THE MORNING OREGONIAN, "WEDNESDAY, 3IARCII 2G, 1919. Diro. i'TBRsE'N' At th tfesrnce, 1013 Eut Twe.rth street North. March 2. Karachi A. Ir-rn, ;;u years. belovrd ion of Mr. and .Mra. Christian F. Petersen, brother f n. Anna of thia city, Martin f, ttFr-i of this city. iln. Victoria Le of I Grande, Or. Cam letersa of La rande. Or.. James Edgar and Elmer Ptren. all In t sr;-.- f the United :ata army n Kraarr.fnnk and Olaf Pt-ren of Dixt.n, Nob. Kunerai notice iter. UTr.atns ar.- at the residential par .r of .Miliar as Trtuy. HA YES In this city. March 2". rmnu! J n: nri Hayes. acJ .".. yea rs of 1 Kn-jrtn:Ji street. The remains are at Klnv. Mnr.ttnn...ry at Firth. Notice of f unc-ai bt-reaf trr. COI.F In this city. March Emll ' oif. ae :.7 The remains are at T'in!ys. M.mia'omirr at Fifth. Notice of funeral la: r. IlNEK.tL NOTICE:. THTO At the rv!denre. 2? Kt Fonr tnth street South. March 24. Eva Tu. 3 5 71 yea-s. 4R-ioved mother of Mm. Y. M. Wus. Mrs. Eva F inback. Mrs. Eliza rh and Mm. Kniie liobert. all of hub cit ; Frank Tuyo in Europe; aio tu a ivd hv is eranflthi dren and three great grandchildren. Funeral will leave the rvsi- i-ni.e today ( -inesday. -March 2V at :.: A. M.. t V r.ce to the .cr.d Heart church, East -E.eventn and Center streets. hrs requiem man i.Lbe offered at 3 A. M. Interment at Mount Calvary cem tery. Arrangement ,n care of AIiKer fc Tracey. I.I.jYI In this civ. at the residence of MP Mr' ft. Y H'lrk""!. lti-Jd East Sevenenth street North. March nunu r ruiiK i..uyd, .::. l r.if. hus- I J-and of Mrs. Sarali Ann I.ioyd. f.Uher rf I Mrs. H. Y. B.ttrke... Thomas W. L!od4, and Arthur K. I.!o! of thi city. Kd-vii-d l.lov.l of Tacoma, Wash, and Alfred H. !.:yd with A. E V. t:i m.i,i-e. ft.-- fa- i rral services will te he.d tomorrow 'I li l; T'la i. Mann -27. ut 1 o'rlocK 1. M. b'ir'.-y'n. .Mniinrum'Tf ut Fifth. Frienns J.Vf v in rh'i rv. M;irrn 2.V William Thomas Lyon, age 49 years, beloved hus- i..k. i.: b .ut ,: f i'ffr f Ira KaV I. yon and Lucy M. Lyon both of this city; H.irry itiori. ii I.w.'i ui tn-- l'p.;t.i tii.ti.-s i:h vy . b rot her of I ! -U! I M.iton of il-- ow. Idaho : Pora M irj'i o? t'orvalli. r Funeral services w.II be held tomorrow i I la;s-)ay. March "-'T. it in- 4 itrwciMia ,n,-.rv. 10 A M . at orn ins. 11:1 tboro. Or., papers please copy. Ar- I'unKr-n-n;i iti tare of Mi.x-r A, i racey. LIrAY At the residence. Mi!l treot, Mart-h 1. "o:n'nery Lindsay. airn Ud years. t.vv"i jfe of M.itnw mother of VY.iitam A., Comtnery and Sittriew Lindaay, .ster of Mrs. Elizabeth Wal iat e Anderson of satt.e. Wash. ; Mrs. .lane Adams of Glaieow, F-oCand. Fu neral .'rvics will be hId to Jay (Wednes day!. March 20. at a K M. fl: the chapt t nf MTbf a: Tracy. Interment al the Klverviesr Ometery. pRry Tn this city, at the family wl- I nee i-il Fast Thrty-s!fh stretv March tVr J tan rarvy, eei 4" years. ife of 'ra-ik J. lar-v moth r of Mrs. :eorc H-nicr.-on, l.yiin J. I'arvy and Francis .f. TaT-r Jr. The funeral services H1 be rM Mirvh at I I- M.. aj. Fin ley's, Mnt. :rerr t Fifth. Friends iibrited. In tTm'nt at Tuunt ticott Fork cemctrry. TKA VKflSK In this r::y. March 24. Myrrrn l.-ijf Traverse, aced 7 yea's, son of Mr. and Mrs. i'hars E. Travrie of ."V." Mar mu!I rtret. and brother of Margaret Hims Traers. Th futitral iervu Ym. h?d tomorrow Tliu rstl.i y i. March 27, ut 2:- o ;.m k F. M. nt I'm I s, Mont ffom ry at Fifth. Fn-nds Invittd. lntcr mnt ut Kivtrvi-w cemetery. CoI.hMAX-At thf rrsid.