Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 27, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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Editor TBI OiUtOONlaN
'Portland, Owtoow.
t 1
assembled and published
in book form under the
title "Somewhere Near the War"
the twenty-six letters from
Edgar B. Piper, written from
Great Britain and the. war zone
in October and November, 1918.
The requests that the series be
issued in a single volume have
come from, many sources; and
the result is a well-printed book
of 150 pages, printed on Antique
book paper in large type, with
wide margins and adequate
illustrations. . .;
There is no material change
in the text of the original letters
as published in The Oregonian.
But they have been rearranged
and fully annotated. j
The nominal price of 50 cents
has been fixed. Postage will be
additional. The book may be
obtained at the business office
of The Oregonian or it may be
ordered by mail.
1st zone 5c 5th zone 8c
2d zone 5c 6th zone 9c
3d zone 6c 7th zone 11c
4th zone 7c. 8th zone 12c
Sealed Anywhere, 33c
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1 1 1 It 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H I
. Farmer Saved From Loss of $20,000
In TTor Tlmnrr at IVttfrw
burs, r.
" KAKKAKEE, III. A telegram from
T"rank Meents. cashier of the bank of
Clifton. III.. saved Lout. Hansen, farmer
of Clifton, from being swindled out of
J 1 0.000 in a horse-race cam. at the
rand? of a band of swindlers In St.
Petersburg. Kla.
Hansen, who had rone to Florida to
spend the winter, had hurried back to
Illinois to set 130.000 In cash from the
banks. He applied at the Imt Trust &
Savings bank of this city and demand
ed the money" immediately. He was
informed that it would require at least
two days to get an abstract of his farm
and the mortgage arranged, but this
was not satisfactory. Ha went to Clif
ton and borrowed 1-0. 000.
He started back to Florida on the
first train. Suspicion over the deal
caused the bank officers both in Kan
kakee and Clifton to pet busy, with
th result that payment on the draft
was stopped by telegram before Han
am arrived at his destination.
The story concerning Hansen's close
call is the story of the same old horse
race deal that has been nettinc thou
sands of dollars to crooks at winter re
sorts In the south this winter.
Hansen Is 62. and owns 40 acres
of land. This is the first winter he has
pent in Florida.
After his arrival at St. Petersburg
1e struck up an acquaintance with a
Stranger. The stranger told him he
palate; a contort
to the nerves
instead of coffee.
was in the employ of the American Turf
association and that he had been mak
ing bis winnings on horse races by
means of tapping the wires. The
stranger said, however, that he never
could use his name in making the bets
that it was always necessary for him
to use other parties because his em
ployers objected to the notoriety of his
The stranger Is said to have dis
played a lot of money, claiming he had
won it by betting on horse races. He
always had a correct tip on the winner
and the Idea struck Hansen as being an
easy way to get a lot of good cash.
Several small bets were placed. Han
sen always won.
Finally the stranger claimed to have
him 1140.000. But he must put up $70.-
000 and must remain outside of the
a correct tip on a bet that would net
At this juncture a third man ap
peared. He. too. appeared to be
wealthy. He put himself on a par with
Hansen and took the stranger's advice.
Everything was set for the $70,000
bet. which was to be the big killing.
The third man readily agreed to put up
$40,000 in cash If Hansen would put up
a check for that amount. Hansen agreed
to do this. The race was run and Han
sen and the two pals won. They agreed
to divide the $140,000 three ways.
All went well until the three men
went to collect the money. Then the
bookmaker refused to turn over the
winnings until he was convinced that
Hansen's check was good. The two
strangers appeared disappointed that
Hansen had neglected to get his check
certified. The bookmaker consented to
give Hansen until February to make
the check good. Hansen got busy at
He telegraphed to" Cashier Meents of
the Clifton bank, asking if he would
honor a $30,000 check for him. Meents
was certain that the telegraph operator
had made a mistake and that the figure
was intended for $3000. To make sure
Meents telegraphed back to St. Peters
burg that he would honor a check for
$3000. Of course this was unsatisfac
tory and the time was getting short.
