THE 3IORXTXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, APR1X 22, 1919. 18 AwrsrMiyts. I TICKET OFFirK SALE - NOW OPEN v T TT7TT ff Broadway t Tlj1r. illilL-lvJ M.I. 1 A IKS. I THIS WtKR Sit NIGHTS, APR. 24,25, 26 Taaraday I'll, Sat. ' PflPI LAR PB1CK MAT. SAT. W 1111am A. Brady Preaeata SENSATIONAL DRAMATIC SUCCESS THE MAN WHO CAME BACK Starr ay Jo.a Fleamlaa- WHBam. DtuulUtd br Jon Eekert Goad- excellent cast SITERB PBODtCTIOX. Story af a Man's Res-aeration Taraaca a Lave at a Wo an. EVE'S T.ower Floor 11.50; Balconr. & rows ll.oO. 17 rows $1; Gal.. 6ic ST. .MAT -Floor, SI; BaU SI. 60c -jCITYosREC D N0W- HEILIG NEXT WEEK NIGHTS, KAY I, 2, 3 Special Prire Mat. St May 3. COHAN AND HARRIS PRESENT KASCI SATING. TUNEFUL. BRILLIANT MUSICAL COMEDY HIT 60 PEOPLE EXCELLENT CAST Ckem af Taatafal Beauties. rrWTS Floor. $3: Balcony. rows Sl-0, 13 rows l: Gal, reserved. 75c. SAT. MAT. Floor. $1.50; Balcony. 9 rows U 13 rows 50c rtarktiog Musical Cenaedy "THE RECKLE.HS KVE." Keta Msnn: Inrenea Merrill and Gaby Bride all. Mr Helen (RAH r ORD AND RRODEHICK. Tba Btrrli.wt: Clinton Ht.t.f-: Orphcnm Trail Weekly: Kinoarants. BrtMr: RKMPKL CO. la "A Child ml Child." S Nights. Smb.. Man. Tvea, Ine ta SI Mats.. Mia, Men, luea, Wed, luc ta 7a Home of Big Shows IPPODROiME FIi(;fi-CIss Vaudeville TODAY TODAY HELLO! TOKYO" A Miniature Comic Opera featuring MERN'A LATERALLK and a. bevy of chorus beauties. GARDNER'S MANIACS A rhysical Culture Surprise 8 Big Time Attractions 8 HENRY B. WALTHALL in a picturization of Hal'ie Erminie Rives' Topular Novel -THE LONG LANE'S TURNING LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY .Matinee Dully. lOc Only. YY MARGARET I f MAYO'S VI J', 1 MASTER COMEDY. fi til !l i""1 i i I fi J J J Next W eek, 1 fi! i f tv,I,IA,J KARxr,l 31 M I THE JCM.LK TRAIL $ m The Season's Big l.auga Fest, Mike and Ike HOT OLD srORTS" WAh AU the Ijite Song H'fs and the Rosebud GUIs. Company of 30. - Conntry store lextra). Tueydsy Nictt. PANT A G EC MAT. DAILY 2:30 --- H. I. Berg. lar, Fmnli THE MILLION DOLLAR GIRLS, " With Dara Seed and a Zlegfeldlaa Beauty I harua. OTHER BIG ACTS a. Three Performances IMl'y. Night Curtain ... st 7 and 9. CIRCLE sre rorRTH ASH. TODAY ONLY Margarita Fisher -Fair Eno-glT ATeo Comedy and Plcterearh. Ope. from a vlark la Hie morning am 11 4 a clack tha luUawlng maraicg. AMISE.HEXT9. I , . ' 1 1 1 1 .cisaxiEBaiiis i y w m - -ri. 1 1 FAMOUS STOCK COMPANY. 7 KEYS TO BALDPATE The pr Everybody T Talking About. Greateet Mytery Comedy Ever Written, tic sar. MKt. Wed, Sat.. Se (Tax). Next Week "Tha Guilty Man." ALCKL MORRISON AT HTH PLAYS THAT PLEASE The Play Besutlful 8 "FRECKLES" Gene Stratton Porter". Novel STCPEXDOIS SCENIC PRODCCTION EVE. Or. 60c. 60r. MATS.. 25c .VEXT-THI TRAP." A Etory cf the Yukon. Tala Week Ji 'WW II ut.i a ti I Btnl LTItLL I m CHARLIE CHAPLIN ,JJ - Ml .;VJ -THE BANK." f A Next 'Week T1TEDA BARA la THE SIRE.V'S SO?TG. OAKS ROLLER SKATING RINK NOW OPEN Largest and finest Skating Sink in the Northwest. Perfect Ventilation Health and Exercise, Afternoon and Evening. Can First asd Alder. AVCTION SALE TODAT. At the Baker Auctlnrr llouae. Yamhill and West Tark streets. FaU at 10 A. Be. afEETTNG NOTICES. A. AND A. Ss RITB. ORKdON LODGE OK I'F.R FKi'TION. Nil. L Special meetlnc In auditorium. Scot lixh Rile ralhedritl. this fTues. dv evening at 8 n'clork. Work In rith decree. Jtrother W. I.. Cooper, Jd degree, presldinc. By order VfclN. MASTER. A. AND A. S. RITE. MULTNOMAH COCNCII. OF KADOSIf. NO. 1 Regular meeting In Memorial hall, ricot tish Rite cathedral this rTuea. day evening at J:43 o'clock. By gnifr EMINENT COMMANDER. THE SOCIETY fK HuVFflPATHir PITA I, AMI IHSI'KXSAKY OF PORTLAND A mp.tlnir will he lil.l v.irf.u vi o II1!. at 4 o'. lo. n p. M. In the small' parlor of the T. M. C. A. building In the city of Portland. Or., for the election of trustee and tmnsacrlng mien other business aft may lawfully come before such meeting Rv Ar dor of the president. w. M. LADD, Attest: EARL C. BRONAIKiH, ecrelary. PORTLAND TENT. NO. fll THE Mr-. fHKKS, will slve their regular smoker Thurs.Uy evening. April 24. at their hall, ji ' a i.t-c L' . . . . ..... i i , ti. i iuu. aim unns a urospcei or tw o. HimH-' inrm nions ana ics make tnera Maccabees. Refreshment, and cigars will be served. Don't forget the date. April 24. J. J. ASCUWA.VDEN. Commander. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. NO. eA I .'. r- will meat this - llio-wayi evening at 8 o'enrk i. u. r. lempie. ist ana AlOer streets, work In the rolden rule aegree. All patriarchs we'eorne. CHAS. CHRISTIANSEN. Scribe. J. J. HAWKINS. C. P. MEMBERS OF ROYAL CIRCLE NO. 52? NEIGH RORS OF WOODCRAFT The fu neral of our deceased neighbor, Bertha Lunisden. will take place Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. CARRi E J. DAY. CiKtnlian Neighbor. MARGARET WERTHE1MER. Clerk. Clerk. e5 rVANUOai LODGE, NO. L KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS, meats .v.r. Tuearla .vanln , ..,l. y Hail. Eleventh and Alder sls. , utiiora welcome. THAD I CRAVES. K . . 