Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 25, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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APRIL 23, 1910.
Adriatic Port Long Subject
Controversy in' Europe.
inn admlntstration; that th rights of the
Italian inhabitants of Flume should be i
curd In the mm wav u the richu of the
l cnnsldermble Slovene minority at Trieste
una mat the mirotdi wnicn connect num
with A era m. Budapest and Bohemia to the
rorth. and with Belgrade and Koumanla to
the east, like ttioae which connect Trieste
with M?nna nnd Salzburg, should be placed,
aa far as tariff are concerned, under Inter
national control.
The problem of Flume Is typical of
all of, those of eastern Kurope and
western Asia. Similar controversies
with differences in detail exist
throughout tha Balkan peninsula, Syria
and Transcaucasia, and attempts have
been made to settle them by even more
crude and barbarous methods than have
been practiced at Flume.
Colonization Oft Resorted to by
AuMrla or Italy to Gain Their
End Politically.
Fiume. the chlaf subject of contro
versy between Italy and President Wil
ton, nas the second largest port of
Auatria-Hungarr. and Is at the head
f the a-ulf of Quarnero, opening from
the Adriatic sea. It is on the site of a
Roman town and -was of small impor
tance until made the terminus of the
railroad from Budapest and Asram, the
capital of Croatia.
It was first mentioned In 1260 as a
fief of the Frangipanl family: later
was held by the Counts Wallsee. but
145 passed to Frederick III of Maps-
bur?, and has since remained in the
Hapsbur- family. In 1716 Kmpre?:
Mane Theresa handed It over to th
Croatian government, but three years
later it was transferred to Hungary
and wat a subject of contention be
tween thove two Hap.xburg kingdom
until 1S67. when It finally passed undo
.Magyar rule with the rest of Croatia.
U always remained an autonomous
rllv. ana Croats mi Magyars by turns
Influenced settlement to suit their po
litical ends.
Popalatlaa Mraaarty Mixed.
While It was under Hungarian rule.
the Magyars favored the Italians
against the Croats and made them su
preme In city administration, opposing
ar.y extension of the franchise in favor
of the Slavs, but a short time before
the war the Magyars began to Malt
)arlxe the city, though the bulk of the
shipping remained iu the hands of the
Croats. Hence the conflicting statis
tic aa to the composition of the popu
An Italian writer. In a recent book
entitled "Italy's Ortat War and Her Na
tional Aspirations." says that Flume's
citlsens provea their determination to
remain Italian by refusing to vote in
an election of deputies to the Croatian
diet in 1KI, and protested against an
nexation to Croatia, and that "when
the Hungarians began to make at
tempts on the national character, they
met with an equally sturdy resistance
He says:
The Hancartaa government tried to a
taja Ita ar4 by ct:onisatl a. Tbcy baaan
ry Installing a regular army of bureaucrats
- the poatal acd telegraph services, the cus
toms and tax offica, a hoola. railways, pub-
lm works sad bank were all crowded with
Hungarian efflctaia. The government thus
mated an electorate which cuuid be truat
e to obey.
Italians la Majority.
Ha saya that the population In 191 1
vraa 10.000 Italians, li.ouo itlavs and
CD0 Magyars after this) process of
colonisation, but m Jugoslav champion.
Itev. I. O. Krmpotlc of Kansas City,
Kan. saya In a pamphlet "On Great
la lain the population of Rijrka (the Slav
lui for eiomei numbered 40.MMS. or whom,
accordtnr to the official etatlatlce made by
the Italian municipal board, only 18.123
vera Croats or tilovcoes.
He then gives reasons for discredit
ing these figures aa overstating the
number of Italians and understating
too number of Slavs. A nearer ap
proach to the troth than Is made by
either of these writers probably Is
reached by a writer in the London
Times, who says:
The eltr of Flame Itself, as distinct from
Its suburbs, contain, according to the lat-
t available atatlatlca. some 24.0OO ItaMana.
Ji.tXM Croat- or southern, titsva. OOOO Mas
yars sad inhabitants of various nation,
siitlea The Industrial suburb of Sushak.
wbtcn Is separated fro n Kiume bv a narrow
stream, contains so ne 13.0UO Inhabitanta. of
whom nearly li.000 are soutsera ;ava.
Adjolalag Prwvlaeea Slav.
