TnE MOItXTXG . OKEGOXTAX, . MONDAY, APRIL 21,. 1919. MW TOD AT. Advertisement of Sale of Ship Lumber In Shipyards In Oregon, .Washington and California aled pnpom'i wilt b rccir4 at the wir oi me rir rprvi uction i-.osrn. frtnwtra Bank buiMinx. Por;.nil, Ore ron. gn;i; 1L o'c'k A. M. (.iy C. and t.-a pusiiv.y pentd. for :up luinir on band as iitd At t.'ie following snlpyarc. The arrfMint of lumber mown ac ch yard Is approximate and will vary mora or less: Columbia Willamette RlTcr District Feet. fcCarhtni KMp Co.. Astoria. Or. ;M.7I1 o. . KoCr Co.. Aatort. Or... I JS ( ui( ?hipc-u Portland. Or.l.5o.7J kith i a Kara Shipbuilding Co. f"t: ,nJ. Or 400.SU Su :?:- B-:;in Shipbuilding Corp 'a. I'.-rVsnd. Or. 701.541 C. M. tndtfr Contraction Corp'n. Vinruuvtr, Wn 1.9&O.S70 St H cot UlpDa!Ming Ce, St. H-:.n. Or . . BM.T3 WloB thipoai:dln Co., Astoria. Or. 7-S.l Pnct So and District Pa'trr). vcXotiict Shipbuilding Co.. fc-:t . Uaan. 1.014.613 :in soipomlaicg Co- Seattle, W ash 1.0o.So3 Tlf! ofraf R-1d A DrMtrlnv Ca. S-tt.. Wji.i l.M7.M rtihl SVd Yard. Taco-na Wash.. 241.i2 Baortt roe. T a coma. Vaah. Aberdeen, Washington. District Grant Smi.Pof r fihlnhatld! nf Ca, AMraMn, wasn. vi.o. Raymond. Washington, District lindanan a Pfiftar1! fihlD Yard. Kaimaod, Wux 1.W0.WO Nona Band. Oregon., District KroM A Sanaa, North Bnd. Or...l.:W.Hl California District R:pn SMphTjildtn Co.. EurVs. Cal Antla shioouj dinar Loro n. lieaicia. CSi. ............................ Total Btdde-v are revfted ta be s resent at the uxue dms are opa&eo. III. Three e! asses of proposals will ba received. Ciaas a. For the entire amount of ehlp himbr In ail the a ov shipyards in Oregon. WiiJilni'.on ana taliromia. C.aca U. Fur the entire amonnt of ship ramor in any one or more oi tbe descriwed ! oistrfcts. C;se c The entire amanot of ahlD mm- sar la any one anipyaro. IV. ATI sroDMi'i ta ha haiaed on talclns da- ftary of the ahlo lumbar In a:l or mjxr one ai toe ioi.oinf caaea. our option: a. F. o. EL cira at each ihiDvard. b Free) alone aide wiihia reaca of ship's tackie at each shipyard. c Bid on lumber wnererer situated "tthtn each shipyard whether plied on docks r oa iaaa aajoiainc or rax tea la tno waier, V. Each bfd mntt be acromnanled by a eer- t1fd check, bank dmft. poetofftce or ax- presa mony ordr. pyaDe to the u. hlpplns Board Emergency Fleet Corpora tioa. In an amount euual to 10 per cent of the toLal bid. which sum wl'.l be retained ry aatd corporation aa liquidated damiifi i tn tne eTcnt or Xl.ure or toe oiddtr to make sood his bid. should the same be ac cepted. Successful bidders will be require! to tumisn sui:o;e Dond tor zaitniui per. frmanc-e of his contract and upon receipt of such bonds, deposit mentioned In this article will b returned. Vt Tha Fir Production Board reserves the rlrht to reject any or all bids. Dt-poaits made by unsuccessful bidders will bo re turned upon rejection of the bid. VIL All lumber la to be sold on measurement and merchantable grade made by tae Pacific Lumber inspection Bureau, freo of cost to bidders. Tii a Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau la to fumisii certiflrates for such m eaaurs men t aad s rad o which Is to be f.aai. VIII. Terms of payment are net rash. 30 days from date of certificate laaued by the Pa cific Lumber Inspection Bureau, IX. Lumber mast be removed wfthfn a reason able time: each bidder must specify the er:ist date at wh:ci he will remove the lumber covered by nts old. For Itemised Met of lumber appTy to Fir Production Board. Northwestern Bank bmldinit. Port'and. Oregon, or the U. si. 1 frnippinc Board Kmergemy Flet Corpora- n. Mirit i Minion, i a. DfU4U aireou Phtdeipbia, Pennsylvania. XL Bids moat b placed tn sealed enrelope addresd to Kir Frodutivn Board. 'S Northweatem Bank butiding. Portland. Ore ron. and marked "ThU is a sa'ed bid to be opened at 11 A. M. May ft. lwl'j. FIR PRODUCTION BOARD. 3600Acresat$6.50 Logged-Off Land Cannot be daplicated in Oregon Particulars on application Hart Land Co. 910 Chamber of Commerce Telephone Marshall 1585 WILL BUILD GARAGE 75x100 BROXDWAT. 5E.1R BETLIC THEATER. FLUFF RUGS )rom eld carpeta. Carpet eieanlnf aad jailtUas Rag ran otn. all ana. Mail order, aoilelted. 5oari.Mi.9r klikk uic co. Former adarcss l.i baioa A,. EAST 3580 B 1283 REAL E5TATE. For Sale Beach Property. SALT AIR. TILLAMOOK BEACH. Two choice lots. 50x140, st Saltair sta tion Tillamook Beach: near depot and hotel; adjoins be-ard wa:k- cunlf road and railroad: faces Pacific ocean; su:t- b e for business or residence; value 4500: will consider fade for auto, property of merchandise. Address BP 107. Oregonlaa Fear Sale Lots. BL'Y FROM OWNER-LoU and if. in me anenacu p;ai 01 .onn . m uio, tatnins - 4J-100 acres: finest soli In Tual atin valley, mile from Tisard statlun; price I15u0l Address L B. Nichols, Brock- ny. Or. ' ' "7 DOWN 17 MOVTHLT. RVtlH, covered with beautiful fir and elogwood. In Irvlagton Para. 1 block from car: price 1500. This lot is worth ISOO. t red W. Germs -J Co.. 732 Chamber of f onmerc. Owning evenlnKS and fl-iadsja $4000 BUYS ih bwt block on lower Port land niiu '"mi iuf ; av otucr, 40l 51c va bldg. Pboue Main 1UQ4. DESIRABLE TE.A.T WAXTED. AG 153, OREGON I A?T. ! 1 1 !i j CORVLR 5th Broadway. 5o1h. un- lmpnva, i. c r.w iiy t4iwi, -ou call. Knnedv. 414 Market st. WOODLAWN lot. corner More and Mer J- R SMarp. 3d St. fn terms IRVINGTONS choicest home sites, caih or term a Phoca owner. East 3225. jOR SALE One acr. selst home s.te In Pcritnu, or win wii trail. iiinr TWO lots st Tigard. clear of lncumbran.. 4174. AE 4. Qretfonian. fOR SALE 3 fine residence lots on car Una. ciosa in, east side, V 197, Oregoiuaa. REAL ESTATE. TKRWILLZGEK HOMESTEAD. West aids lots 50x100, close to Indus trial district, rrom xut up; easy tsrma. J. C. COsTELLO, 414 Board of Trade Bids. Tnona Maia 1177. PARKROSE ACRE $1100 Close to macadam road. sidewalks. water, fir tra. Ideal snot for a lit t homr: very easy tarma J. I HAKTMAX LOAIFANY. No. 7 Chamber of Co mm ere a b.dc. 4th A Mmrk. Mala I'OS. BUILDERS OK HOME BUYERS. Have 1 to 10 Iota, 4ft th ave. and 43d at. S. . reasonable; might bulla to suit. "ws- ciriin?. owner, av Blflt r Jle Business Property. WAREHOUSE and manufacturing- sites on truaace. com in; easy terois. J. C tot tejio, 414 Board. oX TraUe bids. Fooas ai-On FIN E property for sanluwrum or hospital good ba.idmg, on hard-surica road, near car. io, uregonian. tuST 40.iho. price today $31,010, month. income uw. txnwooa hu ay owner. Flat and Apartment Property. -". I OT and apartment houao buiidins complete. Walking distance to busine center; flrsi-ciaae lnveaiment; full of sr.'ady tervanta. te onri agent, ale- KA11LAXD, krj Yeon bldg. For al OH. IUU Ul'ILlKRtf: SOME ii ilO.NKl XllLo TEAR, IF YOU operate in Laumhurst. Never knew such dmsA(l for houeea. 