give prompt, sure re
prepared by Captain Charles J. Glidden net. It does not Duster.
after serving as an officer several I as Drst aid ana a certain remedy,
months in the United States army fly- Musterole is excellent Thousands of
ing school at Koumerniieia, Aniencun, i jcrs know it. YOU Should keep
jar in the house, ready for instant use.
It is the remedy for adults, too. Re
lieves sore throat, broncnitis, tonsilitis.
Indians Found Guilty of Murder. 2
pttdkntx. Aris Anril 27. Chief John lumbatra. Dams ana acnes or rjaoc or
Johnson and Billy Davis, Cocapohi In- joints, sprains, sore muscles, chilblains,
dians. were found guilty by a jury in frosted feet and colds of the chest (it
the unitea uiourii wuui often nrevents pneumomal.
yesterday of murder in the r .rst . de- d 60c jars; hospital B2e $2.50.
BJJ-eUO 1U1 L " ........ v - rf.
tribal medicine man, near Yuma last
Ga., and at the United States army
balloon school at Fort Omaha, Ne
Dry slabwood and inside wood, green
stamps, for casn. iioiman x uei so. 1
Main 353. A 3363, Adv.
Read, The Oregonlan classified ads.