THE MORNING OREGONIAX, TUESDAY, APRIL S, 1910. sea. JiLF rr, part In cultivation. with shrub be.- and small fruit, right on hard-sur- far- boulevard at Mu'tnomah station ehi-e location, for lm See Atctaiaon, riatt oiug. rar Me Armie. irrp prTTTvn rv thr market. ACREAOE OV THE PACIFIC HIGHWAl CLUSS TO VANCOLVtn AAU PORTLAND. 910 DOWN. $5 PER MONTH urf 8 acr of land In this addition of CI tcoc The pncM range (mm $50 per rrt and up. with Urmi of Si per ten down and SI per a era par month, no mat ter how many acres you purchase. Thera fa no rock or a-ravel or rouia land this addition; soma of these tract a ara aatly cleared, win miki an Ideal subur ban boma. poultry farm. dairy ranch: la li .tj ror prunra. .Dgnsa wa.iuu.a. n.. r.w Ttt-r m IPhAul OB tha ad- d.i-on: tba stag and uot Una run bj tAia laao. CHARLES DELrEL, Sit Kallwar Exchanga Bid, Port an -i. Or. PoRTJoN of an acr- at Garden Home. aI cleared: howa Mlit plastered, sink. itrr. saa and electricity; 1 block to ration Tf rarfir nln.T rommUtlll"H ti- keta: sleeping lent Ixl2. Price $l-5o. $. cau"h. l it Ra1 Creek, on Estacada S acres cleared; c-rk: no buildings; lor jut'-k sale. SS4: $oy cash. IWi:.H) at r-arkpiace, on Oregon ity I're: atl cleared: bouae. welt, pump. barn. f-os;-prof (run cellar: ail fenced: all kinds fr if and bemea; I bicka to tore; S-'ix"). half r-h E. A. Brown, i. . COI.DKBER(f CO.. 213 Abinfton Ii:dg. WEST SIDK ACtlKAGK. Clow to Portland m rrowmf manufactur ing district, hard aurfaced roads, school, e'c. Garden tracts, fruits, chicken ranches. loo par arra and up. 5 do n and SI a wek. Two aTn. running water, fruit. sxai bouaa. Sl'W. eaay lrmi: atx-room house. inr acres, water, fruit, etc. $2600. aaar irmi JIUNTANA-ORKHOS UNt) CO,. 40 McKay b;dg Main -. Kea. phone, Eaet ;w. . N I Nli-ACRE rOl'NTRT HOME. Located hM line and ro-Vi dandy roorn plastered bungalow, w nit a nm"l "'Hrh kiuln. fine fireplace, all but!. -in effects In It vina: room and dining room: plenty of good water, family or chard and berrlea. thicken huiia. 2 barn and another aool ft -room house; price su4. terms: wtil aubdivii. jonn a. UnwiH. 31 Chamber of 'omiBtrrr. 15 ACKKS rich bottom land, all but aoout 2 acres In cultivation; S mile Irom eta t.on on good road in Clarke Co.. Waan.; miles from Vancouver. This la an em ctat pro party for market card en Inc. liad to tafca piaca under fore-.oura of mortgage and muat sell. Price $."-50. ea trma John Bain. W7 fipaUdinc bide, t ort and. kt. aw ACRtH In oouthweat Washington for aa: to aetticrs on.y; easy tarma, low grtcaa. $ per acre ad up. Llbarty bond accepted at par. Wrtia lor map ahowlag lcMtion. terms, etc, VtVERHAEl'rKR TTMBTIR COVPAM, Tacoma Bldg.. T a corn a, Waab. J.i OWNER R-auUful i-acre tract. bet of oil. ail In Drtng f-uit. well fenced with wire. da to McS tnnvll'-a. collrge town. rre of the bea towns In Offop; ; will han'ile thta Tabor 4. or address Y. 1W4. (".Conti. M PI YS arrea gowl nrh soil, near e efc-ric Mne. scheoi. sfore, postofftce. em pl'Oment. 75 down, fraper, 01 Wilcox hide. la At KK3 of land, good orchard, house, all outbuilding. Bull Kun water; tocat'd ju.t aoutn of inta. 131 -d it. S. b. Tiiomaa A Hea. I V, A KKo of iand. nina blocks from Council treat cat rur . can be sub-divided: jc od Investmen;, in tew o' tunnel Y W, Qrccnlj.n. ) OR hALE 10 acrs. wmlly In prunes; wlil rav a gnod Income; IA rnin. to car Itn; terms. Route No. 2. box 114 B, Vancouver, Wm!i. FoR FALE SO acra unimproved 'And, 1 li mtles from Vader. Wuh.. SOOO. SI 00 down, balance long: time, jonn J. ogc H r I shoro. Or. fOR SLE or trade. U-rre. Park mad: Tird at S 1 '""0. Vould consider In trade m H Buik or Dodse. Call Wdro. after P. M. Half ca . ba'an.-e 3 years 6 per cent, are. a of land near Esta-ada line; 40 a res claare!: house, barn, family orchard, X i77. Oregorlan. FOR Ml- or trad. 2 a Tea, -". mtiea from Montavllla on ML Hood railway. Tabor 41. . "fltARP. It acres. car; orchard: creek: oa Oregon Electric. Seil all or part on pa tu e n t a. .! E. Morrtaon. Eaat o-"4. Ai'RE, small house. S14'W; ot Aiierta car: terms. llMtf bidg. Main l4i V mlie east N VY. Bank CHOICE, cloae-in acreage, rood soil, wall located. Owrer. Phone Broadway 4SS3. ACKE3; easy terms; mils east Lentu Juct.; agent on grounds. Mt- Scott car. A-ACttt; tract of land near Troutdaie, chep. Inquire H:ckty. attorney. Main 974. 2 ACRES fine unimproved fruit land near Mosier: aacriflce at S2' cash. lutn hU5- lomeead. RcHnqnlshmcnta. lit! IXDEPENDKXT: RAISE STOK ON VOIR OWN STO' K RANCH: make your future secure by obtaining now while yuU cn A40 acres of splendid fertile land adapted to agriculture and stock rals'nK. ind located on or near new S:rahorn Rallwav now building: only small capital necesaarv. good land Is your beat friend. Vnur Increase from a small beginning will make your futurr secure, t'enirai Orvgon is Orr optnr ery fast. Will ou obtain your sarv? y me for particulars, or ante f.r illustrate! ctrcn'ar. ti. S. Krle. (Govt, and cru ". 611 wet'and bldg. "MOM V- BK r- Hi. A TT EXTIOV 10 acres, part of which good, level, rowing. S run Mr.ff creek a J 4 miles from Portland, on Teats rier. rloso to boatlandtng. R. Y. I. route. fcIioI S mile, limber, first atrttwtav win mora lhaa day for placa. Yours at $ 12.30 per acre. F. Drocge. r'sl.s City, ur. 40-ACKE homestead re.inu uisb men t for sale 2 mt;ea frum tn: garden in and fenced, rabm and house started: larre umber on p a e: s:ream. t.mber wi.l pay for place. I or aie -! im FR SALE S30U. 1 1 -acre chicken ranch, all new land, f-iXKl house, hot anil cold Water and good bat.l. fair barn and cellar house, houses for 750 chickens, family orrhard and small frutt. 6 miles from Vancouver. Wash.; water pipei to all chicken houses. W. S. RonfV. Vn--uver. W'aih. R. Z, box 119. I'D PEK ACRE will buy 10 acrca 4 miles f-orn Ly.e. Klickitat Co,. W ah on North Bank R. R. : about acres in cultivation, ha tnr easily oared: small house and btri. w;i eel fed r. etgh borho-i : fo-e-e'eaed nroperty. must b "-d. Th.s la an xee..ent p'a--e 'or fruit or gram. John Hen, .V7 oaldtng bflt. Pntiind. Or. ACR ES in Jefferson county. I mii f-o-n I'uivcr. 1 mile from Lamon'a. $-5 per acre. Rented until Oct. I: aerea vnared to f ' 1 wheat. 1-3 rrnw goca with f,Are. vood sot . H't rah, bat. term, art C. V a oaken. S22 E, 6th St., Albany, O.. onT. XiE GKKATe.ST d-atrlt In the last great west. Send for descriptive book'et gtv Ing gene-al description, price and terms of our itstincs on ranches, dairy, mixed and wheat farms la Central Alberta. Lar oa A McCui:ocb, Ltd., Killan. Alberta, a pad a- m HAVE 3 acres. 4-room house, oat houses, garage, well, some trees; tak t;re.ham ir t' Svcamore station: $25o for cash, or $10 and terms. Inquire George 1. s haik. 224 Stark or dil with oa ner. M?try B. Prl.