20 THE MORNING OREGONTAN, FRIDAY, APRHJ 18, 1919. An Unequalled Collection of Columbia, Edison and Victor EASTER RECORDS in Our Phonograph ShopSixth Floor "azw' 4 muA&i Established 1857 &euji4a fefbNolOpete?ofoZ ku$&tx&6gi The Quality Store hufjjsi Easter Friday Suarpri Our 1523d Friday. Surprise Brings These and Equally Good (Unadvertised) Values for Today e Sa MEIER FRANK'S 1SS3D FRIDAY SURPRISE SAXES. Extra Special! 100 New Capes Just Received in Time for This Easter Friday Surprise Sale When we tell you that at MEIER & FRANK'S today for S12.85 you can select from a splendid assortment of fashionable new capes made of fine quality men's wear serge, you will, if you're a wise woman, make up your mind to be here early. This eminently desirable as semblage features capes in the new panel and vest front ef fects, all-around-belted models, some with long narrow sash, overcollars of velour in con trasting shades, capes with wide shawl collars finished in flat silk braid, others with yokes shirred across the back, button trimmed, with flat braid put on in clusters. Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. 1533D FRIDAY SURPRISE. ) 7K Easter Hats To $10.00. Values $6.50 Attractive new trimmed hats for Easter, wear at this special Friday Surprise price. Large, medium and small hats in black and wanted colors with trimmings of flowers, feathers and ribbons. Meier & Frank's: Millinery Shop, Fourth Floor IS23D FRIDAY SURPRISE. Sale Writing Paper 79c "Pollyanna" stationery 72 eheets paper and 72 envelopes to box. Four colors in box. Long and regular shaped envelopes. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. 1533D FRIDAY SURPRISE. Standard Make Brassieres 98c Back-fastening brassieres with under-arm lacings adjustable to any size. Sizes 38 to 66. Regu larly priced at $2. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. 1SSSO FRIDAY SURPRISE. 3.50 Hand Bags $2.98 Just in. Smart, new leather handbags with tassel. Fitted with coin purse. Black, brown and gray. Beautifully lined. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. 1S23D FRIDAY SURPRISE. Brassieres Only 39c Good quality bandeaux brassi eres with taped . shoulder strap. Mostly back -fastening styles. Pink and white. 34 to 44. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. 1523D FRIDAY SURPRISE. 25c Silver Polish 19c "Shinon" polish that will clean and polish silverware, glassware and brassware. The regular 25c size at 19c Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. 1S23D FRIDAY 'VRPRISE. 40c Suiting Yard at 29c 27-inch woven suitings in dark and light stripes and plain colors. Suitable for children's dresses and rompers. Meier ft Frank's: Second Floor. MEIER A FRAN K'S I3S3D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES. ' An Easter Friday Surprise Sale of Women's Fine Lambskin Gloves $1 720 pairs in this extraordinary sale. Excellent quality lambskin gloves in one-clasp style, half P. K. sewn. All white with black embroidered backs. All sizes. Every pair perfect. Every pair expertly fitted in this Easter Surprise Sale at ?1 while any remain. Meier & Frank's: Glove Shop, Main Floor. 1333D FRIDAY SURPRISE. Curtaining Yard 23c About 500 yards in this sale of remnants scrims, nets, marquis ettes and cretonnes 1 to 4 yards: AH colors and patterns. Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor. 15330 FRIDAY SURPRISE. Good Muslin. Sheets $1.25 72x90 and 81x90 seamless mus lin sheets with hem. ANOTHER SPECIAL single bed sheets, 54x90 inches, hemmed, 75c Meier ft Frank's: Second Floor. MEIER FRANK'S 1523D FRIDAY SURPRISE SAXES. New Washable Neckwear 25c For women's and children's wear. Organdy collars in flat and roll styles. Lace trimmed pique collars for tailored wear. Colored organdy collars. Also at this price are short lengths of chiffon and crepe pleatings, 1 to 1 yards. Sale Waistcoats and Veslees $1.49 Regularly $1.69 and $1.75. New waistcoats and vestees of pique and nov elty gabardine combined- with embroidery. White and colors. With, and without collars. Meier & Frank's: Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. 1523 D FRIDAY SURPRISE. Wall Paper Roll 65c A good selection of blends, canvas effects, imitation grass cloth and damask patterns in these wall papers. $1 values. Meier ft Frank's: Seventh Floor. 1333D FRIDAY SURPRISE. $1.75 Dresser Sets at $1.15 Scarf and pin cushion cover with pink, blue and lavender edg ing. Each set is in box. No phone orders. Limited number. Meier ft Frank's: Second Floor. MEIER FRANK'S 1523D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES. Sheer Lawn Kerchiefs 9c i Women's and misses' fine sheer lawn handkerchiefs in one-Corner em broidered and fancy initial styles in white and colors. Many effective pat terns. Exceptional values at our Easter Friday Surprise price of 9c each. Meier X: Frank's: Handkerchief Shop, Main Floor. MEIER FRISK'S 1323D FRIDAY SURPRISE SAXES. $10 Auto Robes $5.95 Wonderful values are offered in this sale 6f robes suitable for automobile, steamer, camping or bed use. We have just forty of these good, heavy weight mixed plaid robes for this Friday Surprise Sale. Finished with fringe. These robes sell regularly at $10. One pattern only illustrated. Meier ft Frank's-: Luggage Shop. Sixth Floor. MEIER ft FRANK'S 1523D FRIDAY SURPRISE SAXES. ' Easter Sale of Fine Silk Waists $3.18 A limited number of women's fine quality crepe de chine waists $3.18 tomorrow. Tucked and hemstitched waists with flat and round col lars, square and round neck styles. White, flesh, maize, gray, navy and black. All sizes 36 to 46 but not in every style. One sketched. Meier & Frank's: Waist Shop, Fourth Floor. MEIER ft FRANK'S 13S3D FRIDAY SURPRISE SAXES. Embroidered Pieces ; Discontinued patterns in hand-embroidered centers, pillow tops, lunch sets, children's dresses, caps and novelties at exactly half price while any remain. Many beautiful designs. Regularly $3 to $30, now $1.50 to $15. Meier ft Frank's: Needlework Shop, Second Floor. 