flTE 3I0BXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY APRIL' 18, 1919. BY ALLIED TROOPS foreign Armies Give New Idea to Turbulent City. . SAD SIGHTS WITNESSED Social Life Lackln? la 'Man's Town and Crime Aightly Occurrence, Rns!-laa Prisoners Pitiable. BY WILLIAM T. ELLI3. (Copyright. 1919. by the New York H.ral r'omp.or. All Rich:. Reserved. Published by Arrangement.) S.VLONICA April IS It was a sapi cat Boston newspaper man who once asked lr. James L. Burton, "Who are these Balans, anywayT"" If the Balkans were peoples. Instead of mountains, this would be the place to find them. They are all hen Greeks, Bulgarians, Roumanians, Turks. Jaws. Albanians, and the assorted small fry folk beside. Half an hour on the one lone; water front of burnt ou Saionica pronounce the name In any one of four ways and you will be in the vogue will do more to visualize U Balkan problem than a year with the books. They are all here, plus the western military forcea which the eroirlina; Balkan maelstrom drew hither. Greek troops predominate in numbers and British in influence, but the Krencb, JtAliana and Serbians and Russian sol diers are also here, in one potpourri of tongues and traits. balonlca. or Thessalonica. has always been a central, forceful and turbulent city. It made hard times for the apos tle, Paul and after a few days, amid its seething life of Intrigue by day and murders by night, one can understand that the great apostls should write la his First Kplstle to the Thessaionians of the early return of the Lord as the only solution of their problems. It was hers that the Turkish. Bulgarian and "ireek contended for mastery, and only tb landing of armed forces of the al lies prevented it from becoming a Ger man center. At the present moment. '. am told, the Greek: government is sr resting Bulgarian residents on the charge that they are committadjis. SateaJea -p-ll Mad." As a center of historic Interest and of natural beauty, Saionica merits all that the books have said about It. But a, traveller thinks first, after putting foot ashore, of the all-enswamping mud Krora the transport that carried hlra Into the harbor ha doubtless admired the encircling hills, ncr snow covered: the rambling old waiL the graceful hafts of the minarets, which relieve tbe monotony of the roofs of the ori emtal city, and the tents and barracks of the various armies. All the enchantment Is In the distant lew. Experienced. Saionica spells mud mud into which one's feet sink, and upon which one slips and slides; mud i hat encrusts the walls and is tracked into all buildings: mud that splashes like rain upon pedestrians on the narrow sidewalks (if any) from headlong army motor truck: mud that finds Its way lntoone'sclothes and bedroom squashy, ooxy. filth-filled mud. There Is no glory is) soldiering here; it is merely a life submerged in mud. What a wonder it is that amid such conditions dwelling In cellars and tents and lean-tos and dwellings on side streets where the mud alternates with deep pools of water men and women maintain any of the romance of life. Existence is so bedraggled that it aeems Incredible that these; slouching, furtive, miserable natives should have any spirit to dream the great dreams of liberty and Justice and national pride and glory. Tet these are the peoplo and such are the sentiments that make up the Balkan problem. Tonder hamal, or burden bearer, with his cumbersome yoke or harness of carpet-covered reeds on his back, upon which he carries in credible loads, is more than a human beast of burden; he is the man about whom President Wilson has been mak ing speeches, and whose destiny is en grossing the peace conference. Allea Soldiers Kallahtea Citizens. Inquire of those who best know the life of this strange city, and you are the allied troops have carried around the world. Foreigners, especially the British, eared for the refugees who fled here from Anatolia and Bulgaria. Since the armistice many of these are making their way painfully back to their old homes. Two refugee camps are still maintained by the Greeks. Even more pitiable is the plight of the prisoners. Up la Serbia, where tba people have not food for themselves, the Bulgarian prisoners, I am told, are actually starving to death. Those held here by the British have been well cared for, bat when they are in the