VOL. IjVIII. NO. 18,220. Entered at Portland Oron Post office as Srond-Clasa Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 16, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS. WILSON Willy STAY UNTIL HIS SIGN 1 President Probably Will Bring Treaty to U. S. VERSAILLES PLANS STUDIED Boches Expected to Arrive for . Conference April 24. 200 OF FOE ARE EXPECTED Meetings Expected to Continue for 10 or 13 Days Treaty Will Be Signed in Famous Hall of Mirrors, PARIS. April 15. (By the Associated Press.) Now that the Germans have been called to Versailles on April the indications are that the proceedings mar move with such dispatch that President Wilson can remain for the signing of the treaty and thus be able to take back the completed document. This was the view of the president's Intimates today when their attention was called to the reports In French papers that his departure had been fixed for April SI. It was declared that no such intention had been formed and that the progress on the main questions now save promise that the president would not only attend the opening of the congress at Versailles, but would remain Inns; enough to see Its work carried through. Prolonged delay, by enemy delegates would, of course, prevent such action. Plftriaat Is Plaaaed. Precise details of what Is to be done on the arrival of the German delegates are being; worked out. Preliminary to their arrival, a plenary session of the peace conference Is to be held at the foreign office for determination of the final course to be pursued by the allies before entering into relations with the German plenipotentiaries. Whether the treaty and covenant will both be presented has not yet been decided, but It is probable that the treaty portion of the document will not be made public until after Its dc lrvery to the Germ and. The procedure with the enemy pleni potentiaries also Is receiving atten tion. One plan under consideration is for the council of four to hold the first meeting with the Germans and deliver the document. This would not be a public session and its main pur pose would be to arrange effective dis posal of the business without pro longed discussion. Hopeful Views Expressed. An alternative plan is for the entire membership of the peace conference to proceed to Versailles for a formal session, at which the treaty would be delivered. President Wilson, K. M. House, the members of the council and officers of the protocol are working out these details. rrcmlcr Clemcnceau on Sunday and President Wilson last night gave out statements showing Ihe progress real ized and voicing their first official us ttranct that the end was in sight. It is noted that the Clemcnceau and Wil son statements were very general, lack ing specific details. And there is every reason to believe that the statement which the British prime minister. Mr. Lloyd George, Is expected to give out tomorrow, will be of the same general character. Adriatic Question 5tndlrd. The council of four of the peace con ference ViDt into session again this morning with the question of the Adri atic again before it for consideration Arthur J. Uaifour, British secretary for foreign affairs, took the place at the council in place of Trcmicr Lloyd George, who went to London ester day. The supreme economic council has decided that P-clgium may be repre sented thereon, in view of the many question J affecting that country. The council has received the report of the director-general of relief meas ures effected by the United States, showing that Ssl.OVO tons of supplies to the aluc of $ 1 1 l.:S0.ll'0 have been distributed. The council considered measures to increase supplies and ship ping during the current months. The serious deficiency in coal in Italy today led the council to appoint a committee to devise means for an Immediate Increase of lh supply. The supreme economic council is considering the question of permitting Germany to have certain raw materials before the peace treaty becomes cf fectlvr. with a revision of the blockade reculuttcns to that extent, and it is understood the prospects are good fur favorable action. formal latltativa laaard. A formal invitation was sent by the council or four today to the German government to send representatives to Versailles for the meeting of the peace congress April 25. No reply had been received up to tonight, but it is ex pected the German delegation will reach Versailles about April St. The complete German peace mission prob ably will number about SOU. The German delegates to the peace confereuce while at Veraille will re side in a wing of the Hotel des Reser voirs, adjoining the prefecture of police, according to arrangements announced today by Taul Dutasta. general secre tary of the peace conference. French delegates or members of their staffs will eccupy the rest of the hotel. Moot of the French delegates and the delegates from the other countries WORLD MENACE SEEN IN JAPANESE CLAIM SEIZURE OF SHAXTCXG HELD WHOLLY INDEFENSIBLE. Japan Now Practically Master North China, Potentially of More, Declares London Newspaper. (Copyright by the New Tork World. Pub HSQea OJ A rranieinen 1. 