-ncr. Broad a. Mirch l't'K Sarah Co dniin, ased ) jf. Kti.ive-1 of Abe Goldman. Trends tnvit.'l to attend th funeral serv ! rs uhi h ilt be held a I 1 lot man's fu i...fa p iriors :tt 2 IV M. todav I Wfrfnes da i Mar. h 1019. Interment Ahavai Mmlum cemetery. JUllNiCN" At the residence. M Pstton road. Man h 24. t'huries Johnson, ape tid years, b-ioved husband of Mary Johnson, father of Mrs. F. Ffcnder. (randfathT of l-etr Norelt. ' Funr:il ser-tc! w! I be hM tomorrow (Thursday. Marrh 27. at 2 F. l. at the rhapi-i of Miller & Tracey. In:ennnt at Loue Fir cemetery. noM.ISTKK At the rvsidenre. Tudor Arms anartirwnts. March 24. I'.tll. (leorc. W. Hol-srr, acd ." years, beloved husband of Ffilc i. Holster. Friends invitd to attend th funeral srvlcs, whtt h will, bo ; beiii at Holman s runvr. par.ors ai i A. M. tomorrow f Thura-iay . March 2 I -"M r. Interment Rivervie cemetery. BFTTMAX At tmpia March 2A. 1T10. Mrs. Ameii.k Bet t man. m"lliT of wCIiarn H.ttm.m and Mr. Kelie tppen neimer. --. n.i Invitod to attend the funeral sr-rv- ir-.- uhirh wiil b" held al Hnlman'i fu n-ra! parlors at 10 A. M. Friday. Marvh l n term en c tei n israei -cw SMITH V rs. Florence A. Smith, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Lewi John son on Boone's Ferry road. acd 2. . m. Funeral j.-r lei at's funeral par lors tomorrow Thursday t. March ". at 2 F. M. Interment Kivervlcw riiietrry. LEWIS nh funeral erv1res of the late Harry km bi'i " "'" b. held March 21. at 2::: P. M . t tn lv'tr. Montgomery t Fifrh. t rier.dsj ln ited. Inctnerattoo at the Portland, Cro m a t o rl n m. X.o V E In this e 1 1 y. March ZT. "SW dreI Jontnnc Ixve. azd 6 months, infant dautrb cr .-f Mr. and M nr. I.iojd V. I.oe. of K)8 Kat Slth tret north. The funeral werv-.-e b hoid Thursdav. Mar. h 27, at Inbrment at olutnia cemetery. fli:i.r The fun-ral scrl 'S for th lste jimM i wlil be h'ld today Wednesday). Marrh ttt 2 P. M, from tha First Presbyterian ehnren, Twtiifth and Alder otrecis. Interment u Kivervlcw cmeir ry. rrVttKAI. nTRFCTOlt. WILSON & ROSS EAST 1TH AM) Mrl.TNOM AH. r.rtlan'Tt Mwt PTosrrH. FUNERAL DIRECTORS ran- Kl C SISS UOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1STT. Third and Mluion Mreela, Maiu JOT. A 1011. l.ady AJ3U.tant. MILLER & TRACEY perfect Kunernl Frvlce fnr I-a, lmiPnJn' tu"l Ulrctor. WMh. t, txt. Oth nd Wtst Fid. Km ;L Lady A3itnt. A iwti J. P. Finley & Son 1 BOGRKSSIVE rcER-K,fcD1RFs?JA Uam . Hjnuonicry at 'n. A ia. 414 y, 'lilri '"'"rhon. Kast 51. Perfect KOiif. pcr.onal directloo. fr w I of floral thip.1 and aulu equipment. "" i.i-vNINlS MeENTEE. funeral dlrectora, HToad''av'and T'na airr,t 1 Loo. 8toad - AXL jdKS. W. H. HAMILTON. Fu ."..Arv,". 1 r.llaaa. Tbor 431. 1 T TMr,TI Uth and clay Si P. L. LLKlll Kaat T8L B lass. I'LMPCflV Twelfth and Morrinon sirMUL. J'IxIVjOvJ liro.idw ay XbSj. t 7i;l t vr fCi Wil. tame Ave. A. Ik. avil,l-il-,.jCh LU. loss, c loaa. A. 0l-o4 s;.i V. KtNWOHlUK CO.. at.. Lenta. Tabor S:T. .BREEZE & SNOOKriSY Baiaiaou lis. B tKEV-td I'XDKRTAKiNti IMMPINI. 3d and Clay. Mala eljj. A 'Mill. Lady aaalttaou rroKisT U'BLINtN. KUORIST. 3Jrs Mrnaoa. BLTrscTrvi: ilukau tributes. Wreaths as low aa $4; epraya 93. Portland Hotau Phon. Alarahall 7.3. SlAKTl.X fl'RHE.-i CO., I'oillll. 154 Washinctoe. Main .'