Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 22, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Conditions for Versailles Meet
ing Accepted.
Eorhes Will Brlnr 75 Persons to
Peace Congress and Will Arrive
Xot Before N'eit Monday.
PARIS, April SI. Bjr the Associated
TTes. Germany has notified the allies
that ahe accepts all the allied con
ditions respecting; the Versailles con
Tress, This official announcement was
made tonight.
(lermany will send the following
delegates to the Versailles congress
With full powers to negotiate:
Count von Brockdorf f-Rantxau. for
sign minister: Herr Landsberg. eeere
tary for publicity, art and literature
Ir. Theodore Melchior. general man
ager of the Warburg bank: Herr Lein
rt. president of the Prussian assem
bly and of the national soviet congress
Herr Geisberg, minister of posts and
telegraphs, and Herr Schuecklng.
In all the German party will number
T j. The arrival of the delegates cannot
be expected before April 2S.
Coal and Iron Mines Flooded With
Water and Shaftings and
Frames Dynamited.
WASHINGTON-. April II. Destruc
tion wrought by the Germans in north
ern France was so "systematic and dia
bolical" that it will require five years
to rehabilitate the coal, iron and steel
industry and from 12 to 15 years to re
turn the mines and mills to normal out
put, acordlng to a preliminary report
today by Frank H. Probret. consulting
engineer of the bureau of mines. He
is a member of a special investigating
committee which recently returned
from Europe.
"The actual physical damage to the
Iron mines is comparatively small when
compared to the destruction of the coal
fields of northern France, which is as
reprehensible as it is complete." Mr.
Probert said. "In my opinion no such
atrocity was ever perpetrated against
the industrial life of any country. Mag
nificent steel plants are now but a tan
gled, twisted mass of structural steel
and broken stone. The willful demoli
tion was scientifically planned and sys
tematically carried out. This after the
removal of all mechanical and electrical
power units that could be used by Ger
many. The maliciousness and efficiency
with which this crime against French
Industry was carried out is almost un
believable. "The coal veins of northern France
are overlain by mater-boring strata,
necessitating special method of shaft
sinking and support to keep the mines
dry. The steel lining of the shafts was
dynamited. letting in the quicksand and
flooding the underground workings for
sniles around. In the entire Pas de
Calais region it is estimated 120.000.000
cubic meters of water must be pumped
before mining operations are resumed.
Having flooded the mines, the head
frames and surface equipment were
systematically dynamited, the twisted
debris in many cases filing up the de
molished shafts."
sian embassy here made public today
the outline of the plan presented to the
peace conference by Russian represen
tatives at Parts to solve the Kuseian
problem. It asks recognition i-s de
facto of all national authorities who
are Inspired by democratic ideals and
njoy the support of the population.
pending the setting up of a federation
of Russian states.
Prince Lvoff. Tchaikovsky, Saionoff
and Marklakoff signed the memorandum
embodying this programme. Under it
the allies would recognise the Russian
boundaries of 1914 except for ethno
graphical Poland, and would support
democratic de facto authorities In
their struggle against bolshevlsm and
Private advices received here recent
ly from London were to the effect that
the United States and the allies al
ready had determined upon recognition
of the Omsk government.
America Hated Especially and All
Americans Are Ordered Home.
(Coorrlrht t th New Tor WorlO. fao-
llsneO Or A r r uiriuia.. i
I-ONDON. April II. (Special Cable.)
A delayed dispatch to the Daily News
from Rome states:
There is a great deal of 111 feeling
in Italy against England and America
because of their opposition to this
country's Dalmatian claims. President
Wilson gets most of the blame because
he is reported to have refused the de
mand that Flume should be assigned to
Italy, so delayed the conclusion of
peace and contributed to the failure of
the league of nations by trying to rec
oncile it with the Monroe doctrine.
"Americans are disliked to such an
extent in Italy that the United States
military authorities, as a precaution,
have not only stopped allowing Ameri
can officers and men in France to pass
their leave in Italy, but also have or
dered all American army and navy units
still on duty, including the military
police and Red Cross officers and
nurses, to return to America without
further delay.
"The traditional friendship between
England and Italy, judging from the
attitude of the press, no longer exists.
In fact, not only have the Italians dis
covered P.ritlsh atrocities' in Ireland,
India and Egypt and started comment
ing on them most unfavorably, but long
editorials are published daily, evidently
with the tacit approval of the govern
ment, explaining that England entered
the war to make money, to get the
German colonies, crush Germany, cap
ture the world's markets and to in
crease her sea power. It is useless to
conceal the fact that the difficulties in
the way of the re-establishment of
commercial relations between Italy and
Germany have, in a great measure, been
Huns Plan to 'Get Treaty
Peace and Hurry Home.
c) "Merchandise of
Merit Only"
Germans Expect to Return to Wei
mar From Versailles and Then
. Look Into Text of Pact.