1 have b well-located lota across train the park X a very na aonable figure. Second mtjt. privilege good, stiff building loan, help with your and do the eel tins;, a few hundred douara atar? you In buaineaa, ooe alR. DE1.AHUM1, tot ark tit. Vafn 17V Sunday an 1 eve nines. East COM. $2950 ROSE C ITT 42954. Modem e-room bnncalow. blocks from tandv. Furnace. fireplace. real Dutch kitchen, fine lawn, shade tree, eic. ; flow raah, balance f2i per month. inciuaiug interesu lh at lH SANDi BuVD. TAUOK 4;. BEAUTIFUL COlONIAL HOME. CHOICE LOCATION. In a very choice district, btx extra tare; rooms, beautiful arounds and sn rubbery. near fine car h nt. This ie aoraethlns; very apeclal and muat be seen to be appreciated. By appointment only. Ceil Suuday aad eveniufis EAST C0 or MAIN' 1700. MR. DEL.VHUNTY. A PTX-ROOM BL"NGAIXW WITH Fl.SE OARAGE. One block north of Hawthorne on cor ner. Lane rooms, full basement, full i tic. furnace. Streets all paved and paid lor. Excellent lawn and enruooery. For further details Call TABOR or TABOR 59. Office East 3 ih and Olisan Sis. 11600 BUTS a modern 4 -room bungalow wun two targe iols coverea witn iruit. berries and flowers; It takes IMK) to awing the deal, balance $15 per month with o per cent Interest; this la an exceptior-ai bargain from a financial standpoint aid will make a very pleajtaul home for ou In one of Portland a best auburbe. For particulars call 404 Piatt bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Beauuful bomea, lots, tracts and acre age; I have most of the property for aaie In tlua district and ALL THE bar gat na Mar. 427. BROOKE. A SS30. 541 Montgomery Drive, corner Elm 6t SAVE COMMISSION $1100 cash; direct from owner; L'-room cottage, beautiful big sleeping porch and plumbing; completely f u rmshed ; very rood I urn 1 tu re ; f ru 1 1 treea and yard ; well kept up; also ga rage. Call Wood lawn 2045. or 1000 L -Mjth st. N. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 42500, Lot 54x100 and 5 -room house; full base ment and modern conveniencea; 2 blocks to car: Improvements all paid. GiiJter son. Woodlawn 5&I2, with A. U. AKLKtiO-V, Henry B!dg Main 724S. A LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Five rooms with full attic. Finished In old Ivory. Thla buns low la located In the buncaiow section of Laurel hurst, near the park. For further Information Call TABOR Zi.iS or TABOR 51 Evenings. orrice t.sai j;nn ana onsan &ts. WAVERLE1GH HEIGHTS BARGAIN. :U0 TOTAL PRICE 4000. 7 -room house. 5uxlu0 iou paved street. Improvements all paid ; full basement. waau trays, gas. ciecir-cuv. A. 1L AKtliiuN, Henry Bldg. Main 7248. SACRIFICE 42500 TERMS. Close in, attractive 6-room house, cor ner lot 5uxloo, near school, bet. two car lines. Improvements In. Lilac hedge on two sides. oner. wain Biv. MODERV 5-room bunralow on E. 1ft West moreland, fireplace, buffet, cabinet, kitchen ajid linen closet, good plumbing, cement basement, walks, paving and sewer paid for. Price 43UUU, 'HJ oown. balance 4J5 per monin. u. r. atrsener, r 4tn at. FOR SALE By owner. Aloerta 3 -room mod. rn bunsalow. hardwood floors, fireman. writing desk, bookcaae, buffet, nice lichl fixtures. Dutch kitchen, fuil cement base ment, stationary tuba, targe attic, on car- line, lail at juij sutn . FOR SALE By owner, a modern 6-room bungalow; steeping- porch, large attic baiu wood floor; now vacant; ail newly tinted and painted; tnis is a bargain 43 wo; terms. Call 142 bandy blvd., near 72d SL. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 2 besuiful wooded lots on corner, with nice view, cosy 6-room bungalow with furnace, flrepiace. laundry tubs and cas hater thrown in; 44uou; terms. Mar. 4S.-7. BRUuKE. A 3839. ROPE CITT PARK, (room bungalow, strictly modern, ce. m.nt biMment, furnace, irfpiace, built la faiur,, white en.inel barKuln at SSU. Owner. b41 K. 4&lh N. Tabor alOI'EKN 7-room home on corner, both sta. 1 paved, choice location; owner will sacrl I iK-e at 45oO on terms; will show by ap- pointmenu tiee N. 11. Atchison. 404 Piatt bldg 'BC VGA LOW BARGAIN 5 rooms, strictly modern. 1 blocks from Ml Tabor car, lot 5xi0, alley jo feet, fruit trees, all for SJ54N; Ml ST have 1 500 cash. Phone owner. East -533. MODERN 5-room bungalow at 163 E. 62d N., from owner; $22um. furnished, or would sell unfurnished; $ti0tr down. $20 a month at 6 per rent inter eat. Phone East 2299 or Tabor 894. FoR SALE, $2750 6-room house and full lot. 1 block from Willamette boulevard, 3 blocks rrom St. Johns car; good home, good locality, good terms. Owner, Main St 2. except Sundays. FOR SALE I24O0, modern 5-room bunga low. $1000 down. $2uoo 2 houses on W lot, rent for $32 per month; $000 down. A. Groener. 2o2 Gerlinger bldg. ROSE CITT PARK buncalow, 3 rooms snd reception nalL choice corner, east facing, $2000 will ban d.e. Phone owner. Ta?or FOR SALE Almost new 7-room house; lot 5ozl26; 14 good fruit trees: chtcken house; 1 o.uck car: price $25uO, $Iuoo cash. Ad dress 17 E- 17:h st. BUNG A LOW 6 rooms, f u rnaca, fi rep lace. i.iunury, isriv purcn, view 101 ToxiOO. li22 Kaieign st.. terms, r . u.. How man sr Co., aia 01 v-. piug., aiain sutL 3-HOOJ noun. ukiu ioi. vaiue siuoo, near Lenta: c canare. tor rsay nty or Rock away house and lot. By owner, 502 Pittock block. COMFORTABLE 6-room home, all kinds iruit. wun 1 or - tun iois. otocKi rrom Franklin hish. 1 block from car; sacrifice by owner, laoor ALAMEDA Heights bnngalow. $5500. terms; 8 rooms and garage; elexant and dis tinctive: very best construction (not bulit for sale), owner. 401 Title t Trust bldg. FOR SALE By owner, modern 6-room house, full cement basement: in Sunny, side: 429V some sash, good terms. Phone Tabor Ul'.. FOR SALE By owner, modem 6-room bun galow; full cement basement. Dutch kitch en; in Sunnyslde. Price $2S5u. some cash, good terms. Phone Tabor 1 ZO'J. GOING to build or repa.r? Get my ideas and estimate, B. T. Allyn, 243 Stark st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Main 83L Rea. phone. Tabor 14. SNAP $, OO modern 7-room house with 2 corner lore, paved sta.. Richmond district; SaVK! down. 6 Int. 552 E. 6 lb, sc Sell wood 2774. HAWTHORNE. $W00. 6-room modern bungalow, $TVi down $25 per month. Inc.. Interest. 33 E. 5Th SNAP 5-room cottace on Overton street! near 19th. $22CV GRAHAM. 724 Chamber of Commerce Building. Main 1434. BARGAIN S-room furnished modern" bun galow. $2400. JtJCO will handle. 121 Gay st.. corner Ainswprth at- Ft. Johns carllne WILL pay cash for f:rst mortgage on im proved property. A2 &70. Oregonlan, at CAL ESTATE. HAWTHORNE AVENUE DISTRICT. Modern 5-room rintm. rnnif m.m new. con stating of nice, large living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms, bath, hall and large basement, with furnace. Three rooms, bath and hall finished in white enameL Located on terraced corner, lot' 50 by 100. with garage, roses, shrubbery, seven fru 1 1 treea, be rri es ; a 1 eo n I ce s pace f o r garden and chickens; paved Street and eidewalk; no Incumbrance. Price 43730, part cash and monthly pay ments. Will sell all or part of furnish ings. For sale by owner. H10 East 5uth street. 