TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1919. SECOND DAY'S DEATHS IfJ EOIE HEJSW Machine Gun Battalions Lose Heavily in Sector. HEROIC DETAILS ARE TOLD Colin V. Djmcnt, Red Cros Searcher With list DlTl.-ion, Records Great Feats of Rattle. BT COLIX V. DTMEXT. American Bed Cron srcher With th. lt LMvlxlon. sevestkkstii article. Just as the deaths and the fatal wounds of the first day of the l In the Arconne were far heavier In the JJd and SStth Infantry than they were In the 3(lst and :-d. no on the second day they were also far heavier. The latter, the lSUd brigade, on September II. In what tho writer Is calling the battle of rlisfontalne. had nearly. 100 men killed or fatally wounded. In the battle of feninanrille, Just at the right the lSlst losses In dead were fewer than S. In the end. after the Arconne and after Kelcium. the dead of the 361st and 3S''d were higher by more than 100 than those in the other two regiments. but tin to the night of September the 33d and 3S4th were mourning two me a to one In the other brigade. It was on the fearful 29th. going to Gcsnes, and on the th and 10th of October, in front of hill :5i and beyond, that the SSlt and piled up their dead. The 317th machine gun battalion. supporting the Hist brigade, lost a few more than the StSth machine gun bat talion, supporting the 182d: and the JKth engineers, which are herein con sidered as a separate outfit although brigaded for the most part with the l-d. lost about equally with the 348th. That I, tho 347th lost In excess of to in dead and the 348th and the en gineers somewhat fewer than 50. The atsth machine gun battalion lost only ix. It was a motorized outfit and In both the Argonne and Belgium was held In reserve for emergencies. Thus it was lucky on the casualty side, yet un lucky to get no chance to make a name for itself in the fighting-, as Its sister battalions did. Battle Line Described. While in this serial the battle of Kpinonville seems to be distinguished from the battle of Eclisfontaine. the four infantry regiments attacked in reality, at dawn of the :7th. In an unbroken line. At the morning jump off, the line ran nearly northeast to southwest. The right, as has been de scribed In the day's casualty history of the 181st. set out from the ridge op posite Kpinonville and struck at the town and the orchard. The left, having slept on the'west slope of Very canyon, et out from the canyon. Where the right wing was stuck at the orchard, however, the left had a mile to go at the nearest point to reach Kclisfontaine over a rolling plateau. This plateau, with occasional coulees, stretched to the south and southwest of Eclisfontaine, and it provided, ex cept at Kclisfontaine Itself, no such resistance center as the village and orchard In front of the 361st and 362d. (It will be understood by all readers, of course, that the 181st brigade is just the same aa the 361st and 36-d infantry regiments plus 347th machine gun bat talion plus minor attached units). Thus the 18'.'d brigade at the left was Able to pivot around to such an extent that by night the line that had run northeast to southwest In the morning was almost straight east and west. The left wing gave up some of its gains, but the Germans did not move in, and the following morning both wings broke through the two villages and at 4 o'clock of the ISth were making a. des perate charge a full mile and a half to the northwest. Marhiae Gmm Resistance Big. It would have gladdened the parent states of the west to see the left wing climb out of the canyon and start across the plateau on the Irlh. Roughly speaking, the 364th infantry attacked from the right of ery and the 363d from the left. Each ran into machine gun and. sniper resistance almost at once. The country ahead of the left wing was just a continuation of that open, rolling region, with thickets and occasional flats, that it had gone on through the day before, northwest of the Bois de Cheppy. The thickets, the side hills, the embankments, provided fine shelter for snipers and gun nests. The writer can scarcely have space In this serial to cover all the casualties of the left wing on this day: too many Installments would be required; but to show the kind of battle it was and to describe a specimen set of experiences, be will begin with company M of the 963d. Company M on that day was com manded by Captain Charles Abercrombie of Portland, w ho had gone to an officers' school from his post as attorriey in the trust department of the First