hands of historic enemies they fare ill. , RnaslJuF Prlssaers Pitiable, Most touching of all the spectacles of prisoners I have seen are the large numbers of Russians held toy the French. At the time of the Russian collapse there were two divisions on this front, who auicklv became infected with rev olutionary principles. They received the choice of fighting in the allied army, of doing labor work with the troops or. if they would neither work nor fight, of becoming prisoners. It needed the aid of French machine guns to dis arm this last group, who are still held prisoners. Some of, them. I learn from trustworthy sources, were shipped to the coast of North Africa to shift for them selves. Those who remain here are in sorry nllelit. I saw a couDle of hundred ot them being shepherded along the muddy main street yesterday oy tnree mac French soldiers. Each man carried his few possessions In a burlap bag. uni forms had disintegrated. A more be draggled set of fellows could scarcely be Imagined. None had adequate pro tection against the cold. It was their faces that smote the observer's heart. Everr one was emaciated and hungry. Their eyes wore the hunted look of hopeless, often beaten street dogs. Vic tor Mac-n would have written a master piece about' them as the incarnation of woe away from home for years with out any knowledge of Russia or of fam ilies, suffering in mind and body, cap tives for thev know not what,. There are many reasons why the world desires the consummation ot tno peace nego tiations, and the release of all prison ers is one of the foremost. Yesterday and Tomorrow Meet. Athens is the easternmost western city on the Mediterranean; Salon lea is the westernmost eastern city. This is the orient. Here Immemorial usages of th h u v iAnr ante-dating: the visit of St. Paul to tho Biblical city coranuimio with the latest ways of London and t.ri Wn donkevs. heavy laden, with drivers on top of the loads. Jog pati ently along the main street, while high powered touring cars containing mili tary nabobs splash mud upon them. The hir,fniti coolie, laden, perhaps, with a huge load of earthen water Jars, de signed on the model of tho oldest that the archaeologists have dug up, trudges toilsomely along, whllo Phila delphia made electric cars roll by, the trailer marked shades of Xenephon and the Ten Thousand! "nopmes. or soldiers. There are on tno main street rest houses, or coffee anops, ior mo u m.n huu of burden quite like those which Omar Khayam knew, while out at the end of the town are hangars for airplanes. . Sailing ships, with both ends turned up quite in the rssnion piciureu j .n .mant. crowd tho quays, with tho poor n.ki.. rnronnni somea overside, nu k. t. rreat warships Of twl three nations, witn saucy nmo marine chasers living mo Amtnau flair. Alnnr the streets Plod jewisu women, U but the very young seeming pre- naturaiiv iiL wearing a green ana -old headdress such as even east siae w York never sees: sna, jio". women. drapea in ii.cnrouii.i, hiaeic but with their veils lifted; and Ri-itiuh and American Red Cross women, rir. attractive, efficient, tho embodi ment of an order that Is the antithesis f the life of these ttreir sisters. Array Is Plctoressjoe. As for the men. most of whom are in nifnrm. It would baffi anyDoay to Identify them all by their dress. Both Turks and Moslem Jews wear tho red fes of the Ottoman Empire; and vener- ,u i,vi shuffle bv. ciaa exactly as th. Turks of Anatolia. Free-swinging mountaineers from Montenegro, In their national costume, stride oy, wnue wnno clad Albanians pass them. Tho black robed Cretan gendarmes carry baggage In the slack of their trousers and so renembla fat tailed sneep. ureeu .!,- Pressed Ilka characters in a mas querade, stroll along gossiping, heed- i... nt the fact that the huge pom poms, or tassels, on the toes of their upturned shoes are sorry ornaments amid Saionica mud. The horizon blus thn French and the KnaKi 01 tno im.rlrin and the English give me nrvailinar color note to the street .,.naa- I'ractieauy an ine mnjiau forces are being demobilised, as lasi told that the presence of the foreign'., nn.iibla. only the Creeks remain- armies nos nau m i lAiiai vt iiiidk cuct,i upon the natives. They have appraised the characteristics of all the soldiers. They have learned new ways, new ef ficiency, new