IS THE AIOItXIiXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, 3IAKCIT 26, 1919. Lo; BEAT- ESTATC jrT PUTT INT THE MARKET. ACREAGE ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY CLOfi-i TO VANCOUVER AND PORTLAND. 110 DOWN. $5 PER MONTH r-iys 5 acre- of land In this addKIon of 61i acres. The prices ranee from $50 pf am and up. wita trrmi of $- per acre down ad SI per acre per month, no mat lr how n'.injr acres ou purchase. There 1 no rock or crave: or rough land on this addition; tome o these tracts are ast!y cleared. wi make an Idea; subur ban home, poultry farm, dairy rant h: is for prun-'i, Eni;.is.i walnuts, ft.bert nu'i or be:, Iriere is a school on the ad d.:ion; the suge and true it line run by Una Uad. CHARLES DELFT L- 313 L-ui-y Erchacne Bidg.. Or. & ACRIS ar TniMin IK ,.( from Portland om the Oregon Eie-trie and "0 ft- iroin I the station . otlaie. piped for gas autl water, oath room, good-.-me barn and sev i eral extr. iaige. n w chi ken hou!es. also piped. Excellent well. Was niort p. ged at one time for ror ijunit ' term Many others ciose io. E. A. (rn n i. C. Coldennerr Co.. 21.". Ahlngton bids;. B E IN D K P EN D K N T. T ncr". all highly improved: " acre rooe berries. U acre sti a v bern s, family orchard, 4-room hou?e. full ceaient batm-Tit. fine well and pump, bam ami ruukta coop: on hard-surface road; handy to car. Pme. $;;', $ilw cash. UL Ult. LUEDDEMANN COMPAXT. !!:; I'hamlier of iVninifp'f. Co M E to lirri.'um; aood 5-nrre home, near pof I VaLry roid. half way to Gresham; ad under cu. t:atinn; houe, barn, t hit ken house, ore hard, berries; a genu. no bar gain. J.i250. 5 acres of good land nea r Bse Line road, went of GrrmiaH; Old buildings, partly cleared, for $1V.0. KriHT V E Rtngton. G : egha- .. Tel. 1TX. 7 KINK Al'KEi!. LI NNKM AN. 7 arre- fine, ri- h. d-ep soil, good gar den land, fr e (mm rn k or e ravel : aij ba been cultivated; ail fenced; on hard road. mite snutti of Linneman: a snap at 1750. "m'i rsii, buln. e nt 6 per cent. OKI SI a HKN.N tTT. 3M Board of Trade bldg. Main 71'.?. 10-AC RE CHK'KKN RANCH. -..o4. $.4M CASH. New bungalow and bum. family or rhard. creek and veil: nh loam soil on line &Uf road. 1 miles east of city linitts; Til! it to electitc and school. CLEVE LA ND-BAKH-H E N D E I ;.- "N CO. 212 Hallway Exchange bids. FIVE A"KK.- EASY TKKMS. Near E. S.'J st.. paving to vt side pe;r exc-Ilent car M-rvn-f ; sightly lot a t ion : bet of soil. po it i ly rn rock 01 j ra el : very 1 k ht cW-.i ring ; eniHll uun t (wviMvrl t.iian to full. .1 Titf;iv ri. ;to.--t-T Lwi Hidjr. ft'.. ACKES in Southwest Washington for ?s!e to settlers on'y; easy terms, low prfes. 55 per acre and up. Liberty bonds ci-eptd at par. Write Xur map bbowins l'"Mailon. lrmj. etr. WEYEKHAEl 'SKK TIM HER COMPANY, Taeom.i I'ldff .. Tacotna. Wash. ACRES; 14 or IS f.-rn-ed and in cultiva tion; fruit ire-; 404 o trawbrry plants, some oj;,n tx-rries and ra.-p berries : water pi red : ' hmi-. b.irn and on: build m Rs. $l'i-"0; JftOO r.i-ih. b.t!aii 5 yrs.. per cent. V. K STEARNS. JtfJ Wilcox bldff. HonieMead-., Kelinquihmenlt. ' H. to the land movement is prow in ff. Cuc!e Sam's holdings are rpowuib les e-i-ry day. C-ntral rei;on is the pa ra ti' of the homesteaders. Come in and ta.k with rre aoour ho.v to set 04 acres vt land. Oitj-on. SS Siark ft. fjlrt ACRES, sttot k rai.lnr homstt-ad.. c-nt-rn Wahincton. Address I'arks A: Ora ham. homestead locators, IMi1" North 6l1j -t.. Portland. Or. V I LL buy from QnL'hmfnt. nei u n r rheap lanil r 1'ortland. AJ reh n-vre- lor ale Farms. HI; BARGAIN ON Tt'ALATIN LIVER. 4 HTrt ntrli t on the rier ' ntt over flow land) and on v 1 nrl'S from court bouse; acres under cultivation, soil mi urpLd ; :; acred fuil bearing1 peach treei ami family oreiiard : good i-rooiu ouse and f'ne large barn: a few im plements. ThM is a. fine farm, as well as lovely country honv.sire iTd is easily worth $Tto. PrK-e now St;io0; terms. $J.K0 ra.ih. bnTanee to suit. M'KPDKMA N N C M PANT. !kI t ham ber of Commerce. ioo ACRES DOWN COLUMBIA. lVfHh. Ijov.tted on good road within 1 mi!e of Aston. highway and one of best towns on river; acres in cultivation and bel ter thun 3"' acr.'S K'od iow land. Good hon,4!. bam and other building. Lb-al tock or da iry raneh. Thi.-t is a genuine sarrtftce sale and 110 us- to talk ti us unless you have at $HM0o cash, a. enly money talks in this case. Terms on caiun- e. LUFTDDEM ANN COMPANY. t13 Cti tnther of "omnien-e. IRRIGATED P. AN' II KuvilB KIVEi; V ALLEY. 93 acres, only loo p. r acre; prpetti warer riht paid, only 6 ni.ies south t; rants Pass, on lh ma:n county road ; t arrs unoer cu titation. ru h ilay Pest son Tor a la r.i. rn. erain anl bets: good buildings. 7 -room dweimg. la rice new bar a. a.i kirls of good equip ment; om stock, oun-r cannot hanuie. so mut sacrifn Ji !l NSON. 21 - I.urprmrri P:dg. BEST IH' 20 a i" res. 1 2 ci and oats. At sorl. IN ORE' It . a 1 1011. N 1 fall wheat nuru!.iii road, w -rom biin led ani dJiry, 1 cow. 1 pig. ss. back, plow, ia.1 tools, hay. qui, prue 13 Sunk Ex- IO miles from Portianu. n .i!ow. go d bam.. woo.:s c oi'-ken house, gooo! te rn, 3 doi-n br. wnin. harn h.rrow, disc s pan tor, s: aw. th.s Is a bu. a Simo Jj.i.m 4f,o n 212----'.ar.z-, A'n A- Ebv DEAL WITH OWNER. 11 Acr. s. aM In cuittvatiou except 10 ar-s of oak timber, fenced and cross fenced : cnpil house, barn and other but (d -Inicjt. t 1 wair, 2 springs, 3 milri of to good towns, f.tmiiy or, hard; about 75 are in rr-p now; rural route and tele phone; railway jtafinn on plaer. Stock and citmplrle lin- vt implements all go w ith pla e. at !25 rT acre. Call Col. 71 or addr-j-s I ; Sto.-kton st. J.4 ACRIiS lumhtiT countv. Southern Pa- ith- e trie line runs through place. alo wet si.le highway. w hl.'U will tfOun be bard surf.-n.-il. about 25 a .Tea under cul l..tion: good soil. n rck.: l-.ouse. fvpral ouhuiMltii;s. asortmi r.l fruit. Only 3 r-r a re. goo.1 terms: or will dilie. I K r'K R. '-"1 WM. x Mtfr .- A "K ES. $".oo; good b-a k gra.w. rialry. sleep. Tarmirg mini ; sma.i or nsrns, room hoiif e. 2 barns, w hjJ and tool houe princ water: :iiK acres timber: 5 m:.ei t- iounty seat : on coast hlc h w av; p.- f''on glra. Atnlrcv Handy Ranch, ijO'd Ferpt, Ore roil. THE GREATEST d -r-.-t in the Ut gr west. Sena 'or iemp:ie. book ct giv- Hi general d-criu-ion. pru- and ter of our 'is'irc on ri.ilrv. rmx d id wheat (s':r tn Cent nil Alberta. La r Mi-i'ul.o. h. Ltd.. K liam. Alberta, ItfSLT.rO count v Montana, is the most i!'crs:f:ed farming county in the treasure slate, ror farm ;arn!s or stock ranches whnta or rei.i.. address owners; Todd A- I'arroil. Inc.. Su Paul. Minn., Forsyth, Ttontara. C- KK.