2 blocks south of Hawthorne ave nue. Take Hawthorne avenue or Mount Scott cars. GOOD BUYS in Piedmont at be fore-the-war prices; all modern and up to date: - 11 rooms, looxluo lot 110.500 11 rooms. 75xluO lot .-. . . .00u 8 rooms. S!xl0 lot 6.000 T rooms. Soxliw) lot 5.500 7 rooms. Iwxioo lot 4..V0 6 rooms. 5xl00 lot. 4.5O0 Call mornings and eveninss. C 2419, day time Mamhail 4il. ask. for Smith. "HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. 41330. NEAT 6-ROOM RUSTIC BUNGALOW WITH FIREPLACE. 8 bearing fruit trees, large chicken house and yard, shed suitable for garage, 4 blocks from Ml. Tabor carllne; total price 41350. 450O cash. 110 and Interest monthly. red w. Oerman Co.. 732 Cham ber of Com. Open evenings and tounday MAKE YOUR VACANT LOT INCOME BEARING. THE RICE CONSTRUCTION CO. will furnish plana and build to please you at prices tnat are as low as good material ana woramansnip wui permit. Loans zur nished with liberal repayment privileges. J . years sucreseiui operation in j'oruanu. r or lniormaiion call E. JZ. S-ROOM double lined bunttalow. larse attic. electricity, gas, paved streeta oiocks Hawthorne, ilt. Scott car. fireplace, but let. fine kitchen and bu tit-ins; concrete basement, furnace, wood lift, wash trays all in fine shap. - bandy to school anc htsrh; dandy location; at home In forenoon 4-ii'o. 2:;a e. ih st HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Modern 5-room, steam -heated bun low; hard-wood floorer fireplace built-li buffet and bookcases; Dutch kitchen, large attic, full basement, lot 40x100. on paved street, I'Va blocks from car; prtci 4-u, 41730 csah. balance stralaht mort ftaite. 330 E. 43th st. Phone Tabor t53d. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income We design and buiJd apartments, garages, residences anything; furnish plaits and finance. Established ten years. We offe SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFACTION. i. k. t alley co., inc., contracung arcni- tccts. pj4 w. Bank bldg. FOR SALE In Woodstock, one quite modem o-room no use, ioi tencea and improved, near carjine. lor Jl'.tOO. terms: also one 4-room house with large attic at JlSOu, small payment down; also H acre unim proves ior j(u, small payment, tu Kaeppler. 314 Henry bldg. LOOK SftOOO LISTEN Beautiful S rooms, not merely m house. dui a nvioQ, corner jot. ioxjcu; no iiens nicely kept, modern conveniences, fire piece, i u mace, ir you see it you i buy, UM'tier home marninn . WiMdlaivn 7 A HOME and an Income for tbe price of a single no use, m ou; a two-ramiiy house. o rooms and oatnroom-ana nve rooms an bathroom and larxe attic. Cement base ment Phone owner, East 47L James u. wutnn. jui'T East 5 road w ay. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, GARAGE, CORNER. LOT 40x50; CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE! REST CAR LINE IN CITY J4oU0; TERMS. PHONE E. 3069. J3SO0 BIG SACRIFICE. Must: sell beautiful home, worth $5000; completely furnished; strictly modern. practically new, S rooms. Alberta, 27th st. woodiawn 4L'u. STOP paying rent Strictly modern 6-room house; large lot; beauttrui shrubbery; hard suriac-d street; uaureinuret r'ark front' inn. 00; 1000 caah, o5 mo. Inquire iu ltn st. FINE SNAPPY HOME: 1RVINGTON: KUWMS, DEX, SLEEPING PORCH. LLtA. AiU iNCAl, UUUU LUtAilOMS FOR 45730; 41000 CASH. BY ALL MEANS CALL. ME. EAST iJ. HhKU.MA.N. 431 o0 Hawthorne district, 5 rooms, hard wood tioors. ouut-ina, mirror ooor. con crete basement and porch, Dutch kitchen and cooler, 41250 cash, balance 425 month- ly. la Dor b-j. aiternoona 43500. A real bargain; Hawthorne district, modern 7-room residence, fine corner, all Improvements paid; no agents. Broadway CORNER of Mallory ave, and Shaver bl. lot looxioo. H-room house, bath, ras and electric lights, 15 fniit trees, sidewalk and street Improved; 300. Phone Broadway ju or vvooaiawn jjo. MODERN 5-room house. lot 0x100. nui. buildings, garden, lawn, 22 laying hens. 73 feet new hose, sard en tools, etc in cluded; 4430 cash, balance like rent. Own- cr called east; must sen quick. Tabor 0526. OK SALE by owner, modern 6-room house. nOxlOU lot, east rront; large garage; fruit trees; paved streets: car.ines; close in. good district. 4Ji a. iuia su, near Ul vision st. IOU CAN save 41000 by buying in St. Johns Instead oc rtnse city, etc tee my new bunralow. bulit-ln eliects. full lot. fin trees, one block north of tit. Johns carllne. 1010 Leonard, near .pucnanan. FOR SALIS By owner, house, bungalow type. 8-room modern h. w. floors a rooms, flrep:ace. ouiit-in oooKcase and buffet. Dutch kitchen. Phone Woodlawn 2-s. rrice 9-ivvu. RICHMOND Attractive 5-rra. modern bun galow; Httic. basement. roses. garden patch; t'JW- 505 E. 39th at. S., Tabor STRICTLT modern 5-room house and sleep ing porch. Io05 East 6th street North, near Union ave. and Hoi man st. By ow ner. A REAL BARGAIN". $6500 Modern 7-room house and fonr flat building In a good location, near Jef ferson high school. Broadway 6ii. 7-ROOM nearly modern bungalow, 100x100; fruit and ahrubs; good, view; price 41800, easy terms. Call on or phone Mrs. M. A. Johnson. Milwaukle. 61 M., or 65 W. FOR SALE High-class Irvfngion home, 7 rooms, atriniy moutrn; worm Siuuu; will sell for 45700; 4-00 handles this. Phone Tabor P38. 5-ROOM cottage on large corner lot, Haw- tnorne otsirict; nam, eic. rrice aiiou; 4s00 cash will hand:e. Phone Tabor 5288. BY OWNER, 2 houses md lot, 3 SO. 391 5th t., near Harrison. Borthwkk st. Call evenings, 516 A FEW 5-room bungalows in Rose City Park that are worm tne price. liubDeli a tion. 1121 Minay roaa. FOR SALE by owner, lot 64x100, two houses. 4250O: house and lot, 50x100, 42500. Phone fcaet tv 1. 6-ROOM house, now vacant; 2o minutes out; Aioerta district. owner in. lith and Aider. uroaaway '.jia. 3-ROOM bouse and bath, gas and electric lights, IK:? Hxto St., bell wood, $1400 terms. Main 13. $li.-0 5-ROOM cottage, near Gliean at.; .'.ni casn, jucr aninu, i eon Diag, FOR SALE $3200 5-room buaxalow and garage, close in; easy terms, laoor 41S4. 5-ROOM bungalow, walking distance, ply 62 E. 20th st.. corner Ouk. East A p- !6S9. IRVINGTON HOMES. East S94. R. T. STREET, IRV. AGENT. Suburban Homes. FORCED TO LEAVE. AvN IDEAL HOME. INVESTIGATE: STARTLING SACRIFICE. Modern eight-room bouse, corner lot. J 75x10; garage, workshop, chlckenhouse. cement basement. furnace. ornamental trees. 2C0 rose bushes; paved street, ca ment sidewalk. All Improvements paid. Eight blocks to car. 48P0 Eighty-second street S- B. PARE ROSB ACRE TRACTS. Easy terms; one fine tract on pavement and cement sidewalks; 2 blocks to car. Ground all cleared. Price only Slo:0. J. L. HARTMAN 9DMPANY, No. 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. 