-e. Gen. Del. .At RK farm with buildings; 20 ares cul tivated. 2 acres it orchard : springs and running water: tine scot; 12 mllea from I'ortland on rock road : $! pr acre; irmi; must aiL Phone o ucr. East 7" 1. $0 A""R arras under cultivation. 5-rc-m tour. bam. runnier water, on high way. H mde e'ec-trlc lln good s-ll. $45 pv-r acre, anv reasonable pay men ta Draper. -,t Wttc-ix o'dc. J-OR SALE A acres. well Improved. 2S afr rustication, new seven-room house., good ham. small ca1 payme-it. term oa ':anc. Inquire of owner. 6J2 Couca at ird. Or. I 7HHt'K acres, all kit-dj of fruit and berries, running water. col soil, a-room houe. hu H from street tar s;aliP.n. F. Schlatter. 'atrcew. r. VH AT w.'i you g.e for i.) arrea tn Sec IT Twp 1. S. R- 5 Mu'fomiN rounty? Owners uh to 9t'.. Jhn Bain. 07 pa.d K b.dff. rort'nd. Or. CHKKV. FRUIT GARI'EN RANCHES. Near Porl'anJ, $75 to $ -'"O per acre, easy t-ms: beit aotl. Farms fr sale, ail aiaaa McFarVtnd, 00 J Yeon Portland, tlK Information regarding farms far sale tn Tatnhilt and Polk counties, write for a copy of "Dirt." ur call tia C. W. aU, Car!on. Oregon. ABSOLUTE aacrtflce. orchard farm near Portland, richest soil. Ideal climate, near e'ectrte I'ne. muat sell: make offer; aay trrmt John C. Jers. Belmont. CaL Get a copy of "DIRT." It gives brie descriptions of farms for sale in TmKl!l countv. by t?. W. VATf Carlton. OrgOfl. Ltx;rKU-OKF lands. $10 acre up: running water, good soil. 4 tillable, employment; ea.-y terms. Jwf R. Sharp, M 3d st. S ACRES, near W tliamlna : house: $tw cah. $1 mnth. J. R. Sharp. - "d (. CI;Kj. TiiI.;H vaiiev. s near cltnc. M'-Fnrl.nd. ci -,.n bldg. 4 A'RES. ato. k. crop. too.a, easy 14s 2d m rvom 11. Koborbaa Ho REAL ESTATE. For ade Fa SMALL FAR MP. AlU.NtV VAKhHS. sr.ioo 6 arrea jurt outalde tha city limits of Newberg;; :io fruit treet; 0-room boue with bath; chicken houae and barn, city water and well; 2 cow, a creaai acpara tor. 2 ihickna e with this place: iuX cash, balance in A years at 6 per cent. t -aides their Itvfnr. the old people on tbia place aold Srttx worth of milk, egg aod ptoduce. Tou can't beat 1U 24U acres: 14U acres cleared ; 1U rnlles to poatof fR-e at Nwbr; aniall bouse; fair barn : rood SDrinc: all fenced. Vou can make money by buying: this place now. ti&uO; S-0v required as urat pay ment. If acres t mile Irom Newberc: 8 -room houae. bam : 1 acre bearing: prunes; a horse, wagon, cultivators and numerous t-vIa and farm Implements go witb the place. Tbo pries ia S47O0; 100 handle. Call on Mr. Taylor, branch manairr. one door west of city hall. New berg, ur., "THt" FUED A. JACOBS COM PA XT. I'M FVth lt. Main MONTANA. Is It any wonder tbat there Is great Interest shown in Montana lands wben you can buy a farm or farms such as tha following; In one of tba best sec tions of Montana? t40 acres: BOO acres tillable; sx& choco late loam soil: good grass; creek on sec tion, with water the year around; school lo rods off tha section; a mues irom tnn .n main marl RriCA Sift SCre: S l--vO down pament, balavnce to 5 years at per cent. -Arrange. io a " ll" tM Mnnlam nn th lUth of April I conrlnce vottrMlf that tbU U 4 land of opportunl:y. TICKER SHRECK, 3102 N. W. Bank Bldg. 149 acre. 33 cleared, good house, barn and orchard, running water, no stock or equipment : r irom ca. iwu U.ftM. SJ.0OO cash. i.-ji .f-ra -'A ci-red about 73 can ... i . t ..i 'mty,0-r riarM: well watered loo fruit trees; gooi buildings; no "toe ir eiuipmrit; 4 mllea from Cast la Kock, Vah; S4'). SI-VM cash. t. .11 r.rii - screi In crops good buildings, silo, fully stocked and equipped; near Albany. Or.. 2 hours from Portland, SU.'-OO. half cash or house to S00 in Portland. B. A. uron, G. C. GOLDEN BE RCS CO., 21 J Abington Bide COOL ILL E VAI.LET RANCH OF IRA i:HKS. K acres Improved sandy river-bottom. 120 acres rich ben-h and hill; all build in g new and modern, barn 7'-'x80, 2 alios, bungalow house: ranch located on river. T n.iiM to aeaoort. 12 miles to Co. seat. 1 mtie to school house; excellent nyer transportation service; t.o. road paaaca through ranch: largest Nestl Pood con-den-ary In world receives milk at ranch :an'linr: pclre S17.mK). haiT c;sh. Dai a nee long terms at t per cent; will sell tok and equipment reaaonaoie. auuivb v"' er. A. I, tiueet. t.'oquiiie, O - . IRRIGATED ALFALFA LAND FOR SALE AT A BAK'JAl.V BY CANAL COMPANY. Only 4 miles from Bend. Or.; 1-0 acres witn 4' unier attcn iuuy paia ntr tikhl. splendid deep sot), fine roads, near school; real snap for S2AO0 wllh 11 years to pay. Also am offering today by same com pany JW ares of finest alfalfa land with 70 acres under ditch equally as well lo cated as the foregoing tract, for only S.VHJ. and 11 years to pay; cash payment only 10 per cent. One year's ylaid puys for iand. ae me ror mil aeians. Ci. S. EH LK. 614 Swetland FMg. nni. with nwvER T16i icri, all In cultivation except 10 acres of oak timber; fenced and cross fenced; good house, barn and other build ings, well water. 2 springs. 8" miles of t o good towns, family orchard; aoout acres in crop now; rural route and tele Dhone: railway station on place. Stock and complete line of Implements alt go with plars at SI 2." per acre. Call CoL 7I or address 1603 jStocktonsC FPECIAL FARM BARGAIN. 152 acres In valley. 3 miles from rail road, road 3 sides, well fenced, all tillable. f;lr building? : produced over S.;.Vw cmp Inst year: only an acre or about half price land recently aoia same viciuuy; cash wanted, reason for selling. E, S. JACKSON. 207 Ry. Each, Bldg. m CALIFORNIA LAND. Under government Irrigation for alfalfa, oranges, lemons, prunes, peaches, almonds, walnuts, berries, etc. Can be bought on easy terms in tracts from 5 to 40 acres. For Information call on Ernest E. Oppelt. loi East 12lh st. Phone East 210:1, Port land. Or., or THE CONDON' REALITY Co.. Or land. Cal. BARGAIN IN WHEAT LAND. BOO acres In Morrow county, all till able and nearly level : 2H) acres under cultivation now: well fenced: good drilled well and soma Improvement, but no liouse. For quick sale, price $13 an acre: S-oOO cash, balance easy. Lueddemann Co f13 Chamber of Commerce. 23 FAMILIES WANTED To buy 40 or SO-acre tracts on a big al falfa ranch being subdivided; $70 to $90 pr acre, crops included: small payment down, balance In ten to twenty years. Lo cated In beautiful alfalfa valley 16 miles east of Bend. Address J. B. MINER, Bend. Oregon. . PER ACRE. $3 PER ACRE. $3 PER ACRE. Half section of land in Cowlita Co., WiiIIh well watered; would make a good stock ranch: $0o0 cash. Fred W. German Co.. 73 J Cham, of Com, Open evenings and Sundays. 