-11A M 30 acres e'ectne car. $ nrrr. partly cleared .Vw f are ad.on.;ni ti"i, $.ai an acre; r tde easy term 1 ;re.! am. rone 1 tpring and cree W E Orrshutn in rtritva- r e lo-a t ion ; wi ! 1 lev r and Brown. 40 ACRES, Yamhill ro iric line, abo-it & acr o I. no rov ks. ho., rtment fruit. $135' 1V! vt Mis "'y. mile to elec in cu'tlvarion. gtod '. out bu:idings. s teniis. Draper 201 'U SALE or rent. 4'-a-re ranch, 5"--j miles from Kfl.o, ash. ; hou-e. barn, orchard. d and w at er. S acres seeded to t imo t hy and clover. U Her. bo 5, KelcO. v ;.-.n FM'KB 111-ACRT3 FARM ON II IG H- W AA; WKI.I. I M t Ki Kl; DRIVING MSTNCH FROM PORTLAND: ONLY i.'tKi; Misr itfc; S'.i.r W. H. BUR LEV. i;5 IRVING ST. MARSHALL 2:C3 i.i-At'RK ram fi for saie near Eiurada, L'ft b'tv cleared: orrhani. stock, furniture and Implements h .ud-d in s.:e: goo.i -a.irer. Vou. a -id barn. John MacLencan, Joti1 Vo;r1 st. It ACRES of A r.Mim hrue 1 ini-. "' in;l -No 1 land, with a good 5 ind barn and all ou:bui!d- from e;t ; win runnder "CI nT ."rf2 E tK'h st. S. AHSiM.ITt, ainfice. orchard farm near Port'ind. rn-he! soil, i.i; clln-ate. near c rtnc line ; m ust el- : make offer; eay terns John C. J-i. Prinunt, Cal H SALE ;ko a r. . fre w hTTl nnch fa r bui J.pti. coo l . :!, for o- va:ie it-operty . lTit n h. a:. 1 'w ner 5o.. W . i'i -r l-Tfund. t fii- ki: Ner '.. FRUIT GAK 'KV R N.-HKS. , per ak r-. r -'e. m:i r.zei. V rttand. -fan-i. $7". Xr. J. n f. i'.' r ti tU W a "VC Tdwr farirs for aie id v;w i-miii -wri'e fr a or call on Cw N . Vail. .r -r ton. ri ACPrS. rir Cotuin t -w ; 3' a. re tmpioved. .d 1! eiL Or beauttfu' T. btaith. . V'-R i S C -e f f tkr some trade. I T-a ot. f li m - n e E. I. W r (.i W a uiiMl. s'ock and ca.'h. 191 , ED-OKF $1' a ere up. running er. g-xij toil. S finable, err p1o meat; t ttrrrs Je-se H sha-p. 4 .id C IT' acres. Chsmoeg mr from river. V? per acre. T ?i, Orcfcaiaa. REAL ESTATE. J-or Sale -Tarmk. THKaE SMALL PLACES YOU CAN MAKE GOOD ON. 23 acres. II acres now in crop, the other 14 acres is Willamette river Dot torn, win raise anything you can arrow In the north west : over 1 acre in full bearing- peach orchard ; (rood buildings ; a:i ror s.ino, part cash, balance Ions time at 6 per cent. 4 ."5 acres. all No. I river bottom and every foot under Plow: fair d we! lines. small orchard -and other - improvements only 1 mile from town. This is a bargain at ?6'XK); sjumj cash, eaiance 6 per cent 1,1 acres Inside city limits of rood town, aU in crop, pood nous, two barns, garage, ore-hard and other outbuildlnrs. practically new. and the price is oniy JUuoo; sudd terms. Another river bottom place of Tin an 12 a.-r-s cleared, nice family orchard, cood buildinc. several acres more not hard to ;.too, and you can get this on good terms. "We iito tiave several more smalt traets, some- near the city, w ell improved, that we can "! on ffood terms, and they are priced richt. STEWART & Bl'K. St." Nort h western Hank Bids;. PKi PRUDIVKR "ONION LAND." IS rrM nnrthwest of SraDDOote and mis from is. It. station. There is 16 acres In cultivation. t acres of which is the finest beaverdam land. This is the real peat cranberry soil and in 1!17 pro duced over $4"'"i worth of onions: there are 10 acres of finest red-shot soil and all is in hiffh state of cultivation; splendid j-room tiouxe and fair barn and shack: splendid well of water and running spring. The owner is In such a position that he is unable to work it and will sell for ooOO on very reasonable terms, and the beaver dam land is worth the price aked. This is your opportunity. If you want a rich acre ranch let us show you. THE LAVYKENK CO.. ?o' Corhett Bid. Mam tiiMS. A 5at.-. frj ACRES of first-class land, all In nign state of cultivation; 10-room nouse. larnw 1.1m now hnFhauM. implement shed, gar age, in fart all buildings necessary, first-1 class water system to barns and house, electric light system undor construction. S mile to creamery, place ideal for dairy ing and ho raising. It is well fenced and is subdivided in small fields, all in crop. Cood family orchard. IS niilea to college, high school, public school, churches and business houses: free delivery at house from stores. The improvements on place are well worth Grto. Price $16.oort. easy terms. Located between Monmouth and independence. Or. Aduress ox -, jjuu- mouth. Or. 320-ACRR IRRTCATBH RANCH, NEW 3H.HSE. NEW BARN. WITH 20 ACRES IN ALFALFA. Located under g-overnment irrigation project, llermiston. Or.; fine soil; all can be put under irrigation with water piped to highest t'int n place; good well SO feet deep with, pump; grow 3 crops of al falfa a year, about 0 tons per acre; other cros produce well on this place ; small orchard. I'rice $1.10 an acre. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SO ACRES all in cultivation; was in grain last eaon; ready to seed now; sandy soil ; paid water for irrigation; 3-wire feme; 3-room house: on country road 6 nu les from Vale ; telephone, R. F. D. ; pri.-e $70 per acre, terms. 2 40 acres, all fenced and level; 165 In alfalfa, balance pasture; all of this is good agricultural land; fine improvements. T-rooiu new house, stable, sheds, Fhade; on country road; paid water for irrigation; i miles from Vale; put up 70 tons of hay; fine stock farm: prico $125 per acre; good terms; no trades. John Hard wick Realty Co., Yale, or. $2000 DOWN SECURES FARM. Pair horses, 24 cows and bull, brood sows, long list implements, crops; 1 U nines ti. rt. town; 173 acres. 120 acres loam tillable, clay subsoil ; 30-cow wire I fenced pasture, home use wood. luO apple iret-s, inner iruit ; a -room house, itHJ-foot oarn. Jo read, granary, hay barns, pig. poultry houses. Owner retiring, makes low price, $"7."0 for all. easy terms. De tails page J4 New Spring Catalogue Bar gains 11 StHtes; copy free. S trout Farm Agency, .-:ubk i'lomouth bldg, Mmneup oils. $11,000 FA KM FOR $7500. 14 acrs. 70 in hiirh state of cultiva tion, good farm buildings, plenty of wa ter, on good roan; , nine to R. R. sta tion. .1 miles to good town in Poik Co. 1 count or foreclosure will sell for $7500; f i '"" e.isri. uai. i per cunt interest. Ask for Harass. M. BILLINGS, , 50-.I McKay bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. CLIENT wants rooming house up to $75i0 in exchange for his farm of 107 acre. Mtuated 2 ml. from Brownsville and 20 mi. a. e. from Albany; !i a. in cult., i7 nere tillable, lo a. timber; family or chard ; good six -room house, well n-ft. deep; also an old ft-rm. house, 2 large arn, noin in good condition, chicken iiotise. nog1 noosf. frice, $ 00. terms Hair cash, balance mortgage at T'.'m will trade for rooming house. CiPDARD A- WIKPKirK. 