13 Exclusive Agency Carter's Knit Underwear j- Exclusive Agency Betty Wales Dresses We Give S. & 11. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More-Filled Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash, Third Floor Don't Overlook This Direct Cash Saving Shoe-Shining Parlors in the Basement Soda Fountain and Ice Cream Parlors in the Basement Furniture Department Now Located on Fourth Floor Trunks and Bags on Third Floor. Gingham Week See the special showing of these popular fabrics in the Aisle of Cot tons, Main Floor. 65c, 75c Neckwear Georgette Crepe of Dependable Quality Lace Department Over 100 shades to select from. We are headquarters for Georgettes of the better grades. Step in and see the new colors in plain .or printed novelties. Priced $2.23 to $3.50 a yard. The Standard Store of the Northwest Main Floor Women's neck Olds, Wortman & King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods wear of organdy, net, piqua and crepe materials. Kuffle edge, hemstitched and lace trimmed styles, white; colors. 65c and 73c grades at &4f 54c DOUBLE TRADING STAMPS J&SS ALL OVER THE STORE! Supply Your Needs at This Store and Reap the Benefit of This Additional Cash Saving! THE 3I0KMXG OKEGOAX,- FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1919. Boys' Suits At $6.75 Apron Day Bargain Circle Main Floor We have repriced many special lines of Women's Aprons to cloae them out quickly supply your needs Coverall Aprons At 98c . Bargain Circle, First Floor Women's Coverall Aprons of good quality per cale, light and dark colors. Large, gen erous styles, open back or side-front. LOT 1 Aprons formerly QQ priced to 1-60; special now at LOT 2 Aprons formerly Q" MQ priced to 5225; special at OX.11 LOT 3 Aprons formerly Q- QQ nrieed to S2.6S: serial at 3J.e70 White Aprons at Half Price Bargain Circle This lot is composed of odds and ends in Tea Aprons sev eral different styles and good grade material. Friday at HALF PRICE. Children's Wash Frocks At $1.69 and $1.98 Bargain Circle Made up in plain c ham bray and fancy checked ging hams. Attractive new styles for little girls 2 to 6 years of age. Priced spe cial for Friday at $1.69 and $1.08 THE OAJ TO JrZL E'pcPUWif PRICE ' '-. It ...... i 1 rrwi Tt Road to Urdntaning xmnt Kfiorttr wrayn of ne vomers AAm tntootx :m Mtie fto$nc or tn a cr d May A limey r -mm Ctct Jbtsfcn Th lscac of Mr Tnm tnut s. v - Apron 5Utns1-X'w Gts- Skinner's Bafav j,. . Z-'.77.Z-J Hundreds of Good Stories the best of recent years at 7oC per copy Book Shop 1st Floor Women's and Misses' Silk Dresses $17.45 Second Floor Delightful frocks for spring and summer wear and at the above price, most unusual values. Some are embroidered with chenille or beads, others are trimmed quality mescaline in a wide range of the best colors. Many are embroidered with chenille or beads, others are trimmed with frilling, tucks and cordings. A great variety of pretty styles to select from. All sizes in the (J1 rj AfZ lot 16 up to 40. Priced very special Friday 0 A I eO Sport Sweaters $10.75 Special Offering for Friday Second Floor Attractive Sport Sweaters for women and misses. Excellent quality brush wool in purple, rose, cherry, salmon, corn and Nile. Coat effects f rrjr with collar and belt same material. Special at I O NEW SLIP-ON SWEATERS in a large assortment of styles, weaves and colors. Priced $5.00 up to $14.00 Girls' Coats At $8.98 Second Floor Smart Coats for girls 6 to 14 years of age. Made up in excellent quality navy and tan serge, also shepherd checks and gray mixtures. Attrac- PQ QQ tive styles. Special at JU-7 SPECIAL Girls Coats of navy serge, bedford cord and shepherd checks. Ages 8 to 14 1 f QQ years. Friday special OXJi)0 Girls' Dresses At $9.45 Second Floor Girls' Fine Dresses, made up in 6erge and satin. Only one or two of a size and ?Q I C style. Special for Friday 0 GIRLS' MIDDIES special $1.79 Girls' Silk Petticoats at $3.08 REMNANTS Y2 PRICE Laces and Embroideries Center Circle, First Floor Friday will be "Remnant Day" a.t the Center