21 THE SIORXIXG OREGOXIAX, SATURDAF, APRIL 12, 1919. OREGON FEEDER HOGS SHIPPED TO ALASKA Salmon Packers Will Buy More in This Territory. WASTE PROVIDES FOOD Dressed Pork I ITscd hj Canning Oat fits New York Stops Sale of Horse Meat. Approximately ISO feeder hog were ship pd from Portland recently to Alaska. Local dealers estimate that approximately loot hoss will be sent to Alaska from the Co lamb 11a rtver and Puget Sound ports this season. These nor are bought by salmon canners and are fed on rarbare and table waste from the camp kitchen. The dressed pork Is used by the can n ins; outfits, bat If there Is any surplus It finds a ready mar ket among; the permanent Inhabitants of that country. Pigs weighing from 60 to 100 pounds are preferred and all are given the aim ul tan sous InnocuUtion as a preventive of hog cholera. The highest price paid this -year for fat shorn goats was reached at Wort Worth Texas, when 139 mixed Angora goats aver aging 78 pounds were sold to packers for 18. SO per cwL Effective Slay 1, the slaughtering of horses for human consumption under the inspection of the New Tork city department of health will be discontinued. It is felt that the experiment has cot been successful and amogig the reasons assigned for Its failure is the fact that the class of horses offered for slaughter has been decidedly below the av erage work horse. In most cases, old, worn oat animals which had outlived their use fulness and Injured horses whlcb could not be cured were being slaughtered. The class of meat obtained was In many Instances not fit for human consumption, so that it was found that a very large proportion of the product was going to the Bronx soo to feed the animals. Another reason assigned was the fact that the general public did not take readily to the idea of eating horse Is eaii and practically all of the sales were made to people coming from countries where horseflesh Is more commonly used. In all, there were about six markets located In Greater New Tork engaged In selling horse meat. The average number of animals slaughtered each week has been between 25 and SO. CORN AXD OAT3 BIDS RAISED Brewing Barley Is Alo Higher on Local Board. The trend of prices was npward In the local grain market, but trade was quiet. Corn bids at the exchange were raised 8102 and oats were SOcSl higher. Brew ing barley was advanced 50 cents and feed barley was unchanged. Weather conditions In the middle west, as wired from Chicago: "Minneapolis, cloudy, 45 degrees; rain last night. Winnipeg, clear; 35. Iowa, Illinois and Ohio valley, cloudy, COOL Missouri, Kansas, clear; 36 to 45." It is reported that the shipping board wilt not allot any more ships for Argentina on account of the serious condition of the strike. The English government Is said to have been a heavy buyer of spot corn in Argentina and will continue to buy. India expects to Import around 20,000.000 bushels of Australian wheat by July 1. Argentine wheat shipments this wevk were 313,000 bushels to the United Kingdom. 809,000 bushels to the continent and 704.000 bush els to non-European ports. j The acreage of barley in Tola county, C&l.. has been greatly reduced this season. Stan islaus county la said -to have reduced Its barley acreage from 110.000 to 55.000 acres. The price of San Quentln bags has been fixed at 12 cents for this season, a reduc tion of 2 cents from 101 S. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported to the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oat a Hay. Hood River brought 82.7593 and California green 14.2595.50. White flats were held at 10 612 hi cents a pound. A car of California lettuce arrived and was offered at 83.25 5. Cabbage was strong and higher at 84-5065 for flat Dutch and 83 for Wlnnlngstadt. There was a good demand for cauliflower and home grown was firm at 33.25 93.50 for standard and fl.3091.75 for pony crates. CCBE BUTTER IS ONE CENT IOWER Market Declines in line With Previous Day's Drop la Prints, Cube batter sold a cent lower at 58 cents yesterday to be In line with the previous day's drop in prints. Receipts were heavier than a week ago and included some butter brought in for orders. Thursday's receipts. as reported by the bureau of markets were Origin Pounds California 0.145 Oregon 4.615 Washington 206 LONG ACCOUNT UNWIELDY OYER-EXTEXSlOX OF BUM, CAM PAIGN INDICATED. the first transaction reported in the product by the board since January 22. Turpentine firm, 72Hc; sales, 34 bar rels r receipts, 34 barrels: shipments, 25 barrels; stock, 17,813 barrels. Rosin firm; sales, 29 SS barrels; receipts, 76 barrels; shipments, 370 barrels; stock. ' 47.257 barrels. Quote: B, $11.10; D, E, 111.10; r , u.zu; i, 11.9; a, in ". . $11.65; K, $13.75;. M, 814.25; N, WG, $14.30; WW, $14.75. Liquidation of Market Leaders distbibcttve TRADE Causes Readjustment on Declin ing Scale of Prices.' 13 ACTIVE NEW TORK, April 11. A more general readjustment of prices on a declining scale marked today's session or the stock mar ket, leaders, particularly Investment rails Total 13.9S5 Storage stocks were unchanged at 157: pounds. Street stocks were 287 cubes and 196 boxes, as against 252 cubes and 223 boxes on Thursday. Cheese receipts were 7014 pounds from Oregon. 