Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 22, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Ui 01 ILL
Number of Webfoot Soldiers on
Santa Paula and Charleston.
Possibility of Being Sent to Portland
. Before Demobilization Thought
to lie Small.
NEW YORK. April Jl. (Special.)
Ordera have bi Uaued by the division
staff or the 91t. Including; General
Jobnaton and minjr of tne officers who
ara Oregon men to fro to. the Presidio,
San Francisco, to be demobilized there.
There la a possibility yet o( their, be-
In- aent to Portland before then but
only a possibility, by the time such
a maneuver could -be effected many .of
the 91st men would be back in Oregon
and could not be (fathered together.
All who came with the Santa Paula
went to camp Wpton, with the rest of. the
Slat arrivals of yesterday. They are
the 376th aero suusdrore, 636th aero sup,
ply squadron and the remainder of the
Slat division with the 316th supply
train dispatched from St. Xaaalre
Oregon men are John Munro, Salem:
timer Halverson. Silvevton; Hobert
Kurnett. Baker: Waiver . wetaier. -Mil
waukee. J7ta aero squadron, and Carl
Haaenbacher. I'ortland, 646th aero sup
ply equadron. Hotn nero squaarous
were aent to Camp Mills.
The medlcaJ detachment of the 31th
supply train contained Lieutenant Kay
Y. Cole, who wa transferred to the
service of supply Just before Balling.
Company A. Darrell M. Uuyer. Pau
line: company C. Dan M. Carmony.
I-ortland: company D, John "Wellpott.
Powell Butte; Marion Duncan. Wamlc;
company E. Arthur Vloff. Burnt Ranch;
company F. Guy Heater. HlUsboro.
The Charleston, arriving today after
a 11-day trip from Brest, brought the
following: Corporal Unton Carrlgan,
Ontario, in the I-e Mans casual com
pany No. l!tt. now to Camp Merrltt;
air service company No. f contained
Lieutenant Wilbur Hosteller of The
Ialles and Georare K. W. Roberta of
Hillsdale, who were sent to Camp Mills.
Captain Fred Guliette of Portland re
turned In field hospital No. 41 and la at
l 'a mo Mills.
In headausrtera detachment of the
411th telegraph battalion are Captain
Alton B. t'oal'i of Albany and Ray
mond Maynard of Portland.
Company D Lieutenant John Patter
son. Kugene: Carl Rol-ih. Portland;
Georare Vochater. Merrill: Charles
Mtradley. Portland. Company K DIs
charge Balrd. Yamhill; Albert Camp
bell. Eusrene; Charlea Gould. Albany;
Chester Madeira. Portland: Glenn Kl
klns. Kua-ene: Lytton Tennant. Hal R.
Borne. Klton Conway. George Priscoll.
William Gaskell. Ralph Jones. William
Johnson. Charles Larson. Christopher
Nicholson, and Harold Sherrett all of
I'ortland; Clark Hutn. Albany: Ralph
Lindsay. Salem: William Hoffer, and
A. Hunter. Eugene.
The Hth engineer, headquarters
company. medical detachment and
Companies A to P. Inclusive, are on the
seaa aboard the Texan and will arrive
bere about April 24.
ond field army and the 6th army corp
Other units assigned to early convoy
today included the eOatn. engineers
service battalion: 301st field signal bat
tallon and evacuation ambulance com
pany No, 68.
Companies Will Be Separated Before
Reaching Pprtland.
ington. D. C. April SI. Companies I
and 18th engineers, will not be per
mitted to parade at Portland,- Or.. th
war dcoartment told Senator Chamber-
Iain today, because these companies
will be separated before reaching Port
land, one detachment going to San
Francisco and the other to Camp Lewis.
The Dolicv of the department. It was
explained, ie to permit no parades ex
cept of complete units or organizations.
In other words, detachments cannot pa
Feminine Jurist Complimented by
Dean of Law Faculty for 11c r
Efficient Work.
(New York World rvlce. Published by
BUDAPEST. April !. (Special
cable.) A distinguished Hungarian
lawver attended the .Budapest law
courts yesterday to watch at work
the first woman Judge appointed by
the soviet government. The woman
judge, who waa a milliner's assistant.
presided on the judge's bench, her two
colleagues being a tailor ana a ci
nenter. reaneetlvely.
