THE 3IORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, .APRIL 25, 1919. 25 TOn !LE AUTOMOBILE. M otarryelea. I BARLET DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE WITH HIDE I'AR. l-tALfcKa U.Et rAR CLEARING li'jUSE. K 3 a-k and Grand Ave. 11 I M I A X an nw sidecar. t . Mrhall I7'. 49 X. 2H FR SALE Motorcycle. god condition. $W. Cail -! famion. pnune Mm 1"37. A atomoblkr for H r. NEW AfTOS WITHOIT DRIVERS OVtHUNPS HCUSUNS. LUWNSDALE fiRACK. BDWY. 2o. 15TH AND W VSH. U'TuS WITri'MT UKIVEKS FuR HIRE. L. I. SULLI V AN. FA H 1 N OARA''. E. Vr. 23 1TH AND YAMHILL A 123. ALTOS WITHOIT DRIVERS. New cars, ronat.e rate. City Garag. M lh st, Broadway MO. MCW CAES FOR KENT WITHOUT DKIV KHS. G. N SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN BTA A 32 BROADWAY 22U I-PASS, Ddr fr hire, tourtnr. ra:U&& shopping, highway. Broadway 3047. FOR SALE TRI CKS. covets used cars. DELIVERIES. I91S STUPERAKER. - r -la food hauled, shape . everything ItIT OVERLAND dHtry; Look like new. good condition. 476 J91T 8TUDEBAKER delivery; everything in good shape... 500 1914 OVERLAND delivery 8M 131S FORD delivery 300 191 Font delivery TjttO 1914 PODGE BROS, delivery. 50 191 DODGE BROS, delivery, run Itu than duO miles...... 950 OPEN SUNDAY. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Slit and Washington. Mala 644. BARGAINS IN TRUCKS. 1-TON CHEVROLET, 1918. 3 '4 -TON INDIANA. 1917. TERMS LIBERAL- TERMS. DANIELS SALE? AGENCY. M BROADWAY. rilO.NK BROADWAY 994. IS CD TRUCK BARGAINS. ?-ton RfpnbMr. overhauled..... IfWM) Hi Aa. overhauled l-' Hulfk S-ln- exprexn bodv ..... 75 tl t. . -tn. ford lire lO'.o Kord t booy and lop 41 2-ton Mi.-lr 1'H KuHLKT.t MOTOR CAR rO., IN Park an-1 Eer"t x. lAKK Sa e mney hr remodeling? my CADILLAC lnt a light truik or srrvlc car. M Al'l-r. Broadway ?71T. FOR SALE .r trade bv owner, a ftulck one tin trmk to g'o,i condition; Tl!l consider m HrHr nr. 111 t llurk's KarSrCe. tT, t T Jd St. and lti avc. E.. on ML Scott line. UVEKLANI UOAltbTEH IODKL T. npalnted. 4 sTtM,t ttres and In tiptop rondlMon. ftrgln. Irrut. UO Alder, Hr-jiay !T71T A --T N R-rt tru-k. c.utptd th lnIy. g'Mtd coniillin. iome l-rmi. Koehring i.-htne v, N. V, Hawthorne avc. East 4 " - U.(VK giol gravel htullnc contract for man W ho will lU V a Tiini "lump rut .. Kovhrtng M hlne ft. N. W., j4 Haw ttiorne tvr. Kt 64'. M A X"WELL One-ton trM-k. model; cMkJ new: worth )ou; will sacrifice f r 9T ruh Auto Sai-s Co.. vth and ru.-h sts. Phone Hr4'lwf 4. JiKW l'OKl. 1-ton tmvk. never BJ, Mir. -ab ami wind nhh-ld; terms. Hruirtsav 4-':. 141 N. lh t. with Call O. M. t. 1S-TN tru-k. tKt buy Id town. Smith Auto Co., 1'ark and Couch, Broad way 11. tu..Tn new trurk wtth aooil hauling prop- pattion. to trade for nu bur ban frm or e'eured a. reace. AI S-3. irrgonjjn. IV 1 Maxwell. 1 -tn tru k. with platform rd; truck tn cokJ c.ndttion; terms. Call Broadway 43.. Ml N. Hn et. BKO U'ton trwrk. 10 casn. No. Tabor !."-. 11 SL 47ta sC GA RAGES. J'ORTABLK OAKAOE for ale; aimoot new. Broa-lwav 3-VL FRIVATK ;AKAOK with wter. Kast Ash, N-'Mn th and !lh. S. Broadway P57. WANT KD M I SC F IX A N EO r WE PAY FROM TO 15 DOLLARS for mens second-hand suits, overcoats. Why sell to dralen, who reell tbem to us with Me pronisT Better call us direct and get the highest prices. We also buy guns, trunk, suite!, cripw, shoes, etc Broadway orcon tixebange iUr, bi Third St.. corner l'mc- 7.50 AND CP 7 SO. for second-hnd sulta J. Meyer, ths tailor, pays the highest, price for suits, overcoat a hots, eta. Ve will call anywhere In the city, day or evenings. Call Marshall l-'s or 2."3 Madison sL lil;ilEST PRICES PAID. T buy all cond-hAnd clothes, especially ladies' and gentlemen's vults. diTNie, etc Nw buer. Try m before you call others. Phone Broadway 14A Burnaide. be- twren -d and 3d. (iVKR Til K TOP 17. 50 AND UP for second-hand aulu and overcoats. We pay mr- than any mt-rchani for second hand clothing and shoes. PliONE MAIN 73ft. Cjl'lt SPECIALTY la buying men's cast-off clothing. Highest caau price paid. Will call day or n:gnu PEOPLES SECOND-II AND STORE, Marshall or 20V Madison SL OVER Tlifci Tol IIO and up for second hand uts and overcoats. We make ail clothes new and pay more than any mer chant. Marshall 1J. or Madison, near 3d. 6LND your old maKasinea and old clothing and other Louse ho id effects to the Sana tion Arm; ws use thtru In tha rejuvena tion of men. CaU last i0A. SD-HANt CLOTHING WANTED. We pay highta4 prices for clothing, fur Ttiture and s.l kinis of Junk, Main 47 7 d 24ti 1st at. CRN AM KNTAL lawn fonce of any design. Can u 4U to ll feet. MukI be tn good condition. Will lay cash. Call Scliwood t2A a.ttr p. M. TV AN! cli-i "KD A P lor Kront ? 2-hor-pwtT nitor : titust be aah. Panama Cotierage Co., 1. Phone Main 277.1. 225 BEAT THIS: I ! wall pa pc r and kal omlne. do painting and tinting; contract or by the day. Woodiawn 620J. e ECON" D-H A N D CLOTHING BUYER. We need the clothing and pay aU it la worth, call Main 731. 21 First sL THE BOSTON TAILORS FAY UP TO Sid FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVLR COATS. CALL EAST 7161. vi iriT AND DISCARDED CLOTHES Bol CUT CASH PAID. ALTERATION EXPERTS. PHONE MAIN tiTuL FAINTING. ka:ominin $3 ."-O a room up; gu.irtnte awod work. East Cv2. Mr. o M Am. r fcPKIN; stiicc! houe painting: that f-l low a etiii.ate wan high, Ivt me figure. il!Mn. P O. box 207. i.sciiES 1 ER. Remington automatic pump s fio! guns wanted. Hcchfe.d. ?J and 3d. CAH for llm.inJ. 1 (i'v-r. 122 S.'nd st. karau 11. D. WANTED Hf. y labwood. any amount, c-ah. Star Wood Coal Co.. 34s 3d. Jl'NK. r. 0 J ciothlris:. metals, tanks, old g'X'd prtcrs. Est 5171. W VNTKP Tj buy good filing cae. AC OS. Qyegoman. Furniture Wanted. WHT Mil yoiir furniture and houKriold good ? TRT the MK Hl '.A.V FI RM. TI RE CO We are paving the best prices to!itt. Marshal! 12. W'B NEED StOND-H A N D FU RNIT U RE e' any descrtp'lon; have the ready cash. P h cne to.1a y. Mln 4vJ7 or 2t'l First at. WANT ud furniture. tll pv as much as env tan pa v. East 417. M. 1L Calef, dealer. o4 Williams avenue. WANTED oak roll-ton dek for rash; state p rt-r and sue A H !'