52.00 52.50 49.00 51.50 92.00 61.00 Portland. Frl Tear ago Saaob to date..6-rt Year ago 3T- Tacoma. Thurs. -J r a so .11 Season to date. 51 "2 Year ago 43:1 Seattle. Thurs Year sgo 7 Season to date. 5115 Year ago 4'0 4 349 32 hi 71 299 7 15 22l 3 1072 l4ol 1 5 1344 1 14S 261 .... 521 9J3 EW SHIPPING ORDERS ABE LIGHT retatoee Going Forward Freely en Previous bwles Jobbing Market Weaker. The wire Inquiry for potatoes was light and no sales for shipment were reported. The cars going forward are on previous sales. Nine cars were sent to Stockton, two to Redding and one each to Chic, Fresno and San Francisco. Local receipts were one car from Oregon, two from Washington and one from Idaho. The Jobbing market was slow and prices weak at $1.759190 for the best Burbanks and $3 for the bst Gems. New California potatoes were offered at 10124j cents. Northern shipping sections continued strong, western were unsettled and eastern again showed a weak tone. Consuming markets were again frrm in the west, but weaker In the east. No. 1 northern whits stock still sold at $1.969 2 per hundred for carlot sales In Chicago, and the general middle-western Jobbing range continued firm at $29 2.25. Minnesota and Michigan shipping points strengthened slightly, rang ing $1.859105. sacked, f. o. b. New Tork bulk white stock was slightly weaker at 81.9702.07. f. o. b. shipping points, and weakened to a range of 8--35ff2.S0 in con suming markets. Maine Green Mountains were unsettled and weaker in producing sections and lower In New Tork and Boston at $2 85 9 2 55 per hundred, sacked. New Florida stock. $12915 per barrel. Florida shipments increasing. TGQ BIYT.R9 OFFER ITIGHFR PRICE Com petit ion for Supplies Keeps Local Mar ket Advancing. Egg speculators raised their cash buying price half a cent yesterday to 43 S cents and some of them said they would pay 44 cents today. The belief prevailed that the market would touch 45 cents before the advance Is halted. Receipts Thursday were 962 cases as follows: Orfrtn Exn. FgM. Ororon 578 343 Washington 33 1 Totals 616 346 There was an Increase of Portland stor age stocks of 834 cases to 10,475 cases. Se attle storage holdings Increased 1370 cases to 1 1.243 cases. Local floor stocks were 438 cases against 4772 cases Thursday and 4371 cases on Wednesday. Carload shipments April 9 and 10 from California shipping points other than San Francisco were 2 cars, 960 cases, to New Tork; 1 car. 440 ca.ea, to Los Angeles; 1 car, 450 cases, to Seattle. Bide Report Is lsned. The thtrd monthly report of the bureau tf markets showing raw stocks of hides and skins held by packers, dealers, import ers and tanners on February 28. contains totals ef 5 54.730 csttle hides, 1.660.059 calf and ktp skins. 6.740,317 goat, kid and cab retta skins, sad 8.826 399 sheen and lamb skins. The first of these r sports was is sued showing stocks held December SL 1918. and It is expected that the report for March tt will be ready for relsase within the war future. Aspmragrts Drug est Market, The street was well stocked with aspara far which the demand was small. Strawberries Due Monday. Another part car of Louisiana strawber ries is due Monday. The last shipment has not yst cleaned up. as the quality of the fruit was against Its sale. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows Clfarlnn. Balances. Portland ..... S5.lA7.Stl 8 719.2M Seattle 8.447. 023 1,615,09 Tacoma 722,662 169,495 Spokane 2.500.629 WJ.l'Ji PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour, Feed, Etc. Noon session. Merchants Exchange: Bid Oats Anrll. May. No 2 white fee $au.u0 860.00 Barley Standard feed 51 50 Standard "A" 6.1.00 Kastem oats and corn, bulk: Oats No. 3 white 49 00 33-pound clipped white 51.00 Corn No. 3 yellow 62.00 No. 3 mixed 61.00 WHEAT Government basis. 82.20 per bu. FLOUR Patents. $11.45 delivered. 31136 at mill: bakers', $11.15ril.30: wnoie wneac. 810.25 810. 40: graham. 810.00010.20. MILLFEED MJ.I1 run. f. o. b mill, carlota. 337 38 per toa; mixed cars, $37.50 38.50; ton lots or ovtr. 839040; less than tons, 840 f4l; relied barley. 32tfM; rolled oats, 855 57 ground barley, 332 54. CORN Whole, ton, $o5tf67; cracked, $61 J69. H AT Bu vine o rices, f. o. b. Portland Eastern Oregon timothy, 33032 per ton; alfalfa. 325 0 25.50; valley grain hay, - clover, 326ff 27. Dairy and Country Prod nee. BT7TTER Cubes, extras. 58c per lb. nrlnts. oarchment wrappers, extra, box lota 59c; cartons. 60c; half boxes. He more; less than half boxes, le more ; butterfat. .n 1 ) cfttMc! ner 00 and. station. EGGS Oregon ranch, case count, 43c; candied. 44c; selects, oc. rHEESE Tillamook, f. . b. Tillamook Triplets. 34c; Young Americas, 35c; Coos and Curry, r. o. o. Myrtle roini, inpieis. 01 yv Young Americas. 32 c: longhorns. 32Hc. POULTRY Hens. 34 337c : roosters. 22c tags. 25c: ducks, geese and live turkeys. nominal: dressed turkeys. 43c. VEAL Fancy. 23c per pound. PORK Fancy. 24c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. T ai1 Inhhln w Aiintalmili: - FRUITS Oranges. navsls, 84.5O08.5O: lemons. 54. 25 4 6 per box; bananas, 8V6 9e n.r nnnnd : aDnles. 