THE MORXIXG OREGOJTCAX, TIIUK SD AT, APRIL, IT, 1919. ALLIANCE IS SOUGHT TO PROTECT FRANCE United States and Great Bri tain Asked to Join. PERMANENT FORCE NEEDED Plan Is Inspected to Receive Atten tion In Address by Premier Lloyd George. BT JAMES M. TCOHr. Copyrtht by th, " Tor World. Pub lished by Arrangement.) PARIS. April 1. iSpecial Cable.) The French roicroncnt still maintains with undiminished determination its claim that Great Bri'min and the United States shall unite with France ii defensive alliance for the protection of her western frontiers. This alliance inlKht be under the league of nations, but its object would be to guarantee to rrsm-e that. In the event or ixer many's crossing the boundary of th neutral soe to be prescribed by ttv peace treaty. Great Britain and th I'm ted States should come quickly to the defense of France. The French SCOTernment urges that garrison life In rhe neutral zone would be pleasante td nearer home for British troops on forelun servire than Malta or Kio pt This guarantee, moreover, is to have no time limit. The neutral demllltar lied sone is to extend, accord In if to the French view, to 50 Kilometers (about .1 mile on the oast bank of the Rhine, which river, it is now declared, must. in any event, be Frances true military frontier. This scheme of having a permanent force on the Rhine has not yet been disclosed to the British house of com mons, and It may be doubted whether l: will find any place in Premier Lloyd George's speech to the house. His speech is awaited with curiosity In con ference circles. especially by the French. The resjlts of the British bye election, although travested in some of toe Paris newspapers, are Interpret ed accurately enough In ofiicial quar ters here, and their reaction on Premier l.lovd Georireu conference policy al ready has made itself felt. Confidence is expressed In French quarters that Great Britain will agree 10 France's getting the mandatory over t-yria So the plan of sending another commission there to explore local con ditions and desires hss been abandoned, the settlement being left to the bis four. 91ST HEROES REACH PORT fOntlnued From Klrst Pase our fighting in the Argunne. we went to Belgium and fought in Flanders under the king of the Belgians, many of our men stole from the hospitals, got into box cars and rejoined their companies. At least 1000 men of the wounded In the Argonne got back to the division in this way." Aorlkweat Mrs Are I.aaded. General Johnston said he had writ ten letters to the governors of the northwestern states which contributed men to the 91st. telling how these troops fought a nine-day battle In the Argonne against critck Prussian divi sions and defeated the huns. then hiked for four days to reach railroad trains to take them into fresh areas of bat tie. Five men of the 91st won the con gressional medal of honor, the general said, and 130 officers and men tne Dis tinguished service cross. 101 the French croiz de guerre and ISO the Belgian war cross. The lst took as trophies artillery Including 500 heavy pieces and eOO machine guns. . Company I of the lltth engineers returned with 31 of its members deco rated and proud of the exploit of Cap tain John Lave II. Salt Lake City, who, ith 12 men. captured a town after house-to-house fighting for two days. "Figatiag Parsaa" Retaraa, Every American lived through it and none was seriously wounded. Captain 1-avell and his men captured 35 huns and every doughboy received the dis tinguished service cross. Companions of Private J. H. Lrfirue. c9 35 55 i 5 t3 Santa Clara, CaL. told of this soldier's achievements destroying a German airplane with a machine gun on the seat of an automobile In which Larue, as a chauffeur, was driving a colonel and a major who were witnessing a battle between 150 allied and enemy machine. A Hun plane swooped toward the motor car and Larue brought It to earth and the two German occu pants were captured. Tha tlst'a "fighting parson" came home. He Is Captain Charles A. Rex road, pastor of a Methodist Episcopal church in Butte, Mont., and he brought with him the distinguished service cross, the Belgian crolx de guerre and other honors, including a promotion won in action at a time when he was engaged in the dangerous task of mak ing records of American dead on the battlefield. Has Salper Is Trapped. A sniper tried to kill the "flghtin parson," who, with two privates, dia posed of the sniper, located In a tree, and then destroyed a German "pill box.' Privates David C. Ware. Santa. Ana. CaL. and M. S. Crossley, Seattle, were decorated for carrying message through enemy patrols while the two were on motorcycles, six Germans be' ing killed. - Captain Herbert Hoover, a Californl lawyer. Judge advocate of the 91st. said the division had only four cases of court-mart iaL Fourteen hundred and flfty-on troops, largely members of the 91st division, came into port on the trans port Lancaster. Units Included the see ond battalion headquarters, medical de tachment and companies E. F and G of the 22d Infantry. 