VOL. 17VII1. XO IS! Entered at Portland fOrecei ' PORTLAND. OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS. ITALY'S INSISTED E SPEEDING AUTO KILLS RED ARMY BAGGED PALMER MAY ENFORCE NATION'S "DRYi1 -LAW GOSPEL CARRIED TO BOLSHEVIK REGIME IN CONTROL OF VIENNA SKIES CLEARED FOR VICTORY ftlROTS AGED MAN ON BRIDGE HOLDS PEACE BUSy HOTEL LOBBY DRIVER, SUSPECTED SOLDIER YET UNIDENTIFIED. ATTORNEY-GENERAL- BELIEVED READY TO TAKE ACTION. COMMUN1ZING OF PROPERTY BEGUN BY RADICALS. AC BY- UKRAINE FORGE Issue Over Adriatic Has Become Acute. One Arm About Girl, One Hand on Steering Wheel, Says Witness; M. Rasett Is Victim. Struck by an automobile while cross ins the covered bridge over the Tuala- tin river, one mile south of Tigard at PHIT PIIIM 1I5C PDCCCCrjiclcesterday afternoon. M. Rasett. uvnui wlxiiiiiw nm. i iiluulu Italian-Jugo-Srav Harmony Appears Impossible. VEILED THREAT CONVEYED i Orlando and Sonnino May Leave Conference Unless Allies Con , cede Their Demands. rtnlt, April SO By the AaaeelateJ rr.u.1 Tir ntmneil 9I faar has - fled Cfimir that the elate Miwera eaaaat receive a.eeaaer reare eatatlvre at Vcraalllea k are merely The Ceraua i.TtrirI aaaat - alat rereatatlTea wlta alealpotea- ttary fawerm. P.nr5. April 20. (By tha Associated Press.) Failure again has met the ef fort tn smooth out the Italian and Juso-SIav s'tuation. Another meeting was held this morning-, when Baron Sonnino. Italian foreign minister, and Premier Orlando t;i!n met David Lloyd George, the British prime minister, and M. Clemeneeau, the French premier. President Wilson did not attend the meeting. The Italian statesmen will meet Mr. ricmtncria and Mr. Lloyd George to morrow, but President Wilson again will ha abseat. If any decision Is reached at that time it will be neces sary to submit It at still another meet ing at which Tresident Wilson will be present. f. 8. 4e Eater Ne Alllaare. President Wilson conferred with Pre mier Clemeneeau today between drives about town with Mrs. Wilson. From a high source In tha American delegation it was learned that the .American attitude on the reported al liance between tha powers to guar antee the safety of France against at t.k by Germany ia that no alliance would be entered into by the United Matte that was not consistent with the aplrit of the league of nations. PARTS. April 20. (By the Associated Press.) The Italian issue over the .Adriatic haa reached an acute stage. where a decision one way or the other rannot longer be deferred and a de rision either way is fraught with se rious consequences. Itallaa Eaveya Inslateat. 60, a well known resident of that sec tion of Washington county suffered a fractured skull and Internal injuries which resulted in his death a jshort time later. The driver of the machine had not been Identified at a late hour last night, but Charles Lanham, a driver for the United Motor Bus company stationed at the Union depot who witnessed the accident, aaid that a soldier, two sailors and three girls were the occupants of the machine that struck Mr. Rasett and that the driver wore a soldier's uniform Mr. Lanham said the machine passed him a short distance from the bridge and that as the automobile sped by at a high rate of speed the soldier was sitting in the front seat with a girl with his arm around her waist. The number of the automobile, ac cording to Mr. Lanham. was 47-3. and according to the police records in Port land was owned by L. M. Starr of 815 Hancock street. Mr. Starr last night stated that he had recently -traded the machine in on another car to tha C. L. Boss automobile company and that he does not have any Interest in the ma chine at the present time. Mr. Starr said the transaction took place about one week ago. At the Boss Automobile company. It was stated that the car had been sold to W. L. Vest. 1111 Main street. Vancouver, Wash. The body of Mr. r.asett was removed to the home of his son-in-law, Will Fisher, residing near Tigard. According to E. L. Dorn. who arrived at the scene of the accident a short time after it had occurred, the driver of the machine had been going fast. Mr. Dorn aided in removing the body from the scene. He said that he pro cured the number of the machine, but did not get the name cT the driver or any of the occupants. Mr. Lanham said that the driver was going 40 miles an hour with only one hand on the steering wheel when they passed him. The coroner of Washington county was notified. Surrender of Big Bolshevik Body Reported. 