THE MORXIXG OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1919. IT Seen under a pfwerful magnifying glass, a dull raxer blade Inks like a tain edge Stripping keeps these liny teeth in perfect alignment, presides a smtcth keen edge for every shavt Vernon Tigers Bow to 3-to-2 Defeat in Second Game. 16 THEY'RE BREAKING INTO FORM NOW. j DRY t x,.,,m f""". : -J IMPROVEMENT IS SHOWN Content Marked by Better Playing Than In Opener Two Thousand Fans Journey to Diamond. rrWr CaM I.ane Standing. W. L. Prt.l W. 1 Pet. T.o Anerlfi 14 3 .--4C Sacramento. 7 .4H Fa t Lake.. B.stXS-attle fi t'.kland Wrnon . ..... 4 10 tiAD i'ran'co 1u 7 .isa Portland.... 3 1- .-OO Yesterday's Kesalta. t Portland Portland S. Vernon 2. At Satt! Seattle 3. Oakland 1. At San J'ranclscc San r'rancisco 1. Sac ramesla 4. At Los Aact'.t Los Angeles 7". Salt Lake I. "Red" Oldham. Beaver pitcher, won his own came yesterday at the Vaughn atreet grounds when he rapped out a ample in the ninth inning, scoring Ed die Bogart. The final score was. Port land 3, Vernon 2- Bogart came up first In the ninth frame and hit out a scorching two- nagger over snorisiop. me Dan jusii a tipping Mitchell's glove. Fnller sacri-I ficed. putting Bogart on third base. Art Fromme. twirling for Vernon, de liberately walked Baker, looking for a chance at a double play. Hensling fouled out. Cook nailing a high one. Oldham stepped up to the rubber and drove out a beauty through second base, bringing in Bogart and winning Portlands third game of the .season The big carrot-topped southpaw was tn great form and hia fast one worked to perfection. Oldham won his way the hearts of the home fana by his game. lie held the Tigers to six blngles. three of which were garnered from his delivery In the third inning, the other three being well scattered. He was backed up by the Beavers on every play and the entire team looked a lot different yesterday than at the opening game Wednesday. ferlaad ftetres Karly. The game commenced after half an ours delay because of the rain, the Beavers starting off with a sip and scoring two runs In the first Inning. Royal'' Blue, first man up. jazxed the horsehide sphere for a two-base clout right off the reel. Paddy Slglln helped make up for the worry he caused the McCredie family during the training season by slamming out nifty single. Blue taking third base. Not to be outdone. Jack Firmer caught the ball In a care-free mood and pro reeded to belt it for a double, scoring Blue and Siglln. Fromme settled down and became stingy with his hits and got by the rest of the Inning without any fatalities. Vernon scored one run In the second and one In the third inning. Kddtngton came In on Ilosp's single In the second while Mitchell tallied in the third in ning on Mcuscl's hit. J 5 OH 1 FE t I EVEFiy Dr,V ,B8U"t UKt 1HV BAStBu PARrXOefer G D,DM THC POLICE GO AlK2r HOvAi-OO-O VEeuf X I "TO SEE. Vj ''Lr-- I uTsTEN THtV FEtT UKt JgCi-- : J E O Vfton novyN. WEPNESOAV DUTAFCW j on fs jus- a. NkMOBe. t-iKt vee THM VERNOM t : V Qt,oh v4 sOH bunC,h tos-r HA V r,, ..... L-rrr.. rvvsi oo-t ortHi i I wHrti 1tWiLOoKN vesietx'oAvi out eiuu- x see t V CA.M t fAR. (VP AT THe V thii li aw B If jexErXM. OF 't A lessee ............................................. ...... ...... .a How many different razors have y on tried? MOST men have owned at least three or four different razors in addition to the old-fashioned straight edged razor. It's not that men are fickle about their razors. On the contrary, when they find