TIIE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, APRIL 2?, 1919. 10 WEAL EgTATK. ror 8-J Uotm. HAWTHORNS AVENUE DISTRICT. Modern 5-room bonse. rood a new. con 'tin of b:c. U.r living room, dinmc roc co. 2 Ulfocrr.B. bain, hall and 1 re Uwrntnt. who furnace. Three room4 btn ad ball f:iea to whits anamel. Located on terraced corner, lot ftrt by jw. ii.i I4.iif, rs. mrybMry, ssven fru.t trees, berries; a .so nir par for -rja aol cnickeos: paved sir act and no ini-iuiiDranc. Pries ;?, part cua and monthly pa-- nnis wui veil aii or part of furmaa-,r- For by owner. -10 Cast 6otn street, 2 Mocks aouth ai Hawthorns as nua. Taka UawLborn ihuu or Mount g" O.I crv BBL'TIFT'L HOME. A rani bargain, only too. Btop a too- I Tr.cn t and tnn: a W-room strictly modern I borne with larc romr and unaurpaaned ) , pvq irri. livjn room and am ine roam In 4.'trca.ian lnuU balance la wn:ta enamel; all modern convenience, with furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. tt; ail ice, large rvm; a rel homo euro one. Ouiy KMl. flovO down. v a its. action. KAKR A KAiyKT. Caaco bid. iiar shall S12A TKR GRBATEST BUT OFFERED. Lovely, large living with fireplace: din- ma' Wltn but it -In bcfiet: nir rin : I1 m k - polished fioors; fuil Dutch kitxhen; map la I fiora; vwing room on lower fioor; turea I owjroorai, bairt ana toliet or. upper -r. luti ifmfDi casement; Al luruare; dio-k oil C4r: btrh-clas dis trict. This bom would cost to build S.ixio, and is only fivo years old: wo offer I 'or a lew ys at tJj.'Ml, ll.MHI cash. rajanca easy terms. By a l means lai us how you thi-v. n u in finest repair; Just F. U I-AWREVrE ro.. Ofi. YUI" DT-IU'KRi' SOME JuASY MOSKY THIS TEAR. IF YoU P"ate tn Laurcihurat. Never knew neb demand for housea. I have 6 well-located lots crresj from the park at a very rea annablo figure. Second mtg. privilege; a rood, stiff buUdtns; loan, help with your ami ao me set an jr. A lew nunurad I uoAiara mm-za you in Du:nrsi. tsee MR. 1KI.A1iL.N 1 V. rTOu. Sr&k Si. yan 1TOO Sunlay an-l evenings. Kmnt ISO ROSE CITT sioacrn "-room bungalow, n$ block I Tmm ewinr. fjrtiAc. firepire. real Dutch kitchen, fine lawn, shade trees, etc; SlotM cash, balance J2i pr month. mhiih luiviTBi. .aii ai 1-H SAXDl BLVD. TAHoK 4'J-J. KOrfS CITY HLXALOW. On of the finest 5-room bungalows tn Roe City; oak floors In living and dining I room. lull Jjuica kitchen. - lovely bed. rooms, full Cam en t basement, larra. wall. lighted attic. Al furnace, lovely fireplace; nas an tne nui.t-ins: a grand, neat home. en paved streets, all paid, $44m, lll'oO THg LAWRENCE CO. Z$ Corbett b!dg. Xun 6910. A MIS BEAUTIFUL. COWMAl HOiili. CHOICE LOC AliON. In ft very choice district. Sig extra large rooms, beautiful grounds and shrubbery. Bear fine car line. This is something very I epeciai ana must D seen to he appreciated. liy appointment wnl. Call Sunday and) ilAST 20M or M A TV 1700. MR. UtIL.VHC.NTY. HO.VF3 FOR THE OLD FOLKS. $l.V-0-JWEAT AV-ROOM RCoTIC B L'.NGALU W WITH F1KEFLACE. bearing fruit trees, large chicken aouae and yard, shed suitable for garage. b.ocks from Xiu Taoor cariine; total prlcw SIGA. 5Cn caah. 110 and Interest monthly. Fred W. Oerman Co.. 732 Cham ot Lorn, opjn even ncs and &unoa HAKri YOt'it VACANT LOT INCOME BEAKIN;. THE RICE CONSTRUCTION CO. wi:i furnish plans and build to plesse you at prices that are a low as good material and workmanship will permit. loane fur- .aed with liberal repayment privi.eges. 3 J years successful operation In ortiaad. r or mrormation call r.. -4j-. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. A. lovety Cai iiornia buufaiow. 6 rooms ana isrwe sleeping porch, oak f.oora, bunt lna f ir-Dlace. furnace - t u rn i lum lovely home on nice shady lot. block of bandy bivd. car, $400. $100 cash; let us enow you mis. can THE LAW REXCE CO.. 205 Corbett bid g . Xain 63 1 3. A 2 1 5. rw E X C E PT I O N7 L B U Y I250O" Living, dining, kitt-hrn. bedroom down. a Durmm. fain ana toilet up. base- meat. Al lurnsct, has mc fireplace, some i run ana io-.eiy ansae. J oiocKm irom car: I -' cash down isca this, small monthly lisjmcsi'. sea mi quit k. THE LAWRKNi'i: CO., 2QS Corbett Bldg. Alain 6Jl, A 2S13. a-ARGE t-room hou.e with Inclone 1 sleep ing porch, uuc bioca from Muitnomah sta tion on tie rgwn e.ectno: choice cor ner; $J6io: this house was constructed by the owner Ior hia home and has all modern convenience and wilt bear youe iosi iu."pe.-tioo. f or particulars call i'f nan Diug. A FAMILY HOME. Large, 6-room bunga.ow, three 50-foot I lots, garage, fruit, berries, henhouse, (urn- ft.4. al tuiit-lns. 1 block off Hawthorne car. No. 1:743 b-ih at., cor. -Mh ave.. price $45tK: or bungalow and 1 lot. $30O and garage For t. rma appy at Doc'a Barber- ntp. l j Aioerta. "THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? Wa design and build apartmenta, garages, residencea anything; furnish plans and f'nanre. Established ten years. We offer rt.LLI.ITi. hKV IC. SATISFACTION. 1 R. Biiley r-x. Inc., contracting archi- iffii. . riit ri a d h g. CLOSE IN. ON BELMONT. PpTendid H-room home In good repair. an blok from car and cloee-ln property near .th su Splendid va.ue, $U0, $uo6 I casa, uau. iiKe rent. THE LAW RENTS CO.. r0- Corbei t l-Mrf. Ma.n 61.',. A 2S15. L HOME and an Income for the price of a toi nouse. 14.. o: a two-iami v house rooms and bathroom and five rooms and bathroom and large attic orntnt base ment. Phone owner. East 4ML James 1 Qulnn. JujT Eat Broadway. .MODERN A-ROOM HOUSE. GARAGE, CORNER. LOT 430; CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE; REST CAR LINE IN CITV; I SW. X Si Cfc AUOV, $300 BIG SACRIFICE. Vast sell beautiful home, worth $o000; eempletely lurnished; strictly modern. practically new, 8 rooms. Alberta, 7Ua st. Woodlawn 4 -O. STOP paying rent Strictly modern 6-room house; large lot; beaur.ful shrubbery; hard I surfaced atre?t : Laureihtir: pj k front- lrc, x.VM). $1000 cash. $J mo. Inquire i.;a at. VINE SNAPPY HOME: 1RV1XGTO.V; 7 I KOOUiN, SLfcM'l.U POUCH. CLEAN AND NEAT: GOOD LOCATIONS: for $;.7:o; $1000 cash, by all means CALL. .Vei. hAST -.li. HEKDMAX. sUlOO Hawthorne district. 5 room a hard. wood floors, bullt-lnak mirror door, coo- I crete basement and porch. Dutch kitchen I sad cooer, $12m rasu. ba.ancej $-5 month 'y. Tabor 6l.i, afternoons. S 't0 DOWN buys nifty larce 3-room bun. galow. plastered walla, city w ater. elec tric lights, bath and toilet: balance $15 monthly: It's a snap at $1000. west side suburban, s-c Atciuson, 4P Piatt bldg. $3500 " A real bargain; Hawthorne dUtrirt. Modern 7 -room residence, fine comer, all Improvements paid; no agent. Broadway CORN til of Mallory ave. ar-1 Shaver st.. o t 1 1 n. 8-room bouse, ba t h, gas and e.ectric lights. 15 fruit trees, aidewalk and street miprjvea; -;7MJ. i'houe Broadway 7 -HI or w oou i a w a FOR SALE by ownr. mo-Iern 6-room bouse. 5"xl0i lot. east frnnt; large garage; fruit trees; paved atreets; 4 crlin-s; cose In. good district. 41H E. ltith sL. Dear Dl- V.SlOS St. yoU CAN save $100 by buying In St. Johns instead of Rose City, etc See my pew hunfAlOW. bult-ln ef fet-ts. full lot. fma trers. one block north of St. Johns cariine. 10W Leonard, near Buchanan. KICHMO.ND Attractive 8-rm. modern bun g:ow; atic, hisemeni. roses, garden latch; t-"j0). 