20,000 RIFLES T CAPTURED ..1 Big ro vS. Pieces and Machine 0 duns Handed Over. SEBASTOPOL IS EVACUATED Main stated, were concentrated along the boundary between Russian and Turkish Armenia, unable to go to their homes m the latter region. AID FOR ARMENIA URGED Allied or American Intervention Is Akel In Cablegram NEW TORK. April 20. Allied or American military intervention in Turkish Armenia, to Insure restoration of their homelands of thousands of ref ugees suffering from hunger and sick ness without waiting for formal action by the peace conference creating an Armenian mandatory, was urged in cablegram from Dr. J. II. T. Main, com missioner in the Caucasus for the American committee for Armenian and Syrian relief, made public last night. More than 330.000 Armenians, hun The council of four today continued I dreds of whom are dying every day of sessions at the "white house,"' The starvation, typhus and cholera. Dr. Jcalian premier. Vitlorio Orlando, and the Italian foreign minister. Baron Son nino. were both present and made It nown that the opening of the Italian r-arliament on Wednesday has necessi lated their leaving Tarts Monday with ti'finlte knowledge of what Is going to le done. Farcn Sonnino continued to occupy the extreme position. Insisting upon the Integral fulfillment of the secret treaty of London, giving to Italy the entire Dalmatian coast and the Islands and also claiming the city cf Flume without internationalization or division with the Jogo-Slavs. TTemier Orlando was rather more onrlllattng. thouxh a telegram which he had recelveJ from the head of the Italian army declared that the entire army was behind him in upholding i'.aly's aspirations. Telegram Really I Itlraatnaa. Captain Toxxl. of Premier Orlando's raff Mid the telerram was in effect en ultimatum and disclosed how unl-PHUNt SlKIKC lb bt I I LLU Vrstl and deep-rooted was tne Italian Employes to Resume Work Fending Wage Consideration BOSTON. April 20. The telephone strike that has-crippled New England service since last Tuesday was settled today at a conference of strikers and company officials, according to formal announcement by the company. 'An understanding has been reached, Id the announcement, "by which tel HUNGER DEATH TOLL HEAVY Thousands of Germans Die Because of Food Shortage. BUTTE. Mont.. April 20. Writing March 2S from Camp Bautzen, Ger many, where he Is a member of the allied commission in charge of Rus sian prisoners, Lieutenant-Colonel Jesse B. Roote informed a Butte friend that 'Germans are actually dying by the thousands from hunger here." He states that coffee costs S15 a pound, chocolate $25 a pound and other food in ratio. He writes that hungry children follow him, begging for food, when he appears on the streets. determination to secure adequate pro tection on ths eastern Adriatic coast. 1 added that if these rights were not recognized Italy would undoubtedly adopt her own course, without refer ence to the conference, and occupy the rertons to which she considered herself entitled. President Wilson's position was said to be equally determined against any recognition of the secret treaty of Lon- ion. Reports of a compromise on the I ephone employes will return to work lasts of the Italians getting the Ital-nd the service will be restored pend- lan quarters of Fium and the Jugo-1 nr detailed consideration of wage t-lavs wetting their districts were not I schedules. confirmed, and it was said that this lans but not accepted. Hut early re- brAK I ALAN ll I T DtOlCULU ports indicated that the session might Wnrttembnrg- Troops Attack Llndan, on Lake Constance, Government Is Proceeding to Con stantlnople; Revolutionary Com mittee Rules Capital. LONDON, April 20. The first bolshe vik army, operating in the region of HomeL along the Pripet river, Jias sur rebdered to the Ukrainians, "according to a statement Issued by the Ukrainian press bureau and forwarded from Vi enna to the Central News. Up to the time the report was forwarded 20.000 rifles. 35 guns and 200 machine guns had been handed over to the Ukrain ians. LONDON, April 20. fBy the Associ ated Press.) Sebastopol has been evac uated by the Crimean government, which Is proceeding to Constantinople. The government of Sebastopol is now in the hands of the revolutionary com mittee. ' Armistice Deal Reported. This announcement is made in a Rus sian wireless dispatch which adds that after negotiations with the allied com mand, an agreement was reached for an eight-daa armistice, expiring April 25. ARCHANGEL, April 20 (By the As sociatcd Press.) Since landing on the Archangel front last September, the Americans have suffered 629 casualties. Of these 196 were fatalities, there hav ing died of disease or been killed nine officers and 187 men. The wounded consist, of 12 officers and 320 men. The . losses of the Americana on the north Russian front during the past month have been extremely light as most of the recent fighting has been done either by the newly formed Rus sian troops, who are campaigning bravely, or the British. T, 91. C. A. Man In Moscow. According to the latest informa tion the bolshevlkl have given the freedom of Moscow up to 9 o'clock at night to Malcolm V. Arnold of Lon don, O, and Bryant R. Ryall of Bloom- field, N. J., two Young Men's Christian association secretaries captured at Bol- shoie Ozerki, and have released and sent out of Russia by way of Stock holm three of the 11 American soldiers known to have been captured. Opinion of Department of Justice Head on Alcoholic Percent " age Is Awaited. WASHING TON, April 20. The de partment of justice is not averse to accepting ' the functions 'of enforcing the war-time prohibition measure when It goes