3. CORINTHIAN CHAPTER NO. 54. O. K. s. Stated communica tion this iTues.lavl evenlnip nt .1 8 o'clock. Ea.-ter social. Visit or, welcome. ly order W. M. MYRA H. G LINES. Sec HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO III. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Tnesdavi evening at 7 o'clock. Work "in the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren welcome. E. MILLER. Sec V--0 WAolUNGTON COMMAN- C'f.'Vj l,,,'K- I'". 15 A stated eon ?3C5 c:ve will be held thu I Tues day! evening at 7:30. All so- jouming eir rvnignts are cor dially Invited to be present. Signed G. P. 1SMAN. llecorder. EMBLRsf Jew.Iry. outtons, cbima ataa. Saw .saigas, Jaeger Rraa 1.1-2 At k .U FRIEPLANDER's ror ledge ""emblemaT i,s pins sad mcda.a .10 Washing:., st. DIED. HAMILTON In this city, at 2113 Ttrazee areet. April 21. 11I. Shelby Edward liamliton. age 37 years 7 months 10 days, be.oved son of Rsbecra G. Grub, nee Htm. l.ton. of this city, husband of Pearlie Hm l.ton. father of Gertrude Ellen Hamilton both of Beatrice. Neb. Deceased was a msinber of the Beatrice lodge A. F. and A. M.. No, 21 of Beatrice. Neb.. ao Actor lodge. No. 6. K. of P. of Astoria. Or.; Local 24. A. T. S. E. and M. P. M. O. of the United States and Canada at Phoenix. Ariz. Body Is at W. W. Ham ilton's funeral parlors 1973 East Gtlsan. Funeral later. HANSEN In this city. April 2". Petra Han sen, aged 50 years, late of Oil Field:. Cal, rr.o'her of Mrs. John Millhollen and Bert lan.en of San Francisco, CaL, and Ser geant Paul B. Hansen of this city. The remains are at Elnley'a, Montgomery at Fifth- Notice of funeral hereafter. ECK In this city. April 21. Mary K. Eck. ssed 34 years, beloved wlfa of Louis H. Erk and mother of Louis. E'.len and Fred Eck. The remains are at the coneervatory chapel of the F. S. Dunning. Inc. 414 Eaat Alder st- Funeral notlca later. BFTTJ! At Fawtella. Cal.. April 16. 1919. Francis B. Buttz. Remalna at Holman'a funeral parlors. Funeral notice later. IMLJias.. siiiianni i nn um II .l I tiM saj aaaaawaasmaawaswaaaMPaw . i IW1 3 A directory of business firms and protessional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month oryear, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. J ACCORDION PLEATING, HUM STITCHING. WE PLEAT skirts, any style. 1; hemstitch Ins; luc per yard; buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., 85,. 5th at. Bdwy. 2000. AOATE Cl'TTEKS AND MFG. JEWELERS. JEWELRY and watch repairing. Miller's. 353 Wash St.. Male-tie Theater bldg. A1JALFA MEAL, OKOCXD FEED. HAY. WALTER SCOTT. Board of Trade. M. 8667. ART. MRS. J. EPPKNSTKIN", 464 Washington. Is now offering a remarkable selection of the finest goods at extremely low prices. AS8AYEK3 AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 14 Second Gold, .ilyer and platinum bought. attorneysI ' MORRIS A. GOLDSTEIN, practice In all courts. 002 Northwestern Bank bldg. CARPENTER. WANTED Carpenter work- by day or Job. Eaaat 1084. PIIOO The kind that wear the best are llUUO made from your wornout carpet, by The Northwest Kvg Co. tformer address, 1S3 Union aval. Hag rugs woven all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 193 ast Bighth. PHONE EAST 35MU. B 12S0. CANCER TREATMENT. L. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. 12 Morgan bldg. Marshall 6143. CARPET WEAVING. Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets -ag xiuga, ah oizes Mall Orders Prompt. Send lor Booklet. ll2 Rugs Steam or Dry Cleaned. 11.50. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO, 54-56 Union Ave. N. East 6516. B 1475. CELULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW McMabon. 100 chiropractor. Throngs pronouncing treatment easiest, best, permanent- 31 "treats" 15. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florelle De Veny. the only scientific chiropodists and arch spe cialist. In the city. Parlors 3U2 Gerllnger bldg., southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1.101. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO., 1510-11-12 Royal building, Marshall 6822. Multlgrs ipulng, mimeograph and mail advertising. COLLECTIONS. NETH CO, Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collection, no charges. Established 1900. DANCING. MRS. BATH'S DANCING Academy. 808-11 Dekum bldg. Best Instructors. Beginners' class Tuea. ere., class party Frl. eve. Les son. day, and eve, by appt- Main 1345. 1DKTI.AKD GOOD TIME CLUB Dance iiiurauay wening. April 24. 8:30 P. M.. Mulkey bldg, 231H Mo-rlson. corner 2d. F.verybody welcome: good time assured. AL1SK.T Dancing Academy. Private instruc tors day and evening. Classes Friday even ing. 2d floor Alisky bldg. 8 lessons, 3. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY. 109 2d St. BalU room and stage dancing; class Tues, VrU eve.; children specialty. Main 2100. DANCE orchestra. "Union." Violins repaired. W. 1. King, 544 Wash, Broadway 478. POG AND CAT HOSPITAL. HOSPITA L Dr. G. H. H'Jthman, veterina rian. 415 East 7th at. East 1847, B 1962. ELECTRICAL REPAIR SHOP. .? tl- 11. 