I) I State Refuses to Question Five Defense Witnesses. asolme em THREE BARRED BY COUR THE 3IORXIXG OEEGOSUX, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1919. JACK HAmlL Probl G 1 he Attempt to Recall Cae of Mistaken Identity Eight Years Ago Is Ruled Out by Judge. Of the first eight witnesses called by the defense In the trial of Jack Hamll ton. realty dealer chartd with forsery, before Circuit Judge Morrow yesterday live either testified differently than was expected of them or so uncertainly tha the prosecution did not cross-examine a single one, and three were not auowea by the court to testify. R. J. Ellis, patrolman, was the first to be called. He was expected, obvious ly, to Impeach Stephen A. D. Corey ana Oeortre M. Layman, witnesses for the prosecution, by a reflection on their dependability as witnesses. He was asked if he knew the reputation of either Corey or Layman as to truth and veracity. Rrpotatloa 'ot Kim. Xo, he answered. Attorney John J. Jeffrey looked at Attorney Lee Travl lifting his eyebrows. There was no re sponse. "Take the witness." said Attorney Jeffrey. "No cross-examination." replied Den uty District Attorney J. Hanimersley who. with Ieputy Samuel H. Fierce, represented the state. C. C. Moore, the notary before whom the forged mortcape as signed, was called. fjaek Fletcher. complaininK witness, had accused Hamilto.. of div ine him a deed to a homestead in Mai lieur county on -a-hich the name of J. Burton Buchanan was forged.) Moore was a:-ked if he had ever seen Hamil ton. A positive "No" would have in jured the state's case ereatly. "I can't say whether 1 ever did or not." replied Moore. Take the witness." said Attorney Jeffrey. "No cross-examln-t:on," replied Dep uty Jlat..mersley. C heek Deal Is Recalled. I. J. Sloops and Fred Kauer. pro priutors of a billiard ami eoft-ilrink establishment on Fourth street, were called. It was intimated that they were expected to testify that a man named Buchanan had passed a bai check on them and that Hamilton was not the man. Uoth testified that there bad been no bad check passed on them by either Hamilton or Buchanan. Stoops asserting he had never seen either Bu chanan or Hamilton. A. II. Winter was called for the ap parent purpose of testifying to the fa miliarity of Hamilton with Portland It beins; necessary that the prosecution tthow that he was a non-resident since the forgery in 1913. else the statute of limitations would apply to his case. He aaid he had met Hamilton last July and was driven around by Hamilton, who was showing some property. He tcsti tied that Hamilton did not cm to inow the names of streets. Winter said that he did not know the reputation of Ed De Young. De Young was a witness for the prosecution, be ing brought from Salem, where he is serving from six months to three years on a forgery charge, to testify that Hamilton had told him all about the alleged deal with Fletcher some while ago. Hamilton's recognition by a friend of Fletcher as he testified for the defense during the( trial of I'c Youiitf lead to the present prosecution. Trial la earlag Kod. Neither AVinter, Bauer or Stoops were cross-examined. Judge J. 1'. Kavanaugh. attorney J. J. Fitzgerald and C. A. Ambrose were eubpenacd next by the defense to testify concerning a case of mistaken identity which came up in local courts more than eight years ago. Judge Mor row sustained an objection against this and would cot permit them to testify. rJmily Baker. Alloc Bostock. W. C. Houghton. H. W. Beale. C H. I'ugh, Henry J. Clough. William A. Cannon and I. H. Cook were called upon to testify as to Hamilton's presence in Spokane. Wash., in March, 1915. at the time the alleged forgery took place in Oregon. The case was concluded for the de fense without Hamilton taking the wit ness stand In his own behalf. Argu ment was begun and will be concluded this morning. E ANNl'AI. MFET1NO IIEI.I GKliAT AsET TO PORTLA-ND. K. Kubli, at Luiu-lieon. Tells Extent and Character of Imperial Council. relieving that no one thins will do more to advance the credit rating of I'ortland in the business circles of the world than will the holding of the lri Imperial Council of the Mystic Shrine ill tins city, the Asswiat ion of Credit Men last niht pirt their "O. K." on the plans of Al Kadcr Temple for securing that event. Credit men declared that no one tiling did more for the material ad vancement of Seattle in recent years than did the meeting of the Shriucrv in that city in 191i. The credit men dined at the Tienson in the evening and had as one of their guests K. K. Kubli. who told them of the extent and character of the Im perial Council. Mr. Kubli called it the largest meet ing that is held in North America, and said the event would bring loo.oOo visitors to Portland, that they would stay four days. He estimated they would leave f2.000.ui0 In the cash registers of the city. April S and S the members of Al Kader will make a canvass of Portland to raise the $100,000 needed for enter tainment purposes, provided the con vention comes here. No money will be collected If the convention goes to some other city. In case the sub scriptions are called the total amount will be divided into three equal payments. SCHOOL TO GIVE RECEPTION