into effect, July 1, it was learned today. Consequently, it is ex pected a proposal that the enforcement be entrusted to this agency will be sub mitted to President Wilson on his re turn from Europe. Discussion of where the power to enforce prohibition may be lodged waa prompted here by the recent announce ment of Internal Revenue Commission er Roper that his bureau had not the force to police the nation adequately with respect to prohibition violations after July 1. Attorney-General Palmer has not stated officially that he will welcome the additional duties of enforcing pro hibition, but it is said that his advisers in the department of justice have told him that enough -secret agents are available to take on this function. Whether the president has indicated any definite intention of giving the work 10 the department of justice could not be learned here: Nothing substantial stands immedi ately in the way of production by brew ers of beer containing 2 per cent of alcohol, since tho revenue bureau has decided to issue revenue stamps re quired for regular beer to these brew ers. This decision is not to be taken as indicating the final attitude of the bureau, however, it was explained to day. Formally, the bureau still holds that beer containing more than one- half of 1 per cent of alcohol is intoxi cating and cannot be produced under the president's order forbidding the manufacture of intoxicating beverages after last December 1. . This attitude is held in abeyance, however, pending an opinion from Attorney-General Pal mer. Pastor Preaches as Loun gers Smoke Up. SERVICES FEATURED BY SONG Regular Business of Hostelry Fails to Disturb. REV. DR. SHORT IS LAUDED Novel Services of Wilbur Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church Mark Innovation. SYRIANS DEMAND FREEDOM Absolute Independence of Near East Federation Sought. BUENOS AIRES. April 20. The Syrian congress, representing 150,000 Syrians in Argentina, has cabled to President Wilson at Paris repeating its appeal for the absolute independence of "fed erated Syria, Lebanon and Palestine" under the guarantee of the United States and the allied governments. "We strongly object to foreign pro tection," the message says. "Being the most civilised people In the near east, the Syrians are qualified to govern themselves." (Concluded on Pape 2, Column 1.) CLASH IN MUNICH LOOMS Preparations Made in City for De cisive Battle. BERLIN, April 19. (By tho Asso ciated Press.) The government troops outside Munich have been augmented by 3000 Wurttembergers. Preparations for a decisive fight are proceeding in the city. Food conditions are growing worse. ' Continued rioting in Munich, with I few casualties, is reported. Wilbur Memorial Methodist Episco pal church held its Sunday evening services last night in the lobby and on the mezzanine floor of the Multnomah hotel. While the services lasted, wreaths of smoke rose from the cigars and ciga rettes of hotel guests. The cash regis ter of the cigar stand rang from time to time. Hotel guests arrived and registered and every phase of the hotel business was conducted. A bootblack plied his trade. Telegraph Instruments sounded staccato notes. And In the middle of the first choral number the canaries in the cages on the mezzanine floor sang sweetly in tune with the singers; and accompanied each vocal offering thereafter. Innovation la NoveL Local Methodists declare that never before in America have regular Metho dist services been held in an hotel lobby, and it is certain that never be fore in the course of Methodist serv ices have cigars, .cigarettes and amok ing tobacco been sold and used a few feet from the preacher and in the same room. On one of the big plush seats of th hotel sat a Methodist deconess in her uniform. . On the same seat sat a trav eling man, a lighted perfecto in his mouth. A soldier lolled full length on another divan. Rings of smoke floated from his lips. A Western Union messenger dashed into the middle of the lobby while Dr. W. W. Youngson waa pronouncing the benediction. He whistled shrilly as h came. Then he heard the words of prayer. He stopped and stared like graven image, his cap held In one hand, a telegram full length in another and a cigarette between his lips. Service Mainly Musical. Services opened with a verse Nearer My God to Thee," which Dr. Francis Burdette Short, pasctor .of Wilbur church, said was not a Mcthe- All may stand," said Dr. Short, "bu sit If you prefer." He's an accommodating duck for a (.Concluded on Page 4. Column 2.) THE MAN WHO DOESN'T INVEST IS APT TO FEEL PRETTY LONESOME. te prolonged through the day in an effort to reach a middle ground. Frearfc Oaaraatee DlBraaaed. The extent of the guarantee which the United States and Great Britain liave given the French as security against renewed German attacks con tinues to be the foremost topic in the French press. The French representa tives maintain that the guarantees take the form of an alliance. The Matin says: "This alliance has already been drawn In the form of a very brief text tipulating that three powers will give