243 Stark St. WANT confectionery store, house anil lot, or interest In garage in Portland, in ex change for IOO acres in Gilliam Co., 1 miles from Gwendolen; fcO a- have been p!oiv ail. but since neglected. I2'i a. can be plowed, balance rough and rocky: no improvements except small house 10x18; fenced on 2 sides; near school, postoffice and church. Price $2fVW. iiDIARD A W IKOKH'K, Sark Ft. T l 'US ES V A N TED. We have made houe acting a special ty for 1 years ami are m ji-.?e.l of modern bunKMlown and houses from $';0 up. rur experience in selling house will help ou sell. GRUSSr A: BENNETT, "I Boar.j ,,f Trade bldg. Main 745? SMALL Ho SES WANTED. Wfi have rlirnts waiting lo buy small hoitjic wtih large lots or acreage; bring wui iiMiims t, us. sen on commission or win nuy voiir property outright GEO. T MiUUtE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldj , nouses 10 se.i. 1 tiav the ouyera . .1 ii.nii.i mven prorej- attention. W AIL li oLU ADS. WE GET KESULTS. ' . .a. vt a K li IN h,rl. riTTB4i. LOWE A- CO , 2n",-:.. 7 Board of Trade Bli:r. WE HAVE several clients who want striet- ly nioucrn nouses in kom fity I'ark. Haw thorne and Alberta, districts. What have ou to oner GQPDAKD A- WIKDRICK. 243 Stark SL WANTED In A iameda Park or Irvlrrgton, oung.i.ow or Dutch colonial, with 3 bed rooms or 2 arl S. P.; must have large 11-. iir-n"m; t-.-o or less, rnone lnxorma tion to Jos. C. liibson. Tabor l'Ji.'Z. BI 'NtiA IjO W WANTED. e haic ca'li customers for five and ei-rwin ounxaiows wen located; If jou" on- w ci-ii ieiepnone us. GEO. T. MOORK CO, 1007 Yeon Bldg. I WANT abou; one acre of land near paved roaa oin.unt jkiuitnoman county, not over on'- irura 2'orijajto. icr 111 a. T loo Oregonian. WANTED Houses, lots or farms tn Iir the real estate buyers guide: no commls s:orv charged. See Mr. Schindler, fcUi oi 1 11 n crier U OSJi Wl PICp. nave t'uyers ror 6 and b room house rvington or A'ameda Park, price $5uoo r less. E. .T. 4teis (.bajnber of mmerre. I'hone Main -,'t. CLIENT wants to buy 5 or 6 room hou near Piedmont car barns. Can pay $400 G 'I'l'ARD WTEDP.TIC. ?4? Stark t CLIENT wants 5 t o20 aires commercial on-hard In Hood Kiver; will pick out the best ha ran in. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark atv CASH for bungalow, must be bargain. 140O0 10 ov'v. iriTiiion prererred. u. W Bryan. 5o-l-t Cham, of Com. Mai n 1 9;3. WANT an. ail farm, give attractive 5-room bungatow. paved, and assume: owner after 2:..Q. Barney. Stock Exchange' WILL purchase modern residence on large lot near Catholic school; must be bargain for cash. K 57S. Oregonian. W AITED To busthe h-st home I can get tor siio casn. uive full description. 1395 Albina ave. W ANT modern bungalow up to $iv500 east : lc preferred. . F 916. Oregonian. CLEAR to mu.-t be cheap: state price and A. I 2. (rerontan. li'c:i:ion. Farms Wanted. W ANT FA KM 40 10 1O0 a. res have XM timber claim at fV.n-0 as first payment and assume to $."mo if stocked and eou:pped. R. w. Fisher. 415 stock Ex- N a nge. 1AKMS WANTED We are In immediate reed of 40. iw-acre farms, we can make cjuick sales f.r yoti if your price U tight M Htllirirs. :. MKay bidg.. Vatn l.;!H. ILL buy ran. h or acreare. or win firtn and buv stuck and c.juipmcnt. AB M anted to Rent anna. H AVE an A I farmer warier to rent a cod farm of l.'O to -.o acre-: pav cash rent; will purchase personal property. A. G. BVNDER. FITTER. LOWE CO.. -5-7 Boa-d of Trade F:dc. A NT ED to rent. 3 to 5 a- 1 e Improved p. are with good chicken e-iutpmert. "n share or ouficbt. Address room 230, Angela hotel, Portland. Or. ACREAGE w-inted on Silets nvcr. . e:i. 9.-.A E. 2JJ N., Wdln. 465, lajid. Or. WMt-Port- REI.fAPt.E party wantia to rent small p,ace car Dayton or Dundee. U 52, Crefoa.aa TIMBER LANDS. 1 MILLION ft. timber claim with land. 1 mile from R. R.. 60 per cent spruce. baL iir; ..vo cash. L. A. Oonelton. 447 Sher lock bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED A man with donkey equipment to haul logs by thousand : level ground ; H-mile haul; 2.0UU.0O0 feet. Chauncey Geli, New berg. Or. FOB KENTt-FARMS. t0 ACRES, 22 cultivated. 1 4 orchard, good. ouiiaings. near uregon city; rent --a, included personal: 13 near Vancouver. plowed, good soil, buildings, excel lent neighborhood, rent $150, sell implements. Owner after 2:0. Barney, aOS iitock Ex change. 'jo ACRES. 6. in cultivation. :H acres beaver- dum; near Vancouver. Kent. $..a. lu acres nil in cultivation; uear Ore gon Citv. lient, $lti0. LCEDDEMANN CO.. HI 3 Cham, of Com. ltJO AfRKs, near BeavertoM. 60 acres In cultivation, balance pasture; reasonable cash rent. 59 Cham, of Com. bldg. 10 ACRES, near Villa and Buckley aves.. cleared, fenced, $Q. Main 623. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. SO ACRES. tJOOO.. 20 acres in cultivation, at least CO acres tillable. 20 acres of timber, about 1 acre of old orchard, dilapidated buildings, 11 miles 8. W. of Eugene, $.t00 cash, balance iro yearly, or will take city property unincumbered up to $1 T00, which is the value of the equity. Photos at office of Kred W German Co., 7-"2 Cham, of Com. 1 WHEAT LAND FOR SUBURBAN ACRE AGE., C-4 quarter section. Franklin rounty. wash., good wheat district, value -U and $30 per acre, will exchange for suburban acreape home, near Portland, jvreu w. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. See Mr. Hurd. office open evenings and Sundays. ARE YOU GOING TO CALIFORNIA? Have some very attractive buys in un improved land In Northern California ; a few net tions and half sections to trade I for Portland property. A. W. ESTES. 202 McKay Bldg. WILL TRADE AND ASSUME OR SELL 48S acres good timber, clear of lncum- I brance: make Ideal stock ranch when Urn- I ber removed; three-fourths mile railroad in vallev; fine mill location. GUI, with RUM V ELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. ASTORIA FOR PORTLAND. 11-room house, free and clear; paved streets; will rent for $30 per month. Want I good, close-in home up to $5000; prefer I west side. JOHNSON. '212 Lumbermens Bldg. WANTED To trade highly improved acre- I ace In Corvall s. Or., ror Portland prop erty; for ranch and assume: or will trade I for stock and equipment and rent ranch. AB 240. Oregonian. NEW store building 24x3. with stock first class groceries: lot 40x135: rent $20 month; value SJ.'iOO: to exchance for a small farm Property is in Hoquiam, Wash. Mate Yokovas. 