82.25 3.50 per box grapefruit. $3 GO 6 S. 75; strawberries, $6.51 per crate. VEGETABLES Cabbasre. $4.5005 per 100 pounds; lettuce, $2.50?5 per crate; pep pers, 50c per pound: celery, siiwii.au per crate: artichokes. $1.65: califlower, $1.50 03.50: squash, 3V4c rr pound; beets, $2.50 r,r mafic rarrati. S ' (M) tr '. 1 Der ISCK turnips. $22.25 per sack; cucumbers, $I.50 2 25 Dr dozen: tomatoes. I4.50Si7.60 per box: spinach, gl.. per dox : peas, iu'tj 10c per Dound: rhubarb $2.25 ft i' per tox; aspara gus. 10SM2Hc per pour 32.75fc5.50 per box. POTATDLS uregon uuroanhs, oeai, ai. ty 1.90: Yak i mas. 82; new California, 10 1lip oer oound : sweets. Gc ONIONS Oregon, joooing prices, ty.uv per Staple Groceries. T h1 tsthhlnv minfations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit and berry. lf ..v beet. $9.43: Honolulu cane. ..": tra C, $t0 5; powdered in barrels, $10. cubes tn barrels. S1Q.43. NUTS Walnuts. 2?r3."tc: Brazil nuts. 32c. PHHrt "Sc: almonds. 24i3Uc; peanuts. 15c. 1 SALT Half-ground, luos. per ton; 23 150s. 317.25 per ton; aairy. jd per ion. I ricpt ITnbroken. 9ullc per pound. :uH I BEANS liuyin price, large anes ana 3 I UeiidD re J 3. 4fiXc per pouna. 1 COFFEE Roaster, In drums, 2540c. 11:14 14B0 ProTiilona. i ami inhhlnr auotations: hams Al! sizes, choice. 38 ft 39c: stand. ard. 37H 3738c; skinned, 35c; picnic, 27c; rrttlac roll. 33c. LARD Tierce basis, 80c: compound, 23 Uc IRY SALT Short, clear backs, 27 33c; elates 23'u2.c: exports, doc. BACON Fancy. 51 4 53c; standard, 44 0 47c; choice, 33gMlc. flops. Mob air. Etc HOPS Oregon. 1918 crop, 3S$40c pet pound: 1!19 contracts, 30Q3oc per pound. MOHAIR 1919 clip. 40c per pound. TAL1.0W No. 1, c per pound; No. 2. 4 per pound; grease. No. 1, c; No. 2, 3c pi oound CASCARA BARK Old, 13c per pound. GRAIN BAGS In carlots, 11c Bides and Pelts. HIDES No 1 salt-cured hides, 30 pounds snd up, 13c; No. 1 part-cured hides. 30 pounds and up, 114c: No. 1 green hides, 30 pounds ana up. luc; - a. 1 sait-curea duiis. 50 pounds and up. luc; No. 1 part-cured bulls. 30 pounds and up, 6c; No. 1 green bulls. 50 pounds and up. 7c. The price on No. - hides is lc per pouna Jess than for No. 1 of the same kid. No. 1 calfskins up to 15 pounds. 35c; No. 2 calfskins up to 15 pounds, 33c; No. 1 kip. 15 to 30 pounds. 20c; No. 2 kip. 15 to 30 pounds, ISc; dry flint hides. 7 pounds ana up. -c; ory uini can, unaer Doundi. 21c: dry salt hides, 7 pounds and up. dry cull hides, half price; dry flint stags or bulls, ISc; dry sait stags or bulls. 12c; dry hides, according to size and take-off, $1.50 to -.50 each; sauea norse hides. SJ to So. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, per pound. 20c; salted long-wool pelts, $1.503 2.50 each; dry short-haired goat skns. each, doc to uc 8 AN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET 13 Z413 2673 Buying From Wholesalers for Fall De livery Is an Ljhrger Scmlo. NEW TORK, April 11. Bradatreefs to morrow will say: Two contrary currents run through ths trade and industrial reports to Bradstreet's Journal. Ordinary distributive trade, stim ulated by sDrinz influences, perfect winter wheat crop .conditions. extraordinary lor arm liquidation, attributed in part to conserva tive interests. In its hesitant course the market fre quently Indicated an overextension and consequent weakening of the sustained bull account, which has controlled movements for almost two months past. United States Steel was under Incessant pressure, breaking to Its low price of the week, but closing unchanged at 98!4. Steer, heaviness was th. more conspicuous because of the strength of related shares, notably Bethlehem. Atlantic A Gulf led the shippings at a gross gain of S points, but American In ternational added almost 4 points to the decline which followed yesterday's an nouncement of the coming J 40 payment on stock. Reversals among rails mostly affected St. Paul common and preferred. Ljnlon Pacific and Norfolk A Western at reces sions of 1 to 2 points. Equipments, metals and tobaccos were unsteady, but secondary mining issues made variable gains. Sales amounted to 1.300,000 shares. Irregularity In the bond market chiefly due to reactions In high-grade rails. Liberty bonds also yielded, but foreign Issues were steady. . Total sales, par value, aggregated (10.900.000. Old United States coupon 4s gained 54 on sales. CLOSIXO RTflOlC onOTATIOXS. I.ut Sales. High. Low. Am Beet Sugar. 2,uo !: 74 American Can.. 14,7u0 5o 4'Ji, Am Car & Fdry. 3.400 93 93 American Loco. Cl Am Sm & Kefg. 4.000 71 70 Am Sugar Reig 2,700 120H 127 Am Tel & Tel.. 1.300 105i 104 Anaconda Cop .. 5.S00 2 H Atcnison ow - A G i ' I S S L 21.700 130 127 Vi Halt & Ohio ... 1.2U0 4S- 4S Bethlehem B ..10S.S00 78 73 B & S Copper.. 4UU -'n ft o 9U0 100 109 800 77 7i 800 500 700 Calif Petrol Canadian Paclf. Central Leather Ches & Ohio . .. Chi 11 1 Si P.. Chi & N W .... C R I 4 P efts. Chino Copper .. Colo Fj & Iron. Corn Prod Refg 32.900 Crucible Steel .. 7,b00 Cuba Cane Bug Erie 400 General Electric 1.100 General Motors. 18,400 Gt Nor pfd .... 800 Gt Nor Ore ctfs. 2,200 Illinois Central. 200 Insp Cop ex div. S.000 Int M M Pfd ... 33.300 Inter Nickel ... 5.100 Inter Paper .... 60 Kennecott Cop. 4.000 Louis A Nash Maxwell Motors. 200 Mexican Petrol. 27.1)00 Miami Copper.. 