11. JLLl&Kj 1. ItlU L-U. Iwtfl i omana, ur. lie IV winding and electrical repairing -a speciairy. pee us about new or used motors. Bdwy. 1045. A 1046. FX" EL. CORDWOOD. COUNTRY SLAB WOOD. Multnomah Fuel Co, Main 6540, A 211. EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Casseday, specialist: glasses fitted. 700 E. Burnsine. cor. 20th. B 1308. E. 4734. VH0LESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. DUBRUILLB TOP CO, 9th and Oak. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. L. DINKELSPIEL CO. .t.." GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO, Board of Trade bldg. THANHOUSHR HAT CO, 53-55 Front at. HIDES. WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS, 193 Front street. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OII.3. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davis sts. FUNERAL NOICES. LUMSDEN On April 19. at Troutdale. Or, i . T . tr eH ".H VH1 r 3 m (inthl 2 davs: survived by her husband. George P. Lumsden. and two sons. Homer and Harold, all of Troutdale. Or. Remains will be at the residential funeral home of Wilson & Ross. East 7th and Multnomah, until 12 o'clock tomorrow (Tuesday). April "" when they will be removed to the Methodist church In Troutdale, where services will be held at 3 P. M. Friends in vited to attend. Interment Douglas cem etery. TUCHOLKE At Courtney station. April 20. Ludwig Tucholke, aged SO years i months 6 days. The funeral services will be held tomorrow (Wednesday). April 2o. at 1 o'clock P. M. from the German church, corner river road and Courtney "? Friends Invited. Interment Mllwaukte Cemetery. Funeral arrangements In care of Walter C. Kenworthy. pisg The funeral services of the late Lewis Cass will bo hold from the conservatory chupel of the F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 East Alder under the auspices of the Gentrai Relief -committee of the I. O. O .... at 10110 A. M. today (Tuesday). Friends In vited. Interment in Mount Sco.; Park Cemetery. IRWIN April 1!, 1919, at the residence, 301 Alberta st, George Henry Irwin, aced 43 vears "6 davs, beloved husband of Blanch E. Irwin and father of Edgar K. Irwin of the U. S. Marines. Funeral sen-ices April "' at 2 P. M. at the Portland Cremato rium Take Sellwood car. Friends Invited to attend. Remains at R. T. Byrnes res idential funeral parlors, 901 Williams ave. HEWITT In this city Apri'. 24. Charles August Hewitt, aged 71 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Adelia Hewitt. The fu neral services will be held from tne con servatory chapel of the F. S. Dunning. Inc 414 E. Alder street. tomorro (Wednesday). April 23. at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment Base Line cemetery. HOLLTDAT At the family residence, 4R24 6c,th st. S. E, Cornelius W. Holliday. age 4' years, beloved husband of Alice B. Holliday. Funeral services will be held Aorll "5 at 1 P. M. from the funeral par lors of A. D. Kenwortby & Co, 5S02 and 604 92d St. S. E, in Lents. Interment t. Scott Park cemetery. Friends Invited. TOMTER At her late residence. 437 Sevetuy-iourxn biiw 1 uut,uv. . Tomter. aged 41 years The funeral services will be held at P. L. Lerch fu neral parlors. East Eleventh and Clay streets. Wednesday at 2 P. M. Services private , Bate far Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian. lmilr anU bumiay-- Par Uaa Omm Omm Xt Tw eoBcotI time ......... Tlixe coiuecutiTw titnea biz r - cobmcuU' time- The fellowLas ciuoiflratlon xcpt. CJ10 rate m wbich im lm per kium per dti CUtuatiou Vaulei Male, bituatieaa Tritate 1-amUiea. Board and Koomf lrial ar-lllr- UouMkeepinr Aieoaia 1'rt ate it- auiUe- ad iakea tt 1cm thaa tt line. Ceuat six werde l I tie line. AuTertiaenneDta (eiacept "far aeaala" will be lakcn er toe tete laeoe U tbe advertiaer le a tubae fiber le eitber pbeoe. e price will be uel4 er tbe pbene, but etatement mill mm eadered tbe follewlns day. Advertlve meate are takea for The laU Ore tvsuaa until 1'. .at.; fur Tbe oaaua Phone your want ad to The Oreg-o-ntan. Main 7070. A 6095. HEMSTrrCHTN G. HEMSTITCHING, be per yard: operator of 3 years" experience. 350 V Morrison, room K STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttons covered; mall orders. 211) Pittock blk. Broadway luau. HEMSTITCHING and plcot. All work guar anteed. Sfcger Sew g Mac h. Co.. 402 Wash. HUMIDIFIER. FOR HOT-AIR FURNACES; InvigoraUng, healthy and saves fuel. 404 Nortnwestern Bank bldg. MCS1C. EMIL TH1ELHORN, violin, viola teacher; pupil Sevcik. 2U7 Flledner bldg.. Bdy. 1629. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIAN S. -aV- GLASSES AT A SSAVXiNU. E? I solicit your patronage on the rJ basis of capable service. 'I'nou . . sands of satisfied patrons. A trial will convince. Charles W. Goodman, optometrist. 201 Morrison. Main 2124. PATENT ATTORNEYS. EX-CONGRESSMAN R. M. llcCBACKKN, registered patent attorney. 1001 Avon place. Washington, D. C. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign patents. tiOl Dekum bldg. GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bldg.. Main 2325 ' PHYSICLAN8. . I DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, 05 Broadway bldg. bles, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. DR. R E. WATTE RS, S06 Swetland bldi. O rtrrf Increased efficiency druglesa treat- 0 U jO ment, goitre, paralysis, headache. appendicitis, liver, KJaney. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. StarK-Davls Co, 212 iniro. jnain PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbeln, Mgr. Printing and linotyping, loovi f rom si- corner stark, aiain or a i'io- DDIUTIlir? F. W. BAITES & COMPANY. rnillllilU 1st and Oak sts. Main 165, A 1165. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 221 Front Street. Wa buv and sell everything In the hard ware and furniture line. Phone Main D970, A 7174. SHOW CARDS AND SLIDES. Washington Slide Co, 351 Washington. Mezzanine floor. Majestic oiag. jwar. z. SURVEYORS. LAND surveys, layouts, plats, patent office drawings. Call Bdwy. 2i3U, Bell phone. QUINN & PATCH. CrVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. 505 Oregon Bldg, Portland. Or. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. General Transfer nd Korwardinj Agents. TRACKAGR. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. LMO ASH ST. BROADWAY 454. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gli-an at.. corner of 13 til. Telephone Broadway 11181 or 11GD. "V'e own and operat two largr ciasa A ware nouses on terminal traci-a Ixwest ins-ranee rates In the city. INTERSTATE Auto Transfer, Eaat 260 Furniture moving, suburban trip-, dealer in Rock JSprinffB coal. 4il b. Burnside. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. "48 FINE. MADISON-PT. DOCK & WAREHOUSE Of fice, 189 Madison st. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main lb'JL PACKING MOVING STORING. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 105 Park st. Main S1S5. A 105L CLAY 8. MORSE. Inc. TRACKAGE, STORAGE. TRANSFER. 44S-454 Glisan St. VACUUM CLEANING. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning In your Hoc a rug. Carl. East 1."0S. home. WATCH REPAIRING. HIGHEST prices paid old watches and Jew elry, condition no object. Kepajrs a spe. cialiy. Rainier Jewelry Co, 440 Wash, st. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO, 2d and Taylor. PIPK.PIPKFITTING AND VALVES. M. 1 KLINE. 84-86 Front street. PLUMB1NGANDSTEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front street. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL, 140 Front street. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co, 14th and Northrop. SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO, 12th and Davis .ts. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. WILSON & ROSS EAST SEVENTH AND 31 lTLTOMAR, Portland's Moet Affgretwive FUNERAL DIRECTORS H0LMAN UNDERTAiaNG CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Street., Main 507. A 1511. Lady Assistant. I MLLiLiliii & TrCAUili X Perfect Funeral Services for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Wash st.t bet. '20th and 21st. West Side. Main 2t91. Lay Assistant. A J. P. Finley & Son PROGRESSIVE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Main 9. Montgomery at 5th. A 1599. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors, with all the privacy of i home. lHth and Eveiett sts. Phono Broad way 1213; Home. A 2133. F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free use of floral chapel ana auto equipment. DUNNING & McENTEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway 430, A 4-.j3. Laay attenaanc MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON. Fu neral servipe. 1973 E. GMean. Tabor 4313. P. L. LERCH East 11th and Clay sts. East 781. B 1883. UDTPOnW Twelfth and Morrison streets. riil.C)UlN Broadway 2534. A L rTTiT t TTtTj pn 592 Williams Aye. ik, ....... vv. East 1088. C 1088 A. D. KENWORTHY CO, 5802-04 92d st, Lents. Tabor 5267. T-?UT?i7,7l7 A, CVrinic' 1047 Belmont. UllJlliJAJ ut, K.V vwa..T k-Tab. 1258. B 2348. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady assistant. FLORISTS. JAPAN jFI-ORIST. 190 4th St., bet. Yamhitl tie Taylor. All kinds of flowers, bed ding and vegetable plants, hardy perennial flowering plants, nurs ery stock, pansies, seeds, tub. basket. Special sale. LIB LIN ER. FLORIST. 328 Morrison su. Portland hotel. Mar. 7"v3. 3 4 Morrison, bet. Bdy. and Park. Mar. 237. Wreaths as low as $4. Sprays S2. MARTIN & FORBES CO.. Florists. 34 Washington. Main 269. A 1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically aranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 2S7 Morrison st. Main or A isuo. f ine xiowcrs nuu i.orai designa No branch stores. PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. Flow ers and designs very reasonable. Mar. 5922. IRVINGTON PARK FLORAL CO., 4th and . Yamhlil. Funeral designers; lowest prlcea MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 3121. Sellinf bunding,. 6th and Alder sts. TON-ETH FLORAL CO.. 287 Washington st.