Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 28, 1919, Image 18

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JCST because aha overheard two of
tba little alsterhood of fellnea ear
ing that she probably couldn't do any
thing but awlm or dle. Annette Keller
iran took It upon heraelf to prove that
na could, a sor. of coming; to the
rescue of Annette Kellerman. aa it
-were. Anyone who doubts It abould
ace her toe stepping ana isuiuns
around on a tight wire and giving an
cventng-dress edition of an English
chap- N'ot that her wire walking Is
anything to make Bird Mtllmann or
other circus queens go to an early
prave over, nor that -er toe dancing
will make Pavlowa or Genee look to
th-tr laurels, but ifa an achievement
slid you've got to hand It to her for
imontralir.K that sne isn i a one
talented woman. You'd think she"d be
content to go through life heralded as
he Is as the perfect physical woman
the Lord's masterpiece and the cham-
ntn tiiver of the world and way points.
Instead of which she branches out and
l'jrns a flock of accomplishments, any
ne of which would be an achievement
and a career for the average woman.
As n envy and Jealousy promoter In
the hearta of us girls Annette is the
She encases her perrec
ttone in a Diet rea Minm "
by the same measurements as her akin,
and iievlls away on and off a high
fining board, leaping through space
no the cool-looking pool and playing
around Ilka a lady fish on a holiday.
All dripping wet she flashes out of
the tank, runs up the painted steps
and poises for a brief moment, a
f i hourtte of carmine, topped by a smil
ing face, and then she Jackknlfes or
fomersaulta clean as a whistle straight
Into the water, grinning like an implsn
bov throurh the glass at her audience.
Miss Kellermnn's act would be a dis
tinct noveltv if ahe did only the div-
.t. she is herself an Individual of
Importance and her diving is exquisite.
j;ut she makes it even more unusual
and entertaining by adding her other
ventures and a pleasant personal chat
to atrlng along her appearances. In
between times there's a trio of heel
tappers shea brought along. Kerr and
MeMon. a man and an adorable blonde
b4by girl with funy hair and a mad
little body that swirls and leaps and
joes rraiy with dancing.
Jack Coogan. with extremely thin
lgs. does a clever caricature dance
and sons as one of the divertisemcnts
In .Mi. -s Kellennan's act.
Jnfrest centers about fifty-fifty on
to fascinating rolk. one is oene
r.reene. chsracter singer of all the
s"ngs one lovea to hear, and Margaret
Young, a diminutive but plump Sophie
Tucker. Sho sings blue songs about
sweet dandles and sweet mammas and
Leiiic kind to your husband because
good men are scarce nowadays. . and
the dips her kneea and tosses her head
and roils her eyes until the audience
oould eat out of her hands. One bal
lad, -oh. How She Could Sing" and "I'm
a Jais Baby." are expressive of Miss
Young herself. Another, a wop study
M m da Boss." Is delightful.
The nicest thing about both Miss
Young's singing and Mr. Greene's Is
their excellent diction. Tou don't have
to struggle to hear what they're say
ing, and that's soiuethlng. Mr. Greene
has a smiling, friendly way. he's all
pep and hla songs come over like a
Niagara, with point and melody a-plenty,
lie tells stories, darky stories after he
has made up in ebony In front of his
audience. He docs a clever Chinese
onium-smoker song and occasioned a
riot with his French accent In one
ng. His "Johnnies in Town" aa
tireene does it Is a classic, in comedy.
Edthe and Eddie Adai offer -The
Foot Shop." In which Miss Adair la the
Inevitable blase shopper and Eddie la a
tumble-wit ted clerk. The repartee ex
change Is clever and the idea la novel.
Florence Kubey. a youthful girl, sings
In a aweet voice while she fiddles
Lester, a ventriloquist, has a divert
lrc argument with a loquacioua dummy.
The bill closes with an unusual turn
In which Brodeau manipulatea a beau
tiful little shite dog. Silver Moon,
quite as If the animal had no bones.