National bank. The company today Is com manded by Captain W. M. Ackley. also of Portland, a former machinist, a crack shot with numerous dead Huns to his credit and a good commander. Abercrombie died a. brave westerner's death. It was 7 A. M. when company M went Tip from its pits to the rolling plateau. From northwest and northeast, artillery opened and from 1000 yards to the front, nests of machine guns. "All forward." yelled an officer and the men began one of thoee series of rushes that are used in machine gun fire. They bad got 10 feet in the first rush when a bullet struck Private Emil A. Kicker In the neck, emerging at his back. He cram-led back to a pit. was given first id by Private Alva K. Diver, and died. Wealthy AUa Die la Battle. The men had progressed 300 or 400 yards when the next man was killed: a wealthy young business man of San Francisco with everything to live for. le was Corporal A. W. Xonnenmann. lie was struck in the stomach, lie lay on a small ridge about 20 feet from Kirst Sergeant Willard C. Bonham, who called. h:tving heard a "plump." "Did that bullet get you. Konnenmann?" It was a minute or so before Xonnen mann answered. "Bonham. they got me." Bonham asked where; the corporal said, "through the stomach. The ser geant asked if he wanted his pack taken off, game to the last, said, "No, Til be all right in a few minutes." Bon ham then asked if he could get down from the hummock, the men not daring to get him because of machine gun fire. Jle replied. "I can't move; it hurts me too much." The sergeant told him to roll on his back if he could, and he said bravely, "I'll try." He did roll over and just then word came that company K, of the 363d had flanked the machine gun, and company M was or dered ahead. Xonnenmann was still breathing as the company passed and is said to have lived about 30 min utes in all. His grave Is on the plateau. About this time, aa he was making a. rush. Private William C Blair of Bel fteld. X. threw his arms across his Ktomtch, doubled up. and sank down again. He died In just that position, probably instantly. While some men lived lor a. lima with stomach, wounds. many died as quickly as if the heart had been struck. The company now crossed one pla teau, went into a hollow, and out of the hollow to a second plateau, where. about I P. SL, it lay at the crest of a rise on the front line. Two Hun rifle men were at work at the company' left. One was up in a tree; the other at the foot of the tree. They had wounded two men already and had shot the heel from the shoe of Lieu tenant Leeper; and who knows how many more men they had shot? They were about S23 yards away and the company had out a patrol trying to find them, for snipers do not remain that close without being cleverly nia den unless they expect to die fighting, have a clear field for getting away at the last, or think they can "Kame- rad." Death la Last Straw. About 3:30 P. M , one of them shot Ballard B. Powell, a corporal from Sacramento, piercing his heart. Powell was rushing toward a barbed wire en tanglement, and fell 30 feet from it. His death was the last straw. An au tomatic gunner shot one sniper out of the tree, and Corporal Ray Wilson worked up close to the other one. "Kamerad." he shouted, as he sprang out. It was too late. The company passed the barbed wire. crossed the great national highway at point a mile southwest of r.ciisfon- lo(n mrtA ran Intn nther Kniners. It 1 1 was now two miles from its starting place, as the crow flies, commanaing the first platoon was Sergeant Charles Thompson, Jr., of JCovato. Cal., who crawled to the top of a little hill to take observations. He raised his head to look and was shot through the fore head. Private Frank Gallagher had crawled up there with him. He too raised up to look. The sniper had had just time to throw in another cartridge. Gal lagher was shot in the forehead. Both J were instantly killed. me uerman riflemen on the 91st front were often dead shots. Sergeant I.ouls Pedriolt of Modesto, Cal.. meanwhile was struck In the legs by a shell. The right was In part blown off. and the left was shattered. He dropped on his side, propped himself up on his right elbow, and called out to Private Frank Campodonico of Cres sey. Cal.. but Campodonico was then ordered forward and had to leave him. The company advanced about ZOO yards. lay in a ravine until dark, then du in. Lest the Germans attack. It was ordered back to the Very canyon slope. nd did not go by the route , where Pedrioli