10 ACRES stump land. Fcappoos one mlle. Terma. J. R. t'harp. 83 3d at. WANTED RE-L F8TATF, HAVEN'T TOfPOLD YET? Iff you really want to sell your boose, list It with ut; WE HAVE i-'OLD 1 0 IIOITSES SINCE JAN. 1 THIS YEAR; there are nine experienced real eMa'e salesmen In this office; I wilt personally inepect, appralso and photograph your house. See FRANK MrGriRB To Sell Your Home. Ablnston Bldg. Main 5K.6, Main 106S. Office open evening"! and Sunday. HAVE BUYER for 6 or 7-room moirrn home In Port land Heights. Willamette Heights or King's Hvlghts; wilt pay to $55H; $15o0 cash, good monthiv payments. See Mr. Colvcrt. BUSINESS SERVICE. Main 6797. o0l-2-U Oregonlan Bldg. WE WILL SELL your Tacoma property. Have buyers for homes In all parts of the rltv; hut yovr property with us for quick returns. Heath. Mcoaw a Slattery. 201-2 Be mice bldg., Tacoma. W ah. Itcf-eren--e. Scs nd i n vmn-American Bank. HAVE $700 mnrteaioi and $10,000 good r-al cat at- contracts and 1W lots for a going rarm not over 41 miles Portland : iU aaau'ne : also h apartment site cine in. west side, for farm. AJ 2V2, Ore g ntan. WANTED HOMES TO SELL. I have several buyers for home In Laure!hurst. Mount Tabor and Irvingtoa Let me assist you In selling your home. Mr bchindier. returned soldier, Yeon b.dg. Vain T..o. KXCEPTIONALLY responsible couple want to rent, with view of buying, thoroughly modern bungalow on urban car line; must have some acrase and Inside one fare limit. S 4 16. Oregonlan. WANTED Seven-room house. close in: w eat side preferred ; must be cheap; do rot want furnace heat: van pay $20 first payment : $"0 and Interest monthly pay ments. D 104. oregonlan. HAVE purchaser for a-room bungalow. cldVe in to Portland; can pay $2v0 caah. bal ance $25 monthly. Phone Columbia 2- VcKirr.ey. CSH BUYER FOR SOME CHEAP, CLObE IN ACREAGE, NEAR CXRLIVE W. H. HURLEY, o$j IRVING ST. MARSHALL "V ANT WESTMORELAND LOTS AND VUNOALOW S. C TY UNG A- COM PANT. M CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. 1V14 MAXWELL touring car. first payment on. a 4 or 5 -room house; give where same can be seen In first letter; owners eniy. 447. Oregorlan. WANTED A good lot In desirable part of Irvinglon; give location and lowt cash prir- ; cornr lot preferred. Y 115. Orc grmian. HAVE clear lec; lots to $!0o0 aa first pajmnt n modern hungiTow. WESTERN LAND COMPANY. 4fJ Stock Exchance. CLIENT will pay cash for lot well located in Rose city Park, or any other good re stricted district. OODDARD A WTEDRTCK. 243 Stark st. WANT 6 r 7-roe.m bungalow with large H. rm. tn Williams ave. or Piedmont ad dition, cor lot preferred: cash buyer. GODPARO A W IEDRICK. 243 S lark St. HAVE I lots at Evergreen, Oregon City ci-; want 5-room houae; will pay cash difference. Main ..65. EQUITY of $10ti0 In acre on S2d st as :rst payment on bungaTow. Call East 4614. TO TRADE Motor cruiser for equity modern bungalow. R 5S5. Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. 15 At" RES. on auo road. sciio tan. t.e. rrm rout. R. V. phone, . - rKm hUM, water, wood. gnrd--n soil. 17 miles on S, p. electric, west aide, S 432, Ore-Soman, FOB BENT FARMS. 0 ACRE! 22 cultivated. 1 Mr orchard; good buildings: Orea-on City five mlle: rent f includes personal: owner, evening: a, 141 K. yih at. N. Tabor 70,13. TIMBER L.VXD8. A SNAP for aomehody. have 160 acres of tim ber land, mostly fir. some cedar, county valuation is over S-OOtl: will sacrifice for JWO cash ; ant desperately in need ot money; It's about three 'mile from small raver, rood wap on road near by: about 28 miles from Koaebunr, Or. Hao been hold ing this for l'J years and now must sac rifice it. By owner. Woodlawn 144J. FOR SALE 11,000,009 feet of timber, on I highway 16 miles of Portland. 509 McKay I Oidg. rnone iiain Iim. r. ). lilies. m TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. SOO-ACRE ALFALFA AND STOCK RANCH WITH LEASE ON 32H0 ACRES GOVERN MENT GRAZING LAND AT 5 TO 17 I fbK ACRE. 100 acres In alfalfa, under Irrigation. 60 1 more being; put In alfalfa. Io0 acres in I fail grain, alfalfa cuts about 6 tons per I acre; ;w acres good nuncn grass pasture. Free water right for irrigation, gravity I flow from river about 4 miles, ditch cost I aoout; 7 -room house, barn, com plete set farm lmp'emems. Lease on 520 acres of government grazing land, runs on both sides of river for several miles above the ranch. Several thousand acres free govt, graxing land. Ranch will run 3"tr0 to 4000 sheep and 40 1 to GOO head of cattle and put up feed for them. Price $40,000. W1M sell 14O0 sheep now on ranch, loO head of cattle. At market price If buyer wants them. Ranch located In eastern Oregon. Exchange for modern home In Portland un to $6000 or SaOOO. long time on balance at OVr. Mixed car of cat tie. 29 head from this ranch sold I last week on Portland market for S2SI8. Se Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COM-I pa.m. ivo. I Chamber or commerce meg. FOR sale or exchange, an extra good 40-acre farm with good buildings, near Estarada I and Snrlng water. All under cultivation. Would take Portland property for part and terms on oalanoe. Price suoou. I also have a choice 230-acre farm near I Woodburn, about 130 under plow and fair , nuiiiiinKS. to settle an estate tnia us ot tered for SloO per acre, which Is a way- down figure for this farm. Part exchange. Also have to offer a 4-acre garden home I near Hubbard, rood house and barn, near Pacific highway. Want a larger farm of I cneaper lana. A a areas c 31. crittcnaen. MuDDarq, Oregon. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Near Brownsville. 42 acres, every acre cultivated, deeo soil, no rocks, no stumps. This is a FARM, not "just a piece of I land." Running water: county road on two sioes ; exenange lor fortiana property. W. H. ROSS. 11O0 N. W. Bank Bldg. DON'T LOOSE yot'R EQUITY. Have free and clear beach lots to ex change for your equity any place. Sub mit your propositions. A, 1L AKERSON. 410 Henry Bids;. Main 7248. jortd PROPOSITIONS to exchange homes. smait; prompt ana courteous imimcm, inflated values or heavily mortgaged properties not considered. Call at 402 Stock Exchange bldg. WESTERN LAND COMPANY. WILL TRADE AND ASSUME OR SELL 48S acres good timber, clear or incum brance : maka ideal stock ranch when Um ber removed; three-fourths mile railroad lo vaiiev; Tine mill locauon. 0111, wura Rl'MMELL A RUMMBLL. 274 Stark St. FOR EXCHANGE T..10-acre improved stock 'arm in central Oregon. Din in cutuvauon. No. 1 bunchgraas. near town, schools and neighbors. Address 4tx . tnurca u. Sslem. Oregon. BEACH COTTAGE. 