VOL. LVII1. 0. 18,222. CnterH at Portland lO r Votn,.9 am tc-nd-daV Mitttf. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 191928 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. JAPAN ANGERED AT AFFRONTS AS Orientals Threaten Sepa rate Peace With Huns. mm MAKING1 IS IGNORED Council of Four Acts Withou ,. Consulting Nipponese. NEW DEMANDS ' PRESSED Japanese Delegates 'Will Withdraw - IT Allies Refuse WL-hes as to KJxKbaa and Shantun;. . r.T HERBERT BATARD SWOPE. Ccpmfbt br the X.w Y.rk World. Pub lish. br Am(cmtnL PARIS. April 17. ( Special cable.) ll.Jipan'i position toward Kiaocnau and Snsniung is sot approved br the peace conference, aha will withdraw and nak her own arrangement with (ierminj. ba can stand two dellb erata affronts, hut she will not eubmi to a third." Thia statement was made to me br a Japanese official who does not wish bis name used, hot who feels that Ja pan's attitude should be made clear. and who reaenta. aa doea his country, wbat ia regarded aa a persistent bu subsurface policy to minimise her in fluence and to diminish her power. Orieatal Delegate lawered. The affronts referred to lie in the fact that after attending a meeting of the council of ten and one meeting of what later became a council of four. Baron htaklno aince baa been ignored and haa bad no participation In the af fairs of the ruling body of the confer ence. The second indignity waa the defeat of the amendment to the league of nations covenant providing against racial discrimination. Italy and, Bolshevism have been up to jiow the two menacing phases of the work of the peace conference, but now a third ia added to the danger list i the form of the Japanese question. Del egates of th Island Empire have said little and have done nothing, but they have observed everything, and when thrr are ready they will move In de lermlned fashion. laiaaedlate Deelalea Demanded. Not a word has been said on the subject of Japanese claims in China growing- ont ot the war with Germany, yet these questions must be settled be fore the treaty ia ready for the enemy commissioners and Japan purposes in sisting that the definition of the attl tude of the peace conference towards these claims be made immediately. She is less inclined to be forbearing after Friday night's meeting of the league ot nations commission which left a bigger stain on her honor, as she vlewa it. than haa been inflicted since Perrr and Town send Harris brought her western civilization. New light Is breaking on the league of nationa Incident light that isn't at all pleasant in what it shows and less in what it promises. The vote that defeated the amendmeent was 11 for it, with six either against or not vot inc. These six were President Wilson and E. XL House for the United States; Lord Robert Cecil, for Great Britain, and delegates from Brazil, Foland and Koumanla. Mack Irrltatloa la Kelt. The last two are absolved br Japan, for it realized that the question of Jewish equality may have affected their positions, although Japanese feel that if tho league ia at all what it purports to be a real society of man kind, actuated by desire to avoid and eliminate war- then, the primary tenet should be equality of races and reli gions. In that they show keener ap preciation of the spirit of the league than do certain other members. But while they realize the reasons ot Toland and Roumania, they can tee no reason for the roles played by the other three and these are sources of deep Ir ritation that would be unwise to deny. By clever parliamentary practice the six who did not approve of the amend ment escaped being put In the position of outrightly opposing the Japanese amendment. Mllswa Severely Crltlrtaed. rresident Wilson, who was in the chair, asked those In favor of the mo tion to bold up their hands. 11 did so. There were 17 present, so the six who did not Indicate their approval of the amendment can technically assert that they did not vote against it- But, on the other hand, they did not vote for It. President Wilson haa been severely criticised for what Is called his re versal of ruling. Earlier in the even ing be declared that Geneva had been chosen aa the seat of the league, al though the vote was not by any means unanimous. Tet be declared the Japan ese amendment lost, although it got precisely the same vote as did the Geneva proposal. No explanation of thia two-edged decision haa been made. There Is a well-authenticated atory, and one which the Japanese accept without reservation, to the effect that a deal was made between the United States and Britain on the