500 Missouri Pacific 2.200 Nevada Copper. N Y Central . .. N Y N H & H. . Norf A West .. No Pac ex dlv.. Pennsylvania .. Pittsburg Coal.. Ray Consol Cop. Reading Ren Tr Jb Steel.. Southern Paclf. 21.700 Snnth.rn Rv ... 1.70O Studebaker Cor. B.ono Texas Co B.000 I'nlon Pacific .. 1.000 U S Ind Alcohol 21. BOO U S Steel 163.700 do pra Utah Copper ... S..00 Wabash nfd B Western Union . 300 Westing Electric 8.2O0 8.300 38 400 1,200 1.000 500 1.100 3.000 l.ooo 900 6.500 1.500 24 37 43 U MI'i 67 "io" 161 , 177 92Vi 41 90 50 114 27 45 i 32 Vi 39 1S3'4 23 23 16 74 29 105 92 H 44 50 21 84 S2 104 28 60 215 129 155 99 116 75 '86 46 36 'iihi 36 43 57 66 "is" 158 175 92 41 99 40 112 26 45 32 '33 1S1 23 23 16 73 29 104 82 44 48 21 83 82 103 28 63 211 128 151 97 110 74 'sii-S 46 Sale. 75 50 93 66 70 19 104 62 92 129 43 76 22 25 ISO 76 5 37 94 23 37 .43 59 66 26 16 160 177 92 41 99 00 114 27 45 32 115 39 181 23 23 16 73 29 104 92 44 49 21 84 82 103 28 60 213 128 154 98 116 74 20 80 46 Bid. BONDS. V B Lib s... B9.12ID S 4b COO......106 do 1st con 4s.. 95.86' Atchison Gen 4s. 81 do 1st con 4s93.80!N Y C deb os... 9. do 2d con 4s. 93.6S N P 4s 82 do 3d 44s.... 95.60 N P 3s ......... 68 do 4th 4s. .. 93.62,Pac T O: T 6s.. 91 reii ii cuu -ana... ' . USfe U P 4s 87 S9 U S Steel 5s... ..100 .Sf S F cv 5d 14 '103 Anglo-Fr. 5s ... 86 T7 S ref 2s rcg U S ref 2s cou. S 3s reg..... U S 3s cou U S 4s cou.. .. . Bid. Mlnlnr Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, April 11. Closing quotations: Aunties 37 Arizona Com 11 Calumet & Aria, Calu & Hecla. . .409 Centennial . . . Prinnpr Ranse... 43 East Willie. oki Franklin Lsle Royalle.... 20 I.ake Copper ... 4 Mohawk 50 North Butte.... 11 Old Dominion. Osceola .... Quincy Superior ........ 12lSup & Boston... shannon T tah Cons. Winona Wolverine Oranby Cons. . . . 34 49 66 2 I 90 17 66 cultural earnings and the return of hun dreds of thousands of soldiers to private life with money in their pockets, shows further expansion. Despite Inclement' weather and bad roads in some sections, buying from whole salers for fall is rather more confident, and while there is evidence of conserva tism, due to peace conference talk, the re ductions so far nfade are not up to expec tations. As for some time past consump tive demand seems to single out lines which have been under the ban of war necessity, hence millinery, women's wear ot all kinds, men's clothing, jewelry, auto mobiles and musical Instruments are active. Weekly bank clearings were J 6, 65 8,4 58, 000. Coffee Futures Steady. NEW TORK, April 11. Reports of stead ily improving prospects for an early conclu sion of peace and talk of a firmer tone in the cost and freight situation seemed re sponsible for renewed firmness In the mar ket for coffee futures today. Closing bids: May, $15.90; July, $15.48; September, $14.88: October, $14.75; December, $14.47; January,! ii i7 . k til 1a ' Spot coffee 'steady; Rio, Ts 16: Santo,,) XO MORE STEAMERS TO BE AS SIGNED TO ARGENTINA.- Chicago Prices at Close Are Unset tled, but Higher Oats Val ues Are Irregular. CHICAGO. April 11. Fresh strength de veloped in the corn market today, chiefly as a result of word that the United States shipping board would not assign any more vessels to the Argentine trade. Prices closed unsettled, (jlc net higher, with May 1.57 1.68 and July 1.40 1.50. Oats finished at hie decline to a like ad vance. In provisions there was a rise of 32 to 52 cents. Oats followed corn, advancing early and weakening later. . Jumps in provisions were ascribed in the main to an improved outlook for export business. Big shipments from here on tlnued. .Leading features ranged as follows: Eastern Egg, and Cheese. KEW YORK, April 11. Eggs, irregular; receipts. 40,777 cases; fresh gathered extras, 45H46c; fresh gathered northern section firsts, 41 ii 43hic. Cheese steady; receipts, 2730 boxes: state whole milk flat, current make specials, 3233Kc CHICAGO. April 11. Eggs unchanged. Poultry Alive, higher; springs, 33c; fowls, 30c May July Sept. May July Sept May July May July CORN. Hish. 1.09 Open. .. 1.5S ,. 1.50 1.52 .. X44Vi 1.4574 X OATS. Low. 15614 1.48 1.43 . .66 .63ti .68 i .67 .6714 .65 .64 ' .621, MESS PORK. ..49.80 40.80 -49.50 ..46.64 47.10 46.35 LARD. ..29.2714 29 4714 29.05 .;28.1714 23.60 28.15 SHORT RIBS. Close. 1.57 V 1.49H 1.4414 .6714 .6614 .6234 LIBERTY BONDS IF YOU MUST SELL YOUR LIBERTY BONUS SELL TO VS. IF" TOU CAN BUY MORE LIBERTY BOSDS BUY FROM US. Friday. April 11, we paid the following- prices for Liberty Bonds, which were the New Tork market prices, plus interest: Stts 1st 4s 4s 1st 414s 2d4"4s 3d 414 4th 414a 100.24 97.16 95.29 97.18 95.-42 95.92 95.40 When buying Liberty Bonds we deduct from the above prices IT cent, on a 50 Bond and J2.50 on a $1000 Bond. When selling we charge th. New York market price, plus accrued interest. Bnra-lar "d Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent ASK ABOUT OUR PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. 809-11 STARK STREET, BET. BTU AND 6TH STREETS Telepkoaei Broadway 2151 Established Over 28 Tears 49.75 46.87 29.45 28.52 Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 11. Copper dull; elec trolytic. 