6 rooms, furnished; trade for Portland property. TV. H. ROSS, lino N. W. Bank Bldg. 21-w GROSS. An estate wishing to raise some money will sacrifice & modern hrjrk building pay ing 21' gross. Price $-7.5mi; will consider I part tn trade, r.r.4 W orcester bldg. LEGITIM ATE-EXCHANGES WAoTTED. Desirable listings; no junk, hot air. or Inflated valnes will be considered. See I Mr. Hurd with Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. so DAKOTA LAND In best alfalfa, grain. grabs and stock raising section or tne I state. Will sell or trade for Oregon prop erty. Price reasonable. T. J. Robinson. Sil-I verton. Or. EXCHANGE 6 -room cottage. St. Johns, value $100. for ft -room bungalow, close i In to city; will pay difference. This Is a I chance to unload a ouracn. Aicb-inney, Phone Columbia 2. EXCHANGE Modem 4-room cottage In I MarshfiId. value S17O0, lor in to 10 acres I near Portland; will assume. Phone wain. I 2250. TWO good lota In Summit addition. E. 60th su. to trade ror acreage, it to i acres, in good location. Will pay difference in value. East 4292. X 552. Oregonlan. -ROOM bungalow, free of incumbrance. I value ror saie or exchange tor place in country of equal value. 122 W. Webster st. Wdln. 5540. FOOTHILL 80 Some cultivated; old build ings, orchard, at ream: i:iHj; accept res idence; evenings, m eytn st. is. Tabor 7"55. 10OX40O OCEAN frontage. Arch cape. Can non beach, to exchange tor building ma terial: value sifto. sen. iimi. WELLINGTON upright piano, in good con dition; oak case, plain; a real bargain; !.. terms, i n ij Mroaaway. 011x100. 12 ROOMS, modern, near car, high school: se.i. ex. small no use, ranco, own- er. E 6ti Oregonlan. CRANBKRRY bog bert part of Cranmoor I for f ortiana no me or rancn. jl ore- i gonlan. AKKROSE acre tract with new bungalow and garage, rented at $1!0 month, for city lots vaiuca at s-'xi'j. -iain OR exchange. 4-room house, close In. value srjiHi: tor gooa lot, some casn. owner, a 4.1S. tregoniun. HAVE close-in lot; want house; Wilt pay cash difference. Main 6-'S6.. EXCHANGE House and lot for Ford au tomoblle. Tabor 2192. DANDY St Paul. Mtnn.. lot In restricted residence district. Woodlawn 2tit. TO EXCHANGE-M1SCEIXANOUS. 101S H-cyllnder auto, value $1000; apartment house or good btiyine5s. WESTERN LAND COMPANY. 402 Stock Exchange. want I 4 ROOMS furniture, including piano, for auto in first-class mechanical condition. V 16. Oregonlan. FOR TRADE Ford touring car for room ing house: no agents. See owner, 405 W. IHvij, room 1. WAXTKD An oil drill, have property to trade for same and some money if neces sary. Main 75SO. FOB BALK. Vehicles, Livestock. MATCHED bay tesm. weighs 2800 pounds, 0 years old. with harness; sound and hon est workers; disposing of them to settle partnership. See stable boss at Hawthorne I tame. otn and rtawmorne. ior prices ana further information. Racine Cenu-nt Co. KE At nice driving horse, young, sound and handsome; also big odd horse; makes good ranch horse, cheap and guaranteed. Two farm wajons and good buggy for sale, cheap. Joe Christopher, Hawthorne sta blea Jl.ST ARRIVED Carload of extra choice young farm horses from 1200 toJyOO lbs.; must be sold at once. Call tkZ Union Stockyard. Henry L Hansen, Imperial hotel. $;0 RUTS chubby-built bay mare: heavy with foal: weight 1100; good worker any nlaro. Also soan of mares weighing 21UO pounds: guaranteed snund anu etrue I to worn; stable in rear, ool itusseii su i WANTED On shares, a band of 50 to 100 1 ewes and lambs, or to iamb. Have gooa i all-vr. hill pasture near Lebanon, woven- wire fence, spring water. Add. Jos. C. Gibson. Gerlinger bldg.. Portland. Or. SORREL horse, wright 1000 lbs., 10 years old. perfectly gentle for women to drive, work single or doub'e. Two miles west of jgard . R. M Srott. Bea verton, R. L $15 BUT 3 tc-am of mires; weight 25O0 with harness: sound and ood workers; one brown marc, weight 1200, cheap. 5024 prtth s't Tabor 6654. HAVE two splendid teams; will sell cheap for quick sil: liberty bonds accepted. WiHamette Fuel Ac Supply Co. Broadway 2144. WOULD exchange valuable real estate In live city near Portland for big span work horses. Could use first-class automobile on same terms. H. ECrosf, Oregon City. 3,"ViOOP Holsteln bulls, 1 and 2 years old; eligible to register. C. Mlnsinger, 210 Board of Trade. $155 BUYS team sorrel mares and harness, weighing 2000 lbs.: work single or double, Mt. Scott car. fS25 85th at. 140 BEEF steers on feed at Montague. Cal.; also stock cattle. Welborn Bceaon. Talent, Oregon. DEAD horses taken quickly; cash paid for cows and crippled horses. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE 6 h-lfers. 14-mile, Base line"; Route C. box 335. Portland. DEAD horse and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering j:p.Call Woodlawn 20. 2400-POUND farm team, harness and wagon, cheap. " trh st. kkk-r strap, price $2. John Hammer! 2i Couch st. WANTED A light delivery grocery wagon. Woodlawn 15o2. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicle's livestock. TWO VALUABLE STALLIONS. The American Railwav Exoress eem pany will sell at public auction to the highest bidder on Fidnv Aoril 11. 1319, at 2:30 P. M., at American Railway Ex- preHS comoanv stable, ltth and isonn rup streets, city of Portland, Oregon, two gray rxencn amnions, one yer wiu. weighing l."."0 pounds, the other 4 years !d. weighing 16o0 pounds, for express transportation charges due thereon, as well as other charges covering the care of the horses from December 25. 1M18. to the date of sale, with nth or neressarv expenses 10 connection with the sale, unless the same snail be called for and an coarse before the date of the sale. TV. i- Bhti.mAn KAnaletlnC Of tWO Btal lions valued at $500 each, was forwarded by C. M. Hall from Condon, Oregon, to C. M. Hall, North Portland. Oregon, oe p,nih,r t iqia an a r,maim undelivered at the North Portland. Oregon, office of tha Imprirsn Tinilwav Kxoresa company. Horses may be Inspected at stable two days before date or sale. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS COMPANY. t . . G. B. VIETS, Superintendent. F. D. FISHER, Agent. J. S. WILLIAMSON, Auctioneer. Dated Portland, Oregon. April 5. 1019. AUCTION SALE in" uv a r PiTTl.B 102. Friday, April 11, at 10:30 A. M., on the Higaon rancn. t mues west oi couver on River road; lease has expired, no ttaca to move, am forced to selL an mi i if ME.-m HAiitin Durham. Jersey moRtlv srrade Hoiftein. some fresh, all vnnnir- ( .vMr-nlH tradfl Holateln hCif ern- in rnmlne vearllna Holatein-Durham heifers; 2 grade Durham coming yearling bulls; l 3-year-old regisierea ouu, i stock tuberculin tested; bay mare, weight about 1400 pounds: team horses, about 2600 pounds: 2 saddle horses; 2 00-pound hogs: 2 registered Shropshire bucks; 3 ewes; mower, rake, harrow, buck rake, 2 plows, 2 wagons, hack. light wagon, fl-H P vnnd-av.nfw rai enaine. enrttlage cutter and blower, good as new; double set harness, cream separator, 25 milk cans, lot small tools,, chicken wire, 25 tons loose hay, 10 tons loose straw, seed corn, other articles. W. W. McBride. owner; Colonel W. S. Wood, auctioneer. Vancouver. Wash, AUCTION SALE. A. J. C. C. CATTLE. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 9. S5 head high-production registered Jer sey cows will be sold at my farm on the Oregon City carllne at Naef station; lunch at 11:30; sale Immediately after ward; for catalogue phone C. P. Mlnton. saiesmanager. Main lllti. Naef St Sons, Mllwaukie. Or. 1000 SETS OK work harness are being thrown on the open market by Alien Kosengrave Wholesale Harness Co., at 210 First St.. Portland, Or. Dealers and consumers, let us show you an opportunity of a lifetime in reselling or using our harness: also extra bridles, lines, halters a nd collars. Th Is harness must be sold in the next fit day. PAIR of draft horses, 5 and 6 years old. weight 3lo pounds: very beavy-oonea. suitable for any kind or heavy wore, Prito cheao. 3L. One big gray mare, van M wolirht 1500: broke every way, $155. Also 10 head of very blocky-bullt farm chunks that we will sen cneap. r., 9th and Flanders. TCO PICK! Four horses, weighing from 1350 to 3500 lbs., 4 to O years Old. xnese are ex ceptionally good horses and munt be sold at once Apply Stephenson's feed store. 234 Front ut. Stable foot of Main on Front st. rtanoa. Organs and Moslem! Intrninita, SECURITY STORAGE CO.. CLOSING OUT: Parlor organs, usea, ju 10 . cn. Fquare pianos, used. $113 to $05 cash. Upright pianos, used, $05 to $133 cash, ITnHirht now atnrd S4'5: HOW $'-'65 Cash. Upright, new, stored, $450; now $290 cash. Player piano, stored, $550; now $: 190 'cash. PUv.r ninnn. stored. So50: now $435 cash. Part cash, bonds or satisfactory securities accepted. Pianos bought and sold for cash only: storage w mm. m - BARGAINS HERE. T-nn fin aiu-A'i ffnd a aood used bar gain In our piano exchange department on the seventh floor; at the present time we have on hand a Schumann, Hscher, Meister, Bush & Lane. Kimball. Reming ton. Victor. Decker, Prescott and others. t n a n w. vniTTt PIANO - - a naw Vlrtrola and records. Iet us give you our proposition. SEIBER- Main 83S6. CHICKERING PIANO. Large, fine upright, mahogany case, ti- in t. ctvir- iiit used short time. S El BE R LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st., between vannington anu jm-i. i-A RT.K AT A BARGAIN. i ihmiMind feet. lx-nineteen plow rteel cable. In all sizes, in lengths up to 300O feet, at a great sacrmce. ak o. Oregonlan. -- I HAVE contracted to buy a new iau Brunswick; will sell tnis contract ior pick out your own machine, Y 194, Ore Konlan. Tv'l t R A I.I PIANO. Upright piano, mahogany case." good condition. See this bargain; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th street. MUSICIANS Now is the time to restore that piano action ; reguiaung, pousoing and tuning work guaranteed best in tije c ity- Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Y am hill. $15 or $25 CASH sends new piano home. baL b. so, aiu aavinga iu w uuin factory clearance sale now in progress at Schwan Piano Co., 11 Fourth st. PIANO WANTED. Let us give you our cash price on your used piano. SE1BER LING -LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st. .Main 65S6. 165 PI A NO $ 1 65. standard mahocanv case in fine con dition; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS M LSIC CO.. !- -tn at. a GOOD Decker practice piano In fine con- r f (inn : si 5 : terms LIPMAN, W OLl- K & CO. STEIN WAY, Chickcrlng, Webber or Knabe piano wanted at once; pay casn. u xj, Oregonlan. will. PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BAND INSTKL M tN IS. MtHCtlLWU LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. VICTROLA AND RECORDS FOR SALE OR TRADE. MiWilA.N, l- IB A, LAtt JLXr DEH. A BUSH A LANE player, looks just like new, $.: save several nunarea aoiiars. ljir.UA., jr oc v . ELEGANT Milton upright piano, cost $425; in fine condition, leaving, sea ior a. 120 16th st., near Washington. $145 CASH buys $425 Singer piano, in ma hog. s.llu casn uuys -t.iv jewrn upr., m wai. , good as new. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th. WILL PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS AND BANI I NhTKL M I S. ,1 HfiliUl.NU- LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4TH ST. A BUSH & LAN E Mctor upright In a very nice walnut case: terras. L.ii'.mais., oL.r ti t iu. Used Vlrtrola (Oak). $12.50. $400 Armstrong Piano (Like New), $250. H A ROLL S. ijibiiE-ni, a lamhl.l St. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill sL PIANOS tuned, $X George T. Peck. Tabot pat 4. uraa. iew linj. conrviory. FOR FALE Good-toned piano. 480 Alberta. woodlawn tto. I PRIVATE pitrty will pay cash for cheap piano. M ain oi i . Fnrnit tire for Sale. CHAMPION combination range, burns either gas, wood or coai; targe ureoox and oven und stands on sanitary legs; we can sell you this fcplendia range tor only $02.60, Installed. JUISH MKMTIKB CU., 1S8-190 First St. MOVING, must sell large dark oak hich class roil-top uesK, nail tree witn brass fittings and large mirror, roi typewriter. East o.i4t- t.i.i ri. -'-fin ."n. LARGE settee, arm chair ana rocker, heavy oak. leatner upnoistery, set so. JUaan CHEAP box heating stove, sewing machine, two kitchen chairs, good condition. by party leaving city. S09A Colombia FURNITURE of two rooms for sale. Eugene st. 'OR FALE New Iron bed, ivory finish, and ppringf. ued one month. Marshall 5568. FU R N ITU RE for sale ; Tabor 20t0. also grand piano. Potillry. LCKR FOTLTRY FaRM. PABT CHICKS. EGGS. GROWN STOCK. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, R. I. Reds, $24 per dos. $30 per doz. $30 per dox. Hundreds of thoroughbred birds to se lect Irom. Correspondence solicited. Vis itors welcome. Estacada line to Kendall station and follow the arrow signa F. O. address H. C. Luhr, Route 3, box 258, Lents station, Portland, Or. WHITE LEGHORNS are the most profit ab: breed of poultry. If you are in the business for profit you will eventually have them. Early broilers, early layers, early profits. We sell only White Leg horn Baby Chicks from heavy laying Ho ganised hens. Sife delivery of full count live chicks guaranteed. Price per 100: April. May and June delivery. $12.50. The Pioneer Hatchery. 402 Sixth St., Peta lu ma. Cal. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. S. C White Leghorn chicks during April. . May and June. $11 per 100; eggs from free-range hoganlxed stock only. Write for circular and pricellst. Oak Hill Hatch ery. 335 Howard St., Petaluma, Cal. 12- PER CENT itpfci-i:l discount Old Trusty incubators and brood'-rs; npicial price ef fective for 10 days only from date; cata logue mailed post prepaid. Material Chasers Co., Railway Eicliane bid". FOR SALE. Uoga. Habbiia. Btrna. f-es stock. KENILWORTH KAT KENNELS Register ed stiver, orange, tabby kittens, .ell wood 2868. Kittens. KENILWORTH- KAT KENNELS Re istered silver orange tabby kittens. Sell wood 2e-M. Kittens. BIRDS for sale, choice female canaries. SelL 2744. WANTED Pedigreed Airedale bitch; must oe reasonable. Marshall 4440. ST. ANDREWSBURG roller-singers. 