1 LONDON, y.pril IS. (Special cable The seizure of Shantung by the Jap anese forma the text of a very vigor ous editorial in the Daily News, which points out that the future not only of the far east but of the whole world is at stake. Today." says the Daily News, "Ja pan is practically roaster of northern China and potentially of much more. Unless the peace conference can right this coloss. 1 wrong, t Chinese will fall like ripe fruit into th hands of the Japanese to be exploited and mili tarized by that engaging people. "Is this thing to happen? If it does it needs no great effort of Imagination to see to what goal it leads. It will mean the closi r f vast resources and inexhaust".!e markets of the far east to the European and American worlds. "China belongs to the Chinese. Japan has no more rl "it in Shantung than we have. She must go. If self-determination has any sanctity at all and the peace conference has any authority at all, this matter must be settled with uncompromising resolution. China de mands the evacuation of Shantung and abrogation of the SI points (in China's treaty with Japan). This is China's mt-ii.num demand and its concession is the duty of the conference. Failure here would : :aa failure in every thing." TROOPS ARE RUSHED HOME i More Than 275,000 Oversea Men to Return During April. PAr.IS, April 15. (By the Associated Press.) Americ-n troops to the num ber of ST 5.000 are returning to the United States from Europe this month, Newton D. Baker, secretary of war, said today on his arrival in Paris from Brest. In May, he added, the number will fall to 250,000 because of lack of transports, but In June the number probably will rise to 300.000, which will ha maintained as the mommy - rate until all of the 1,400.000 men still here are returned. The secretary said that If ny agree ment chould be reached by wnicn American troops would participate in the defense of the Rhine indefinitely, undoubtedly the only eoldlers used would be thoso w ho volunteered for such service. HOQUIAM WALKOUT ENDED Pupils llcturn to School Following Demonstration. HOQUIAM, Wash., April 15. A walk out of about 50 pupils of the Hoquiam high school, more than half of whom were, girls, ended at 1 o'clock after lasting three hours. It was caused by refusal of the school authorities to grant the customary aster holiday of week. The mayor, chief of police and truant officer responded to a police call and offset opposition aroused among the students. The Insurrectionists were given the alternative of riturnl.ig im mediately or being suspcndcl until September 1, with loss of credits. They elected to return. WIND -RUINS WHEAT CROP Northern Montana Swept by Storm of Hurricane Velocity. GREAT FALLS. Mont.. April 15. Re ports coming from all sections of northern Montana regarding the heavy windstorm of Thursday night and Fri day are to the effect that the damage n ill run into an uncstimatcd amount through winter wheat being swept out of the ground, as well as spring wheat where sown. The wind was almost a hurricane and the dry condition of tho cultivated soil aided in making the de struction possible, it is declared. In m.-ny sections the dust lies in drifts three and four feet deep, canals are filled, fences covered and tome fields badly stripped of soil. HARRIS DRY BILL IS SIGNED Machinery Provided for Enforcing Prohibition In California. SACRAMENTO.' CaU April li. Gov ernor W. D. Stephens today signed the Karris prohibition enforcement bill providing machinery for enforcing In California of national prohibition and defining as intoxicating any beverage containing more than one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol. Circulation of petitions asking for a referendum vote on the passage of the Harris bill and the action of the leg islature in ratifying the national pro hibition amendment will begin In Cali fornia April 26. Assemblyman Bismarck Bruck announced today. LONG