4th and Stark. Main 20S. 13000 BUYS nice modern 5-room bungalow with 100-ft. frontage on Capital highway In Buckingham heights, just northeast of Muitnoman station on tne Oregon electric; the ground is in a high state of cultiva tion, planted ta fruit and berries. For particulars see my agent, 404 Piatt bides ONE ACRE and large modern 5-room. house, close to good btation on the Oregon elec tric, just the place for your suburban home; owner compelled to leave. For particulars call 404 Piatt bldg. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $lSOO up. Inquire third house north of Kisley station, on Oregon City car line, sign "Alder Brook." OSWEGO LAKE ACRES Neat cottage?; $1100, S1300, $1650. McFarland, 602 Yeon bldg. -- 40x100 OSWEGO home, all Improvements. cement cas-ment. an iencea tn. can aad see It at 5tli and B avenue, on comer. For Sale Acreage. 10 ACRES of land, good orcnard. bouse, all outbuildings. Bull Run water; located just south of Lenta. 6131 92d it & & Tnomss Allen. NEARLY 10 acres. U mile from paved road. near Tna.aun. si5o; one-half cash. Phone Main 13. J TO 2 -acre tracts: Hawthorne car. 71st SL Owner. East 3860, REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Acreage. 355-ACRE BARGAIN. Five miles from Crabtree. 100 acres In cultivation, 100 acres open pasture. 55 acres slashed, 100 acres fine timber; good B-room house, hot and cold water, d Darns. stanchions for 19 cows, srranary. machin ery shed, hoe; house, 3 wells, eood spring. woven -wire fence, land nearly level well drained; telephone, R. F. D., with milk route, close to school and church : good travel road. Price for quick sale, 460 per acre, half cash, balance 6 per cent. Phone Jdarsnan iii. .oa star- et FIXE LOCATION AT FOREST GROVE. 2 houses. 5 and 6 rooms, woodshed, barn 20o-capaclty chicken house. 200-capacity brooder house and brooders; incubators and rooms; 40 bearing fruit trees, ber ries and small fruit; rat and water In 2 blocks hijrh school, S blocks grammar, blocks electric car. 430ou: terms. Owner, evenings. 417 Union ave. North, Portland. Or. 15 ACRES rich bottom land, all but about z acres in cultivation; Vz mne irora sta tion on good road In Clarke Co., Wash.; tt mnes irom Vancouver, 'in is is an ex cellent Drouerty for market aardenlnar. Had to take pace under foreclosure of mortgage and must sen. Price $22oO. easy terms. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. Portland. Or. 10 ACRES, rich garden land, all cultivated. west side. 8 miles out, near hard-surfaced road: non-resident sacrifices tor JOtHJ. 40 acres near Foster road, half culti vated, bal. partly cleared, fair house, fine drilled wen; to ciose an ent&te shwmj. Hart. 810 Ch. or com, Tel. .Marshall ldbo. 5000 ACRES In Southwest Washington for sa;e to settlers only; easy terms, low prices. 45 per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Taeoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. ONE to 3 acres of river front, price $1250 per acre, near Island station, Oregon City car line. Owner. 3 blocks south of Island station. Chris Tapfer. Phone Mil ' waukle 47 J. FOR SALE or trade -acre, Park Rose; valued at $1-50. would consider in trade 1918 Buirk or Dodge. Call Woodlawn 5395 after 6 P. M. CHOICE, located. c!oae-in acreage, good soli, well Owner. Phone Broadway 4683. For Sale Farms. IF YOU WANT TO BUT RIBBON, GO TO a store, but If you want to buy a farm, come where farms are. 1 am offering a dandy little 7 S -acre home, house, barn, orchard, on Pacific highway, near Aurora, sandy loam and river silt soil, on river, for $1500. A fine 45 -acre place, good buildings. 85 cultivated, crops are fine, 2 mile electric, tiled, running water, for only $6000. 1 alfo have a 68-acre place, only ZK mites from Aurora, Or-, SO cultivated, good buildings, orchard, runs to Pudding river, good roads; price of this place $6800; some machinery with It. I also have a dandy 40 acres, S miles Estacada, all cultivated, good buildings, orchard, etc; price $6000; would take half trade. Also have to offer a 231 -acre farm, 130 cultivated, all platted suitable for logan berry culture or a datidy stock and dairy farm near Wood burn, for only $100 per acre. These are all good ones, and I have oth ers. Address C. M. Crittenden. Hubbard, Oregon. HAVE you ever stopped to consider why tnere is sucn a great interest snown this time In Montana lands 7 Many people realize that tne day is last approacntn when desirable lands at a low figure will be a thing of the past. There are several sections in Montsna where land values are such that anv. man looking for a atook, grain or alfalfa ranch, should take time to Investigate these lands before makin a final selection. If you will call at our ornce we can give you lull details regard ing Montana lands and are in a position to snow them to any interested party. We submit herewith an average ranch. 820 acres, 300 acres tillable, 135 acres broke, 80 acres In alfalfa: all fenced an cross-fenced; four-room house, good barn, drilled well, good dark chocolate loam soil. Price $14 per acre. TUCKER & SHRECK. 501-502 Spalding Bldg. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. Splendid orchard property for sale cheap, 80 acres, 6 miles from Lyle. Klickitat county. Wash., on the S. P. A S. R. R. 40 acres young commercial apple orchard, standard varieties in full bearing, fnclud Ing ample supply for family use of peaches. pears and small fruits; 20 acres of land ready lor plow and 10 acres in timber 2 houses, 6-room modern bungalow and 4' room cottage, good barn, chicken houses. accommodation for 500. with 4 acres fenced run. Ample supply of water to house an barn. 2 wells and living springs. This i an unusual bargain; owners must realize at sacrifice. The orchard assures an Imme diate return and is a first-class investmen Do not fall to Investigate: price 415.000, easy terms. John Bam, 507 Spalding blag. i-ortiano, uregon. 80 ACRES IN FISH HAWK IN NEHALEM VALLEY. 10 acres in cultivation, more easily cleared; on R. R. and cream route; CO bearing fruit trees, 2-story house, barn and necessary outbuildings; creek runs through place, also two live springs, water from one piped to house; house has hot and cold water; 4 cows, 1 7-year-old mare and an necessary tarm implements in good condition go witn pi ace. trice asm mi. 41500 cash, balance terms to suit. Write owner, A. Nystrom. Kerry Or., care Ham mond s, or Phone Woodiawn 3861. 40 ACRES IN GOOD DAIRY COUNTRY 42500. 17 acres cleared and seeded to vetch and timothy: 23 acres good pasture: house. barn, chicken house, woodnhed, well and otner conveniences; rew iruit trees: on mile from railroad station; this piece is Boning mucn cneaoer than other maces li this vicinity; owner Is retired and wishes to dispose of It; mighty fine place for cows ana cmcsens. une-nan caan, bal ance terms. Lock box E, Battle Ground, nsu. ' MR. BUYER. If yon are looking for a real snap, see ns. We have some 400 fine farms, many are genuine snaps, foreclosnres, eta Don't fail to see us before buying; weecan save you money, we are the largest exclusive I arm dealers in Portland. A. G. Bender. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade. STOCK RANCH BARGAIN. 242 acres, IS miles west of Oakland, Or., U mile to Umpqua river. 25 acres in cut. tlvatlon. 11 acres fall grain, fi-room box house, new barn, all fenced. 180 acres siasnea. ouraed and seeded, tine pasture. An ideal sheep ranch, lot of out ranee: 415 per acre. $1000 Balance 6 per cent. n one Aiarsnau iz. fetaric st. Z4U Acivit,K, aii.ouu; zencen and cross- iencea; vu acres cleared and cultivated springs and running water; about 700 bear ing prune trees, also apples, pears, etc. barn. 6-room house, water piped to hnum $5000 cash, remainder 6 per cent for term 01 years n. btearaa. juain 35 IT, even ings, liroaoway iwu. $20 PER ACRE will buy 160 acres 4 miles rrom iyie. ixiicKiiac ijo.. wash., on North sanK n. n.. , auout o acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared; small house and barn ; well settled neighborhood . f ore- closed property, must be sold. This Is an excellent place for fruit or grain. John uain. am apaiamg 010 g.. Portland. Or. I HAVE 3 acres. 4-room house, outhouses, garage, well, some trees; take Gresnara car to Sycamore station ; $2500 for cash. or iduuu ana terms, inquire ueorge D. Schalk, 228 Stark st., or deal with owner. Aiary a. rnce, ucn. ajcu SMALL dairy farm of 60 acres on Columbis side of Sauvles Island; daily boat to Port land. rtnmnleLe set of buildlnes. mod rinoir lake on place. H. E. Noble, owner, 316 Lumoermen uiug. ttdr sale 200-acre farm. 7 miles M. pi of Mo! alia. Or., or wiI consider house and lot as part payment. For particu lars write to inu uuiwKuo, Atoiaiia, or. R. F. D. 2. $2500 5 ACRES, 5-room house. 3 mi. north of Vancouver, 7j -iw u tuiuvauon; 70 trees, 2 and 8 years old. Call or write. 1011 W ent 4 tn St.. Vancouver, wash. WHAT will you give for 160 acres In Sec 17 Twp 1, S. R. 5 E., Multnomah county? Owners wish to sell. John Bain. 507 Spald ing bldg., Portland. Or. 160 "ACRES logged-off land, hard-surfaced road coniracitru uirunsa property, fine stream: for Immediate sale, J2000. Hart 810 Cham, of Com. Phone Marshall 1585. 160-ACRE farm and machinery for sale; goon location, buiwi luttai on the Nehalem river. Mrs, Nancy M. Ray, Ver nonia, Oregon. . CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, Near r'ortiana, o 10 -v per acre, easy terms; oeot bum- ' V" n sues McFsrland, 602 Yeon bMg.. Portland. FOR Information regarding larms for sale 'in Yamhill and Polk counties, write for a copy of "Dirt." or call on C. W. Vail. Carlton. Oregon Get a copy of "DIRT." It gives brief description of farms for sale in Yamhill county, by C. W VAIL. Carlton. Oregon. 271 ACRES Jacksdn county Irrigated alfalfa land, fenced, with buildings, school, elec tric lights, telephone and rural delivery. A 64, Oregonlan. WILL sell or trade my equity in 40-acre farm 9 miles east of Portland on good road. Place well improved. Will not take junk. Call Main 9400 LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil. H .tillable, employment; aasy terms, Jesse R- Sharp, 63 3d st. WHEAT In Gilliam county promises to go SO bushels to the acre. For wheat and stock ranches write M. Fltxmaurlce. Condon. Or. 10 ACRES stump land, Scappoose one mile; terms. J. R. Sharp, 83 3d St. DOUGLAS county farms for sale, large and small. Address box 8, Brock way. Or. oO ACRES, Tualatin valley, level, $85, near electric. Alci'arla-Ht Yeon bids. REAL ESTATE. 5 ACRES, near Willamlna; house; 4100 cash. 410 month. J. R. Sharp. S3 3d st. WANTED REAL ESTATE, I WANT houses. I have the buyers. House selling- Is my specialty. Your house will be given proper attention. VAIJH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldr. WANTED Lots in Westmoreland, stats p rice and location. AF 347. O regonlan. LOT wanted vicinity of Irvington; must not exceed 48O0; will pay cash. Call Sell. Soft WANT west side modern house for cash. $5000 to $10,000. T 248, Oregonlan. Farms Wanted. WE ARE having calla every day for Im proved farms from 5 acres up; parties have enough money to make a good sub stantial payment. We can make a quick sale if your property is priced right. Stew art 4e Buck, 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 5531 acres of timber iana in Klickitat countv, Washington, covers with about 80.000,000 feet of fine timber, mostly pine; near railroad; $25 per acre, J. Borgcrding, 201 Adams St., Sierra Mad re, cai. TIMRPP t . a vns. 25 to 75 million et of yellow fir for sale, convenient to market and ready for milHnir at once: flume now building from timber to loading station at railway. H K. Noble, owner. 316 Lumbermcns bldg. GOOD location or small mill, IbO acres. 5.000.000 ft. fir. plenty cueap .uni w joining: downhill logging: 3 mle?AAfpoS t? li In Klickitat Co.. Wash.; $00 00. N 557, Oregonlan. FOR BEXT-FARMV HOOD RIVER, 7 acres, apples, cherries, pears, clover, garaen, noune, um.hi, .1 y tion. Main 3C72, McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. is aprks. 11 cleared. 17 miles out, a." ir. electric. oea insiey ave., o"Buuu TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. $3000 MODERN bungalow, all buUt-lns, e rooms, oatn, muei, t-iunuv lot 81x100; will take old farm or home stead relinquishment: old orchard and stream preferred up to $2000; $.00 cash, balance to suit. Address AF 246, Ore gonian or phone Tabor 5427. No agents. WILL accept as part payment for fcj Jackson county lrngaieu , ' . fenced, with buildings, school, electric lights, telephone and rural delivery, a 6 or 7-room strictly modern house In good location off of carllne; Irvington preferred; balance easily arranged. B 240. Oregonlan. "ACRES 20 minutes walk to center of Walla Walla; house, barn, well, fenced; want 80 acres or more; homestead as first payment, bal. your terms; value $2000 See H. E. Dilley, 660 E. 7Sd st. N 1680 ACRES timber, over SO million feet. eas to log: mostly goou i.ij. $35,000; want property in Portland; will assume some. owner. w. r . otiiuuw, Blaker, apis.,- Vancouver, Wash. SO DAKOTA LAND In best alfalfa, grain, grass and stock-raising section of the state; will so!) or trade for Oregon prop erty; price reasonable. T. J. Robinson, Pilverton, Or. WANT to exchange 20 acres in Florida, near Pensacola; 10 acres in high state of culti vation, 10 acres in pine timber; for small improved farm near ortiano. a. wo. Oregoman. ttyth x TtE fi-room house and two lots, elec rir H irrits ars. furnace, chicken house, fnr rrKr near Portland, 41500 against place due 1921 or will trade for smaller plate in ronmnu. r cguuwu. iTTniPTn'R modern, home, six rooms, Rose City Park snd 90 acres improved cutover farm for suburban place or Port land heights noine. EQUITY in 8-room house with 4 bedrooms, 2 sets plumbing, 10.4O0 sq. ft, in lot: fruit and garden piowea; want aiaM, aiuci ta, home, ac aa, wresf"""' HOUSES In Vancouver and Portland aTid 4400 6 per cent iuunsasw iui " Vt -SECTION land In Alberta, Canada, U trade for smaller tract in Willamette val ley. C 353, Oregonlan. 