P. s. There will be no show on
Wednesday night.
A VERSATILE and clever trio are the
Anders sisters, who vie for head
line place with King A Thornton on
the Hippodrome bill this week. The
Anders sisters have an excellent offer
ing In songa and dancing, adding con
siderably to their entertainment by
their lightning change of costumes,
done before the audience. The act la
well ataged and the girls' costumes are
dainty and effective. One of the sis
ters does a "Yama Tama'' dance and
pontomine In an artistic costume, and
a peppy, acrobatic dance by the two
smaller sisters closes the clever act.
In "The Village Priest." . in which
Virginia Thornton and Charles King
star, assisted by Victor Donald,
there is a keen appeal to Irish
good nature and wit. Father Donovan
has a bubbling, good humor that even
tually breaka through the gloom of
Mary Logan and her fiance. Johnny
Murphy, occasioned by a spirited quar
rel due to Mary's aspirations for a pub
lic career. She enters merrily without
knocking, in the garb of a suffragette,
and soon starts "knocking" poor John
ny until his peppery temper explodes.
Father Donovan, a character wel por
trayed by Charles King, laughs them
Into good-natured reconciliation.
The closing number on the bill Is one
of the best acts on the list. The Artois
trio proclaim without a doubt that
there Is a good bit of monkey in all
humanity. Theirs Is the simon-pure
kind, and they demonstrate the fact
freely with their novel stunts on the
bars Their pantomime Is side-splitting,
and the 4J white ruffles adorn
ing their snow-white suits add to their
The Crawfords. one a plump little
maid, evidently not as heavy as she
looks, and the other a clever young
chap, present many unique and new
stunts on the tight rope in "A Bit of
Everything." They have a dash of
song, patter and tumbling.
Bessie Clifton is very clever In "The
Village Cut-L"p." her impersonation of
a country maid, together with her
songs and stories, - scoring a big hit
with the audience.
Dainty, peppy, Titian-haired Lea
Francis and her partner, George Hume
have a good offering In "Just Happen
ings." In which they sing a bit, josh
each other, dance a bit and give a gen
erous bunch of clever dialogue.
The photoplay has the popular fVlll
lam Desmond as the star, and its title,
"The Prodigal Liar." Is evidence of the
numerous intricate situations in which
the heroine and her co-workers find
themselves. She Is a young maid with
a mad desire for romance and adven
ture, and she gets more than she an
ticipated inr her wildest dreams. The
scenic beauty of the play appeals to
easterner and westerner alike, and it
abounds with action.
L FRANKS as Ike Leeehinsk!
brought forth one of the best
musical comedies yet staged at the
I.rlc theater when "Cherry Blossoms"
opened f r the week yesterday after
noon. Ike had a beautiful daughter
w ho was in love with a young man who
was as "poor as Job's turkey." Ike
bad a lot of money, but he didn't want
to part with It.
His only falling was the desire to
rave women make "eyes" at him. and
then he was tree to confess that he
waa an easy mark. Harry Bright.
played by Jewell I -a Velle. fixed it up
with Ike to meet the daughter, but he
did it In such a way that Ike did not
know that it waa his daughter he was
making love to.
Finally Harry won the girl, and then
telegraphed back to 'the old man' for
bts congratulations. Just before Harry
bad left Ike said that he would like
to see the man that could slip over
anything on him. He was shown.
The musical Interruptions were pleas
ing, but the big number was the at
tempted "Hitchey. Kltchey. Hula. Hula
dance put on by Billy Bingham. It
was a riot, and she had to dance it
four times before the audience would
almw the show to proceed.
The opening chorus of "Rosebuds'
sang "When the Fighting Irish Come
Home. "And That Am t All and "Any.
thing Is Nice If it Comes from Dixie
land." Billy Bingham and chorus were
featured In "Dixie Is Dixie Once More
while "Jerry" was the selection by
which Dot Raymond made such a de
nrtrd hit.
