17 0. JL C. Stanford, and It Is his boast that "the shell carries no passengers." The varsity crew chosen by Coach Leader Is composed of: Brandenthaler. stroke: C Logg. 7; Berque. : Cronfleld. HIGH TRACK MEETS S: Richardson. 4: Campbell. 3: Lurt. Z; Northfield. bow: Weagler. coxswain. Substitutes are McKarlane and Bald win. The freshman shell will be manned by: Prescott. stroke: Macnusson. 1: Hekel. I: Clarke, S; Mauer. 4; Peliy. 1; Palmer, I; Shawler. boa-; Tattle, cox swain. A mere mention of Bobble Tnttle. freshman cox. la insufficient. For he holds the distinction of being the small est shell boss in the business. He weighs 70 pounds and stands about 4 feet high. Line -on Winged M Athletes Many Entries Received Corvallis Events. Will Be Obtainable. NEW RECORDS POSSIBLE VALLEY SCHOOLS RESPOND TRAPS HOOTERS AT VISALIA Tola re Rod and Gun Club Are Act- TUT, VORXIXG OKEGOXIAN, FRIDAY, APRIX 25. 1919. JUDGES III i I j Track Meet Between Washington and Franklin High Schools to Be Curtain Kaiser. . Portland's many track and field fol lowers will be able to iret a real line on the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club track squad for the first time this season tomorrow afternoon when Head Coach Ueorjre Phllbrook's cohorts will romp through a duai meet against the Orenon Agricultural college stellar combination of athletes on Multnomah field, starting; at 2 P. M. A meet be tween Washington and Franklin high schools will serve as a relish to the bi meet. The academic eventa will folio In order the big-time events. Coach H erg Lis has one of the best track teams at O. A- C that that instl totion haa ever boasted of. and the tea got away on the 191$ season with firing start hy taking high honors a trie northwest open indoor meet at th Columbia university coliseum several weeks ago. edging out Multnomah clu by four markers. The relay race de elded the Columbia meet and with sev era I more field added eventa In Satur day's meet the battle for supremacy may be even closer. Grant Swan, the Oregon Aggie who wen the mile rare at the Columbia meet may not have It so easy tomorrow. It could be plainly aeen out at tne coi lscum that many of the M. A. A. men were not in near the best of shape and could not stand up at top speed thronsrhout the grind races. Inlet guess Is missed, things will be dif ferent, thla time. The Winged M dls tanre men have been paying more at tention to conditioning the past two weeks and have been taking advantage of every good day to get out on th Multnomah field oval and take some spins around the path. Ralph Coleman, Vere Wlndnagle and "Mose" Payne will handle the m and mile and may also ea'er the 440. The high-school students are warm log op to the mert and promise to turn, out en masse to the "twin dual gather Inc. Dow Walker, superintendent Multnomah Amateur Athletic club, h i made arrangements to admit all of th high-school student to the meet at half the price of the regular admission. ' Jn this way they may make the gate for 2S cents. The regular admission to ' all others will be SO cents. ins; as Hosts. VISALIA. CaL. April 2 4. Trap shoot ers from all points In California. Ore gon. Washington and Nevada, members of the California-Nevada Trapshooting association, began here today the an nual California-Nevada registered shoot. Competition will continue through the Pure and unadulterated rain Is the only thing that will put a crimp in the meet. Of course, if old Jupe continues to tip his can of rain over the fair city he could do the meet a lot of dirt. "Scan Collins, the former Franklin high achool quarter-miler would be one of the best men at that distance In this part of the country if he would only get ' In and train and take running seriously. He entered the Columbli meet running under the colors of Mult l.,k .nrf nlarail thirrf In rha 44(1 11 without a day's training. He has the I " Kr,,M ih rivlnnninl. tha knowledge of the game and little work on his part would make him hard to beat. Collins served in the navy during the war but received his honorable discharge sev- eral months ago. K will be on hand tomorrow. e e e George Philhrook. head coach of the Multnomah track team, who repre sented the Cleveland Athletic club, of Cleveland. Ohio, in the Olympic