Circle. It's our Month-End Clearaway of all short lengths and odds and ends that have accumulated during the last month.. Laces in all widths, from narrow edges up to wide flouncings allovers fine black lace flouncings and embroideries. Desirable patterns in wanted lengths for practically all purposes. Friday at ONE-HALF PRICE AND LESS! BASEMENT STORE 3000 Yards Silk Poplins Basement Special a Yard One of the most popular fabrics for sport skirts, dresses, and for children's summer coats. Silk and cotton mixed; gives excellent wear; has beautiful rich appearance. Shown in black, white and splendid assortment of desirable col ors. 25 inches wide. Special at 49 f yarl. k Women's Handkerchiefs 10c Values, 0 Special 6 foiOVC Main Floor Women's Full Size Handker chiefs 1000 dozen of them in this special offering for Friday.- Fine linen-finish ma terial with neatly hemstitched edge and em broidered block initial in corner. We con sider these exceptional values at 10c. Buy all you want of them Friday at OQ the special price of six for only JJ Women's Handkerchiefs Special' 3 for 50c Main Floor Women's Imported Belfast Hand-Print Handkerchiefs in beautiful patterns and colors. Quality like you used to (tn get. Priced special, 3 for JvC- FOR C H I L D R E N "Mother Goose" Book containing 3 dainty handkerchiefs with colored design and colored edges. Rhymes printed in book. Priced, the book 25 Men's $2.50, $3 Shirts At $1.55 Main Floor -Such famous makes as Savoy and Arrow shirts that are made right and fit right. This lot. is composed of odd lines, somewhat soiled from display. Good patterns and sizes range from 14 prpr to 17. While they last, only OX.OU $1.50 Shirts at 95c Main Floor Shirts of sterling quality our famous Belmont make. Fancy stripe patterns in desirable colors. Sizes from 14 up to 18. Regu- QFT lar $1.50 Shirts; priced special Men's $2.50 Work Shirts $1.29 $2.00 Union Suits for $1.39 Main Floor Men's Work Shirts of heavy khaki twill. Made with but ton-flap pockets. Sizes range from 15 up to 17. Regular fi1 OQ $2.25 and $2.50 Shirts at ol.e6dJ P. Q. A. Union Suits in closed crotch style short sleeves and ankle length styles. Regular $1.75 and $2.00 grades, priced P" OQ special in this sale; suit 0XO Notable Savings for Friday in Housewares Section 59c 75c Table Ware at Third Floor Dainty articles such as Mar malade Jars of ensraved grlass with silver- plated tops Horse Radish Jars with silver-plated frames 2 Bottle Salt and Penner Castors in silver- plated 'frame Individual Salt and Peppers with sil ver deposit on glass Bud Vases with silver - plated frames Child's s i 1 ver plated mugs with gold lining Special for 59(5 46-Piece Dinner Sets at $5.95 Only a Limited Number of These Sets Third Floor American Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, all-white fancy shape. Six dinner plates 6 pie plates 6 soup plates 3 vegetable dishes sugar bowl and cover creamer 2 platters sauce boat 1 bowl the Set, $5.95 Special Demonstration One Minute Washers pHE "ONE-MINUTE MAN" will be glad of the opportunity to explain to you how the average family washing can be done and on the line inside of an hour. The demonstration is in progress every day in the Housewares Section on the Third Floor. Down,$2aWeek puts a One-Minute Elec tric Washing Machine in your home it will pay for itself while you are using it! Investigate this offer!. SPECIAL 3VOTE. Owners of One Min ute Machines may have same put in order free by factory expert. Special Lovy Prices on Garden Hose Third Floor 50 -foot length Black Rubber Garden Hose, complete with nozzle, $6.19 25-ft. length special, $3.89 Complete stock of Garden Tools, Refrigerators, Lawn- Mowers, Gas Hot Plates, Portable Ovens, Win dow Screens, Paints, etc. See them! Oregon-Made Brooms Priced OQ Special Ot Third Floor These are of extra quality. Order early in the day. Main Floor Many of these are from lines formerly priced at $10 a few were $15, these latter are military O. D. suits. Others axe of corduroy, homespun, tweed and novelty