503 E, 9th U S.. labor :wi. A REAL BARGAIN. $6.vvv Modern 7-room 4iouse and four Fat building in a good location, near Jef ftron high school. Broadway 63U. I-HOOM near:y modern bungalow. UKhtlM; Xruit and shmb; good view; price $lOU. ajy terms- Call vn or phone Mrs. M. A. Johnson. Mllwaukie. 61 Al.. or 6J W. FOR SALE High-cIaM Ir'iugton home. 7 room, sirtrtiy molcrn; worth $7000; will a-:t for 'Too. $27ou hasules thus. Phone k-ROOM coitare on large corner lot. Haw k thorne dUtrict: bath. etc. Price $i;;o; $. caah will bnu e. Paane Tabor 3-'s. g-HOOM hou. now vacunt; il't minutes ut; Alberta district. Owner 141. 11th and A . c! e r . B r u j. J w s y 2 , J-ROOM house and bath, gas and electric lights. l-2 Sixth au. Sel.wood. $1400; Vrmi- Main TvL $1 5 ROOM cottage, near (iilian mU; $.'M cash. McFarland, 62 Yeon bldg. "oR S-VLE $32nv 5-room bucxalow and garas. close in: easy terma Tabor 4184. -II COM bur c j low. walking distance, p.y 62 K. -'-':h at., corner Oak. Lut Ap- :9. JRVINOTON i-st MuJa&k fta. R- T. STREET. IEV. AGENZ. REAL ESTATE. SNAP. B roerrs postered, bath. lot 15x143. man faraen, several lTU.it 1 bioc- i mm carun. on:y i:;c-. SMALli COTTAOE. 5 rooms, Di stered. lot rxl43. Cl car. for quick sai sllOD; caah bal aoce easy terms. IN-JU.WE PROPERTY. Doublt fiat, 6 rooms ech. baths. f!re- pacea, iurnace. m;i basement, waiwn distance, from busman district; present In come 10 per cent, anona dec I cine good In vestment or home with Income should in- vcst:-ata this. I'rtce $oJt $lwQ cash. wiaoci easy payments. TUCKER AFHRECK. &Q1-S')2 Spalding B df. I0 TOtT "WANT A HOME? 0 YOU WANT A UOuO I N VEST MKVT If tou want either, read every word ef this ad. S blocks to Alberta car we have a fine 8-room house with bath and big, dry basement, wash trays, etc. The house has Just been painted and is in good con- on ion. on tne rear or the lot is a z-roora house. With little axenae you could make a 3-faraily Tat out of the big house. Any butider will tell on the property Is worth SI' more than w as. If sold this week we will take U3.V) ilust have $.1V ensh. Take our word for It you 11 never find a Dargain to cjoai this. COK A. MrttNNA CO. Vain 4522. 4th St.. Board of Trade IV.iig. KNOL1SH HUMK. BEAUTIFUL living room. 1S39. paneled In ouarter-sawed oak; firpace. beveled piate-glaM windows with French doors to dining room. lMxi s. pane leu m auaxter- sawed oak. Tiffany hand -pain tei ceiling lsxis: Dreakiast room IZxii tn mtwi green; tiled kltrben with tiled bullt-tn ice cheat. Second floor has sitting-room. 17xlT. fire place, with bedroom connected with beau- Tirui tue Datn; also . bedrooms iuxiu. a sleeping porches, sll In Ivory, all hard wood floors; also billiard and maid's room. lama: lot aUxlOO. corner: atone nor eft. stone chimneys; cost $ll.u00. will sell for fKK: forceu to. Xlahunt. :ast 134i. LAirHEI.HI'HST XT.TOO. Hare la a lovely little borne, tt has a big living room with splendid fireplace and ouilt-tn bookcases; a large aining room with handsome buffet; a white Dutch kitchen: X pretty bedrooms and bath room with bigh-rade plumbing fixtures. The rooms axe beautifully finished In Ivory. The lot la CUalO feet. Just think of buying a home in Laurel hurst for S.;700. Owner leaving city: require 12000 cash. May we show you today. CuK A. Mctt-N-VA at CO. iain wi s 4th tiu. Board of Trade Bldg. THIS IS A REAL SNAP. Toti like your own fruit, garden and flowers: here is your chance: Good 5 -room. double constructed, well built, 6-roora himnln with bath, toilet, licht and gas; full basement, big lot iooxiu iee& wnu. ntM Af trtnr fruit, rine Kara en. preiu lawn and flowera. Including aas range and several pieces of furniture; only S-730 for complete outxit; a.au caso, di"w rent. E. W. Hughes. 6ul Journal bldg. Main liOLLADAT PARK. KIRST ADD. At SluuO below value, modern 7 -room dwelling, extra large g.axs-m closed sleep ina north. '1 toilets separate from bath. fireplace, sewing room with built-in cabi- pets, full cement basement, etc double construction; house could not be built for price asked for house and lot together. Sell for 47'a Owner, East 7099. A SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH FINE GARAOE. One blocs; nortn of Hawthorne on cor ner, lane rooms. lull basement, xim at- Uc furnace. $ streets au pavea ana paiu for. excellent lawn ana, garuvncrj. For further details fall TABOR 3433 or TABOR 60. Office East 39 Lh and Olisan Sis. $1550 BUYS ft modern 4 -room bungalow wun two large iols i-ovenu win irun, berries and flowers: it takes $50O to awing the deal, balance $15 per month with 6 Kr cent interest: in is is an excepuonai rrtln from a financial standpoint and win make a very pieasant homo for you ID one ot rwrni uwi w particulars call 4U4 Piatt bldg. EXTRA Inducements offered to secure eight new homes in vtainut rant, roniana s first-class restricted district; beat car service, also Jefferson high school and large public library; no iiner location ior a home in tne city; xinar.ciai assistance it desired. Call today. 114W Union ave. N. Wdln. 33(M. w. M. Kiiiingswortn. owner. STOl paving rent, but pay It to yourself. wife and children. V. anut fsrK. rort- lands first -class restricted residence dis trict offers exceptional opportunities for eight new home-buiiaers. we win assist Xinanciaiiy it aesirea. .aii tooay at tue office, 1149 Union ave. N. Wdln. 3304. W. Kllllngswvrth. owner. 1'UHTLA NO HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful homes, lots, tracts and acre age; I have most of the property for sale In this district and ALL THE bar- gaina Mar. 42T. BROOKE. A 339. 641 Montgomery Drive. Corner Elm St. c'AVE COM MISti! ON S 1 1 M cash ; direct from owner: --room cottage, beautiful big sleeping porch and plumbing; completely furnished; very gooa furniture; xrun trees and yard; well kept up; also ga rage. Call woooiawn XU43, or luuo :ih st. N. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $2500. Lot 54 x loo and 5-room house: full base. xnent and modem conveniences; 2 blocks to car; Improvements all paid. Gllker- son. Woodlawn 553X with a. xx. Aa.tuo., Henry Bldg Main T24S. A LAL'RELHURST BUNGALOW. Five rooms with full attic. Finished In old ivory. This bungalow is located in the bungalow section of Lsurelhurst. near the nark. For further information Call TABOR 3434 or TABOK 5tf Evenings. Office r.ast j'.'tn ana 'i.svan sts. WAVER LEIGH HEIGHTS BAR. IAIN. I OTA Lt rMLIi 7-rootn house. 50xloo lot. paved street. Improvements all paid ; fuil basenent. wash trays, gas, electricity. Henry Bldg. Main T248. SACRIFICE $2300 TERMS. Close la. attractive 6-room house, cor ner lot 5oxloo. near school, bet. two car ines. improvements in. uiao hedge on two sides, owner, wain 0. B. FOR SALE By owner. Alberts 5 -room mod. ern bungalow, narowooa Iioors. fireplace, writing desk, boo tt case, buffet, nice light fixtures. Dutch kitencn. fuii cement base ment, stationary tubs, large attic, on car- line. Can at iuij ti. sutn n. FOR SALE By owner, s modern 5-room bungalow; sleeping porcn. large atuc harawood floor; now vacant; ail newly tinted and painted; this la a bargain at $30ov; terms. Call 1S4J bandy blvd near 7d st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. beautiul wooded lots on corner, with Bice view, coxy 6-room bungalow with furnace, fire p. ace. laundry tubs and gas heater thrown in; $4u0o; terms. Mar. 4327. BROOKE. A 3839. ANY WILL CAN BE BROKEN. So why not livo like you can afford? $.".ov0 cash will get inia perfect home in lrvington. block. I'J rooms. 