games at Stockholm in 1S13 in the weight events, placing in the discus and shot put. may once more don a traclt suit and compete aa well as coach. Phil brook has been tossing the lS-pound shot all over the field of late and feels that he can give the youngsters a run. i'hllbrook first attramed attention as a natural figure In weight events while attending Notre Dame university. Jack Ryan, who has been the main - stay of the Olympic club of San Fran cisco in the weight events, will be another valuable addition to the M. A. A. C. team. With Philbrook, Ryan, Loutltt In these events the club should be well represented. e e Millard Webster, former O. A. C. all round athlete, who Is now competing for Multnomah club, will attempt to set a new northwest outdoor record for the high jump tomorrow against his alma mater. Webster scored C feet 1 Inch at the Columbia Indoor meet. Johnny Murphy, holder of the Oregon state tnterscholnstic high-Jump record. will compete along with Webster for Multnomah club In the high Jump. Murphy set the record while attending Columbia university. r. or tt. purs w. s. c, today i Intercollegiate Season to Be Opened at Seattle. UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON". Se attle. April 14. (Special.) Washing ton's season of intercollegiate baseball will begin tomorrow on Denny field. n that day and the afternoon follow ing. Coach "Dode" Brinker's nine will meet the team from Washington State college, come west to try contentions with its ancient rival. - Through gamea with the team from Skinner Lddy's shipyards snd a vic toroua content with the Asahai Japa nese aggregation, Washington haa gained much practice. The men are hitting strong and the work of Cham berlain and Waller on the mound has caused prediction of a minimum amounts of safe hits from the team from east of the mountains. REED H.VXDBALL FINALS END Student Team Defeats Faculty Three Straight Games. - Finals in the handball doubles tour nament at Reed college was a fight to the finish yesterday between a faculty and student team, with the youngsters. Bruce Shumway and Carl Wilson, juniors, defeating Drs. Knowlton and Torrey by ecores of 21-1. 11-7. silver cup went to the winners. The hardest-fought series In the tournament occurred when Professors Knowlton and Torrey. last year's win ners, met and won out over Professors tiray and Wooddy. Not until the last ball was smashed could the winner be picked. The scores were 11-14, 12-21. ri-15. hEATTLE CREW MEX GO SOCTH Varylty and Freshmen Eights Will Row at Oakland. C.NIVERSITT OF WASHINGTON. Se attle. April 2. (Special.) Husky and burned to a bronze, Washington's var sity and freshman crews are ready for their departure Saturday morning for California. Coach 1-eader has an nounced the names of those who will Pull oaua iliT against Caliorula and t - .' - - - -V - 4 . .1:?-. .: Awarding of Prizes and Junior Dance Big Features of Even ing Programmes. 0 fc. ieach- OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Corvallis, April 24. (Special.) Entries are coming In rapidly for the two high school track meets to be held at Oregon Agricultural college May 3. The offi cials have been selected. T. Morris Dunne of Portland, formerly vice-president of the A. A. U, will be referee and other Portland men well known in ath letics will assist as officials. Portland track teams are interested I In both the northwest championship v mt anri thA Oreeon state lnterscho- J lias tic events. Entry blanks have been (sent to Washington and 13 men of that 4 I state are expected to respond. Jeffer- son will probably have a 12-man team, J Franklin, Jefferson. 'Columbia univer- T laifv nnH JumM Jnhn teams of six men You may hunt . the yVm W world over but you can- f fKK not find a cigarette to Mi . take the place of Murad. -i;'- The tobacco in Murad is 1 00 pure p f Turkish and Turkish is the most 'jA' famous of all tobaccos for cigarettes. :SwIW It is true that "ordinary" -cigarettes W&Wi cost a trifle. less. ' 3 "Jadge f0r yOUTSelf' i - ; . " .0: ; . ;j ..,;..:.:,x,,,w.j: Chrla Gewk, fares er amateur ekamploa. who will wrestle Ted Atlaa at Rose City club tonight. 