1514 15 lie ' Iron steady, unchanged. Metal exchange quotes lead weak; Spot and June offered at 5.00c Spelter quiet; East St, Louis spot, 6.12(3 (.30c; May, 6. IS 6.33c. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, April 11. Raw sugar steady; centrifugal, 17.28; fine granulated, J9. MARKET IN GOCD SHAPE PRICES ARE HOLDIXG EVEN AT IiOCAIi STOCKYARDS. Twenty Carloads Are Received but IIght Trading for Day Is Reported- Receipts at the stockvards wr falriv large yesterday, 20 cam being unloaded, but only a small amount of business was re ported. The market was steady to firm throughout at the former range of prices. Receipts were 219 cattle. S caiv. iiiii nogs and 3UU sheep. ine days sales were as follows: 27.55 27.57 27.55 27.55 25.10 25.60 25.10 25.50 uasn prices were: Corn No. 3 yellow, fl.60 1.62. Oats Standard. 686c. Rye No. 2. $1.67 1.8S. Barley 1.04 1.12. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, April 11. Flour, 11.55. Grain Wheat, $2.20; oats, red feed. $2.15 3 : corn. California yellow, $2.75 3; oar ley, iNo. 1 feed, 92.25O2.40. Hay Wheat or wheat and oat, $1719; tame oat, $1719; barley. $1215; alfalfa. itj'au; naney straw, 50 80c bale. ueais au air a, $30&32; cocoanut, un- Quotea. Wt. Price, I 2 steers. ..1040 $13.7339 hogs.... 1 cow 800 3.50 2 hogs.... 1 cow 1010 10.50124 hogs.... 2 cows 755 7.25 64 hogs 2 cows.. ..1020 11.70 5hogs.... Greene Cananea. 42 Price Carre-it Ef r. Yea-etables. Freeh Fruits. Etc.. at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. April 11. Eggs Fresh extras, 4tc: ti-eph extra pullets. 4c Chww New firsts, -I'JVic; Oregon Young Americas. 3VsC Poultry nens, large 3S&40C, small 41 (M.'c; roosters, young 4o5vc, old 24 so: 25c; broilers, small 4545ic. large 5rt0c; fryers. 52o?.V5c; turkeys, unquoted: geese. 2ttaic; pigeons. $2,204x3. aquacs. 606.c pound. Vegetaoies Asparagus, jvti i-c. graaea; celery, $4 u ft crate of (our and five doxen; summer squash, $2tu 2.20 crate; tomatoes. $.,.." 3 i crate or oox : let tuce. L.os An geles, $2 92.23 crate, Icedj Watson vihe al.oa2. potatoes, ueiias. jv.otf- cental: choice Oregon uurDanKs, sjj.tfu: sweet. H $JV; new, 3f65c pound; omons, $3..(r4 cental. Ice house; green. $1.7 jfj 2.25 tox; strawberry rhubarb, $11.7; cauliflower, large, ici $1 doxen; green peas, T-jflOc pound: mushrooms. 20 & 50c box. according to sue; sprouts, unquoted; cucumbers, $3 v3&0 box. hothouse; spinach. 50c$l crate; cabbage, $1.75 per 100 pounds: string beans, 4O9O0C pound; carrots, $2.753.25 sack; be:s. $1 to 1-50 sack; turnips, sack, yellow, $1. 501. 75; white, $1.2j 1.3C; garlic, 50$ 70c pound. Fruit Lemons, $304.25 box; oranges, $4 fiMit; bananas. 6 wbc pound; pineapples, $2fei5 dozen: Mexican limes, $6S crate; apples. Newtown pippins. $393 25; Oregon pitienburg. $3.25 6 3.50, pears, winter Neil is, $3 1 4 cold storage; loquats, 12 4 15c; strawberries, southern, $.20 2.50 crate of 15 baskets. Receipts Flour. 10,154 quarters: beans, 1632 sacks; potatoes, 4246 sacks; hay, 245 tons; hides. 3S; wine, 26,650 gallons. Med Fruit at New Tork. NEW TORK, April 11. Evaporated ap ples, dull: state, 17 91 He Prunes scarce. Peaches firm. PORK, 25cVEAL, 21c. pay those prices for top-quality meat a. We cab use large and Inferior quality at leas. We never charge com mission. Frank L. Smith Meat Co, Z2t Aider it, Portland. Or. Adv. Money, Exchange, Etc NEW TORK, April 11. Mercantile paper. 54 5H per cent. Kf.riinF AO-dav bills. $4 61: commercial 6o-day bills on banks, $4.80 ; commercial 60-day bills, $4.60; demand, $4.64&; cables, $4.60. Mexican dollars, tt. Time loans, steady; 40 days, 90 days and six months, 5V5 per cent. Call money, strong: high, low and rul ing rate, 6: closing bid, 6; offered at 6; last loan, 6. Bank acceptances, 4. LONDON. Anrll 11. Bar sliver, 48 15-16d per ounce- Money. 3 per cent. Discount rates, short and three-months bills,, 3 & per cent. COAST AND EASTERN DAIRY PRODUCE Batter Market Conditions at Leading Dis tribution Points. Ttntter market conditions at San Fran- tsco. Chicago and New York, as wired yes terday to Portland office of bureau of mar kets: Chicago. Considerable activity developed late yesterday afternoon and buying orders both local and shipping continue to come In today, causing this market to take on a very firm tone. There Is quite a good deal more support to this feeling than has been evidenced on other similar markets of late, as butter seems to be short at many points outside ef the city. Centralised is firm at the moment, the few available cars offered being held for 62c but we hear of no sales having been made above 62 c New York. Trading was light today. De mand was somewhat inactive and the sup ply of all grades was slight. In fact some stores were completely sold out. On the basis of 60 on 12 score, the market today was barely steady and Inclined towards weakening. A few transactions were made on the basis of tomorrow's quotations. While there is considerable uncertainty at the present time, dealers are making every ef fort to have their supply at a minimum. Receipts yesterday amounted to 6350 tubs. Storage holdings were reduced about 1000 tubs, while the street stocks were practi cally unchanged. San Francisco. More than the ordinary amount of trading took place today and late yesterday evening for shipment to east ern markets. Prices are one-half cent higher on 04 -score and unchanged on 93-score. Stocks are reasonably well reduced. The situation is generally unchanged, although some dealers seem to be expecting lower prices rather than higher and some are reported to be shaving prices slightly to dis pose of tills week's receipts. 