the right razor, they invariably stick to it. The AutoStrop Razor makes good with its users because it provides a keen edge for every shave gives a perfectly cool and comfort able shave every time. A new blade for every shave is not necessary with the AutoStrop Razor. The' razor provides in itself the means for keeping the blades keen-edged as when new J This patented stropping fea-1 ture insures a perfect shave every time. The AutoStrop Razor is -the only safety razor that sharpens itself, shaves and cleans without removing the blade. Ask your dealer about the - 30-day free trial plan. . AutcrStYOp Razor -sharpens itself 500 clean, comfortable shaves from every dozen blades Bases on balls, off Motrneux 2. off Pchorr 3. off Psrtica J- Struck out. by Pertl-a 3. by Schorr a. Runs responsible for, Moly neox I. Sjchorr i- Charge defeat to Moly neux. WET FIELD HELPS SEATTLE Oak Error in Ninth Acribcd to .Slippery Ball. SEATTLE. Wash.. April II. Two hits Frassine Hammered Freely. Walter Mi-Crcdle's warriors nicked Art "romme for 11 aafe cracks in all. getting at least- one hit In every in ning but the sixth. The Beavers pulled iwo nirty aoubie plays, trrors were about as scarce as the blossoms on century plant, both teams being cred ited with one apiece. I VI Baker stowed away two hits In three times at bat while Dick Cox drove out two In four trips up. More than :oou persons saw the and an error after two men were out in the ninth inning gave Seattle a tight game from Oakland here today. 2 to 1. A wet field caused the Oakland second baseman to throw high to first, letting In the two runs. Score: Oakland I Seattle Rfl.O.A K.I fnf.m. . 2 11 ll fl Wllhnll.r Wtlle.r.. 4 O I O ft K'ti'qur.s. Murph.3 4 n O SOWalph.m. Mlllrr.i.. 4 2 2 ft O Cnrnpton.l Mumpf.. 4 13 2 n Knight.!'. Km-he.l.. 4 tin l o i.l -hmn.l W.rrl.;.. 16 5 1 II M .h.3 Mltse.c 3 0 2 2 11 Kilrtilf.G. HoU'ss.p 3 0 1 10 Mains. p.. ;uigDe". B.H.O.A E. 0 3 I 4 2 a l 4 3 1 4 0 2 4 0 14 4 2 2 3 11 3 0 0 10 0 COBS WIN FROM PIRATES BATTING RALLY IX SECOND AND ERRORS RESPONSIBLE. Totals. 302lff1! Totals. St 7 27 Two out . hn winning run scored. "Batted for 111 ten le In ninth. Oakland O ft O O A ft 1 0 ft 1 TKa, . m.- , Semitic 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2: J I'" tllB,ftullliru ailll I .,, Ts.flll a"n.nni XI tn.hf Mini. more ball tcarneA like yesterday's will put the frame back where it ought 10 IV. The summary: Vernon Portland H H O AR' B H O AE jwttr-irr.. 4 12 21 ntu.i 41720 t h fit n.c 3 1 2 ft Sijf :ln.. . 4 1 5 40 n ..!. r... 4 1 U U t armrr.c r;rtrt..n,i.. 4 O 13 li-..r k ... a 0 2 T Hosart.l.. -ill Ctno.l S ft I M t KulU-r.2. .. Hostv J. ... 4 I 3 2ftUkr.c... i oSi.t-. . . . x t n I Hfn.;ir..-i. ;; o ft ommr.p. J 1 u iooniNm 4 11 iKovliliT. . 0 O btMi, Walfh. If. Murphy. Ware. Two-biM hn 8tumpr. aacrifi-e hits. Wares. Bn on balls by Mains 3. by HoltLngs 4. Struck out by Mains 2. by Hniiing l. K.MM'S ERROR F.TAL TO SE.LS ..422 n 2 3 ..411 ..13 3 2 . Tta'aj z C2H1SU Tora:.. 11 27 J4 1 -imniT ran lor Hak-r in ninth. T out iftto inninc run Krfl. Vr-rn ft 1 1 n ft ft ft ft 2 I'nrttsnd 2 0 O 0 O 0 U O 1 3 ltn MifheiL Kd'lincton. F'u. Piclin. P-CAft. ?jtrti'-is out. t.r Ulrlim 4. by F-omme 1. liMfm on bail-, o'f Oldham 3, ff Krornme 1. T o- bmj bits. Kluv. Farmer. ;rmrt. lvrtttle pla. JIop to Mi!rhe; to trtfn. bcMn t ttlue. lick to Hop to h.i -ton. r-m-r I hts. m, Hnlinf. r ullT. Hun rin!itble for. Oldham 2. !onim 3. Time ot came. J. 40. I'mpires, caaoo ana ti't hacrnmonlo Gets Early Load Which Opponents Can't Overcome, OAKLAND, CaU April 24. An error by Kamm tn the fifth innlns: brought In two runs for Sacramento, giving them the lead over San Francisco. Despite ppinted playing, the Steals were unable to overcome this lead and the Came ended & to 4. Score: Sacramento I tan Kranrlsci B H O AR B ll O AE Pin 111. 