27th. finals being scheduled to be shot off Saturday and Sunday. The shoot Is being held on the grounds of the Tulare County Rod and Gun club, of which Orval Overall, former star pitcher for the Chicago Cubs of the Na tional league, is president. The club is acting as hosts in the entertainment of the visiting sportsmen In co-operation with the Visalia board of trade. A dozen trophies have been offered for the events, the chief of which will be the determination of the California- .Nevada cnampion wno win go to tne nternational shoot at Chicago later in the season. Fred Blair of Kureka is he present champion of the California- Nevada association. ATLAS TO WRESTLE GESEK BOCT AT ROSE CITY ATHLETIC CLCB TONIGHT. Middleweight Bout and Two Pre liminaries Will Injure Fans Good Entertainment. Ted Atlas' will tackle the stiffest roposition that he has yet stacked up gainst In this neck of the woods to- Isht In the arena of the new Rose ity Athletic club at Tenth and Stark treets when he meets Chris Oesek, rack Spokane middleweight wrestler. (iesek is motoring here from Seattle nd will arrive this afternoon, lie has been training hard for tonight's match nd writes that he is in condition. While competing under the colors of the Spokane Amateur Athletic club Ueeek threw every (Trappier that was ent In against him and has always roved invincible. He turned profes- lonal over a year ago. Two good preliminaries have been rranged. The first match will start at :1&. Clarence Stiles will wrestle Paul Gates in the first encounter of the vening and Jim Hall and "Red Jlc- Dougal will try conclusions in the main preliminary. ENTRIES FOR INDIANAPOLIS Bis Automobile Contest Promises to Be Record-Breaking Event. INDIANAPOLIS, April 2i. (Special.) Every youth aspires to be a leader In sport, a Ty Cobb, a Jess v i tiara, or Jim Thorpe in football, consequently hen a youth turns to auto racing he seeks to be a Barney Oldfield or a Ralph DePalma. The race that all the peed merchants aspire to win a vic tory in Is the annual suu-muc event t Indianapolis, inus wnen tne - speea buff" bites the budding youth he picks he greatest or an races in wnicn to make his first effort. Eddie Pullen will drive. A. H. Pat- erson s super-six ana w . v. erownie rown, of Kansas City, will drive an ther that will be tagged a ltichards pedal. This car cannot be. raced as Hudson because insteaa 01 naving he conventional 12 valves in the six cylinders. "Brownie has doubled up nd put In z valves, also sieei cyun ers. but basically the car remains a Hudson super-six. Entries to date: Priver car Clifford Ourant. Chevrolet special. 1 .rl Restm. Sunbeam. v. V. Brown. Ktchards special. Earl Coopr. Stuts. Kddie O Donnell. luesenberg. Kurt Huke. Roamer-Dueenberg. Kalph De f'alroa. Packard special. Denny Bicker. Htlckel .pedal. Arthur Thunnan. Thurman special. Ralph Mulrord. JTontenae. Jffto Chassasne. Sunbeam. Jules C.oux. PeugeoU Leuts Chevroiai. Tommy Xiiltoa. Dueaenberg. Eddte Hearne. ourant apecjal. lrtils LeCecq. Roamer special. 11. o. Simmons. Hudson special. Estacada Defeats Oregon City. ' OREGON CITT, April 14. (Special The Oregon City high school base ball team was defeated Wednesday aft- rnoon by the Kstarada high school earn. At the end of the second inning e score was 8 to in favor of Fsta da. At the end of the ninth the score ood, Estacsda 14. Oregon City &. Valley Schools Responding. Valley towns of the state are re sponding and many have already signi fied that they will enter. Included in the list of high schools to send teams are Madras, Ontario, Union, Ashland, North Bend, La Grande, Salem, Albany, Corvallis and L,ebanon. The high school of Everett, WaslC and those of Spokane have sent for entry blanks for the northwest cham pionship meet. The big scale of the day has made necessary a large number of officials. Varsity men In track, baseball, foot ball, basketball, wrestling and tennis will act as officials, assisted by several professors, formerly athletic coaches, and a number of alumni. Junior Dance Big Feature. All awards for both meets will be made in the evening at the annual Junior prom, a dance to which all ath letes will be Invited. Gold, silver and bronxe medals for individuals and tro phies for teams have been aelected by Coach 11. W. Hargiss. following is the list of officials, just compiled: Honorary referee Preiident