Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 17, 1919, Image 1

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    VOL. 17VII1. XO. 18.321.
Entr-M at Portland Orr)
Policy Outlined by Lloyd
George in Commons.
Premier Asks That Peace Del
egates Be Not Harassed.
Time pent by Conference Framing
League of Nations Declared to
ILitc Been, Well Spent.
tCopyrljht by the N. York World. Pub
lished by ArraBfement.)
IAVDON, April IS. (Special Cable.)
Premier Lloyd George walked into
the bouse of 'commons at noon today
with a challenging manner, and his
speech which followed bore out his
appearance. If he did not have the
confidence of parliament, he said, then
let them aend to Paris somebody else
who did. But he said it with such
truly Georgian assurance that nobody
In that packed house dared espouse
such a cause.
Those who had expected much light
on the prospective treaty were disaP'
pointed. Broadly speaking, there were
three chief points to his notable speech
which held the house in rapt sue
Pledges Be Kept.
The first was the Russian question
and when he had finished painting
picture of what wouid happen if th
allies should intervene in Russia it
would entail the bankruptcy of Brit
a in. he declared he had dealt som
bard-shelled tories a heavy blow. Bl
business in parliament did not like th
word "bankruptcy.
In the second place he said hi
pledges would be kept. and. .though th
chirfest of tory indemnity hunters
might see many perforations in such
an assertion, stilt the premier reminded
the liberals and laboritea they h
made some election pledges, too.
In the third place he delivered the
severest attack ever made by a pre
micr in the houe on any newspape
proprietor. I-ord orthcliffe was
soundly denounced and the premier
apologised for consuming so much
time in doing it. but he showed how
e&aspcratmg It had been to him to
have the Northcilf fo press suddenly
switching from its notable support of
President Wilson's policies to Its prea
ecnt advocacy of making the enemy
pay to the limit. The premier won
hearty laugh from the house when he
said he could make allowances even
for a great newspaper proprietor
boring under a keen sense of disap-
pointment when that man had deluded
himself into believing he was the only
one who could m.tke pence.
Vtllxta Fran 1 (fccl.
The premier said Great Britain want-
el a ju.t peace, and not a peace of
vegeance. and elicited hearty cheers
when he spoke of President Wilson's
sympathetic understanding of all the
peculiar European questions, despite
the attempts that have been made to
show that the president's policy was
not harmonising with Britain's.
Mr. Lloyd George's speech is viewed
as notification to the tories that he is
eviftdcot the country upholds a Wilson
peace. His indication that no military
venture will be attempted in Russia
will strongly appeal to labor and the
LONDON. April I. iBy The Asso
ciated Press.) No Intervention in Rus
sia; no recognition of bolshevlsm and
the fulfillment of his election promises.
including those relating to Indemnity
from the enemy powers and punish
ment of the ex-German emperor, were
the outstanding features of the report
which Premier Lloyd George delivered
In the house of commons today.
Every member was in his seat and
the galleries were packed with dis
tinguished visitors, among them the
prince of Wales and the American am
bassador. John W. Davis, when the
premier entered the chamber, with the
cheers of the great crowds outside the
parliament grounds still ringing in his
ears. He appeared fresh and in buoy
ant spirits.
Preseler Talka I 5erfoes eia.
In the main, though, the mood of
the premier was serious, in conformity
with the weighty subjects 'discussed,
and the audience listened with pro
found attention to his speech, which
Jasted for almost an hour and a half.
The laborltes vigorously applauded
the premier's announcement of non
Intervention In Russia and non-reeog
fiition of boutfaevisni, but remained
silent while the conservatives cheered
the statement that the allies would
continue to aid friendly elements which
were fighting bolsncvlsm.
At the conclusion of the premier's
speech, when members and those in the
galleries were pouring out in quest of
belated luncheons, William Adamson.
leader of the labor opposition in the
house, rose and characterized the
speech of the prime minister as
eloquent, but not entirely satisfactory.