3.. 4 12 3 I PttzaTd. t 5 1 1 ftO 4 0 0 ( orhan. . 3 12 4 Harper, m. 3 12 1 Oftrand'I. 2. 4 ft 2 5 1 1 Schaller. 1.311 4 1 1 Kamm. 3.. 4 1 1 1 2 1 Zaml hl. . 3 0 12 0 M- K-e. e. . 3 1 S ANGELS TAKE SHARP REVENGE Bff. Swamped itli Six Ran In Mrt I nn Ins. I-oe ? to I. LOS AXOKLK5. April ri. lxn An- tea rrvenced Itself today for Its de feat -esterday and beat Salt Lake 7 to X. The Bees Here unable to over come the lead of the Angels tn the first in nine shrn six runs were piled up through three walks. Kour nirra single and Ellis' triple. irore: l.oa Aneeleja Viddl't'n. 1 X 1 4 1 Woijasr. r .. 4 1 iBKS. 1.. 4 1 Orr. s 4 1 liodlfrs. 3 3 1 Murray, c. 3 1 Uau-d&ar, p 4 0 0 SO smith, p... 4 3 1 Valt l-ake t It H O A K ' Virr't.m ti ic n. K rue - . . . Hum .r.r. Mqlwvl. t,. a vp to, horr.p. U O KMIfr.2. 1 O Mann .3 . ft I s. hi. h.m. ! 1 ft Krnir. 1 . 3 flfrn f d.r. 2 Oil Klii 1 . . . 3 3ft rr:-olt.s. 2 1 O I-tan..-. . 0 OVfai-lMA.p. O 3 9- 2 3 21 11 II I 3 O 2 3 A 1 3 1 1 4 O 2 2 13 3 11 2 4 3 0 1 3 I & ft 0 ft 1 0 0 1 ft ft : 2 O 1 0 1 0 Totar. 31 t 1-a I.ji An;-!- . . . , Run. it 'five. Turmrr. i rt fort!. 2 Th rxf h-" hi I V-' Totals.. 23 4 27 13 I AlAftftOOO ft 1 o O 1 O O 9 O x 7 Kllle'rr. Jlsner. JrU-hlrk, Kill. DrifK-olL iStoien l!.rr, run. Trio;i. ran. To ba Sf,. ' re I J j MONROE Arrow COLLAR FOR. SPRIN'G CTurttPrahoJv&Ca Inc. TrouMX Totals. 3d S 27 124) TotsIs..S4 8 27 15 3 Sa-ramnto 1 0 ft 1 2 ft 0 0 1 5 Nin KranriKO OO1O00 11 14 Run. IMnHM. Kldred 2. Wolterj Mun $H-haller. McKff. KttiKeral1. Orhan. Stolin it'll, rinrlil. KIdrfd. Fltxceraid. t orhan, Kamm. T o-base hits. Wolter, ;rlffxs. Mr K. Fsf-rlflcs hits. C'orhan. Kedccrs, Zam- io.-h. MrKee. Bimi on balls, off Smith "i. off Gardner 2. & truck out, by bmith 4, by Gardner 5. CONFERENCE MEETING IS SET Football and Track Eligibility Rules to Re DlM?u,d. ORKiiON AGRICULTURAL COLLKG K, Corvallis, April 24. (SpeciaL) The next meetinp of the Pacific coast col leKiate conference will be held in Seat tle May 30. the day previous to the conference track meet, according to an announcement from Dr. A. . Browne, aecretary of the conference. Football eligibility rules and rules iroverninff the annual conference track meet will be discussed at the meeting. Representatives from all of the col lges and universities In the confer ence will be tn attendance. Baseball Summary. 'atjaal Iagae Standing. W. U Prt.i W. U Pet Prooklrn. . 3 0 l' Phll. .... 1 1 .5w -n.itinall . . 3 O l.wt Pittjthurc .0 1 .'MM! rhiraio ...TO mm St. Ixiuis . . 2 .ihwi New Tork. . 1 1 .ioo Boston . ...0 3 .(KM) Aasrriraa Vegmm Standlnr. V. U Prt I W.UP't Chicago ... 2 lno "f. Tnrlc.. 0 1 ..Mlrt r..ton . ... 1 O Jtutft St. Louts... O 2 .OOrt wajU lod... l l -,imi ri.;.nil i n Pntla. . ... 1 1 .sou Detroit . ... 0 U .000 Hasr th. Mart, stand. At Portland, nns same. Yemen one nmc: at Sn Kmnr;iw-o. ns cme. Sat. r mento two came: at Ixi. Ancelra. two samps, Sslt Ljkke one rame; at Seattle, one same. Oak land, one same. Where the Trams Play This Week. Vernnn at Portland. Salt l.ake at Los An. celes. Sacramento at San Francisco. Oak land at Seattle. 