Japanese question. Under it the United States was to oppose the amendment against which Lloyd GeorKe stood hard in order to placate Premier Hughes of Austra lia, who was becoming disaffected by the premier's ahilur-ahally policy on reparations. In return Great Britain was to withdraw her eleventh-hour ob- .ti'o&cuaed ea 1'as a. Column .). BIG FOUR ALONE TO GIVE TREATY TO FOE OTHER ALLIED POWERS WILL SOT ATTEXD FIRST SESSION. Germans Scheduled to ArrlTe Versailles Sight ot April 23. Huns Denied Discussion. PARIS. April 17. (By the Associate Press.) The procedure on the arrival of the German plenipotentiaries at Ver sailles has virtually been decided upon. It will be President Wilson and the premiers who will hold the first meet ing and deliver the treaty, as it is not deemed feasible to have all the allied powers attend this initial session. The actual arrival of the Germans at Versailles, It is stated. Is scheduled for Fridsy night, April 25. but the meet ing with the president and preral .rs will not be held until Saturday and may even be deferred until Monday. After the treaty Is actually delivered, it Is intended to allow adequate time for the Germans to make inquiries con cerning the various details before re turning to Weimar. This is expected to take about two days, the first day being devoted by the Germans to famil iariaing themselves with the terras and the second day to answering such Inquiries as they may make. There is no purpose to have thlr as sume the character of a discussion, but merely the elucidation of any points which may assist in obtaining prompt and favorable action when the pleni potentlaries return to Weimar. It is believed the stay of the pleni potentiaries at vV?imar will cover week, thus bringing them back to Ver sailles about May I to 10. This, how ever, is conjectural, for it Is dependent upon the rapidity of the decisions reached at Weimar. Premier Lloyd George's declaration in the British parliament that full guar antees had been given France against renewal of German attacks is the first authoritative statement that auch guarantees have been given and aroused the keenest discussion regarding the nature of the guarantees aa affecting the United States and Great Britain. The French reports say that the guar antees amount to an alliance and the semi-official Temps says: 'Premier Lloyd George's language admits of only one meaning. This is that Great Britain and the United States engage to sustain France in case she is again attacked by Germany. Such an alliance is legitimate and nec essary. Mr. Lloyd George would not pronounce such words lightly and his announcement is singularly instruc tive," . The council ef four, which framed the guarantees as part of the Rhine kvitlement. has thus far maintained a rigid silence except for the rxneral declaration of Mr. Lloyd George- Viscount Chinda of the Japanese del egation arranged today for his appear ance before the council of four Satur day on the Kiao-Chau Juestion with a view to an adjustment with ' China which shall be Incorporated In the peace treaty. The American delegates believe that an accord will be reached whereby China will ultimately control Klao-Chau. with suitable recognition of Japan's efforts. A plenary session of tho peace con ference will be held two days next week, Wednesday ' and Thursday, to pass upon a large number, of remain- ng details before the meeting with the Germans. TAIL SPINS FATAL TO THREE Planes f all at Venice, Cal., and at Kelly Field, Texas. VEXICE, Cal.. April 17. Andrew Cur ry, an aviation instructor employed by school here, and Frank Zebolla of Venice, a pupil, were killed today when their plane went Into a. tall spin and fell 2000 feet in a residence section of the city. The aviator, who lived a few minutes, told the police be waa unable to get control of the dual control plane because his pupil became excited and clung to his controls. SAN ANTONIO, April 17. R. S. Jones of Brooklyn. N. T.. a flying cadet at Kelly field, died today as the result of injuries when the airplane in which he was flying with Lieutenant C. B. Sher ry fell at Stlnson field. Sherry was only slightly injured. An involuntary ail spin was the cause of the accident. SHELLS FIRED BY MILLIONS British Artillery Uses 4,000,000 Rounds In Battle of Somme. WASHINGTON. April 17. During the battle of the Somme in 1916 the British army used 4.000,000 rounds of ar tillery ammunition; according to a sta lstical announcement published today by the war department. This is the largest number or shells used in any Ingle engagement so far as records