. trrcon!an. ajOI'SEHOLD Fl'RNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CAS i. MA IN 3332. CH for off:'- deks. chairs, flies and safea Fc;flc Staty. Prt Co. CASH lt)R VSED FURNITURE. Jjihsai j)ttcea la cut, Alaia WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. niturw Wanted. FURNITUR K FU R.N I TURE. Call Mala S0S2. Wo want your furniture, tool and household good and win pay tba hignest casn prices. Wo specialise- la this lino and are tbla to pay all your goods aro worth. Wo call Immediately with the cuIl Too will benefit by calling us boforo you mIL A pboao call brings ns to yoor door. CALL MAIN SOU. PORTLAND SALVAGE CO, (Levin Bros.) flco 3 Railway Exchange Bldg. Salesroom, 2J2 Front St FURNITURE WANTED. WE WILL BUY FOR SPOT CASH YOL'R HOUSE HOLD . FURNITURE FOR ANY AMOUNT. A PHONK CALL WILL BRING US TO YOUR DOOR. NO CHARGE. OUR VALUATION 13 HIGHKR THAN THE OTHER FEL- LOW S. THERE'S A REASON. BE CAUSE WE SELL TODAY WHAT WE BOUUUT YESTERDAY. Phone MARSHALL 5981 Phone GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 15 First Street. B&FOKE XOU bLL. YOUR FURNITURE. fefcE La. We are In need of all kinds of used fur tilture. ruga, carpets, stoves ana ranges, all kinds of gas stoves and office furni ture, and we wiil pay absolutely the top prices lor same. -U MARSHALL 587 and our buyer will cfU at once with, tha casn. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 20i end 2U7 First SL. Between Tay lor and Salmon Sta, READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store In the city. There is hardly an item we do tmt buy and sen. vt e specialise in shelf and beay hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything: to bay or sell. can or pnone. MAIN 007 A T174. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CXX, 1 -3-o Front SL. cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 309 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HTOHEST CASH PRirES EVER I AID BY A.MUB I 1 M Pi K.L 1 X FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KT.TVE FURNITURE CO.. 192 FIRST ST.. NER TAYLOR. MAIN 309. WANT t-sed furnlture;CA9h will be paid for stoves and langes and all kinds of household goods. Call us ror one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will calL Marshall 2tU).l. Crown. BKI.P WANTED MALE. MANUFACTURING firm have opening for men experienced in construction or metai fumiturv or timiar line; good opportunity: mato are. experience and wages expected. O. Bx 4J7. Portland WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer. one with automobile experience preferred. mut give bet of reference and state friary expeoteil. I'crmanent position. HJ 43. regon1an. WANTED Night -lerk for ".Vroom hotel ; one that Is tnoroucniy expnncea ; run elevator. oeraie switchboard and clean up mall offi.-e. AG 114. Oregonlan. WANTED Three firt -class Hock saddle- nisWers. one first -class stamp band: long job; highest wnsjea, Glendlve Saddlery Co.. Glrndne, Munt. Yol'Nt; man for stock room work, uteady work, fair saUry to start and advance merit to worker. Apply in person only. Jewel Tea Co.. . i.rana. WANTED Man in peanut butter factory must be stwady and coou worxer ana handy man; J dully. Union ave., cor. K.tst OaK. WANTED In city, man of character and ability who has had experience as retau Orrgoniau. I.OTHTNtJ SALESMAN with substantial ex Dertence: aood 000 rt unity lor a live wire. Anply at office. Levitt's, cor. 4th and Washington. WANTED Cabinet makers and machine men. Carman Mfg. Co, 1214 Macadam. WANTED Young man. few hours' work, evenings. In exchange for board. Appi Multnomah Athletic club dining room, Salmon. W" ANTED Salesman for gasoline station, Uuri b srood Dtnman: wages J ou a day hours. 7:-'o to G. Appiy 1L O. Braccy, West Pirk and oak sts. At A N with some commercial experience, preferably with auto, to ronnect witn reai estate and business brokerage office. Mr. MdRoon itit Ptttwk block. N IGHTW ATCH M AN who can ride a bi cycle. Gr.e age and weight; ref. required. AO 12. oregonian. BKVELKR wanted, all-around man; also plrtte-glase cutter for mirror woric ioe McMurtry Mfg. Co.. Denver. Colo. DRAUGHTSMAN wanted, several months' rk. App.y Crown Wllmmette paper .. Wist Lmn. Or., advising telephone. SEVERAL young men to learn trade In man ufacturing plant producing metal special ties. Ca'l 715 Thurrnan st. WANTED First-class resawyer for a Ber lin horizontal re saw for the C. A O. Lura br Co.. Brookings. Or. WANTED Man for fireman and watchman, It-hour shift. Apply Orvgon Box A Mig. o.. 132H il a cad am rota. WANTED Have 20'O cords of wood to saw. Who wants the job? Call Mr. Day. Broad way lHSi. KITCHEN heloer. 6 days a week, steady work. SI a week and board. Progress Kest-iurant. 1W hirst SL WANTED Young men as news agents on railroad trains, small cash bond. Cole News Co., I4u N. 10th st. WANTED Boy for elevator and some janitor work. Chesterbury hotel, 201 jrarnr. WANTED M;in to work around yard, spad ing and cleaning. 514 V East 21st st. Kii-hmond car. EX-SOLDI Ell3. sailors and yeomanettes to sell phyp'oal specialist extraordinary. Mulkey Mdr., Second and Morrison ata UKX wanted to work on river steamboat. $70 per mo. and board. Apply Washington street dm:K. WANTED Automobile drier; must have experience and know the city. Oregon Tax lea b Co., Oregon Hotel. WANTED Boy with wheel to run errands ail day. jamcs, ivern ec ADDOtt, via ana Fland'-rs. ENPERIKNCED furniture salesman; refer ence required. 1 1 J r inti st. ELEVATOR boy; Ramapo hoteL 14th and Wash. EXPERIENCED night hoteL 14th and Wash. clerk; Ramapo BARBER Wanted for Saturday. 249 Mor- rtpon st. liAKRKR wanted, must be first-class; anted. S0 Fifth at. WANTED Men to park groceries; salary t$ a week to start. Phone East 4H04. WANTED Extra help In Simon's. First and Alder. all departmenta FIRST-CLASS lathe hand wanted. Portland Rubber Mi::s. E-iat Vth and Harrison sts. BARBER wanted, and Mad ton. :tU; 1st it, beL Maia WANTED Wood spatters and cutters. 1d quire Star Wood Co.. ."d iL WANTED Barber for Saturday; IS guar antee. 3i. Front st. BA RBER wanted for Saturday; wagea guimnteed. 2rid Firyt st. - WANTED Janitor and wife with a PL bouse experience. BC H2. Pregonian. BA R BE R wanted; wages guaranteed. 269 Hurnside st. BARBER wanted for Saturday. F7 gruaran- tee. Panama Sh,o p, 2 40V, Aid er at. WANTED Elevator boy or man. Hoyt hotel. BARBER wanted for Hoqutsm. Wash, ln quire Lewts-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. WANTED Two porters for wholesale gro cery: experienced, preferred. 