3 baths. 3 fireplaces; cost $-'7,0v0; sell much less. East 41!. ROSE CITT PARK. 6-room bungalow, strictly modern, ce ment basement, furnace, firep.ace. built in features, white enamel ftnishi bargain at $350. Owner, 641 E. 49th N. Tabor 4705. FOR SALE. $'Ji50 6-room house and fuil lot... I block irom vvmamette boulevard. 3 blocks from St. Johns car; good borne, good locality, good lerma. Owner, Main 36. "2. except frunuays. ROSE CITY PAKE bungalow. 5 rooms and reception ball, choice corner, east facing. $2t'0u will han dle. iWions owner. Tabor Catttf. FOR SALE Almost new 7-room house; lot 50X1 J gooa irun irrei. cnicKen nouse; 1 b.ock car; price a-ouu, aiuuu casn. Aa- rfress 1079 E. l.tn at. COMFORTABLE 6-room home, all kinds fruit, with 1 or 2 full lots. 2 blocks from Franklin hign. i Dior,K irom car; sacrifice by owner. Tabor 8333. ALAMEDA Heights bungalow, $5500. terms; 8 rooms anu m'j. eiam anu ais tinctive: very best construction (not built for sale). Owner, 401 Title A Trust bldg. FO It S a L E By own er. modern 6- room bouse, full cement basement; In Sunny side: $2:. some cash, good terms. Phone Tabor Lint. FOR SALE By owner, modern 5-room bun galow; tun ipnieui uMTiiirni, uu alien- en- in Sunnyside. Price $J850, some cash, good terms. Phone Tabor IMS. GolNO to build or repair? Get my Ideas . and estimate. B. T. Allyn. 243 Stark at. Office hours w o -n- raons aiam RS. phone. Tabor 194. 6-ROOM. modern, plastered house; new ya rn re, chicken house : ail for $1 lh; nQ ca.-h. balance monthly. Bargain. See owner at 6.- eotn ave. o. $ ovo Eight rooms near school and cariine. will take small car. little money, bal ance to suit. Owner. Ea?t 40,"o. OOlOOxlOO, six eiarge rooms. cement basement, fruit, nuts, roses. block rar. vacant. Terms. Owner. Main 1643. IAD to move In: a completely furnished 6-room Mount Tabor home; not ft bunga low $3000. terms. Tabor 7766. SNAP 5-room cottars on Overton street. B.sr lth. $22iH). GRAHAM. 724 Chamber of Commerce Building. Main 1434. B KG A IN -room furnished modern bun galow. $24io. $C0 IU handle. 1271 Gay st . corner Afnsworth st. St. Johns canine WI'-L pay cash for first mortgage on im proved property. AE S?0. Oregonian. FOR SALE ft-room house, 342 San U Reai bargain. Owner. BEAL ESTATE. For Paie Housea. ALAMEDA PARK. TTJTCH COLONIAL. 1 TTe'want you to ae this splendid Taome -one that was built by Bowman, one of Portland a best builders. For grace of line and nicety of finish, this home ts as suredly beautifuL The rood, solid, honest construction will appeal to you. The de tails oi iinian in every instance are maraeu by richness and refinement. Let us show you. A. O. TEEPE CO., S64 Stark Sr., near 3d. Main 3516. Branch Office, 60 ih and Sandy. 1370. r.OSE CITY HOME. U750. Strictly modern. 7 -room bungalow type home. This place Is absolutely up to the minute In every respect. It is a pleasure . to show this property as It Is priced $1000 under value. You will miss your oppor tunity If you don't Investigate this; 91u00 cash will handle. Call at 131 Sandy blvd. , Suburban Homes. FORCED TO LEAVE. AN IDEA I HUMK. iNVESTIGATE: BTARTLINO SACRIFICE. Modern eTght-room house, corner lot. 175xK.O; garage, workshop, chickenhonae, cement basement. fu, nace, ornamental trees. 2Cf rose bushes: paved street, ce ment sidewalk. AU Improvements paid. Eight blocks to car. 48t0 Eighty-second strtetS. K. A MODERN up-to-date suburban home with 7 rooms, ail modern conveniences, iuciuu lng furnace; home is new and located right on the boulevard near Multnomah atat tnn. a beautiful location: city water. gas, electric lights and telephone; will take S000 cash and monthly payments from responsible party. See owner, 4u4 Piatt bldg. I20O0 ACRE SNAP, J2."0 CASH. Large, new 3 -room plastered house, gas, water, sink, toilet, built-in conveniences, cellar, porches, barn, garage, 30 fruit trees and fenced: block oft county road, 48th ave. and V2d au All clear, terms easy. Ask "Wales. A. J. De FOREST & CO., SCO Henrv Bldg. Main 2690. $30 CASH HANDLE 6 acres rich, black soil, close In. 4 -room house, barn and sheds, live stream. 10 fruit trees, berries, shrubbery: big snap, only $3130, $650 cash, balance easy. Make fine chicken farm. Ask Wales. . A J. De FOREST A CO., 820 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. $1:000 Can make terms. 2 acres, all im provements gooa. w rruu ircos, tour ' room hard-finish bouse. $2200 Terms. 7 -room modern house, be tween business and factory dist.: a bargain. Mr. Magoon. 637 Plttock blk. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acre, well located, near car line, from $iaoo up. Inquire third house north of Uisley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." S-ROOM modern bungalow at Multnomah station for lw; buys nice wis are get ting scarcer every day, terms can be ar ranged. See Atchison. 404 Piatt bldg. OSWEGO LAKE frontage, 80x250. high and sightly, fine view; you win regret it u cord bldg.. 2d and Stark. OSWEGO LAKE ACRES Neat cottages S 1 lOO. S13UU. SIOOU. MCrAttliAiMJ, ou. Yeon bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow, 1 acres, fruit, sightly, hard surface; Hawtiiome district; ajoau $ I nun cash. K Oio. oreonian. For Sale Acreage. :t.5-ACRE BARGAIN. Five miles from Crabtree. 100 acres In cu Ui vat ion. 100 acres open pasture, 55 acres slashed, 100 seres fine timber; good 8-room house, hot and cold water, 3 barns. stanchions for 19 cows, granary, macnin ery shed, hog house. 3 wells, good spring, woven-wire leuee. lana nearly ievei. we. drained: tlirnnn R. V Li., with mil route, close to school and church: good aravel road. Price for Quick sale, w pe acre, half cash, balance 6 per cent. Phone Marshall 12, -68 Stark St. OREGON CITY LINE. PRICE $3000; $800 CASH. 100x150, all in high state ot cultivation lots of fruit and berries; fine 5-room bun galow with full floored attic chicken coub and yard, woodshed and fine well. This Is an exceptlonaiiy good buy. If you want it, get busy, on b-cent car rare. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 309 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. 5 ACRES RIG BARGAIN. 15 minutes' walk to Ml bcott car and on good auto road we have 5 acres ail in cultivation and good 6-room house, good barn, chicken house and small milk house; owner has cut the price to $i:500 and wants $1000 cash, balance long time. lou 11 like tnis place, iet us snow you. CUE A. McKENNA A CO. Main 4o22. 82 4th St, Board of Trade Bidg. 15 ACRES rich bottom land, ail but about 2 acrea In cultivation; Vj mile from sta lon on a-ood road In Clarke Co.. Wasn. ft mllea from Vancouver. This is an ex r:iont nronertv for market aardenlcg. Had to take place under foreclosure of mortgage and must sell. Price $1!250, easy terms. jonn Xiaio. out c pacing viug.. Portland, or. li ACRE. 6-ROOM HOUSE. Nice 1 acres, all cultivated. 