show. Second In amount of artillery am munition used was the battle of Mes- Ines ridge in 1917, when 2.751,000 rounds were used by the British. For single hour, however, American forces 1 the battle of the St. Mihiel salient 1 ISIS far surpassed this record, using .093,217 shells In four hours. GARFIELD IS CHALLENGED Head of Kansas Miners Objects to Fuel Chiefs Orders. PITTSBURG, Kan.. April 17. Alex- nder Howat. president of the Kansas strict. United Mine Workers of Amer ica, challenges the right of Dr. H. A. Garfield, federal fuel administrator, "to Irect the affairs of our organization in this district," In a message sent to Mr. Garfield today. Tbe message was in reply to one re ceived from Mr. Garfield yesterday di recting Mr. Howat to put the striking Central Coal and Coke company miners ack at work and appear before the' labor, board to submit their complaint. 0 AGENTS POOR RUSSIA Lax Frontier Guards Give Reds Big Opportunity. U. S. PASSPORTS FALSIFIED propaganda Kapimy penetr ing Farther West.V HUNGARY'S LOT IS BITTER People's Leaders Despondent Be cause Socialist Programme Pre vents Proper Financial Aid. VIENNA, April 17. By the Associ ated Press.) The spread of bolshevik propaganda westward is being greatly favored by tne laxity of frontier regu lations, tho least guarded being those of Poland. Trains are arriving at Buda pest and Vienna from the east carry ing numbers of agents supplied with all sorts of false passports and money. The observations of the correspond eat showed that the best guarded fron tier apparently la that of East Prussia. where the bolshevlkl are made to un derstand they are not welcome. Trains from Cracow Into German Silesia and Bohemia, however, are filled with non descript individuals from Russia whose papers either are not examined at all or are looked over most casually. Con ditlons are much the same as regards the trains entering Hungary by way of the Ukraine and East Gallcla. It is even asserted that notwithstanding the Italian restrictions, entrance to Italy Is not difficult. V. S. Passports Forged. The falsification of American pass ports is declared to be so common tnat the representative of the American diplomatic service here attached to the Spanish embassy states that it would be advisable to increase the difficul ties of fraud by requiring the applica tion of thumb prints to all . original United States passports, as it Is easy. it is claimed, to substitute new photo graphs and imitate the signature . Reports of the executions at Buda pest of Count Michael Karolyi, Arch duke Joseph and others are untrue. The city continues outwardly quiet, with progress being made toward the na tionalization of property. It is esti mated there are o jy 20 naturalised Americans and American f wives of Hungarians in Hi flgary. Count Ka elyi firds socialism a diffi cult prograi'ime .nd was much down cast when here. His despondency was caused partly because he 'waa being1 re stricted In his expenditures. In former times he was accustomed ' spending ,000,000 crowns annually. Tension la Manifest, Count Karolyi's frame of mind Is (Concluded on Page. 2. Column LLOYD GEORGE: t ' I ' w hp - j International Situation. (Br the Associated Press.) W1 ITH the return to Paris of Pre mier Lloyd George, accompanied by the earl of Curson and Lord Milner. it is expected that there will' be a speeding up of the final preparations preliminary to the gathering of the representatives of the associated pow ers with the German delegates at Ver sailles on April 25. . There was no meeting of the council of four at Paris Thursday and Presi dent Wilsonthus was enabled to take ur 'ny matters with various oeiega y , which may be considered side is of the coming peace settlement. " 3 problems of many countries, in- jdlng Ireland, Roumania, Serbia and ortugal, thus again have come under the consideration of the president. According to the present purpose the covenant of the leairue of nations will be the first subject treated in detail after the declaratibn of peace. After that the matter of the military, naval and aerial terms, reparations, responsi bilities and frontiers will be taken in hand. As it is evident that the question of the possession of F'jme and the Dal matian coast has not yet been settled definitely, the Italian delegates are working earnestly to secure a decision before the Italian chamber of deputies meets on April 24. a It is the intention of the aeronauti cal commission of the peace conference to, form a permanent international commission on aerial navigation to act as a clearing house on all