1 here the Trams Flay t Week. Oakland at Portland, rurmmento at a Anrele. Salt Laka a san Francisco. Vernon auesttle. Beaeer Batting; ATeragrs. ab. ll. pt'.f ab. h. rr. Pennington - I Koehler. ... 20 4 .r'HJ Pakrr 4S IT .3... fuller M 10 .1( nalkrr 41 It .341 Bt.cart :l .iru Oos T IS .31 Lewis K 1 .125 ll.n.lirg.. 30 .3H) IVnner 10 1 .liK) Karmer. 3 IS James 3 O .Orto i.". 13 .Srt .lone. 3 0 .n.m OMham... H 4 Lukano-lc. a .oto Siua..,.a M 13 C9.Coopr... 1 u JMi Cardinals Capture Game From St, Louis, 3 to 1, and Philadelphia Defeats New York Giants. CHICAGO. April 24. A second inning batting: rally, combined with errors, en abled the Chicago Nationals to win from Pittsburg' today, 5 to 1. Jim Vaughn pitched steady ball for the Cubs and Cooper was strong in all ex cept the second inning. Score: R H E R H E Pittsburg.. 1 9 3;Chlcago. .. . 5 6 2 Batteries Vaughn and Killifer; Cooper and Schmidt. St. Ionls 1,, Cincinnati 3. CINCINN'ATr, April 24. Ray Fisher pitched brilliantly for Cincinnati today and the local team won the second game of the season from St. Louts, 3 to 1. SherdelL who was defeated in the opening game yesterday, did much better work today, bcore: R H E R H E St. Louis.. 1 6 3,Cincinnati.. 3 6 0 B a 1 1 e r 1 e s Sherdell and Clemens Fisher and Rariden. clashes with the Delta Tau Delta team The Inter-fraternity athletic counci has decided that not only men on the freshmen and varsity baseball shall be ruled out of these games. also all men who have won their letter in any branch of varsity athletics. tor the first time in three years the faculty will enter a team in the Doughnut league and will play its first game Saturday. Students are expect Ing fun when the professors get into action on the diamond. The schedule for the first round of the series: Saturday, April 26 Oregon club vs. Sigma Nu; "U" club vs. Delta Tau Delta. Monday, April 28. Friendly Hall vs. Phi Gamma Delta. Tuesday. April 29 Beta Theta PI vs. Alpha Tau Omega. Wednesday, April 10 Faculty vs. bigma tjni. HrJ JEFFERSON HIGH VICTORS AXDERSOX FAXS 1 8 BATTERS. BEXSOX Winners Lead Interscholastic League With Two Victories and " Xo Defeats. Jefferson high school won its second game of the season yesterday afternoon when it defeated Benson on the Mult nomah field -by a 6core of 10 to 5. . Ed Anderson, nitchins1 hia rtrst eame for inursaay, May l .Kappa, Sigma vs. I Jefferson, fanned 18 of the cadet bat Phi Delta Theta. Philadelphia 8, Xcw York 5. PHILADELPHIA, April 24. Wood ward, a recruit pitcher, stopped New York's scoring today after Oeschger had given them a 5 to 2 lead at the end of the fourth inning and the Phila delphia Nationals won, 8 to S. Cravath had two doubles, two singles and a base on balls in five trips to the plate. Score: R H E! R H E New Tork. 6 11 B.Phila. 8 13 1 Batteries Benton. Jones, Steele and Smith; Oeschger, Woodward and Cady. BOSTON, April 24. Brooklyn-Boston, postponed; rain. Right Off the Bat. SAILOR HERBIE HUNTER, property of the San Francisco Seals, was in San Francisco the other day on a three weeks' furlough. Hunter was to have bren used as a regular outfielder, but as his discharge is slow in coming, a switch in the outfield positions was made necessary at the eleventh hour. While in San Francisco he will train with the Seals, so as to be In tip-top shape, as he .expects to be discharged within a month. ess When Governor Smith of New Tork signed the bill authorizing baseball in that state on Sunday, he did the great est thing that could be done in helping reorganize baseball in the east and putting it on the same