75 Front St. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 121 2d sL AiiJ.h hUpvr aanieU, 227 Aledtwoo aU at ELF WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. K On of Many.) Or flco of Secretary Advisory and Employ ment Department Y. M. C. A. Young nan. stranger, out of work ($20 Ms total cash assets). If 1 pay you 5 for membership In the Y. M. C. A. I will have only SIS left between mo and starvation. Secretarr If vau fk out members!) to in me association you win have tne i. m C A. with all I la Influence, strength and resources between you and starvation. Result Young man joined the associa tion. In leas than a week be had satis factory employment, and a membership card In his pocket, which assures him. aiong with Y. M. C A. privileges, employ -m insurance ror one year. The excuse tha V f C. A for ex lstence Is that It serves vounr men. and the function of this department la to inem aiong a moat vital line: tne ciotnes line, the bread-line, tha life-line. Calls for men since Jan. 1. 1919. ...... .865 Positions filled ....4 Shy tha kind of men wanted... 29 The standing this department baa wttb Portland employers Is due to the discrim inating service we have rendered them for a period of 15 veara. If you will be guided by our instructional w in luaikiiiee vnai yuu win icvuie eui' ploy men t or refund lemberxhln fee. Sol diere and sailors given three months' com n ternary memterthip. EAST EAST EAST TO MOW r ANA. RAILROAD LABORERS. SHIP 9 P. M. FREB FARE. HAN LEY EMP. AGENCY, 28 N. 2D ST. MEN wanted for Crown Willam ette Paper Mills at West Linn. Or., and Cam as. Wash. Steady work. No experience necessary. Single men preferred. Free transportation from Portland. 42c per hour. 8 hour-day. Ap ply it 10 Oregon bidg. MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PAPER MILLS, 42c HOUR, 8-HOUR DAY. SEE MR. F. T. BARLOW, AT HOTEL ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. CLEAN BEDS eoe NIGHT: BEST MEALS 35c. EXPERIENCED truck salesman wanted by reliable truck company with high-grade track; give experience and references: AP 116, Oregonlan. MEM WANTED. THE COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION Is In need of men from 21 to 45 years o ace: wares 14, 4 and uo net day: oppor tunities for advancement were never better for the man who wants to worK. Keturnea soldiers, home owners and men of lamii preferred. Apply In person at our employ T.ient office at foot of Porter street. HOTEL CLERK for 75-room hotel for night duty; prefer man between Mt ana 00 years old. experienced In hotel work; run elevator, operate mm itch board, do some Janitor work, such as clean oiiice, etc V 2M, Oregonlan. SPINNERS WANTED Night work, 48-hour wek, no work Saturday or Sunday nignts, liberal pay. Oregon City Woolen Mills, Oregon oiy. WANTED AT ONCE 5 young men to work tn Portland and vicinity: this Is adver tising and taking orders: prefer young men who can furnish good references. 1!) to 24; salary and a good training. Call at Hotel Oregon, 7 to 9 evenings. See Mr. ti ray. MAN wfth family, also one single, to fall split, etc.. with power wood cutting ma' chine: Investigate at once; this Is perm a nent and a rare opportunity; mention number In family and particulars in an swer. L 1B2, Oregonian. WANTED ONE HUNDRED MEN AND WOMEN AT ONCE TO LEARN TELE GRAPH OPERATING. SPECIAL OP PORTUNITY TO FIRST TWENTY-FIVE APPLICANTS. APPLY HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 121 N. CTH ST. EXPERIENCED miners at S4.20 and muck era at 3 7. a day; board SI; wanted for Troy, Montana, by Snow Storm Mines. Cons- Tunnel and stope only; bring blan kets. Apply Troy or Spokane. WANTED a bushel man and steam preeser, first -cIsm man. S5 ner day or J 30 week: steady work. Write to D. A D. Cleaners, Wallace, iaano. THE OLDS. WORTMAN A Kl.Nli Mbnc quires the services of a tailor for altera tion work on women s suits and coat a Ap ply superintendent's office. 9 to 10:30 A. M. WANTED A power sewing machine repair man for factory work; steady employment and good wages for right man. Phone superintendent. Broadway 1246. WANTED Youna man for collector: must ride wheel, state age. rererences. salary expected and phone number. An 4i2, ore gonian. WANTED Hustler who can get express, baeeac and delivery trade worked up will furnish good Ford delivery and all necessaries. X 6-n Oregonian. PRINTER-OPERATOR All 'round man for country. Three days on iioor. wage Tor steady, reliable man, $27. IW). Year in year out job. Address av gaa. oregonian. MAN and wife, for janitor services in small apt. house in exenange tor uniurnisned modern il-room apt, bath, gas range. water. twii rront. WANTED General blacksmith for country shop; must De ao'e to snoe norses; goou wagea small house and garden. Geo. Havill, Hoff. Or. Beaver Creek station. BARBER Steady job; 2 Saturday men. Apply Sam n. iiowara. sec Aiaster .Bar bers Assn.. 110 Fourth st. WANTED At once, first class battery serv ice and general repair man. eastern Ore gon Auto Co.. Vale. Or. WANTED Night clerk in first -claes hotel. hours 10 to ; state experience. iii b, Oregon lam WANTED EXPERIENCED WEAVERS. STEADY WORK. OOOU WAlibS. AP PLY PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS. WANTED First-class Goodyear stitcher op erator. Knignt tnoe uo., jnorrion street, near Broadway. . WANTED Bright, industrious boy 16 or over: 40 and two meats, university ciuo, 27 sixth st. WANTED Ten first-class advertisicg soli citors; salary or commission. al mt Oregonlan. . BOOKKEEPER, experienced: opportunity for man with ability in estaoushed wholesale line: answer fully. V 210, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED tailors can find steady em ployment at tne urownsviite woolen MHIf, 3d and Morrison. WANTED Ladies coatmaker; steady job. good wagea Schweitzer oc iagin, ol; Va Wash. st. YOUNG man with office experience with some knowledge stenograpny. ajj z-o, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced cleaner and presser; steady Job: state wages and give references. Ed Protheroe. Hoquiam, Wash. WANTED An experienced chauffeur for private family; steady position, references required. AF 407. Oregonian. USED car salesman wanted. See Mr. Beaver, Aioer st. FOL'R bos. over 16 years wanted for fac tory. At iwi union ave. r. WANTED 2 first-class automobile painters. best wages, 4tn noor covey jiotor car to. WANTED Good milker and bottle washer. $:0 a month ana Doard. l. mi. oregonian. WANTED Boy with wheel. Chappell's Flower shop. 331 Morrison st WANTED A good all-around baker. - Ap- ply i J -iu. oregonian. TWO first -class shoemakers, 76 Sixth .sL, corner Mxtn ana uau. WANTED A barber. Inquire at once. Sell. 3"2. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker. K. S. Ervln A Co.. 2"ft txi nng piqg. WANTED First-class ladies tailor; good pay, wees:. jyu aiorrison st. WANTED 50 painters at Standifer Wooden Yard. Vancouver, wasn. PRESCRIPTION man afternoons. Bros. SiiAioerii. WANTED Delivery boy with wheel. ply Irwln-Hodson Co.. J lo n. l.'tn. CARP xiNTEB apprentice wanted, 217 Piuo at, HELP WANTED MALE- WANTED Two experienced salesmen for men's furnishing dept. Apply II to 12 or 2 to 1 Roberts Bros. WANTED I first-class automobile mechan ics for 1 week's work only: must have your own tools and be able to thoroughly overhaul any kind of a car: tip-top wages. Call Lewis E. Obye Motors Co. at once. 40 N. Broadway. WANTED Young man stenographer and bookkeeper for out-of-town position : one who has knowledge of rea.1 estate and fire insurance ousiness preierrea. can . j. Conrad, Carlton Hotel, between 10 and 12 r naay. WANTED An experienced vulcanizer, man who Is experienced on sectional and dry cure retread work; state experience and previous employers. Address Simpson Tire Service Co., Pendleton, or. BARBER wanted for Saturday; wage guar anteed. 15:1 4th st. ; BARBER. Saturday: $7 guaranteed. 234.: WANTED Bellboy. Carlton hotel. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED Experienced hardware salesman; must be all-around man and be able to well all kinds of tools and make self useful around hardware and cable place; refer ences required. Apply J. Levy, lt Front, between lamnm ana 'jayior sts. WANTED Man with Ford car; big money; also acents for a fast-selling article; ex clusive rights for city, county, amtea of Or-!(Ton and Washington. t37 Pit toe k block. Broadway 1:8.3. W A X T K D Hich-arrade salesman to sell ad vertising space; unless experienced ana able to give entire time, do not apply. Kred Keiiey to., as rirst bl SALESMEN for vacuum cleaners and elec trical household appliance line; iioerai commission. Stubbs Electric Co.. . 6th and i'lne. SOLDIERS Sailors Soldiers We have e real quick money-maker lor you; no in vestment. 9 to 1 A. M., 616 Gasco bldg. BARBER salesman; those with long ex perience in bartering oest suiiea. ac ooa, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS salesmen wanted. Apply at once, 610 Buchanan bldg. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Ladies to solicit on good propo sition; liberal commission, pleasant worjt; no experience necessary; no samples to carry. Call mornings. Pacific Outfitting Co.. E. Morrison. TO'SELL plans automatic garage door and gate; city and county rights; small invest ment required; 60;i profit. C. J. Anderson, :M7. Oak at.. Portland. Or. FORD STARTER Before buying county write to S. uraden, ua . commercial St., Salem. Or. Wo Install New Era for $-5. AGBNTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital tickets: hub corhett Diag. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Experienced operators on power machines; also hand sewers. Appiy oe tween the hours of 8 and 10 A. M. or 5 and 6 P. M. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., s:, u Fifth t. CHAMBERMAID, one who is thoroughly ex perienced and willing to do worn: perma nent place for the right party. Apply be tween I '2 and 2 P. M. only; no phone calls. Conradfne hotel. WANTED Woman to work in dining room of restaurant connctd with educational Institution in the city; prefer woman be tween "O and 40 years of age. AO 104, oregonlan. W ANTED A woman of good appearance to take charge of dining room in lirst-ciass family hotel: must be experienced and have city rererrnces. ak om, urrgrnian WANTED Experienced demonstrators and solicitors. Apply at SS llih st.. apt. Hours from b;-0 to 10 A, M. and a to P. M. EX PERI FENCED finishers on coats and vests can find steady employment at the Brownsville Woolen Mills, 3d and Mor rison. WANTED Thoroughly experienced millin ery salesladies. Hoffman Millinery Co., 307 Morrison st. WANTED A capable woman, -experience not necessary; steady position: good pay and opportunity-for ndvaniement Palace Ii una ry Co., East 10th and Everett. WANTED Housekeeper to take full charge of house, w itli Saturday afternoons and Sunday off. Good wages for right party. Phone Marshall 3156. WANTED EXPERIENCED WEAVERS. STEADY WORK. GOOD WAGES. AP PLY PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS. EXPERIENCED pressers on dresses. Ward robe Dve Works, top wages. Call Broad way 13i4. . A GIRL for general housework in the coun t r v. good home, good wages. Call East 7329. COOK for 22 girls In sorority house at Cor- vaills; no housework:; wages, .cast r.4H. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the Sa I va t ion A rni y Rescue H om e, 392 East lftth st. N. or phone East 123. YOUNG lady pianist, must be good eight reader: steauy position. jtcmica cong Shop, 324 Washington sL WANTED First-class all-around alteration hand; highest wages pain. Petersons up stairs. Shop, 205 Plttock blk. WANTED Middle-aged housekeeper for couple, call afternoon, xaoor or -aou K. 30th N. GIRL wanted to work in rooming house; room and board ana fu a monin. uau 30 N. 17thst. MIDDLE-AGED reliable woman to help care for convalescent man, uu cast iuiii, cor ner McLaughlin. WOMAN to work in boarding house; $40 month, room anu ooaru. noou su aiain 621. WANTED Neat, elderly lady, to take care or children: no wasning 10 uo; ooaru anu some wages. ;141 tuth sL b. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, widower with two children ; no oojecuon to man anu ue. 03 N. 14th at. WANTED Woman in peanut butter factory one quick with nanas ana gooo worner $2 a day. o Union ave.. cor. East Oak. a kypkrirxceD waitress wanted; young lany to wasn aisnes iu smu.11 rtiaurauu-j 4oo wasningion si. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL to assist with light housework; room, ooara ana wages. Mar shall 3i8. WANTED Waitress, must be experienced : good wa ges, room ana ooaru. Aiitiiui. Hotel. 