Mr. Adamson's comment summed up
the opinion of others among his audi
tors and numerous elements among ths
public, whom the newspapers for the
last few days had prepared for illumi
nating revelations In the speech con
cerning the peace terms formulated.
Mtaatloa Deesaew DtRtema.
Replying to previous criticisms of his
ICeuciihied on Page 4, Cvluzun L
SHU Head Sits Connection With
Klamath Falls Would Result
in Continuous Agitation.
BEND. Or.. April IS. (Special.) Two
years ago the Bend commercial ci-u
initj .tmr.r .nlMlv behind the Pro-
posed Strahorn railroad extension from
this city to Iviamai rails, imaj ins
club, indorsing the stand taken by the
officials of the Brooks-Scanlon and
Shevlin-Hixon pine mills here, voted
against railroad building. The ballot
was taken in connection with the State
Chamber of Commerce referendum on
the proposed Strahorn lines.
Opposition to the railroad is chiefly
due to the outcome ef the railroad rate
question, according t J. i. Keyes, gen
era! -lanarer of the Brooks-Scanlon
Lumber company. "The Bend mills
have borne the brunt of attacks by the
railroad administration fo.- weeks," he
said, but have finally been allowed to
remain in the Spokane group, retaining
rates somewhat lower than .those In
ef set on the coast.
C -lections with Klamath Falls
would mean agitation from mill oper
ators In that section for a reduction to I
meet our rates. Lender the present rail-l
road administration, rates never go'cerg and 2037 men of the 91st division.
down, and the Bend mills might suffer
from an upward -evision."
Aside "-om the statement by Mr.
Keyes there was practically r.o discus-
t!on of the question by the club.
More than two years ago the city of
Ben floated a $15,000 bond issue
purchase terminal sites and rights of
way for ' e Strahorn line. The neces-
scry preparation- were made, and
further bond issue of $100,000 for stock
In the railroad was asked by Mr. Stra
With this phase of the question -.1
un!eclded. construction plans were
halted largely as the result of the high
prices of railroad steel.
Thousands of Bulletins Distributed
in New Jersey.
PATERSON. N. J.. April IS. Thou
sands of circulars styled "The Anar
chistic Soviet Bulletin" have been dis
tributed here by mall and thrown on
doorways, and in the arrest last night
of a man describing himself as Robert
Parsons. 28. Montreal. Canada. Police
Chief Tracy believes he may be able
to aid the federal authorities in deter
mining the source of the anti-govern
ment propaganda in this country.
Parsons, who had several hundred
copies of the "Bulletin" In his posses
sion, admits he distributed them in
many cities. He says he evaded the
immigration authorities on the Cana
dian line in coming to the United
More Than $1,100,000,000 Is Col
lected Within 17 Days.
LOL'ISVILLK. Ky.. April IS. More
than $1,100,000,000 has been collected
as the first installment of tax pay
ments, due one month ago, it was dis?
closed by Internal Revenuo Commis
sioner Roper in an address today be
fore the Southern Wholesale Drygoods
The fact that this was done within
17 days after the president had signed
the revenue bill, and largely on the
basis of tentative returns, Mr. Roper
said, demonstrated that the American
people co-operated willingly in gath
ering their own taxes. Instead of leav
ing the government to press for pay
Admiral Sims Says 203 Divers Are
at Bottom of Sea.
NEW TORK, April IS. Rear-Ad
miral Sims, who commanded the Amer
ican fleet during its war-time activi
ties in European waters, said today
that he believed there were "205 Ger
man submarines at the bottom of the
In a speech at the Bond club a vie
tory loan organization, he said the
nect xouna many suooiannes biuck i a
on the bottom with Indications show- I
ing that many of the men caught in
side either committed suicide or killed
each other."
Henry M. Stephens Succumbs After I
Funeral of Mrs. Hearst.
SAN" FRANCISCO, April IS. Profes
sor Henry Morse Stephens of the Uni
versity of California, prominent edu
cator and author, dropped dead at the
union ferry depot here today after at
tending the funeral of Mrs. Phoebe A.