Consequently Hansen Jumped upon a
train and hurried back to Illinois, de
termined to get the money so he could
pull down his winnings. He arrived in
Kankakee several days ago and applied
at the First Trust & Savings bank for
a loan of $lS.0O0. He wanted the money
immediately, claiming he was going to
purchase an orange and grapefruit
He was told that the bank had no ob
jection to making him the loan, but
that it would require at least two days
to get an abstract of bis farm and the
mortgage drawn up. Hansen was ex
tremely nervous. He could not wait.
The estate was about to be closed up.
he said.
"If you don't let me have the moner.l
I can get It from Frank Meents, who
has known me for 40 years," said Han
sen. At Clifton, Hansen asked for a loan
of $20,000. Meents gave him a draft
and saw him depart for Florida.
In the meantime Cashier Meents, after
a sleepless night thinking of the deal,
decided to act.
When he telegraphed to St. Peters
burg and stopped payment on the
draft, he also telegraphed to Hansen
on the train and notified him that pay
ment had been stopped on the draft.
Father of Child Must Pay $4 Per
Week for Support.
CHIHCAGO. A decision by Judge
William N. Oemmill in the court of do
mestic relations, the first of its kind, if
upheld by the appellate court, may re
suit in great benefit to babies born out
of wedlock. The court found a man to
be the father of a child, though not
the husband of the mother. The
woman has a husband. The man was
ordered to pay $4 a week to support
the child until It becomes of age.
It is the law that if a child is born
out of wedlock the mother can get only
$550 from the father and the payment
may be made in ten years, in small in
stallments. Judge Gemmill has main
tained for some time that the sum is
not enough to feed a child properly.
much less clothe it and give it other
necessary care.
The case was that of Helen Kolkan,
1935 Osgood street, and George Rupp
2615 Burling street. The child was
born January 2. Mrs. Kolkan has not
seen her husband for five years. The
court held Rupp, whom it ruled was
the father, under the law must support
the child or be arrested for contribut
ing to its dependency.
The case will be appealed.
Wandering Musician Must Serve
Month for Theft. ,
LONDON. Carlo Mendosa. a wander-
dering musician, was sentenced at Bury
St. Edmunds to one month's hard labor
for stealing signal flags from the Great
liastern railway. He said he had his
trousers torn off by a dog, and wan
dered wearing an overcoat until he
broke into a hut, took the flags and
made trousers from them.
When arrested Mendosa was wearing
the flags, made up as trousers, one
leg green and the other red.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Disposition of Left Bank of Rhine
River One of Big Problems
of Peace Conference.
PARIS. Frenchmen who hear what
foreign newspapers say of them feel
hurt at times. They Know that they
have been attacked and that their ter
ritory has been invaded and devastated
for hundreds of miles by the same
race of people that has been invading
the same frontier dozens of times In
the past thousand years. This time
the French have had to endure the
first and chief brunt of war four years
and a hundred days. One able-bodied
man out of every 30 men, women and
children of their population has been
killed outright; as many more have
been disabled through wounds or sick
ness, and the very women, children.
and old men at the rear have been
overworked, while those of the invaded
front have been outraged and deported
into slavery and worse. Foreigners
may forget; Frenchmen cannot forget.
The overmastering feeling that has
been burned into their consciousness
and memory is, first of all Germans
must not again invade France.
All Frenchmen, without any excep
tion, gladly accept any league or part
nership of nations that will prevent
war but they wish to see what ma
terial guarantees such a league will
furnish them against another German I
invasion. They are unwilling to de
mobilize or disarm or make any peace
until it is made materially impossible
for Germany to invade France. That
and not disguised imperialism or de
sire of territorial annexation is the
whole question of the Rhine in the
minds of Frenchmen.
Marshal Foch himself has pointed
out that the river Rhine is a natural
barrier capable of defending France
against German invasion. At the
source, Switzerland intervenes and has
array enough to intervene, although
her military authorities wabbled . in
their neutrality during this war. At
the mouth, Holland has left a lasting
impression of pro-German sympathy.
going as far as disguised -active aid.
Belgium has been a victim of German
invasion and Luxemburg, as if she were
not France, from Alsace and Lorraine,
will guard her own part of the Rhine.
