Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 27, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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AH Destroyers May Be Kep
Test of British Craft Is Held
i .... rf5
The one store where soldier,
sailor or civilian can get more
clothes-value, dollar for dollar,
than at any other store in Portland
This is the store that sells for cash and shares the prof
its with the customer.
GRAY'S GIVE 7 PER CENT discount on men's furnish
ings and hats when the purchase amounts to $4.00 or
more, contract goods excepted.
in Active Commission.
Fourth Entry in .Trans-Atlantic
Training on Smaller Vessels Is Bo-
lie-red to Be More Valuable
Than on Battleships.
. . Flight Registered With
Royal Aero Club.
WAPTTTNOTOV. Maren JS. With ap
proximately auo destroyers to be tn
commisalou by the end of the year, the
navy department i working out plans
for the peace-time handling of this
force. The first suggestion made was
to place S00 of the ships In reserve. Dui
it was learned today that a movement
was taking shape toward keeping; the
entire force in active commission, even
If It would be necessary -to put a larger
number of older battleships ana cruis
ers in reserve to obtain the necessary
nrnnnf 1.
Officers who favor keeping the de
stroyers in full commission believe the
training received aboard these vessels
by both officers and men would De
more valuable than the same experience
aboard the larger ships. They leel
also, that the naval events of the great
war point the way toward stressing the
future development of the destroyer
force. For these reasons the officers
are opposing vigorously the proposal
of retiring two-thirds of the force to
the reserve.
Those urging the reserve project. It
was indicated, believe a conservation
of personnel can be accomplished In
this way without laying up an increased
number of big ships.- In reserve a ae
stroyer will carry a crew of about 40
men instead of 100 and if 200 de-
strovers aro laid up It would release
12.0i0 men. Against such action It Is
argued that the 40 per cent crews are
insufficient even to keep the reserve
vessels in good shape, much less to give
them frenuent try-outs In cruising.
A considerable number of these older
ships are now employed In transporting
returning Americans. It is possible
that virtually all of these will be put
in reserve when that work Is nnisned.
Some of the old torpedo boats and de
stroyers undoubtedly will be sold In the
near future. These Include, it Is under
stood, the vessels employed in home
waters during the war. They were not
then regarded as fit for more than
limited service and with the large num
bers of new destroyers to take their
places it is believed they soon will be
ftricken from naval lists entirely.
Ieplte service of the most strenuous
nature In the war sone. however, the
line destroyers which bore the first
brunt of American participation in the
war have survived the ordeal.
Secretary of War Asserts That o
Complaints Reached Ulm of Fail
ure of Men to Get Money.
WASHINGTON1. March :. Upon his
return to Washington today from
swing around the country visiting army
demobilization centers in company with
General March, chief of staff. Secre
tary Tiaker tuul he had found that the
best r?cord generally of discharge for
mtn from overseas after their arrival
in camps in the United States was 48
hours. The secretary told of one small
camp where the men were released on
the same day of arrival and said that
in none of the camps visited did the
period exceed elx days.
Mr. Baker gave a detailed declara
tion of the processes of demobilization
including the examination of each man
bv from 1ft to 12 doctors to determine
whet iter the men had suffered any
Injurious rhysical effects by reason of
their service. Kach doctor is a specia
1st and where an ailment is found a
hoard of review consisting of three
doctors makes further examination.
The secretary said he had talked with
a great number of soldiers and that he
did not recall a single instance of com
plaint becaui-e of failure to receive full
During his visits to the camps, the
war secretary noted that agents of
the department of labor and other gov.
rmmcnt agencies Interviewed each dis
charged man to determine whether he
had a job and if not what his qualifica
tions were and what work he desired
to take up.
Mr. Baker's plain for a visit to
Europe at an early date have not been
changed and he still hopes to sail some
tirne nett month.
r " t t ,.vHs
iaVijJ jff jazix-Zmm n
Dorothy Phillips and William Stowell, In "The Heart of Humanity." the powerful
dramatic spectacle which ia enjoying a successful ran at Columbia theater.
couldn't get a job In the pictures there
is always a nice one awaiting her in
vaudeville, for Miss Roland can sing,
dance and monologue with the best of
Liberty Alice Joyce, "The Lion
and the Mouse."
Peoples Billie Burke. "Good
Gracious, Annabelle!"