Drivers. Watching Airplanes While
at Wheel. In Collision.
Two automobile accidents resulted
from the aerial cirrus yesterday. E. E.
Stratton was looking up at the aero
planes while driving his sutomobile at
Tenth and Hall streets. His car struck
one driven by H. A. Parrott.
A. M. Kornahrens of Oswego reported
try the police that he had parked bis
car on vista avenue while his party
watched .the circus. He said K. IL ln
g rah am. 1181 Harqld street, loosened
the brakes to move Mr. Kornahren's
machine out of the way. and that Mr.
Jngraham lost control of it. letting it
run down the hill and against the In
graham machine. The damage was
small in both cases.
Rev. Ell Miller Mowry, Accused of
Harboring Independence Leaders
of Corca, Convicted at Seoul.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 21. Official
denial by the Japanese government of
reports emanating from Corean sources
here that four American missionaries
were arrested by Japanese authorities
in Seoul, Corea. during revolutionary
disturbances there, was Issued by T.
Ohta. Japanese consul-general here,
lp to the present time no American
missionaries have been arrested ex
cept the Rev. E. M. Mowry," Ohta said.
The missionaries reported arrested
were Dr.. John Thomas, O. R. Avison,
I. Ludlow and J. W. Hirst. .
WASHINGTON. April II. Dispatches
received today giving the state depart
ment its first official information of
the conviction of Rev. Eli Miller
Mowry, an American missionary in
Corea. accused of permitting his house
to be used by leaders of the 'Corean
independence movement for printing
propaganda, said Mr. Mow,ry had been
sentenced to six months' imprisonment,
but was at liberty on bail pending
The case was tried by the Japanese
court at Seoul.
TOKIO. April 19. (By the Associated
Press.) Special dispatches from Corea
state that members of the Christian
mission st Teigonari near Seoul,
clashed with gendarmes during a riot
there, the oi fleers firing upon the mob,
killing 20 and wounding many of these
engaged in the demonstration.
iCoPttnod rom First Pajr
liermany by the limitation of her forces
and armament. h st t II had in her
power considerable forces that niipht
be Indirectly employed, as already indi
cated by the dispatch f German ofti
ters to I: Usui a. It was pointed out
that unless this practice was checked
It would pop5lble for Germany to
create a practicable force In Russia.
This menace has become particularly
tipilficant in view of reports of an al
liance between Germany and Russia.
The ministers also approved two rec
ommendations of the supreme economic
council. The first recommended that
the Germans be requested to send as
soon as possible to France technical
experts on food, shipping;, raw materi
als, trade and communications, with full
powers to negotiate and expedite eco
nomic relations bet ween Germany and
ihe allied and associated powers.
-rJt..atd Kffrt rUnri
The second recommended that an
inter-allied commission be appointed to
co-ordinate the administration of the
economic, industrial and food questions
m the occupied regions In order to
brinic these civilian functions under a
tingle head and at the same time af
ford a channel of communication for
the military authorities.
The supreme economic council will
meet tomorrow to consider proposals
to grant a limited supply of raw ma
terials, notably cotton, to Germany to
enable the factories there to start work
and to reliee the unemployment. The
council, it is said, also will revise regu
lations for German exports required to
pay for food imports.
After April 2 j goods and commodities
may be shipped to the neutral coun
tries adjoining Germany virtually with
out restriction, the neutrals themselves
assuming responsibility against the re
export of prohibited wares to Germany.
The "blacklist" rationing and allied
control regulations will be abolished
from that date.
Shlpsseata to Be Mre Ope.
Shipments may be made freely after
April 2 from the United Mates and
associated countries when consigned to
neutral control organisations, such as
The Netherlands overseas Trust and
the Swiss Soci ty of Surveillance, with
out the necessity of cabling applica
tions back and forth aero the At
lantic. . WASHINGTON. April .Jl. XbeRua.
H'ontlnued From First Pase.)
loyal response that will be made by
He introduced Chairman Edward
Cookingham of the state executive
committee, who briefly analyzed the
purpose of the fifth issue and urged
upon Oregon and Portland the duty of
maintaining- the record of war service
they have established.
Prior to the public rally the city
loan forces. 1000 in number, assembled
at the auditorium In banquet forma
tion. the -guests of certain hospitable
citizens who wish the victory loan the
best of luck and who were modestly
determined that their identities should
not be known.