"Lm-la hammy. Here s My Share was
sung by Jewell La Velle. who brought
out the victory liberty loan by exhlbit
Irfs: one of State Director John L..Eth
ertdge's now famous "V" posters.
"Salvation Rose" was the means of
the chorus and Jewell La Velle to make
a good showing. La Velle sang on a
moment'a notice, Ben Broderick having
bern scheduled to sing but was taken
l'l. "Cherry Blossoms" will remain as
this weeks attraction at the Lyric
Next week will be "Wixard of Wise
land." ,
OT STEWART, heralded as one of
the f teel-nerved daredevils of film
dom, waa featured In "The Silent Rider,'
which opened yesterday afternoon a
the Strand theater. Cowboys, cattle
rustlers and all that go with them
made their appearance during the dis
play of the film and several pistol
fights which resulted "fatally" for
those opposed to Roy kept the audi
ence in suspense.
A cattleman of Wyoming had com
plained to the authorities that his
cattle were being stolen, but the sheriff
of the county said that he was without
help. Roy Stewart, as a stranger, made
his appearance on the farm and lmm.
dlately got acquainted with the owner
and hla daughter. Ethel Fleming. He
rode the "worst" horse on the place
and did other remarkable feats and
discovered who was rustling the cows.
t was the foreman of the place and
Just before the film ended Stewart
was revested as a "detective."
The Lucy Lucier trio gained Tnuch
prominence yesterday afternoon with
their songs. Lucy Lucier, Van Lucier
and Ellsworth made up the trio and
Lucy has a deep voice to carry her
share of the singing.
A character sketch, "The Custom
Officer and a Wop." by Sonora and
Webb, brought out some new lines and
they made a decided hit. '
Wlllisch and Anita managed to re
ceive a big hand in their comedy Jug
gling act. Wlllisch tossed everything
around on the stage from tin pans to
playing cards and occasionally he re
vealed the method of performing the
stunt. Anita came before the foot
lights In a series of clever poses.
The Del Monte brothers were tum
blers of ability.
TO Alice Fleming; and Edward
Everett Horton fall the honors of
"The Trap," this week's attraction at
the Alcazar theater. Honors in "The
Trap." a cleverly written melodrama
by Richard Harding Davis and Jules
Eckert Goodman, do not fall easily.
They eomo only as the result of tech
nique and genuine understanding.
With the spirit of the Yukon for the I
first act and the millionaire atmos- I
phere of the "great white way" for the
tnree remaining acts, this week s at- TA
traction offers a universal appeal. I r.
Blackmail Is the motive of the theme
which centers about, the threatened
happiness of a woman and the desDer-
ate loneliness of a man of fine caliber.
The woman. Jane Carson, as she is
known in the Yukon where she taught
school, and later, Mrs. William Graham,
wife of a prosperous New Yorker, is
portrayed by Miss Fleming. The part
of a man who stakes and wins millions
but not happiness is played by Mr.
Horton. -
As Jane Carson Graham, Miss Flem
ing enters into the gambling spirit of
the Yukon. Her portrayal of that role
shows her quick understanding of the
pioneer life which caused people to
play for big stakes, and losing to hold
on and win. Her work does not savor
of the cheap melodramatic. By her
quiet, forceful personality she brings
to the audience the maximum emotion
In her scenes, yet in no way does she
lessen her own dignity by over
emphasis. In Ned Fallon, Impersonated by Mr.
Horton, the American audience sees its
Ideal. It sees a man big enough to
acquire large winnings and yet main
tain his own unpretentious personality.
"Mr. Fallon has a way of seeing things
through" to quote a line of the au
thor particular credit Is due Mr.
Horton for his work during the third
act when with no overplay of mystery
he keeps the audience in the dark, and
cleverly devises the passing of a use
less citizen In such a way that the
lives, reputation and happiness of in
nocent persons are saved and he him
self is cleared.