standards, new Ideas. Old Saionica has been leavened, for better anil for worse, by th fresh life which There's Health in This Spring Tonic These are the months to cet rid of all tbe impurities that have stored them selves in your system during the winter. We advi.te a vegetable blood cleaner that has stood the test of many years use. See your druggist- Say "I Want CELERY KING" Brew a cup and drink it every other night for a few weeks. It cleans the system is good for stomach and liver and Its regular ue banishes pimples, cleans up blotch skin and makes you leal younger. Tou'll like it tho children like it and the cost ia next to nothing. COUGHS AND COLDS QUICKLY RELIEVED Dr. King's IVew Discovery Used Since Grant Was President Get a Bottle Today. It did It for your grandma, for your father. For fifty years thia well-known rough and cold remedy has kept an ever-growing army ot friends, young and old. For half a century druggists every where have sold It- Put a bottle In your medicine. cabinet. You may need It in a hurry. 3old by druggists every, where. Coo and 11.10. BoweU Acting Properly? They ought to. for constipation makes the body retain waste matters and im purities that undermine the health and play havoc with the entlro system. Dr. King's New Life Pills are re.la.ble and mild la action. All druggists. 25c A4V. Thara" la nractlcally no social life In Saionica, and it ia a man's town. "A miserable hole!" tho British officers rail it. indifferent to the mors or less normal life of tbo 150,000 permanent residents. There is one largo resiau. rnt beside the Whlto Genoese Tower, which is the outstanding structure in tho Saionica landscape; but its stand ards of cleanliness and service are thnaa of the Bowery rather than of Fifth avenue. SU1L it is the principal resort of officers. Fire Destroys Paal'a Hoose. Mud and fire are tho newcomer's first impressions of Saionica. The greater part of the city, including the entire business section, was burned in August, 1917. and save for one-story bazaars or shops along a few of tho principal streets, it has never been reDuiiu m government has a fine plan for a new and greater Saionica, with wide streets and modern buildings, but many con siderations. Including total lack of ma. terials. delays its execution, and In the meantime many of the homeless lead squatter lives on tho outskirts of the city Naturally, disease takes a heavy toll of them. A large proportion of the people show the sallow faces of victims of malaria or pellagra. Even the for eign troops havo suffered a heavy mor tality here from disease. At present there is a fresh outbreak of typus. Salonlca is built on the slopes of the surrounding hills, which descend to the beautiful harbor. The location Is ideal. The fire, which gained its headway in the Turkish quarters owing to Oriental carelessness, swept clear up to the city wall and destroyed everything houses, business houses, Greek churches, Moslem mosques and Jewish syna gogues. Among the notable losses was the beautiful church built by Justlcian, in the sixth century, and tho tradi tional houss in w hich the Apostle Paul resided when In Thessalonica. Mardsra Are Many. Trobably the poverty consequent upon local conditions is responsible for the murders which are almost a nightly occurrence. More man two score Rritish sold era and officers nave oeen killed lately, since they are generally known to, have more money than any others. Lawlessness Is Kept down as far as possible by the military, but it breaks out upon every opportunity. Secretary Masterson of the American v M t"L A. for Greek soldiers had a wait onload of charcoal en route to his canteen, when it was overturned. At once tho poor, who swarm here, made off with every "bit of it, since char coal is more precious than white dia monds. Writing, aa i am, in an un- heated room, in cold, raw weather, i myself would give all the diamonds I have with me for a Ducaet or cnarcoai and a brazier. Back of Saionica, tbe principal gate av to Macedonia, lie the Balkans and all their problems. In former times this city handled most of the trade of the hinterland. Now that a greater Serbia, or Jugoslavia, is to have its own porta, tbe commercial importance ot thia city may diminish, A good, deal depends BRING IN YOUR FILLEDS.