. The presiding- Judge. 23 years old,
conducted the business of the court
so efficiently that the ancient dean
of the faculty of law. Professor Von
bery Cohen, tendered her warm con
The accused In this trial waa a ser
vant girl charged with stealing two
nairs of boots from ber mistress. A
sentence of five years' Imprisonment
was imposed.
"You aeem to have failed to realize,'
aid the milliner-Judge In Imposing sen
tence, "that the old social system has
gene and that only worker and no
capitalists and thieves have any place
In our new social system.
Troop in Command of Captain A. B.
Coats of Albany, Or.
NEW TORK. April II. With 1349
troops the cruiser Charleston arrived
here today from Brest. Units Included
the 411th telegraph battalion complete,
11 officers and 213 men: 41st field hos
pital, four officer and 74 men; and
33th field hospital, four officers, and
78 men. The others were mostly Infan
try, marine and air service casuals.
The troops on the Charleston came
home In command of Captain A. B
Coats. Albany. Or.
The 411th telegraph battalion men
were welcomed on behalf of the Pacific
States Telephone company by officials
of the New York Telephone company.
WASHINGTON, Apri! II. About 7000
officers and men of the 42d (Rainbow)
division sailed from Brest April Is on
the transport Leviathan, due at New
York. April 2.1. Among the officers on
board are Major-General George W.
Read, commanding the division, and
Brigadier-General Douglas MacArthur.
commanding the 84th Infantry brigade.
Units on board the Leviathan Include
the 14th and 150th field artillery. 84th
infantry brigade headquarters, 166th
Infantry. 117th train headquarters 4 Sd
division military police, 4-'d division
headuuarters troop. 117th sanitary train
ls ambulance companies 165, 166 and
17 (already sailed). IS casual com
panies and 4ft casual officers.
The transport (jultania. due at New
York April 24. has on board the 303th
infantry complete of the 77th divi
sion, four casual companies, evacua
tion ambulance company No. 64, 3t.tth
and 306th machine-lull battalions (77th
division). 0 casual officers.
Tha Kroonland sailed from Pt. Na
taire for Newport News April IS with.
the medical detachment
and companies A to L, inclusive, of
the 109th machine-gun battalion; de
tachment of headquarters, 28th divi
sion; field and staff headquarters. 1st
and 3d battalions: companies K. G.
14. I. K. L and M of the It 1th infantry
machine-gun company of 13th Infan
try. 2th division military police, three
convalescent detachments.
The orlxaba, due at Mew York April
17, is bringing 12H0 officer and men
of the 308th ammunition train, trans
portation corps companies Nos. 20. 92,
1. l. . 103 and 1 35 : lolth and Mth
aero squadrons: Flights A and B of
the lOiiia an repair squadron; nine
convalescent detachments.
The ISiboiiey. du.- at New York April
37. has on board the headquarters com
pany, supply s.'-:lon. companies A. B
and C of the I0th field signal bat
talion, headquarters compan). medical
detachment, and Companies A. B and
C. 10th field signal battalion: 44th
engineer pontoon train: evaruatinn am
mulance company No. 34 and 241 con
valescent detachments.
The rturlname. dnc at New York May
3: Knawha, due at New York May S:
Alloway. due at New York May 3: the
Western Hero, due at Newport News
May X, are bringing a few casuals each.
La Tearalae Dae April 27,
Tha transport 1-a Touraine. due at
New York April 2. has on board 13
casual vompaniea fur various slates and
43- casual officers.
The transport Konigcn der Neder
land4n. due at Newport News May 2.
la bringing the 117th ammunition train
complete of the Rainbow division;
headquarters 114th engineers: evacua
tion hospital No. IS: antbulanca service
sections Nos. HI, 6n, 171, Si. vl and
6il. six casual conipanlea of colored
troops and nine while casual companies
and at detachment of the 141st field
battery artillery.
All units of the 79th division (Penn
sylvania. Maryland and District of Co
lumbia) have been assigned to yearly
convoy. Also assigned ara beadquar
taxa and headquarters troop of the ate
Season Tickets Will Be 80 Per Cent
and Weck-End lares Two-Thirds.
Special excursion rates authorised
for local territory In the Pacific north
west were announced yeaterday by A.
r. Charlton, chairman of the North
Paclfio roast passenger committee and
assistant general passenger agent of
the Northern Pacific lines'. Season
tickets will be sold for 80 per cent of
double local rates and week-end fares
will be two-thirds of double local fares.