10 ACRES of Yakima valley fruit land to exenung. iui "-iij TO EXCHASGB MISCELXAOP3. SAI.TAIR BEACH LOTS. WMl ..vrhanire two choice lots. 50x140, at Saltair nation, Tillamook beach, near depot and hotel; adjoins board walk, county road and faces Pacific ocean: suit able for business or cottages. Want city property or close-in acreage, or what yo,u may have that will Interest me. Address BD xuo, uregoman WU.L. .take good team in on late moaei Heht overland touring, uoi w-' FOB 6 AXE. Horses. Vehicle,, livestock. AT-nTION SALE Manor, Wash., 11 miles northeast or Vancouver, vm Thursday. April 24. 10:30 A. M. 17 milch cows. 3 to 7 years old; 5 springers, all high-grade Jersey; 8 2-year-old heifers, coming fresh soon; 11 yearling heifers. 1 2-year-old registered JerBey bull, from the H. West herd; 1 high-grade year ling red Durham bull; all stock tubercu lin tested by Dr. A. C. Brown; 1 mare 1000 lbs.: 1 3-year-old colt; 1 year-old -olt: S vearllng ewes: 3 Duroc-Jersey brood sows, with pigs each; 75 tull bljotied Buff Leghorn hens; 3 wagons. buggy, nack, cart, mower, hay rake, po tato digger, cream separator, silage cutter, JWin. font .11 kinds of farm ma chinery; 1000 lbs. cheat seed, 400 bushels Dent seed corn, seen vetch, and lots of other articles. John B. Hiidon. owner. Col. W. S. Wood, auc tioneer. Vancouver, Wash. I WILL sell at public auction Saturday, scribed property. About 25 head of horses, 25 sets of all kinds of harness. 15 wag ons, dump wagons, spring wagons, carts, buggies, with 20 years gathering from th. livery ousinesa, iwiueiij -. , md ni: outfit, consisting of grader, wheelers, fresnos. plows, root ers, ana many omer lumgs .w -ous to mention. G. K. Howltt, E. 8th and Flanders. Terms of Bale, cash. GOOD outfit for highway work, team T and 8 years old. good heavy harness and Sc inch wagon. This team is absolutely sound, true to work, blocky built and heavy boned, well matched in color, work like one horse: take them and try them and suit yourself. Joe, the Blacksmith, foth and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Eight heavy work horses ana harness; two teams aie vitr uwivg. $200 and up with harness; 4 good dump wagons, big heavy truck, heavy farm wagon, two plows, harrow, new; going out of business. See them at 230 Arthur at. Phone Marshall 4684. HORSE SALE AT AUCTION at Remount Depot. Camp Lewis. American Lake. Wash.. April 28. at 9 A. M.. con tinuing till sale is completed. For informa tion write or telegraph above Remount Depot or 'Major-General Devol. Fort Ma son, San Francisco. CaL BAT TEAM Well matched, wt 2400 lbs.. age o years, u bouuu anu n .nrir r.nAii farm wazon and harness; also $100 will buy roan horse, wt. 1200 lbs., good .op buggy and harness. Stable rear of 351 Russell st. JS5 BUYS sorrel gelding weighing 1350 lbs.; sound every way; age 9 years; works any place. Mount Scott car to 9th ave. ln quire Westover grocery store. S STABLES, 248 Front st. has a lot of good horses and mares for sale; -1 team, wagon and harness, 9325, if taken at once. G. D. Williamson. 130 BEEF steers on feed at Montague. Cat; also stock catue. weioorn .oeesoa. xaienw Oreron. FRESH cow and calf for sale or trade for dry cow or young block. uoou ooin bl Southeast. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for leaa cows ana crip pit a aorses. raoa Milwaukle 69J for results. 1000 SETS of wrfrk harness, must be sold In the next ou a ays regardless oi cost, loosing out entire stock at 210 First st- FOR SALE 40 good Angora goats; in full nanr; price -t.ou eacn. a. xauey, tu a box 42, Oregon City, Or. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Portiaaa -ttenaering jo. can wooaiawn au. DEAD horses taken quickly; cash paid for cows ana enpp lea n orses. isoor eua. MULES with harness for rent In any num ber. W llllamson Ranch, L.atnrop, cal. FOR SALE Heifer calf from Durham-Jer- sey. trocK, fHU.i va st. a. m. raoor idtv. HORSE for sale: 1100 lbs. 940 Macadam. Pianos Organs and Musieal Instruments. I PAT CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT;, 384 Yamhill st. PIAXOS tuned, $3- George T. Peck, Tabor 8574. Graduate ;sew eng. conservatory. PIANO player with records, almost new; standard ms&e; casn xaoor uuu. ONE electric piano in good order, $100. 41 N. 8d st- Broadway 2225. VICTROLA WANTED, cheap. C Inte preferred. Marshall 1517. PIANO WANTED at Marshall 1517. a bargain for cash. LUDWIG. walnut case, fine condition. 6EI B ERLI NG-LUCAS MUS IP CO., 125 4th st, NEW Victor victrola. records included, $60. aat C965 or ooa Aodney ave. FOB SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. OWING to severe reverses, will take $540 for one of the very best, finest tone, latest improved, genuine walnut player pianos; worth double this money; see Mr. Sturgeon for Oregon City people's piano; terms, at least half cash. Also a late model Wing & Son piano left on sale for $160; owner claims cost $375; this is mahogany case, good tone. Also sweet tone medium-size ebonlzed t case, genuine Decker & Sons; only $1L5; cost new, $425; terms, at least $25 c.ish, baiance by the month. Call 2d floor Eilers Music building. Washington street, below Fifth. A SUPERB Checkering upright, ebonlzed case, but not old-fashioned; will take $2f0: also another strictly modem Check ering, the $575 finest mahogany; owner going away, will sacrifice $lu; these win in t fires t the most discriminating musician buyer; have also Just received several new Chlckerinfc latest model little grands, and latest upright Chlckerings arrive Mon day. See them at Oregon Eiltrs Music House, Checkering representative, second floor. Eilers Music bldg. ; entrance and elevators 2b7 Washington st., below Sth SECURITY STORAGE CO., CLOSING OUT: .Parlor organs, used, $20 to 38 cash. Square pianos, used, $35 to $65 cash. Upright pianos, used, $65 to $135 Cash. Upright, new, stored, $425; now $265 cash. Upright, new, stored, $450; now $290 cash. Player piano, stored, $550; now $3'.0 cash. Player piano, stored. $650: now $435 cash. Part cash, bonds or satisfactory securities accepted. Pianos bought and sold for cash only; storage 60c mo. 109 4th st. at Waah. piancTbargains. chickering. LUDW1G. KIMBALL. CABLE-NELSON STERLING, and others from $165 up. Each one a good buy. Terms given. Bonds accepted. SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st. Main S586. WE STORE, move, tune and repair pianos and ail other musical Instruments. Guar anteed service, lowest rates. Telephone Main 1123 or call at Eilers Music bidg.. 7 floors devoted to music and musicians; entrance and elevator, 287 Washington St.. below 5th. MAKE offer for best $390 size plain colonial model Kimball upright; not necessarily ail cash; liberty bonds accepted at par. Have also another Kim bail, not quite so new; will take $245 if sold at once; terms. Filers. 