.!. A 12H. r'lowara fnr all occa.lons aruotlca)?? arrancad. ILAHKt alios . H..r:;a sf alorriaoo at. laln or A IMC. Kine flowera ud rionU tlraicn.. No brsnrh etnrea. i'toPLta Kl.oltAL Sllor. Alder. Flow era and rfestcna ery rejaonabl. Mar. 1H INOTo.N PARK KLOI'.AL. CO.. 4th and YamhiiL Funeral destanera; lowest prlcaa. VAX M iMiTli. Mjit. 7 -1.1. A 3121. ballm bulMtnir. th and Aider ate. TVNsBTll ILOKAb CO -i7 Waahlncto. t.. fcet 4th and 0th. Main &102. A Ul. MovrrryT.. IORTLani. alAKBl.E WORKS. :6t-;eS 4th at., opposite City 1UIL Ma:n 8ii4. rbllllp Sea A Sor, for memorials. cTS BLAESING lJ THIRD AT rt BLAESING GRANITE CO RD AT MADISON STREET OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Offic IUoui 1.VI reiififaune, 5th M. (T-ntraiic. Thone frnm t 5. Main 37. Home Plinne A ;.:. igbl call after offitc hour. Wood lawn .t. K-port i 't r.tsrs of rrue'ty to the shove sdlrt39. L.-tr.c !"'.iul chamber lor urnall iima.. Horse ambulance for nek and dis abled anini.iS at a moment s notme. Any one d"!ring a 1q or o- hr pet rem n ant ral ih u. fnr k.1i loet r etrmyed eck, as w Um. fir the Impounding. Tot Is n more city oeuud, . Jut Ortgon NEW TODAY. EXCHANGES Rose City Park Beaatlfal 913,000 Hone. On Alameda Drive, containing 3 full lots, sightly grounds, un surpassed view of city and moun tains. Modern 7 rooms; hot water heat; living-room 40x18 feet: built-in buffet: library; large living-room and kitchen; 3 large bedrooms: dressing rooms and sleeping, porch: hard wood floors; bath and two toi lets. An exceptional home. This property faces three streets, all paved. Will consider small Vuse on the. West Side. See Truby, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPAXV. Willamette Heights $9000 home: corner tot; streets paved; fine grounds: lJls 100x113. Modern 6 rooms and attic; large living; and dining-rooms. Fine bath; built-in features: latest electric fixtures and plumbing. Will yade for smaller house on the East Side. See Truby, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPACT. Grocery for Home $3000 Grocery and Delicates sen, downtown. Clearing $400 month. Small rental. Wilt trade for home on the East Side. See Truby. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. East Side Improved Improved property, close In, on East Side, unincumbered, valued at $.i000. Will trade for fur nished apartment or rooming house. See Truby, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPACT. Ranch for Home 10 acres, with water, slashed over; 3 miles from Hood River. West Side, unincumbered. Will trade for home In Portland. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPAJTT. lot Sth St. Mala 6869. REALTORS Mrs. Bushong Leaving city, wishes to sell her Electric Car 1 Phone East 3017 Eet. 10 and 12 A. M. Easy terms. Send Us Your Old Carpets Old Ragu and Woolen Clothlnf. We Make Keveraible,-Haad-Wovea FLUFF RUGS They Wear Like Iron. Mail Order,. Send for Booklet. Kx Ruff, TOoven, All Sizes. Carpet Cleaning 9x12 Rugs Steam Cleaned $1.50 WRSTMUf XLit' KlU f .. M rnlon Aiinui N. ta.t 41B. B 1475. FORfEO TO t.favt:. A.V HOME. nVKHTIGATR! STARTI.lVfl SArniFICK. Morfirn elfjht-rooin howe, corner lot. 1T.r.xlj); izar&se, workshop, i-hicken-liotist;; crnientTbasement; ftrrnace; or n.ini.:.. ,:i 1 ircs, 200 rose bushes; paved Htrvft. t-emcnt sidewalk. All improve uientH paid. JbJifrht blocks to car. KHiim-MTOMI STRKET. . Garages tall fnr Illoatratcd Pric L.i.t. SS4 Aakeir St. Thone Uroiadirar 149. - Sam ConneU Lumber Co. , FOR SALE. One of Portland's most modern apart ment houses: building: alone is worth 5o.nnn. Mignt consider some income bearina; Portland-property as part pay ment on a cash basis. A waitincr list at all times. A eplendid invesUneut tor trust Iunua. F. H. DKSIIO.V. 615 Ckamber of Commerce Blda. r n lire mtft? b srM ILUII