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1161. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 26 4th St. Opp. City Hall. Ken Broa. frfS BLAESINQ GRANITE CO. ITT THThO AT MADISON STREET I ft NEW TODAY. Advertisement of Sale of Ship Lumber In Shipyards la Oregon,- WasJiiiigton and California Sealed proposals will be received at the office or the, r ir troauction tovra, ou Northwestern BanK buliaing. Jforuana. ure gon. until 11 o'clock A. M. May 6, 1919. and then publicly opened, for ship lumber on is.-f . am itw9 at fh. fnllnwinr shiDrards. The amount of lumber shown at each yard is approximate and wiu vary more or .ess, Columbia, A "Willamette River District Feet. McEachern Ship Co.. Astoria. Or.- 824.719 Geo. F. Rodgers Co., Astoria, Or... 403,126 Coast Shipbuilding Co.. Portland, Ora.503.720 Kiernan A Kern Shipbuilding Co- Portland, Or. 490.811 Supple-Ballin Shlpbuiiaing wrpn, Portland. Or. 701.541 d Vf Rfundlfar rnnltrttctiol. Caro'li. Vancouver, Wash. 1.8S6.370 St. Helens Shipbuilding Ca. St. Helens. Or 651,785 Wilson Shipbuilding: Co. Astoria, Or. 7a!o,al0 Puget Sonnd Dtstrict Co.. Seattle. Wash. L014.615 Allen Shipbuilding Co- Seattle, Wash L065.558 Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co., Seattle, Wash l.fXT.OS Wright Ship Yard. Tacoma, Wash.. 241.822 aoare isros.. lacoma, vvasn. ..... Aberdeen, Washington, District Grant Smith-Porter Shipbuilding Co. Aberdeen. Wash- 501,767. Raymond, Washington, District Kb rt rt mymnrt A 7r t rm Rh f Y ard. Raymond. Wash. 1.640,940 North Bend. Oregon. District KLruae A Banks, North Bend, Or.. .1,285.241 California District Rolph Shipbuilding Co.. Eureka, Cal 723,260 Renlr.fa. Shinbuildlnc Cortfn. Banlcia. CaL 205.968 Total 15464,591 TL Bidders are invited to be present at the time bids are opened. in. - Three classes of proposals will be received. aa fnllnwi: Class a. Por the entire amount of ship lumber In all the above shipyards in Oregon, Washington and California. Class b. For the entire amount of ship lumber In any one or more of the described districts. Class c The entire amount of ship lum ber In any one shipyard. rv. An sroDosals to be based on taking de- Irvery of the ship lumber in all or any one ol the following cases, our option: a. FV O R ran at each nhin vardL b. Free along side within reach of chip's tacjue at eacn snipyara. c Bid on lumber wherever sitnated within each shipyard whether piled on docks or on land adjoining, or rafted in the water. Each bid must be accompanied by a cer tified check, bank draft, postoffice or ex press money order, payable to the IT. S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corpora tion, in an amount equal to 10 per cent of the total bid, which sum will be retained by said corporation as liquidated damages In the event of failure of the bidder to make good hts bid, should the same be ac cepted. Successful bidders will be required to furnish suitable bond for faithful per formance of his contract and upon receipt of such bonds, deposit mentioned in this article will be returned. VL The Fir Production Board reserfei tbe right to reject any or all bids. Deposits made by unsuccessful bidders will be re turned upon rejection of the bid. VIL All lumber Is to be sold on measurement and merchantable grade made by the Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau, free of cost to bidders. The Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau Is to furnish certificates for such meusurement and grade which is to be final. VIII. Terms of payment are net cash, 30 days from date of certificate issued by the Pa cific Lumber Inspection Bureau. IX. Lumber must be removed within a reason able time; each bidder must specify the earliest date at which be will remove the lumber covered by his bid. X. For itemized list of lumber apply to Fir Production Board, 508 Northwestern Bank building. Portland. Oregon, or the U. S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corpora tion, Salvage Division. 140 N. Broad street, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania. XL Bids must be placed In sealed envelope addressed to Fir Production Board. !08 Northwestern Bank building. Portland, Ore gon, and marked "This is a sealed bid to be opened at 11 A. M. May 6. 1019." FIR PRODUCTION BOARD. WILL BUILD GARAGE 75x100 BROADWAY, NEAR H CI 1,16 THEATER. DESIRABLE TENANT WANTED. AG 155, OREGONIAN. GARAGES 40 AND UP. PORTABLE AND PERMANENT HOUSES OP ALL KINDS. MODERN CON STRUCTION CO, 315 Eaat Eleventh St. Phone Ka.t 5114. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city and farm property. Installment repayment privilege If preferred prompt, reliable service. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 17-219 North e.tera Bank Building-. Marshall 4114, A 4118. E FI HFC PHRS .?. 0 IkVII II W MM JiS-O From old carpets. Carpet cleaning and reriuine. "aer to. " """" r" ..