2d floor Eilers Music bids. LEFT on sale, elegant oak Victrola. fine tone; cabinet capacity over 70 records, cost new $90; will take $60 cash or in four payments. Talking Machine Depart ment, Oregon Eilers Musio House, 2S7 Washington St., below 5th. TRADE your piano for a good, modern phonograph and records. Will make spe cial liberal allowances this week and pay cash difference. Apply 3d floor, phono graph dept., Oregon Eilers Music House, entrance -'87 Washington St.. oeiow ,-tn WE fix your phonograph; best equipped shnns: chartrea reasonable. rhone .Ma! 1123. or aDDly third floor Eilers Musi bldg. Seven stories devoted to music and musicians. TRADE YOUR PIANO or organ for a new Victrola and record a Our oroDositlon is the best. We will gladlj tell you about it. SEIBERLING-LUCA3 MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. Main S0S6, MAHOGANY playola player piano left on sale by family moving away; can ne naa for half price, music rolls included. See it at Eilers, second floor, Eilers Music bldg., 287 Washington sL WANTED Square piano for out-of-town buyer; win pay casn or maae imerai allowance toward phonograph, new piano. player piano or baby grand, bee bpaula Ing. second floor, Eilers Music bltlg. WILL BUY your piano or phonograph for cash or sell It lor you on commission. Call 2d floor Eilers Music bldg.. 2S7 Wash ington St.. below 5th. or phone Main 112:1 MUSICIANS Now Is tl.e time to restor. that piano action; regulating, polishing and tuning work guaranteed best in t&s , city. Harold a. Ullbert. 34 xamullL HOWARD PLAYER PIANO-Only used to demonstrate. r.ever been out of store. Like new. At almost half price. SEI- BEKLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. $15 OR $25 CASH sends new piano home, bal. $8, iS, (10 mo. Savings $95 to $350 during factory clearance sale now in prog ress at Schwan Piauo Co., Ill Fourth st, PIANO WANTED. We pay the best cash price for used pianos. Get our bid. SEIBERL1NG LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. Main 85SU. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS A.i BAND INSTKUJUE.IM It). il.13H;ULJISLr LUCAS MUSIC CO..' 125 4TH ST. Used Victrola (Oak), $12.50. S400 Armstrong Piano (Like New). $250. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St VICTROLA AND RECORDS FOR SALE OR TRAPS. ftliW JA-P) iiO iOA, IN.Alt AL DER. . PIANO, $165. Standard upright. Terms given. SE1BERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th st. $145 CASH buys $425 Singer piano In mahog. $1&0 cash buys $450 Jewett upr.. in wal., good as new. Security Storage Co., 109 4th. FOR SALE Kohler player piano, will take liberty bonds at xace value. Jr-none bell. CHICKERING UPRIGHT, plain mahogany rase. Late style, .rjest or conaition. fcn;i BKRLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st- puo TUNING Best expert work. Include action regulating; lowest rates, xeiepnone Main 113. uregon r-ners music nouae. TTSTEY ORGAN, sacrificed for quick sale take zs. cost a. au iioor jMiers Music bldg., entrance 287 Washington. Furniture for Salt. BIG FURNITURE SALE. You who are furnishing your home here is your opportunity. We are forced to va cate as our building has been sold, so we must sell every fine new piece of fur niture In our store at a fraction of its real value. Sale starts Tuesday morning at 9:30. Feldsteln Furniture Co., 1B6 First St.. near Morrison PRIVATE FURNITURE SALE. I will sell at my residence. 521 E. 37th st. N., corner Brazee, Monday and Tuesday the entire furnishings of 7-room house, consisting of all articles that are neces sary to equip a modern home comfortably from kitchen up. Mrs. H. A. Fredrlchs. Take Rose City Park car. HIGH-GRADE and practically new furni ture of my elegant o-room apt., in one of the most exclusive apt. houses in the city. Right party can alBO secure apt. Tabor 6415 or Main 1670. FOR SALE Shelving, good and clean; a bargain; nousenoia lurmsnings also. i. X. L. Furniture & Stove Exchange, 304 First St. Main 7093. FURNITURE of 7-room house, piano e cepted, tor sale; price eoou; party can also se c ure house. 429 3d st. FURNITURE of a 6-room modern flat; rent $-5: m neart oi city; siuu casn; fine location. 84 10th Bt., corner Oak. ECLIPSE range for sale. Including coils. Call woodiawn 44. FURNITURE Davenport, china closet, etc.. nearly new, lor sale, fj uook avenue. GOLDEN oak. dining table, six chairs, fire- less cooKer. :;.- itn st-, apu au Poultry. WHITE LEGHORNS are tne most profit able breed or poultry, n yon are in th business for profit you will eventually have tbem. Early broilers, cany layers, early profits. We sell Only White Leg horn Baby Chicks from heavy laying Ho eanlzed hens- Safe delivery of full count live chicks guaranteed. Price per 100; April, May and June delivery. $12.50. The Plonuer Hatchery. 02 Sixth St.. Peta Jurat, Cal - McGUTRE'S DAT-OLD CHICKS. HATCHING EGGS. Rhode Island Reds and O. A. C Barred Rock chicks, $25 per hundred; eggs 42 for J15; White Leghorn chicks, $20 per hun dred; eggs, $1.50 for 15. A few elegant cockerels, $2.50 and up. J. R. McGUIRE, 787 Oregon St. , LUHR POULTRY FARM. We supply your poultry wants; eggs, chicks or grown stock; buy or sell in large or small lots; correspondence solicited ; visitors welcome. Kendall station, then follow the arrow sign. P. O. Address, R. 3. Box 256, Lents Station. Portland. Or. ABT CHICKS FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn chicks durlnir AprlL Vay and June, fll per 100; eggs from fr.e-range hoganized stock only. Write for circular and pricellst. Oak Hill Hatch ery, ioo Howard St., Petaluma, CaL BABY CHICKS White Leghorns, full of 'pep," "vim" and "vigor." Our chicks mature early, lay heavy, pay big. Free catalogue. Freshlaid Farm. Colfax. Wash. FOR SALE Plymouth barred rocks, baby chicks. Tabor Dojrs. Babbits, Birds. Fet Stock. POLICE dog puppies, champion stock; raised right, beat of pals; the protector of your home. Speedway Kennels, Country Club. Main 878- - SHETLAND pony, some training, bargain. Will also let to reliable party in country- 4319 Woodstock Avenue. Sell. 1257. THE PADEREWSKI CATTERT Orange Persians of quality; stud service; eastern stock East S967. FINE young Mexican yellow head, talks and sings; very intelligent; with fine cage, $35. 714 Kearney, cor. 22d. . KEJNIL WORTH KAT KENNELS Registered sVver, orange, tabby kittens. Sellwood 2 S 68. Kittens. FOR SALE CHEAP Couple rabbit hutches, at C30 Belmont st. AIRDALE puppies for sale, Thurman. cheap. 631 HI MALAYAN rabbits, 4 months old, very fine stock. J. R. McGuire, 7S7 Oregon st. FOB SALE. Launches and Boats. FISH boats and scows built and repaired. bought and cold. Marine Repair & Con- J suuction Co.. yard and ways ft. Albiaa. s e. Phone East 2162. 5-ROOM modern houseboat, completely fur nished. No. 8 Willamette Moorage, Sell. lT'.t.j Sunday. During week. Mar. 6478, FOR" SALE Houseboat, 5 rooms and bath, partly furnished or unfurnished. 