Beauty Inrogstlto I'reseat.
Miss Victoria Liberty, beauty incog
nito, who was one of the passengers
of the flying circus yesterday, was
seated at the main table, her domino
mak repetling the curious. As she
took her place the aviators and guests
rose to their feet in courtesy and
The dinner was served by volunteer
members of the women s committee,
and its savory excellence was attested
by the general xest with which the lib
erty loan crusaders fell to work.
Ushers for the public rally were girls
of the Portland Red Cross canteen serv
ice. In their blue uniforms, commanded
by Mrs. Ferdinand K. Reed. The can
teen band, recently accepted for service
as the only Red Cross band in America-
played selections before the auditorium.
PARIS. April 21. (By the Associated
Press.) Although the peace confer
ence apparently was. taken by sur
prise by the announcement of Ger
many's intention to send a small dele
gation to Versailles to receive the
text of the treaty, the plan is really
old and Berlin and Weimar dispatches
of the Associated Press more than a
month ago Indicated that the German
delegates would not have power to
make final decision.
The determination of the German
foreign office was based on misap
prehension of the programme for the
initial meeting of the German pleni
potentiaries with the representatives
of the peace conference. It has been
understood through press statements
that at the first meeting the German
delegates would merely be handed the
text of the treaty but would not be
permitted to dis ss its terms and
would be sent bam- to Germany to con
fer with the government and the na
tional assembly, returning after i
stipulated interval to Versailles for the
actual discussions.
Bis; Delegation Unnecessary.
Under the circumstances, as Count
von Brockdorff-Rantzau, foreign min
ister, explained to the Associated Press,
the German government considered it
unnecessary to sent entire peace dele
gation more than 100 persons, headed
by six plenipotentiaries to Versailles
merely to receive the draft and return
to Berlin with it and would therefore
send a smaller delegation and later
proceed to Versailles for the actual
discussions and the signature of the
The German government then for
mally inquired through the armistice
commission regarding the programme
and on the basis of the reply seemingly
determined on the dispatch of the
smaller delegation.
Meanwhile, however, the plans and
programme of the council of four for
discussions with the Germans had been
altered, in no small degree apparently,
on account of the fact that it was
found a physical impossibility, since
the instructions to appear on April 25
were sent to the German delegates, to
have the actual text of the proposed
treaty ready by that date. This would
necessitate communicating the deter
minations of the allied and associated
governments to a certain extent in
outline, or in a less formal shape than
the definite text.
DiHcwsslon to Be Limited.
For this purpose the presence of the
plenipotentiaries charged with the
peace negotiations was. imperative.
quite apart from the point of prestige
that plenipotentiaries of the allied and
associated powers could only meet
with German representatives of equal
rank and dignity.
Furthermore, it is planned to have
such limited discussion of the peace
proposals as President Wilson and his
associates are prepared to admit, nota
bly the modes of payment of the sums
which will be exacted as reparations
and explanations on any points in the
long complicated drafts of the treaty
provisos which the German delegates
may seek to begin with, without await
ing the action of the government at
Weimar. The text of the treaty and
difficult points as they arise would in
the meantime be communicated to
There is little expectation in compe
tent conference circles that it will be
possible to finish the discussions with
the German delegates and have the
treaty signed within a week from the
date fixed for the first meeting. In
deed, the completion of the negotiations
within such period was declared to be a
physical impossibility.
Former Incident Recalled.
It may be recalled that the convo
cation of the Portsmouth peace confer
ence was somewhat delayed by a simi
lar point regarding the competence of
the credentials of the Russian dele
gates. Russian officials stated after
President Roosevelt's invitation to the
conference had been accepted by the
emperor that delegates were being sent
merely to learn on what basts Japan
was prepared to enter Into discussions
and that a decision whether the nego
tiations would be continued on such a
basis would be taken at St. Petersburg
and not by the Russian representatives
at Portsmouth
Japan immediately announced that
she would not send representatives ex
cept to meet with fully accredited plen
ipotentiaries authorized - to negotiate
peace, and after a second interview by
the American ambassador, George Von
I. Meyer, with the. Russian emperor, it
was reluctantly decided that the rep
resentatives would be plenipotentiaries.