- Mall orders solicited. NORTHWEST FLUFF RUG CO, Former address 163 Union Ave. EAST 3580 ."S. B 1280 MORTGAGE LOANS Farm and city property we man our own funds. No delay. No commission. PACIFIC COAST MORTGAGE CO. .to n , Rich. Bide Main T5. JOHN B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds S02 WILCOX BLDG. Main 703. A 3703 MORTGAGE LOANS OX BUSINESS ASD BJCMUUiflHlli PROPERTY. ROBERTSON & EWING, SOT - 8 KorthweiterB Ban It Bldg. Mortgage Loans 5l2 . EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO. CNTTED STATES BANK BUILDING. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Phone Your Want Ads to SEW TODAY. 1 5 THE HOME SUPERB A Wonderful View Every Detail Complete This is, without a doubt, the most splendid medium sized house from all view points, on the east aide. Beautiful, arttstio and grand, both outzlde and in. A thor oughly complete home for the - medium sized family who want the best. Is situ ated on the edge of the Alameda, ridge, giving an unobstructed view of the city and mountains. Yet the grounds axe level. The eight rooms are all exceptionally large and thrown together in such a way as to make entertaining a large number of guests a pleasure. It Is difficult to say which part of this home will be most appreci ated for there are so many features in every room and on each floor to attract. The living room and dining room are cer tainly in a class by themselves, but the four bedrooms are Just a little the best we have aeon anywhere. There is a fine billiard room, and a double cement garage. The house is heated with a new system of hot water heat which is the most economical and convenient known. If you want a real home at much less than it cost to build, you will pay S12.000 for this as soon as you see It. The Fred A. Jacobs Company 104 6th St. Realtors. Main 6869, HOUSES GARAGES READY CUT AND PORTABLE Write for Catalogue Miilmade Construction Co. 1601 Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 2113 Portland, Or. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS Old Rug and Woolen Clotblnir. XI e Male Reversible. Hand - Wove. FLUFF RUGS They Wear Like Iron. Mall Order.. Send for Booklet. Ras "Robb wo-en, Ait ouea, Garnet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs, Steamed Cleaned, $1.50 lirn-STKRW F1.IFK It I t- . O, 54 Cnion Ave. N. East 6516. B 1475 REM, ESTATE. uiTjin vnr;n HOME IN WALNUT PARK. Call today ana select jum mi. " are selling fast; extra maucemenis anccu for eiBht new homes: financial assistance If desired. iMO liner iwcauuu i.-i 1149 Union ave. N. Wdln. 3304. W. M. Killlngsworth. owner. For Sale Beach Property. SALTAIR. TILLAMOOK BEACH. Two choice lota. 50x140. at Saltatr sta- -i rii i-T)b..K- near dennt and hote'l; adjoins beard walk, countv road ana ranroaa; new raw,.. -----able for business or residence; value .oOO, will consider trade for auto, property or merchandise. Address BP 207. Oregonian. For Saie Lots. PAEKROfE ACRE .1100 Close to macadam road, sidewalks. n. , (Heal snnt for a 1 ttle home; very easy terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bids- 4th & Marie, main -vz. BUY FROM OWNER Lots and 9, in the amenaea piat 01 iiwiu iIBu.u.Cl -talning 2 32-100 acres; finest soli in Tual atin valley, $4 mile from Tigard station; price 1500. Address L B. Nichols. Brock way, Or. 17 DOWN J" MONTHLY. ROxlOO, covered with beautiful fir and doe-wood, in Irvingrton Park, 1 block from car; price .500. This lot is worth $800. Fred W. German Co, 732 Chamber of Commerce. Opening evenings and Sundays. .4000 BUYS the best block on lower Port land nelgntS tor ail apaiiuicuL uuu BUB, by- owner, 301 McKay bldg. Phone Main 1004. BUILDERS OR HOME BUYERS. Have 1 to 10 lots, 43th ave. and 43d st. S. E., reasonable; might build to suit. "WS" carline. Owner. AV 810. BARGAIN IRVINGTON DISTRICT; lot on 24th. near Klickitat Bt., $1200; owner. 416 ChamDer oi Lommeri:e WOODLsAVVN lot. corner lloore and Mor gan; terms. J. R. Sharp. 83 3d st. IRVINGTON'S choicest home sites, cash or terms. Phone owner. East 3225. TWO lots at Tigard, clear of Incumbrance, $175. AE 46. Oregonian. FOR SAL13 2 fine residence lots on car line, close In, east side, V 197, Oregonian. For Sale Business Property. WEST SIDE. 100x110, 2-STORY AND FXTLI BASE MENT. BRICK CONSTRUCTION. ST. IMPROVEMENTS AII PAID, HARD SURFACE STREETS. SUITABLE POR WAREHOUSE, MANUFACTORY, STA BLE, GARAGE, LAUNDRY; POR SALE EXCEPTIONALLY REASONABLE PRICE ANY TERMS; SEVEN BLOCKS FROM MORRISON ST. P. O. BOX 868, CENTRAL STATION, PORTLAND, OR. WAREHOUSE and manufacturing sltss on trackage, close In; easy terms. J. C. Cos tell o, 414 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 8177. QUARTER 'BLOCK. SUITABLE for APT., HOTEL OR GARAGE, FOR SALE EX TREMELY LOW IN PRICE; VERY EASY TERMS; LOCATED NEAR MASONIC TEMPLE, YAMHILL AND WEST PARK STS. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. P. O. BOX 8G8, CENTRAL STATION, PORTLAND, OR. . 