Columbia "The Heart of Hu
manity." Majestic Mabel Normand. "Sis
Star Bryant Washburn. "Venus
in the East."
Sunset Mabel Normand.
Globe "Cannibal of the South
Circle En'd Bennett. "Naughty,
Tape's Diapepsin Instantly Re
Iieves Any Distressed, Up
set Stomach.
Luirp of undigested food causing
pain. When your stomach Is acid, gassy,
sour, or you have flatulence, heartburn,
here la Instant relief No waiting!
Just as soon as you eat a tablet or
two of I 'apes Plapepsin all that dys
pepsia. Indigestion and stomach distress
end. These pleasant, harmless tablets
of iape's liapepsln never fall to make
sick, upset stomachs feel fine at once,
and they cost very little at drug stores.
Baby Blinded
from Eczema
Th ehiM b4 and fmr wrr twovt
S tohd tore. Tbe frti perfectly blind.
Doctor Mid th wont cue h had er
mm. On amtit mi D. D. D- did won
derful work. A comotete car foi-towd."Tbo-.
J.Dora iner.Jeato, AUv
Yoa write, too, to the D. D. D. Cam pa ay of
Ciw-l for a ammpte and cat iataieduite ralieC.
Or. coaaa ia aod wa will tall yoa what D. D. U.
rma acomtiplttbed Id yoor ow Beichborhord.
Voof ooey bacfe aaleot thm Ant boitit ralMvc
yoa. sjc. ac aad !'.,
Hil lotkmfbr SWn Disease
id by lis Owl Drug Co. and fckidmors
Drug Co. .
A clever girl, wielding only a tren
chant pen, breaks the will of the most
powerful financial genius in the world.
saves her own father from unmerited
disgrace and wins the money king's
only son for herself In The Lion and
the Mouse. a vivid picturlzation of
he famous George Klein play, which
pened yesterday at the Liberty me
Alice Joyce, who has been called
Madonna of the Screen." is the star
Vitagraph's revival of the popular
lay. She is Shirley Rossmore, whose
father is a federal judge who issues a
ruinous" injunction against a rail
way, of which John Burkett Ryder Is
the head.
Ryder, the financial king, makes
use of the fact that years before the
I Judge had accepted from htm 20.000
hares of mining stock, with the under
standing that they were a bonus given
11 original stockholders, to bring im
peachment proceedings In the senate
airainst the Judge.
In Ryder's private safe are letters
from her father which prove his in
nocence and the plot centers about
the finally successful efforts of Shiricy,
through a novel she writes, to obtain
access to the safe to get the letters,
and thus force Kyder to call off the
impeachment trial. She is aided by
Kyder's only son, who Is Jn love with
Shirley, but who is forbidden under
threat of disinheritance even to com
municate with her.
The play Is dramatic and has been
filmed in a manner to enhance its
appeal, afiss Joyce Is both beautiful
and appealing and her support Is ex
Screen Gossip.
Ralph Kellard, who used to serial for
Pathe, but has been away rrom tne
screen a year and a half. Is to stage a
comeback In a six-reel special made by
B. A. Rolfe. Kellard has been on the
Broadway stage of late, one of his plays
bctng "Kyes of Youth.
Molly Malone. who was leading wom
an for Harry Carey. Is to be with Fatty
Arbuckle In his Paramount comedies.
Alice Lake, Fatty's former screen
sweetheart, has gone in for more seri
ous stuff the drammer.
In Naslmova's filmation of "The Brat"
she will have with her Charles Bryant,
Henry Kolker. Darrell Foss and Frank
Tep, Fatty Arbuckle is to Invade the
realm of high finance. He's already
there In earning capacity, but his new
picture Is titled 'The Bank Clerk." The
title Is reminiscent of that hilarious
Charlie Chaplin two-reeler, "The Bank."
One of the principal attractions of
Los Angeles to the motion picture actor
or actress is the opportunity for a home.
A real bungalow with a real yard ot
green grass, real-f or-sure flowers,
maybe a fruit tree or so and a little
garden. No living In a trunk no elee
trlo toasters, no weak coffee! Believe
me. no one appreciates the comforts ot
a home, be tt never so humble, more
than the screen performer. Nine out ol
ten of them were former thespians, you
Houdlnl Is a master of escape and
trickery, but after all he's a mere nov
Ice when compared with the camera.