SFARCH SUCCESSFUL Aberdeen Woman Locales Mother .After It Years Separation. ROSBBURG. Or.. April 15. (Special.) Mrs. Eva Mason Bell of Aberdeen. Wash., who was separated from her mother many years ago. wrote to Sher- ff George Quine asking if he could locate her mother, who she said might be living in Douglas county. The let ter was printed in a Roseburg news paper, and this afternoon Mrs. Thomas Alexander, living a few miles south of Roseburg. va located. Mother and daughter were separated It years ago when the latter was a E ARMY FORMED SECRETLY - V Huge War Supply ,dden in Readiness '.Use. V7 VON HINDENBOfiD IN CHARGE Czedio-Slovak Delegates Ad vise Allies to Beware. TRQOPS DRILL IN VILLAGES Germans From Universities Said to Be Flocking and Prepara tions Are Elaborate. BY WILLIAM COOK. (Copyright by the New Tork World. Pub- ilsnea by Arrangement PARIS. April 15. (Special cable.) The new Czecho-SIovak delegates who have Just arrived in Paris to lay be fore 'the conference tho claims and aspirations of their nationals living in eastern German, and particularly In Silesia, bring also information of a startling and serious nature which they have communicated to the French ministry of war. They assert that Germany is secretly building up a new army, making new munitions, creating hidden artillery and aviation depots and manufacturing new railroad materials. - Preparations Are Concealed. The members of the delegation de clare they have proof of their asser tions. They say the Germans, prepara tions escape the notice of the allied missions of control because such mis sions usually make the big German towns their headquarters, while Ger many's secret preparations are being conducted in far-away and unfre quented villages. Bruda, who is the head of the new delegation, has lived in such villages. He tells how barns and other build ings on the country estates of the junkers are turned over to the German military chiefs. To the allied eye all the German barracks are empty and all the artillery parks have teen cleared, but the farms and barns are full of husky German soldiers and drills of a military nature are held in secret. In the suburbs of Zittau. Saxony, alone there arc concealed 30 batteries of artillery and like-quantities are hid den even in Prussia and in Branden- burg at Frankfort on the Oder. Vm Htndenhurjr In CommaBd. Recruiting for this new army is under the command of the old army chiefs, especially of Von Hindcnburg, and it goes on unceasingly and un hampered. Not a day passes but lhat some 500 young Germans Join the ranks with pay of six marks a day and tConcludd on Page 2. Column 2.) BUT THAT WON'T NEW - . . - - . T ' - ' HOW DWY V ? I ,. -, 1 .....u International Situation. (By the Associated Press.) A SHARP forward stride toward an early pace has been taken. The council of four in Paris has formally invited Germany to send delegates to Versailles, April 25, there to hear th verdict of the entente allies and as sociated powers and the sentence they have imposed upon her for having set the world aflame. The general opinion in Paris seems to be that Germany may endeavor to haggle over the hard terms and try to secure a diminution in their severity. But that within a relatively short time the delegates will bow to the inevitable and sign the compact. Advices from London are to the effect that the terms of the peace treaty will not be made public until they have been delivered to the Germans. The expectation In the French capital is that President Wilson, will remain in - Fran until the Deace treaty is signed and bring back the completed document to the United States. The Adriatic situation as it affects Italy and Jugo-Slavia Is now the chief point under consideration by the coun ell of four. Arthur J. Balfour, the British foreign minister, is acting as alternate on tho council for David Lloyd George, who is on a vacation in England. Pending the conclusion of the peace agreement Germany is to be permitted by the allied governments to purchase surplus stocks of their raw materials. This has been decided on by the eco nomic council. The decision will per mit Germany to commence manufactur ing and begin the accumulation of the money that is to be required of her to settle the financial claims of the allies. The reparations commission is inves tigating tho financial situation of Aus. tria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey and their ability to pay war claims. Troubles continuo in Bavaria. The communists in Munich again hold the upper