19th st. S. Lannchet und Boats. FISH boats and scows built and repalre baiicht and sold. Marine Repair A C01 struction Co., yard and ways ft. Albina ave. Phone East -lo-. PRICED TO SELL Fotir-ronra modern houseboat, comolet ly furnished; call (Turing week. 273 Salmon St.. between 3d and 4th. fi'Rished 2-room houseboat for sal cheap; ask In Pennish store. Whltwood court, Linnton. 40-HORSH gas boat and cheap. Woodlawn 5914. barge 16x40, MODERN furnished or unfurnished house boat. Sellwood 18S4 evenings. FISHING boat for sale. 4 horsepower stand up engine. 455 Market, Main 1737. Machinery. SPECIAL. 1 Mershon horizontal slab resaw. 1 No. 342 Berlin band resaw. 1 pr. 16x18 Amos twin engines, l rif- livlft H p n. twin enrfnes. ALSO ALL KINDS OF REBUILT SEC OND-HAND MACHINERY. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., S3 First St., Portland, Or- PROFITABLE crushing plant for sale at Hood River, reasonable; owner non-rest dent: would consider trade. For full in formation address J. Welland, Hopcdale, Ohio. PACIFIC dragsaw, good running order; has cut about 3000 cords; three saws; price $o cash. W rite D. x. Gregory, toute 1, or chards. Wash. OAK rolls, oak sDlit- nullevs. good as th best, cheaper than the cheapest, iiuneo Mill A Manufactory. Oakland, Or. PLOWS, seed drill, disc, binder. De Laval ee Da rat or. galvanlzea nop oasKets; good. Mattison, 334 Larrabee. East 6643. Typewrltera. RENT a Remington: special rates to stu dents. Buv your new remington 1 Immediate delivery, reasonable tarma Remington Typewriter Company. NEW Corona typewriter and case, $15; cost $50: used very little; or will trade tor Underwood or Remington, Woodlawn 4S54. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKt-o, soia on mommy payments, send lor price use. 1 ne vnoiesaie lypo writer Co., retail dept., .5'i waan. si. it. w.' mhiiiit. Mrnnd-hand rantaia at eu rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark at. Main 1407. rt:huii,T tvoewriters and supplies. Coron dealers. E. W. Pease Co., 110 Sixth it. WB will buy your old typewriter and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 Fifth. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co- 94 1Kb, Main 3068. TV PE WRITER supplies and repairs, prices right- 40 Worcester Diag. NEW No. 11 Remington typewriter at sac rifice; leaving city. J :n, oregoman. Miscellaneous. BRASS BED, enamel bed, Simons springs, best quality mattresses, oak leatner ain iner room chairs, all used 4 months, rugs. garden tools, cooking utensils, lawn mow er, nose, sewing maenme, -iiwon jum, trunks all 1-3 and 1-2 off. bonds taken. Mississippi or St. Johns car, 14tP,4 Kil lingHworth, 3d floor apt G, or phone fore noons or evenings CASH REGISTER, scales, electric fans, cheese cutters, showcases. soaa rountain, oil twnk, ice boxes, restaurant tables and counters, peanut roaster and peanut warmer. 24b -:d st. Main. i4 SEWING machines, new and second-hand, old for less: no agents employed; com- plete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired ana rented. oisin vul, SBWINO MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d, near Taylor street. SAFES, new and second-hand, at right prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO 46 Front street. Portland. Or. Phone Broadway 1969. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right price, bought, sola ana exenangea. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Phone Main 2045. 8 ROLL-TOP desks, bookkeeper's desk, type writer aesK. enftirs, qdi. iiat ae&ic. x, & n. filing cabiuets, card cabinets anu 2 safe a Buahong A co., oi yarK at HOT-WATER tanks, ail sizes. In good serv iceable condition, 40-gal., $; 4u-gaL, 201 Adams st., east ena steei oriaga Phone East 8510. TWO Dafrs shoes for saie. Edwin Clapp. cost TWO first-class regulation bowling alleys in storage for sale cheap; make f:ne at sum mer resort, or will exchange for automo bile. J. W. Blaney. so1 Broadway. GOOD steel and gas range and other house hold furniture; sen at iiaic price, ia East Taylor st. DEl.1l.1oUS crabs, clams, oysters, fresh daily. 120 First St., bet. Wash, and Al der. Western Fish co.. Mar. aio. FOR SALE or rent, fogging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cara Hallway equipment -P., marx su FOR SALE Complete scholarship Adcox Auto and Gas Engine bcnooi; lu per cent discount. John B. Hair. Tabor ;1U. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and waucases, iixtures; e;tay terma W. J. Qulgley. 227 First. Main 6399. FOR SALE: Cash register, safe, adding ma- cn'ne ana saowcase. tn xsi ni- corner Yamhill. BEAUTIFUL DANCING FROCKS. SLIGHT LY used; vmr liiAurs.'Viii. jabuk ALL KINDS of crochet work, yokes $1.50 and up. orders taken especially. ao dress b06 E. Irving st. DEAD stock removed ouickly. Cash paid for dead cows ana crippiea norues. rnone Milwaukie 69J for results. CHOICE potatoes, $1.75 sack delivered. Call uroadway 44; evenings can aeu. mav. CASH register, safe, showcase, deak and bi c y c 1 ca. 36 Third st. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rent, ex change, bought. Bentley Co., Main 8582. FOR SALE Fly for tent lSxSJ, good shape; $'J0. Inquire 367 24th st., west side. $25 FORD STARTER. $7.50 New; sold my car. will send C. O. P. W 107. Oregonlan. POTATOES, all kinds; drop seed potatoes at half price. Boggfgs. 151 Front. BEAUTIFUL Kolinsky cape coatee, or trade for lynx or cross fox Marshall Z-'Jo. NOW is the time for painttng and paper hanging. Get an estimate. Tabor 676. NEW auto trailer for $65. Inquire 112 East Eleventh. Phone E. 6762. SMALL chicken house and fencing, 8x25, good condition, fi-2 E. 4Sth st. N. FINE large candy showcase for sale cheap. 413 Stark. FOR SALE Mattress, blankets, pillows and comforter. 449 Eaet 12th N. COUNTER scales, meat slicer, auct. regis ter at 55 2d, cor of Pine st. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the right price. 46 Front at. Broadway 1P66. FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES. BARGAIN IN 1018 CHALMERS SIX. RUNS AND LJWKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR 630. . BUICK 15-4 ROADSTER. Al condition, all around. Smith Auto Co.. Park and Couch. $200 DOWN BUYS MAXWELL TOURING CAR. Al CONDITION AND GOOD RUB BER. CALL EAST 1962. 101S Maxwell. S-passenger touring, in Al condition, overnauiea ana repainted, new t ires. $250: balance terms. Call Tabor 630. FORD touring car. 1910 body, top. nearly new. good tires; must sen today, so.o. ouu Williams ave. $350 DOWN BUYS 1917 MITCHELL LIT- TLK BIa: riu.a Afu iuuta NEW. A BARGAIN. CALL TABOR 630. 1917 FORD. $450. Best buy in town. Smith Auto Co., Park snd Couch. - OVERLAND. 