each other mutual support if Germany attacks us again. The signature of the etipulatlon will occur at the same time ls the signing of the treaty." The American officiala withhold all romment en these reports. It is known, however, that a number of proposals lava been brought forward designed 10 give a more prompt and more ef fective guarantee of military assistance BERNE. April 1J. (By. the Associat ed Press.) The picturesque Bavarian town of Llndau. on Lake Constance, has been besieged since this morning by Wurttemburg troops, according to advices received here. Llndau. after Munich the most Im portant spartacan center, is now com pletely cut off both by land and water. ticniiuUcd ca rase , Columa I.) MURDER SUSPECT IS HELD Alleged Slayer of Karl Liebknecfat and Ros Luxemburg Taken. BERLIN. April 20. (By the Associ ated Press.) The Tageblatt eays that a man named Runge. accused of the murder of Dr. Karl Llebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, was arrested re cently. The case, the newspaper asserts, is ready for trial. I r COME ON W THE JOB!! I crz : Wwta(SP Soldiers Occupy Parliamentary Building; Serious Trouble Is . Deemed Unlikely. VIENNA. April IS. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Control of Vienna has been taken over the soldiers' council. Quiet prevails, but communizing of the property of those unable to resist has been begun. It is possible there will be no change in the name of the government, but It will be bolshevistic in purpose. The situation is much the same as it wae at Budapest a few hours after the radicals had taken control. The policing of the city has been taken over by the volkswehr. The parliamen tary building was occupied this morn ing by two battalions of soldiers after representatives of soldiers' council had placed 5000 men at the government's disposal .upon the understanding that the police would be dispersed. The soldiers are commanded by Colo nel Stoessel Wimmer, who takes orders from, the soldiers' council, which is' either socialistic or communistic. Colonel Cunningham, in the name of the allies, ha issued a proclamation declaring that if there is further dis turbance the food supply will be cut off. For that reason serious trouble is unlikely.- Two demonstrations were started during the week, the outgrowth of sev eral communist meetings which were lightly attended by Austrlans. One of these meetings took place Tuesday at the war office, when the Austrian re publican flag of red and white was pulled down by a small crowd and a red flag was run up in its place. It is significant that the outbreak happened at the time of the visit of Joseph Pogany, reputed to be the ruling chief of the Hungarian communist gov ernment, and other Hungarian officials who are said to realize that it will be impossible for their plan to succeed unless with the Austrian aid. Pogany this afternoon in an inter view which was printed locally de clared that the Amercans favored the bolshevlkl. Eighteen Allied Aviators to Vie in Flying Circus. SHAM BATTLE GREAT FEATURE Ten Portland People Slated for Aerial Journey. GUARDS TO PATROL FIELD Special Train Bearing Aces Equipment Due to Reach City L'arly Today. and KILAUEA'S ACTIVITY GROWS Columns of Lava Thrown 30 Feet Above Crater Rim. HONOLULU. April ! 9. A column of lava shot up today 30 feet above the rim of the fire pit of Kilauea, the high est the great volcano has ever been known to spout its fiery contents Great flows of lava in all directions followed, obliterating trails across tho old crater floor. . The fire pit of Kilauea, the world's largest active volcano, is about 2000 feet in diameter and is within the old crater, a black plain about four square miles in extent, which is encircled by a wall ranging from 200 to 700 feet in height. Kilauea has been unusually ac tive for several months. The volcano is in the southwestern portion of the island of Hawaii, the largest island of the Hawaiian group, with a population of nearly 50,000. Honolulu is on the island of Oahu, about ISO miles distant from Kilauea. OIL DECISION IS COSTLY Washington Loses Half Million, Dol lars in Revenue. SEATTLE, Wash, April 20. Half million dollar's revenue was lost to the state of Washington through a deci sion qf the United Sttaes supreme court reversing the state supreme court and depriving the state of revenue from fees charged for inspection of oil. News of the highest court's decision was re ceived Saturday by counsel for the Standard Oil company, plaintiff. The decision was said td hold that the fees were contrary to law in that they exceeded the cost of the work. It was also said that the state probably would lose fees assessed to other oil companies. CHARGES FAIL IN HOUSE Investigation Involving Iowa Legis lators Dismissed. DES MOINES. Ia, April 20. Holding that the evidence was insufficient to warrant further action, the Iowa house of representatives late Saturday dis missed the investigation into charges by Municipal Judge W. G. Bonner against certain legislators. It was al leged that they had "contributed to the delinquency of