hand, according to reports. There has been further fighting in the streets of tho city. Reinforced loyal troops of the Hoffmann government used ar tillery against the communist strong hold, but are declared to have been defeated. Many persons are reported to have been killed or wounded. The strike in Danzig which has been In progress for several days has ended. The strike of the bank clerks in Ber lin, however, is in full swing, and the clerks in Mannheim and Chemnitz have joined in a similar movement. Considerable fighting has taken place on the Russian fronts. The bol sheviki havo suffered severe defeats on the Arcnangel and Murmansk coast sectors at the hands of the allies, but in the south the Roumanians have been compelled by the bolsheviki to retreat over a wida front into Bessarabia. Petlura, leader of the Ukrainian peas ant army, also has been forced to cede ground to the bolsheviki. Secretary of War Baker, who has arrived in Paris, in a statement tells of the plans that are afoot for the rapid repatriation of the American sol diers in Europe. During the present month 275,000 of them will come home and in May 250,000 more. In June it is expected to transport 300,000 men, and this number is -to be maintained monthly. Cuban Congress Head Named. HAVANA. April 14. Dr. Santiago Verdejay Neyra, conservative, was to day elected to the presidency of the ninth Cuban congress. HELP THE THIRSTY ONES IN COMMUNISTS ROUT LI City Completely in Hands of Red Contingent. STREET FIGHTING IS FURIOUS Government Is Hurrying Rein forcements to Capital. NEW SOVIET ORDER ISSUED Communization of Women, Inclnd ing Wives, Decreed System to Take In All Classes. BERLIN, via Copenhagen, April 15. The battle in' Munich for the central railway station ended in the complete defeat of the government troops, ac cording to Nuremburg advices. BERLIN, via Copenhagen, April 15. Munich again is completely in the hands of the communists, according to th Tageblatt, but troops loyal to the gov ernment have received reinforcements and are using artillery against the com munist strongholds. The communist force in Munich, th newspaper adds, consists of parts of the garrison,' red guards and unem ployed. The government forces are de clared to be having a hard battle with them. . The government has declined to en force a food blockade against Munich owing to the distress it would cause in the city. BERLIN, Monday, April 14. (By the Associated Press.) The communist government in Munich, apparently real izing that its days were numbered, is sued on Saturday a long list of orders more radical than its previous decrees. One order provided for the communi zation of women, - "including wivea." Another order displaced all managers and . directors of industrial establish ments and gave their places to work men. Reports from Munich say there is much talk there of the advisability of moving the communist government from Munich to Ansbach. BERLIN, Monday. April 14. (By the Associated Press.) In spite of adverse votes by the independent socialists, the soviet congress today adopted the reso lution sponsored by the majority so cialists for 'the incorporation -of every ounce of national economic energy into nation-wide soviet system, which will culminate in a national workers' chamber, representative of all crafts, arts, professions and industries. The owners and workers In all branches of production are to be organ ized, artists, journalists, preachers and physicians, as well as the manual work ers of each profession being expected to appoint local representatives for terri torial councils. THE DRY STATSs. MUNICH 0 TS 1 DINER CURSES FLAG AT BANQUET IN NEW YORK SCENE OCCTKS AFTER SPEECH BY SENATOR CHAMBERLAIN. Guests Rush at Offender and Ope Man Smashes Disturber in Face. Identity Is Not Announced. NEW TORK, April 15. A sensational incident marked tlie closS of an address of United States Senator George E. Chamberlain at a dinner of the Sphinx club at tho Waldorf Astoria tonight. His peroration was a poem, "The Amer ican Flag." As the Oregon senator re cited the closing lines one of the dihers in the rear of the grand ballroom half ree in his seat and shouted: "To hell with the American flag!" Diners from several other tables started toward the man who had de nounced the flag, but Edward M. Mitchell, vice-president of the Texas & Oklahoma Oil company, was the first to reach him. Mr. Mitchell landed a clean blow on the chin of the disturber and knocked him down. Several friends seated with the man attempted to interfere