questions of air navigation between the respective states. That the internal political and labor troubles in Germany are not to be per mitted to encroach upon the occupied zone anywhere is indicated by an order of the British commander of the Rhine which informs the strikers in Cologne that they must return to work im mediately on pain of having strong measures taken against those who pro mote or countenance unrest. The American commander some time ago is sued a similar order. Northern Italy is experiencing a spell of labor trouble, the workmen at Mi lan, Bologna, Turin and Genoa, the principal manufacturing cities, having gone on a zt-hour strike, earner in the week at Milan there was fighting in the streets between socialist and anti-socialist croups, in which four persons were killed and several were wounded. TrooDS had to be called to restore order. Labor troubles also are brewing in the department of the Seine, France, of which Paris is the capital. A one day strike has been called for May 1 by the General Federation of Labor to put forward the federation's pro gramme, which calls for an eight-hour day, political amnesty, non-intervention in Ru:ia, lifting of 'the state of siege and the censorship and the return of constitutional guarantees. - ... Disorders of such magnitude are re ported from both European and Asiatic Turkey as to frive rise to the fear that there will be great outbreaks at various points and new massacres of Arme nians. An investigation by the Belgian cen tral industrial committee of the dam ages suffered by Belgium as a result of the war shows that these aggregate 35.000.000,000 francr. A Russu.n bolsnevik , wireless, com munication announces that the bolshe vlkl at various points on the western Russian front from . the Black sea to the Baltic havo been victorious in fight ing against various groups. "THAT'S A FAMILY AFFAIR; KEEP OUT OF IT! JUSTICE HELD NOT TI T L A M Object, Say Officers, Efficient Army. Is MILITARY SYSTEM DEFENDED Means for Enforcing Discipline Held Essential. LESSON IS ALL-IMPORTANT System Credited With Producing "Best Disciplined Army in Eu rope" Under Investigation.' WASHINGTON, April 17. The system of military jurisprudence is designed to produce an efficient, dependable fighting army, not to do exact jus tice to individual soldiers, according to the views vigorously presented today to the committee of the American Bar association by army officers of field experience, including Major-General Edwin F. Glenn, organizer and com mander of the 83d division, now in command of Camp Sherman. In attaining that objective, tho of ficers contended, the present machinery for enforcing military discipline had proved both efficient and fair, the final product of the system closely approxi mating justice to the individual in ad dition to producing what General Glenn described as the best disciplined army in France. Absurd Sentences Admitted, Cases of court-martial sentences so excessive in the penalty awarded as to be ridiculous were freely admitted by the officers. Such sentences only served, General Glenn insisted, to prove that even in the early stages of military-legal proceedings, the action of the courts in no case being final, fair ness was the general rule. Judge Gregory, chairman of the com mittee, and General Glenn engaged in considerable argument which brought out that the officer, speaking both from his military experience and his special training -n civil law as a graduate of the law school of the University of Minnesota, saw little in common be tween the purposes of civil justice and its military equivalent. Exact Justice Not Aim. Major Charles H. MacDonald, Gen eral Glenn's divisional judge advocate at Camp Sherman, and before the war an Attorney for the federal trade commis sion, followed his chief and expressed the same views. 'You are not looking for exact jus tice," Major MacDonald declared, "when you are building an army of the size of that the United States was build- ng. Suppose men did get sentences of !0 years or 40 years. The dishonor able discharges were suspended and (Concluded on F&ffe 3. Column 2.) PLUCKY GIRL TRIES TO HALT CAR THIEVES ELIZABETH CORNFOOT, 16, OR DERS DRIVER TO STOP. Woman, Carried Three Blocks, I: Thrown From Machine and Suf fers Head Injuries. In an effort to save her father's au tomoblle from two thieves who were driving it away from Westminste Presbyterian church last night, Eliza beth Cornfoot, 16, daughter of William Cornfoot, shipbuilder, and Mrs. Eliza beth Cornfoot, jumped boldly on the running board of the machine and ordered