22 officers and 701 men, the headquarters supply sec tion. medical detachment and compa nies A. B and C of the 316th field sig anl battalion, ten officers and 441 men and numerous casuals and casual units. M ar Deearatlona Prised. The ZiZd Infantrymen were com manded by Major Henry Edmonda of Los Angeles. Captain Lester E. Walbrldge of com pany E. who Is editor and publisher of the Santa Barbara (Cal.) Dally News, told of the loss of all but 30 of the Sl men of his company in action. He was the only officer who escaped injury or death, he said. Duncan McRae of Helena. Mont., who went overseas as a sergeant, returned with a" commission ss second lieutenant and a distinguished service cross for locating and sketching the position of nest of machine guns under heavy fire. Non-commissioned officers who brought back decoratons for gallantry Included Sera-cants Howard M. Angel. Salt Lake City, D. 5. C; Henry Ramsey, Salt Lake City, D. S. C. and croix de guerre: Peter S. Boone, Salt Lake City, croix de guerre. Troop Harried tm Cam. CAMP MILLS. N. Y.. April 1. Thir- ty-nine officers and 1836 men of the 364th infantry, 91st division, left here today for Camps Lewis, Dodge. Grant and Kearny and Fort Russell. Wyo., for demobilization. ITALY DEliS THA I FIUME BE GIVEN HER 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIII!III! Separate Treaty With Austro Hungary Threatened. L NAVAL OFFICER. COMMANDER OF CNITED STATES IXEET. Order Provides Admiral Will Be In Command if Ever All Navy Is Brought Together. WASHINGTON. April IS. Admiral Mayo, commander of the Atlantic fleet throughout the war, has been desig nated by Secretary Daniels as com mander-in-chief of tho "United States fleet." This order, which it developed today was Issued some weeks ago. does not affect present disposition of the na tion's naval forces, a: 1 Admiral Mayo would bo in supreme command only in the event the three separate fleets the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Asiatic were brought together. Admiral Caper ton will continue as commander of the Pacific fleet until April 30, when he will undertake the special mission of preparing a record of his diplomatic work In South America uring the war. Most of the ships which formerly composed his force now are in the army transport service, but few vessels remain on the west coast nder Kear-Admiral Fullam. whose flagship Is the old cruiser Minneapolis. I THOMr0' XL 1 Deep C arve .aaes fft Are Better. S S w (Trademark itcsl.tcr.U) tjj TWOMPMJS'll Deep C arve laaea Are Belter. (Trademark itcsl.tcr.U) (&TH E SIGN OF PERFECTS) (5 carefully examined ) SAVE YOUR EYES r e.. I ana property tinea wun a ! glasses without the use of f a drugs by skilled specialists, a V Complete lens grinding 9) a factory on the premises, ft THOMPSON! OPTICAL INSTITUTE fl V Portland's Largr.t. Mnl Mndera. Best 7 , fc4ialppel. KtHuhIv Optical ffl Kalabllshiwrat. A FIFTH AM ltKRl0. 4fi Mnee isoa. 3! V &$ $i 55 Q DESERTER SLAIN BY GUARD Two Military Prisoners Make At tempt to Escape. LONDON. April IS. (Special Cable.) A tragedy unparalleled In London happened yesterday afternoon when military deserter was shot by his es cort while making a dash for liberty. wo prisoners were marching: toward Waterloo station under escort of a corporal and four men. Suddenly the men, who were hand cuffed together, broke away and ran In the direction of Westminster bridge road. The corporal called on the men three times to stop, but they persisted on their way and a shot was fired. One man fell, bringing the other down with him. He was badly wounded and was taken to King George's hospital, where he died almost immediately. The shooting was witnessed by a large number of people. Including many children who were going home from school. WILSON SAID . TO - FAVOR Big Four Discusses Case at Length but Unable to Reach Decision. Otber Points Brought Up. BT HERBERT BATARD SWOPE. 