For proof take any mechanical comedy.
V .
Betty Schade. Unlversallte, is now
with Fox for a Gladys Brockwell pic
Late screen Injuries Tom Moore
hurled from automobile and badly
bruised and Tom Mix breaks two ribs
while rolling down an embankment
during a scrap. I
m m m
Louise Huff and Johnny Hines are
paired in a new World picture.
When you arrive at the point where
you Impress a real authoress that you
are fit to be the hero of a novel you
may feel that you have truly arrived.
This delightful state of things has just
befallen J. Warren Kerrigan and the
authoress Is no less a person than Marie
Bjilke Peterson, who dwells in far Tas
mania. The lady has written Mr. Kerrigan
telling him she had his picture before
her as she wrote and that she felt his
presence was an inspiration to her in
her work; that his screen characterisa
tions had so Impressed her, in fact, that
he was the hero of her newest work
and would ha please send his photo
graph to adorn the title page of the
book, wnicn aireaoy ma oeen acccpica
bv a firm of London publishers.
Ruth Roland. Pathe serial star. Is S
feet 4 inches tall and weighs 12: pounds
in her bathing suit. Has chestnut
brown hair and violet eyes, a combina
tion alwaya dangeroua to mere roan.
Isn't worrying- about anything. If ah
Edith Roberts, who is supporting
Charles Ray in the picture he is now
making at the Thomas H. Ince studio
in Culver City, has for some time been
appearing in star parts. Among the
most recent photoplays In which she
was featured are "The Deciding Kiss,'
"Beans," "The Love Swindle," "Set
Free" and "A Taste of Life."
Course In Employment Management
to Open April 1.
The official government course in
employment management which is of
fered at Reed college will open April
1 to continue until May 10. Hudson B.
Hastings, professor of applied eco
nomics at Reed college, will be in
charge, assisted by Thomas B. Mitchell
of Chicago.
Representatives of large business
concerns have registered for the course.
Among them are H. C. Warner, em
ployment manager of the Portland
Railway, Light Ac Power company, and
Ralph J. Stachll of the employment de
partment of the Willamette Iron and
Steel Works. Business men from Se
attle ana lius AiigcitKt are aiMi junnnuiK
to attend. The course is open to both
men nnd women. t
(Copyright by the New York World. Pub.
llshed by Arrangement.)
LONDON, March 26. (Special Cable.)
Great Britain's biggest airship, the
R-34, which In the near future will at
tempt a trans-Atlantio flight, had its
first severe test yesterday, when It set
forth from the Clyde for a circuit of the
Irish coast. The airship returned to her
base today after remaining aloft nearly
20 hours, encountering the severest
While the first of three trials which
are expected to precede the trans-At
lantic attempt is regarded In expert
quarters here tonight as highly suc
cessful, there is nevertheless disap
pointment that the airship was unable
to complete the 24-hour test planned.
High winds and extreme cold pre
vailed for two days in the waters
around the British Isles and last night
the big airship was heavily buffeted
by the gales and snow storms, and the
cold was so intense the water in the
ballast tanks froze. She was forced to
ascend to a high altitude to free her
self from the bllzzardly conditions.
Opinion Is expressed here this even
ing among air experts that the unusu
ally severe weather conditions may
postpone any attempts at a trans-At
lantic flight until better weather Is
more certain.
The extreme cold and heavy hail
storms severely taxed the strength of
those airmen who have participated In
the recent cruise around the Danish
coast, and last night's flight over the
Irish coast. The British airships. It is
declared, have behaved splendidly unde
the most trying conditions, and there
s every beliel that the K-J4 and sister
ships will be able to surpass the Zeppe
lin achievement of 100 hours in flight.
The fourth entry in the trans-Atlan
tic flight registered with the Royal
Aero club today. He Is Sidney Fickles,
an Australian, who will make the at
tempt in a Fairey biplane with a Rolls
Royce engine of 360-horsepowe
claimed to have a top speed of 13
miles an hour. He plans to start from
Meat Consumers Protected.
YAKIMA, Wash.. March 26. (Spe
cial.) Meat shop employes, or other
who handle meat offered for sale In
Yakima shops, must not put knives,
skewers or other tools used in thei
work into their mouths, according to
a provision of an ordinance passed by
the Yakima council.