and there was a lively scrimmage in which Mr. Mitchell himself was struck in the face. The disturber was rushed out a side door. Robert S. Scarborough, treas urer of the club, immediately began an investigation to determine the man's identity. Several members of the club, which is composed of advertising men, searched the hotel lobby and bar-room for the disturber, but learned he had been spirited away in a taxicab. Senator Chamberlain, who is chair man of the committee on military af fairs, declared the victory of America and the allies was the result of or ganization of man power and of in dustrial power. We did not realize at first, he said, just how big the task was to be. He asserted that even the president had contemplated a volunteer army of 400,000. He characterized the selective service law as the greatest piece of democratic legislation ever enacted. FRENCH RULE IS FAVORED Alsace and Lorraine Would End AH Political Strife. BERNE, April 15. (French wireless service.) If a referendum was to be held today in Alsace and Lorraine an immense majority would favor joining France, declared E. Bernstein, the old German social democrat leader and member of the German peace delega tion. In an article in the Neues Wiener Journal of Vienna. Alsace-Lorraine, he adds, could not be an autonomous state because it would then be the scene of endless po litical and economic intrigue. 3 INSURE F0R $2,500,000 Nine Companies Share in Policies of Coast Capitalists. SAN FRANCISCO. April 15. Three Pacific coast capitalists today insured their lives for a total of $2,500,000. They are Colonel C. D. Jack! ing, San Francisco mining magnate, . who in sured for $500,000; D. M. Linnard, Cali fornia hotel man, $1,000,000. and Charles Virden, head of the California fruit distributors, $1,000,000. Nino companies shared in the poli cies, none writing more than $200,000 on ohe life. STRIKE ORDER IS RENEWED 16,000 Marine Workers in New York May Go Out. NEW YORK, April 15. The marine workers' affiliation declared tonight a renewal of the general harbor strike which will involve 16,000 workers. The new walkout will go into effect at 6 o'clock A. M. Thursday, and efforts will be made to tie up "everything afloat," including ferryboats, coastwise and trans-Atlantic shipping. NDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS ' The Weather. TESTERDAT'S Maximum temperature, 04 degrees; minimum, 4- degrees. TODAY'S Rain; moderate easterly winds. Foreign. World menace seen In Japanese aggression in Orient. Page 1. Wilson to stay fri P'rance until Huns sign treaty. Page J: Munich again completely in hands of com munists. Page 1. Bad weather again delays Atlantic flight. Page . First fight marked by spirit of west. Page 5. David Lloyd George to reply to critics. Page 30. Germans form new army in secret. Page 1. Red garrison wiped out by loyal Russian force. Page 1. National. Transports coming with large troop con tingents. Page 2. Building of national labor programme is proposed. - Page G. Pacific Northwest. Land settlement commission ready to re ceive applications. Page v. Seven men questioned in Seattle liquor case. Page 8. Domestic. Diner curses flag at banquet. Page 1. Ambassador Ishli to returs to Japan. Page 3. Bports. efferson defeats HIM military academy, 11 to 4. Page IB. Three new stars are on card of tonight's smoker. Page 17. Coast league results: Portland 6. Salt Lake 7 do innings); Seattle a. Sacramento b; San Francisco 2, Oakland 5; Los Angeles ti. Vernon o (12 innings). Page ltf. Commercial and Marine. Eastern brewers again in market for Oregon hops. Page liJ. Advance in corn starts realizing by holders. Page 23. Progress on peace treaty stimulates stock market. Pago Elevator expert impressed by Portland's terminal project. Page 18. Portland and Vicinity. Fifteen Oregon counties pledge "over the top Monday. Page 1. Highway contracts for 149 miles of Im provement to be awarded toaay. page 24. Veterans asked to Join loan campaign. Page IS. Portland's unemployed decreased to 2000. Page 11. Civil service employes to organize. Page 15. 