Lincoln Sen Ice Men Will Be En tertained Today. Lincoln high school boys who have returned from service with the army, navy or marines will be entertained at a reception at the high school at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. Service men. their friends and families have been invited by the faculty committee which is in charge of the event. An interesting programme is prom- j ised for the assembly at 1:30 o'clock. following mis win oe tne reception. All service men are expected to appear ill uiiiXorto. of y and Demand. The second of a series of ihree statements The war directed attention to the need of petroleum conservation. Speaking on this subject, Mark L. Requa, General Director, Oil Division, United States Fuel Administration, recently said: "The disproportion between the supply of and demand for gasoline is enormous and constitutes a critical problem. "Projected at the percentage of increase, 1904-1914, we should require in 1927 something, like 700,000,000 barrels of petroleum. In 1918 our total production was only 350,000,000 barrels." X To meet this situation both the petroleum and automo bile industries have for several years been making every effort. The problem has been approached from every angle: (a) The oil producers are constantly prospecting for new fields. They have sunk many wells and are doing everything possible to increase petroleum production. (b) The oil refiners, with the help of their chemical engineers, are ever devising new and improved processes of refining by which they squeeze every possible drop of gasoline out of each barrel of petroleum. (c) The automotive engineers have aided much in gasoline conservation by their constant improve ment of automobile engines and methods of car burization. Their efforts are to secure the opera tion of automobiles on grades of gasoline that permit the maximum production of this motor fuel from each barrel of crude oil and which, at the same time, will give the greatest power and mileage from each unit of gasoline consumed. All these methods are succeeding to a marked degree, and yet gasoline consumption is increasing much faster than production. Facing these bald facts last summer, it became evident to President Wilson and the United States Fuel Adminis tration that there was virtually as great need for gasoline conservation. as for food conservation. In consequence the United States Fuel 'Administration requested Eastern states to discontinue entirely all non essential use of passenger automobiles, and for a time this request was so extended that only automobiles in Govern ment, emergency or war service were in use on Sunday. These limitations were not extended to the Western states, because at the time there was enough gasoline being pro duced in California for Pacific Coast needs and its distri bution did not require the use of transcontinental trans portation facilities needed for war. It was part of this same campaign to conserve gasoline that led President Wilson to appoint a Government com mittee to determine and adopt standard specifications foe gasoline and other petroleum products. This committee consisted of the United States Fuel Ad ministration and representatives of the War and Navy Departments, the United States Shipping Board, the Di rector General of Railroads, the Bureau of Mines and the Bureau of Standards. The committee was assisted and advised by technical experts from each of these departments and bodies. After extended discussions, exhaustive tests and experi mentation, this Government committee adopted standard specifications for gasoline, not only for aviation purposes, but also for general motor use on land and sea. These United States Government specifications were drawn up with a view to providing a grade of gasoline that would meet every practical requirement and yet allow maximum production. They deal with the problem on the basis of the best utilization of our petroleum resources, and the maintenance of reasonable prices to the consumer. Drafted as they were by impartial Government experts, these United States Government gasoline specifications are today being generally considered as the most practical standard for gasoline. They insure an efficient and satis factory gasoline and at the same time have due regard foe the necessity of petroleum conservation. The gasoline being furnished today is more powerful and gives greater mileage than the gasoline of ten years ago. Its use is made possible by the improvements in auto mobile engines and methods of carburizatioh. To go back to the gasoline of ten years ago would be to accept a more highly volatile but less powerful gasoline giving less mile age. It would also result in decreasing the production and increasing the cost of gasoline. All Red Crown gasoline now being supplied in the Pa cific Coast states is refined to conform with the United States Government standard specifications. It has the full, uniform chain of boiling points necessary for full powered, dependable gasoline: Low boiling points for easy starting, medium boiling points for quick, smooth acceler ation, and high boiling points for power and mileage. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) M .amav aaa a m W 1