171 Lownsdale st. WANTED Woman for light housekeeping for man and wire oy wcck. can at store, 2i 1 First. Main 7564. WANTED Ten first-class advertising soli citors; salary or commission. au .jo, Oregonian. ' WOMAN wanted to take care of baby and light noUseworK in an, ruou position for right party. Call Main booO. OPPORTUNITY for ambitious girl to earn business course wnn lenruin s , uu cation and age. AL 220, Oregonlan. LADY, who understands abstracting, must be gOOO lyrisi. union Ao-waui. iui- best bldg. Main 66. LADY BARBER wanted at once; work. - iilisan, cor oiaiii. WANTED Chambermaid. Main 2915. Derby. GIRL for general housework, must be good COOK ; IWO xn o.' -01. EXPERIENCED hand for gown shop; no Others neea appiy. t- Jiurnwu. 'AiTRESS wanted, good job, steady work Inquire 6 A. M. to 10 P. M. 212 First il WANTED Housekeeper capable of taking complete charge. Call Main 7105. UNINCUMBERED housekeeper, small hotel. 321 H " aicr. ji ' u-ner t ir. . WANTED Waitress, Campbell hotel, 23d and Hoyt sts. WANTED Thoroughly experienced finisher 1 gowns. 30 J is. vv. pans. oiqg. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Savoy restaurant, i rmm EXPERIENCED hair dresser and manicur ist. Aieazanine iioor, yuiau, one at vo. GIRL over IS to assist with housework and children, aiarenan 000. GIRLS to wait table from5:30 to 8 and Sunday morning. iwm uot. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wagea long gagements. no n vcuuk. viamu . ucniBf. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtalnea oy caning jiaio jo-. -dpi. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 347 Morrison sl WANTED Extra help In all departmenta Simons. First ana Aiaer. Gl RLS wauled at Portland Rubber Mills. East th ana narnson. - CHAMBERMAID for the Portland ho tti Call at room 250- YOUNG lady, hotel news stand; references AG 113, Oregonian. WANTED Girls at Stephan's Button Pleating shop. 219 Pittock block. GIRL for counter nnd dining room. Hoosier Lunch, 1SG Broadway. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. 4 hours a day. Foster hotel. 3d and Davia WANTED- Housekeeper, light work, good home, small wages. A IIS. Oregonlan. ELEVATOR girl wanted. Benso n h oteL EXPERIENCED pastry cook. Bdwy. 2543. WAITRESS waii Led. 741 Wash, su HELP WANTED FEMALE. WE WILL PAY A GOOD SALARY TO A LIMITED NUMBER OF GIRLS BE TWEEN THE AGES OF 16 AND 30 YEARS WHILE WE TEACH YOU TO OPERATE A POWER MA CHINE; STEADY EMPLOYMENT AND GOOD WAGES PAID TO OUR OPERAT ORS. APPLY AMES-HARRIS -NEVILLE YOUNG LADIES WANTED FOR TELEPHONE OPERATrNG. PAID WHILE LEARNING. TELEPHONE COMPANY ROOM 01. SIXTH FLOOR PARK AND OAK STREETS WANTED 3 neat-appearing, active girls for waitress work, experience not neces sary, work 8 hours per day, 6 days -per week and as1 late as lii P. M.r salary $50 per mo. and board first month, $GU per mo. and board second mo. and thereafter: good chance for further advancement to girls who apply themselves to their work. Apply at office Washington-sL Haxel wood, 3SS Wash. st.t after 11 A. M. EXPERIENCED sewer to work on umbrella covers; salary 912 week. LENNON'S. . 309 Morrison St TWO WOMEN, neat appearing, well edu cated, past 25, position will pay SI 8 to $35 a wees: to tne ones woo can. quainy; per manent position, chance for advancement; only those unemployed and who have to work to earn their own living need apply. tan iu to J.-, ana t to o -m., Henry bldg. WANTED Experienced saleswoman for rib- oon, .aiso lining dept. Apply H to iz or - to 1. KODerts iJroa. WANTED. ONE HUNDRED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPH OPERATING; SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY TO FIRST 25 APPLICANTS. APPLY HEMPHILL TRADE SCHOOLS. 124 6TH ST. N. WANTED Lady piano player for small picture 1 neater, must do capaoie 01 play ing pictures and vaudeville, short hours and long steady work to right party; make salary low. Write or phone Lew F. Cullins, The Dalles, Or. WANTED Girl of 18 or boy of 16 for full- time position ; part day wora ana part evening work, running errands and shelv ing books; must be through 8th grade in school; beginning wage, $40 per month. Apply Public Library, 11th and Yamhill. WANTED Stenographer. experienced in lumber business, by lumber company in eastern Oregon ; m ust be able to go to work by May 1; town has population of 2500 and is county seat. Inquire 1201 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer. one witn automooue experience preierrea. Must give best of references and state salary expected. Permanent position. BJ 4.". Oregonian. THOROUGHLY experienced steno. and fil ing clerk in wholesale tire company, lady a' tout 35 preferred; good pay and prospects f r advancement good. AL 227, Orego rian. WOM EN and girls, experience not neces sary, steady position, good pay, oppor tunity for advancement; nice place to work. Apply In person, Troy Laundry Co., E. 10th and Pine sts. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted for steady position in country commercial hotel, . American plan; wages $4u, room' and board. Wfitt or wire Palace Hotel, Pull man, Wash. WANTED Experienced sewing machine op erators. Apply Standard Factory jio. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor. WANTED Competent woman as cook and for light housework for family of three adulu in southern Oregon town; good wages. Phone Main 736 between 12 and 1 o'clock. SOMEONE living near Williams ave. and Ivy st. to care for 1-year-old baby while mother is employed; state wages expected and phone number. AP 16. Oregonian. WANTED Woman for housework; washing 11 1 oui. j. j. 4 1 .tiawtnorae ave. xaDor 3.M3. WANTED Girl to wait table for dinner houn. i,SQ Montgomery st. Wan ted Domest lea. WANTED Girl to assist with housework in family 2 adults and 3 children, 14, 8, 3; one who is willing to go. to Gearhart beach from last of June until September 1. Answer, stating wages wanted, AP 100, Oregonian. WANTED. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Good wages,, no laundry, nice room and private bath, fine home, 3 in family. Tabor 7045. Address 3002 E. Burnside. WANTED- Girl or woman for general house work; must like children and be good, plain cook; no washing; good wages. Call Mrs. Donald Green, Sell. 313. WANTED Housekeeper. Immediately; mid-dlo-aged preferred; Protestant; 5 In fam ily; good wages. Columbia 699. or 1753 Haven st. GIRL to assist and help care for 2 chil dren; no washing or heavy cleaning; ref erences required. Call Mrs. Lewis McAr thur. Main 8935. RELIABLE girl for general housework; no washing; good wages; willing to go to Seaside later in summer. 820 Overton st. Main 5158. WANTED Girl or woman without children for cooking and generar housework. Hood river valley; family of two. Address Box Z, Park dale. Or. WOMAN or girl for general housework and cooking on farm, one accustomed to coun try life; wages $40. East 313. $50 FOR competent girl to do cooking and general housework. 243 Cornell road, head Marshall st. WANT a maid for general housework; no washing. Family of 3. $40 a month. Call East 23. WANT a maid for general housework; no washing, family of 3, $40 a month. Call 574 E. 21st st. N. GIRL to do general housework In small fam ily, j oca tea in .Rose City Park. Phone Mrs. A. T. Caswell, Tabor 7046. HOUSEKEEPER plain family, east side. must oe gooa cook ana neat worker;name your wagea if competent. Address AH 167, Oregonian. ROOM and board to school girl for light services, mornings ana evenings. The Marlyn, 554 Couch. WANTED Girl for general housework; three in tamiiy. Mrs. Seely, 740 Patton Road. Main 5811. WANTED Woman to take charge, of 15 months' old baby and assist in housework of 3 -room apt. Main 6124. WANTED Girl for general housework. 13S5 Mississippi ave.; J&enton car to Portland blvd. HOUSEKEEPER wanted in the country by a man witn two ch'ioren ; good home; references. Call Woodlawn 5645. WOMAN assistant in housework and care ot two children. East 3142, 979 Multno mah street, near E. 33d and Sandy blvd. WANTED Girl with some experience for lieht housework, in small lamiiy. Tabor 7o46.t WANTED Girl to do housework and assist in cooking, family of two. Apply 700 Hoyt street- G1RL wanted for general housework; no washing; good home, good wagea Apt. Go, Royal Arms, 19th and Lovejoy. EXPERIENCED maid, assist with house work, cooking, good wages. Main 6S87. 53 Efla. WANTED Neat, competent girl for per manent position in good home; good wages. East 5264. WANTED Competent girl for general house work; no washing; good wages. Marshall 5039. 560 Elizabeth st.. Portland Heights. WANTED Experienced nursemaid for 2 children and infant. Marshall 5039. . 560 Elizabeth st.. Portland Heights. COMPETENT help for general housework, famiiy ot 2. Call mornings, 89 North 21sL COMPETENT girl, first-class wages, mornings. East 4007. GI RL for general housework, no washing. 625 Halsey st., phone East 2331. WANTED Capable girl for general houee - work; no upstairs work. Main 6339. GIRL for general housework, 3 adults. - Kearney st. MAID for general housework, family of 3. Marshall 478 1. WANTED Girl for Call Slain 8878. general housework. GIRL for general housework. Ill N. 22d, near G!ban. Mar. 3077. WANTED Girl for general housework; cooking. 735 Kearney. GIRL for general housework in small fam ily; no washing, wages $30. Tabor 3872. EXPERIENCED cook for small family, no laundry, good wagea. Woodlawn 204, ' HELP WANT KD T KM A I.E. Wanted Domestics. WANTED A good cook or two maids for the country Pleasant home, good wagea Call room 434 Imperial hotel. WANTED One experienced cook and one secona maia to go to iJoise, iaano; trans portation paid, best wages, references. Ap ply bS N. 21st. Broadway 5172. GIRL to do light housework and get meals; plain, easy place; no washing. Call 509 Maiden ave.. Sell wood car. WANTED Neat girl for general housework. . Main 4751. 677 Ravensview drive. " HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WANTED. - ONE HUNDRED MEN AND WOMEN TO l.RARN TELEfiRA PH OPERATING SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY TO FIRST 25 APPLICANTS. APPLY HrJ M in 1 A.A. TRADE SCHOOLS, 124 6TH ST. N. EDUCATIONAL. AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS. TRACTORS. Learn to be a FIRST-CLASS MECHAN IC AND GAS ENGINEER, rebuild, oper ate and repair automobiles, trucks and tractors. This is not an engineering school, teaching THEORY ONLY; neither is it a GARAGE, but a REAL PRACTI CAL SCHOOL, where you learn the busi ness. ACTUAL WORK ON REAL MA CHINES. We have more and better equip ment than all other schools In Oregon COMBINED. SPECIAL TRADES Ma chinist, acetylene welding and vulcaniz ing; SPECIAL SUMMER KATES, dny and. evening classes. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 Hawthorne ave. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. PRACTICAL instruction at this school on automobiles, trucks, farm tractors, air plane motors, starting, lighting and igni tion systems, screw -cutting lathes, oxy aceteylene welding will qualify you for a good position at big pay. Send for NEW free catalogue No. 25. Seattle Engineer lng Sch ool, Roy street. Sea ttlc, W'ash. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS. FIVE- DAYS' FREE TRIAL. PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED. ' We teach Auto, Tractor, Gas Engine and Auto Electrical Work. BIG 100-PAGE CATALOGUE FREE. Address Adcox Auto & Tractor school. Dept. K, Union ave. and Wasco st.. Portland. Or. Phone East 7445. BURS ELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL Now is the time to prepare for a better position. Our successful students prove that our methods are righL Individual Instruction, new equipment. Lumbermans bldg., 5th and Stark. Broadway o46L Miss v. .tiurseii, principal. DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOI W A NTED. ONE HUNDRED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN TELEGRAPH OPERATING KPICr-I A I. OPPORTUNITY TO FIRST 2; APPLICANTS. APPLY HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, 124 6TH ST. N. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Splendid oppor tunity to learn a well-paid profession. Free booklet. Railway Telegraph Institute. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning: gives you a set of tools. Positions secured. Send for cata logue. 234 Burnside. Broadway 1731. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. SPECIAL COURSE IN CALCALATOR. Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison. TEACHING position secured, free registra tion. Phone Main 4835. Fiak Teachers' A gency. Journal bldg. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day, evening. $6 month, 269 14th. near Jefferson. Main 3803. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in 8 weeks; pay while learning; po sition guaranteed. 234 Couch st. s. WOMEN, learn barber trade free, wages while learning: position guaranteed. O regon Barber College. 233 Madison sL ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. State Supt., mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed promptly TEACHERS wanted for positions now open. Yates-Fisher Teachers' Agency, 11 Broad way 'bldg. TAYLOR-FAITH BUSINESS COLLEGE. Stevens bldg.. West Park and Washington. PRIVATE tutoring; children under 12 a spe cialty. G 85. Oregonlan. A PARISIAN lady teaches French Aider. Apt. 1. THE International Correspondence School! can raise your salary. 101 Broadway. . SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. STRICTLY first-class lumber accountant, thoroughly familiar with mill, general of fice and wholesale lumber accounts and collections; four years' experience freight rate revising clerk and six years general lumber office work. At present employed in wholesale office; best of references. R 6tS. Oregonlan. " WANTED Bank position; an American, 32 years old, witn banK experience, wouia in vest $5000 or more for assistant cashier or cashiershlp of country bank; now em ployed in national bank; high-class refer ences. Address AV 878, Oregouion. POSITION ns citv salesman or adlacent ter ritory: 30 vrs. old. married, experienced, c'ean-cut and energetic; any good mer chandise line: now on road, justifiable rea sons wishing change. - Be in town Satur day and Sunday. AE 45, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED traveling salesman, living in Portland. 36 years old, last 10 years with San Francisco house, would like to connect with local house; good references. AP 98, Oregonian. MARRIED man, steady, orderly. 12 years' store e.xoerience wants Dositlon: best ref erences; temporarily down and out. AH lt2. Oregonian. COUPLE would like position on ranch; wife good cook and manager, husband good farm hand ; neat and clean ; mountain ranch preferred. AP 114, Oregonian. AN ALL-AROUND auto painter and Ford mechanic w;ishes a steady position; no ob jections to out-of-town shops. ap iiu, Oregonian. GOOD printer who has had small amount of experience on machine wishes position in office where he can have part time on machine. AH 16.. Oregonlan. WANTED Position as superintendent or foreman of logging camp; donkeys, steam skidders or horses; Al references of former employers. AL 232, Oregonian. HOUSE PAINTING. Paper hanging and kalsomining; experi enced workmen; prices moderate. Phone Main 3383. WANTED Position as licensed embalmer and funeral director; also am experiencea in furniture and general mdse. Address AV 903, Oregonian. WANTED Position as manager or clerk In gen. mdse. store. Have had several years of experience; can furnish best of refer ences. Address AV 903, Oregonian. A BLACKSMITH, past middle age, wishes a position in some good shop as foreman, or will work at fire on ordinary work. R 667, Oregonian. 1 EXPERIENCED traveling salesman now working for eastern house; have worked Cal. and Or. territory, would like to con nect with local house. AP 120. Oregonlan. ORCHARD farm and ranch manager wants position; up to date, reliable and thor oughly competent to handle any size place. AH 168. Oregonian. - PAINTING, kalsomining. etc.; experienced painter; reasonable. 6709 41st ave. S. E. Main 5804. LOG or lumber hauling contract wanted; 2-ton truck and trailer; any place. Call or write. 627 East 3 5th st.. city. BOY with some experience wishes position in office after school and Saturdays. AF 306, Oregonlan. JANITOR of experience, wants position; handy man; references furnished. J 762, Oregonian. MAN wishes work for. few hours during morning or afternoon; willing and reason able. B 267, Oregonlan. ALL around baker wants position, country preferred. Apply or write to N. N.. 265 Second streeL WANTED A job. as chauffeur or would run delivery truck; have had year's experience Ford preferred. AP 00. Oregonian. WANTED Position as truck driver. AJ 353, Oregonian. WANT position as camp cook. 20 to 35 men. Arthur Benedict. Broadway 895. YOUNG man 21 wants position on farm, can milk. AL 221, Oregonian. PLOWING garden -lots solicited. Phones Bd w y. 3016, A 1711. or call 403 Flanders. CARPENTER, A-l mechanic, remodeling or new work. Phone Tabor 9049. HIGH school boy wants work after school and Saturdays. K 248. Oregonian. PLUMBER Repair, toilets, boilers, stop page, coihgas185chr WANTED Rugs and carpets to clean; will call at house to do work. Phone East 4044 EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires position. Call Main 7800. or Broadway 334. HAVE 1-ton truck; want contract whole sale house. Phone Main 6410. CARPENTER wants parking make and lettered for $2.25. signs to Bdy 2574. PAINTING, paper hanging, tinting. Let us estimate. Phone East 795. niRfftlLAR sawyer wants position. Can -take care- of 6jyu.- -AG 109 Orefoniao. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MAN of experience as houseman or gardener wants work by the day or week. AR 41. Oregon ian. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. BOOKKEEPER and experienced office mail wants some kind of a position at a mod erate salary; references. BF 497, Oro gonian. BOOKKEEPER and general office man, married, permanent. AP 11S, Oregonlan. Soldiers and Sailors. DISCHARGED soldier wants clerical posi tion; can run typewriter and dn general office work; good penman and nrat; vtry steady man and reliable. AF 3U4. Ore- gonian. SOLDIER, 23. exp. driver and mech... 14 months overseas air service, wishes work where he can learn electric lighting aud starting system. OI1 K. 6th st. S. Tel. East H."41. DISCHARGED A. E. F. soldier wants posi tion In office or store with clinnce to work up; good education and re fen ncea L. W Johnson, SiMl Broadway, Sal tin, Or. DISCHARGED soldier desires employment evenings; prefer place where reiiabie and. neat man is appreciated. B Orego nian. DISCHARGED soldier, married, wants jan itor or any kind of work evenings, from 6 P. M. to 11 P. M. or later, pit-use a swer J 7ti3. Oregonian. IF your yard needs atention. call H. Brandt, expert landscape gardener. Ta bor 1222. OVERSEAS sttldier wants Job as driver; ex perienced. Woodlawn 4717. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A place to take care of children evenings while mother is away; references. Woodlawn 1611. MOTH ERLY woman wants children not of school age to care for during day. Phone Wood lawn 0104. EXPERIENCED cook in private family 12, Orc- where second maid is kept. Au 1 gonian. EXPERIENCED telephone operator wlsht a position in private exchange, 101, ore gonian. EXPERIENCED colored woman. wants Phono chamber work or janitor work. Woodlawn 1309. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants chamber work or Janitor work. Phone Woodlawn 1300. WORK wanted all day Fil., Sat.; good laundress, window washer. liroauHay 2S12. 8 to 10 A. M. WOMAN wants day work, washing and iron ing. 3."c hour, ca rf a re. Main 11 IP. RUGS cleaned with vacuum: save all that hard work. Tabor 2."S evenings. OLD operator wants night relief work oa private board. Marshall 14S1, after 6. LACE curtains hand launderrd. called for, delivered, by expert. Fas 6106. EXPERIENCED after 11 A. M. waitress wanted, 347 Morrison h. WINDOWS and general house cleaning. Marshall 1604. WOMAN wants day work cleaning; no wash ing. East 8402. CLEANING, Ironing, no washing, half dais or checks; good work. Broadway 231'?. SWEDISH girl wants position as cook, private family. Main 2SH4. GET busy and have clean curt;) ins. Phono East 3s62 for results. Bookkeeper!, Stenographers, Office. STENOGRAPHER with some experience wishes position; can furnish reterences. AP 111. Orrgonian. RELIABLE young woman wums bookkeep ing and general office work. Phono Kast 7W7. STENOGRAPHER would like position in physician s or dentist s oiiice. experience. Marshall 2010. BOOKKEEPER. 15 years' experience, wishes hs-If day w.)rk. Kast 8SS2. YOUNG lady wishes position us dental as sistant, five months' experience, c-en. i". Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING and alterations; worn guar anteed 090 !4 Belmont. Tabor 8104. PLAIN sewing, knitting, crocheting and em broidery work. 1524 VUlard avc. MASSAGE and medical gymnastics given in patients' homes by a graduate from Sweden: ladies only. Main :io04. REFINED girl desires position as companion to a ladv going to the beach; no objection to one child.. Call at 020 East Davls. PRACTICAL nurse will give services for experiences east as far as Chicago. East 3375. PRACTICAL nurse wishes employment. Cull East 3375. YOUNG, practical nurse would take ma ternity cases. BF 422. Oregonian. WANTED Convalescent patients, nice quiet home; Dr. references. Woodlawn 3139. Ik uti iekeepe ra A MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as houseKeeper lor widower; goou homo; tea to wages; city or country. Address Mn. Tti os. Howell, 517 Clay st. WOMAN wants job as housekeeper ror wid ower. 11 160, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER for widower with 1 or children, city only. BF 422, Oregonian. Domestics. EXPERIENCED lady wants housecleanliig, other work; hours, day. satisf. guaranteed. Woodlawn 63u0, before b A. M.. alter 0 P. M. MARRIED woman wants to work for room and board in small family; husband to share room and board down town. AF 352, Oregonian MAID desires housuwork; no care of chil dren; good wages. AG 119, .Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. WANTED To rent a or U-room modern bungalow or house with garage In good residence district; will pay up to $40 pr month, 3 months in advance If neioasary ; unfurnished preferred; will buy your fur niture if acceptable; house mut be in good condition; will take good care of your home. Call Main 5062 or Main 7-SS0. MIDDLE-AGED couplo wants 5 or 6rooni modern cottage, uiiiurnished, garden; will take good care of Al home; eat oldo pre ferred, relcrencea, Kd Flanders, general delivery. WANT PORTLAND HEIGHTS house, about 6 rooms, modern, it' price is right; give full particulars in .first Wtier. AF Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE party with references will lease for one or two years, strictly modern 6-room house in good location. Adults only. Tabor 9267. . WANTED On west side. 4 or 5 rooms and bath, unfurnished. Phone Main 6727 or call at 637 Wash. st. WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room modern house, with garage, within city limit; adults. BJ 449, Oregonian. WANTED 1 or 5-room fur. house by young man and mother, west suie pieiein u. Mr. Jones after 4:o0 P. M. Mam 5:;:i6. WANTED To rent, 7-rooni house or 6 rooms and sleeping porch; furnace, garage, east side. Phone Wood law n17j8. UNFURNISHED 6 or 7 -room modern house; must have garaon space. i-u . shall 300. MODERN furnished bungalow or cottagu. about 5 rooms, oy wupie. references. AE 89. Oregonian. MAY 1 1 or 5-room 1 urnisnea oungamw , Will taKe a IO -ye.i eao7. ca-.. r-.uw. Phone Bdy. 15 si 2. Leave location, price. WANTED to rent house, bungalow, flat or COltag oeiuic .moj UNFURNISHED houe by May 1, anywhere In city; must be modern. Broadway ML STRICTLY modern furnished house ( or bungalow; uesi reierem vo. ...a., o...... ... w & vTRn l (i or 12-room nousa, on west side. Address 2S8 4th st. WANTED Small furnished house with gar den by April 27. AE 80S. Oregonlan. WANTED Small modern cottage, furnished. Tabor6490. . . 5ROOM unfurnished cottage with or with out garage. Main 107S. BY MAY first. 8 or 9 room houe, uniumiMi- ed. steady tenant. Main 15:19. WANTED 3, 4or -5-room furnished hous. flat or apt., by M ay 15. Phone Wdln. :;s3. WANTED Furnished house or apartment; will' buy furniture. Main 7626. Apartments. SMALL furnished apartment with private bath, east side; adults; permanent; refer ences; not over $30; by May 1 to 6. AP 1 13. Oregonian. YOUNG woman would like to share apart ment on west side with young woman em ployed. AL 224, Oregonian. WANTED 3 or 4-room furnished flat, adults. Call East 37li7. apt. 6. Booms With Botird. REFINED ladv wishes room or room and board in C. S. home, with use of piano. Main 7434. . MAN and wife want board Jind room T . furnished apartment for wlfo's aexvlo . BJ 417, Oregonian. " FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. st. : downtown location, respectable and strictly modern, steam heal; rooms large, clean.