THE 3I0RNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2G, 1913. BIG WELCOME GIVEN OREGON BOYS AS MEMBERS OF 49TH INFANTRY AND 262D CASUALTY COMPANIES ARE GIVEN ROYAL WELCOME UPON THEIR ARRIVAL IN PORTLAND. ; TO 49TH ARTILLERY ""SOMEWHERE NEAR THE -WAR" ' i160 Oregon Men in Party Ar riving Here. 0mmmmmmJtmmZZ! i SSa a a aa ii 1 i i ii i ii r mill I I ii i i in ia i in ifTu8ras,,"ZlIb X- J'JT" " I I II III ii i ii i II I I II -"" J The Oregonian has assembled and published in book formunder the title "Somewhere Near the War" the twenty-six letters from Edgar B. Piper, written from Great Britain and the war zone in October and November, 1918, The requests that the series be issued in a single volume- have come from many sources; and the result is a well-printed book of 150 pages, printed on Antique book paper in large type, with wide margins and adequate illustrations. There is no material change in the text of the original letters as published in The Oregonian. But they have been rearranged and fully annotated. The nominal price of 50 cents has been fixed. Postage will be additional. The book may be obtained at the business office of The Oregonian or it may be ordered by mail. STREET PARADE FEATURE ictlng-Mayor Bigelow Delivers Ad dress at Liberty Temple Dance Is Given in Auditorium. fnion Cation was the center of the frivlc universe for a half-hour yester- ay afternoon, when a trainload of; rronxed young artillerymen, of the 49tn roast artillery corps, together witlra ioboken casualty company, tumbled out to spend the rest of the day In 2'ortland. There were approximately J9 Oregon boys in the two units, which Cumbered 37 men in all. Commanding the detachment of artil. 1'rymen was Major T. K. Maginnis, former commandant at Oresron Agricul tural college, a West Point frraduate lio saw service in Porto Klco. and who J. iter entered civilian life in Oregon.: enly to answer the call again wheji . .America entered the war, Major Ma-1 pinnis resided in Portland for some time and was formerly city engineer at V ood b urn- There was th customary rush of i friends and relatives as the Oregon lads troke into the welcoming crowd, the meetings and greetings and embraces lhal go with reunion when one who ias gone overseas to stake his life for the cause of his country is back aeain, ate and sound. Coloael Prervra Coditio. ' Colonel L. F. fampbell. of the recep tion committee, proved his condition by clambering to the top of the triumphal xrch at the station entrance, just before the train arrived, and straightening out a flag or so that had fallen awry. fTha crowd bestowed lively interest upon the colonel's acrobatic turn, and hax arded bets that he'd tumble. But he fixed the flags and won his way back to terra firms, puffing but unperturbed. The men of the SKth coast artillery, and the members of the casualty com pany, who wore the gold stripe on the r:;hl arm. to designate wounds, fell in r-'hind the flag and the Multnomah iuard band. Thus they- marched up Mctory way to liberty temple, where .Actinr-Mayor Btcrlow made them an address of welcome. The town is yours so to it," was their laconic dismissal. Many of the soldiers were guests on auto trips, others were abundantly applied with theater tickets but the 3'ortland boys, and there were 22 of I hem, streaked it straight for home linnerwas served to the visiting troops at the Portland hotel. Last night they were guests of honor at a dance given 1')- the reception committea In the audi torium. In addition to Major, Maginnis. effi rers accompanying the two units wers Lieutenant K. A. iiill. lieutenant H. W Kreuger, Lieutenant Donaldson and Captain W. U. Bisbee. Captain His bee M-ho accompanied the troop train as medical officer, is from Texas. On his right arm he wears the gold wound f I ripe, for he saw action at Montdidier last July and stopped a shell fragment. Artillery ot la Actloa. The 49th coast artillery counts itself Unfortunate in that it never had the ihanre to train a gun on a German position nor to splatter the celebrated i'rusiian mass formation with a dress ing of shrapnel. It was never in ac tion. Landing at Brest on October 15 of List year, the 49th was sent to Le Mavre, from which point it was dis tributed in smaller units all over the man of France. Its batteries were tug' ring at the