Professor Stephens was born in Ed-
nburgh. Scotland. October 3. 1S57. He
received degrees from Halleybury col
lege. England, his alma mater, and
Balliol college, Oxford, and prominent
universities in tHc United States.
May 1 to Be Holiday to Emphasize
Demand for Shorter Hours.
FARIS, April IS. If the decision ot
the six Important unions In France is
dhered to. May 1 will be observed by
general abstention from work.
The delegates of these unions the
railroad workers, miners, dock workers;
metal workers, sailors and general
ransport workers at a meeting yester
day decided to unite In efforts to ob
tain recognition of the demands of the
workers, especially an eight-hour day!
and an Increased'scale of wages.
More Oregon Boys Reach
American Port.
mm mw mw m m mm m mw mw m mm 9 m mm mm
Major-General Johnston
in Praise of Troopsc
I Letters Sent to Northwest Governors
Recount Gallant Acts of the
Returned Soldiers.' '
NEW TORK. April IS. Ninety offl-
headed by Major-General William H.
Johnston, the division's commander, ar
rived here today from St. Kaxaire on
the steamship Calamares. These troops
are national army men from Washing
ton, Oregon, California, Nevada, Utah,
Idaho. Montana and Wyoming.
Units included are division headquar
ters, division headquarters troop and
headquarters detachment, division pos
tal detachment, division train head
quarters and the military police com
pany, for Camps Kearny, Lewis and
Funston: and the 31Cth engineers, field
and staff, headquarters, veterinary and
ordnance and medical detachments, en
gineer train and companies A to F, In
clusive, for Camps Devens, Dix, Dodge,
Funston- vla nd Kearny.
Tea Listed ae Prisoners.
Also on the Calamares were 10 of
ficers and, men listed as prisoners of
the 91st division military police com
pany. The steamship Ohioan, from Bor
deaux, brought 1593 troops, the major
ity being members of the 40th divi
sion (former national guard of Cali
fornia, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona
and New Mexico).
The 40th units were detachments to
taling 13 officers and 1041 men of the
150th infantry, and detachments total
ing II officers and 362 men of the
115th sanitary train for. Camps Kearny,
Grant, Gordon, Shelby, Dodge, Funston,
Sherman. Meade Pike, Jackson, Dix
and Devens. Others on the Ohioan
were pigeon company No. 1 and casuals
and naval men.
Heroes Eager to Battle.
Discussing the 91st division's casual
ties, Major-General Johnston, who
went abroad with the rank of brigadier-general,
said they were not large
"when one considers what the 91st has
done." The division lost 1400 killed
and more than 6000 were injured.
He added:
"We had the greatest difficulty In
keeping the convalescent wounded
men in the hospitals, and when, after
(Concluded on Page 2, Column 1.)
International Situation
(By the Associated Press.)
of the peace conference, yesterday
presided over a meeting of the repre
sentatives ot the various powers at war
with Germany and gave them some of
the details concerning the coming Ver
sallies congress on April 25, when the
German envoys will be present. It has
not been disclosed whether the invita
tion to the Germans will be issued in
the name of the council of five or of
all the powers represented at the peace
CO' 'erence.
? j foreign ministers who had un
" 4 peace .treaty, have Teported to the
ouncil of 10 that some of the articles
have been referred back to the draft
ing committee, and it is expected that
the remaining articles will be disposed
of at the very earliest date.
The British prime minister, David
Lloyd George, has presented the situa
tion at Paris before the house of com
mons. In a lengthy speech he contented
himself with discussing general aspects
rather than details of what the peace
conference has done. He opposed in
tervention in Russia, declared that
bolshevism was gradually waning
breaking down under the relentless
force of economic facts, deprecated at
tempts to sow dissension among the
delegates and declared that the whole
peace of the world hangs on the society
of nations.
Food relief for Russia, under neutral
control, has virtually been decided upon
by. the. allied, and associated powers.