mixture. Broken 6izes from 6 to 18. O. D. suits, sizes P? rjf? 4 to 10 Special at only Boys' $2.50 Hats At $1.89 Main Floor Boys' Military Hats in sizes 6 to 7. Of splendid quality felt. Regular P1 OQ $2.50 Hats priced special DeO BOYS' WASH SUITS in Jack Tar, Middy and other popular styles. Prices range $3 to $7.50 DUTCHESS KNICKERS and Open Knee Corduroy Pants. Ages 4 to 18 $2.25 to $3.75 a pair. Model Grocery Fourth Floor Experienced telephone clerks at your service, 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. SWIFT'S Pride Cleanser otf CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP FLAKES, 10 pkg. one pkg. free with purchase of 8 pkgs. GOLDEN AGE Macaroni and Spaghetti on sale Fri- Clip day at 7 pkgs. for only Ovis OWK Peaches on sale qrt at $3.35 dozen; a can OlC Women's Auto Veils At $2.95 Main Floor Women's Silk Chif fon Auto Veils of .extra good quality. Good range of DO QfT colors. Values to $3.50 &VO AUTO VEILS in desirable col ors regular $1.25 and I- ff $1.50 grades; special at wi.UU 300 Pairs Women's Pumps and Oxfords 2 Great Sales at $4.95-$6.95 1st Floor CENTENARY LEADERS HERE in. e. r. hic II.WCHKR KM X AND Pit. J. W. VISIT PORTLAND. Local MellKMli Hold AIM Subject of Campaign I PtoM and Laymen ay Conformce on Fylnc a urpri.o vimt to Portland tn chk up on th. progresM of th. $10j.0tO.(MO MethodiM centenary cam ritn in th. northMt. tr. E. C. Hick man. aisociat. executive secretary of Uie national campaisn committee, and Ir. John V. Hancher. associate di-r.-ctor-Eeneral of the campaign, railed K.cal centenary leader Into an all-day irsion at the Imperial houl yesterday with a luncheon at noon, at which a r.unioer of Portland pallors and leadera in different lines of Methodist cen tenary activities were present. Both men re outstanding figure In Methodism. lr. Handier, in a person ally conducted canipaisn. in which h. anped from state to state, raised JJi.00.00 for Methodist educational institutions, by far the greatest reli gious financial enterprise prior to the centenary. Both leaders expressed themselves as highly pleased with the progress of the campaign in the northwest. Krank C. Jsckson. area ramoalen dl- CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the nature of rector, reported that 75 per cent of organisation was completed, while Dr. W. C. Wasser declared that the north west Sunday schools of Methodism have already raised In advance of the formal opening of the campaign J200. 000, or far more than one-half their quota. The progress of the centenary has been a stimulant to all forms of church work. Dr. Wasser reported. Dr. Hlrkman left Portland last night for Omaha, on his way eaL WHIPPET TANK BUSY TODAY Trenches Will Be Attacked and Old Buildings Wrecked. At noon today the French whippet tank, seen yesterday In the patriotic parade, will be at home to friends at Optimism Square, Sixth and Yamhill streets. An hour later the tanklet will attack trenches at Twenty-fourth and North rup streets, where armed cadets of the Hill Military academy will be stationed to defend the position. At 2:3v this afternoon the whippet will charge a building at Fourteenth and Irving streets. On returning from this attack the tank will assist in de molishing the old University of Oregon medical school building, near Four teenth and Couch streets. There will be no demonstration of the tank Saturday night at Multnomah field, these arrangements having been canceled. Ej-.Ma)or of Berkeley to Speak. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON", Kugene, April t4. (Special.) J. Stltt Wilson, former mayor of Berkeley, who was to have lectured here late this month, has postponed his aeries until May 11. IS, 2i and il. The lectures, to be given under the auspices of the campus Y. M. C. A., will be on the generis sub ject of -Constructive Christian Democ racy for the World." Read The Oregonian classified ads. COLORED ITER CAPTURED 120 BOTTLES LABELED WHISKY PUT SIEX IN JAIL. Auto Said to Have Been Loaded in Seattle, But Men Say Staff Was "Found" In Chcballs. "Aged in the Wood-' stock took an other drop in the cold, dark hours of early morning yesterday, when an automobile carrying George Goldberg and A. K. Lloyd on the front seat and 120 quarts of colored water in the rear of the tonneau was halted by Deputy Sheriffs Kexford. Wilson. Bailey and Lamont a mile from l.lnnton. The bottles were contained in cartons which bore the label "Royal Life, blended whisky. Levaggl company, San Francisco. Cal." Labels on the bottles read "P. 8. P.. Private Stock Reserve" or "Monogram" and were wrapped in green tissue. The corks were covered with a strip of green figure paper bearing the words "Aged In the Wood." made famous by the Baker Bros. Goldberg and Lloyd were lodged In the county jail on vagrancy charges. They were released on bail of $100 each yesterday afternoon. About two dozen automobiles had been stopped and searched by the deputy sheriffs before th right one came along. It had made the trip from Seattle, it was said. As to the camouflaged whisky the autoists explained it away with the simple assertion that they had found it in Chehalis and were only carrying It in an effort to find a good place to drop It. Goldberg was arrested In Roseburg with Minskc, Jack Brennan. Harry Baker and Owen Baker some time ago and fined $50 in the federal court, it is said. As the men were not caught selling the "whisky" they cannot be prose cuted for bootlegging. A charge of vagrancy was placed against them on their admission that neither had worked for months. ICE WAGONS DON'T SUIT Delivery Company Asks That New Firm Be Enjoined. Ah injunction seeking to restrain Christ Eknone and John Jougles, part ners in the American Ice Delivery com pany, from continuing in business so long as they keep up an alleged prac tice of trading upon the name of the Ice Delivery company, which has been in business for 13 years, is asked in the circuit court in an action filed yes terday by Attorneys Malarkey, Sea brook A Dibble. Jougles, one of the partners sued. Was employed by the Ice Delivery company as salesman and driver in 1917, alleges the plaintiff, building up a large per sonal acquaintance among customers Of the ice concern. On April 22, 1919, Jougles went into partnership with Eknone as the American Ice Delivery company. The plaintiff contends that the de fendants have painted their wagons so as to resemble closely the wagons of the Ice Delivery company with "Ice on the side in large red letters, "Deliv ery Company" in smaller red letters, and "Ice Manufactured from Pure Bull Run Water" in large letters near the top. The only difference in appear ance, even to style of lettering, it is alleged, is that the defendants' wagons have "American" in small red letters above. "Ice" and have the rest of the wagon side painted blue instead of yellow. Sheridan to Have Xew Paving. STTERTDAK. Or.. April 24. (Special.) -The city council, acting upon sug gestions from the various councilmen and voters of the city, has announced It will take up Immediately the proposal to pave the unpaved streets in Sheridan and gravel those that cannot be paved. Work probably will start soon. Cleanup Week Is Proclaimed. EUGENE, Or., April 24. (Special.) Mayor C. O. Peterson yesterday issued a proclamation declaring the week from April 28 to May 3 as cleanup week. Fruit-Juices In Vials Jiffy-Jell flav ors come sealed in glass a bottle in each package. Each is rich es sence, condensed from fruit juice. Add boiling water, then this essence, and you have a real-fruit gelatine dessert, and at trifling cost. You should know this fruity dainty. r ""ft J0 Ftaoorg, at Your Grocer's 2 Package for 25 Cents M , Ljlitr 1 I That's the watch- ft-' F""" t K i d llll I word we've en fcj W,' ,Tt),v-'n.i,; Y.Jj j"j.!ff usinar for eleven '-' : -V, 'trMi years- Finestin- 3 Wy-ytfj srediento-the V i iTF v ill ; If J' most modern ma- $ ff3dU.;rl llf chinery expert $ r'.j7! 1 I I ffljaf$ bakers combine vi fO'i'-'lj jP83! to make the per- ijj &wyV-JK-.i-i.- Jfc$$''- fecfc loaf always 'mmWM "1VB Different" t