93-score, 55 Vic DEMAND IS FOB FINE WOOLS Lower Grades Slightly Weaker hi Boston Market. BOSTON. April 11. The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: Fine staple wools have strengthened a bit during the week, where mills were de termined to secure a selection of the best grades. Medium wools have remained fairly steady, except that quarter bloods and below are slightly lower. The demand Is still chiefly for fine wools. The London sales have held firm and for fine wools have ruUd a very little dearer. Trading has been resumed at Buenos Aires. Prices are firm at the cape. California Northern, $1.S8&1.42; middle county. $1.S3&1.40; southern, $1-301.32. Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple, $1.651.70; eastern clothing, $1.3901.40; valley No. 1 $1.45 61-50. Territory Fine staple. $1.65 Q 1.70; half blood combing, $1.461.50; -blood comb ing. $1.0561.10: fine clothing. $1.4001.42; fine medium clothing, $1.3561-38. Beeln Market Excited. SAVANNAH. Ga., April 11. The rosin market showed some life today for the first time in weeks. Sales of 29 S3 barrels of roe-tn were reported on the floor of the Savannah ' board of trade. Today's was Wt. Price. ISO $19.10 3(0 IS. 10 105 17.10 100 19.00 120 17.00 Prices quoted at the local yards follow: Cattle 1- est steers $13.00 14.50 uood to choice steers 11.5012.00 Medium to good steers 100,00 11.00 Fair to good steers . o inVmin nn Common to fair steers S.uO'fi 9! 00 vvjunte uows ana neiiers 10. 00 'r 12 25 Cood to choice cows, heifers.... 9.00 'a 10.50 -neuium 10 gooa cows, neirers.. 7.00'3 8.00 Fair to medium cows. hifer n ohm a mi Canners 3.00 4.00 Bulls 6.00 SOO Calves 9. 00 Off 13. 50 atocKers ana feeders nuns Prime mixed 19.00'S19.25 Medium mixed is 7.-11 in no Rough heavies n'ftiiffli; -'.'i 10.20to 17.20 Prime lambs 16.0017 00 Fair to medium lambs 14.0015.00 Yearlings 11.0012.00 w etners 9.00 f 10.00 Ewes 6.50 10.00 Prime mixed 18.75 & 18.85 ORIGINS , OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments in the Leading Markets of the Pacific Northwest. State origins of livestock loaded April 11, 1918: Cattle. Horses. Mixed Calves.Hogs.Sheep.Mules.Stock. For Portland California 4 1 Idaho - 1 Oregon 1 3.... 2 9 Washington .. 7 Totals 32 5 .... 2 9 Week ago 14 2 2 ... . 3 Four weeks ago 112 11 Year ago 2 4.... 4 For Seattle Totals. Apl. 10. 0 1 2 For Spokane Totals Apt. 10 4 .... 1 .... Loaded for all American markets: Total April 10.. ..1260 1183 300 153 205 Week ago 1607 iy:,0 578 307 337 Four weeks ago... 1385 1S02 529 2S3 258 Year ago 1871 202S 496 91 294 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. April 11. U. 8. Bureau of Markets. ) Hogs Receipts. 18,000 ; market, 10c to 20c higher: top. $20.65: bulk of sales, $20.2020.55; heavy, $2O.00ffi 20.00; medium, $20,40420.60; light, $13.80(20.50; pigs, $17.60 (trlO.OO. Cattle Receipts. 2000; market steady to strong; calves lower. Heavy steers, $11,506?) jo.'d; light. iuffi.ou; Dutcner cows ana heifers, $7.5015.25; canners, $5.75 10; calves, $14.25 617; stockers, $8.25 15.50. Sheen Receipts. 3000: market steady: best eight Colorado Iambs, $19.65; lambs, $17.50 10.65; culls, $14M7.50; medium ewes, $12 15.50; culls, $6612. Omaha Livestock Starket. OMAHA, April 11. Hogs Receipts, 7400; market, 10c higher. Heavy, $20. 1 0 20.45 ; mixed. $20 6 20.25; light. $19.90&20.10; pigs. $170-18; bulk of sales. $20.106 20.35. " jattie receipts, io.uuu; marKet lower. Native steers. $14617.75: cows and heifers. $014.25; western steers, $10615; Texas, $9 614; cows and neirers, s7.au qprj.oQ; can ners. S5.6066.25: stockers, $961: calves, $7 613.75. Sheep Receipts, 1400: market steady. Culls, $6 ft' 10; wethers. $15ai6: ewes, $126 35.25; lambs, $18.50 619.75; feeder lambs, $17618; yearltngs, $16617. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, April 11. Hogs Receipts 93, steady. Prime, $19.35 610-60; medium to choice, $19 610-25; rough heavies, $176 17.60: pigs, $17618.60. Cattle Steady to - strong. Best steers, $11.50614.50; medium to choice, $10,506 11; common to good, $7610; best cows and heifers, $8612; common to good, $5 6 7.50; bulls, $6610; calves, $7613. NEW TARIFFS SOON DUE Ayerage Redaction on Articles From Interior 10 Per Cent. New through traffic rates oh many articles shipped from the interior for export through Pacific coast ports will be inaugurated by the railroad admin istration as soon as the revised tariffs can be prepared and filed. Information to this effect was received yesterday by the Portland Chamber of Commerce from Senator McNary. Examination of tne rates tentatively announced shows that the average re duction amounts to about 10 per cent, it was said at the Chamber of Com merce. San Francisco business men, ae cording to report, are not satisfied with the proposed reductions and have launched efforts to obtain still lower rates. The new rates will apply to