leash of impatience, with a line chance of quick action, when the armistice was signed. Both the 49th detachment and the Sloboken casualty company boarded their train again at 12:30 o'clock this snoming. and continued the trip to Camp Ltwis, where the units will be demobll Jird. Two more units, containing a number of Oregon men. will arrive tomorrow jnorning at 9 o'clock, according to In formation addressed to the reception committee. The length of their stay is Indeterminate. On this train will be 147 men of the 4Sth roast artillery corps, and 17 men of Newport News casualty company No. US, en route to Camp Lewis. JIOOD RIVER BOY NOT ABOARD Chancer R. Mays Left In France Because) of Illness. HOOD RIVER. Or.. March !5. Spe eial. When Norman W. Mays, expect ing to meet his brother. Chauncey R. lays. of the 49th regiment, greeted the train here today bearing a part of that organisation, he learned from com rades of the young man that the lat ter had been left at Bordeaux. France. the point of embarkation, suffering from an attack of heart disease. Two other iiood River men. however, were aboard the train. Wade Bobbins ond Samuel f lull, members of the Jloboken casual company. They were J-ft at Brest, suffering from illness, by tneir regiment, the 5th artillery, re ently returned. During the brief stay of the troop train here the Red Cross canteen committee distributed apples. !rV--,r? 7- " t-." -1 J, 'kit-. tt - ? s v.- ' 7 fi ?f "U "s fill1 x - i I4- i -j - V. Hz r 'v . ' -: ill? , 2 'wh h','! v l -kx:' vll ROTUNS HID SHRINEBS S:"-i- -Vn K.l -T. I jk -"X, OVK4 sS tcN J' ' SUPPORT GIVEN TO EFFORTS TO SECURE CONVENTION. Permanent Committee on Good Roads to Be Named to Co-operate With Public Officials. " hrtialis to Greet Representative. CHEHALIS. Wash.. March 13. Rep resentative Albert Johnson Is to be irrcelrd by a large number of friends Irom various parts of Lewis county at ihe noonduy luncheon to be tendered lam Thursday by the Chehalis Citizens' t-lub. Invitations have been sent to the various commercial organizations in the tounty to be represented at the luncheon. WHY COUGH AND COUGH AND COUGH? )r. King's New Discovery Re moves the Danger of I Neglect. Coughing until the parched throat arrows painful should permitted. It should be relieved before it gains lo-adway with a doss of Dr. King's w Discovery. The same with a cold or bronchial attack. Millions have used this well Xnown remedy for half a century reg tiiarly without thought of change. Sold by druggist since 1869. An all Important adjunct to any family med ine cabinet. fOc and, 91. SO. The Burden of Constipation. 1 lifted, comfortbaly but positively when you treat your bowels wltb Dr. Ivlng's New Life Pills. The river gets lusy. digestion improves, the aickly, sallow skin is freed from bile. Get a , Ktti today start the day right. t5o. Adv. The Portland Rotary club at its weekly luncheon at the Benson yes terday went on record to give moral and financial support !o the plans of AI Kader Temple to bring the i penal council session of the Mystic Shrine -to Portland in 1920. It was also decided that because of the tre mendous importance to the greater de velopment of the state that a perma nent commmee on good ruaus will be created to. co-operate with public off! cials to expedite good roads develop ment. Judge Stapleton spoke briefly to acquaint the members with plans fo bringing the Shriners ot America to Portland next year. George H. Cecil, district forester, said the government will provide $250 000 toward construction of the loop around Mount Hood to connect with the Columbia River highway. Thi he declared will form a continuous scenic highway from Portland unsur passed bv anv other. irank Branch Riley declared that it is by the kind of roads we have that the spirit of the people is judged by the automobile tourists; that Rainier National park jumped to first place in the number of visitors for the first time last year and that Crater Lake National park had an increase of 40 per rent, while all of the other parks showed a decrease of about 40 per cent. The increased travel of last year he characterized as only tne ne ginning of what will come when roads are what they should be. Other speakers were Dr. L. I. Hewes, district engineer of the United States bureau of publio roads and A. v