If Snsnak be Included, the Slavs out
number the Italians, but Italian writ
ers tgnora this suburb. Bach domi
nant race In turn seems to have colon
ised for its purpose and to have prose
lyted or coerced or fixed the census in
Mvor of the rare which it favored for
the time, but there stems to b no
doubt that Flume is at mort a half.
Italian city on the coast of a Slav
province. The Times writer already
quofd serns to Sam up the case best,
and to offer the fairest solution, in
these words:
The preernt position seems to he that
fhourti s'tume Is not assigned to Italy by
the secret treaty of London (April, it
now claim.! as ltmilaa by Italian political
writers, because It. without Susbak. is In
habited by a majority of Itallan-apeaklng
Inhabitanta The Croats and. oa their be
l.a:r. the aew erb-Croat-rtlovene govern.
mast, claim Fiomo as a southern Slav port
oa the ground that it Is hlatorically and
juridically Croatltn: that, with the Inaepar
able suburb of tfusnik. It la Inhabited by a
majority of southern b'lave. and that It Is
til. only outlet at preaent available for
rf rbmn and southern kilav traffic toward .
tno era. la Xar-t. the only normal gauge
railways that connect the eastern Adrtatle
a-tth caalraj and southeastern Europe run
f.oia Fiume and Trieste.
1-n partial co.iai-l.ratton of these rival
claims wouM snvr-at that both Flume and
Tncete should be free porta, the one un
der wi'bent F'stf afl the ether unt- TMI-
International Situation.
(By the Associated Preas.)
V mier. delayed his departure for
Rome long enough again, to sit in con
ference with the other members of the
council of four Premier Lloyd George,
Premier Clemenceau and President Wil
son. The question of Fiume and the Dal
matian coast did not come up for dis
cussion. The council is believed to have
considered fully the question of pres
tige involved in the publication of
President Wilson's statement on the
Italian situation.
While Signor Orlando Is returning
immediately to Italy, there to lay the
details of the peace conference before
Fiume, Would
Italy, by Gaining
Lose Provinces.
Globe Says President's Stand Is In-
suit and Regards Position as
Meddling In European Affairs.
LONDON. April 24. All the London
evening newspapers devote their lead
ing articles to President Wilson's ap
peal in connection with the Italian sit
uation at the Paris conference and to
Premier Orlando's decision to withdraw
from the conference. The Westminster
Gazette Indorses the statement of the
that he had never threatened to begin
prosecutions under the emergency pro
hibition act. He added that he did not
propose any action along this line un
til the court had been gtven time to
consider the litigation in progress.
The litigation was discontinued as
affecting threats of the internal reve
nue department to prosecute manufac
turers of a 2 "a per cent beer up to
April 30, when the government counsel
admitted that Commissioner Roper had
erred in ruling under the conservation
laws that beer of of 1 per cent or
greater alcoholic content was Intoxi
cating and so conld not be manufac
tured under the president's proclama
tion permitting production of "near
None but a court had authority to
pronounce a beverage intoxicating, or
the opposite, Mr. Fitts said.
Stating his desire to give an early
decision in the case. Judge Hand ar
ranged for submission of briefs before
the end of next week. Former Sena
tor 'Hoot announced that, whatever the
determination, the issue "should be car
ried" to the supreme court.
Charter to Private rirms of Govern
ment Ships Advocated.
NEW YORK, April 24. America can
afford to charge up to wastage the cost
of her war-born mercantile marine,
but she cannot afford to neglect the
Ntws BUu g.'i'S' V Nfl
rraLiAN -am' RtCAfsl
The heavy black Use Indicates the aew frontier aa proposed by Kalians, who go to the extreme of claiming ai.
atria sad Dalnaatla that Venice formerly held oa the Adriatic as historically Italian and as neeessary to Italy's
safety froaa attack. Flnme is claimed oa the farther around of Italian pop n lation. Heavy arrow ahowa location
t Klunae. .
parliament. Baron Sonnlno, Italian for
eign minister, and the other Italian rep
resentatives will remain In Paris temporarily.
a a
The situation as regards Italy's claim
still is acul , There apparently has been
no recession by the Italians from their
slated terms, nor is there any indica
tion that the British and French pre
miers and President Wilson have re
ceded from their stand.
Sik'oor Orlando has replied to the
statement of President Wilson with re
gard to the Italian situation. The pre
mier contends that. In addition to the
safety of Italy on the front of the Alps,
his country requires protection op her
flank along the eastern Adriatic and
hat the people along the Dalmatian
coast should be permitted to have the
right of self-determination in the mat
er of Italian sovereignty.
a a a
Mexico has announced through lta
foreign office that the Mexican gov
ernment "haa not recognised, nor will
recognise, the Monroe doctrine or
any other wnicn may atiacK ine buy-
relgnty and independence of Mexico.