Henry Carson, a gambler to whom
the possibilities of the Yukon and Wall
street hold like thrill and attraction, is
a delightful character under the por
trayal of Smith Davics. His work Is
consistent, and whether in serious or
comedy lines Is pleasing. Mr. Davics,
with Miss Marie Curtis, who plays the
part of Jane Carson's younger sister,
furnish the comedy of "The Trap"
which is necessary to bring balance
between the more emotional scenes.
Vaughan Morgan, as usual, has the
unpleasant part of playing the villian
which he does with apparent gusto and
In the role of the happy husband,'
James Guy-Usher won much applause.
His evident sincerity and interest add
much to his presentation of William
Graham, the husband of Jane Carson.
t olm to Have Naval Shipyard.
HAVANA. Plans for a new naval
shipyard to be constructed on the
grounds of the Tiscornia Immigration
station back of Morro castle, across
Havana harbor from the capital, have
been submitted to President Menocal by
Captain Sidney Henry. United States
naval engineer, and Commander Kear
of the Cuban Naval academy. The plans
rail Iv a drydock ofr ships op to 4009
tons and two large concrete piers. It
t Relieved the naval academy at 111
riel will be transferred to a point ner
Don't Enter Politics Is Advice to
Young Men.
DENVER. William H. ("Billy")
Adams of A.lamosa. who served the
people of Co'lorado in the legislature
for JS years, has announced his retire
ment. Adams has given this advice to
the young man contemplating entering
politics: "Don't. Unless you can make
your living outside politics."
Adams came up from his cattle ranch
In Conejos county when the state of
Colorado waa Just two years old. being
elected to the lower house. Each legis
lature since then. Including the session
which ended April 8. he has been a fa- I
miliar figure in the legislative cham
bers. first as. a member of the house
and later in the senate.
Adams was an expert on parliamen
tary law and this knowledge helped
him through many a hard-fought fight
on the odor of the legislature. In his
own opinion his greatest battle was
the one which ended in the last elec
tion of the late H. M. Teller to the
United States sense. By quick thought
and application of an obscur parlia
mentary rule Senator Adams, then be
longing to the minority wing, seized
control of the senate when the presi
dent left the chamber, taking wha he
called "the rump senate" with him.
Adams will not talk of himself or
of his stewardship.
"I made a rule early In my public
life." he said, "to watch, to listen, to
learn, to keep quiet. 1 have adhered
to this rule and found it good."
Senator Adams was a so-called "reac
tionary." Ha led the opposition to the
direct primary referendum and recall,
declaring he "didn't believe in freak
German Shopkeeper Fined.
KREFELD. Germany. Belgian mili
tary authorities In this part of occupied
Germany recently fined the German
manager of a Krefeld department store
1 ou marks for selling to German civ
ilians a set of tin soldiers In German
field gray" uniforms overpowering
pnidlera representing troops of the. allies.
Theodore Roosevelt was a Free Ma
son for many rears. He was a member
of Matinitook lodge of Free and Ac
cepted Masona
Frank L. Smith's 12y2c Meats
Fresh from farm to ::S Alder street:
Veal stew, beef stew and liver. .. 12 Uc
Shoulders mutton 'and mutton
stew lmc
Pot roast beef and brisket beef 15c
Shoulder roast veal and breast veal. 15c
line beef ribs. . liclKld shoulders. 12c
Something choice in oven roast
beef 0c
Legs mutton and mutton chops... 20c
Legs kid and sweet kid chops 20c
Chops from young farm pig pork.. "3 5c
Roasts of fine farm pig pork 25c
Frank I Smith's light bacon 40c
Frank L. Smith's pure lard 30c
Frank L. Smith's is 228 Alder st. Adv.
THE glorious spring weather and
the many delightful roads lead
ing out of t Portland attracted a
goodly number of society folk yes
terday and Inspired them to make up
motor parties with the country as the
destination. Several parties started
early in the morning and went as far
as Hood River. Others enjoyed shorter
trips, and all found the out-of-doors
beautiful and inspiring.