The rates will apply to all beach
resorts from Portland. Including North
Beach, both seasonal and week-end. and
also to many other popular resorts to
which the summer resort patrons have
been accustomed to go during the
summer months. The- effective dates
will be either from June 1 or 15 to
September 13 or 30. according to
weather conditions that control the
opening or closing of the season. -
Seaside from the beach resorts, the
seuiponal rates will be available for
travel to Rainier and Crater Lake na
tional parka, the Josephine county
caves, rihaata resort, alcCredle hot
nrings. Week-end rates will be sold
Saturday and Sunday, good for retur
trip on Monday, and will be applicable
also for the trip up the Columbi
river to Grand Dalles on the Spokane.
ortland Ac Seattle or to The Dalles on
the Oregon-Washington lines.
Epinonville Losses Largely
From Distant Shellfire.
Red Cross Searcher Thrilllngly Re
lates Stories of Bravery of Men
Who Made Supreme Sacrifice
All Son Ice Men Eligible for Mem
bership In Organization.
Every man in Portland who was in
any branch of Uncle Sam's service dur
ing the war Just concluded is eligible
for membership In the American Le-
Klon. The first meeting In Oregon will
be held next Saturday night In the
mory and Captain Dow Vernon Walker,
superintendent of the Multnomah Ama
teur Athletic club, will preside. He
was appointed temporary chairman by
Lieutenant-Colonel Roosevelt, acting
president of the organisation.
The plan is to hold meetings simul
taneously throughout the state, in each
county, so that the organization can
be perfected as soon as possible. The
first annunl convention Is to be held In
St. Louis next Month and ten delegates
are allowed I'ortland. -
The organization Is for officers, as
well as enlisted men, and all who have
seen service either in this country or
abroad are asked to be present Satur
day night. The league will be .non-sec
tarian and non-partisan and will be
similar to the Grand Army of the Re
public and the United Confederate Vet-
Mr. llauley to Speak in Albany.
ALBANY. Or., April 21. (Special.)
. C. Hawley, representative In con
gross from the first Oregon district.
gave the Easter address yesterday at
the eervlce of the Knox Butte Union
Sunday school, four miles east of Al
bany. Mr. Hawley is visiting In that
vicinity with relatives of his wife, who
is a daughter of John Geiaendorfer,
pioneer resident of that section of Linn
county. He htmself owns a farm on the
eastern slope of Knox Butte. Mr. Haw
ley will speak In Albany In the Interest
of the victory loan next Friday even
Marine Sergeant Kills Self.
BREMERTON. Wash.. April 21. Ser
geant David 8. Bahr. United States ma
rine corps, aged 32. ahot and killed
himself at the marine barracks at the
navy yard here. He enlisted at Charles
ton. S. C. and had been In 111 health
for some time.
Cou china
Diseo. m,
1 TO
A Welcome for Sickness
Indication, clogged stomach and
bowels. Is more than an Invitation to
illness: It Is a cordial welcome. A mass
of undigested food, fermenting in the
stomach or bowels, sends Its polsona
throughout the system, disturbing the
natural function of every organ, caus
ing congestion, disturbing circulation
and weakening the discase-resieting
powers of the body. Foley's Cathartic
Tabletare wholesome, quick in action,
and have no bad after-effects. Sold
everywhere. Adv,
American Red Cross Searcher in
91st Division.
In considering the battle of Epinon
ville tha reader should remember that
it waa the first real engagement
which the men of the 91st took part-
The' fighting of September Is, the' day
before, had been against Isolated machine-gun
nests with plenty of country
at each side for flanking, -me lew
bodies of Germans encountered, except
some of those in the nests, nao. Deen
glad to surrender. The first day's losses
were largely from distant aneimre.
Manv a soldier- had not even seen
German all day. In spite ot the nve
miles of progress.
Ths first hard test or mat camp
Lewis and Haute Marne training came
accordingly, on the second day; for the
181st brigade In the battle of Epinon
ville, or the battle Of the orchard; for
tha 182d. In what may be called tn
battle of' Ecltsfontaine. With the lat
ter. the serial will later deal. In th
former, the brigade was called upon
on the 37th to exercise all ingenuity,
and while the losses seem heavy, as
on reads these Installments, neverthe
less tha village was taken on the fore
noon of the following day with a total
n dead and fatally wounded of less
nan 100. When the figures of the two
Sommea. of the Champagne, of Belgium,
of Verdun and others of the dozens of
battles in which the other allies took
part, perhaps the figure should seem
mall for so stoutly defended a post as
Epinonville. for Frits knew when he
gave it up that the 91st would sweep
n to Exmorleux farm ana into tne
Bols de Clerges.