After-Dinner Toasts Will Bring About
Interesting Situation for
V. S. Official.
Opyrxht by the New York world.
This Real I row Taata Coaablaea Merit,
Keoaassy aad -Pro-"'
Made from a formula that nses Iron
In most digestible form, pepsin and
gentian, great stomach tonics, nuz and
celery, the best vegetable remedies for
the nerves, and also manganese and
other valuable nutrients there s no
question of the value of Peptlron as a
biood builder and strengthened
The larger also of Peptiron contains
enough for a full month s treatment,
whila other so-called Iron preparations
contain only one-half or leas.
The "pep" or promptness with which
Peptlron does Its work Is noted by
everyone who takes iu
From the first dose the system re
sponds to the treatment, and you real
ise you are at last using a medicine that
beglna right, continues and ends right.
Better get a bottle of Peptlron today.
Take two Peptlron after each meal-
then comas good blood, good "appetite
and pep. Adv.
Mart r-r r. I. HOOr CO. Loare-1. Vim.
Doctor Tells How to
Strengthen Eyesight
t ,fc-5 vLt
save Dr. T I h- fira.l
a. a vk e VJJ H tjUi 3 jllii
lntanca t tiX?r 1 M C
aad aokk VXi fcHU
relief V ' - ' y
brought ro a. , .. .sir
. . . i vaaawaaaaaav
tclurta. tactune. hornlna, woia-onalnej.
rm, Read crte doctor a full etaermenr soon to
rata t that parar. roo-Orao M sold and renvnv
rarnacd moMi V Drusssanv
llabed by Arrangement.)
LONDON. April 24. (Special.) The
xtenslve programme which has been
arranged for the visit of Secretary of
the Navy Daniels, who arrives in Lon
don this evening, does not Include any
dry banquets as far as can be ascer
tained. The British know that he is
coming to see the big ships, the big
guns and also the German high-seas
fleet, but they are wondering whether
he still Is strongly committed to pro
hibition. After-dinner toasts aboard British
ships are consummated In port wine,
and from all Indications the visit of
Secretary Daniels will not produce any
change in this programme.
There haa been some good-natured
conjecturing about what drinkables to
provide at the banquets in his honor,
and so fsr grape juice is conspicuous
by Its absence. In fact, the secretsry's
visit comes at a time when Britain Is
trying to get as far away from the
waterwagon as possible.
There are now 000 casks of port ly
ing on the docks of London, and new
cargoes are arriving at frequent inter
vals from Portugal.
Regional Directors Refuse Recogni
tion of Association Is Claim.
SPOKANE. Wash.. April 14. J. G.
Luhrsen. president of the American
Train Dispatchers' association, and
L. C. Darling, secretary-treasurer, will
leave Saturday for Washington to lay
before Director-General Hines com
plaints thst recognition of the associa
tion, granted last September by the director-general.
Is not being observed
by regional directors and railway man
agement. Mr. Luhrsen announced to
Mr. Luhrsen recently returned from
an Inspection trip tnrougn tne central
west, southwestern and southern re
gions, he declared, and the results of
his Investigations sre to be placed be
fore the dlrector-generaL
Padercnskl Again In Paris.
PARIS. April 24 (French wireless
service.) Ignace Jan Paderewski, the
Polish premier, and Madame Paderew
fkt have returned to Paris from their
trip to Switzerland. I
American executive, noting that Italy
went beyond the treaty of London in
claiming Flume as well aa the Trentino
and other territory assigned her by the
London pact.
"We are obliged to point out." says
the newspaper, "that in this very treaty
Flume waa assigned to the Croatlans.
If. then, the appeal is to the treaty, we
are as much bound not to give Fiume
to Italy as we are bound to give her
the other territories."
Rale Said to Apply Both Ways.
If the Italians claim Fiume un
der the principle of self-determination.
adds the Gazette, that principle also
applies to the Slav regions which were
assigned to Italy under the treaty.
The Evening Standard says it can
not pretend to be convinced by Presi
dent Wilson's argument, while the Pal
Mall Gazette says that Italy is claim
ing the fulfillment of the treaty where
she is the gainer by its terms and its
abrogation where he stands in the way
of her full demands.