&H.STAMP BOOK and RECEIVE $1 IN CASH Bring This Coupon ,, A?TD GET I 20-EXTRA-20 "S. & H." Trading Stamps on your first $1 cash pur chase and double on the balance. Good on first floor and in basement today and Satur day, April 18 and 19. 20-EXTRA-20 S.&H. STAMPS TODAY WITH THE COUPON IT STANDS TO REASON that High-Grade Paints cannot.be sold for less than the best grade of ingredients. Still there are paints on the market marked "Pure" "First Quality," which would hardly pass for second or third grade with a first-class paint manufacturer. THEY SELL FOR LITTLE AND ARE WORTHLESS. If you will compare them with high-grade goods, noting the covering capacity, luster and lasting qualities, you Will find they are the highest priced goods on the market. Do not buy any can of paint where the analysis of the contents is rot plainly marked on the outside. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. PLAINLY MARKS THE CONTENTS OP EVERY PACKAGE , They control the mines, mills and factories where their ingredients are prepared. Every package is fully guaranteed as to quality. WE RECOMMEND S. W. P. COLOR CARDS AND FIGURES GLADLY FURNISHED LAST TIMES TODAY A BEAUTIFUL STAR A WONDERFUL STORY A MACK SENNETT COMEDY MURTAGH ! ! ! CAN YOU YOU O CAN Y Aids to Spring Cleaning Domestic Ammonia12f Dandy Roach Powder, for ants and roaches. .500 Chloride Lime 150 2 for 250 C. & W. Insect Powder, at 150, 250, 500 Dutch Cleanser 100 3 for 250 Bed Bug Banisher, & pint 1.400 Quart ...........700 Babbitt's Lye 150 2 for v250 W-L Silver Shine Paste for 250 Crude Carbolic Acid, pint for 250 Formaldehyde, 8-OZ..350 Pint 600 Liquid Bluing, 12 OZ..150 Pipe Flush for open ing drain pipes... .500 Saniflush 300 Paints, Oil, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, Sul phur and Formaldehyde Fumigators. BRING US YOtJR KODAK FILMS to develop and print. We will bring out the very best there is in them. An 8x10 Enlargement with fin ishing receipts to the amount of $3.00 Ansco Post Card Camera $17.50 and Up HOTPOINT ELECTRIC IRON CHEAPER! With hinged plug cord pro tector and thumb rest. Guar anteed, 5 or 6 pounds Two-Way Plug $1.25 $6.50 LADIES NEW SILK HANDBAGS ALL SHADES $3.75 to $16.00 A new stock of Ladies Colored Silk Umbrellas Fancy Handles AH Prices. Genuine Cowhide ( Bag-pecial "PO.UU EASTER SPECIAL A 2 -quire Papeterie Dainty colors. One-half Correspondence Cards, one-half paper. The finest value 11 ff ever offered at. .j. . vlvU HAVE YOU SELECTED YOUR CARDS FOR EASTER? Our sentiments are new our designs are. artistic. Our prices from 500 to $1 For your husband, brother, sweetheart, friend Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen or an Eversharp Pencil DY-IT Absolutely permanent Easy to apply Makes that old straw hat like new. One bottle to each hat 14 popular colors. 25 Easter Novelty Candies RABBITS, BASKETS, CHOCOLATES AND . FANCY EGGS , EXQUISITE BOX CANDIES FLAGS J2.00 3x5-foot Cotton Flag, $1.00 $1.75 Rubber Bath Spray, feet tubing, SPECIAL, $1.39 $2.25 3-qt. Molded Fountain Syringe, 5 feet tubing, 3 pipes; one-year guarantee, SPECIAL $1.20 PATENTS AND TOILET GOODS Ovoferrin 050 Garfield Tea 890 Kasparilla $1.00 Abbott's Saline Laxative. . .550 Mayor's Walnut Oil $1.00 Ayer's Hair Vigor $1.10 Carter's Crystal Corn Remedy 250 Scheffler's Colorine 790 Sal Hepatica 270 Lydia Pinkham Comp'nd..$1.08 Benetol 230 Carter's Little Liver Pills. .200 Allcock's Porous Plasters. .200 Peruna 980 Oregon Blood Medicine. .$1.00 Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer..690 Bell's Instant Hair Dye.. $1.00 Veronica ....600 Brown's Celery Phosphate. .470 Dextri Maltose 690 Bromo Seltzer ...$1.10 Wood-Lark Almond Cocoa Soap, dozen $1.00 1 large bar Castile Soap... 790 Uardas Complexion Soap, 3 for 400 Colgate's Allround Soap, large cake, 3 for 400 Magnolia Balm 750 Nonspi 500 WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. upon tho dsclaions of the peace con. ference. For two years, military activities have dominated everything I.e. This fact, added to the fire, has been a heavy blow to Saionica trade. Recently the British have taken over the railway to Constantinople, and only those persons go through who are ap proved by the authorities. The near east Is "till closed to ordinary travel- ers. This line maKes me journey pos sible in about three days. The trip by sea takes less time, unless one of the many