Orton. state senate. Commissioner Hoi an emphasized the importance of the people getting behind the movement to match the $250,000 the government will spend on the Mount Hood road ALL OREGON WANTS ROADS s. BENSON MUCH CHEERED AT STATE-WIDE RESPONSE." Highway Commissioners Return After Tonr of Roads in Washing' ton and Yamhill Counties. Everybody wants highways, all at once." reported S. Benson, chairman of the state highway commission, as he and his associates reached home yes terday from a trip of inspection through Washington and Yamhill coun ties and along the line of the Pacific highway as far as Independence. Com missloners Benson, Booth and Thomp son. Secretary R. A. Kline and State En gineer Herbert Nunn made up the in spection party. The commissioners were elated over the roadb-iilding enthusiasm found. In fact. Mr. Benson continued his remarks by calling attention to the fact that Ihe commission cannot start construc tion of a great lot of highways "all at once." He pointed out that inspections must not be slighted and that equip ment 'imitations must be met. At several points the commissioners et and talked to groups of interested citizens. It was at these meetings that wonderful enthusiasm, as Chairman Benson expressed it. came to light. The highway' commission will meet in special session today at the court house for the purpose of letting a num ber of contracts and taking other steps by way of pushing the great highway programme of the state along;. Coqnille Debaters Win. MARSHFIELD, Or., March 25. (Spe cial.) The Coquille high school won the debating honors of the county and is the admitted champion for this spring. The debaters. Misses Maxine McGilvery. Jeffie Backham and Bessie Finley. and Arthur Hazard, will repre sent the county at other debates to be held in the slate for highest honors. TrooiM marching from Inlon depot up Victory Way, Lieutenant F. A. Hill faring: them and giving marching: orders. At tne ngnt or troepa, rrom left to rtsat, are Lieutenant 11. W. Kruger, Captain Bisbee and Major T. K. McGinnis. 2 Major T. F. Mct.inni. commanding the train. 3 Private and Mrs. F. W. Brown and T-months-old daughter M'llma, born after her daddy left to join the colors. STOLEN JEWELRY LISTED POLICE SEND CIRCULARS DISTRICTS OP WEST. TO No Arrests Made Following Theft From Home of County Com missioner Hoyt. Police yesterday tent circulars asking the authorities all over the west to be on the lookout for persons trying to dispose of the $2500 worth of jewelry taken from the home of County Com missioner Hoyt, Monday. Inspectors Goltx and Howell, who have been as signed to the case, spent yesterday rounding up suspects and interviewing them. They had not arrested anyone at a late hour. The stolen jewelry, as listed on the police circular, comprises the follow ing: Platinum bracelet set with small cut diamonds in a flower design, plati num dinner ring set with four five eighth-karat diamonds, and a flower de sign consisting of a one-half -karat dia mond forming the center of a cluster of smaller diamonds; gold wrist watch, gold lorgnette, pendant with a pearl attached, gold ring 6et with three fourths-karat sapphire, surrounded by six or seven three-eighths-karat dia monds. bracelet made of seven large Mexican opals, filigree ring set with three small sapphires, platinum bar- Din set with diamonds and sapphires, peac-shaped stick-pin set with sapphires and diamonds, stickpin set witn one and-one-half-karat ruby, and a gold- mesh purse. The authorities persist In tne tneory that the burglary was the work or an ordinary house prowler, who stumbled nto a rich booty almost by accident. The burglar entered the house, which s at 722 Main street, in tne -ortiana Heights district, during the absence of the family. The jewels were the prop erty of Mr. Hoyt, Miss Kathryn Hoyt and Miss Flora A. Miller of San Francisco. HIGHWAY ROUTE IS FIXED Overhead Roadway in Gold Hill and Concrete Bridge to Be Bnilt. GOLD HILL, Or.. March 24. (Spe cial.) The route for the Pacific high way in the Gold Hill district nas ap oarently been definitely adopted by the commission with the completion of re cent surveys. "West of Gold Hill to the Josephine county line the highway passes on the south side of Rogue river to Rock Point, where it crosses the river on he old bridge