Feather la Cap of Slat.
It may be that a feather should stick
n tha can of the 91st for having taken
Epinonville and Ecllsfontaine without
ither brigade's having been shattered.
They were good men and good officers.
with few exceptions, who went on the
second morning up the westerly slope
of Very-Eplnonvllle canyon.
Plnce the human interest ot the whole
pisode centers about those who fell.
especially in the country that sent them
to war. the deaths of more men in the
first battalion of the I6lst Infantry will
ow be described. In preceding install
ments companies A and B and head-
uarters company were covered. Com
pany C Is next,
C lost nine men In ths battle of
Epinonville. It had started off the
previous morning as a support and had
had no casualties all the first day. It
lept In the trenches across the Canyon
from Epinonville, and the second morn
ing took the front line with cornpany A
at its left and began to maneuver to
outdo the machine guns and snipers
that infested the tough old orchard.
Private Harry Johnson and Lieuten
ant Robert C. Howard, a Washington
officer, were lying behind the bank of
road that ran at the edge of the
orchard. A Hun sniper had been shoot
ing all morning. A short time before
ha had killed an A company man. The
lieutenant borrowed Johnson's rifle and
fired three or four shots. Johnson was
looking over the edge of the bank.
Suddenly Howard cried "Down!" and
dropped. Johnson hesitated an Instant
and was shot in the head. He was un
conscious thereafter, but lay faintly
breathing until mid-afternoon. The
lieutenant is said to have shot the
sniper soon after. Johnson left a wife
in Aspen, Colo.
Idaho Man Next to Go.
A northern Idaho man was next to
go Corporal Clarence Sylvester of
Rathdum. The company waa becom
ing disorganized by the frontal fire and
was advancing too slowly to suit Cap
tain Ira Goodpasture of Oregon (now
Major Goodpasture, ranking major of
the 261st infantry), so Goodpasture
rose and started forward at the edge
of the orchard, followed by Corporal
Sylvester and part of his squad. About
150 feet beyond where Johnson was
lying, Sylvester was shot in the head
by machine gun or sniper. He was
standing when shot and died Instantly.
His mother la Mrs. C. E Sylvester of
A Washington man died Instantly at
this time William Hess, private in
company C, brother of Frederick Hess
of Riverside, Wash. A Hun sniper killed
him as he ran for a hole. He died with
out sptakingr.
He was seen to fall by another Wash
ington man. Private Henry A. Jacob-
son of company C, son of Jacob Jacob- I
I son of Alnha Tniti Tnriflpntnllv. th
following morning Jacobson himself
was wounded at the orchard. The com
pany retired once about 9:30 A- M. un
der the fire and again at 6:30, sleepin
on the night of the 27th on the opposite
ridge in the trenches where it had slept
the night of the 26. the morning,
with other 181st units. It came down
into the canyon again, up the reverse
slope, into the orchard and this time
clear through it, sweeping the Hun
Jacobson was shot in the pelvis. Th
writer talked with him afterward and.
little thinking he was doomed to die.
was told how Hess and Sylvester and
Johnson had gone and was told accu
rately. Jacobson then started back
through the hospitals, and on October
Z6 died at base 54 at 11:40 A. M-. septl
cemia having; set in.
Barrage Laid Dovrm In Orchard?
When Company C was told to retire
after the first vain attack on the or
chard, the 27th, the order preceded
barrage that waa to be laid down In the
orchard. The men began to run back
from their cover. Paul Ludke of Rich
field. Wash., on - tha Columbia river
near Pasco, was one o them. He be
gan to run down the road that led into
the canyon, alongside which was
hedge. He had to pass a gap In the
hedge, and aa hs did so, a -nachine sun
opened through it He must have been
hit in the side. He fell forward, said
Oh, God, I'm hit." crawled a few feet
from the impetus of his running, and
presumably died almost at once. Cor
poral L L. Goin, a Los Angeles man,
who was a few feet behind, reported
Ludke killed a few moments later,
Goin and others having taken refuge
In two brick houses just below the brow
of the slope. Goin passed him again
after the artillery fire when Company
C was returning and lifted up his face,
but apparently he had long been dead.