5-PASS. AT A GIVE-AWAY PRICE. AUTO SALES CO.. 9TII AND COUCH, FOR BALE 3918 Maxwell, first-class condi tion. Call sunaay or evenings, iast ao3. 1917 FORD at a bargain. In first-class con dition. 4o jnagnona at. wain. pt-. CHANDLER. 7-PASS. AUTO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH. S-PASSENGER car, good condition, owner must sell $325. Call at 211 Wash, st LET US SELL YOUR CAR QUICK ACTION. ALIO v-M-.v-n. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul canized. JOC. nrg i eunii ma- -v Jtt&aiwn. 1917 OAKLAND. 5-PASS. AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH. FO R SALE Elgin six. classy car. Tabor i)i)9. 1917 APPERSON CHUMMY. ATO SALES CO.. OTH AND COUCH. 191S DODGE, like new. $950. Smith Auto Co.. artt ana c-ouca. CADILLAC BUG. AUTO SALES .CO., DTK AND COUCH, FOR SALE AFTOMOBILES. USED CARS OF UN EQUALED VALUE. Taken In on new machines. A large number of these used cara have been overhauled and refinished. We know these cars are priced consid erably below actual value. But we must keep them moving to make room for others coining In. Therefore, we feel it would be very mnch to your advantage to look these over be fore buying. 1118 NATIONAL, six-cyl $2000 1918 HUPMOBILE. model R 1200 1H17 HUPMOBILE, model N 1150 1915 HUPMOBILE, touring 050 3917 GRANT SIX. 5-pas 7u0 1016 GRANT SIX. 5-paas 600 1917 DODGE, touring S'0 3916 OVERLAND. 7 -pass. 850 3015 STUDE BAKER. 7-pass 550 1918 CHEVROLET touring 050 1912 WHITE touring t 6u0 3913 BUICK. only S50 1914 MAXWELL S50 1916 SAXON SIX. touring 650 FORD light delivery 40O REO light delivery 250 TWO-TON truck 1250 TWO-TON truck S00 LIBERAL TERMS. , . MANLEY AUTO CO.. Eleventh and Burnside. Broadway 217. 1017 HUDSON SUPER-SIX, PRAC TIC ALLY NEW TIRES AND MO TOR OVERHAULED; A RE MARKABLY GOOD BUY AT $1250. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 514 ALDER ST. OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB CAR IN FINE CHAPE; $850. TERMS. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 514 ALDER ST. $100 GUARANTEE that 1 quart of Speed- oline is equivalent to ekj ganons ox gaso line; removes barbon and increases motor efficiency. Call for FREE SAMPLE and testimonials of Portland users, also cheml cal analysis of Speed oline by E. W. Lazell ox Chemical ae rhysicai la Dora tones. Port land, or. Fhone Main atfio. 002 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LATE 1918 STUDEBAKER 6. 7-PASS. Drl-en 5400 miles, equipped with NEW CORD tires. win sell for less than $100u. easy TERMS. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE, orand ave. ana Jb.ast Stark su 1918 MITCHELL. Here's one that is nearly new at a real quicK saie price, sliuo. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 Washington st. Where Washington and Burnside Meet. CHALMERS SIX TOURING. In excellent condition; will take Ford as Tart nayment. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. iast stark and Grand ave. NEW FORDS. T'SED FORrR Deliveries on new Fords being made. Best ouys on used r oros. W'.LLIAM L. HUGHSON CO.. 'SO N. Broadway at Davis. Authorized Ford Dealers. 1918 OAKLAND SEDAN. Run 1900 miles. Just as) good as new. at a special price. Lewis E. Obyo Motor c-o., .tsawy. ana coucn. Uflwy. 3327. 1919 FORD COUPE. DRIVEN 1500 MILES, ELECTRIC LRiHTS, STARTER, SPOT LIGHT, SPEEDOMETER AND OTHER EXTRAS. $250 BELOW COST, TERMS. SEE Me KERN, PALACE GARAGE CO. BROAD WAY 1572. FORDS. FORDS. I have several CONLEYS USED CAR CENTER. S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. SCRIPPS-BOOTH CHUMMY. 8-cyI.. 4-pats., light, economical, power ful, smart appearance; you must ride in It to appreciate it; easy payments. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 58 N. 23d st. Main 780. WHY pay more? Fords enameled, $18; 5- passenger car painted, $28; 7-pasuenger cars painted, $35; simoniztng, $5. Dis charged soldier, motor transport, TT. S. army. Dumpert's Auto Paint Shop, 164 E. 9th st., cor. Belmont, 1912 CADILLAC 1912. New top, first-class tires, paint in fine condition, elec equip, throughout; a high grade car on easy terms for $500. D. C. AVAR REN MOTOR CAR CO.. 58 N. 23d st. Main 7SO. MITCHELL- FOUR. A1 condition. See it for $750. CON LEY'S USED CAR CENTER, S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. BIG USED CARS. PRICES STOCK RIGHT. NO MISREPRESENTATION. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21 yt and Washington st. Main 6244 FORD SEDAN. Wire wheels, electric starter, extra tire: must sell; will sacrifice and accept terms fro m r.'Fpnn yl n if party, t'n rn" 'n 1 i HQ. 1918 CHEVROLET. 5-PASS. Just like new. $200 cash. bal. easy. DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE, .ast Stark and Grand ave. NO GUESSWORK WHEN I FIX YOUR CAR. E. J. MORTN. FIRST-CLASS AUTO REPAIRING. 045 UANTENBEIN. WOODLAWN 1340. LATE MODEL FORD. All new tires. $350 DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. h-ast starK ana urana ave. ANNOUNCEMENT Changed hands, Port land Electric Service station: ait work ab solutely guaranteed. Generators, starters. magnetos, ngniing, etc. i ei. uroaaway 1910 VELIE 1919. Latest model, factory guarantee, at price that will Interest you. L. C. W A K aiO l Olt C.K CO., .18 N. 23d st Main 7S0. 1917 CHEVROLET LTGHT DELIV ERY TRUCK. J CST UVKKMAULBO. Al MECHANICAL CONDITION. 12 GRAND AVE. N. EAST 92. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all maaes ox cars ana sen tneir R&rts at half price. David Hodes Co, orth Broadway and Flanders. APPERSON, at sacrifice, electric light. starter, icaytiera caroonaiea vacuum tanK and good tires, ifortu, JOtn. Phone Broadway 1373. 1938 HUDSON super-six. perfect condition. equipped wttn cora tires; line new, cpot- USUI. u u m F- ...e. uv. Stark st. IF YOU want a car In fine running condi tion, with gooa tires (.one-man topj. stor age battery, for $250, call at 211 Wash ington st. HUDSON sedan at a great sacrifice. This Car IS In aosomieiy AX cunumun, new mea all around and runs like a tcp. Phone Bdwy. o4, cr Alain ou- CAN USE YOUR FORD. CHEVROLET OR MAAWC1-.Ij AO rAni r imcni t BRAND NEW 1919 MAXWELL AUTO MOBILE. CALL TABOR 630. $450 DOWN BUYS 1918 CHALMERS SIX TOURING CAR. At CONDITION; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST 1962. ; . MAXWELL, good tires, spotlight, cut-out; juet overhauled; $550, cash or terms. Main 6529. 122 Idaho st. Will demon strate. 193 7 Chalmers, good tires and in Al me chanical condition: Just repainted; $300; balance terms. Call East 1962. $300 DOWN BUYS 1918 MAXWELL TOUR ING CAR: REPAINTED. Al CONDITION. CALL TABOR 630. FOR SALE 2-ton used truck, $1000: will take in good team on trade. Call Colum bia 141. CHANDLER CHUMMY, $1250. Some car and some buy. Smith Auto Co.. Park and Couch. CADILLAC 8. 