15 Wil lamerfJfe Moorage. Sell wood 26-FOOT Columbia river ready outride work : $400; trade for lata model Ford. 61 Willamette Moorage. EQUITY in 7-room modem houseboat for sale cheap. Call at foot of Richmond at-, St. Johns, Or. Machine ry. SPECIAT 1 Mersbon horizontal resaw. 1 No. 342 Berlin band rteaw, 8-tn. bifida, 1 Pair 14x15 H. S. & G. twin engines, 1 Pair 18i:20 Frost twin engines. 1 Lot of second-hand A. C motors, from 5 to 75-horsepower. ALL KINDS OF REBUILT SECOND HAND MACHINERY. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First st. Portland. Or. 50 H. P. MOTOR. 15 H. P. MOTOR. SAW GCMMJSK. TRVINGTON CUT-OFF PAW. AULTMAN & TAYLOR SAWMILL. 3 CIRCULAR SAWS, 48 INCH. H0-POUND SAW ANVIL. C. H. WEBBER. LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. PROFITABLE crushing plant for sale at t r -Hood River, reasonable; owner non-resident; would consider trade. For informa tion address J. Welland, Hopedale, Ohio. -. I FOR SALE A full assortment of United States spruce motors, ah guaranteed; H. P., $100. Others In proportion. R. IL -.h Poppleton, 71 Front st. Both phones. OAK rollfc. oak split pulleys, good as the j best, cheaper than the cheapest. llllhe . Mill & Manufactory. Oakland. Or. FIVE-FOOT concrete mixer for sale, $275. Phone Marshall 3467. Typewriter. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now. 1m- mediate delivery, reasonable terms. Rem- Ington Typewriter Company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. S ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co., retail dept., 321 Wash. sL NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut -y rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark sL Main 1407. f REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona. . dealers. E. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth sL . WE wlli buy your old typewriters and pay . you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 5th. . " ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 5th. Main 3068. TYl'E WItlTER sup, lies and repairs; price ( right. 408 Worcester bldg ' Miscellaneous. . CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS ... ATTENTION. " ' Over 3000 kegs of nails, all sines, at $5 per keg. Base price. Simon', store, 1st, 'l 2d and Alder sts. BARGAINS. : '- $8 Hot Point. "El Grillo" electric . v cooker, toaster, etc ') JJ ov $1.S5 hose reel (save your hose) J -. $1.75 large galvanised wash tub l.;' $2.25 cabbage cutter 75c small rake . - rX''u All good as new. Call at 310 East 501 ft ,t., two blocks south of Hawthorn, ave.. . FOR SALE Bicycle. $35 lath, no terms. f Joe's heavy service - with reinforced front forks: extra heavy spokes in wheels; will not get out of true; . roller chain. Morrow brake and good tires. . had bike 8 months and Is In fine con- - ; dition. Elston Hopwood. 1158 East vamhlll. - cor. 39th. THE FISHING SEASON IS HERE." ' " .71- rH iMiilAto order. $8,50 1 and $10; your old ' rod refinished better,;.-, than new tor $3 50. satisfaction guaran feed or money refunded. If you fisn. writ. for circular. H. D. Hobson. Gooch. Or. SEWING machines, new ana kqo.ui-u.uu. - sold for less; no agem. cniVij. piete line of pans for all makes; machines .- . repaired and rented. Main 9131. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3a. near lajioi SAFES, new and second-hand at right ; PACIFIC SCALE 4- SUPPLY CO.. , 46 Front street. Portland. Or. k,, Phone Broadway I960. ; REINFORCING steel, gasoline hoist, steam donkeys, Doners, concieic umaw.. t . general bridge and contractors equipment fr sale or rent. Union Bridge Co.. 55 Arsyle St.. city. Phone Woodlawn -i"n. r SAFES Fire and burglar-prooi "T" and secona-nanu. at ..e.. - sold and exchanged. NORRIS SAFE 4 LOCK CO., ins Second St Phone Main 2045. ricu reKisters, Bcales, cneesecuiiern. wu. . .Aisix vb .nwr.a... counter cases and ofiTer store fixtures. 248 Sec y. ond street. Main 34,. $100 ELECTRIC range, $30 garbage Dur lv t.At.e ert . I ke new. se 1 ?oV one-half. East '4922 Sunday or after .... 5 p. M. week days. TWO Edison dictating machines, used 3 ! mo. 4 oak roll-top desks, 1 flat-top. 4 chairs and filing cabinet. 1 B. K. desk. 1 mahog. roll-top. Bushcng & Co.. 91 Park st. HOT WATER tanks, all sizes, in good serv- .'J H?able condition. SO-gal.. $7 ; 4"-al -0l Adams st.. east end steel bridge. y Phone East S510. VE electric scruDDIng machine ana not wlter rinsing tank, suitable for office ' bldg. with marble floors. Washington street. . THE old original home remedy Vlavi pre- vents operatioriB. Broadwayaw' mTTTARD and pocket billiard tables, show- ; rues A w. J.. Quigify. 2jT First. . Main 5399. FOlt SALE Casn register. s;ii.e. auuing in- ... show case. 174 1st St., corner chine ana Yamhill. DETicTOUS crab., cams. . WMt"ern Fish cb Mar. S189. ' irni? T.ESS 500 envel. or bond i letter "hds., 2.7S; prompt service, best work; try us. Smith, printers. 204 Stark st, SITTOND-HANO pool table for sale cheap ,rv for cash! Grand Billiard Room. ho. 9 , . Grand aveN. s Tinup-SMOKBD bacon and lard for sale; H?eafonai.r. price. 161 22d N.. Marshall" . 2410 . ;nn sale or rent, logging and hoisting enViSes all kinds machinery rails, cars. .- RaUway Equipment Co.. 235 Stark St. . p-OTATOES-TableM Burbanks ,1 . 75; ,d. ,, $1; ji,ariy v-- - -zz SET of new $65 mink furs for $30. Tel. Sell- l-- wood 3059. "''r. JEWEL refrigerator; two f.oors; holds bO lbs. ice. 41 Union ave. North. . .. rnnNTER scales, meet si leer. acct. regis ter at 55 2'1- cor, of Pine st. V-fjss-ssr &r for-. NOW I. th. time; for painting and paper- hanging; Bfi- - . : . . :;- - ,, . V ,- h wrond-hand safes at the riirnt price. 46 Front sL Broadway 19G.1 sTZttv One large and one small; fire- " BApoosa;tes. Addres. A 261.pregonian. !'- USED cash register wanted from ownur. Phone laoor REAR seat with doors and cushions. Reo auto; $5 East 1014. , - FOB SALE ACTOMOB1XE8. SCRIPTS-BOOTH Four passenger. Ug;," eiKht-cviinder model. In excellent condl- tion- $900; a good buy. See D. M. Smith. . Howard Auto Co.. 14th and Davis. HUDSON SUPER-SIX. good as new; will i: sacriflce for $1.'.0 cash; has Just been , painted. F 573, Oregonlan. I CN SAVE TOU A GOOD MARGIN OW AN OVERLAND. W 84. OREGONIAN. , yon SALE Baby grand Chevrolet, $60O; first-class condition. East 4564. 635 E. -r Morrison st. '' $"Job" DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURINO ?' CAR Al CONDITION AND liOOD KUB- .'. - ber!call east i6i ,:; $300DOWN BUYS 101S MAXWELL TOUR- -ING CAR; REPAINTED. Al CONDITION, i CALL TABOR 630. GERBER THE RADIATOR MAN. One Dodge aoadster body, cheap at $1."!0. r.o 9th st. N. - Broadway 1ST.1. " " AV IDEAL FORD BUU built expressly for you; you'll like It an4 the price Is right. 530 Alder. Bdwy. J717. CHEVROLET "4U0." A-l condition, 5 good tires. To see till. Is to buy lu 530 Alder au Bdwy. i'TiZ, jfga i o2.o i