Mrs. A. S. Wilcox was hostess for a
party that went to Hood River, and
her guests were Miss Katherine Wil
cox, Miss Catherine Ross, Donald
Austin and Frances Ten6Teton.
Another Jolly motor party was that
at which Mr. and Mrs. Phil Metschan
Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Irving en
tertained. Their guests Included Dor
othy Metschan, Rose and Louise Irv
ing. Wilbur Haines. Russell Page and
Thomas Austin. A bounteous luncheon
was enjoyea en route ana ainner was
served at Hood River.
The Frederick A. Nltcheya also en
tertained a few friends on an automo
bile trip out the Columbia river high
Miss Frances Esther DJlley became
the bride of William Matthews of New
port, or., on Saturday at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Forbes,
328 East Twenty-fourth street. Rev.
John Price officiating. The Episcopal
ring service was used and the wedding
was a very simple affair. The bride is
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
H. Dllley of Corvallis and has many
friends in Portland. She is a gradu
ate of Good Samaritan hospital and held
a position there as surgical nurse for
several years until leaving to take up
work In the Red Cross service with
the U. S. navy corps. The bridegroom,
a business man of Newport, is well
known in Portland and throughout
After May 1 they will be at homo to
their friends In Newport, Or.
Mrs. Leander Martin, a former resi
dent of Portland and prominent club
woman, is in the city from her ranch
near Castle Rock, Wash. Mrs. Martin
has made her home here a greater por
tion of thetime since the death of her
husband In December and her son.
Sergeant Thomas F. Martin, who died
of pneumonia in France on February 1.
The Oregon division of the T. P. A.
Is making things move rapidly in ar
ranging for its big dance and card
party at the hotel Multnomah May 9.
Tne prize committee is collecting a
large number 6f valuable prizes which
will be given for various features of
the programme, including a handsome
prize for the door prize.
The membership team headed by
Clyde Evans Is only 61 members. ahead
of that headed by Roy Slocom and
from the gait at which they are going
now should easily add 500 members
this year, which will give about 150
rnemoers 10 foriiana-.
The T. P. A. is. an association to
which only salesmen. Jobbers .and man
ufacturers are eligible and has in this
division some at the. largest wholesal
ers in town.
Mrs. Frank E.-Dooly entertained with
a charming luncheon Saturday at her
home on Lovejoy street, places beinr
marked for 11 guests. The dining room
and luncheon taWe were artistically
decked with dainty garden flowers, and
tne aiternoon was oevoted to brldire
MAFhc Quality Store Est. 1857 t&&
A TTDVvx n
Big Double Center Spread, Back Page and Page 11 (All Section 1)'
In Yesterday's Oregonian Told in Part of the. Many
Saving Opportunities in Meier
& Frank's
62 Years
in Portland
62 Years
in Portland
Which Begin Today Promptly at 9 A. M.
Nearly Every One of Our 70 -Odd Departments
Contributes Liberally of Its Best to Make
This the Greatest Anniversary Event Ever Held
In Needed Articles for Men, Women nd Children,
Fabrics of Every Kind, Home Furnishings, Etc.
With the Many Thousands Who Will Come to the Quality
t Store to Share in Our 62d Anniversary Sales Savings V
K 5
Radicals Meet In; Broken Vp.
FARRELL. Pa. Led by Burgess J.
H. Moody and members of the police
and fire cepartments of Farrell. a
crowd of more than S00 persons, armed
with rifles and bayonets broke up an
industrial unionist meeting here last
night. William Iodge or Buffalo. N.
V.. a leader of the meeting, was es
corted to a railroad station near Far
rell by authorities and waa warned to
leave immediately.
The Pi Beta Phi Alumnae club will
celebrate founders' day today at the
University club when they will enter
tain with a tea. followed by an impor
tant meeting. Tea will commence 11
o'clock, all meVnbers being urged to at
tend, as the election of officers for the
ensuing year will take place. All Pi
Phis who are strangers in the city are
especially lnvuea to De present.