62 Water Portland. yj LEGITIMATE EXCHANGES WANTED, Desirable listings; no juk. hot air, or Inflated values will be considered. See Mr. Hurd with Fred W. German Co., 73a Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To trade 7 -room, modern house, two residential acres in Altamont, two lots in Manito in Spokane for Portland property. H 20a. Uregonian. $2000 HOUSE AND LOT at Victoria to trade for auto of the latest model; must be new; 3-passenger pre ferred. Phone Marshall 2S0S. FOOTHILL 80, some cultivated, old build ings. orchard, stream, $2500; accept resi dence. Owner, after 2:30. Barney, 303 Stock Exchange. SWAP restaurant and 9 furnished rooms. cash value $1000; will trade for any clear collateral or Portland real estate: must be full value. 300 Wash. St., ancouver. Wash. NORTHERN IDAHO. Logged-off lands in Idaho to trada for Portland property. A. W. Estes, 20- McKay bldg. WHEAT RANCH for trade, lease or sale on crop payment; snap, act qujcKiy. .Main Q. P. Groblc. 14th and Clay. MY equity of $500 in, a house and lot for auto, diamonds or what have you? Phons Tabor 2071. 40 ACRES, irrigated, on Deschutes river; trade (or house In Portland: price $3500. Ritchie & Riorden, 353 Morgan bldg. I A'RES. Falls City, Or.. 7 Iota Chehalis, Wash. Want small house. AR 330, Ore gonian. VALUABLE lots to exchange for Improved land: might give some cash. AV 8-1, Ore con i an. 10 ACRES bearing prunes and cash for Portland home. 191 - Third. Main 5530. GOOD lot as part payment on house and lot. AV S21. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISC ELLA NOUS. roitKR lot faclne three streets, on car- line. In Ashland, w is. hven traue lor good Vlctrola or Piano. East 5571. WANTED To trade good Decker Bros, piano for lots. Ashland. Or., preterrea. Address 620 Foster road. Portland. PLUV BING and electric wiring wanted in e.vtrange for music course. -Main doir. TO TRADE 6 acres. 3 miles from Salem. trade for late model car. Tabor '.i.. FOR SALE. Hones, Vehicles, Livestock. GUERNSEY and Durham cow. fresh 3 days. with calf. $70; 2 Guernsey and Durham cows, 1 Jersey cow, 1 large Durham cow, all very heavy milkers, fresh; also 1 large Holstein cow coming fresh In few days. 100 East 9th St.. No. East 4307. YOUNG Durham and Guernsey cow and calf, fresh one day. $tO; two Durham and Guernsey cows; one large Durham cow, one Jersey cow, all Just fresh and heavy milkers; also one large Holstein cow to be fresh in a few days, jou iu. utn &l. .o. Ea--t 4.107. HAVE 5 hig mules, 3 good horses, all in I good condition and true to work; all have good breecning narness; stoes is young anu , 1 will sell cheap; weight 26O0 to 3000 lbs. See them at Multo stables, 10th and Jef ferson. , STA N of mules, weighing 2300; team of ; horses. 3300 lbs., a ana o yra 01a; sev eral other good work horses weighing 120O to 1400 lbs. Call at stables. East ',fb and Clay. BAY AND BROWN team with harness and wagon, team 2200 lbs.; I have no use for t Dein so will bell cheap. Ask for Mrs. Reese's team. Multo stables, 16th and Je'fersnn sts. ONE TEAM. 220O lbs.; one team C2O0 Ibe; sund. true workers; cheap for Quick sale. Willamette Fuel A Supply Co. Broadway 2144. ON ACCOUNT of auto trucks we have for sale 2.00-lb. team and harness, young and good workers : also 115o-lb. mare; cheap. Woodvard, foot Taylor st. DEAD slock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phons Mllwaukie 69J for results. $;:.. GOOD pony, good rubber-tired buggy and h arn ess ; c hca p. "W oody ard, f 00 1 of Taylor st. 1 DEAD horses and anlmais hauled away fre a Portland Rendering Co. Call Woodlawn 20. DEAD horses taken quickly; cash paid for I cows and crippled horses. Tabor 4203. WANT a home to work on five acres; pay some rent. Mar u4l. BIG fresh dairy and family cows, all breeds; take dry cows in exchange. 7oI E. Ash. Piano, Orleans and Musical Instrument. FIRST-CLASS 2 and 4-minute Edison phono- ! graph and 100 brand-new indestructible I cylinder records $18.50: $7.50 down. $:' monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 300 Aider. TRADE YOUR PIANO r organ for a new Vlctrola and rfcordi Let us give you our proposition. Seiber- 1 ing-Lucas Music Co., 125-127 4th st. Mam I ANTISELL (good tone) ... $167 t iscner (small uprigntj Stemway (.Uke new) . . . HAROLD S. GILBERT. $1S7 $450 3S4 ramnift. CABINET PHONOGRAPH. P'ays all records. Ten selections 'five records) at special price of $50.75. Seiber- ling-Lueas Music Co.. 12o 4th st. KIMBALL PIANO. Mahogany case, fine condition, ran be bought at half price. Terms ,iven. Seiber- .ing-Lucaa Music t o., liro 4ta mi. PIANO WANTED. Let us civo you our cash price on your nsed piano. Se;bcrling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main S5SH. PIANO Standard make, plain mahogany. good condition, at price, terms. Seioer- , lng-l.ucas .music Co., I2. 4th st. VICTROLA AND RECORDS FOR SALE OR TRADE. NEWMAN. 128 1ST, NEAR ALDER. $10O CASH paid you for your old upright piano. Call Marshall 5323. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st.. at Washington. PIANO llobart M. Cable, just itke new: re!l at bargain. Seiberling-Lucas Mimic to., 12- 4th Ft., bet. Washington and Alder gts. I PIAVO wanted. P.iy rsli for bargain f-om private party. Marshall .M7. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3M Yamhill St. $66 75 COLUMBIA grafonola outfit (like new. f..V Harold S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill. TIANOS tuned. 8T-74 Grad. $3. George T. Peck. Tabor New Eng. Conser atory. CABINET phonograph wanted; roust reasonable. AC 4S. Oregonian. N $20 EDISON Diamond Disc, in good con dition, tome record. Columbia u53. FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. clo3lns out used Parlor Organs, $-0 and $'60 cash; square pianos. S4a to 6o cash : upright pianos, . $0o, $75. $'.5 cash: uprights, good as new, $150, SliiOcash: uprights, new, stored, S-oo, J.yo, 75 caah; player pianos, new, $3iZ; S:45, cash. Part cash, bonds and other securities accepted. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Storage ouc month ly. Phone Main 535. 10a 4th st.. at Waah. SAVE MONEY HERE. If anyone wants a Bush & Laie mod ern SS-note player looka like new) with the best player action ever installed in a Bush & Lane piano, the Auto de Luxe with metal tubes, come to our seventh floor. We will save you several hundred dollars: I-rms. LIPMA.V, WOLFE & CO. DISC Phonographs, small. $10 and $15 each; Edison cylinder phonographs, large, $20 and $30 each; new phonographs, $20 to $115; $5 or $10 in records purchased sends home any new model, payments &0c, 75c, $1 and $1.25 weekly at the ?chwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st... at Washington. $Uo TO $3.0 saved buying pianos during factory clearance saie; casn or terms; ia or $20 cash, $ti, $H. $10 or more monthly. See our display advertisement or call at Sch wan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth St., at Wash. ' A SAFEPLACE TO TRADE. ' We have several good second-hand pi anos and players to sell at bargain prices and on terms. L 1PM AN. WOLFE & CO. $120 RENT, no expense. Four beautiful flaw on choice Holladay Add. corner. Owner going to Europe. Take residence for part. Quick, pale price, $14,000. OTIS C. BECK. 525 Henry Building. !g. Rabbits. Bird. Pet Stocky FOR SALE, English-pit bulldog, thorough bred, well trained, good home, cheap. Eaat 1S47. AO 71, Oregonian. Furniture for Bale. CLEAN-UP SALE OF ODD DRESSERS. i To make room for spring shipments, we are closing out all our odd eastern solid oak dressers at less than today's whole sale price. A few examples: Solid oak dresser., with 12x20-lnch French plate mirror, regular $20, for $13.85; fine solid oak dresser. 