'Copyright by the New York World. Pub lished by Arrangement.) PARIS. April IS. (Special cable.) If Flume is not awarded to her out right by the peace conference, Italy proposes to make a separate treaty with the remnants of Austro-Hungary whereby she will gain the disputed point. This semi-official statement was made to me by a member of the Italian delegation who speaks authoritatively How much Is bluff and how much is sincere remains to be seen, but there Is no doubt that Italy Is carrying the dispute to the uttermost length. My informant goes so far as to say President Wilson has agreed to let Italy have Fiunie. and that If there Is a shift now, neutral nations will stand upon the treaty of London and remain in occupancy. Italy is In a difficult position, for the failure to gain Flume will result grave Interna! complications, which have already manifested themselves in disorders viewed as an approach to revolution. The big four, with Arthur Balfour substituting for Premier Lloyd George, discussed the case at length yesterday, but got nowhere. They hoped to per suade Italy to accept the same formula applied to the Saar basin and which la now to be used on the matter of the Teschen coal basin in dispute between the Poles and Czechs, but Italy declined to accept what she calls a repudiation of the agreement she had. Other points in conference develop ments arresting attention are: ' Fresh display on the part of the delegates of- Inability to reach a policy regardin bolshevism, which is daily taking on political and national strength, al though the truth of conditions is being colored and suppressed. A definite promise given by Britain nd implied by America that a defen- ive alliance is to be entered into with France against German aggression certain of enactment on the part of Britain but doubtful regarding the United States. SOLDIERS GET PREFERENCE Forest Service to L'so Men in Sum mer Cruising Work. Discharged soldiers will be given preference in employment with the crews sent out by the federal forest service on summer cruising trips, ac cording to C. J. Conover of the district forest service in charge of the prospec- ve surveys and cruises to be made this summer. Mr. Conover will leave Portland to- ay with George A. Bright and G. W. Hurt, also of the district forest service, for Bend, where in response to recent requests made by a number of large mber firms 30.000 acres on the Des chutes national forest will be cruised be placed on the market. From Bend three separate "gangs" will be ut on cruising stumpage and timber round for land exchanged and for sur veys on national forests. I On the Ochoco and Deschutes national forests 80.000 and 58,000 acres of land ill be cruised for land exchange. Sur veys for land sales will be made on 5,000 acres of the Deschutes, 25,000 acres of the, 15,000 acres on he Siskiyou, lo.OOO on the Rainier and 30,000 on the Olympic national forests. The Latest Records Are Here The Most Recent Popular Song and Dance "Hits" The Haunting Serenades of Hawaii Interesting selections, indeed, that your family will surely enjoy. ' "Come On, Papa," One Step., "Dry Your Tears," Fox Trot. . , "Kisses," Fox Trot... "Mickey," Waltz Song. ; ; 18533 : 18532 "Johnny's in Town" Arthur Fields! 1c-on "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean," Billy Murray 1-8o Hawaiian Waltz Medley Kilima Waltz Cunha Medley Hula Medley .. "I'm a-Longin' fo' You". ..... .Sophie Braslau 64747 "Marching Song of the French Soldiers," Caruso 88600 Come in and let us play them for you or any other selections you would like to hear. 17701 i J 17774 J gB Altera (9. 2N AND KeVlJN PIANOS MORRISON ST. AT BROADWAY Other Stores San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Diego. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln CHANGE IN TRIALS IS URGED Continued From First Pays.) at the outbreak of the war Secretary Baker ordered that every complaint re ceived by the inspector-general be in vestigated, and said his office went carefully Into charges made even In anonymous letters. TROOPS WILL COME TODAY Contingent Is on Way From Vir ginia to Camp Lewis. Groups of returning soldiers will be welcomed in Portland both today and tomorrow at 3:30 o'clock in the after noon, according to announced schedules. The detachment coming in today 1 known only as a contingent of 12 men being sent from Camp Lee, Petersburg, Va., to Camp Lewis. It is listed to proceed northward at 4 o'clock. Tomorrow afternoon f 2 men, compos' ins:. Newport News casual company No. 336, will stop in Portland during the half hour between 3:30 and 4 o clock The men come from Camp Eustls, hav Ing left there on April 12. To what units these men were formerly assigned is not known. Both detachments will be greeted Take Hood's Sarsaparilla This Sprin27VoLr,1Bonc!d Create Appetite, Clve Strength 6 Bell-ans Hot water . Sure Relief BELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION MILLIONAIRPSSON SCORED ban Francisco Speeder to Stop Driv ing Automobile Ono Year. SAX FRANCISCO. April IS. (Spe cial.) "Go to Jail for 10 days or re frain from driving; an