100x100 East Water st.. between Morrison and Hawthorne bridges, on trackage, walking distance to heart business section; will sacrifice and give reasonable terma Owner. O 051, Oregonian. FINE property for sanitarium or hospital; good building, on hard-surface road, near car. F 576, Oregonian. COST 140,000, price today S31.500; monthly income $300. Sellwood 14C. By owner. For Sale House. ROSE CITY PARK. 33200. Modern bungalow type home. 5 rooms and sleeping poarch, hardwood floors, French doors, fireplace, dandy buffet, Dutch kitchen; brand new furnace, etc, 850 cash, baL 340 per mo. Call at 1314 Sandy blvd. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern, 5-room. steam-heated bunga low; hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet and bookcases: Dutch kitchen, large attic, full basement, lot 33x100. on paved street. 2Vt blocks from car; price S3230. $1750 cash, balance straight mort gage. 350 E. 45th st. Phone Tabor 6336, A GREAT BARGAIN 6-room house, $1250. $250 cash. 3-room bungalow, 3 lots, $900, terms. 404 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE 5-room house, $2400, E. Grant, near 41st, $1000 cash, balance on terms. East 491. 10 ACRES at Oregon City, all improved, trade; 30 acres at Canby, all in crop, some trade.- 404 Railway Exchange. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hon $2790 SUNNTSIDE BUNGALOW $2790. VACANT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Very attractive 5-room modern bunga low on full-sized lot, on a paved street with all Hens paid, best white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, newly tinted, has a full cement basement, ce ment floor and walls extending to the Joists: on East Taylor street, near 47trVL close to ML Tabor and Sunnyslde cars; 600 down, and $20 per month. Including interest. Vacant, immediate poasessloa. Move in. See FRANK L. McGUTRE To Buy Tour Home. Ablnrton Bldg. Main 10ll8. Main B15&. Offlce Open Evenings and Sundays. SPECIAL. $2150. KENTON-PENN. DISTRICT; W2M. 6-room very substantial modern bunga low, attractive lines, has concrete column, with porch extending across enttr. front of house, white enamel plumbing, bullt-ia conveniences, electric lights and gas: en Minnesota ave., near Morgan, 2 blocks to "L" car; very easy payments. We hava over 600 photographs In our office of homes for sale. Come In today and look, them over. See FRANK L. McCrCTRBi To Buy Your Home. Ablnrton Bldg. Main 1068, Main B1SS. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. A BUNGALOW AND TWO ACRES at Tigard. on paved highway, beautfful 30-minute drive via Terwllllger boulevard Into Portland; bnngalow has flv. room, and bath, hot and cold water, private wa ter system, electric lights, garage with electric light; nearly 100 bearing fruit trees, principally Sptuenberg applea; fin. garden soil, chicken house and run; a very attractive suburban home. Buy thl. and the apples will buy you an automo bile. Price 13500; it's worth $5000; $1600 cash will handle. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO, $2400 TOTAL PRICE. 270 Stark St. Main 0K. $300 DOWN. $25 PER MONTH 100x100. NO MORTGAGE. NO STREET LIENS. Right in the heart of the Pelnsula dis trict, on Knowles st, near Portland boule vard. Is a 6-room modern bouee on 100 110. close to car and school; unusual bar gain. May I .how you this today? Auto, at your service- See FRANK L. McGUTRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068, Main 5159. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS. BREAKFAST ALCOTTE $3500. We want you to see this beautiful bun galow, located on 49th st. In the paved district. Exceptionally largo Irving room with large plate-glass window, fireplace, buffet, complete cabinet kitchen with breakfast alcove, cement basement, wash trays, large attic, etc Full 60x100 lot. Sewer connection; $M0 cash will handle. Let us show you. Yes, it ia thoroughly double constructed. A. O. TEEPB CO, 264 Stark St, near 3d. Main 3516. Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $3150 Here Is a bargain, a truly wonder ful buy; 6-room bungalow, thor oughly modern except furnace; In perfect condition inside, clean and attractive, living room across en lire front of house, large bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, all bullt ins, full cement basement, wash trays. Improvements all paid. In Westmoreland. Can we send a ma chine for you to see this? J. A. WICKMAN CO, IM Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 583. MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, on 4Sta st, close to Hawthorne ave.: fireplace, fur nace, oak floors, buffet, bookcases, beau tiful finish. Price $4000, $500 cash, ba -ance $35 month, including interest. Tnla Is less than rent. 6-ROOM HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Fireplace, furnace, buffet, bookcases, close to Hawthorne ave. Price $3150, with $900 cash, balance $25 month. Including interest. This is $10 less than rent. CLEVELAND-BARR-HENDEHSON CO, 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. $40(10 fttiur. HOUSE COST $5500 LOT $1500. Widow must sell, price $4600; 6 rms, sip. pr, maid's rom, den, tliad bath rm. and recept. hall, plate glass door, and mirrors, fireplace, furnace, oak firs, full cement bast., brkfst. nook, all bullt-lns, paving and sewer pdL, east of park. A wonderful buy. Part cash. mtg. balance, G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. -35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. 