15 COUNTIES PLAN 'OVER-TOP' MONDAY i Third of State's Quota is Already Promised. BANQUET TO OPEN CAMPAIGN 1000 War Workers and Guests to Hold Conferences. GALLANT FLIERS TO SPEAK Interest Centers in Spectacular Bat tic to Be Staged by Air. planes Over Portland. There are omens in plenty of speedy success for the outer-state districts, at least, in the victory loan drive which opens next Monday morning, and in which has been allotted to Oregon the task of floating $26,747,550 of the new war payment bonds. To be precise, there are 15 such happy auguries, and each one of them is a county of tho state that thus far has never failed to give answer.. Fifteen Oregon counties, through messages signed by their county chair men, directed to John L. Etheridge, state director of organization, have given their unmodified pledges to re port their respective quotas In full at 9 o'clock on the morning of April 21, ' the hour and the minute when the fifth loan is launched. The pledges are made by responsible 'oan leaders, thor oughly in touoh with local finance r.nd the spirit of their communities. "It's a cinch!" is the chorus of the first 15 chairmen. One-Third of State Pledged. The counties pledged for the opening hour, whose aggregate subscriptions will amount to $3,464,550, or practically one-third of the entire outer-stats quota of $11,961,225, are as follows, with their respective county quotas named: Clackamas ' $400.950.. Coos $471,625, Deschutes $173,475, Gilliam $168,850. Grant $97,875. Hood River $200,250. Jefferson $35,100, Lake $136,875, Morrow $212,175, Sherman $118,350, Tillamook $173,700, Union $344,025 Wasco $417,600, Washington $404,775, Wheeler $58,725. Organization in other counties is said to reach similar proportions with pos sibly one exception. As for Portland, with its selected staff of downtown sure-shot salesmen, with the financial and business dis tricts, marked into zones and approxi mate quotas assigned. Chairman Emery Olmstead and his aides are determined to give the outer-state counties a mem orable race for the coin of patriotism. H. B. Van Duzer, city sales director. with Charles V: Berg as assistant di rector, will hJ.ve charge of the down town field work, while Julius L. Meier is second in executive command to Mr. Olmstead. inno War Workers to Meet. For tho initial whirl of tho victory drive In Portland, one of tho most notable patriotic gatherings ever held ill the city will mark the opening of the drive next Monday, when tho Ore gon metropolis reaches out for its: quota of $14,786,325. The Inauguration of the city cam paign will receive its momentum at an elaborate banquet and general confer ence, to be held in the auditorium at 6:30 Monday night, with Invitations limited to 1000 war workers and guests tho full dining capacity of tho city's huge playhouse. T,ocal headquarters has received word that the 18 celebrated aviators,, at tached to the flying circus, who will maneuver their war planes over tho city on Monday, may be counted upon as guests of honor at the initial ban quet and will be available as speakers with genuine messages. The 'visiting aviators, who are touring the country in exhibition flights for the victory loan, are veterans all, with long lists of vanquished German airmen to their credit. Colonel Shaw to Speak. . Lieutenant - Colonel William Shaw, chief of the gallant Lafayette csca drille, who leads the party, will be on the programme, as will several of his fellow aces. ' Reservations for the banquet may be made at victory loan headquarters, be ginning this morning. Arrangements for the tremendous dinner spectacle will be in charge of the Portland ca terers' association, under the personal direction of Harry W. Kent, secretary, while the speaking and musical pro gramme will be arranged by the special 'features and the speakers' bureaus of the victory drive. The publicity department is telegraph ing constantly to San Francisco to ob tain additional speakers of national prominence. -Spectacular features of strongly patriotic tenor, will be in terspersed throughout the banquet. At the same time the final business ar rangements for setting the local drive in motion will be consummated. Aviators to Fly on Monday, Local interest is keen In the coming visit of the flying aviation circus. Swooping and wheeling over the city on the opening day of the victory cam paign, next Monday, the men who dared and defeated death and the Hun in tho mid-air of France will scatter showers of victory loan literature, as reminders that an American city must answer its obligations as cheerfully as did certain young airmen. The flying circus comprises 18 dis tinguished American aviators. Their exhibition will be something that thou sands of Portland people have longed to witness that rare combination of skill and daring that drove the Prus sian battle planes crashing to earth. There are 18 machines of varying types (Concluded on rage 10, Column 2.), 4uuwuilkvL ca l'a Cotuuia .) litUe SirU V I.