firm footing it was before the war. see Kddie Herr. manager of the Salt Lake Bees, will feel much easier, when Pitcher Ralph Stroud, former Seattle and Sacramento heaver and late of the American association, will make his appearance in a Salt Lake uniform. Stroud was one of the best pitchers on the coast last year and should be valuable addition to the Bees' pitching staff. so Jerry Downs, playing on the Fort McDowelf team last Sunday, was easily the star of the game which his team won. trouncing the 44th infantry 10 to at Fort McDowell. Jerry made a single, a double, two triples and a home run out ol live trips to tne plate. ... Marty McGaffigan is still out of the Senators' lineup. Sacramento insists that its terms are reasonable, and Marty thinks he is worth more than he present contract calls for. It is ust a question of who will hold out the longest, as the Senators are shy of a good infielder, and Marty is shy on mazuma. ters, breaking the. season's record, which was made last week by his team mate, Rollo Grey. Grey struck out 17. Rollo would have pitched yesterday's game had he not been ill. and "Ander son, eagerly awaiting an opportunity, made good right off the reel. Anderson, Coulter, Hammett and Healy were the batting stars for Jeffer son, each getting a brace of safe blows. while Andrews did stellar work behind the bat. Unb.. r.lilinsti n nil I Of L- nr. ia tVia water iga ana .ot Clear, Is Keport stars for the losers. Baker pitched a From Most of Anglers' Resorts fairly food am,e l e"?"; (bfc',T in Oregon. I fereon runs were scored on that ac count. The Jef fersonians are at present The fishing bulletin which is issued I leading the interscholastic league with weekly by the Southern Pacific com- two victories and no defeats. Last year FISH STREAMS TOO MUDDY BCLLETIX BY SOUTHERN PA CIFIC RAILROAD APPEARS. pany during the fishing season made its appearance yesterdajy Agents in Jefferson was leading the league until the final two weeks, when it was nosed . . . V. .- F.anL-lin most districts report the streams in -RPnRon-.Tefferson came was not rainer muaoy condition ana rot yet ripe to have been played yesterday on ac for the best angling:, in some loca-1 count of the patriotic parade, but the tlons the water is vet hiirh And it will two coaches got together at the last pe several weeks before the fisherman minute ana aeciaea 10 siago me con- can strike anything like- "Daradise." test. Quite a large crowa was on nana. The lineups: Jefferson 10). Rnrton. lb. ! Hammett, cf. Coulter, F9. Tousey, 3b. Healy. rf. Andrews, c. Sullivan. 2. Toune. ir. Anderson, Following is a summary of fiahintr con ditions: Gales creek. Forest Grove Water hlrh and not clear: a&imon eras used: no jrood catches rcponea. ir we&tner clears for a week good fiy fishing' can be had in small streams tributary to Gales creek. Dairy creek. Hillsboro WUr rather mud. ay, but some Rood catches made last few oars, salmon eggs and worms used. Hotel Hillsboro. Luck ia mute and Teal creeks. Falls City vvaier conditions rood: bait used: no larce, out several fair catches reported. noiei at ai.'s nty. Marion creek, Marion TVater muddy; very rew iisn yet; angle worms used lor bait. Hotels at Marion. Mill creek, Saiem Water hiffh; worms and chub meat used; some good catches made re cently. Hotel, at Salt;m. Pantiam and Hamilton creeks. Lebanon and Mill City Water roily ; coachman and Michigan legalizes 10-Round Boufs. ki cj utt: mo 1 1 v useu ; somo guoa cau:nes Benson (5). Lind, 3b. Robison, lb. Stack, rf. I Mueller. 