lay. Next morning, however. It came back that way and found him Ith a bullet through his head and his pistol and field glasses gone. Who fired the shot will never be known officially. It Is a company theory that the Germans came over and put htm out of his misery. Private William Walnio, 1 1 w a c o, Wash, by shellfire: Private Severre Kide. Daglun, N. D.. by a bullet, and probably Peter Schmidt. Rose Creek, Minn., were killed on this day. Abercrombie fttory Told. It remains to tell the sorry story of Abercrombie. the captain. The com pany was 50 yards across the national highway, when about 3:40 o clock a hhell came along. The Hun had begun about 3 to supplement his machine gun and rifle fire by much harder shellfire. This shell ruined one of the eyes of Private James Hammfll and nearly tore off the captain's right leg. He was a big and a heavy man, and of his company took turns in pack- ng him back. Twice he asked the boys to cut off his leg with their knives. Just as they started back, a shell fell so near that he put up his hands to keep off the debris. He was afraid of being dropped on the way back, on ac count of the shelling, but the boys did not drop him. One of the privates said. "How much are you hurt, cap- In?" and he answered, "I think I'll lose both my legs.' Captain F. S. Sever of Portland, commander of company I, 363d. talked with him for a minute, but because of the stress of war could not stay. Slajor Cadwalter gave him a drink on the way back. He recog nised Sergeant Davis when being given first aid. and said. "Well, Davis, they got me." ; Two miles back, at Very, was a dressing station in a .half-wrecked stone building. Wrecked Very was constantly shelled, including the dress, ing station. The captain reached there two hours after the shell came. He went back through the hospitals, and is said to have lived till October 11. He was one of Portland's greatest losses, not only in the 91st, but in the whole war. The company went to bed in the shallow pits on the canyon-side, near where it had slept the night before. It had cleaned out its share of two miles of front, which again in the morning it was to advance through easily, and It had lost 11 in dead. Thus passed a specimen day tn specimen company on the left wing of the 91st in the battle of Kclisfontaine. The account of the battle of Eclis fontaine. which cost the 182d brigade on the 27th of September, nearly 500 in dead and wounded, will be continued by Lieutenant Dyment in tomorrow's installment- III iLi km:r- w mi l 4 vM i i mun.-ti.iff titi .j' still If u 1 -. Copyright 1919 Hart Schaffaer & Marx Clothes Values That Stand Out We're giving them; unu sually strong clothes values. There's value in the tailor ing, value in the style, in the all-wool fabrics, with real quality at the prices. You'll like what we've gath ered for you in Hart Schaffner 6? Marx suits and overcoats Miltary overcoats "Prep" suits . Waist-seam overcoats Business suits Waist-seam suits Dress clothes Panel back suits Blue serge suits Varsity suits $35, $40, $45 and Up Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. The Men's Store for Quality and Service Gasco Bldg. Fifth and Alder OFFICIAL CASUALTY LIST WASHINGTON, April 24. Casualties reported comprise 288 names: Killed in action. 3; died from wounds, C; died of accident and other causes. 14; died of disease, 27; wounded se verely. 18: wounded (degree undeter mined). 20; wounded slightly, 201. Killed In action Conley. John 1, Lowell. Mass. Jackson, James F. IX. Council Bluffs, la. Walton. William. Hartford, Conn. lied from weond Bm-kiey. James J. (Cpl.). New Tork. Berry. Harold J., Colorado prinics, Colo. Jones, "Walter L, FrankltnsviUe, X. C. Strut's. Rudy S. iFgl.). O ran by. Mo. Died of accident mad other causes Thornton. Frank A.. Seattle. "Waao. Wllaon. Dale I. Maysvtlie. Ky. Uakea, Harry l.t . Hudson. South Dakota. BUM. William. Chicago, 111. Burdick Frank Ray. Burlington, Kan. Ceaaer. Eupthtw, Clio. Ala. Connolly. John. San Francisco. Cal. Henderson. Charles. Hopklnavllle. Kv. Johnson, Howard N-. Cltronelle. Ala. Pound. Truman E., Thomaston, Ga. Schott. Herbert F.. Canton, O. Suillvun. Jeremiah B New York. Golden. Morea. Pelnam, Ga. Hill. Jake. Atlanta. Ga. Ward. John 1 . Lincoln, Neb. Died of diaeaw Cox. Stanley (CPL). Dundee. 