The Evening Globe, which is strong
ly anti-Wilson, says the president has
taken up an Impossible attitude. It re
fers to his appeal as an Insult to the
Italians and suggests that his best
course would be "to retire gracefully
from a discussion which concerns neith
er himself nor the American continent.
"A document of decisive importance.'
the Manchester Guardian terms Pres
ident Wilson's appeal. Pointing out
that the question is one of applying
principles, it continues:
"Let there be no mistake as to Its
significance. What the president says.
he means. These are not merely words.
they are acts."
America's Friendship Valued.
The Guardian analyzes the Italian
preposition in a sympathetic vein, but
It warns Italy against pressing historic
claims too hard.
"After all," concludes the Guardian,
"the support of America for a world
peace is worth a good deal more than
the security which any particular state
could hope to derive, from adding i
strip to Its own frontier."
The Liverpool Post, which fully In
dorses president Wilson's statement,
thinks that his appeal was made "with
the full privity and consent of Air.
Lloyd-George." and adds:
"For, not less than America, England
lies under moral obligation to square
every decision she takes In re-mapping
the world with the axioms of peace in
the 14 points."
PARTS, April 24. Writing in the
Echo de Paris, "Pertinax" launches a
fierce diatribe against President Wil
son. "We have already sacrificed too much
to the Wilsonian doctrine, solemnly
condemned by the American voters last
November," he says. "The international
regime we have accepted for the Saar
marks an act of weakness which will
cost our country dear. Are we going
still farther today in our enthusiasm
for the new order? Are we going to
tear up all existing treaties? Is nothing
to remain of our alliance?"
Mr. Wilson Applauded.
L'Oeuvre represents the opposite ex
treme among the commentators.
"We do not disguise the fact that
in such a moment we heard with gen
uine emotion the voice of President
Wilson rise above the mutterings of
these international confabulations," it
says. "President Wilson, tired of ths
confidential wirepulling of secret di
plomacy, has finally rent the veil and
appealed to public opinion."
trade opportunities It offers, declared
George W. Norrls of Philadelphia In
an address today at the annual con
vention of the National' Cotton Manu
facturers association.
Mr. Norris said it might be better for
private capital to charter government
boats manned by naval reserve crews
than to buy the craft outright. This
course, he said, would reduce demands
on capital, facilitate enrollment of the
necessary personnel and avoid Injury
to the shipbuilding industry by throw
ing so much tonnage on the market
Men In Boat Drag Youths From Spot
. by TJsinrr Ropes.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 24. (Soe
clal.) After being engulfed for two
hours In deep mud when he attempted
to wade ashore from a capsized row
boat in the bay today, John Waldi, 16
years old. of Alameda, is dead and his
companion, Charles Prunno, is recov
ering from exposure. Stuck fast in the
mud, the boys'cried for help until they
were heard by workmen on their way
ot tne Oakland Mole. The men manned
a boat and went after the boys, drag
ging them from the mud by means of
The boat grounded and it was an
other three hours before the workmen
were able to rescue the party. Waldi
died soon after his arrival at the Oak
land Emergency hospital.
General's Wife Doubts Death Report.
NEW ORLEANS. La, April 24. Se
nora Rosenda d'Alvarez announced at
her home here today she had received
a telegram from relatives in Browns
ville, Tex., stating that her husband.
General Francisco Alvarez of the Mexi
can anti-government forces, had not
been executed at Vera Cruz last Mon
day, as was announced. The telegram,
she said, was not from official sources
and slie still was disinclined to accept
the announcement of the general's
death at the hands of a firing squad.
Dry elabwooa ana inside wood, frees
stamps, for cash, Holman Fuel Co.
Main 2E3 A S253 Advr
(Continued From First Pace.)
his opinion that the war "was still
in progress." which upset one of the
complainant's contentions. Following
Elihu Koot, who argued that the pro
hibition law did not apply to beer
which was not intoxicating (in which
rlass the brewers rate the two and
three-fourths per cent product), nnd
that the act having been passe after
the signing of the armistice and the
expiration of the war emergency, was
Rrarr Held In Krror.
Dielrict Attorney Caffey announced j
Prima Donna Soprano
Metropolitan Opera Co.
With the
Apollo Club
Wm. H. Boyer, Conductor
Prices $2, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c
Plus 107o War Tax.
On Sale Box Office at
Sherman, Clay & Co.