the driver to stop. The thieves threw her off the car after carrying her three blocks. She 'njured her head so severely when she ffell that physician's services weVe necessary. The thieves ran into the curb and wrecked the automobile in trying to negotiate the turn at East Fourteenth and Schuyler streets. After the wreck they deserted the machine and fled foot. Police had not apprehended them at a late hour. The Cornfoot family had attended the Thursday-night services at the Westminster church. Miss Cornfoot came out of the edifice in time to see two young men driving off with th machine. Without waiting to call for assistance she rushed across the side walk and attempted to stop them. The collision with the curbin wrecked the automobile, breaking, one wheel and doing the machine othe minor damage. Miss Cornfoot's injuries are not considered dangerous. William Cornfoot, the owner of the car. president of the Albina Engine & Ma chine works. LABOR SPURNS LOAN DRIVE Tacoma Council Refuses to Same Representative on Committee. TACOMA, April 17. The Tacoma Cen tral Labor council, by a viva voce vote which was almost unanimous, last, nigh refused to appoint a labor repr'isenta tive on the victory loan committee, or to have anything to do with pushing the bonds. The action is regarded us an attempt by the radical labor element to boy cott the loan, it was asserted by con servative labor men today. Charles' Perry Taylor, secretary of the Washington State Federation of Labor, was present at the meeting and he quietly left the room when the ad verse vote was announced. The labor delegates took up a collec tion for the defense of the men ar rested for selling tags for the benefit of the soldiers' and sailors' council two weeks ago. RAIL TRAFFIC IS STOPPED Communication Between Berlin and Munich Ceases. BERLIN. April IS, 10 P. M. (By the Associated Press.) Railroad communi cation between Berlin and Munich has ceased. Bamberg, which is still the seat of the Hoffmann government, also is cut off from Munich. Numerous rumors are current, but there is nothing to indicate clearly which party is in control. The troops apparently have been successful in con fining the insurrection to Munich. POLAND TO BUY SUPPLIES Government Preparing to Spend $450,000,000 in United States. NEW YORK. April 17. The Polish government is preparing to purchase $450,000,000 worth ot supplies in the United States this year, according to E. Levin ski Corwin, a Polish economist, who delivered an address last night at a. meeting of the Polish engineers and merchants in America. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. TESTF.RDAT'S Maximum temperature. 01 degrees; minimum, 52 degrees. TODAY'S Bain; fresh southerly winds. Foreign. Japanese angered at affronts at peace con ference. Page 1. Bolshevik agents pour out of Russia. Page 1. AUies givo new lifo to Salonica, Page 4. Thousands of Christian women leave Turk iah harems destitute. Page 3. Council of four alone to give treaty to Ger mans. Page 1. Financial status of enemy nation's filed. Page 1. International air rights considered at Paris conference. Page v. Russian soviet forces claim continued sue cess. Page 2. Final treaty draft proceeds rapidly. Page 6. Getting lost In battle often serious thing for soldiers. Page 21. Americans in Corea cemplain of search. Page 5. Nationaf. Rainbow contingent men to reach New York April 27. Page 5, Justice held not court-martial aim. Page 1. Domestic. Naval tugboat sunk by collision with troop ship. Page 14. Pacific Northwest. War hero gets naturalization papers. Page 1. Sport. Coast league results: Portland 8, Salt Lake 2; Seattle v, Sacramento i, uaKiana a, San Francisco Los Angeles 1, Vernon a Page 16. Laurelhurst club gets tennis tourney. P. 17. Commercial and Marine. Wool sells at higher prices in Portland mar ket. Page 27. Evening up of corn trades puts bears at disadvantage, rage f. . Fifteen wooden steamships sold by shipping board, five Portland built. Page 19. New bids for St. Johns terminal piers called for. Page 1. Stock market closes steady on eve of holi day. Page 27. . Portland and Vicinity. Columbia slough sewer to be decided by out- of-town engineer, page la. Enthusiasm grows for victory loan. Page 21. Increase of pay of teachers put up to tax payers May 10. Page ZZ. Sergeant Holbrook, veteran of hospital com pany home, rage Livestock exposition grounds prepared. Page 28. Churches to observe Good Friday today. Pago 22. .Weather report,, data and forecast-. Pago 27. HUH STATUS OF ENEMIES FILED Early Payments by Boche Twenty Billion Marks. RAW