1:1. Gunderaon. Oacar C. Grand Forks, X. Dak. Sherman. Paul H. pi.). Hyannia. Mass. Waller. Charles W. Cpl.). Centralia, Mo. Pretlik. William (cook), Poland, Kuaaia. Moore. Ezra Red Croaa) Goldsboro, X. C. Dorteh, Jesse. Marvel. Ark. Jones. James Clyde, Kdneyvllle; N. C. Kenney. John F., Stark City, Mo. RenuccU Alessio C, ChlcaKo, III. Roberta. John. Round Oak. Gji. Sewell, HarrlA Cox Station. Md. Stanford. Daniel R.. Philadelphia. Pa. Thompson. Elmer IT., Fargo, N. Dak. Van Frank, Clifford J.. Cincinnati, O. Wilson, Harold Alva, Beatrice, I'eb. Miller, Harry. Mllford. Del. Hlrka. Chas. R. Jr. (PiLI. Cedarhurst. N. Hudaon. Otis L. iCp!.), o. Mount Creek, Ala. Arbo. Burt C. Oxbow. Me. Conaway. Wnu F., MrMechen. "W. Va. Gibson. David. Baltimore, Md. Hams. Thad. Sfneca, S. C. Pollafito. Carmelo. Brooklyn, N. T. Tayloy, Oscar. Percella, Miss. Vandre. Herman E Ashland, Wis. Wounded slightly Evans. David William (Lt), North Twenty- second street. Portland, or. JVpk-a. Elmer R, 1031 South Syracuse street. Portland. Or. Rogers. John A., -Willamette. Or. Nygren, Oscar A., Seattle, Wash. CORRECTIONS. Died from accident (previously reported killed In action) Cuhine-. Lemuel II.. Moscow. Idaho. Returned to dutr (previously reponea killed in action) sorkol. Joaenh R.. Belolt. Wis. Wounded, decree undetermined (nrenoua- Iv reported died or disease) Miller. Harry Reading, Pa. Killed in action (previously died) Harre. William. Beardstown, ill. Olfon. Oscar, Seattle, Wash. Died of disease (previously died) Loughran, Peter, Philadelphia. Fa. Aliasing; in action (previously died) Richmond Guv A. fcol.). Guthrie. Okla. Killed in action (previously reported miss ing) Denrlnghnff, Ferdinand' E. (Cpl.), Moxee City. Wash. Ivell. Harry B. (Cpl.). Harrlsvllle, Pa. Morrison, Joseph P. (Cpl.), Ironwood, Mich. Beard. Otto. Leakesville, Miss. Chatfleld. Wallaco. St. Charles, Mich. Dahl, Oscar M Thief River Falls, Minn. Hedrick. A. B.. Gram.- Okia. McGauRhy. Mathias W., Warden, 111. Pantzar, Gunner, Chicago. III. Pierce, Max O., Borden, Kan. Rade, John, lounpstown. O. Sisak, Gasper T., Braddock, Pa. Stone. Jesse M.. Rockwall. Texas. Tackowiak. Joseph, Milwaukee, Wis. Willis. Wllbert. East Liverpool. O. Worcester. Thomas F., Jonosport. Me. Died from wounds received in action (previously reported mfosing) Sherman, Reld v. Fisher, Pa. Died (previously reported missing-) Wood, Anfln C, Eagle Grove, la. reported reported reported Phone your want ads to The Orego nian. Main 7170. A fi95. At the Theaters. Hippodrome. APORTLANi) boy, Hal Germanus, Is featured In the act which Is of paramount Interest on the new Hippo drome bill. This is a musical revue called 'A Cycle of Mirth," and several pretty, talented girls add Interest in songs and dancing. The featured girl Is a dainty blonde named Ann Butler, whose work has been admired here be fore. Mr. Germanus is one of the younger dancing vocalists in vaudeville and his work proves extremely divert ing. The act is full of song special ties with dance interpolations. Charles King and Virginia Thornton, whose work is known all over the Pa cific coast for its general excellence, are appearing in a remarkably brilliant dramatic sketch which takes place alongside the dance revue for popular ity and interest. Mr. King is one of the best-known character portrayers on the etage and Miss Thornton has never been seen to better advantage than in their present vehicle, a tense drama with a surprise finish entitled "The Counselor." , - - .! .; - Tourestl. with personality and a vi olin, demonstrates good entertainment. His happy maneuvers with nis Dusy fiddle claim for him a wealth of applause. Clay and Robinson have an out-or the-ordinary act called "The Girl and the Wop" which- is replete with fresh and entertaining comedy ideas. The Kurtys aggregation of two me and one phenomenally strong woman establish a record for. excellence and original method in a very fine gymnas tic novelty. A bicycle and unicycle achievement i offered by Wheelock and Hay, whose adventures on the wheels are amazing. "Hold Up Your Hands" is tho title of the photo feature with Margarita Fischer at her best in a five-act comedy of refinement and good fun. Babb, in command, and the men will be given their discharges, which are now in the hands of Colonel Babb. These companies were organized as home guards over a year ago and were drilled by Colonel John Leader of the Royal Irish Rifles, now military instructor at the University of Oregon. Pendleton Colonel Honored. .- PENDLETON, Or., April 24. (Spe cial.) Colonel Harry A. liegeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hegeman of this city, is one of the 100 colonels who have been decorated with the distinguished service cross for work in France. Col. Hegeman organized and was in charge of the repair service of the motor trans port service abroad and made a re markable record in that work. 11 .