30 assort ed fruit trees, small iruits, gooa it-room house, good barn, S chicken houses, on hard-surface street, 1 block from Kendall station, on K. bird st- Price $3000, on easy terms. GRUSST BENNETT. 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. MULTNOMAH STATION. W OF AN ACRE Good 5-room. house, barn, chicken house, woodshed and good well: all in high state of cultivation; lots of xruit anu tarries; price $2000: right on capitol highway. Hurry u you want n. WTTT.TAT1I.E INVESTMENT CO.. 30 OAK ST. BROAUWAY $000 ACRES in Southwest Washington for sale to set tiers oniy ; easy terms, iow prices. $5 per sere and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. write zor map snowing location, term", etc. "WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPAXT, Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. iron sat.e or trade 4-acre. Park Rose; valued at u wouia coniaer in traua 1118 Buick or Dodfe. Call Woodlawn 63V 3 after 6 P. M. 10 ACRES of land, good orchard, house, all outbuildings, HU.i nun water; locates Just aouth of Lents. 6131 fc-d st. 8- E. Tbomaa Al'en. FINE 10-ACRE tract, close to Vancouver, price $1600; small payment down, balance terms. write rv. aittrun, a uruc, vr. FOR SALE Easy terms, 40 acres of level land In the White Salmon valley. Apply 411 Henry oio g 4tn ana oak sis. kfibi.V 10 acres. V mile from paved road. near Tualatin, $1750; one-half cash. Phone Main Jh3. TO 2-acre tracts: Hawthorne car. st. Owner. East 3860. CHOICE, cloae-in acreage, good soil, well located. Owner. Phone Broadway 4633. For Saie Farma BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME ON LOWER COLUMBIA RIVER. 18 acres with strictly modern residence, barn, silo.; unobstructed view; deep water and rail frontage; 8 acres tideland; 5 Jer sey cows, hogs, tools go with place; price GODDARP A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. I HAVE 3 acres, 4-room house, outhouses, garage, well, some trees; take Gresham car to Sycamore station: $2500 for cash, or $3000 and terms. Inquire George D. Sehalk. 223 Stark st., or deU with owner, Mary B. Price. Gen. Del. FOR information regarding farms for sale In Yamhill and Polk counties, write for a copv of "Dirt," or call on C W. Vail, Carlton. Or. $500 5 ACRES, 5-room bouse. 3 ml. north of Vancouver, 3 acres in cultivation; T5 trees, 2 and 3 years old. Call or write, 1011 West 7th St., Vancouver. Wash. 40 ACRES, first-class soil, $2o per acre; running water, green grawo an year; terms. F. K. Steam. 2'2 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. Evenings Broadway 1940. WHAT will you give for 160 acres in Sic 17 Twp. 1, 6, R. 5 E.. Multnomah county? Owners wish to sell. John Bain. 507 fa Raid ing bldg.. Portland. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland, $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms: best soli. Farms for sale, all sizes McFarland. 002 Yeon b'dg.. Portland. Get a copy of "DIRT" " It gives brief description of farms for ale In Yamhill county, by C. W. VAIL. Carlton. Oregon. 271 ACRES Jackson county Irrigated alfalfa land, fenced, with build incs, school, elec tric lights, telephone and rural delivery. WILL sell or trade my equity in 40-acre farm 9 miles east of Portland on good road. Place well Improved. Will not take Junk, can aiam t4uo. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, goo son. "imum, employment; easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp, 63 3d st. 20 ACRES good. level land, all in crop, im mediate possession, buildings. 30 ml. from Portland. Address box 25, Woodland, Wn. WHEAT In Gilliam county promises to go 30 bushels to the acre. For wheat and atock ranches write M. Fitrmaurtce. Condon. Or. VALLEY farm 51 acres, cultivate. no buildings, $95 per acre. Koftoa, Marshall 3221. . 10 ACRES stump lsnd, Scappoose one mile; terms. J. R. Sharp, 83 3d St. DOL'GLAd county farms for sale, large and small. Address box 8, Brock way. Or. 60 ACRES, Tualatin valley, level. $35. near electric. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. 5 ACRES, near Willamina; house; $100 cash. $10 month. J, R. Sharp, 3 3d tt, REAL ESTATE. For Sale i arms. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. SpTendld orchard property for sale cheap. 80 acres, o miles from Lvle. Xlickita county. Wash., on the S. P. A S. R. R 40 acrea young commercial apple orchard standard varieties In full bearing, includ lng ample suppiy for family use of peachee. pears ana small fruits: '20 seres or lan resdy for plow and 10 acres in timber - houses, s-room modern bungalow and 4 room cottage, good barn, chicken houses, accommodation for 500. with 4 acres fenced run. Ample sudd y of water to house and barn. 2 w ells and living springs. This is an unusual bargain: owners must realise at sacrifice, a he orchard assures an lrame dtate return and is a first-class invest men Do not fail to investigate; price $15,000, easy terms, jonn uain, OUT Spalding Diag., yortiana. urcgon. 80 ACRES IX FIFH HAWK IN NEUALEM VALLEY. 10 acres In cultivation, more easily cleared ; on K. K. and cream route ; 60 bearing fruit trees, 2-story house, barn and necessary outbulldinga; creek runs through place, also two Itv springs, water from one piped to house ; house has hat and cold water; 4 cows. 1 7-year-old mare and an necessary larrn implements in pooa condition go with place. Price $30imi. $loOO cash, balance terms to suit, writ owner, A. Xy strom, Kerry Or., care Ham rtiond s. or fnone wooaiawn 3alil. 40 ACRES IN GOOD DAIRY COUNTRY $2500. IT acres cleared and seeded to vetch and timothy; i-i acres good pasture: house. bam, chicken house, woodshed, well and other conveniences; few fruit trees; one mile from railroad station; this piece- is eel lng mucn cnesper tnan other maces in this vicinity; owner Is retired and wishes to dispose or it; mighty fine place for cows ana cmeitens. one-nan cash, bal ance terms. Lock box E, Battle Ground, w asn. STOCK RANCH BARGAIN. 242 acres, IS miles west of Oakland. Or. 34, mile to Umpqua river. 23 acres in cul tl vat ion. 11 acres fall grain, 5-room box house, new barn, all fenced. 180 acres slashed, burned and seeded, fine pasture. An ideal sheep ranch, lot of outrange $15 per acre. $1000 Balance 6 per cent. rnone Aiarsnaii iz. i:ba bta.ru st. SELL OR EXCHANGE 1100-acre wheat farm, improved and fully equipped. line growing crop, on railroad, ior vaiiey xarm. timber or city proDertv 3 25 acres. 3 miles west Eugene, on car line; all farmed; wonderful site; bargain for cash; terms. Call 643 Hotel Oregon, or write ooi w. em, tugene. or. WATERFRONT out from Portland, on Co lumbia river, cut In 5 and 10 -acre tracts, some all clear and some partly clear; boat lands on the addition, close to railroad. You .can buy 5 acres for $10 down and $5 a month; price ranges from $75 to $100 per acre. Call and Investigate. Charles Delfel, 318 Railway Exchange bids. $0 PER ACRE will buy 160 acres 4 miles irom iyic. ii.iicmt.ac (jo., w asn.. on North hanK it. re; about o acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared: small house and barn; well settled neighborhood; fore closed property, must be sola, rnis is an excellent place far fruit or grain. John Bain, 007 Spalding bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANT A HOUSE. It must be a house with four bedrooms ti pat airs, and on tha main floor should nave a large living room wun nrepia.ee, a study or play room and the other usual first fioor rooms and conveniences found in a modern place. The neighborhood must be good for children, with a school fairly close at hand. My wife would like a view, if nossible. A -ara.ee would help. Tha house should be well designed. The price must not exceed $7500; state lull partic ulars In reply. This is not an agent's catch advertisement. P 56, Oregonian. I WANT housea I have the buyers. House selling is my specialty. Your noose win he iven nrnwr attention. WATCH OUK ADS. WE GET RESULTS. ' C. A WARRINER, HITTER, LOWE St CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IF YOU have a six or seven-room house for aale for cash, west side, between Tay lor bl and the gulch, priced right, we have ft buyer. H. & H. REALTT CO., Main 7502. 