automobile In San Francisco for ono year." Such was the alternative sentence imposed upon Robert W. Miller, 19-year-old son of C. O. G. Miller, local millionaire insurance broker, in the police court today. "You don't appear to have a hifrh re gard for the traffic laws of San Fran cisco." said Police Judge Fitxpatriek to the young manv arrested for doing a 35-mile clip past a local hospital in his high-powered machine. "It will do no good to fine you," the judge continued, "for it would simply mean that your father would pay the fine." Young Miller decided to stop driving until this time next year. LONDON T0H0N0R WILSON Gold Casket 'W ill Be Given President Before Return. LONDON". April 1 (Special Cable.) A gold casket to contain the certifi cate of the freedom of the city of Lon don for presentation by the corpora tion to President Wilson was on view this afternoon at Guild hall. It is of ls-carat gold throughout and bears the portraits of the king and the presi dent. On each side are figures represent ing Liberty and Britannia. The arms of the allied countries and of the city of London appear in enamel below the portraits. The casket itself stands on a water gilt plinth which is borne on feet fashioned according to the arms of the city. failure to carry out its operations properly." General ood urged that more care ful scrutiny should be given to cases before they were brought to trial, par ticularly by division or department commanders; that great use be made of the many disciplinary measures not in volving legal proceedings at the dis posal of commanders: that competent counsrl be assigned for all prisoners to protect their rights, and that judge advocates of courts incline toward the French system, by which the legal of ficer merely presents the case and does not take on the character of a prose cuting officer. Officers Attitude Attacked. The proceedings were enlivened to day by the voluntary appearance of E. M. Duncan of Maryland, who served as a major in the engineer corps on con struction duty at Fort Leavenworth, Camp Humphreys and Camp Lee. Ha said he had "sat on probably 1000 courtsmartial and vigorously attacked tha attitude of officers as "not humane" in dealing with disciplinary matters. Part of this was due, he said, to ths feeling that "the old man," the post or division commander. Insisted upon se vere penalties. in-ril Chamberlain disclosed that There's something about them youllJikc- , . jar 5S Vf MSiep Twenty to acKage r v. "saw wr: c tl Ii' ff J The Dry -lab wood ana Inside wood, creea stamps, for cash. Holman Fuel Co. Victory Liberty NEXT Monday we will again be called upon by the Government to lend our support. This time, however, our Bond subscrip tions will be given in the knowledge that the victory is won; that our boys are here or on their way home. Let your gratitude for those two things sharpen not dull the point of your patriotism. me rmBonAc bah ex Rllll S mm . s 31 13 83 8i $ ii II Ii si 5? n HJUL Dobbs Hats for Easter Dobbs Hats this spring have a refinement of style that looks slightly different and vastly better than any hat you have probably worn. Here you will find a style best suited to you a ssuringa greater degree of satisfaction Easter morning-and the spring days yet to come. Dobbs Hats $6 & $8 Mossants Made in France $7.50, $10, $12.75 trsam MEN'S WEAK Corbett BIdg., 5th & Morrison the union station by the official recep tion committee and the canteen workers. Floating Mine Is Destroyed. WASHINGTON, April 16. The navy denartment was advised today that the steamer Oceano had destroyed a float ing mine several hundred miles south- west of the Asores. Acting Secretary Roosevelt said American naval forces had swept every field or supposed field reported by the Germansaf ler the end of hostilities and had accounted for practically all of the mines, though some evidently still were afloat. Read The Oregonian classified ads. PORt fc , AN 9, QREGGfJ WHA T IS THE BEST TONIC? The Complete formula of Vinol is printed on each label showing that it is the greatest tonic in the world. Why experiment with unknown preparations? If you need more strength fake V The Well-known Cod Lirer and Iron Tonic, Without Oil THERE' IS NOTHING BETTER Weakness is the one great drawback to health after sickness or when one is run down. Vinol creates strength because it is a non-secret combination of the most famous body-building and strength-creating elements known Beef and Cod Liver Peptones, Iron and Manganese and Gly cerophosphates. You who are run down, nervous, lack energy and strength, w know that Vinol is what you need. 4 DRUGGISTS RETURN YOUR MONET ; if Vinol fails to benefit you. Main 6J, A . Adv.