site through Gold Hill. The railroad crossings will be elimin ated in passing through Gold Hill with the underground passage now leading south out ot town, and with an over head way in passing from Second ave nue to Fourth avenue. The city, coun ty, railroad company and the highway commission will share the cost of the overhead roadway, while the county and commission will share the cost of the new concrete bridge across river at Rock Point. the BUYS BARREL PLANT SITE California Company Acquires 132 Acres Near Vancouver,"Wash. In preparation for the revival of ex port ' business the California Barrel company has acquired a site for its principal northwest plat at Vancou ver, Wash. The site comprises almost 132 acres and is located about 1000 feet downstream from the plant of the Standifer steel shipbuilding yards, and has a frontage of about 2500 feet on the Columbia river. The company is a California corpora tion as the name indicates, of which Ft I. Koster, president of the San Fran cisco Chamber of Commerce, is the ex ecutive head. C. L. Koster, vice-presi dent, is in charge of the Portland office of the company. It is the expectation to ultimately establish a large plant that will afford employment to probably 1000 opera tives and will represent an investment of ,$500,000, but the site was acquired with the intention of going aneaa witn plans when business conditions justify. BOOK TO MEBTISE WEST SPECIAL RARILROAD RATES TO LURE TOURIST TRAVEL. INSURANCE FUND WANTED Commissioner Barbur Would Cancel Present Policies. Yearly appropriation of a stated sum, probably $10,000 to be invested in securities and to be used in lieu of insurance upon city owned buildings is a plan which will be presented to the city council soon by City Commis sioner Barbur. Increases in insurance rates is the cause of City Commissioner Barbur's proposal. The insurance rate on the municipal paving repair plant has been doubled, he said yesterday, without any reason whatsoever. Commissfdner Barbur states that this plan is being worked out in many of the large cities of the country with wonderful success and is preparing statistics to present to the city coun cil within a short time. Manager of Chamber Publicity Bu reau Assured That Oregon Will Be Recognized. Publication of a booklet by the United States railroad administration and the use of newspaper advertising to inform the public of the attractions of the Pacific northwest, are features included in the plans announced by Gerrit Fort, in a- letter to Sydney B. Vincent, manager of the publicity bu reau of the chamber of commerce. Mr. Fort, formerly general passen ger agent of the Union Pacific, now assistant director of railroads at Wash ington, further says that jt has been decided to authorize the sale of sum mer tourist tickets at a material re duction from the one-way fares, the rates to apply from Chicago, the Mis souri river and the Twin Cities to the principal resorts of the Pacific coast on the basis of one and one-third fare POSTAGE PAPER COVERS UNSEALED 1st zone , 5e 2d zone.. .. Be 3d zone tc 4th tone.. . . 6th zone.. .. 7c to 6th zone..., 7th sons.. . . Ith zone. . . , 9c 11c 12c Sealed anywhere, lie. U0L I tfit 'V Children wake up with a Clean Tongue, Sweet Stomach, Clear Head. All Feverishness, Biliousness and Constipation Gone! 1 Delicious Laxative! for the round trip. The work in con nection with the publicity campaign is being conducted under the direct super vision of P. S. Kustis, chairman of the western passenger traffic committee. Under date of March 12, Mr. Vincent addressed a letter to Director-General Hines requesting that the former prac tice, of railroads in making special convention and tourist rates to Port land be resumed. In this letter Mr. Vincent called attention to the work done by the Pacific Northwest Tourist association and the chamber of com merce of the various cities. Especially was attention called to the dates for the Victory .Rose Festival and it is presumed the rates to be an nounced will include this event. DON'T HAVE GRAY HAIR It's Easy to look Young and Fascinating by Use 01 "La Creole" CASTOR For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature "La Creole has made me f ff look Ii years younger. JJJiil 1:1 STRANGER DIES AT HOTEL Man Registered as D. 31. Johnson Believed