An informal dance will be given by a
group of young high school boys Satur
day evening at the Irvington club at
8:15 o'clock. The hosts for the occa
sion will be Sam Allen, Alden Bennett,
Tim Colvln. Henry Heerdt, James Lively,
Harold Mann, and Robert McKennett.
Miss Lulu Hagen left Portland last
night on an extended trip through Cali
fornia, stopping in Klamath Falls to
visit Mrs. J. Slater (Pearl Hagen.)
One of the prettiest home weddings of
the week was that of Miss Emma
Rueter. who on Monday was united in
marriage to A. C. Shives. at the home of'
her mother, Mrs. Sophie Rueter, 7S5
East Taylor street. Rev J. J. Staub read
the impressive ring ceremony of the
Congregational church. The house was
artistically decorated with spring flowers,-
and - the - bride's bouquet - was- a
shower of orchids- After a brief wed
ding trip, the young couple will make
trleir home at Timber, Or., where Mr.
Shives has extensive lumber interests.
Mrs. B.B. Shapiro has left for her
home in Tacoma after spending several
weeks visiting friends and relatives.
Mrs Shapiro was formerly. Jennie
Uoldeen of this city.
Friendship Chapter Social club will
give a card party at their hall. East
Forty-third street and Sandy boulevard
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. M. M. Glikbarg and small son
Robert, of Salinas, Cal., after spending
several weeks visiting with relatives,
hve left for Anaconda, Mont., to visit
with Mrs. Gllkburg's sister and brother-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs J. E. Goldeen. jura.
Ullkburg was formerly Bertha Goldeen
of this city. . v
.... m
Tabor lodcre Xo. 55. Degree of Honor,
held their regular meeting Friday after
noon in tneir nan at r.igniieiii
Glisan streets. This meeting was well
attended by their own members as well
as a number of visitors including live
nnst ffrand nrestdents of Oregon.
The special occasion was in nonor 01
Sister Ida Bosier. who was elected at
the last state convention to be Oregon's
reDresentattve at the next national
Sister Bosier was presented with a
hoantifnl nlant from the members of
her lodge. One candidate was initiated
at this meeting after which a delicious
banquet was spread.
Evergreen lodge No. 1 and Port In
dus No. 57, Degree of Honor, gave a
joint farewell meeting and entertain
ment Wednesday afternoon in their
hall on Fourth street. The occasion
was the last meeting before merging
with Fidelity lodge No. 14. This merger
will take place Monday night. May 5,
making one new lodge under one name
and number.
A number of visitors, including sev
eral past grand presidents, were pres
ent. After the meeting a sumptuous
repast was served. :
Mrs. Catherine Westaway and Miss
Mary Catherine Westaway are making
their homein apartment No. 21 of the
Trinity apartment house. They-moved
to their new home last Thursday' from
741 Tillamook street.
Miss Rita Fitspatrick entertained
with a dance Friday evening at the
Martha Washington in- honor of bat
tery A, 147th field artillery, U. S. A- who
have recently returned from overseas.
The rooms were prettily decked with
the artillery colors, red and white
streamers, flags and the artillery em
blem, a huge flag with white field with
a large-red A in the center, surrounded
by smaller replicas of the letter. Re
freshments were served and the even
ing proved most delightful. The guests
of honor Included: Lieutenant L. R.
Pattison, Lieutenant Herbert W. Smith,'
Sergeant G. W. Adler, Sergeant Charles
Hendershot, Corporal George C. Alden,
Martin Kimmel, J. H. Downey, Ray H.
Lewis, Thomas F. Ward, Wilmot F.
Farrow, C. E. Crawford.
The girls who formed the club styled
"Sisters" to the artillery men, are:
Misses Eva Lyston, Winifred and Mil
dred Cameron, Ellen and Inez Johnson,
Jennie and Margaret. Fitzpatrick and
Mrs. Coleman.