Don't Fail to Pay a Visit to Our
963d Bargain Friday Sale
. Such a Visit Will Save You Dollars
Friday is always a day of wonderful money-saving possibilities at this store savings, too,
on just the things you most need right now! We know that you'll expect out-of-the-ordi-nary
values, and we'll not disappoint you!. Come and see!
Every Thoughtful Woman Will Attend This
Brand New Bungalow A prons
in the Best Styles and Made of
Standard Percales and Heavy
Chambray Have Been Re
duced for Friday's Selling to
Not More Than Three to Any One No Phone or Mail Or
Purchaser None to Dealers ders Filled at This Sale
Neglect to attend this sale and you Vill miss one of the greatest
saving opportunities presented by this or any other store in the
Northwest. And such a sensational low price is only possible be
cause of our good fortune in securing a special lot of Bungalow
Aprons direct from the manufacturer, at an extraordinary price
reduction on a spot cash transaction. We now pass this saving
!on to you. t ,
Included are most all styles middy, side fasten, shoulder fasten;
in also novelty models. All are well made of standard percales or heavy chambray, in pink, blue and gray
colors; in plaids, stripes and neat figures. They are fine coverall aprons with big pockets and wide belt
and are actually priced for this sale at less than wholesale quotations. You could not purchase the QO.
material alone for the price we quote. Friday for the finished apron 5Oi
One of the Most Important Offerings for This Underpriced Sale Consists of
a Great Lot of
Mfl wPi iHf i
1 oo
It Each
Of Wash Goods and
From Which YouHave Unrestricted Choice at
More Than You Ordinarily Do When Purchasing Remnants
Come Early and Have First Choice From
Colored Wash Goods of All Sorts
No Phone or Mail Orders-None Sent C. O. D. and None Exchanged Positively No Reservations)
An Unsurpassed Showing and Sale of
New Spring Embroideries at 19c Yard
Both Domestic and Imported Embroideries in an extensive variety of dainty and elaborate
patterns. Included are 17-inch Corset Cover, Flouncings, Skirtings; also 22-inch All-
over and dainty Baby Sets. All are high-grade embroideries of excellent design
and finish every yard an exceptional value at.
EXTRA! For Friday Only
Pretty Ready-Made
At 25c Each
There's no end to the variety of styles and colors
displayed at this special sale of ready-made Hair
Bows both plain and fancy ribbons of splendid
quality bows of generous size, tied in a OPIp
number of styles, and priced for Friday at. . .
EXTRA! For Friday Only
Men's Negligee Shirts
With Turn-Down and Military QET
Collar, at s OC
In out popular Men's section we have underpriced a fine
lot of Men's Negligee Shirts in styles with regulation turn
down and military collars. They come in all sizes from
14 to 16, and in neat colofed patterns. Won- QPJ
derful values at UOK,
In the A rt Goods Section
Runners and Pillow Tops
At 38c Each
The pillow tops come with backs and are
shown in shades of brown and green.
An Opportune Sale Just at Housecleaning Time!
In a Splendid Variety of Styles, on tf -f 7Q -rn
Sale Friday at LmJy air
Only two to six pairs of a pattern remaining, is the reason for ihis sale. In order to readjust our
stock we quote the" above low price. Included are both Filet and Scotch Lace Curtains In a pleasing
variety of styles they come from 36 to 60 inches wide and 2 yards long. The prudent housekeeper
will not delay her visit to this sale. Choice from all at $1.79 pair.
A Sample Line of
Georgette and Taffeta
From Which You Have
Choice OCT
Friday 4A-JCKJ
Only a limited number and not all
sizes, but a splendid showing of the
latest and best models no two alike.
Come early for first choice they'll sell
rapidly at $13.85.
Large Bars of
Lily White
For Bath or Toilet
Also a Box of
. Crystal White
Soap Flakes
aii tot-50c
Store Opens
at 8.-30 A.M.
at 9 A.M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at S :30 P.M.
at 6 P.M.
EXTRA! For Friday Only
Metal and Celluloid
At 59c Each
A timely sale of Bag Frames of heavy celluloid in
shell, amber, white, green and red; also collapsible p
metal frames in gunmetal finish and em- FTQa o
bossed with pretty designs. Choice Friday at
A Special Sale of
Women's Khaki
In All Sizes CO QO
Up to 44 at .... S
In our ready-to-wear section we
place on special sale a fine line of
Women's Cleveralls -in khaki and blue.
They are well made and of generous 0
size; One day only at $2.09. P
o 4
o i
o 1