Reservations by the French apparently
are the only obstacle in the way of im
mediate action, and these, according to
Paris advices, are expected speedily to
be surmounted. The agreement to feed
the Russians anticipate that the bol
shevik! must cease fighting.
With rioting still reported to be
rampant in Munich and strikes con
tinuing In numerous other parts of
Germany, the workmen at Bremen,
Germany's big port on the Weser, have
called a general walkout, which is af
fecting most of the big industrial
works and the street railways. Unof
ficial advices are that soldiers and
non-commissioned officers of the Ger
man army also have threatened to
strike if an order reducing their pay
to a peace time basis is not rescinded.
The financial section of the allied
and associated governments in confer
ence with financiers of Holland, Den
mark, Norway, Sweden and Switzer
land, have concluded an arrangement
to permit Germany to obtain food and
raw materials and also for an adjust
ment of maturing credits of Germany in
neutral states.
Albania is the latest state to request
the peace conference for complete In
dependence, rectification of its froB I
tiers ana ine appointment ox a mane r
tory to supervise the government.
Heligoland, Germany's extensively for
tified island in the North sea, is to be
dismantled and virtually destroyed by
order of the council of four, according
to unofficial advices.
Tramways and Large Plants Affected
by General Walkout.
BREMEN, April IS. A general strike
has been proclaimed.. It is effective in
most of the large works and on the
The gas and electric lighting systems,
however, are operating.
t0tiV TOO
Army Generals See Danger
of Losing Discipline.
Leonard - Wood, Hugh Scott
J. G. Chamberlain Testify.
Voluntary Appearance of E. M. Dun.
can of Maryland Before Com
mittee Enlivens Hearing.
WASHINGTON, April 16. Three
major-generals ot the regular army
Leonard Wood and Hugh L. Scott
(retired), former chiefs of the general
staff and each of whom trained and
commanded divisions during the war
and John L, Chamberlain, inspector
general, opposed today before the
American Bar association committee
inquiring into the subject of military
Justice, any plan of taking from the
president and the commanding generals
the control they now exercise over
The present controversy as to war
time sentences began with the proposal
of Lieutenant-Colonel Samuel T. Ansell
then actirrg Judge advocate -general, to
repose in the Judge advocate-general
final Jurisdiction of these cases.
Proposed Changes Opposed.
The three officers heard today were
in agreement that the proposed change
would impair the disciplinary system
although all of them saw defects in
existing laws or regulations which
should be remedied. To meet com
plaints as to excessive sentences, the
officers were of the opinion that the
President should be authorized by law
to fix maximum penalties in war times
as well as in peace.
'But whatever is done," General
Wood declared, "don't give us any pos
sibility of .a-Harry Thaw case-in the
rmy. Give us a simple, direct process.
We don't want the haggling over tech
nicalities of civil court cases."
General Chamberlain opposed the sug
gestion it be made mandatory that
trained legal officers preside over
Discipline Control Essential.
General Scott was positive in his as
sertion that control of discipline was
an essential function of command.
"The weakening of discipline in the
Russian army," said General Scott, who
was a member of the Root mission to
Russia, "destroyed Russia."
"The fundamental defect in our court
martial procedure," General Wood said,
"is not in the machinery, but in the
(Concluded on Page 2, Column 3.)
3Iiss Ada Merrifield of Kent, Wash.,
and Major Copeland Plummer
to Be Married in Seattle.
SEATTLE, Wash.. April IS. (Spe
cial.) Things are coming the way of
Miss Ada Merrifield, former nurse of
base hospital unit 50, now a resident
of Kent. One is a prospective husband
in the person of Major CopelandPlum
mer, ear, nose and eye specialist of
base hospital unit 50,' Another is a
croix de guerre which is en route to
Seattle in a cotton wadded box bearing
a registered package seal. The ar
rivals of the croix de guerre and Major
Plummer are in no way related, but the
sum of the two is making Miss Merri
field considerably happy these days.