2b. IKreuger, ss. I Baker, p. iFeldman, c. IKaab, If. I Horn, cf. The score by innings: ! Jefferson 4 03 2 00 0 1 010 Benson " a v v v u o Ed Anderson, Jefferson pitcher, fanned ifl men. netting the seasons record. Gray. another Jefferson pitcher, fanned 17 men in opening game last week against Hill. Gray was on the sick list yesterday. Anderson, Coulter, Healy and Hammett started for Jef ferson, ana Anurews. uaitrr, r t-'iumun dim Stack for Benson. "Baker fanned nine men. ; WHITE SOX BLEAT ST. LOUIS legalizing 10-round no-decision boxing m atrhna sin A fro o finer a ct-ifa nfhlptii? commission which will have supervision ! over boxing and wrestling matches and pass upon application tor licenses ror j boxers and clubs staging the bouts. WASHINGTON LOSES TO PHILA- The measure limits wrestling matches to two hours. The bill has passed the house and now goes to the governor. Sportsmen May Get Review Now. The annual review of the American Trapshooting association, with the averages of the shooters who partici pated in registered tournaments in 1918, is now ready. Trapshooters and other sportsmen who have not secured copv of the review can secure same by writing the American Trapshooting association, 460 .Fourth avenue, rvew York. One of the features of the book is the honor roll of amateur trap shooters since 1908. The honor roll comprises the leading 50 men each year. The records ot trapshooting, a brief history or the sport in fact everything worth knowing about the pastime is chronicled in this booklet. DELPHI A IN 13 FRAMES. GEORGE MAISEL LOOMS BIG RUMOR SAYS OUTFIELDER WILL SOON JOIX BEAVERS. DOUGHMT GAMES TO START acuity to Enter Team in Inter- Fraternity Baseball at Eugene. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eusrene, April 24. (Special.) lnter-fraternlty r dougrhnut baseball will start at the niversity Saturday when the Oregon lub and the Sigma Nu aggregations made. Mill OJty reports water conditions sood; all kinds bait tilted; salmon now run. nlnic; several pood catches. Hotels at Mill Cliy. Gates and Lebanon. McKenzie and Willamette rivers Water rather high, but moderately clear; fly used; some good catches last few days. Ample accommodations at various points along rivers. Long; Tom river, Veneta Water conditions fair: spoon used; some fair catches made. Hotel at Vencta. Hiuslaw liver, Mapleton and Swiss Homi Water clear; salmon eggs for bait; salmon trout biting fairly good; fly fishing success ful In small streams around Mapleton; some catches of trout made recently near Swiss Home. Hotels at Cuahman, Mapleton and Swiss Home. Ten-Mile lake and Lake Tslitcoos, Lake. side. Or. Water clear; spinner, worms and salmon eggs used; several good catches made. Hotels at Lakeside and Westlake. Upper Smith river Reached by boat from Gardiner or Reedsport to Sulphur Springs; some good catches of trout reported from Sulphur Springs up.- This ia good week-end trio. Rogue river. Grants Puss Streams swollen. too high for successful fishing; some catches Chinook salmon made recently. Hotels at Grants Pass and vicinity. LANSING, Mich., April 24. The Mich igan senate yesterday passed a bill John Lowe, Expert Rubber and Kink Remover, Sow Trainer for Mc Credie's Locals. Although neither Walter W. nor Judge McCredie will admit it, it is indicated that Outfielder George Maisel, who was purchased from Detroit but is holding out for more money, soon will be on his way to join, the Heavers. Maisel is at present workmg