615 Swetland Bldg. TO BUY direct from owner, 5, 6 or 7-room modern bungalow with garage. Rose City or lrvington district preferred, by relia ble party on terms; in answering give terms and location. V 263. Oregonian. -ROOM cottage not over 20 minutes' walk from Brooklyn car-shops, can pay $200 cash, $i'5 month and interest. Evenings. Main 1377. WANT to buy ft five-room modern house. about stoo; can pay nan casa; ao nai care to buy too far out. Phono Woodlawn 317. CLIENT will pay spot cash for lots In Rose City paxK or any otaer gooa avna reinieu district. GODDAJID A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. CLIENT wants house in Rose City, Alameda park. Piedmont or. any otnex gooa u is trie i up to $4500. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. 1 ACRE. Mt. Tabor. 6 -'room bungalow. large orchard, ssoti. or taite omaaier piace paxi payment. Q 170. Oregonian. WAX'T to nurchase on easy terms 5 O-room nouse ana garaen tract; umuunu- Ings if possible, f at. oregonian. . WANTED 5-room modern bungalow, $2000 to $200; give location, price ana terms 11 any in first letter, a a, uregoman. WILL PAY $150 cash for lot In Alberta district, west or sucn bl witum one oioca or car. Taoor sua. WANTED Lots In Westmoreland, state price ana location. Ar uregonmu LOT wanted vicinity of lrvington; must not exceed $to; will pay casn. can aeu. 00". WANT west side modern house for cash. $5000 to $10.000. T 4S. Oregonian. Farms Wanted. V. K AHK bavins- calls every day for im proved farms irom o acres up; parties have enough money to mane a gooa sub stantial payment. We can make a quick sale if your property is priced right. Stew art & Buck, 313 Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED 10 acres stump or unimproved land, near I'ortiana, ciose to imeruxuan line: pay cash. AB 222, Oregonian. waxt to rent 5 to 20 acres, near cariine. gultDie ior garaen ana cnicaens, sume fruit desirable, fi n. uregonian Wantrd to Rent Farms. WANTED To rent 10 or 15 -acre farm with in 10 miles 01 ortiana on eiectric una. P 53, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. FOR BALE 5531 acres of timber land In Klickitat county, wasnington, coverea with about 80,000,000 feet of fins timber, mostly pine; nuar railroad; $25 per acre, J. Borgerding, 201 Adams sC, Sierra Mad re, Cal. FOR RENT FARMS. HOOD RIVER. 7i acres, apples, cherries. pears, clover, garaen, nouse, oam, irriga tion. Main 3672. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. TO EXCHA NO E REAL ESTATE. .20 ACRES, 300 acres tillable, 7 mites south of The Dalies; line grain ana irun miiu, better climate than Portland, buildings, plenty of water; will take Portland prop ertv, improved or unimproved. Want a quick deal and will not be hard to deal with. Price $3."00. See Petersosn. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth Street, WILL accept as part payment for 271 acres Jackson county iniadieu duu uu, fenced, with buildings, school, electric lights, telephone and rural delivery, a 6 or 7-room strictly modern house in good location off of cariine; lrvington preferred; balance easily arranged. B 240, Oregonian. FOR SALE Or exenange ior acreage. 7-room moaem i iiwu . ww4w. it real bargain. Will sell house with one or two lots. P 54, Oregonian. or call 605 najsey. SO. DAKOTA LAND In best alfalfa, grain. grass ana siuc-- state; will sell or trade for Oregon prop erty; price reasonable. T. J. Robinson, Sllverton, or. ii-vE KiiuinesH corner on Union ave.. income Goldschmidts Asency, Stock Exchange building. T TRACTIVE, modern, home, six rooms. Rose City Park and 80 acres improved cutover farm for suburban place or Port land heights home. AO 270. Oregonian. ,2 GOLD, silver, free milling mining claims; five leuges opu capital to make big money. Owner. Lock box 2"52. Portland. EQUITY In 8-room house with 4 bedrooms. 2 sets plumbing, 10.000 sq. ft. in lot: fruit and garden plowed; want Calgary, Alber ta, home. AE 4S. Oregonian. WANTED Home, Irvinn preferred, have 9-roora house, corner lot, modern equip-m-nt. Oregon City, for trade. Owners only. AG !'!, Oregonian-. HOUSES In Vancouver and Portland end $400 6 per cent mortgage for modern bua galow. Sellwood 2343. WANTED Good relinquishment or home stead, preferably in western Oregon; give full details In reply. G 171, Oregonian. iTaCRE. Mt. Tabor, 6-room bungalow, large orchard. $5S50, or take smaller place pari payment. G 170. Oregonian. -SECTION land In Alberta. Canada, to trade for smaller tract in Willamette val- Icv. C 353, Orygonian. 67 ACRES good land, well located, for auto or city property. Tabor 8824. 10 ACRES of Yakima valley fruit land to exchange for city lots. Call Tabor 35-, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, I.KUITIVATE EXCHANGES WANTED. Desirable listings, no Junk, hot air or inrintaui r upx win te consiuereu. r- Mr. Huxd, with Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber' of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE aUSCELLAN PCS. BiT.TlTR REACH LOTS. Will Kictaanee two choice lots. 50x140, at Ss.lto.tr station, Tillamook beach, near deoot and hotel ; adjoins board wrik. nnntv roart and faces Pacific ocean; suit able for business or cottages. Want city nmrurlv or rinse-in SCreaite. Or What yoU may have that will Interest me. Address UO oo, oregonian. WANTED An oil drill l have property to trade for same and some money u nec esbary. Main 7580. WILL take good team in on late model iiht Overland touring. 1181 E. Lincoln. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. AUCTION SALE Manor. Wash., 11 nljcs norUicast ot Vancouver, Thursday, April -4. 10:30 A- M. 17 milch cows, 3 to 7 years old; 5 pp"nfers all high-grade Jersey; 8 2-year-old heifers. .-i,,,. -:h nn- 11 vearling heifers; 1 2-vMir-ftld registered Jersey bull, from the H. West herd; 1 high-grade year ling red Durham bull; all stock tubercu lin tested by Dr. A. C. Brown; 1 mare. 1OO0 lbs.; 1 3-year-old. colt; . 