1915 Cadillac 8 and Ford roadster; rea sonable. Auto Top Co.. 431 Burnside st 1918 BABY GRAND Chevrolet. Run less than 4000 miles. Not a scratch on it. Ex t ra tire, spotlight, $950. Wdln. 554 6. OAKLAND All new cord tires, excellent K.e'-hanically. with extras. Snap at $600. Will demonstrate. Call Woodlawn 59fr4. 19J7 HUDSON SUPER SIX 4 good cord tires in Al condition. Snap at $1200. 228 X, 20Lli, 0U 2 104 VYiv iio-a FOH SALE AUTOMOBILES. MR. USED CAR BUYER. BUY TOUR CAR FROM AN ESTABLISHED FIRM. AND GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY. NOT ONLY IN CARS. BUT IN SERVICE. Make a choice from OUR LARGE STOCK OF Many of the standard makes. Including BRISCOES, DODGES, STUDEBAKERS. FORDS and REOS. GOOD CARS AT REASONABLE PRICES AND LIBERAL TERMS. W. H. WALLINGFORD COMPANY. 522 ALDEU ST. BDWY. 2492. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Chevrolet baby grand 1 Chevrolet 4U0 1 Overland 1 Overland club roadster 1 Reo 1 Studebaker 1 Studebaker ..$ 550 .. 55 350 22 S 200 200 4ro 3 50 600 2 Overland, each .... 8 Fords 0 cars good for bugs... 3 one-ton trucks 2 two-ton trucks 250 to ....$100 to $:;oo to ....$800 to 10O0 1 three-ton White truck 2UU9 LONG & SILVA. 462 Hawthorne avp. LOOK. Smelt Special Touring Car, $150. DEALERS USED CAR CLEARING HOtiSE. East Stark and Grand ave. SEPEDERS BUGS BUGS SPEEDERS See them at CONLEYS USED CAR CENTER, S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. 3917 VELIE 1917. Thoroughly tuned up In our shops: we guarantee It to be as repreiented; it will give you satisfactory service; price $1150; Motto. "Every Purchaser a Booster.' D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO.. 58 N. 23d st. Main 70. TWO REAL BUYS. 1917 CHEVROLET, J 625. 3.917 CHEVROLET, $750. ATTTO SALES CO.. 9th AND COUCH. SPECIAL WINTER PRICES. " Insure your tires now agalnt blow outs and punctures with our guaranteed reliners. Phone East 1393. We will calU UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHOP. 488-490 Union ave. N. HUDSON SUPER SIX. It's a give-away at $1150. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. C27 Washington. i BUICK ROADSTER. Baby four, like new, first one we have had in five months; see this one; it's ready now. 525 Alder st. Al AUTO WORKS. MY beautiful 1918 Maxwell; electric lights. starter; your neignuor won t know it from brand new; for only $780; would take Ford car as part payment, that could be made over Into truck. Sellwood 3S50. 1918 DODGE sedan, excellent condition. $ loOO. 191 5 Ford roadster. $325. 19 1 ft Overland touring, runs fine, $300. 4"20 Belmont st. East 1575. Ask for Under dahl. FORDS. Touring und rjadsters; they are ready now; late mode'.s cheap; $100 down, bal ance easy. 525 Alder st. At AUTO WORKS. OLDSMORILE S Like new: brand new tires, thoroughly overhauled. A I, first class condition mechanically; best buy In town ; terms. Call Mr. Cary at Broad way 2492. 191 S BUICK roadster, first-class condition throughout, nifty top with plate glass back, cord equipment, one extra, spotlight . and bumper, other extras, bargain at $1400, terms. E 625, Oregonlan. 1917 COLE "8," 7-PASS. NEW CORD TIRES: JUST OVER HAULED, RE VARNISH ED. AUTO SALES CO. 9TH AND COUCIT. $150 CASH. 5-passenger Studebaker, tire filler In tires, good running order. Marshall 5568 forenoons. MAXWELL 37 touring car, in good condition: new bat tery; see It; easy terms. 525 Alder st. Al AUTO WORKS. 1918 OVERLAND, model 90 country club; wire wheels ; same as new ; at a sacrifice at once. Phone room 355 Oregon hotel between 7 and 8 Tues. eve. FOR SALE CHEAP Cadillac automobile, 7- passenger, first-class condition, call East 7133. 1918 REO, 7-PASS. LIKE NEW, 6 TIRES. AUTO SALES CO.. 9TH AND COUCH. AUTOMOBILE STORAGE New place; right price. 787 Washington st. Trucks for Sale. USED TRUCKS AT BARGAIN" PRICES. 2-TON REPUBLIC New tires $?nn 1- TON REPUBLIC New tires 150 Both overhauled and guaranteed same as new trucks. FTEARNS-KNTGHT. 5-pasa 400 VIM H-ton delivery, panel Ron LIPPERT-STEWAKT, 4 -ton 350 DEN BY, m-ton. cab, new tires J400 2- TON MACK running every day.... 1000 FORD truck, body and top 450 ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. INC. Park and Everett Sts. - 1H-TON G. M. C. TRUCK. g. lltou. New tires, excellent mechanical condi tion. Lewis E. Obye Motor Co., Bdwy. and Couch. Bdwy. 3527. TcN-AND-HALF TRUCK. Just completely overhauled. Has) good body and high top; suitable for furniture haulincr. The price will surprise you. Call Mr. .Kinney Bdwy. 3327. LEAVING PORTLAND MUST SELL. ' 2-ton Mack truck, uned six weeks. 2-ton 3 917 Federal with power hoists and 2-yard dump boxes; now working on 2 months' country job; prospects good for season's w ork. C. MAXWELL, 385 Victoria st.. city. HERE'S A BUY. Locomobile, cost $5450; 5 -passenger, al! latest equipment. Including new battery and tire pump, guaranteed good order; $50 cash or liberty bonds. Call Main 5856. TWO and three-ton White trucks for sale. 694 E. 19tb, Sellwood 2227. Automobiles Wanted. LONG & SILVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and bt you 50 per cent on parts. Send In the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought regardless ot condition. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne ave. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR IF IT VI A LATE MODEL. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 WASHINGTON ST. PHONE BROADWAY 1582. HAVE 50x100 lot near East 52d and Davis for sale at a bargain or will trade as fun or part payment on medium-priced road ster, chummy or 5-passenger auto In Al condition. Call Touiaovi. Main 663 or A 106?. WANTED FORDS FOR CASH. I will pay cash for any Ford, regard less of looks or condition. Call or write 5L'5 Alder st. Al AUTO WORKS Sr PAINTING CO. I WILL pay spot cash for a late model auto in good condition. Ask for Sable at Armature & Electric Works, 17th and Alder sta. . LATE Oak Und for cash; must be good shape and bargain; give price and model. AC 529,Oregonian. WILL pay cash for late model light car; price must be right and' from private owner. D 193, Oregonlan. HAVE 40 acres near Bull Run station; will trade m v $800 equity for any auto. Evans. Main 6305. TO SELL YOUR CAR AND GET QUICK RESULTS. SEE US. SMITH AUTO CO.. PARK AND COUCH. WANT light 6-passenger car; prefer Dodge. I will pay you cash-for a bargain. O 4-0, Oregoniam WILL trade team of horses on a light de livery Ford truck. Have harness, plow. 1670 Berkeley st. TRADE two lots In Capitol Hill for auto mobile in good mechanical condition. Call B. J. Russell, Tabor 199 5. or B 2562. CASH for automoblie; must be cheap. Main 3716. 314 3gt. EIGHT lots. Bayorean. to exchange for good car, Buick preferred. AJ 205. C'r-goinan. WANTED Late Ford or Chevrolet; cash to. private owner. Tabur 45o7,