8-RM. MOD. RES, FIREPLACE, BLKa PLUMBING, FULL BAST, PAVING AND SEWER PAID, COR. 50x65. E. WASH. ST, WEST OF SOTH. WILL KENT FOR $30. EXCEPTIONAL INVESTMENT. HEIRS ANXIOUS FOR MONEY. OLD ESTATE. MUST SETTLE. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Only part cash, can mtg. for balance. G. c' GOLDENBERG, Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portland. Main 4S03. . ... . . ITUIC Client purchased a modern bungalow Tour yeara ago, paid $3760 and ass-mod street Improvements, then he built on a beautiful breakfast room, put In expensive lighting fixtures, put In a dormer upBtalrs and finished J more rooms, making It 8 in all: this mad. It cost the present owner $5000. There is a- furnace and fireplace, lot 4oxD-, $4000, terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO, 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Mam t83. SHAKE THAT STUFFY APARTMENT. Five-room modern bungalow, lot iSxJO, block to trolley, East Glisan and 72d Ms, good neighborhood; price only $16110. $100 fash, $20 monthly. Nice little homes llke. that at such a low price and on such cuy terms are mighty scarce. Phone for our auto and see this. THK 1 HU5M.r.l -viuni.. ' 270 Stark St. Main 3052. $2450 VI EW BUNGALOW $2450. On East 67th street, i block to car. wo are offering a very attractive white bun galow with a wonderful unobstructed view, in Laurelhurst, on the cast side; has white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, fruit and flowers. Terms. See " FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068, Main 5156. Otflce opening g,veumso " , - . Tn,.n--rtM Dl'UtnFMl'H New and modern 11-room I rvlngtotj resi dence, selected mahogany and. oak fin sh. hardwood floors, three artistic tile fire places, tiled bathrooms, three tonets. sanl. tary plumbing, sun-parlor, sleeping Porch, full basement, large finished attic room" beautifully finished ; spacious "rounds, rare shrubbery; materials and workman ship guaranteed: Inspection Invited; rea--nnahle terms: owner. O 550, Oregonian. . ... ......i-OT Ti,T-cm Fine strictly modern 6-room house, wltn den, sun room and sleeping gorch.i bed rooms, furnace, llreplace oak floors, buf fet, bookcases, lot 50x100, city Hens all -aid on Laurelhurst ave. Price $5500, terms cat be arranged or will lake 5-room bungalow as part. GRUSSI & BENNETT, in n.rH r Trade Bldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. 0 liuuaia, --.. -Owner has bought a larger house and must sell present home at once. We want u to see this splendidly arranged bun galow; full 60x100 lot. llreplace, etc. Very easy terms. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPB CO, 264 Stark St, near 3d. ,Jl'n, 3S10' Branch Ottlce, Duiranuuuj $1250 100x100 COTTAGE $1250. Here Is a 100x100 with a 6-room plas tered house, large barn and chicken house, abundance of fruit. Mt. Tabor car lines. $300 down, $10 per month. bee FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1008. Mai- B156. Oillce Open Evenings and bundays. WEST Slum nyjvvo Very good 6-room house, elect, natn, nice eme basement, lot 50x30. paved streetT all Hens paid: on Curry st, near 1st. Price $2500, $500 cash. GRUSSI & BENNETT. 318 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 745 $1050 HANDLES NEW BUNGALOW. 5-room modern, full basement, Iruic trL and berries, large chicken . house, block from Rose City car. Gregory Heights. Only $2550. Ask Wales. A. J. Ue FOREST & CO, 320 Henry Bldg. Main -690. GoEodD7m lluTjoRnS,lV . ' GRUSSI & BENNETT, 318 REAL Be hard porch a real bargain iTROOM bungalow on 50x100 lot, . Jf"f rents for $3. Yes, It's a splendid llttlo home; on account of sickness owner Is willing to accept $1750. $250 cash, bal ance $20 per month, including interest. Call for Mr- Miller at Hotel Ramapo. MOVE RIGHT IN Modern 7-room house, sleeping porch, corner lot. fruit and bor rles. Fox furnace; cor. Halsey and East 27th N. A Dargain lor . RUTHFIELD. 518 Fenton Bldg. Bdy. 637. 6 ROOMS, full cement basement, on carline. close In. East Side: all street Improve ments In and paid for except $150 bonded- price $:i000. Call owner, evenings. Marshall 472, BARGAIN Well built, cosy 5-room bunga low, gas, eiec, wui, - small barn, garden in, gas range, 2 stoes and linoleum, all for $1750. $460 cash. Owner. Broadway 6429 till 11 A. M. MT SCOTT Small 4-room house, lot 40x100. bearing fruit trees, lawn flower,, roses gas, water, basement. Call 3930 6!th Bt. S. L, after 5 P. M, or Tabor 3237. Owner. 6-R. BUNGALOW, E. 34TH ST. Close In. paved streets: must go, $2o00; terms. Davlcs, Main 5231. . .... H Board of Traae - AL HOME. IN LAURKLHUB--. I autiful in appointment and iocatlon. f wood floors. 2 fireplaces, sleeping I and all conveniences, uwner, ah. ,.r place. Phone Tabor 4360. This Is ,1