38-inch case. Adams design, 22x2S-mcn r rencn plate mirror, regular $27.50, for $19.75; another, same size case and mirror, with W i I Hani and Mary standards, $27.50. for $lit.75; very high-grade colonial dresser in genuine quarter-sawed oak. large case, with plank rim top, 22x24-inch mirror, regular $35. for $23.50: also a high-grade quarter-sawed oak chiffonier with French plate mirror, a great bargain at $15. Come early; thev'll fly away at these prices. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1K8-190 First St. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Iron beds. $1. i5 and up. Springs. 91 and up. Mattresses, $1.50 and up. Chairs. 75 and up. Dressers, $7.50 and up. Dining tables, $3 and up. Center tables, 75c and up. Cook stoves. $9 and up. Rockers. $1.50 and up. OWL FURNITURE CO.. - 204 First Street. ONE fireless cooker complete. 5 rockers, 1 mahogany dresser and bookcase, complete single white enamel bed springs and mat tress. 1 white enamel bed and springs, garden tools, kitchen table, 2 tubs and wash boiler. 1205 ftaight ave. HAVE sold our home, will sell at private sale good oak lurniiure, consisting 01 ueu room seta, chairs, tables, bureaus, etc. Call Thursday morning after o'clock. 575 WoJdler st. Broadway or Irvington car. FURNITURE 4 rooms and good Ford car cheap. M. E. Cummlngs, 1137 Minnesota ave. ; FURNITURE for a 5-room house: I must leave town Wednesday evening, r. r. aim. 1413 VII lard ave. FIRST-CLASS furniture of 5 rooms for sale Including piano; house rents for $25. H. & H. Realty Co.. K15 S wetland bldg. HIGH-CLASS mahogany furniture; will sell all or separate pieces; used 4 months; leaving city. Phone Marshall 2995. CHEAP Almost new kitchen cabinet, com mode, heater, rockin chairs. 204 Vi 4th st.. room 2. LEAVING city, furniture for sale, nice 7 room house; could be rented. 4614 41st st. S. E. , FOR SALE 1 axminster and 1 fiber nig. also canned fruit and empty jars. fc2 ici-'.H Hronhead sewing machine. 10 doz. Mason auart Jars. 1 5-gal. crock with cover. Apt. 27. 11551,fc Albina ave. .-.4-1XCH William and Mary waxed oak, din ing table and 6 chairs to match; also other piecps of furniture: no dealers. Jast FOR SALE Fumed oak. dining table, 48- inch top. Main FURNITURE of living room, bedroom and Kltcnen, goou euimiuwi. a. mo. FURNITURE of 5-room flat for sale, $200 flat for rent. East 8126. FOR SALE Some household furniture. Apt. 1. 368 13th st. Poultry. LFHR POULTRY FARM. BABY CHICKS. EGGS. GROWN STOCK. White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, R. I. Reds, $24 per doz. $30 per doz. $.10 per doz. Hundreds of thoroughbred birds to se leet from. Corresoondence solicited. Vis itors welcome. Estacada line to Kendall t-.ttnn and follow the arrow signs. P. address H. C. Luhr, Route 3, box 258, Lents station, Portland, ur. WHITE LEGHORNS are the most profitable breed of poultry. If you are in the busi ness for orotit you will eventually hav them. Early broilers, early layers, early PROFITS. We sell only WHITE LEG HORN BABY CHICKS from heavy lay ing HOGANIZED hens. Safe delivery of full-count live chicks guaranteed. Price per 100; February. $15; March. $14: April. $12.50. The Pioneer Hatchery, 402 6th at.. Petaluma. Cal. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Leghorns. Reds, Rocks. Minorcas, best stock. Safe delivery guaranteed. Prices reasonable. C. N. Need ham, box 412, Salem, Or. THOROUGHBRED Golden Lace Wyandotte roosters, hatched last May. at $3. $3.50 and $4 each. Harry Cummings, Box 102, H'-ppner. Or. WANTED A lady with some capital to gc In chicken business: have ground and buildings and can give best of references. AG 28, Oregonian. EGGS for setting; S. C. White Leghorns. O. A. C. strain, $1.50 for 13. C. E. Foster, 1314 Halsey St., Portland. Tabor S04L EteGS FOR SETTING O. A. C, Rocks. R, L Reds. $2 for 15: White Leghorns. $1.50 for 15. East 1S05- k)NE fine White ' Leghorn Phone Tabor 3006. rooster, $1.50. LEGHORN chicks, also Barred Rock eggs, incubaior lots. Tabor 4O70. Launches a no- Boats. MODERN furnished houseboat; number 1 Willamette moorage. Sell wood 18S4. Machinery. 1 12x15 Erio engine, 1 10x12 Erie engine. 1 10x12 Russell engine. 1 3x2 i-j x 3 pump. 1 2x1VbX2 pump. 1 4tx4 pump. 4 66x16 lap-seam boilers. 2 54x16 lap-seam boilers. I 60x14 lap-seam boiler. 1 44x14 lap-heam boiler. 2 3'ixl0 lap-seam boilers. '2 66x16 butt strap boilers. 1 66x18 butt strap boiler. 3 250-H. P. firebox boiler. 1 60-H. P. firebox boiler. 1 o5-H. P. firebox boiler. G. & R. MACHINERY CO., 503 Gerllnge-r Bldg. Phone Main 8201. SPECIAL. 1 Mershon horizontal slab resaw. 1 No. 342 Berlin band resaw. 1 pr. 16x18 Ames twin engines. 1 Dr. 14x18 H. S. & G. twin engines. ALSO ALL KINDS OF REBUILT SEC OND-HAND MACHINERY. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First St., Portland, Or. FOR DIESEL ENGINES, HOT SURFACE OIL. GAS or STEAM engines and BOIX. ERS FROM 1 H. P. to 10.00 H. P., SEE HANDLES, 221 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 767. List your boats and second-hand engine? with us for sale. ONE No. 2 sawmill complete planer and edger. for sale or trade on donkey en gine. Address Deer Creek Lbr. Co., Rose burg. Or. FOR SALE 9x10 Willamette donkey cheap; four-side planer. 3 steam engines, 30, 45 and SO-H. P. A. B. Loud, Eugene. Or. FOR SALE CHEAP A horsepower Fair banks horizontal pas engine. Main 5554. 705 Board of Trade bldg. A 5-H. P. auto traction saw machine, cheap. Tabor 8931. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewrit era ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. retail dept., 321 Wash. st. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark at. Main 1407. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth et. WE will buy your old typewriter and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 Fifth. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 fcth. Main 366tf. E W No. 5 Woodstock, cheap. 274 N. 21st St. Apt. 422, TYPEWRITER supplies and repairs; prices right. 