Physical Director Goes Sonth.
Oh! My Face
People who have im
pure or impoverished blood
should be careful to take
only a temperance remedy
made of wild roots and
barks such as Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery
is and has been for nearly
50years. Ingredients print
ed on wrapper.
The first day you start
to take this reliable medi
cine, impure germs and ac
cumulation begin to sepa
rate in the blood and are
then expelled through the
eliminative organs.
In place of the impur
ities, the arteries and veins
gradually get fresh vital
ized blood and the action
of this good blood on the
skin means that pimples,
boils, carbuncles, eczema,
rash, acne and all skin
blemishes will disappear.
Then you must remember that when the blood is right, the liver,
stomach, bowels and kidneys become healthy, active and vigorous
and you will have no more trouble with indigestion, backache, head
ache. Get Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to-day at any medi
cine dealers, in tablet or liquid form, or send 10c for trial package to
Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
Occasionally one should "clean house" with castor oil or tiny pills
made up of the May-apple, leaves of aloe and root of jalap, first put
up by Dr. Pierce and now sold by almost all druggists in this country
as Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Always convenient to take.
Constipated Children Gladly Take
"California Syrup of Figs"
For the Liver and Bowels
Tell your druggist you want genuine?
. ''California Syrup of Figs." Full directions
and dose for babies and children of all ages
who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue
coated, or full of cold,' are plainly printed on
the bottle. Look for the name "California'
I 2$i accept no otfaer'fig Syrup. ? k
Compare Gray's
Compare Gray's
Compare Gray's
!!30 Suits
$40 Suits $50 Suits
With Suits Sold by
Other Stores for
$35 and $40
With Suits Sold by
Other Stores for
$45 and $50
With Suits Sold by
Other Stores for
$55 and $60
366 Washington
at West Park
i i i a
Corvallis, March 26. (Special.) Ralph faculty of the University of California mer school. For several months he has
Coleman, graduate of 'the conege in as physical director. He will have bean physical director of the Corvallis
1918, has accepted a position on the charge of military training in the sum- hiph school.
Factory Clearance Sale Specials
P-.."U.l".' '
Jt - Il &??&&eiM natHASKu sesds iiioiibr .f w 1 ft f9-t i
rCOGn $375 OOm 0Uw"k,y fnZ t7rn ftr5n
.nn.l . IIC1.50" 50 Cih .Ml. I r. Cash ,"1,1,1,1
$500, P91 C $425
2r, t'Bxh
. Mouthly
Model '
13 Canll
$8 Monthly
DfllinC or secun
this great money-saving event?
I I C 1.
d I I 3 Weekly. fUO Monthly
ties taken in part payment of pianos or' player-pianos during this sale, as also your old piano organ,
ph or city lot, by our Real Estate Department. Will you be one of the fortunate ones to share in
ton fi.o
kiU Weekly.
nDnCD VflllD DltUn RYUMI Read. tndy and compare oar quality, price and terms aa advertised and yon win "earn
UnUtn lUUn riAnU OF II!iilLhT , ,,, knDI)d, of mall-nrder buyer. Your boy or girl working can save t IS
cash and $7 monthly, and secure a musical education now. OUT-OF-TOWN E - ",1h "h r lo ch
FRKB DELIVERY OP PMXO TO YOUR HOMB within K miles, and the piano will be shipped subject to exenange
within one year, we allowing the full amount paid. This virtually gives you a one-year trial of the piano you order.
Everv niano or Dlayer-Diano purchased carries with it the Schwan Piano Co. guarantee of satisfaction, as,also the usual
guarantee from each manufacturer of these new musical instruments. Open Saturday h. venlnga.
Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyes
Most Women iwan nave
Says Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known
Ohio Physician
1. F. M. Edwards for 17 years treated
Bcores of women for liver and bowel
ailments. During these years he gave to
hia natienra a nrescritition made of a few
well-known vegetable ingredients mixed
with olive oil, naming them Dr. Edwards
Olive Tablets. You will know them by
their olive color.
These tablets are wonder-workers on the
liver and bowels, which cause a normal
action, carrying off the waste and poison
ous matter In one's system.
If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull
eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a
listless, no-good feeling, all out of sorts,
inactive bowels, you take one of Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly for a time
and note the pleasing results.