W. .7. Kerr. Referee T. Morris isunne of Portland. rormerly vice-president ot the A- A. U. Starter Ralph Coleman, M. A. A. C. track man, former Oregon Agricultural College track star. Clerk Dr. A. D. Brown aad George An derson, Portland. Announce! Cn.ar!es Beatle; assistant. Whitney tiill. Scorers George Henderson. V. F. Butter vlcb, Joe Reynolds and Lloyd Carter. Portland Men Selected. Head Judge of finish Sam Dolan, for merly football coach for Oregon Agrlcul turaj college. v Assistant tndces of finish L. H. Arm strong, formerly coach James John High school, Portland: Barry Grayson, sporting editor The Oresonlan: George Berts, sport- Ins editor or the Oregon Journal: E. M. Zmtty, Oregon Agricultural college business ornre. Head field JudBo Victor Ligda. physical training department, Oregon Agricultural collese. , Judge of Jumps J. A. KIkelman, Bad cliff and Carl Lodell. Judge of weights Ozmun Walker, Georg Powell and Marlon Mcf.arty. Judge of pole vault Henry Reardon. Rob ert Stewart and T. Kirkenschlager. Assistants to referee Brnest Arthur, W. B- Klncald and Carl Rickson. Inspectors Emll Selberts, Merle Loosely, Lawrence South, Patchln and James Hyde, Timers Bead timer, James J. Richard son: assistants, Wallace Kadderly, Tr. B. T. Simms, IS. B. Beatie. C. V. Rusek. Lou Kennedy, sporting editor Portland Tele- gram. BASLE WINS HILL-CLIMB RACE Eight Miles of -Mountain Road I: Covered In 18 Minutes. SAN BERNARDINO. Cal.. April 24. Charles Basle won the second annual "rim of the world" automobile hill climb on a mountain road near here today, speeding over a winding course of eight miles to an altitude of 4900 feet in 18 minutes and 4-5 seconds. This broke the previous record of 18 minutes and eight seconds. Arthur Fuller, driving a four-cylinder car, was second In time and first ft that division Time, 19:04. Harry Purniss was second in the multi-cylinder class. Time, 19:24. Kay Galbraith, driving a four-cyl inder car, was second in that division. Time, 21:14. At the last turn, duller went Into the bank, smashing a wheel and the running board, but managed to finish the remaining 200 yards of the course. Ten thousand persons witnessed the race. EUGENE BOYS COMING IRE VARSITY ON TO MEET WINGED TRACK MAY 3. M Active Season Promised for Uni versity of Oregon Cinder Path Stars Six Events Scheduled. OREGON TRACK SCHEDULE, April 26 Varsity tryout Phone your want ads to The Orego- fiiiuu Main JO.iO, A 603a. on Kincaid field. May 3 Multnomah-Oregon meet In Portland. May 9 O. A. C.-Oregon meet In Eugene. May 17 University of Washington-Oregon meet in Eugene. May 24 Northwest conference meet at Pullman. May 21 Pacific coast confer ence meet at Seattle. 4 t a 4 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene. April 24. (Special.) The- date for the dual meet between the Multnomah club and the university has been definitely set for May 1 at Portland. Multnomah has an aggregation of stars to run against "Bill" Hayward's squad. The hopes of Oregon's return ing a winner in the meet are not bright, but the varsity may be able to spring a surprise on the club team. This Sat urday Kincaid field will be the scene of another tryout. After the Multnomah meet the var sity will have a meet every week-end until the close of the season. May 31. The O. A. C dual meet follows the Portland engagement and will be one of the featurea of Junior week-end here. The following week finds the varsity entertaining the University of Wash ington track team here in another dual meet. On the following week-ends the northwest conference meet, at Pullman, and the Pacific coast meet, at Seattle, will be held. The improvement In the weather has helped a great deal in the work of the1 track men. Every; night gees about 70 men out under the direction of Hay- ward. The track should be in wonder ful condition by May 9 and 10 "and the greatest interscholastic meet of the state is promised for the latter date. Catch-as-Calch-Can Bouts Asked. CHICAGO, April 24. Catch-as-catch- can wrestling may be added to tho list of events at the Olympic games in Ant werp next year. Such a request, it was stated today, will be made to the Inter national Olympic committee through President SamUel Dallas and Secretary Rubien of the Amateur Athletic Union by