408 Worcester bide FOB SALE. TTpewriiera. EENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now immediate delivery, reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Company. ADDRESSAGRAPH. nearly new, at a bar gain. Call Coughlin. Main 412. M isce Ilaneous. SEWING machines, new and second-band. sold for less : no agents employed ; com plete line of parts for alt makes; machines repaired ana rented. Aiain v-t-yi. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1 90 3d. near Taylor street. SAFES, new and second-hand, at right prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., 40 Front street, Portland. Or. Phone Broadway I960. FlRE and burglar-proof safes bought, sold and exchanged: iock. expert worit and r pairing. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Phone Main 2045. WELL sorted, good size Burbank potatoes. raised on high ground, $1.75 per hundred delivered lrvinifton. Alberta. neumon and Woodlawn districts. Call Woodlawn 2 60. 3 ROLL-TOP desks, bookkeeper's desk, type writer desk, cii-urs, uoi. nat desk, x. & v. filing cabinets, card cabinets and '2 safes. tiustiong & co., vi raw st. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, soda foun tain, Fairbanks scale, Angledale scale, bread case, cigar case and candy case. 248 Vi Second st. Alain 342. BARGAIN Gentleman.'s heavy gold ring (1 DWtl set with light U karat dia Tnond, leading jeweler as reference, only $75. Broadway 132i. H 43, Oregonian. HOT-WATER tanks, all sizes. In good serv iceable condition, 30-gal., $7; 40-gaI., $9. 201 Adams ht., east end, steel bridge. Phone East 8516. WANTED Men to wear uncalled-for suits and overcoats at $3.o" and up. urpneum Cleaners. 355 Stark at. DELICIOUS crabs, clams, oysters, fresh daily. 126 First st., bet. Wash, and Al der, Western Fish Co., Mar. 51S9. FINE BICYCLE MAKE OFFER, DER. FOR SALE CHEAP 128 FIRST, NEAR AL- SALISBURY'S COUGH CANDY. 5 OVER 100 YEARS IX IjSIU. toUlU WHERE. EVERY FOR SALE Garden tool?, hose. Stewart phonograph and records. also chafing dish. 12 E. a-Ja St., cor, aiornson. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 235 Stark st. FOR SALU Stools, coffee urn, pie wire chairs, for ice cream parlors; things. 240'A 5th st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wallcases, fixtures; eay terms. W. J. Quigley, 227 First. Main 5399. MUST vacate by first of month; show cases, registers, wall cases and stock. 535 Washington st. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase. 174 1st sL, corner Yamhill. APPAREL EXCHANGE Suits, gowns, dresses, slightly worn; bargains. Tabor 2SU5. ; SAFE, in first-class condition, for sale cheap. r or aa particulars au areas u mu, ore gonian. NEW electric sewing machine, fruit jars, etc., very cheap; leaving state. 205 NT. 23d. SMALLEST bible on earth, brings good luck to owner. 50c cash. AG 41. Oregonian. NOW is the time for painting and paper hanging. Get an estimate. Tabor 6736. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the right price. 46 Front st. Broadway 1968. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co., Main 85S2. EXPERT stove plumbing; parts stoves, ranges; repair! rig. East II makes 287. BLACK duvetine suit, never worn, or 38. Broadway 5273. size 36 CHOICE potatoes, $1.75 sack delivered. Call Broadway 454; evenings call Sell. 2S30. 4-FOOT cigar case, $20. 2 plate glass mir-ro:-s. 3x10 feet. $75. Alain 49S7. CHILD'S bargain. gilded bed, hair mattress, buggy 325 13th st. COUNTER account register, meat slicer and ' scales; bargain. 2i2 3d st. FOR SALE Bicycle,, East 6282. 2 East 8th st. Mortn. FOR SALE Wicker go-cart- 795 Northrup st.. cor. N. 24 tn. FO R SALE Gas range and water Call Tabor 9250. FOR SALE 17 rabbits. $12; Flemish Giants and N. A. Reds. 280 Larraoee st.j FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. l!lfj For touring. 1918 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford T.ourlng. 1917 Ford touring. 1917 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford roadster. 1916 Ford touring. 1910 Ford touring. 1910 Ford roadster. 1915 Ford roadster. 1915 Ford touring. iyi4 Ford touring. 1916 Ford delivery. 1917 Ford delivery, express. Don't fa"H to see these cars before you buy. they are like new. lots of extra equipment. Terms It desired. FRANCTS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 3770. East 13th and Hawthorne. BONDS. TRADES OR TERMS. 1-ton Renublic. ne,v tires, overhauled. $1250. a.- J -ion liepubuc. overhauled, new . tires. $2000. 1-ton Ford, worm drive express, body and cab, $150. Ford delivery, paneled body. $325. Other good used trucks priced low. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. Park and Everett. FORD SNAPS. 1917 Ford, can't tell from new 1916 Ford, had fine care...' 191S Ford, run little Two Ford bugs. snap. WM.'L. HUGH SON COMPANY. Authorized Ford Dealers. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. .$450 . 340 . 475 REBUILT TRUCKS. Ford 1-ton rebuilt and in abswlutely Al shape. $525. . 3-ton Federal, can't be told from new, save $500. 14 -ton Federal, rebuilt In our shop. WM. L. HUGHSON CO.. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. SOME SALE MODELS. 1918 Maxwell touring, less than $700. 1918 Chevrolet touring. $650. 1918 Overland. Come see this for $750. CONLEY'S USED CAR Cfc-N T U K. S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington. 1918 DORT. Here's a -car that you will fall In love with; all new tires, bumper and s-pot light. Some buy for $1 to. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 Washington St. "Where Washington and Burnside Meet 1917 VELIE 1917. Rich cherry fin., cream-colored wheels driven only 9000 mi.; unusual pep; strik ing appearance; guaranteed first class $1150. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Main 780. 58 N. 23d. 1916 MAXWELL. 5-pass., best of mecharrl cal shape, low price, small payment down. bal. monthly. Al AUTO WORKS AND PAINTING CO., 625 Alder St. ONE of those model 90 Overlands at only $750. It's one of these that everyone has a good word wr, THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 Washington St. FORDS FORDS-FORDS. Lets of them. Come in and see us before you buy. Smith Auto Co., Park and Couch. HAlrE THREE 1918 BRTSCOES in good con dition: come in and get our terms on these dandy little cars, wauingroro s, 0x2 Aider. FORD tourii.g, one-man top, new 5000-mile tires: leaving city, must sell, $375 takes It. Tabor S266 after 1 P. M., or call 64 E. 7th street North. WANTED SAXON. If you have a late Saxontourins cheap ior cdf n. jjiioiiw ou w j. FORD and $22 per mo. for Chevrolet. Max- well or bug. 63d St. N. Call after 5 P. M. ZS4 E. 191S CHANDLER chummy roadster, mechan ically good, finish and tires naa new. $150. Tabor 1543. 