in a shipyard in Baltimore and playing on the yard ball club. In a. recent game against one of the best shipbuilders' teams in the country Maisel made four hits in four trips to the plate. The excellent showing of "Red" Old ham on the mound for the Beavers in the second game of the home series may or may not have anything to do with the action of Walter McCredie in signing up a trainer yesterday to take the kinks out of the heavers' arms. The trainer is John Lowe, who has a long record as an expert rubber, kink and "Charley horse" remover. He worked on Oldham's south flipper for nearly an hour before the game and "Red's" fast ones broke to a "t" all through the game. Deciding Run Is Made In Perkins' Double, Anderson's Sacrifice and Shannon's Single. ST. LOUIS. April 24. Chicago's con centrated attack in the third inning, consisting of three singles, a pass, a stolen base. Jackson's double and an error by Williams, produced four runs, giving them the second game of the series with the St. Louis Americans, 5 to 2. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Chicago... 5 10 lSt. Louis.. 2 6 1 Batteries Cicotte and Schalk; Soth oron and Mayer. Philadelphia 6, Washington 5. WASHINGTON, April 24. The Phila delphia Americans turned the tables on Washington here today in another 13 inning game, winning, 6 to 6. The de ciding run was made on Perkins' dou ble, Anderson's sacrifice and Shannon's single. Score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Phila 6 14 4Washlngton 5 9 2 Batteries Watson, Anderson and Perkins; Harper, Craft and Piclnich. NEW TORK, April 24. New York Boston American league game post poned; wet grounds. DETROIT, April 24. Cleveland-Detroit American league game postponed; cold weather. McGoorly Knocks Out Tom Gummcr. DUBLIN. April 24. Eddie McGoorty, middleweight, knocked out Tom Gum mer tonight in the second round of a 15-round contest Glcndale Jeweler Arrested. ROSEBURG, Or.. April 24. (Special.) Emll Bayer, 32, a jeweler of Glendale, was brought here last night and lodged in jail on a serious charge Involving a 14-year-old girl. Bayer was unable to furnish bond of T1000 for his appear ance before the grand Jury. Complaint against Bayer was filed by trte girl's mother. Read The Oregonian classified ads. Liverpool Dock Strike Settled. LIVERPOOL, April 24. The dock strike was settled this evening. Th grievances of the dock workers are to be arbitrated. ' witr 24-MILE RELAT RACE TODAY Reed Freshmen Will Rui Against College Varsity Athletes. Classes will be suspended at Reed college this afternoon at 3 o'clock when a relay race from the campus to Ore- I iron City and back starts with the I freshmen going against the varsity runners. The distance is approximately 24 miles over the county road and will be stepped in mile laps by two teams of 24 men. It Is one event that the freshmen as challengers are out in earnest to win. as they have lost everything in I the sport line thus far attempted. "Bill" Stone, captain of the frosh squad, has had his men out on the track for daily I practice and timing. There are some I good distance men in the class and tne I two teams will average about the same I !' With present prices of hatters' furs Gordons should sell for $7.50. But the manufactur ers have assumed the burden of high priced raw materials and will hold the price at $5.00 the 'quality pf the hat will not vary. IT cJc MATTERS- Sole Agents Sole Agents 286 Washington Street play and the newly formed "L" club in speed and endurance.