floating- mines is sirucK. ax this writing, heavy snows complicate the railway 'travel. M7 Wlafc to Become Americana. ' The American Red Cross, which was rapidly Increasing personnel, has Saionica as its headquarters for south ern Serbia. The northern part of the country is reached by way of Rome. Bases for food distribution and Tor medical and social service are main tained at Monastir, Uskub, Pirot and a score of village subcenters. A school for refugees Is maintained by Messrs. Brewster and Cooper, Ameri can board missionaries, who also do prison work. On the hill outside of the city. Dr. I. Henry House, who has been 48 years in the Balkans, runs an agricultural school for the same mission. Aside from these various philan thropic workers, and the consulate, and few business men, America is not represented among- the allied forces in Saionica. But it seems as If every other native one hears from contemplates emigration to the United States. It would be a popular solution of the Balkan question to transport all the contending- peoples to America, and al though thia would be good for tbe Bal kans, it would be rather bard on Amer ica. - PLEA MADETOR CREDITS Governor Asked to Intercede on Be half of Students Expelled. SALEM, Or.. April 17. (Special.) That thi four University of Oregon students who were recently expelled for issuing: tbe "scarlet she .:" should have their college credits returned to them is the plea of Mrs. S. I. Clark of Portland. whvta written to Governor Olcott asking; that he intercede on be half of the young men. FARMERS TO BUILD TEMPLE Erection of Agricultural Building In Washington . C, Favored. DENVER, April 17. Resolutions fa voring: the erection of a temple of agri culture in Washington, D. C as a head quarters of all of the agricultural In terests of the country and approprlat ing funds from the treasury of the or ganisation for assisting in tbe work were adopted at the convention of the National Farmers Union today. C. S. Barrett of Union City, Oa., was re-elected president: A. V. Swift of Baker. Or., was elected vice-president, and A. C. Davis of Oravette, Ark., was re-elected secretary of the association. Missing Army Filers Found. WASHINGTON. April 'l7. Lieuten ants Otto and Parker and Mechanician Hornby, army fliers unofficially report ed missing with tbe big plane HS-2 be tween Bluefields. Nicaragua, and Ha vana, Cuba, are safe in Nicaragua, hav ing been prevented from staring for Havana by engine trouble. . Cry slabwooa ana inside wbod. green (tamps, for cash. Holman Fuel Co. Mala S53. A 1353. Adv. Phone your want ads to The Orego nlan. Main 7070, A 6095. UNION Dentists, Inc. Plates $10.00 VB GUARANTEE OUR WORK ' Porcelain Crown.. . .t ........... . .85.00 Porcelain FHIIags $1.00 SS-K Gold Crowns. ........$5.00 S2-K G.ld Bridge.... ....$3.00 Extracting. . SOc an examination of your teeth free of any charge or obligation by calling at our oilice. 231 'i Morrison. Corner Second Entire Corner, anum"' LVVK I'UEI TiUbi I1IG UNION SltiJT. mlH Tou can have BEAT . M g - , not o n I I Also V,: ' V ' MacK N - . ' , " . Sennett's ' . ' s 1 . ' - Comedy ' .... . , ' "The t.a.lt. - V ' "Hurry, Foolish - , -i - Go Age" "V , Early" g"l''"'"'.'''T.'.'.'.'' " 1 m-mTt:mmrm"mm " " " ' JUI "" : " " k IFl n n h h n n m f 5 Hlfl l:J I Jr it g lf(U Eva fev.-i' P 1 V " J N h n Ft n 6i i'i i 1 i H ' 'l 'j "I " B if a I. .1 I J li, J fg fed K Q Y m ,, ., . nf. -i r - iiK-n.fi -tv ,--rrr---,.-. - n. I , ' k Wm mm THIS WONDER SHOW STARTS 1 TOMORROW FOR A FIVE- I DAY SHOWING WE THINK B 1mm ASmmGl3tmSLn' i imiQ ' rlOM'T1 Forget that'Murtagh's Easter Concert 1 starts promptly at 12:30 Sunday. I laaim niirMir.iamn amianwvii inn ! -lawiaait mmmtinvr ' ........... Espey's Cream 23, 45 Nikk-Marr Face Dressingr, special . .500, $1.00 Nikk-Marr Balm. . .50, $1.00 Nikk-Marr Neo Plastique..$2.50 Oriental Cream. ...... . ..$1.35 Cucumber and Elderflower Cream, jar 500 Anti-PyA Tooth Paste 230 Pyorrhocide ..: 080 Java Riz Powder 450 Lyon's Tooth Powder or Paste 230 Pepsodent 500 (Bring Coupon for Sample Tube) Soft White Hands Follow use of Ctrtieura Soao and Oint ment. At night bathe them with tbe Sosd and bot water. Drr and rob In tbe Ointment. Wear old gkwoa during night. Do not fail to include the exquisitely scented Cuticura Talcum in your toilet preparations. 35c everywhere. i