A preps representative, however, coined
Men's Sox by the Thousands
"Seconds" Very Special Prices
Only the very highest business standards would make it necessary
to class these sox as "seconds." That word is often confused with
undesirable articles; but as this store handles merchandise of merit
only, erery pair of sox offered in this sale will be found of excel
lent character. (
Special at 25c
Fine mercerized lisle hose in
plain colors, with reinforced
heels, toes and soles. These
may be had in tan, navy, blue
and black. Seconds. '
Special at 45c
Splendid fiber silk sox, in
plain shades; gray, black,
navy, mahogany, dark brown;
all reinforced in heels, soles
and toes; in all colors. Seconds.
Naturally, when this store is able to buy advantageously, it is not
only glad but anxious to pass the savings on to its patrons. So
when sox with slight imperfections as irregular threads, oil stains,
pinholes and other slight irregularities may be offered at splendid
savings, we are glad to have them.
Special at 45c
Unusually good looking
pure thread silk sox, in all col
ors black, navy, brown, tan,
gray. They are shown in all
sizes and are very specially
priced. Seconds.
Men's Store, Just Inside Washington-Street Entrance Lipman, Wolfe Sr Co.
SOXp 60c
A very special sale of pure
thread silk and silk plaited
stockings; some full fashioned;
all in new fancy striping.
There are two-tone combina
tions, too; all sizes. Seconds.
Ovcrcas Men Bound AVe!.
SEATTLE. Wh, April 51. Advices
that a special train containing 224 men
of the 364th Infantry, the 348lh ma
chine (run batfalion. the 340th Infan
try and the 337th Infantry, will reach
Camp I.e-is Wednesday were received
in Seattle today. The train will go di
rect to Camp Lewis without passing
through Seattle.
Commerce Krat Pledges Four.
April 21. tSpeclal.) Alpha Kappa Psi.
national honorary commerce fraternity,
yesterday announced the election of
four new members.. The men pledged
are William Rinehart, of Salem: John
Masterson. of Port Orford: William
Morrison. f Kugene, and Estes Bro
slum of Hood River. All four are stu
dents in the school of commerce.
We desire to extend to the many
kind friends, relatives and Eastern Star
our heartfelt thanks and appreciation
for the beautiful floral offerings and
kindness during our sad bereavement
In the death of our dear wife, daugh
ter and sister.
Adv. ... r- l r a t .ft i ns a n i v a m i r.v.
To be rid of an unsightly skin trou
ble assures increased pride, comfort,
satisfaction. If your suffering- from
ecxema's distress has been intense, you
are entitled to real relief, the relief
that Poslam can bring- you quickly. It
makes the work of healing: short and
pleasant. A little goes a Ions way and
does a great deal, the skin responds so
quickly. Itching: irritation stops. Pim
ples and rashes go, and, best of all,
Poslanv will not, can not, harm.
Sold everywhere. For free sample
write to Emergency Laboratories, 243
West 47th St.. New York City.
Poslam Soap is the tonic soap for the
skin and will freshen and beautify your
complex I o n . A d v.
This cut represents "convergent squint."
which cornea under the jceneral head of
Struhinniu. The BtraiRhtenlnf? of such eyes
(without the use of drug or knife) requires
special training-. Our method is afe. Scien
tific and successful. Consult us for ref
I-if tli and WufehiDcton bt.
60-m fcuetland IUUv. .
Put up your window
screens now and you will
not have to swat the fly
later on in the summer.
We have complete stocks
of extension window
screens, of heavy screen
wire, well made, with ad
justable frames.
14x33 in. screens, 50c
18x33 in. screens, 55c
24x36 in. screens, 70c -24x40
in. screens, 85c
30x28 in. screens, 95c
30x45 in. screens
at. . $1.10
Household Efficiency
Department, Basement ,
Mens Wear Serge Suits
Specially Grouped and
Priced $36.50
Unusually smart suits for women offered at this very mod
erate price. They are made of men's wear serges, in black
and navy: Box coat and ripple styles and novelty models.
Some have vestees of
Copen or henna-colored silk
tricolette. Others are braid
bound, and most of them
have fancy silk lining.
All are "beautifully tai
lored and finished; suits that
have the style and appear
ance of far higher priced
. There are all sizes for women of regular sizes and smaller
women, offered in a most attractive variety of styles. These
are new arrivals and show the very newest touches.
Third Floor Lipman. Wolfe Sr Co.
New Slip-On Middy and Fish '
Tail Sweaters $5
The prettiest new arrivals in these popular sweaters. They are of
fine zephyr yarns, one in middy style with Dutch collar and belt. The
other in regulation fish-tail style with rolling collar, and is wonderfully
becoming and smart. The colors are turquoise, salmon, peacock and
buff; all particularly smart for summer wear.
So many women and girls are wearing these instead of blouses, espe
cially for athletic and sport occasion's, that they are exceedingly popular.