Everett C. Brown, member of the national championship committee. It is pointed out that since the renewal of the world's games, the Graceo-Roman style of wrestling has prevailed. Indians Want Moro Game. YAKIMA, Wash., April 24. (Spe cial.) To confer with west side sports men regarding means of bringing back the game of the state to the former conditions of plenty, a group of Yaki ma Indians familiar with game condi tions of the state since the days when hunting was the Indian's principal source of food supply, left last night for Seattle. They were accompanied by Frank Bryant, one of the best woodsmen In the state. Winnipeg Bowlers Best. CLEVELAND. April 24. Cleveland Rotary club officials announced today hat complete reports received from the 45 Rotary clubs throughout- the country participating m the club's bowling tournament last Saturday night show that Winnipeg, Manitoba, with a score of 2938 won the champion ship; Madison. Wis., was second, with score of 2S51, and Cleveland third, ith a total of 2S50. Lefts and Rights. Jack Britton, world's welterweight champion, believes In keeping: busy. To night he Is scheduled to clash with Jock Malone at St. Paul. From the Twin City the champion will entrain for Syracuse, JJ. Y., and take on Joe Wel ling:, who was recently discharged from the navy, and a few days later he will take on Johnny Tillman. All the matches will be ten-round. " Valley Trambitas will meet Cliff Jor dan at Vernon. Cal., May 2. His young er brother, Alex, will face Phil Salva dore in the headliner at the same arena April 29. Clay Turner, the Indian heavyweight who has acted as sparring partner for Jack Dempsey on numerous occasions. will likely be Willie Meehan's first opponent in the east. Two Philadelphia clubs are bidding for the go. mm Willie Fitzsimmons and Chick Brown, the New Haven (Conn.) boxers, have been heard from and. if they are willing to make the trip west and appear for a reasonable medal In their first start. It may be that they will appear at the next smoker to be staged in this city. Murray Keller, who went to France for the purpose of enticing Georges Carpentier to this country, failed to gain his objective and has returned to the States. Keller offered the great French light-heavyweight ?3000 a week, but Georges turned it down with the remark that he has no Intention of visiting America. Billy Mascott and Neal Zimmerman are two of the Portland boys who are going to have little trouble keeping busy this Amrner. Botn trays are in big demand throughout the northwest, Bobby Evans has been offered the position of matchmaker for -one of the largest boxing clubs in Ohio. Bobby will accept if he is made a stockholder of the organization. Eddie Brewster Pinkman, the sensa tional Seattle lightweight, who more than made good in his recent come back, has left the home folks for Cali fornia. While In the south Eddie hopes to catch on with a pair of Portland boys. Joe Benjamin and Alex Trambitas are the boys Eddie has a hankering to meet. fall one-hour wrestling bout hero last nipht. No pocket breakage and a prime 'til smoked " that's what the bnroil and tissue wrapper does for tl. DALLO smokers. Mads ky WEXTHEIMER BROS. Balks. MJ. f-"!'-i'-S Denver Boy Get Decision. LITTLE ROCK. Ark., April 24. To Jimmy Hamilton of Denver was award ed a decision over Jimmy Minor of Memphis, after' 12 rounds of furious fighting at Camp Pike last night. The men are bantamweights. Savage Holds Zbyszko to No-Fall. GALVESTON, Tex., April 24. Steve Savage held Wladek Zbyszko to a no. They're Biting Again! The river is clearing fast, and the Chinook salmon are again hitting tho spinner. We have the favorite spoons and everything else that's needed for salmon, 273 Morrison Street, Near Fourth. 1 Little Ampere Remarks: Tj .1 "Putting it off till fl f tomorrow doesn't b spin your starter m w today. u t : Then why put it 4 E off? 1 Drive to our service station and be sure your battery .is fc right. WRESTLING Atlas vs. Gesek Rose City Athletic Club Tenth and Stark Streets Entrance at 391 Stark Street Ladies Invited FridayApril 25, 8:30 Two Good Preliminaries Prices 50c, $1.00, $1.50 Men, Save $2 Walk Two Blocks. Low Rent Prices. 1873 kf " J v f i sharks; Union Made 243 Washington, Near Second St, 1