Thousands of women as well as men
take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets the suc
cessful substitute for calomel now and
then just to keep in the pink of condition.
XOc and Z5C per box. au druggists.
Says we can't help but look
better and feel better
after an Inside bath.
i Tells Rheumatism Sufferers to
Take Salts and Get Rid
of Uric Acid. '
The tortures and discomforts of
weak, lame and aching back, swollen
feet and limbs, weakness, dizziness,
Dausea. as a nils have their oririn in
kidney trouble, not "female complaints.'
Tbese zeneral symptoms of kidney and
bladder disease are well known so is
the remedy.
Next time yoa feel a twinge of pain
in the back or are troubled with head
ache, indieestion, insomnia, irritation
in the bladder or pain in the loins and
lower abdomen, you will find- quick and
sure relief in GOLD MEDAL Haarlem
Oil Capsules. Tbia old and tried rem
edy for kidney trouble and allied de
rangements bas stood the teat for hun
dreds of years. It does the work.
Paint and troubles vanish and new Ufa
and health will come as yoa eontinus
their uie. When completely restored
to your usual vigor, continue taking a
capsule or two eacn day.
GOLD MEDAL. Haarlem Oil Cap
salei ars imported from the laborato
ries at Haarlem, Holland. Do not ac
eeot a aubititut. Ia aaaled boxes.
tart sut a,
To look one's best and feel one's nest
Is to enjoy an Inside bath each morning
to flush from the system tha previous
day's waste, sour fermentations and
poisonous toxins before it ia absorbed
Into the blood. Just as coal, when it
burns, leaves behind a certain amount
of incombustible material in the form
of ashes, so the food and drink taken
each day leave in the alimentary organs
a certain amount of indigestible ma
terial, which if not eliminated, form
toxins and poisons, which are then
sucked Into the blood through the very
ducts which are intended to suck In
only nourishment to sustain the body.
If you want to see the glow of
healthv bloom In your cheeks, to see
your skin get clearer and clearer, you
are told to drink every morning upon
arising a glass of hot water with a
teaspoonful of limeBtone phosphate In
it which is a harmless means of wash
ing the waste material and toxins from
Rheumatism Is no respecter of age,
sex, color or rank. If not the most
dangerous of human afflictions It is
one of the most painful. Those subject
to rheumatism should eat less meat,
dress as warmly as possible, avoid any
undue exposure and, above all, drink
lots of pure water.
Rheumatism Is caused by urle acid
which is generated in the bowels and
absorbed into the blood. It Is the func
tion of the kidneys to filter this acid
from the blood and cast It out in the
urine; the pores of the skin are also
a means of freeing the blood of thla
Impurity. In damp and chilly, cold
weather the skin pores are closed thus
forcing the kidneys to do double work,
they become weak and sluggish and fail
to eliminate thla urlo acid which keeps
accumulating and circulating through,
the system, eventually settling In tho
joints and muscles causing stlffnetis.
soreness and pain called rheumatism.
At the first twinge of rheumatism get
tht- stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, ,,
before putting uiura wuu uuv ui.biww
ach. Men and women with sallow skins,
liver spots, pimples or pallid complex
ion are those who wake up with a
coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath,
others who are bothered with head
aches, bilious spells, acid stomach or
constipation should begin this phos
phated hot water drinking.
A quarter pound of limestone phos
phate costs very littlo at the drug
store, but is sufficient to demonstrate
that Just as soap and hot water
purifies and freshens the
skin on the outside, so hot water and
limestone phosphate act on the Inside
organs. Adv.
Persistent Coughs
are danrerout. Get prompt relief frost
Fiio'a, Stop irritation; too thin i. Effectira
and safe for young and old. Ko opiate, is
of Jad Salts; put a tablespoonf ul in a
glass of water and drink before break
fast each morning for a week. This
is said to eliminate urio acid by stimu
lating the kidneys to normal action,
thus ridding the blood of these Impuri
ties. Jad Salts is Inexpensive, harmless and
ia made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with lithla and
is used with excellent results by thou
sands of folks who are subject to rhaa
matism. Here you have a pleasant,
effervescent lithia-water drink which
overcomes uric acid and is beneficial to
your kidneys as well. Adv.
Head or chest
are best treated
"externally" with
, "YOUR. DODyGUAftO" - 30ft603ft0