-.w ...... mMsuN., , III l -'..... '.'.' ?s.-f-. J . lilt & - x ; S"Hfc'' " illm m mil n' inn 'II nmiai i PROTECTED BY UNITED STATES PATENTS June 28. 1904 Aug. 31. 1915 Mar. 14, 1916 Feb. 19. 1918 Militia to Be Demolished. EUGENE, Or.. April 24. (Special. The four companies of state militia located in Eugene will be demobilized some time during the next few days, according to Lieutenant-Colonel R. A LANPfi IER 17nsrt (JdssJSdd for an appetite like mine. .aTaTas(am taC' T Post TOASTIES MADE or CORN t From the first step to the last, nothing has been left undone to make the Lanpher the quality hat. The style element is just as well taken care of. J HAT Buy Bonds First Tlje most important thing; for everyone to do is to buy all the Victory bonds you can and then buy a few more bonds. Do Your Best! Do Your Bit! STAPLES The Jeweler-Optician 266 Morrison Street, Bet. Third and Fourth PIMPLES CHN ITCHED BADLY Spread Oyer Face. Scaled Over. Cubrara Heals. "I had pimples, mostly on tny chin, but they spread to other parts ot my face. They scaled over and were very large, and my skin was sore and red. They itched very badly and itcaused disfigurement. "Then I used Cuticura. I put the Cuticura Ointment on and left it for about five minutes, and then I washed it off with the Cuticura Soap and hot water. Now, I am healed." (Signed) Miss Elizabeth Hughes, Raymond, Calif. For hair and skin health Cuticura Soap assisted by the Ointment is supreme for daily toilet purposes. Ba anre to tast th. faaeinatlnw frairraitM of Cntieara Talcum on roar akin. Th. Soap. Ointment and Talcum 2&C ererywhers. SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT j Reliance Life Insurance Company of Pittsburgh of Pittsburgh, in the state of Pennsylvania, on the 31et day of December, 118, made to me niBumnce commissioner 01 tne state or Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. Amount of capital stock paid up 1,000,000.00 Income. Total premlnm income $ 531,678.16 interest, aiviaenas ana rents received during the vear Haft sat r Income from other sources re ceived during the year 219,589.31 KELLY-SPRINGFIELD CATERPILLAR TIRES THE truck tire with toes a brand new principle, invented and patented by this Company accepted at once by the largest users of heavy trucks in the world. Under a load, the toes spread until they touch, giv ing ample room for the flow of rubber and avoiding the "traction wave" which breaks the back of a tire. Maximum resiliency and unparalleled wear on thegheaviest runs of the heaviest trucks. KELLY TIRE SALES CO Corner Broadway & Ankeny Street Portland Total Income $ 3,903,728.09 Disbursement s. Paid for losses, endowments. annuities and surrender values 1 1 n.17 nja .1.1 Dividends paid to policyholders i aunnK ine year iir k ?.q Dividends paid on capital stock during the year 80,000.00 Commissions and salaries paid during the year 1.020.54L7C Taxes. licenses and fees paid uuring tne year 83.701.23 Amount of all other expendi tures 3SS.346.38 Total expenditures $ 2,738,293.09 Asset. alue of real estate owned (market value) atue of stocks and bonds owned .market or amortized value) Loans on mortgages and col lateral, etc Premium notes and policy loans sh in banks and on hand. . . . Net uncollected and deferred premiums Other assets (net) Total assets S Total assets admitted in Ore- - gon 9 Liabilities. Net reserves $ Total Dollcv claims unpaid.... All other liabilities 163,596.40 5,097,302.15 1. 007.4 B9.98 l,:;n2,648.6l 585,403.85 398.114.23 140,441.41 8,790.974.65 8,790,974.65 7,231,352.00 92,310.47 264,335.41 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stcck of $1.000,000..$ 7, 587.997. SS Total insurance in lorce De cember ol. 1918 102, 841,263.00 Businetui in Oreron for the Year. Total insurance written durinsr tha vear t 169.000 00 Gross premiums receivea cur ing the year 31,696.3: Premiums returned during the vear 3o.50 Losses paid during the year.. l.OOO.oo Losses incurred during the year 1,000.00 Total amount or insurance out standing in uregon Decem ber 31. 1918 815,314.00 RELIANCE IXSTJRAXCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. J. H. REED. Pres. H. G. SCOTT. Sec. Statutory resident attorney for service: y S ''tit - . Ct. "Keep . I V: - , j Smiling (' with I ' ' 1 Kellys" J 1JW8aM'i " I f r f ' TTTi i -'fiViiiiiii