After working side by side, day and
night and week after week during the
desperate days of the influenza epi
demic at the American base hospital at
Mesves, France, Miss Merrifield and
Major Plummer found that chances for
future happiness would be consider
ably greater If the co-operative part
nership were not dissolved. Although
too busy to take any time for thought
of personal affairs, Major Plummer
wrote his mother, Mrs. W. A. Plummer,
303 Thirty-second avenue, that a week
after he saw Miss Merrifield working
about in the pneumonia ward at Mesves
he knew that he was in love. Major
Plummer is due in New York tonight
and will come directly to Seattle for
the wedding.
Miss Merrifield is a close friend of
Miss Karen Lauridsen of Astoria, who
was in the sara- ward with her and
who also was awarded a croix de
guerre in Paris recently.
Placing of Pay on Peace-Time Basis
. Is Protested.
BERNE, April 16. (French Wireless.)
Soldier and r.on-commlssioned off!
cers in the German army are protest
Ing against the order placing the rate
of pay on the peace-time basis, and
have manifested their intention of
striking if the order is not rescinded,
the Berlin correspondent of the Frank
furt Zeitung says.
The soldiers claim peace-time pay is
r.ot sufficient in view of the high cos
of food. They have placed their claims
before the high command, which, de
claring itself unable to act'in the mat
ter, has sent them to the cabinet at
Financiers to Arrange for Improv
ing Exchange Conditions.
PARIS. April 16. A meeting has
been arranged between financiers rep
resenting Holland. Denmark, Norway,
Sweden and Switzerland and the finan
cial section of the allied and associated
governments to enable the neutrals to
make arrangements with Germany for
the renewal and extension of German
credits maturing in the near future.
It also is planned to arrange for
these neutrals to assist in improving
German exchange conditions so as to
enable Germany to purchase food and
raw material.
Battle Tank Breaks Down at Alii'
tude of 11,200 Feet.
16. The attempt to ascend Pikes Peak
in a battle tank was abandoned today.
The tank broke down late yesterday
at an altitude of 11,200 feet and owing
to the difficulty of repairing it at that
point the attempt to reach the top was
given up.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 63
degrees; minimum, oo degrees.
TODAY'S Rain; fresh to strong southerly
winds. .
Lloyd George explains policy in house of
commons. Page i.
Problems between Japan and United States
near settlement, l'age V.
Storm apparently wanes in Germany, Hun
government Delleves. rage 4.
Plans made for greeting Germans. Pago 6.
Alnatians- aroused at French military.
Page 5.
Dying heores think of folks at home. Page 5.
Italy demands that Flume be given to her.
Page 2.
Alliance is sought to protect France. Page 2.
Generals oppose change in control of army
trials. Page 1.
Railroads to make purchases despite high
prices. Page 8.
Ninety-first heroes tell . of bitter battles.
Page 1.
Right to be free asserted by Corean con
gress in Phlladelhpla. Page 6.
Natron rut-off held valuable to traffic
Page T.
More Oregon heroes reach Eastern port.
Page 3.
Coast league results: Portland 1, Salt Lalte
;i; Los Anseles 6, Vernon 4; Sacramento
3, Seattle 0; Oakland o. San Francisco 3.
Page 14.
Franklin defeats Benson, 6 to 4. Page 14.
Harvey Wills wants match with winner' of
big fight. Page 13.'
Pacific Northwest.
Bend club opposed to Strahorn railroad.
. Page 1.
Nurse wins fiance and cross of war. Page 1.
Commercial and Marin.
Potatoes marketed too fast for good of
prices. Page 23.
Steel ship Cokesit makes speedy run.
Page 22.
Chicago corn unsettled by prospects of New
York strike. Fage -i.
Stock market weakened by heav offerings
in final hour. Page -.
Portland and Vicinity.
German collapse saved United States bil
lions, fact not to be forgotten in victory
loan campaign. Page 10.
Road aid pledged Lake and Klamath.