to Be William Hogan. A man who registered at the Leroy hotel. Fifth and Stark streets, as X. M. Johnson was found dead in his room yesterday, and the authorities believe he was William Hogran, who left a note at. the New Houston hotel Monday sayins he was about to kill himself. The man evidently committed suicide by swallowing poison. Deputy Coroner uoetsch removed the body to the morgue. In one of the man's pockets a card, bearing- the name of J. C. Overman was found, and the initials "J. C. O." had been burned on the soles of his shoes. The body answers the description of Hogan, who said he had been disappointed in love. Phone your want ads to alie Orego nian. Phone Main 7070, A 6095, NO woman should be handi capped socially by gray or faded hair. Every woman owes it to herself to look her best and avoid the ap pearance of coming age. Gray, streaked with gray, or faded hair makes many a woman look old before her time, and gray hair Is so very unnecessary. LA CREOLE Hair Dressing is the most popular Hair Color Restorer in use among society Men and Women of America loaay- it is safe, delightful toilet preparation which uniformly restores gray streaked with gray, or faded hair to ttL' Vl'XflUS beauty and lustre. ut LtA. . CREOLE Hair Dressing will not stain the scalp, wash o. rub off or leave the hair with that greasy nr dyed appearance. You apply it youi self by simply combing or brushing it iu i uuh " l . tciui a retiring ana the results will delight you surpris ingly. LA CREOLE Is sold by Owl Drug Co. and all good drug stores and toilet counters everywhere. Prico $1. 00. Adv. Thought 3 Little Children Needed Mother's Care "Mv stomach suffering was so severe that I could not have lasted much long er. I did not care so mucn ior myseu. but did not want to leave my three little children, which needed a moth er's love and care. A cousin in Califor nia wrote me about Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and I took a course of it. I have since been entirely well." It is a simple, harmless preparation that re moves the catarrhal mucus from the in testinal tract and allays the inflamma tion which causes practically all stom ach, liver and intestinal ailments, in cluding appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. Druggists everywhere. Adv. Oxford Scholarship to Kesunic. EUGENE, Or., March 25. Announce ment is made at the University of Ore gon that the Cecil Rhodes scholarships at Oxford university will be resumed at the close of the war. None has been given since the war began. During the four years of hostilities there has been a large accumulation of scholarships, but it is announced that by 190 it Is hoped to be back to the old basis. GIRLS! MAKE LEMON I I LOTION TO WHITEN l" AND BEAUTIFY SKIN I In all weathers the skin and com plexion can be kept wonderfully clear, soft and white by the use of this inex pensive lemon lotion which any girl or woman can easily prepare. The 1uice of two fresh lemons strained -into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every wom an knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes ns freckles, sallowness and tan, and is the ideal skin softener, smoothencr and beautifier. Juet try it! Get three ounces of or chard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a auarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion. It naturally should help' to soften, freshen, bleach and bring out the roses and hidden beauty of any skin. Those who will make it a habit to gently massage this lotion into the face, neck, arms and hands once or twice daily may be repaid with a skin that is flexible and young looking and a peach-like complexion. Adv. HAVE DARK HAIR Nobody Can Tell When You Darken Gray, Faded Hair ' With Sage Tea. Grandmother Jtept her hair beautiful ly darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. When ever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect. By asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound," you will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, all ready to use, at very little cost. This simple mixture an be depended upon to re store natih-al color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears: after another application or two it is restored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. Adv.