191 S FORD touring. 1917 roadster; cheap. Call 1SS Chapman sl LATE model Buick, first-class condition, by private owner, j-'none .Marsnan LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. AUTO SALES CO.. tf'l t AMJLUUOi. WHITE gas 30; make us an offer. 145 Front st. Main 44)L East StSXX. 5-PASSENGER car, good condition, owner must sell $525. Call at 211 vaFn. st. 1917 REO FOUR in Al shape with good tires: always terms, t-mwy. .laae. 1918 FORD, fine condition, for sale cheap. Sellwood 3382. BUICK $10n. Good running order, 4 good tires. 2S Clay st. 1917 CHALMERS ix roadster, a bargain at $650. Call Main 821. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. DO IT NOW. If you are In the market for a used car or have one to sell, come to us. We have scores of cars listed and the buyer gets the information he is after without a mo ment s delay. He is informed where h can find just what he Is after in the way of a used car. He loses no time looking at something he doesn't want. If. by any chance, our lists do not contain the car h wants we do not try to sell him "some thing1 just as good." When the seller places hts car on our lists he gets action. v ith dozens or in quirles coming into our office any one or them may be. the man who wants just your particular car. If so PRESTO the sale becomes easy. .. Call, Phone or Write MAIN 2831. A 1232, NATIONAL MOTOR ADVERTISING CO. 834-30 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Portland, Oregon, BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1 Studebaker 4 $750 1 Overland t tV'O 2 Overland 8s. each - 525 2 Chevrolets. No. 490 $425 and 525 1 Studebaker, electric L. and S 325 5 Fords $250 to 375 1 Ford roadster 300 1 Buick, fitted for camping 250 1 Buick, No. 25 200 2 Overlands 200 2 Oak lan da each 175 3 cars at f each 150 2 cars at .' each 100 1 car at 75 1 car at 50 1 3i-ton truck 1500 1 2-ton truck 1000 3 1-ton trucks $300 to 600 LONG & SILVA, 462 Hawthorne. ONE SECOND-HAND GARY FOR SALE. Out of the dozens of Gary motor trucks that have been sold here, there Is only one used Gary truck for sale that we know of. This is a 2-tonner that we have taken In to apply on two larger Gary trucks. This truck ha been used less than a year, was always driven by the owner and is practi cally as good as new; has a good cab and body and is a bargain at $2500. Gary trucks are safe trucks to buy. GARY COAST AGENCY. INC., Phone Broadway 2162. 71 Broadway. Portland, Or. CHALMERS "36"; NO STARTER, BUT CAR IN FINE SHAPE; 4 PASSENGER BODY; $300, TERMS. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. 514 ALDER. A VERY LITTLE MONEY WILL BUY: 1910 Grant Six. new battery, 5 tires. 1915 Velie. 5 tires. 1314 Apperson, 5 tires. 1913 Hudson, electric equipment. 1911 Cadillac, fine condition. Light Studebaker, fine condition. Four-cyl. Mitchell, first class. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Main 730. 58 N. 23d. $100 GUARANTEE that 1 quart pf Speed- oiine is equivalent to o gallons 01 gaso line: removes carbon and increases motor efficiency. Call for FREE SAMPLE and testimonials of Portland users, also chemi cal analysis of Speedoline by E. W. Lazetl of Chemical & Physical LaooraLories. fort- land. Or. Phone Main 2075. 902 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. BUICK 1917 roadster, victoria top. convert ible into 4-pass. speedster in one minute; I newly painted, emerald and black, 4 cord I tires, one brand new fabric; just over hauled by Cook & Gill; guaranteed per- I feet comtion; $-350 extras; snappiest job! in Portland. Owner coins east this week. must sacrifice for best cash offer. Tabor j 9i6. DUMFERTS AUTO PAINT SHOP will save! you money, simonizmg a specialty, uia- 1 charged soldier, motor transport. U. army. 164 E. 9th st., cor. Belmont. BUICK Six, model D65, 7-passenger, perfect 1 condition; new top and good tires; finish ; like new, not repainted, $1250; $500 cash. $03 per month. Tabor lobo, 4uJ Jrj. 40tn r. RTnnTrRT vat.ttk 1913 Sludeiaker roadster with all cord tires. It Is pneed away down. CON LEY'S USED CAR CENTER, S. W. cor. 15th and Washington. SPECIAL WINTER PRICES. Insure vour tires now against blow outs and punctures with our guaranteed reliners. Phone East 1393. We will call. UNION AVE. TIRE A BATTERY SHOP, 4RS-490 Union ave. N. 1919 VELIE 1919. Driven very little: just nicely broken In: sell at reduction and give factory guar- antD?C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Main 70. 58 N. 23d. CHUMMY ROADSTER. O-pr of these snaonly. classy little sixes. 32-inch tires. 2 extras, car is like new in every way; a snap. $1 200. Terms. Call Marshall 976 or Bdwy 1130. CHUMMY ROADSTER. One of these snappy, ciassy Iittie sixes. 32-inch tires. 2 extras; car is like new eery way: a snap. $1200. IVrma. Cail Marshall 97fi or Broadway 1j.0. HL'DKON automobile, model 54. in good condition and has been driven very little I only on paved roads; must ne soio at once by owner at great bargain. Phone Marshall 4314 or East S52. DANDY roadster. Haynes. like new, full emnnment. extra tire, newu painteu. nv. 1 shape; trade for good, clear lot. Rose! Cltv or Hawthorne dist. Phone Marshall I ?5S. 404 Gerlinger bldg. 1917 VELIE 1917. rhnmmv thorouchly overhauled. excellent condition and appearance, $1150. D. C. WARKJfi.N AIOIOK. lak uu. Main 7S0. 58 N.. 23d. iftifi VELIE 1916. A dandy Velie; just like the later models; a good buy, $900. D. C. WAFREN MOTOR CAR CO. Main 7S0. 58 X. 23d. RARE BARGAIN. 1918 Hupmobile, wire wheela. extra wire wheel and tire, spot ngnt ana Dumper; perfect mechanically. 1. f- tocnois, 1. Broadway. Main 65. $450 DOWN BUYS 191S CHALMERS SIX TOURING CAR. Al CONDITION; RUNS I AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL EAST I 1962. . I CAN USE YOUR FORD. CHEVROLET OR MAXWELL AS PART PAYMENT ON BRAND NEW 1919 MAXWELL AUTO MOBILE. CALL TABOR 630. E. J. MORIN. First-class auto repairing, bein ave. Woodlawn 134u. NO GUESSWORK. 945 Ganten- OLDSMOBILE, only run few thousand miles. See it today. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO.. 514 Alder st. 1917 BUICK roadster, looks lika new; oniy i-Hvan sftftft miie.s: in Al mechanical condi tion: $125 worth of extras; a snap, call PYank Smith. Broadway 1130. xinrrvRK fears, bearlnrs. wheels, axles; we wreck, ail maJtes Ol cars aiiuecu mcir Darts at half price. David Hodea Co, North Broadway and Flanders. FOR SALE A practically new Ford run about at a second-nand price ior casn; come at once, am leaving city. 114 East 28th St., cor. Alder. MODEL 61 OVERLAND; tires all practi cally new: snap. ivu. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Main 780. 