A reception will be held tonight .from
8 to 10 o'clock in St. Stephen's pro
cathedral parish house In compliment
to Dean and Mrs. Reginald T. T. Hicks.
Dean Hicks recently came to Portland
to take charge of the parish. Prom
inent members of the parish will re
ceive with the clergy.
Miss Alice Luhrsen of Spokane Is the
guest of Miss Margaret Johnston at
her home in westover terrace.
Women's Activities
By Helea K. DrWer.
25, and Frank Vogler, 24, crashed
through a window in a room on the
third floor of the hotel last night and
fell three stories to the pavement
Johnson was instantly killed and Vog
ler horribly crushed and is dying in
a hospital. Seven arrests were made
in connection with the affair.
The luncheon held Saturday at the
Hotel Portland In the interests of the
teachers' salary bill already is bear
ing fruit, a large number of women's
organizations having asked for speak
ers on this subject to present the mat
ter at their meetings. Following is
the schedule arranged for today:
Victory luncheon given by the Port
land Woman's Research club at the
Hotel Benson at 12 o'clock; speaker,
Mrs. Alexander Thompson..
Laurelhurst Study club, at the Lau
relhurst clubhouse at 3 P. M.; speaker.
Mrs. George W. McMath.
Portland Psychology club at the home
of Mrs. George W. W'eister, corner Fif
teenth and Siskiyou streets, at 2:30
P. M. ; speaker,. Mrs. Elton J. Steele.
State board of Oregon Congress of
Mothers, at the home of Mrs. J. F. RiSr
ley, Risley station, at 2 P. M. : speak
er, Mrs. William N. Akers. .
Chapter A of the P. E. O. Sisterhood,
with Mrs. C. B. Hurtt, 1016 Burnside
street; speaker, Mrs. George H. Ward-ner.
Montessorl association, with Mr. and
Mrs. O. P. Miller, 609 East Ankeny
street; speaker. Judge W. N. Gatens.
-Annual meeting Vsfting J?urse asso
ciation at Central library at 2:30 P. M. ;
speaker. Mrs. Harry Beal Torrey.
Fortnightly club, with Mrs. C. R.
Webbers 950 Hancock street, at 2:30
P. JL; speaker, Mrs. G. L. BulandT
The Fortnightly club will meet this
afternoon with Mrs. C. R. Webber, 950
Hancock street.
m m m
Chapter A, P. E. O. Sisterhood, will
assemble today with Mrs. C B. Hurtt,
1067 East Burnside street.
Friendly Societies In China Said to
' Have Membership of. 2,000,000.
PEKIN. (Correspondence of the As
sociated Press.) Several secret socie
ties whose numbers aggregate millions
of persons are supporting the indepen
dence movement in Corea, it is under
stood. Notable among them are the
Progressive party and the Heaven Wor
shippers, which togethere have a mem
bership of more than 2.000,000 persons.
Others are the New Corean society and
the Light Restoring society. Sixty
thousand students of nearly all educa
tional institutions, including govern
ment schools, participated in the move
ment. It is stated that he insurrecion
was suppored also by Christian and
Buddhist bodies.
The Buddhists in Corea number about
1,000.000.- They have 2000 temples and
100.000 priests. The Japanese have at
tempted to use Buddhism to strengthen
their position in Corea, sending many
young priests to Japan to the educated.
Nevertheless, many Buddhists are be
lieved to have been closely connected
with the insurrection.
Christianity has made rapid progress
in Corea for 30 years. Two large mis
sionary bodies are working there. The
American Methodist mission has 750
churches and 100,000 followers, while
the American Presbyterian mission has
2000 churches and about 200,000 adher
ents. The Corean Christians are most
ly men of character and have received
higher education.
The demonstration In favor of Inde
pendence, which began in nearly all
towns and villages throughout Corea
on' March 1, was at first ordrely and
limited to the delivery of speeches and
distribution of copies of manifestos.
Later the movement took a distinctly
revolutionary character and this re
sulted in clashes with the Japanese au
thorities and in casualties on both
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