Des Moines girls." BAVARIANS RELEASE REDS Armed Russian Prisoners Liberated by Munich Authorities. COPENHAGEN, April 20. The pres ent authorities at Munich, according to advices received here, have liberated and armed Russian - prisoners of war who -had been confined in the camp at Puchheim on the outskirts of the city. A Russian guard now is patrolling the Munich railroad station. WILSON'S SHIP AT BREST Transport George Washington Awaits President's Return Voyage. BREST, April 20. (By the Associated Press.) The United States transport George Washington, which sailed from New York for France on tho orders of President Wilson, has arrived here. BT BEN HUR LAMPMAN. Ten Portland people are scheduled to rise to hitherto undreamed-of heights this afternoon. At maximum altitude, conservatively speaking, they will soar not less than 4000 feet above: the loftiest structure in the city. High hills will dwindle to inconspicuous ridges, and for an hour or more tho favored few will know how the town looks to the hunting hawks. They will be passengers with the fly ing circus, a galaxy of famous allied air fishters. who are to arrive in the city at 6:30 th!s morning, and who are to take wing for the victory loan at 1:30 this afternoon, staging a mimic conflict in the clouds and sowing the city thickly with victory loan ap peals. Eighteen Airmen In Party. Eighteen airmen. American, French and British, each of whom has won one or more victories in actual combat with the Hun air fighters, comprise the fly ing circus squadron. Their landing field will be on Mock's bottom. Just north of the Portland flouring mills. where tho machines will be assembled this forenoon and tested before the spectacular exhibition flight. Civilians who will thrill to their first cloudland cruise will be limited to ten in number. Three of these are already chosen. J. A. Thornburg, as manager of the campaign in Washing ton county, first in the nation to an. nounce its completed quota, will rep resent the state liberty loan organiza tion. Heaviest Investors to Fly. t'aul E. Noble, unanimous choice of . the theatrical forces of the city drive, will take the air as a representative of the city forces. The third is to be Miss Victoria Liberty, beauty Incognito, who flies for the Oregon Aero club, and whose identity will remain masRed un til later in the campaign. Four repre sentatives have been allotted to the newspapers, while the three citizens who make heaviest loan subscriptions up to noon today will be entitled to trips aloft. At 1:30 this afternoon five Curtlss planes will wing upw'ard from Mock's bottom for their flight over the city. As they are enterprisingly engaged In . dumping victory loan messages over board they will be attacked by two German Fokkers with all the zest of actual battle. ' Aerial "Battle" Is Feature. " As the harried Curtiss fliers signal their distress four allied planes will rise to their rescue, maneuvering uatiV the Fokkers are beaten and driven off. Dives, spins, Immelmann turns, barrel rolls and the loop will be but a few1 of . the amazing gymnastics presented In the exhibition which follows the mock battle. The equipment of the flying circus comprises five captured German Fok kers, four British Spads, four British S. E. 5s and five Curtiss Jn. 4-Hs. The mimic battlo and thrillers will be held in a patch of specially reserved sky, as near as possible directly over victory center at Sixth and Morrison streets. The tops of tall buildings will be much In vogue for parquet vantage points, but the hills about the city are strongly recommended as splendid sites from which to view the flying circus. Advantageous Folate Told. The special features committee, Aaron Frank, chairman, in supervision of the flight, and Milton R. Klepper. president of the Aero Club of Oregon, make the following recommendations t'o those who wish to witness the flight and fight: "The best point of vantage to see the aerial circus will be on the heights just above the site selected for the headquarters of the aviators and their machines These heights are skirted by the Willamette boulevard, and can be reached by Jhe Mississippi car, transferring to the Russell-Shaver line at Shaver street, or by taking a St. Johns car and alighting at Greeley and Killingsworth streets. "Other points of excellence for ob servation are the top of Hall-street ' -drive. Mount Tabor and Westover ter races. Gnarda to Patrol Field. "The sham battle and aerial stunts will be held above victory center. Sixth and Morrison streets, so far as possible, at an altitude from 2500 to 4000 feet. In order to view these central features any point along Portland Heights or Council Crest will be desirable, al though any of the heights on the west ern hills will afford good views. "Another excellent place for watch ing the planes come up and go down the river will be the Broadway bridge. The flight may aiso be watched from launches and river boats, which may visit the field shoreline but will not be allowed to land, "Spectators are given notice that no- iConclucicd gu Pae li. Column A. I 1