68 N. 23d. LATE model Winton touring car, new cord tires, car Is mecnanicany gooa; neeas paint; price $900; will consider some terms. G 614. Oregonian. OVERLAND 191 S, A-l running condition ; must sell. 754 -c- A-un b- ortu. iau bet. 5 and 6. WANTED A late model motorcycle as part payment on a good used car. jonansen. East 2766. 1018 DODGE TOURING. Al condition; see this one; price right. John Deere Plow 00. oiag.. mcr si. siae. $300 DOWN BUYS 191 MAXWELL TOUR- l.(i CArt: rtr-r-Aj j.c-ju', wi'uiiiw., CALL TABOR 63". BARGAIN IN 1918 CHALMERS SIX. RUNS AND LOOKS Llivti iNiuvv. ta x acuu 630. $350 DOWN BUYS 1917 MITCHELL LIT TLE SIX; ri I. , uuufv v,i r NEW. A BARGAIN. CALL TABOR 630. r-'OO DOWN BUYS MAXWELL. TOURING CAK, Al CU.MJii iw -v - u uuuu BER. CALL EAST 1962. 1918 MAXWELL, only run 3000 miles; not a scratch on it; must seii. can jaaun 1420 between 9 and 6. MUST dispose of 7-passenger car for cash; A-l condition, a 204, oregonian. SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $15 each; vul canized. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. CADILLAC S, in good condition. 1056 Tilla mook st. Phone Tabor 20m. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. SPRING IS HERE. Are you going to ride street cars all summer? "i ou will be a long time dead. Enjoy yourself while you can. Wa can supply you with a car to get you to that fishing stream. WE HAVE THEM ALL MAKES. FROM $106 TO S2O00. FORDS. CHEVROLETS, MAXWELLS. FRANKLIN, STUDEBAKER. COLE 8, REO. APPERSON. PEERLESS. NASH, v HUPMOBILE. A 1919 LICENSE FREE. SERVICE fca OUR LONG SUIT. ALWAYS ON THE? JOB. OPEN EVENINGS AND sCrNDATS. If you can't come early, come any tlma. AUTO SALES CO., NINTH AND COUCH. COVEY'S USED CARS. 1917 BUICK TOURING. NEW PAINT AND NEW TOP $1050 191 S CHEVROLET. NEW PAINT. GOOD CONDITION. 1917 CHEVROLET. SHAPE GOOD 1916 DODGE GOOD SHAPE ROADSTER. 750 650 1915 DODGE TOURING. E. M. F. ROADSTER 125 1915 FRANKLIN 850 1917 FORD TOURING, NEW PAINT, DEMOUNTABLE RIMS 475 1916 HOLL1ER EIGHT 600 1916 KISSELKAR 600 COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st and Washington sts. Main. 6211 USED AUTOMOBILES. We will take your old car as part pay ment and your liberty bonds at face value. Our time payment plan will interest you. Large stock of late-model cars to aelect from. Here are a few we offer for your ap proval: 19IS Mitchell, A -pass., 6-cylinder. , 7 -pass., 6-cylinder . 3-pnss., 6-cylinder. . . 7-pasi., 6-cylinder. . . 5-ikibh.. 4-cyliniier. . . .$1150 ..1250 . 900 . 1050 191S 1!I17 1917 1913 1914 1913 Mitchell, Mitchell, Mitchell. Cadi Mac, Haynes, 5-pas: 4-cyiinder. . . . Hudson, 5-pap! 6-cylindi 1U14 Overland. 5-Dass.. 4-cvlindor. . . 4i'0 1911 Pierre-Arrow, 5-pass., 6-cylinder, model 36, electric lights and start er, new one-man top, 5 cord tires (snap) 1250 1914 Studebaker, 5-pass.. 4-cylinder. . 250 SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. UUD CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVE R CO.. East First at Morrison street. Phones: East 7272. B 1216. STUTZ. iqir 1ft valve 4-nassencer model. Thi car is equipped with Silvertown cord tires and nas six wire wneeis. a most, uisn na tive car. Owner, Broadway 33S6. Main 7021. . 191S COUNTRY CLUB. 4-paseenger Over land, equipped witn U gooa tires ana wirw wheels; has bumper in front and rear, also spotlight and side mirror, plate glass in rear, Pantasote top; motor in best of condition; here is a wonderful buy for $850, cash or terms. Call Main 6572 after 6 P. M. 1919 BABY grand Chevrolet touring, run only 170O nines. i-ou jjuaa hub uij $lCONLEY'S USEO CAR CENTER. S. W. cor. 15th and Washington. 1919 CHEVROLET., cost $1150 3 weeks ago. run' lOO miles, lias $j:ju special uevicu edge speedster body, real leather uphol stering, special paint job, Pantasote top, can tank in rear, vacuum feed. $10 lock. This car can be sold on liberal terms if taken at once. Call Broadway 2393. LOOK AT THIS. Paige Six touring car with good ttrea and one new extra; easy terras. "Jake, r:'3 Alder st. Bdwy 2492. 1918 VELIE 1918. Thoroughly Inspected in our shop; guar anteed first class throughout; $13. i0. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Main 780. 58 N. 23d. 1918 MAXWELL CHUMMY. i-..i -ae 1-teen run onlv 1800 miles; has one new extra tire; snappy buy. Cail Bdwy. 2492 and asic ior jaae. 191S MAXWELL touring, used very little. In perfect order; lour new non-sKiu ur, one extra tire and wheel, spotlight, wind shield cleaner: this car is as good as new must sell today; $675 on terms, or $60 cash. Mr. Taylor, Broadway 82. 1918 BUICK TOURING CAR. Fine 1918 Buick touring; splendid me chanical condition; five good tires; new top, newly painted; prie $1-50 tJ. tf. 11 1 A 1 i . " ."Vioei. 191 7 STUDEBA KER touring seven-pasaBi" - ger with cord tires a bwu wa aiu. 522 Alder St., Bdwy 2492. DODGE 1915 touring, in rood running con dition, 6 good tires, ui aim c".--litrht. bumper, $550 cash. 534 E. 20th, corner Taggert- 1918 BUICK touring, fine mechanical condi tion; Iooks liKe new; coru 11 co, t.... tire and tire cover, silver beam spot light; $1350 cash, or terms. Call Frank bmttn. Broad way 1 loo. G M C. 1-ton truck; to save some money see this buy; perfect shape and absolutely a real snap. Smith Auto Co.. Park and Couch. MODEL 1-38 Packard lLght six, 0 coro tirea, seat covers, buock ansoroers, du inf er, etc. ; cost $4600 new. Make ua an offer. Broadway 2393. . FORD coupe, "18 model, run uuu nines. wire wheels, extra ureo, a. trie starter, $150, other extras; aDsoiuwuj first-class condition. Phone A1628. CAPABLE and efficient middle-aged house keeper desires- responsiDie jjobhiuu, erably out of city. Tabor 6723, 347 E. 42d street. . OVERLAND 6-pass.. overhauled, good run ning condition, iooks gc-ou; cim eif Btarter. tires new, battery new, $o7a cawh. Phone Main 1307. 1917 HUP, like new. Just overhauled ana repainted; must sen ai once, uv uru- side si. .. . FORD delivery, 'IS, self starter and air less tires; rirst-ciass snape, j. Quirk, Hotel De MoyL 2d and Yamhill. 1917 CHEVROLET, the best buy in town; mechanically perfect. Smith Auto Co.. Park and Couch. 191. S HUDSON for sale, almost new, $1775 cash takes It. inquire cpeeowen aoiur Co., 14th and Couch. IF YOU are looking for a good user seven - paspenger car, come and inspect me inia . Studehaker at 52 Alder at. 1916 LYONS Knight aJumlnum body, tour ing car; a reai oargain at wu. li Oregonian. LATE model Ford, 5-pass Al running- shape. Al Auto orirLs and iainung Co., ojo Ai der st. 1918 CHEVROLET, good shape; $230 will hanalc this gooa nuy. can Jatte at tiowy. 2492. DO YOU want a gooe! car. newly painted and in good condition? See our Reo She at 522 Alder st. HAVE light Ford truck will sell or tr4! for touring Ford. 615 Willisnta ave.