ship ments originating in territory of the Missouri river valley and eastward. Typical of the proposed rates per 100 pounds, are: Agricultural implements, $1; machinery, $1; automobiles and parts, J3.75; trucks, $3. Iron, wire, glass, soap, paper and about 34 other items are embraced on the list of re ductions. STATE TAKES 5 CHILDREN Parents Declared 31entally Deficient to Care for Family. Four children, all under .10 years of age, and one 15-months-old baby, were taken away from their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Harth, residing at 695 Harney avenue, Thursday and placed under the care of the juvenile court, because, it is alleged, the father and mother are mentally deficient and incapable of taking care of the family properly. Four of the children were taken to the Frazer home, and the small baby to the Waverly baby home. A. R. Gebhart, of the public welfare bureau, stated this action was taken by the juvenile court after examination of the parents by Dr. S. E. Joseph! and Dr. W. T. Williamson. Talent W Own ana Offar Ww U nitwit r-Uo. af $175,000 Irrigation District Municipal 6 Gold Bonds Jaokton County, Orvvn DATED January 1, 1919 DUE Serially Principal and teml-annual InUra (January 1 and July 1 narabl, at th. rhcal Acncy of th. State of Oraoon, Nw York City, or at tn. efflo of th, Oounty Troawrar, Jaokaon County, Onomi. RodMmaol, at 1 08 an. Inurut In numw. loal orsar an any Inurut payment daw at not lM than nlntty oaya not to. Denominations $800 $1,000 111,000 . 11,500 . 13,500 15,000 . .Jan. 1, 1924 . " 1925 . " " 1920 . - " 1927 JH.000 , 14.500 15,500 , 16,500 , .Jan. 1, 12 . " " 1929 . " " 1930 . " - 1931 117.600 , 18.500 . 19,500 . 11,000 . .Jan. 1, 19JI . " - 1911 . " " 19S4 . " " 195 Municipal Tax Lien General Obligation ThaM bonds ara a omra! tai Hon an 8417 aorat osmprliln, Th, Talent Irrigation District, Jaokaon County, Orogon, a municipal district omnliea undar th. gwiaral laws of ths Stat of Onn, prior to any nyorVgag, Hans. Including mortgagaa amourlng Ftdaral and Stat, Farm Loan Bondr principal and hrtarsst an payabl. from taiaa eolleetod by th County Treasurer along with and In th, aanw manner as other general taiea. PIMAHOlaL STATE HUNT Appraised Talue of entire district (8417 acres) IL695.7S0 Assessed valuation of entire district, 1918 (8417 acres) 690,420 608,355 444,860 175,000 Appraised value of property Improved (3736 acres) Assessed valuation of property improved, 1918 (3736 acres). Total bonded debt mDom not include lmprorements or personal property bat lrrlsablo land only Valuations do not Jnchide the cost of this lmprorement or any consideration for ths great benent that will be dertred therefrom Population, estimated, SSO This does not Include population of th city of Talent which la situated entirely within th district SSA ef total aereag of district Is In a high stat of cultivation, vhrt S of area In alfalfa and grain 4,01 acre, 41 of area In fruits, berries, tometeee, garden truck, etc S.4SS " 11 of area hi pasture " 8.417 " District organlxed under th municipal Lews of th Stat, ef Oregon Validity of district established by decision of th. Circuit Court of Jackson Oounty, Oreoon Approved for bank Inysttmsnt by the Superintendent of Banks of th Stat of Oregon Certified by th Secretary f SUU of th Stat of Oregon Approved by the Stat Engineer ef th Stat of Oregon Qeneral Tax Obligation of the Entire District Legal Investment for Trust Funds In Oregon Legal Investment for Oregon Savings Bank Exempt from all Federal Income Tain Free from Declaration of Ownership Legal Security for Public Deposits Legality Approved by OOODFILLOW, CELLS, MOORE A ORRIOK, SAN FRANOISOO, OAL. end by TEAL, MINOR WINFREE, PORTLAND, OREGON and by the ATTORNEY OENERAL OF THE STATE OF ORESON Price: Par and accrued interest, to yield 6, , - Income Tax Exempt Freeman Smith & Camp Co. SECOND FLOOR BORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING lis u Cifl FsURCtlK main o DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. April 11. Maximum temperature, 08 degrees; minimum tempera ture, 42 degrees. ' River reading, 8 A. M., 9.8 feet; change in last 24 hours, 0.2 foot fail. rotai rainfall (o . M. to 5 M., none; to tal rainfall since September 1. 1918. 3 7.0 J inches; normal rainfall since September 1, 37.03 inches; deficiency of rainfall since Sep tember 1, 1918. 0.92 inch. Sunrise, 6:32 A. M.; sunset, 7:52 P. M.; total sunshine, 3 hours, minutes; possioie sunsnine, ii hours 20 minutes. Moon rise, 4:40 P. M, moonset, 4:41 A. M. Barometer reduced ea level). 5 P. M., 30.19 inches; relative humidity at noon, 50 per cent. THE WEATHER. STATIONS. Wind CENTRALIA MEN RETURN Eugene Bennett Is Among Those Reaching New Tork. CENTRALIA, Wash., April 11. (Spe cial.) J. P. Standke, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Standke of this city, who is overseas, will sail for the United States about May 1, according to word re ceived from him by his parents yester day. Corporal Eugene Bennett has landed in New Tork from France and expects to be sent to a western camp for de mobilization, according to word re ceived from him by his wife in Oak ville. Edward and R. H. Pearsall, sons of J. A. Pearsall of Pe Ell, have landed in New York from France. A letter was received yesterday from Captain H. T. Bell, a Centralia physi cian, now In Nagasaki, .Japan. Captain Bell stated that his transport, the Lo gan, probably would land at Vladivostok. Read The Oregonian classified ads. Baker Boise ........ Boston ....... Calgary Chicago Denver Des Moines... Eureka Galveston .... Helena ...... tJuneau Kansas City.. Los Angeles... Marshfleld Med ford Minneapolis .. New Orleans.. New York . . .. North Head... North Yakima Phoenix I Pocatello .... Portland Roseburg Sacramento .. St. Louis Salt Lake . . . . Sun Diego .... San Francisco. Seattle .... Sitka ..... Spokane . . . Tacoma . . . Tatoosh Island tValdez Walla Walla. Washington . Winnipeg 4S;0.00. .IN Pt. cloudj 5-'i0.00 . . .W Clear 60.0024SW Cloudy 4'j;0.0424NW Snow 40 0. On 14 W Cloudy 4'0.00 20 NW Pt. cloudj 4U U.UU .. iciouay 54iO.OOI14N Cloudy 70'0. 00,10:3 12! 44,0.OO28i '5410.00 5S:o.oo 741O.0O SSjO.lSj 62:0.00 44i0. 06:12 70 0.00. . 62:0.02112 4S'0.02!20IS 6010.001. .1. .W 8610. 00. .. ,W 4S10.00 24 SW SW SE W w N'W NW NW N'W 2S 52 3s; 42 33 4S 44 441 54 68 0.00'12IW 4S( 62'0.00U2:SW 401 52!0.OO14tN a6 O.OO . . 34 50I0.00112ISW 48 5210. 0M . . W , 4S,0. 14114 E ssin on! 6210.00!. 7210.001. eoio.no . 54'0.06 W w w NW N 20 52i0.00. . (Clear 421 56 0. 00!. .ISW 60 7211.4S . . NE ..( 400.00..W Cloudy iClear Clear Rain Clear Pt. cloud Clear Pt. clouds Cloudy Clear Rain Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy IClear Pt. cloud? Pt. cloud Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear . Rain Cloudy CITY OF PORTLAND, OREGON 6 IMPROVEMENT BONDS Exempt From Present Income Tax GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD f. I. Devereaux Rgmpanv 67 Sixth Street Broadway 1042 Ground Floor Wells-Farso Bonding fA. M. today. P. M. report of preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; gentle vari able winds. . . Oregon and Washington Fair; gentle vari able winds. EDWARD L. WELLS, Meteorologist. Centralia Chapter Slakes Report. CENTRALIA, 'Wash., ApH 11. (Spe cial.) The monthly report of W. A. Ruble, treasurer of the Centralia Red Cross chapter, rendered yesterday, shows the chapter to be in excellent financial condition. On March 31 the chapter had J8.947.S0 in the bank. The receipts for the month exceeded the expenditures by $1,841.41. Centralia Woman Dies. CENTRALIA, Wash., April 11 (Spe cial.) Word has been received here of the death in Hoquiam of Mrs. Emma Gillespie, a pioneer resident of Centra lia, who moved to Grays Harbor six months agro to make her home with her daughter. She leaves two children. Charles Gillespie of Bucoda and Mrs. Bessie Curray of Hoquiam. COUNTY SUED' FOR $20,350 Yakima Woman Seeks Damages for Loss ot Husband. TAKIMA. Wash.. April 11. (Special.) Mrs. Edith Johnson, whose husband, Charles Johnson, was killed last ran when an automobile in which he was riding was wrecked In a wasnout in the Yakima river near union Bay, ferrtav filed suit in superior court against Yakima county asking $20,350 damages. She asserts the county was negligent in failing to erect barriers. The county's defense, it is understood, will be that the washout occurred only a short time before the accident and that the party of which Johnson was a member did not exercise ordinary pru dence in driving into a place evidently dangerous. Tacoma to Hear Billy Sunday. t a rmi A . Wash.. April 11. Billy c,,n.v svnnc-fllist. will speak, in Ta coma under the auspices of the United States treasury in behalf oi me vic tory liberty loan, according to aavicea received here today from Washing ton, D. C. Wage Increase Welcomed. L,A GRANDE, Or., April 11. (Spe cial.) Inasmuch as the railroad pay roll in all departments of the O.-W. R & N., on the La Grande division, ag gretratea about $125,000 monthly, the Clark, Kendall & Co. Second Floor Northwestern Bank Bldg. . Portland, Oregon We Recommend and Offer to Investors Carefully Selected GOVERNMENT. MUNICI PAL and CORPORATION BONDS Denominations $50, $100, $500, $1000 order of Director-General HInes today raising the pay scale is welcomed here. The increase will represent a large sum monthly in this vicinity. Hawaiian Service Wants Men. TACOMA. Wash., April 11. "Begin recruiting white applicants at once for service in Panama, Hawaii and Philip pine detachments," were the orders re ceived today at Camp Lewis from the war department. In addition white cavalry for Hawaii and colored cavalry for the Philippines may be enlisted, the order states. MORE PROFIT in livestock fed from INDIANA SILOS Our feed book tells why. Spaulding Logging Co. Salem, Or. J. B. Steinbach & Go. Correspondents B. F. BUTTON Jk CC Members &. Y. Stock Exchange, Chi cago Board of Trade, N. . Cotton Excbange, 301-2-3 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Tela. 91 alls zttf-zse. PRIVATE WIRES COAST TO COAST. TRAVEL, BBS' OlIDE. STEAMERS The Dalles and Way Poirrts, Sailings, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 10 P. M. DALLES COLUMBIA LINE Ash St. Dock. BroaHway S5 AUSTRALIA KEff ZEALAND ANI SOUTH SKAJ Via Tahiti aad Karatoasa. Mail paa. Msiti aortic nsa baa xranelaea ovary M ""nICI! S. . CO. OF JKW ZEALAND, 230 Califerala t.. (MB rraneisesk