So the real, the acute, the burning
question before the peace conference
concerns the eft bank of the Rhine
in Baden and what is still called Rhen
ish Prussia.
What solution can the peace con
ference give to such a question? These
Rhenish provinces will gladly be freed
from Prussia, but they are bound to
gravitate toward a German confedera
tion and the Germans are still what
Tacitus said in Roman times "a people
of prey." It is clear that the military
frontier in the way of any future Ger
man invasion must be thv Rhine. How
Is this to be constituted and secured?
That is the question.
Until this guarantee, making Ger
man invasion materially impossible, is
secured by something more than the
mere constitution of a league of na
tions making promises to each other,
France will have to keep up her mili
tary power and guard her frontier
against invasion. How faT the ma
terial internationalization of the Rhine
can be made to give the necessary
guarantee has now to be discussed by
the peace conference. The river Dan
ube was effectively Internationalized
with its own sovereign commission be
fore the war, but this was powerless
against invasion. It is the same with
the river Pruth. With war, neutral
Holland shut off Belgium from the
river Scheldt, which was open to her
by international treaty in peace. Hol
land and Switzerland had also inter
national rights along the whole course
of the Rhine and Germany disre
garded them in war. Now the ques
tion is more serious and for France
it is a question of life and death.
and the police assigned to the
station and the attaches of the court,
tenure. The affair was a surprise
party arranged under the direction of
Capt. Edward Dick of Truck Company
No. 18 and included the judge's staff
of bailiffs and clerks as guests of
Star Reporter Calls on Editor of
London Times.
LONDON. Not to be outdone by Lord ,
Northcliffe, who is generally credited
with having landed the Times interview
with President iWlson, Punch has sent
ont of its "star" reporters to interview
the editor of the Times.
The result, printed in Punch, is 95
per cent detailed description, including
the editor's awesome back, the door
mat, the coat peg, etc., and five sen
tences direct quote of that august personage.
18-Pound Ham Part of Feast.
CHICAGO. An elghteen-ponnd ham
was the "piece de resistance" at a fare
well banquet tendered Judge James
Donahoe of the stockyards police court
yesterday by members of Truck Com
pany No. 18 ofthe fire department
which the jurist leaves after a year's
ONLY those who have suffered the misery
and torture of kidney trouble and have
found their way back to health can appreciate
the feeling of gratitude and desire to help
other sufferers that caused Mr. E. A. Shanholt
zer, Konantz, Colo., to write the following letter
to Foley & Co.:
"I am writing this that some one who needs it
may see it. I was tronbled withmy kidneysand
bladder till sometimes I coald nob walk or ride,
and I had to get tip as often as twenty times ia
one night. A man asked me if I erer tried Foley
Kidney Pills. He persuaded ma to try a S0o
bottle and to my surprise I found they helped
me wonderfully ; so I went back and got a dollar
bottle, and then another, and 1 do believe they
will make a well man oat of me. Sincerely yoars."
Tf any reader of the above letter is suffering as the
writer was suffering, and profits by Mr. Shanholtzer'a
action, will he not feel it his duty to pass the helpful
message alongl
Help overworked, weak or deranged kidneys and
bladder by their tonic, invigorating, healing action.
They have been used snccessfully for kidney trouble
and bladder ailments by men and women for many
years. They are made of the highestrade medicinal
ingredients and contain no habit-forming drags.
Kidney trouble manifests itself by various symptoms
backache, rheumatic pains, lumbago, stiff or swollen
joints, sore muscles, floating specks before the eyes,
etc. the result of impurities and poisonous waste
matter remaining in the blood stream because the kid
neys are not doing their proper workof eliminating the
disease-causing elements in keeping the bloodstream
pure. If suffering from kidney trouble, why not try
roiey aioneiruisi yor saie eerywhrre
If your child has a cold when diphtheria is prev
alent you should take him out of school and keep
him off the street until fully recovered, as there is
much more danger of his taking dfphtheria when
he has a cold. When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
is given it quickly cures the -cold and lessens the
danger of diphtheria, or any other germ disease be
ing contracted.