Page L
Road aid pledged Lake and Klamath.
Page 1.
Ad club prepared for loan campaign. Page 13.
Veterans to march for victory loan. Page 16.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 22.
State, Counties and Na
tion May Co-operate.
Contracts Affecting All Oregon
Awarded by Commission.
Survey From Philomath to Coast,
Through Lincoln County, Is
Approved at Meeting.
Work accomplished yesterday:
Lake and Klamath counties to
be aided.
Co-operation for bridge across
Young's bay.
Seaside to Astoria to be paved.
Contracts let for 107.9 miles of
hard surface.
Awarded work for 38. 6 mkles
of grading. .
Saved $29,900 on contractors'
Crook county to have road on
Crooked river.
Reconnolssance survey ordered
from Philomath to Als;a and the
To redeem Lake and Klamath coun
ties, bringing them back commercially
into Oregon, the state highway com
mission yesterday decided to co-operate
to the limit with those counties, and to
urge additional co-operation from the
government. Roughly, about 400 miles
are involved In the plan, 14S miles in
Lake; 145 miles in Klamath and 105
connecting Lakeview and Klamath
Falls, the mileage being about equal
between the two counties.
For Lake county the state will put
up $200,000, the county will bond Itself
for $200,000, which is its limit, and tho
government will be asked to contribute
$400,000. The contemplated road im
provements in Klamath will cost an
estimate of $861,980. The county will
turn over $20,000 now on hand, and
bond itself for $360,000, and the Indian
department will give at least $25,000.
as the road will go through the reser
vation. The rest of the money neces
sary will be raised by the state and
the government.
Government Help Sought.
Not a great deal can be accomplished
on this Lake Klamath programme this
year, for the projects for co-operation
must be taken up with the government.
The government, it is understood, i3
willing to help, however.
The plan calls for development of the
105 miles from Klamath Falls to Lake
view, which will cost $557,674 for the
lake end and $234,594 for tho Klamath
end. There is 130 miles of road pro
jected from Lakeview to the north
county line, which will cost about
$557,674, and this road will connect in
Deschutes county and continue on to
Bend. From Lakeview south t New
Pine creek, connecting with the high
way in California, is 15 miles, to im
prove which will cost $38,159.
In Klamath the policy calls for build
ing a road from Klamath Falls to the
north county line, 118 miles, at an esti-
ated cost of $369.0118, and a road from
Klamath Falls south toward Ager,
tapping the California line, with a mile
age of 30 miles, estimated as costing
I.nke County to Co-operate.
These roads, the one north from Lake-
view and the one north from Klamath
Falls, when extended will converge
near La Pine and will be the southern
forks of The Dalles-California highway,
although officially the road toKlamath
Falls is designated as The Dalles-
California highway and the one to
Lakeview is designated as tho La Plne-
Lakeview highway.
E. H. Smith, county judge of Lake
county, was delighted with the decision
and assured the commission that his
coun'ty will bond itself without hesita
tion. Mr. Cecil of the forest service
attended this part of the highway ses
sion. County Surveyor C. T. Darley ot
Klamath was no less satisfied, as these
are the roads those counties have been
begging for since Oregon went Into the
good roads movement.
Clatsop Improvements Loom.
Paving and widening of the road be
tween Seaside and Astoria was declared
a post road project and will be handled
as such when the government approves.
Clatsop county has $65,000 to aid and
the commission agreed to accept it
toward the co-operation. The bridge
across Toungr's bay, near Astoria, con-
idered as part of the highway, will
be aided by the commission. The com
mission decided Clatsop county, or the .
port of Astoria, should contribute one
third and the balance be paid by the
state and government.
For the first time since its organi
zation the state highway commission
tepped aside from its rigid policy of
confining work to roads on the state
road map. The exception was made for
Crook county, where an unusual condi
tion exists, and, as Commissioner W. L.
Thompson observed. Crook county waa
ot -properly represented in the 1917
.(Concluded on Pago lo. Column 2.y