Carl Ludke of Richfield is this private'
John Wltbeck of Vernal, Utah, pri
vate in Company C, was in the second
platoon, which had been lying at the
edge ot the bank of the orchard road.
firing at Frits. A "cease firing" order
waa given, and Wltbeck climbed onto
the bank to clean out his rifle. The
platoon sergeant and others advised
him to get down, but he didn't. A
bullet struck him In the breast. He
fell off the bf nk, rolled down It over
Sergeant L Grande. Stewart of Black
foot, Idaho, who was right beneath
under cover, and lay dead in the road.
Corporal Ralph W. Feit of Colorado
and Private Wilbur Smith of Montana
were also lying under cover of the
bank,, and he rolled by them.
Salper gaoa-ts Goodpasture.
It was shortly after noon when Cap
tain Goodpasture was shot In the
leg by a sniper at the edge of the
orchard. An Oregon man and a Wash
ington man carried him over the brow
of the hill, through one side of Epinon
ville, to a place on the reverse slope of
the canyon, where they dug him a pit
as protection from shell fire, aided by
Private Thomas O'Reilly of Los An
geles and a fourth man.
Having been told to stay where the
captain was in case anything happened
Bird, O'Reilly and the fourth man dug
hole for themselves nearby, while
Eckley was standing eight or ten feet
in front of the hole. The other three
sat down in their hole with their backs
up the hill, waiting orders.
A shell fell about 20 feet back of the
hole. A piece hit Eckley in the face.
ntered his head and killed him in
tantly. A piece as large as a walnut
struck Bird In the back of the head and
went in. He lived five hours, lying un
conscious In the hole until death. One
medio. In fact, tagged him as dead soon
after the shell fell, but another came
along later and found him still breath
ing; yet he was so nearly gone that the
tag was not changed. He was a power
ful man to have lived as much as five
ours. His mother lives in Seattle.
Eckley's home was in Enterprise. Or.
Bleep Bank Protects Men.
Private Gordon V. Knechtel and ten
ther C men had been assigned to the
machine-gun company of the 361st as
n ammunition detail. They had been
with it from daybreak of the 26th. On
the forenoon of the 27th they came up
and entered the orchard, but were
chased back to the road by artillery fire,
and lay down behind the bank. The
bank was sufficiently steep to protect
from all sorts of fire except shells that
might fan in tne road. Finally one ten
; the edge of the road, about noon,'
nd hit a rock, which broke into many
fragments, and some of these frag-
ents hit Knechtel in many places.
Major Frank Doherty of Los Angeles,
commanding the first battalion of the
61st, saw Knechtel soon after; and he
ed while the major was near. Knech-
tef s father lives In Kitchener, Ont., for-
erly known as Berlin until an out
raged Canadian populace in 1915 in-
iBterl on changing the flame.
Epinonville, of course, was a wreck.
Not a building in it was whole. After
Frits had abandoned the place, brigade
adquarters were established In a dug-
ut In the town, and a church that still
had four walls and a roof was used. as
dressing station. But for days the
Hun pounded the town incessantly, and
nally drove out the headquarters, after
avlng killed or maimed several run
ers, blown up the car of a colonel and
made debris of most of the place.
Machines Ordered to Portland
From Sacramento, Cat.
Acting Secretary of Navr Rooserelt
Says -What Fighting" Craft Will
Be Assigned Not Yet Known.
ington, April 2L Orders have been
sent by Colonel Milton Davit of the
military air service to the commandant
of Mather Field Sacramento, CaL,
directing him to send four or five air
planes of the S. J. N. dash -h. to the
Rose Festival at Portland in Jane, ac
cording to Information communicated
to Senators Chamberlain and McNary
today. The order also calls for two
airplanes of the De Havlland- types, so
that those attending-the Rose Festival
may see the Liberty engine and the
type of plans which fought for the
United States In France. Colonel Davis
further has Instructed tha commandant
of Mather field that it would be wis
to send two airplanes to Portland soma
days ahead of the big flight for the
purpose, he says, of "blazing the trail."
Acting Secretary of the Navy Roose
velt told Senator McNary today to as
sure tha Rose Festival managers that
some kind of fighting craft will be de
tailed to Portland harbor for the big
event. "I cannot eay what it will ha,
whether battleships, cruisers or sub
marines," said the acting secretary,
but it will be the best we are able
to give."
There are several good harbors
north of San Francisco, among them
notably Coos Bay, the Columbia river
and Puget Sound," Senator McNary re
minded the treasury department today.