1 year-old col t : o year U n g e wos : 3 Du roc-J ersey brood sows, with 9 pigs each; i5 full blooded Buff Leghorn hens; 3 wagons, buggy, hack, cart, mower, bay rake, po tato digger, cream separator, siiaK- JrJtn - i f-r-t n kinds of farm ma chinery; 1000 ibs. cheat seed, 400 buels vetch, and lois of other articles. John B. HiedonT owner. Col. W. S. Wood, auc tioneer, Vancouver, Wash. I WILL sell at public auction Saturday. scribed property. About 25 head of horses, 26 sets of all kinds of harness, 15 wag na, damp wagons, spring wagons, carts, buggies, with 20 years gathering from the livery business, formerly the Model Stab ea Also my entire grading outfit, consisting of grauer, wneeiers, ut-suua, v-o, - ----- era, and many other things too numer ous to mention. G. K. Howitt. E. 8th and Flanders. Terms oi saie, wwu. GOOD outfit for highway work, team 7 and 8 years old, gooa neavy uw " " Inch wagon. This team Is absolutely sound, . . hi.wUv built and heavy boned, well matched In color, work like one horse; take them and try them and suit yourself. Joe, the Blacksmith, 6th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Eight heavy ork horses and harness; two teams are vil, $200 ana up wun aas, wu wagons, big heavy truck, heavy farm wagon. two plows, harrcw. new; going out of business. See them ftt 230 Arthur sL Phone Marshall 46S4. . HORSE SALE AT AUCTION at Remount Depot, Camp Lewis. American Lake, Wash., April 29. at 9 A. M.. con tinuing till sale is completed. For informa tion write or telegraph above Remount Depot or Major-General Devol. Fort Ma son. San Francisco. Cal. BAT TEAM Well matched, wt. 2400 lbs., age 8 years, guarantees souuu -to work. Good farm wagon and harness; also $100 will buy roan horse, wt. 1200 lbs., good top buggy and harness. Stable rear of 351 Russell at. . LIGHT team for sale, weight about VoQ. drive single or oouum, cit.iw. " handled by woman or children; good sad dlers. Phone F 7S75 between 10:30 and 2:30 o clock. U. S. STABLES, 248 Front St., has a lot of gooa norses anu. mai wagon and harness, $325, if taken at once. G. D. Williamson. JUST reclved 4 good young cows, all good milkers, running in prints iium i.o j each; also one good Jersey springer, fresh In a few days. jo t.. m u a. -00 130 BEEF steers on, feed at Montague. Cai.; also sloes: came, neiuuiu Oregon. FRESH cow and calf for sale or trade for dry cow or young ai.uvm wv ouui ou Southeast. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows ana cnppiea. aum uo Milwaukie 69J for results. 2 SERVICEABLE 1200-lb. horses; have been working on miiK. wagons. u juur own price. 1029 E. Yamhill st. 1000 SETS of work harness, must be sold in the next au aays regsruitrss ul coat, viutms out entire stock at 210 First st. FOR SALE 40 good Angora goats; in full hair; price S4.au eacn. v. -oo-m-j', box 42, Oregon City, Or. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Portland rtenaering o. mi DEAD horses taken quickly; cash paid for cows and crippieq corses, muur -- MULES with harness for rent in any num ber. VV llliamson Kancn, .mrup, FOR SALE Heifer calf from Durham-Jer sey. IJrocit, o-iuo w-u au o. ri. -o.uuf i.ii. HORSE for gale: 1100 lbs. 940 Macadam. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO., CLOSING OUT: Parlor organs, ueu, so to jj caaw. KnnarA nianfts. used. $35 to $65 Cat'h. Tr.ri -hf niann inaen. tt5 to $135 Cash. Upright, new, stored, $425; now $26 cash. Upright, new, stored, $450; now $290 cash. Player piano, stored, $5."0; now $31)0 cash. Plaver piano, stored, $6-0; now $435 cash. Part cash, bonds or satisfactory securities accepted. Pianos bought and sold for cash only; storage 60c mo. 109 4th st. at Wash. PIANO BARGAINS. CHICKERING. LUDWIG. KIMBALL. CABLE-NELSON STERLING, and others from $165 up. Each one a good buy. Terms given. Bonds accepted. SEIBER LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. Main 8586. WE STORE, move, tune and repair pianos and all other musical instruments. Guar anteed service, lowest rates. Telephone Main 1123 or call at Eilers Music bldg., 7 floors devoted to music and musicians; entrance and elevator, 287 Washington St., . below 5th. . LEFT on sale, elegant oak Victrola, fine tone; cabinet capacity over 70 records, sun? will take S60 cash or in four payments. Talking Machine Depart ment, Oregon Eilers Music House, 287 Washington st., below 5th. TRADE your piano for a good. modern phonograph ana recoras. win mane spe cial liberal allowances this week and pay cash difference. Apply 3d floor, phono--rnh dent.. Oreiron Eilers Music House, entrance Sl waanmgmu a-.. cun m". A GENUINE $830 Stock pianola piano in beautliul- rosewooa case, logevncj r w ' ' .nil, ixf rhnlcn m nsica.1 selections : So7J cash if taken at once. Owner leaving citv. Woodlawn 410. WE fix your phonograph; best equipped shops; cnarges reasonama. r noo 1123, or apply third floor Eilers Music bldg. Seven stories devoted, to music and musicians. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ for a new Victrola and records. Our proposition is the best. We will gladly tell you about it. SEIBERLING-LUCA6 MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. Main 8086. WILL BUT your piano or phonograph for cash or sen it ior you on tuinmiaoiuu. Call 2d floor Eilers Music bldg., 2S7 Waah Ington st.. below 5th, or phone Main 1123. MUSICIANS Now is the time to restore that piano action; regutaung, yuuoun.s and tuning work guaranteed best in til city Harold S. Gilbert. 364 Yamhill. HOWARD PLAYER PIANO Only used to demonstrate. isever uern out ui "i"tf Like new. At almost half price. SEI-BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st. $15 OR $25 CASH sends new piano home. bai. an, " " during factory clearance sale now in prog ress at Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth st. PIANO WANTED. We pay the best cash price for used pianos. Get our bid. SE1BER LING LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. Main 8586. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS ANU BAND INSTRUMENTS. SIEBERLING- LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. Used Victrola (Oak, $12. 50. $400 AriTistrons Piano (Like New). $250. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 364 Yamhill St. VICTROLA AND RECORDS FOR SALE OR TRADE. NEWMAN, 123 1ST. NEAR AL DER. , PIANO. $105. Standard upright. Terms given. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th BU $"l45"'CASH buys $425 Singer piano in mahog. $190 cash buys $450 Jewett upr., in wal.. gooa as new. cun.j j FOR SALE Kohler player piano, will take liberty Donus at x c "w own. 225S. CHICKERING UPRIGHT, plain mahogany case. Late style. Best of condition. SEI- PIANO TUNING nest expert wont, inciuae action regulating-; lowest rates. Telephone Main 113- uregou fiicra xuaiy nuuse. IPAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 364 Yamhill st PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck, Tabor 6574. Graduate New Eng. Conservatory. ONE electric piano In good order. $100. 41 BEAUTIFUL mahogany piano, terms. i ars naii. VICTROLA WANTED, cheap: Cash, i inte preterrea. marauan un. PIANO WANTED at a bargain for cash. Marshall mxi. LUDWIG, walnut case, fine condition. SEI- BERLIN U-blLAa wLJiu .y., i-o nn st. NEW Victor victrola, records Included. 38a ast 6v65 or bb jtoaney ave. FOR SALE. Furniture for Sat. TWO EXCELLENT USED RUG?. JUST RECEIVED FROM REFINED HOME. One is a seamless Crescent Axminster. so'id light brown center with 2 darker brown borders and cost $65; the other is . a $62.50 9x10 Peerless seamless rug. wun a lien mottled tan and brown center and a very dainty floral border. These fine rugs were us?d only 6 weeks and we ask only $49.50 id $47.50 for them. Terms to suit. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1SS-1S0 First Street. BIG FURNITURE SALE. . You who are furnishing your horns here In vfiur oDoortunitv. We are forced to va cate as our building has been sold, so we must sell every fine new piece of fur niiure In our store at a fraction of Its real value. Sale starts Tuesday morning at 9:30. Feldstein Furniture Co., 166 First au. near Morrison. PRIVATE FURNITURE SALE. I will sell at my residence. 521 E. 87th st N., corner Bra zee. Monday and Tuesday the entire lurmsmngs of i-room nouse, consisting of all articles that are neces sary to equip a modern home comfortably from kitchen up. Mrs. rl. A- r redncus. Take Rose City Park car. AM coin- hav. will sell at sacrifice o racti caliy new pool table complete with balls and cues, etc., large mahogany desk and swivel chair and oak library table. Phone Marshall 4uMi. BEDS, springs, china closet, tray for milk bottles, stove, rockers, grocer's scale, type writer, very cheap; must go before Thurs day. Call forenoon; no dealer. 956 Glen ave. N. M rs. Presco 1 1. THE following high-grade and practica-.y new furniture for sale: Complete waned oak dinine room set. 2 complete white ivory bedroom sets. Direct Action gas range, re frigerator, piano lamp, etc Manor 010. $lo00 WORTH flue rugs and furniture must bo sola at once, tvome toaay mm u i yon like. 100 Laurelhurst avej M. V. car. PI7RNTTURB of 7-room house, piano cepted, ior sale; pnee ooo; party can a too secure nouse. -: au st, FURNITURE of 5-room house, as a whole or by the piece, oau atier w a. ju- Tues day. Call 464 E. Stark street. FURNITURE of a 6-room modern flat; rent. $25: in neart 01 crty; a 00 casn; fine location. 64 10th sr corner Oak. PRACTICALLY new furniture of -5-room flat complete, iiat ior rent, rast quqq. ENTIRE furnishings for 6-room bouse. 1053 rtoaney ave. w wui"u - . n"-j- Poultry. WHITE LEGHORNS are the most profit able Dree a oz poultry. 11 yon ana in tne business for profit you will eventually have tbem. Early broilers, early layers, early profits. We sell only White Leg horn Baby Chicks from heavy laying Ho ganixed hens. Safo delivery of full count live chicks guaranteed. Price per 100: April. May and June delivery. $12.50. The Pioneer Hatchery. 402 Sixth sU. leta- luroa. Cal. ia McGUIRE'S DAY-OLD CHICKS. HATCHING EGGS. Rhode Island Reds and O. A C. Barred Rock chicks, $25 per hundred; eggs $2 for 1 - .'Vl T oirhnrn fhlrlfR. 1"U IlPf hun. urea: cgg( h.kw o ' A few elegant cockerels, $2.50 and up. 1 r. I r I c ' J. it- AlCtiUlrtl, 787 Oregon St. ' LUHR POULTRY FARM. xcm minniv vour poultry wants: eggs. chicks or grown stock; buy or sell in large Or Small IO ts; VUi reafcuiiicui buhwicu , visitors welcome. Kendall station, then follow the arrow sign. P. O. Address, n. 3. Box 258, Lenta Station. Portland. Or. RABV CHICKS FOR SALE. fit C White Lehorn chicks during April, May and June, $11 per 100; eggs from free-range noganizea kiock oiuj. nnu for circular and priceliat. Oak Hill Hatch ery, 335 Howard St., mamma, i:a ipr nair of turkeys: hen now laying; $1 fn, noii- A hioeks south of Island sta tion, Oregon City line. Phono Milwaukie 47-J. BaBY CHICKS White Leghorns, full of vim" und "vieor." Our chicks mature early, lay heavy, pay big. Free catalogue. Fresh laid Farm, couax. waan. '50 O. A. C. thoroughbred white leghorn chickens: $25 per 106. twi i. Aiorrison. East 6374. FOR SALE Plymouth barred rocks, baby chicks. Tabor 5.3. Dogs. Rabbits, Birds, Fet Stock. SHETLAND ponyv some training, bargain Will also let to rena-oio pany ui .uuu try. 4319 wooastocK Avenue, ocu. THE PADEREWSK1 CATTERY Orange Persians of quality; stud service; eastern stock. East 3ao KEN I L WORTH KAT KENNELS Registered silver, orange, tabby kit leu. Sell wood 2S0S. Kittens. FOR SALE Four fox terrier puppies. $10 each, inquire bOO. jeuereon au apu Jt after 6:30 f. m. HIMALAYAN rabbits. 4 months old. very fine stock. J. R, McGuire. 787 Oregon s ST. ANDREASBURG female for sale cheap. east 44SH. Launches and Boats. FISH boats and scows built and repaired, k.n,ht on soin. Marine Repair & Con struction Co., yard and. ways ft. Albina ave. Phone ,a?t. ioa. 5-ROOM modern houseboat, completely fur nished, i0. O wumineLw jut-oa-. 1705 Sunday. During week. Mar. 54. S. FOR SALE Houseboat, 5 rooms and bath, partly lurnisnea or uniuruwnru. j. " lamette jnoorage. jacn-w oB-i-nnT f olnmhla. river troillnjr boat ready outside work; $400; trade for late model 'ora. ot wiunm-n- EQUITY in 7-room modern houseboat for sale cneap. an k iuui St. jonns, or. iniifp v hniiinhniit. A rooms, good con ditlon. $100 down, unfurnished. 273 Salmon, Machinery. SPECIAL. 1 No. 342 Berlin band rcsaw, 8-ln. blade. 1 Pair 14x18 rl. S. ik. O. twin engines. ib-on iTfAit twin enirines. 1 Lot of second-hand A C. motors, from JKds MBU-T SECOND. HAND MACHINERY. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First st. Portland, Or. 60 H. P. MOTOR. 15 H. P. MOTOR. SAW GUMMER. TRVTNGTON CUT-OFF 6 AW. AULTMAN & TAYLOR SAW MI LI 3 CIRCULAR SAWS, 48 INCH. Aft.DnTTMn RAW ANVIL. Ci H. WEBBER. LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. PROFITABLE crushing plant for sale at Hood River, reasonable; owner non-resl-d.nt! would consider trade. For informa tion address J. Welland, Hopedale. Ohio. for SALE A full assortment of Lnited . tnrtfnrs All euaranteed: o m - $100. Others in proportion. R. R. PooDleton. 71 Front st. Both phones. a lt ..u. BT-iHt nuiievs. rooa as tne best, cheaper than tbe cheapest. Illihee jlll tt ftnuia;w J. v . FIVE-FOOT concrete mixer for sale, $275. Phone Aiarsnau oo- Typewriters. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now. im mediate delivery, reasonable terms. Rem ington Typewriter vompaiiy. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKfca, soia on iu'". ' send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. retail depU 321 Wash, at. writer Co., NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 140(. rittt.t tvne writers and supplies. Corona dealers. i. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth si WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you casn. uregoa xj-y- v - TTT timwHtirH rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94th.Mam 36U8. TYPEWRITER supplies and repairs; prices -l.. ah WnrrAslflr bids. Miscellaneous. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show- cases ana r W. J. tjUlgiCy. flTU PRINTING FOR LESS 500 envel. or bond jester hds., $2.75; prompt service, best h'OR SALE; 1 four-deck portable oven, suit- ?r Plllsbury's, 100 Wat Park. HOME-SMOKED bacon and lard or sale; reasonable price. 10L 21!d N., Maranall i410. FOR SALE or rent, loggtnff and hoisting enEinea all kind, machinery, rails, cara Railway Equipment Co.. 235 Stark gt. POTATOES Table Burbanke, 1.75; aeed. .l; canj J. SET ot new f 35 mink furs for $30. Tel. Sell- woo 30S9. CHOICE potatoes. $1.75 ack delivered. Call Broadway 454; eveninga call Sell. 2S39. VACUUM cleaners sold, re,alred, rent, V1" change, bought. Bontley Co., Main 8582. vmV is the time for painting and paper hanging: get an estimate. Tabor 6738. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the right price. 