1333D FRIDAY SURPRISE. sar'j Sale Ball Bearing Skates $1.59 110 pairs adjustable ball-bearing roller skates for boys and girls from 7 to 16 years. One sketched. Excellent values. Meier ft Frank's: Sixth Floor. 1SZ3D FRIDAY SURPRISE. $5.00 Cut Glass Bowls $3.69 8-inch cut glass fruit bowls in the desirable combination floral and mitre cutting. One sketched. Limited' number. Meier ft Frank's: Basement. MEIER ft FRANK'S 1523D FRIDAY SURPRISE SAXES. On the Center Aisle Bargain Square, Main Floor A Phenomenal Friday Surprise Sale of 4000 Misses' and Children's . Fine 25c-50c Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants 14c Wonderful value-giving! A just-consummated purchase of this fine lot of 4000 misses' and children's jersey ribbed vests and pants accounts for this sensational Friday Surprise Sale. The vesis are in sleeveless, wing sleeves and long sleeves styles. The pants are in tight and lace trimmed -knee styles. AH are first quality undergarments.- All sizes, 3 to 14 years. All good Spring weights. White only. Meier &F rank's: Center Aisle, Main Floor. MEIER ft FRANK'S 1S23D FRIDAY SURPRISE SAXES. MEN! 1328 Pairs Famous "Silk Maid" Silk Sox Sub-Standards of the ' ' -Regular $1.00 Quality The fame of our men's as of our women's Silk Maid Hosiery is widespread both are rec ognized standards of .perfection.' These hose are subjected to a rigorous factory inspection and the most infinitesimal deviation from speci fications means a sub-standard classification. -That explains how we can offer 1328 pairs of Silk Maid sox for men at 55c instead of $1 while any remain today. Fine, heavy silk sox with lisle tops, heels, double soles and toes. Full line of plain shades in Palm Beach, ma hogany, navy, gray, tan, champagne, black and white. All sizes. Meier ft Frank's: The Store for Men, Main Floor. Second .-. Day of Our Epoch Making ; Introductory Offer 5000 New Columbia Shirts in a Sale Selected, because of merchandising mastery, by the Columbia Shirt Company of New York to make their line, so well known in the East, equally so in Portland, we offer 5000 new Columbia shirts'taken from the regular Spring 1919 line at wonderful reductions. Here are the three great groups : . $2.00-$3.00 Shirts $1.49 Some of the shirts in this group are offered at about HALF the regular prices. There are fine woven and corded madrases, crepe madrases, casmo silks, self-striped poplins, fancy crepes and per cales. All sizes, 14 to IT. $3.00-$5.00 'Shirts $2.49 Genuine silk fiber shirts, silk striped crepes, silk striped woven madrases. All new and beau tiful patterns and coloringsjan infinite variety of fashionable tripes. Some have separate collars to match. All sizes, 14 to 17. $6.00-$7.50 Sliirls : $4.95 Ftne, pure eilk shirts' in. broadcloth, tub and nov elty silks In a multitude of newest striped effects and plain white. Some of these have separate col lars to match. Extra heavy solid fiber silk and flannel shirts. All sizes, 1 4 to 17. 'i" 1 I Star iiii""" LCS Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men, Main Floor. 1.55 New 82-82.50 Ties On Sale Today in the Store for Men They came to us through merchandising mastery which is no new thing with this store but as old as the business itself. They're from one of the foremost makersn America and they're fashioned of the best silks.. See them in our Morrison Street window and buy them in The Store for Men at $1.55 each or 3 for $4.50. ' . t . Meier & Frank's: The Store for Men, Main Floor. 1523D FRIDAY SURPRISE. Fiber Silk Hose 49c 450 pairs of women's FIRST QUALITY fiber silk hose in this Friday Surprise Sale at 49c pair while any remain. White, pink, sky, Palm Beach and black. Bro ken line of sizes, mostly 9 and 9. - Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. MEIER FRANK'S 1S23D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES. Ribbon Remnants Yi Hundreds of ribbon remnants in all widths and lengths. Satins and dresdens in all desirable colors. . Ribbon, Yard 39 Fancy striped and brocaded taf feta hair bow and sash ribbons. Good patterns. 6 inches wide. All colors. . Meier & Frank's: Ribbon Shop, Main Floor. 1523D FRIDAY SURPRISE. ' Union Suits 59 c Women's fine cotton and lisle union suits in low neck, sleeveless style, for warm weather wear. Sizes 34 and 36 only. About 400 garments at 59c each or 2 for $1.15. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. MEIER A FRANK'S 15S3D FRIDAY SURPRISE SALES. Sale of Boys' $2-$2.50 Pants 81.49 220 pairs of boys' separate knickerbocker pants at ?1.49 pair instead of $2 and $2.50. Carefully tailored pants of tweeds and cassimeres in plaids, fancy cheviots and homespuns, mixtures and diagonal weaves. Excellent patterns and colors. All seams taped. Pants are fully lined. All sizes, 6 to 18 years.' Meier & Frank's: Boys' Clothing Shop, Third Floor. 5