A few days ago the treasury department
announced that the old battleship Ore
gon had been selected as the victory
ship to make the voyage through the
Panama canal, starting from Bremerton,
today and reaching New York the day
that the victory loan goes over. Imme
diately following the announcement
large sign boards were hoisted in con
spicuous places about Washington on
whioh were large and colorful maps of
the United States giving the route of
the victory ship as from San Francisco
to New York.
'The fact that we have some note
worthy sea ports north of San Fran
cisco will be demonstrated in the re
ports that will come In on the loan
subscriptions from Oregon and Wash
ington in a few days," Senator McNary
told, the department.
The case of the southern Oregon
company against the United States, in
volving the Coos bay wagon road land
grant in Douglas and Coos counties.
Oregon, was remanded to the United
States district court of Oregon by the
upreme court today for a modifica
tion of its final decree. This action is
to permit an adjustment of the matter
under the act of congress of February
t which provides the means of dis
posing of the lands In question.
Probability of an extra session being
called for May 12 as indicated by Paris
ispatches today, caused Senator Borah
to abandon plans under consideration
ither to go to the Paclfio coast to
speak against the league of nations
r to accept the invitation of a British
labor organisation to make such a
campaign in England. Several of Sena
tor Borah s speeches against the league
have been published In full in England
recently and resolutions were adopted
by British labor demanding that they
submit the question to a vote of the
people as proposed in Senator Borah'
early speeches.
' ',aa,M "UBKJgTY CONH siffTi'
.JHl. jS
"The Sheriff's Son
Did you ever hear of a "timid" Nerr
York lawyer?
Well, that's Charles Ray in "The
Sheriffs Son." The poor fellow was
just born scared, so he has to fight him
self as well as other and husky gun
quick enemies.
Some fights! See them!
! i
A , 1
i -
f 1 w
f Iff
In the next Installment the-fortunes
the other battalions of the 361st in
battle of Epinonville will be de-
Reed College Gets Financial Settle
tnent for 8. A. T. C. Work.
The barracks used by the Reed col
lege-unit of the S. A. T. C. are to be dis
mantled and that part of the Reed
campus cleaned up, according to ar
rangements made between the govern
ment and the college. The war depart
ment has concluded Its examination of
the S. A. t. C. accounts and provided a
satisfactory settlement with the col
lege authorities as to the payment of
tuitions of all inducted men, the ex
penses of the mess and the removal
the buildings.
The flagpole is the only portion of
the equipment that the college will pay
for and retain.
Kelso Fishermen Ready for Season
KELSO, Wash.. April Jl. (Special.)
Kelso's fishermen are getting their
r- '.M lit
aaJUTW,w . 4J.W"W5J -
( I The Most vivid f
Production in rto
FY " Many Years ;
Brlna; rour anna M tilt II
f they may profit by the ' ' 1
Z ckBowIedge imparted. I 4
O i i V
'fcM ... . .aataUa-Uh.. Wt.
The Most Daring
Photoplay Ever
ten your growa-ap daugh
ter aa are ifels powerful
aaaral eauaae.
gear in shape for the opening of the
season May 1 anduring the coming
week most or' them will move their
floats out of tha Cowlitz river to their
locations along the Columbia river.
Many of the fishermen residing in
Kelso fish in the Cowlitz during the
fall and in amelt season, but during
the spring have drifts along the Colum
bia. Many of them locate between Car
rolls and the mouth of the Cowlita and
other groups fish at Vancouver, St.
Helens and Mayger and other drifts.
The traps in this vicinity are being put
in shape and fishermen look for a prof
itable season.
Yakima Hands Out Jobs.
YAKIMA, Wash., April 21. (Special.)
One hundred and sixty persons were
called for at the office of the federal
employment bureau in this city last
week and '146 were sent to Jobs. One
hundred anci seventeen men were sent
out and the calls for men workers to
taled 120.
effle too&
Held in the h ands
of men who thwk.
greatly to solve the
problems of the
TSeadyto write instantly
L.E. Waterman. Co.
i9t Broadway NewYork
Chicago Boston San Francisco
e lfl
t if
Watns Km
FountKPen 7g
25 7 S-h3 III
DeaJeis f ' I
All Makes
All Styles
Fountain Pens
At the Fountain Pen Center
Third and Alder,
Booksellers, Stationers, '
Office Outfitters.