46 Front st. Broadway 1964 sTrrESbne large and one small: fire proof safes. Address AF 261. Oregonian. USED cash register wanted from owner. Phone Tabor 9492. REAR seat with doors and cushions, Reo auto: S5 East 1064. KOK.EN & K.OCH barber chairs and mirrors, sacrifice. its 6th, sear Stark. FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER3 ATTENTION. Over 5000 kegs of nails, all elses, at $3 per keg. Base price. Simon's store, lit. 2d and Alder sta. FOR SALE Bicycle, $35 caah, no terms. Joe's heavy service bicycle, double bar with reinforced front forks; extra heavy spokes In wheels: will not get out of true; roller chain. Morrow brake and good tirea; had bike S months and la in fins con dition. Elston Hop wood. 1153 East lamhiil, cor. 39th. SEW1NO machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agenta employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main 941. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 3d. near Taylor Street. REINFORCING steel, gasoline hoist, steam donkeys, boilers, concrete miners, pumps, general bridge and contractors' equipment for sale or rent. Union Bridge Co., 55 Argyle it., city. Phone Woodlawn "06. - SAFES. DIE BOLD. Second-hand1 safes; prices right. Parifio Scales & Supply Co., 46 Front sL Phono Broadway 1966. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-band, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORR13 SAFE A LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Phone Main 3043. CASH registers, scales, cheesccu tiers, soda fountain, cigar cases, canay cases, counter cases and other store fixtures. 248 Vk Sec ond street. Main 342. $100 ELECTRIC range, $30 garbage bur ner, Kitcnen neater, cons, iiKe new, sen for one-half. East 4922 Sunday or after 5 P. M. week days, TWO Edison dictating machines, used 2 mo. 4 oak roll-top oesKS. 1 iiat-top, 4 cnajra and filing cabinet. 1 B. K. desk, 1 mahog. roll-top. Bushong A Co.. 91 Park at. HOT WATER tanks, all sizes. In good serv iceable condition, so-gal., st; 4u-ga:.. st'. 201 Adams st., east end steel bridge. Phone East 8516. ONE electric scrubbing machine and hot water rinsing tanK, suiiaoia tor on ice bldg. with marble floors. 332-Washington street. THE old original home remedy, Viavl, pre vents operations. i dittoes: oiocK. Broadway 5015. . . 1AWN mower, dining room table and oalc chairs, commode, leiTa cotla pipe, etc Phone Tabor 75SS. 4L'O0 73d .t. S. E. t"OH SALE One second-hand wood saw In condition -and wood - yard for lease. Ad dress box loo, Newbers. Or. FoK SALK Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase. 174 1st lU corner Yamhill. pELtClOUt crabs. Claras, oysters, fresli dally. 12 First St., bet. Wssh. and AU der. Western F1h Co.. Mar. gl89. SHOWCASE and fixtures, wall cases, two ice boxes. 775 Union ave, N. Woodlawn 514. FOR 8T,K ACTOMOBIT.ES. BARGAINS -IN USED CARS, We Can Save .YOU MONEY LOOK THESE C'VETt: IrtlS Chevrolet touring $7"" 18 Chevrolet tourins tlM 1917 Chevrolet touring..... 650 1017 Chevrolet touring 450 E. M. F. touring 175 1918 Chevrolet roadster. . . . 50 . Classy blue Ford bus 450 Ford touring 500 Ford touring 350 Ford touring ........ 4lia Ford roadster 475 IX BUYING A USED CHEVROLET From the EXCLUSIVE CHEVROLET AGENCT You Have the ADVANTAGE of dealing with a FIRM which is THOROUGHLY FAMILIAR WITH THE CAR IT IS SELLING AND HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GOOD NAME of the CAR IT IS BEHIND. Our Good Bargains Are Going Fast. . R BONER FIELDS, Chevrolet Agency, 12 Grand Ave. N. East 8 Open Evenings. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GrVEN. See our stock of used cars before yo buy. We can save you money. Here are a few we offer lor your ap proval: , I14 White 30. S-pass., 4-cyI. . 1911 Plerce-Arrow 38, 6-pass., 6-cyL 1018 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyl. " 1913 Mitchell. 6-pass.p 6-cyl. 11117 Mitchell. 7-pass.. B-cyl. 1917 Mitchell, 3-paes., 6-cyl. 1914 Haynes. 5-pass., 4-cyl. 1913 Cadillac, 6-pass., 4-cyl. 1913 Hudson, 5-pass., 6-cyl. Several others to select from. USED CAR 'DEPT. MITCHELL, LEWIS 4 STAVER CO., Eaft First and Morrison Streets. Phones: East 7272. B 121B. BUICK ROADSTER LIGHT SIX. This Buick is like new and has overs!, cord tires all over, spotlight, mirror, bumper, 2 extra cord ttres, tubes and rim, double tire carrier, rubber foot pedals. If looking for a roadster be sure to see this one. Priced to sell; terms or bonds taken. 525 Alder street. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO. $4500 PEERLESS, 1912 model, absolutely itrsT-ciasH, O new vu.u m co, 15 000 miles; can show you one that has run' 425.000 miles. Will sell for $900 and glD. C.r WARREK MOTOR CAR CO. Main 780. 68 North 23d St. 1918 FORD touring, brand new tires, $475. Car like new. iui roru nwuswi, j. overhauled, good tires, shock absorbers and spot Hsht, $350. 7-passenger Mitchell, only run 7400 miles $900, or wll trade for Ford or good light car. 500 Williams avenue. . FORD bugs, the classiest in the city. Just built, brand new; paimeu ujhto orange, new blue or any other color you like. If you want a real go-get- em, see these of our special build. Prices are right, terms easy. A-l Auto Works & Painting Co., 625 Alder st. APPERSON BARGAIN. 1917 light six, in Al condition, looks like new, cost $2450: low price for quick sale. Will take smaller car In trade, ift North Park. Phone Broadway 1389. ask for Mr. Hilderbrandt. 1914 APPERSON. 5-PAob. TOlectric lights and starter, good con ditlon 5 good tires: price $400: terms. D C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. Main 7S0. 58 North 2-d ft. ESSEX Practically new, been run miles: can ne dourih on wi... discount. Phone East 82 for demonstra- REGNER & FIELDS, 12 Grand Ave. N. 1816 FORD touring, good shape, low price; 1100 down, oaiance Kan? ."V . .. ments. A-l Auto Works Palntini Co.. 525 Alder st. 1!H7 CHEVROLET DELIVERY. Overhauled and In Al shape; $j30, REGNER & FIELDS, 12 Grand Ave. N. 1919 DEMONSTRATOR, spare tire and ex tras: run ji miie. REGNER & FIELDS, 12 Grand Ave. N. HUPMOBILE 5-pass. In nice shape, newly painted. A fine family car: $500: terms. A-l Auto Works Be faiimng -Q-. mgr. 1917 BUICK roadster. 4-cyllnder. new tlr". run very llltie. fiiini s""" cash only. Tabor 1543. 666 E. 54th N. 1917 OAKLAND SIX touring, best of shape throughour. a reai ... A-l Auto Works & Painting CO.. u-J Aiqer. MAXWELL roadster for sale, in excellent mechanical coiiumou. ,v, ...... and terms. Private party. Marshall 2.63. ;MIPRE roadster, new. a swell snort car. at a real bargain price unu v.iu.a w ....i. A-l Auto Works & Painting Co.. 625 Alder. DODGE CARS. We have 2 of these for sale. 346 East Alder, between East 2d and 3d. 1917 CHEVROLET, 6-pass., excellent shape througnout: olu, tuj ran;.. v-. nuiw Works & Painting Co.. 525 Alder St. BARGAIN In a UBed 1918 Briscoe: lood shape. "Jake." 523 -ler. Bdwy. 2492. 1916 BUICK. 4-CYL., 75. " AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND CODCH. GRANT SIX, good condition: cash $400. G. B. Duckworth, Columbia City. FOR SALE Ford touriirf car, extras; terms. Call 5 l gum St. LATE 1917 Grant 0; a bargain for someone. Answer Woodlawn 717. 1914 FORD touring In fin" running condi tion, good tires, $250. KIT E. 20th. NorUu