You will find these two new models most attractive.
N Third Floor Lipman, Wolfe Sr Co.
Gingham Week -Special Displays!
:( nso-
This Store Uses No Comparative Prices They Are Misleading and Often Untrue
the epigram that a plenipotentiary was
representative fully empowered to do
as he was told.
General Depression Prevails as Re
gards Peace Terms.
BERLIN'. April 19. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) (Delayed.) The cab
inet today devoted less than half an
hour to the formulation of its answer
to the entente's invitation to Versailles
for the purpose of receiving a draft of
the peace terms. A feeling of gloom
prevails in official circles tonight and
the Associated press is told that there
are no illusions as to obtaining any
mitigation in the dictatorial peace
awaiting" Germany.
The procedure of the council of four
came as a surprise, notwithstanding
the fact that the news of the past week
foreshadowed it, and it is Interpreted in
cabinet circles and at the foreign of
fice as final proof that the entente is
disinclined forthwith to enter into ne
gotiations based on President Wilson's
"14 points," and that the terms await
ing Germany are cut and dried.
The German emissaries will merely
have instructions to carry the peace
document back to Berlin. The ques
tion whether the present government
will assume the responsibility of ac
cepting or rejecting the terms or
whether it will present them for a
national referendum is a matter of con
jecture. Official opinion, so far as ad
duced tonight, was opposed to the dec
laration of a referendum and in favor
of peremptory declination of peace
terms based on any other proposition
than Mr. Wilson's platform, as the pres
ent temper of the German working
men is anti-capitalistic and anti-imperialistic
and the bourgeoisie is in full
accord with the proletariat.
The present government, it has been
learned, is not flirting with the idea of
a plebiscite, as it would much rather
negotiate peace and set the country at
work. But it is also conscious that a
peace settlement in which Germany has
not had a voice would precipitate a
storm of national resentment which no
cabinet could weather.
The communication from the entente
powers was received here last Friday
and the German answer was wired back
this afternoon. Philipp Scheidemann,
the chancellor, called in representatives
of the German press and informed them
of the government's action.
Rochester High Wins.
CENTRAL,! A, Wash., April 21. The
The EU P HONA Player-Piano
We owe to this most
remarkable Player
Piano a goodly por
tion of the conf idence
and esteem of Player
Piano buyers. It has
made a circle of en
thusiastic and perma
nent friends for us in
every home where it
has been placed. In-'
variably it has given
more than we promise
. for it and we prom
ise much.
Hundreds of Euphona Player Pianos in This City
Hundreds of heads of families in or about this city have investigated the
Euphona Player-Piano, compared it carefully with other players many
of higher, many of lower price and after careful investigation purchased
it. Ordinarily a jury of twelve citizens tries the case, finds the verdict. Can
you not then place your confidence in this great impartial jury of hundreds
of careful, conscientious investigators?
Hear and try the Euphona. Moderate in Price. Easy Payments. -
Stores Also at San Francisco. Oakland. Sacramento. Saa Jose.
Los Angeles.
Rochester high school baseball team
defeated Oakville Friday afternoon by
a score of 9 to 3. It was the first game
of the season for both teams. A return
game will be played in Oakville on
May 9.
fe ry 58 St5 tp3 J S&
Deep Curve Iennf
Are Hettrr,
(Trademark Kegisiered)
V,Eyes carefully examined $J
a and properly fitted with a
! glasses without the use of v)
a drugs by skilled specialists. At
v (Complete lens grinding W
factory on the premises.
Portland T.anrcnt, Mont Modern, Best '
Equipped, rxaiiiHive optical
fR Establishment.
VV 30-210-ll CORBETT RT.DG.,
Si ore iOH.
3i w5 G 3
New classes for beginners start Mon
day and Thursday evenings this week.
Advanced classes start Tuesday and
Friday evenings. All ballroom dances
taught in e:ght lessons -ladies 2.60.
gentlemen $5.
To All Joining Theme Classes This Week
Take one or four lessons a week.
Tickets are good until used. The only
school teaching from 8 to 11. Plenty
of practice. No embarrassment. Sepa
rate step room and extra teachers for
backward pupils. A thorough printed
description of all dances free for pupils.
We have large and select classes, and
Ine Social leaLifie aiuue in wuiiu uuuolft
the price., and. this ia the only school
where they guarantee to teach , you to
dance. Piivate lessons given all hours.
Call afternoon or evening. Learn from
professional dancers who can dance
and each dancing. Learn the gingla
fox trot and eew jtigZ' steps, i'liono