MATERIALS ARE INCLUDED Property Stolen From Allies to Be Restored. BRITISH CENSOR IS SCORED Manufactured Goods, Handed Over From Time to Time, to Be De ducted From Claims. BT JAMES TUOHY. (Copyright by the New York World. Pub lished by Arrangement.) PARIS, April IS. (Special cable.) An informative report on the financial capacity of the enemy to meet demands for reparation was presented tonight by the subcommittee on reparations. This is one of tbe reports on final terms of reparations which was filed in a dispatch by Mr. Swope a week ago, and was suppressed under such scan dalously underhand conditions by the supposedly non-existent British cen sorship. As Premier George will already have made his speech in parliament before this dispatch can be published, the same motive cannot exist for sup pressing this document as undoubtedly actuated the suppression of Mr. Swope's important and illuminating dispatch. German. Resources Considered. If the British press bureau, as is al leged by Premier George, spokesman here, was responsible for withholding the preceding dispatch from publica tion, the promised extinction of that department on April 30 will have been preceded immediately by one of the most typically dishonest and most stupid acts for which its inglorious career has been' "notorious. In estimating what Germany can pay within "the period ' of say .,18 months from tho time of the preliminary peace, the subcommittee had to consider the practicability of the liquidation of as sets in that' period, including invest ments in the securities of foreign gov ernments. Some time will be needed to find purchasers for these and for enemy enterprises abroad. Early Payments Katimated. Taking those circumstances into ac count, the subcommittee found that in 18 months from the time of the pre liminary peace Germany can probably pay 20,000,000,000 marks, of which 3,200,- 000.000 marks will be in specie. Of course the committee recom mended that the enemy states should restore all property stolen from allied territory and hat when this property is not recoverable from any cause. Its equivalent may be taken, whether in use or not. This would cover rolling stock, tools. cattle, timber, machinery and other property. Allied property destroyed or worn out, as in the case or live stock consumed, would come in the same category of restitution. The work of dealing with this mat. ter is to be entrusted to an inter-allied commission, while national commis sions will also be sent into enemy coun. tries to select and remove articles com. ing under the different categories, these commissions working in- co-ordination. Raw Materials Studied. The highly important question as to how far the enemy will be able to make reparation payments by the export of raw materials, such as coal, potash, machinery, dyes, leather goods and other commodities, was also carefully considered by the sub-committee. This intricate question, as well as the amount of reparation the enemy can provide over a period of years sub sequent to 1919-1920, is to be referred to an inter-allied commission, which will hear evidence as to the financial capacity of the enemy states and will fix the amounts, collating them with the claims by the various allied states. Coal Needed In France. This proposal was adopted In the final report, which was cabled by Mr. Swope on April 10, but suppressed by the British, as was also the suggestion that the commission should not regard the financial capacity of the enemy states as falling short of the amount of the approved claims to reparation. until the enemy powers should have mposed on their subjects taxation per head for service at least as heavy as the highest taxation imposed by an al lied power upon its subjects. The sub-committee pointed out that France needs 30.000,000 tons of coat an nually to replace the lost output of her mines. French experts report that Germany can export 60,000.000 tons an nually, valued at more than 1,600.000, 000 marks. Germany's Capacity to Grow. It is also suggested that the enemy powers should be required to hand over from time to time manufactured goods, livestock and raw materials, the value f which would be deducted from the claim of the allied, country receiving such goods. Final terms also embodied the prin- Iple recommended by tho subcommit tee that it is wiser to fix the amounts in excess of the resources of the en emy countries tnan to name a sum within their ability to pay without ex traordinary effort, bearing especially in mind the probability of substantia? ' Concluded on Eaga 8, Colusa 5.A