IIUUO 13S0 from old carpets, carpet Cleaning; aua reiittina:. nag; rua woven, cvi eut Mail orders solicited. VORTHWKST FLl KK HAG CO, r ormer auaress 10a uuivu Ave. EAST 3580 18M B 1280 E Sth MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city aoal farm atraperty. lo.ullmrst'rerarmeat privilece If .referreai pr.uipt. reliable aervlce. A. H. B1RRELL CO. 217-219 Nartinntrra Bank Boildl.c alax.b.11 4114. A 4118. JOHN B. COFFEY mortgage: loans. Insurance, Surety Bonds SOS WILCOX' BLDG. MsWat 703, A 3703 MORTGAGE LOANS OX JltSINKSS AM) RETIDEXCB PROPERTY. ROBERTSON Jt EM0, ?0-s North we-tera Bank Bldg. Mortgage Loans EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO. rnr:D states bank buildlyg REAL K STATE. IK YOU are In the market to buy or to ex change realty send to box 275, Saiem. Catalogue of property listing free. For 8ale Lots. BLOCK 82. Woodstock, between 43d and 44th sts. and 5oth and Ablh avenue. 8 lots, all clear: make me an offer, caah or terms; also 63x200 fhlrley court, near end Mt. Tabor car line. Owner, 823 Stanton at. SIX vrars a so I paid $500 for lots 35 and SO, block is. Erroll Heights. I wiil sell them week for $142 cash. Tabor 6150. even- LOTS All kinds, all siaea and all prices. 32: Goodnough bldg.. 5th and Yamhiii. Office op-n 12 to 5. LOOK HL"KE Lots 50x100 on tho Irvington cariine, price, $r,Mi. terms. E. J, Geiaer. 417 Chamber of Commerce. liiVlNGTUN'S (boictit hnrae iHtta, casa er teroxs. Phone owner. Eaist 35. REAL ESTATE, for Sale Lota. CHEAP LOTS. We own a number of excellent res! dence lots In-RuriK CITY PARK and other desirable districts which we have decided to sell at a real sacrifice. Responsible home builders can purchase tneae lota oa the easy payment Plan an we will also loan plane and a'asist in financing: bulldintc onerations. Don't delay, as lots are advancing In price and building materials are not likely to amp. bee k. a. Torry, with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, I04 5th St. Main.6S0. to0 DOWN. $10 MONTH. Nice 50x100. close to Union and Alberta, no restrictions: price $"oo. Von can buUd & temporary bouse and save rent this summer. "WATCH OUR ADS. VU GET RE SULTS. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldff. LOT BARGAINS. Too cannot build without a lot. . Se cure It NOW. I have a few beauties near the Laureihurst park, that are sure to be very valuable in a short time. Buy one of them and double your money. M'ill ii nance tne building of your home. SEE MR. DBLAHUNTY, Main 1700 or Evenings East 20S0. LAURBLHURST office. SAVE RENT. 53x1 5o SlOt) IKihV If you have $lou. secure this dandy lot on Killingswortli ave., near Union ; pay 10 month. Put up a temporary abode for the summer and cut down high cost living; the street is graded and cement walks and euroiDg tn and paid for; price, StiOO. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MIST sacrifice fine lots 50x100 (or more) cement walks, east front, on 71st St.. : blocks N. of Glisan. East 4167. THEV a rf r.nivr: Get one of that bunch of Kenton lots before they are all gone. Our client got them on a mortgage and We are selling wicjil, jrea, mem, at less tnan one-tnira or their former price. M. BILLINGS, 5lU McKay bldg.. Main 1300, ur r. rowers, or Airs, o Neili, wood iawn ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 50x100 s (..'. This corner lot lies level and will make a beautiful home spot; out-of-town owner eay a sen. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. E. 40TH AND HAWTHORNE, . $600. . Hard surface In. fine car service, 00x100 fine homes all around; terms. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WOODLAWN 4-room house, 2 lots 50x125. raoor if:t, 104 E. tiSth st. N. Fur male Business Property. 100x100, EAST WATER ST.. between Morri son ana Hawthorne Drtdges, on trackage; rrasonanie tonns. iv Oregon. an. COST $40,000, price today $31,500; monthly income .uu. seuwooa jiu. For Hale Beach Property. FOR SALB-On 12ih ave., $3000; choice Sea side home of 7 rooms. lurniahed, li iot ilth barn. Apply w0d N. -Ju, owner. plione Marshall ;S2. For Sale Houses. ROSE :ITV PARK. $480 Beautiful home of 6 rooms and den, sleeping porch, hdwd. floors throughout, isteam heat. Imp. paid Full lot, la block to car. Owner leaving city. Requires about cash. J. A- W rv M A .N tU., Blain 5S. 24 Ky. Exch. Bldg. BEAUTIFUL west side home, Virginia type. reception nail. living. iiDrary. dining. brv ait fast and kitchen. 4 bedrooms, billiard and maid's room; 100x100 corner, stone wail fence, stone garage, cost $16,000; will peii tor du cents on uou&r; owner in (Jail fornla; Immediate possession. Delahunt, FOR SALE 4-room house, bath, oantrv. full basement, sewer, chicken house, lot ouxjuu, line piace ior cnicKen raising, clear ot incumbrance: on b.ia st., near :".ua ave. $1600, $1.50 cash, balance monthly. J. S. KNAUS3. 416 Stock Exch. Bldg. Main 8270. RIVER-BANK COTTAGE. JENNINGS iiODGE. B-rooxn summer cottage, incltrdlng furni ture, tort walk from electric station, beautifully iocated, right on river bank; fishing and boating; a good buy with torma to right party: Phone East 70O9. VACANT. MOVE RIGHT IN. $31505 rooms and sleeping porch, fire place, usual built-in hdwd, floors. lull Dasement, Vs blocK to xt, u r. -car. Terms. J- A, WICK MAN1 CO.. ifan 5S3. 204 -Ky. Exch. Bldg-. $2100. WOODLAWN BCNGAIOW. Rrautiful four-room bungalow, fireplace, Iutrh kitchen, tivo hedrooniM. nice bath: lot fiOxl-'-i: within two blocks of four car linrs; tcrmrt. GEO. T. MOORE CO, 1007 Teon Bldg. IRVINGTO.V BUNGALOW. Five large rooms and sleeping porch, alt on one floor; very large attic and basement, furnace,, ok floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcahti; natural trees; best part of Irving ton; $M00. J. C. CORBTN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldp. 1RVINGTON DISTRICT. $4i00 A modern home in Irvington, hard wood floors, furnace, firepiace, built-in-, Dutch kitrhen, cement baf-r-mAnt. paved street. M. "Billings, r.OO McKay bldg.. Main 1"0Q. ROSE C1TT Beautiful 4-room bungalow, buffet, bookrah's, built-in kitchen, base ment, full plumbing, rooms cozy and con venient: prtre $2000, $fino cash, balance easy. JOH NSON-DODSON CO., 634 J4V W BANK BLl'ti. i-t-TORY", 7-room house, tn finest condition, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, fnll ment hawement and all modern Im provements; very desirable location, Ro.e City Park district: lot 00x100. improve ments paid; price $4500. Call Tabor iliJ. MT. TABOR Good 6-room home, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, buffet, steep ing porch, built-in kitchen, lot hlqhly im proved, excellent view : price $4,100, $-V'0 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODb'ON CO., ."4 N. W. BANK BLDG.' RICHMOND DISTRICT $2500. Beautiful five rooms, fine bath, fireplace, full cement bssement; house could not be built for less than $3000 today; full -price $J.ri0O: $300 down, balance monthly. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. MT. SCOTT CAR $750. Beautiful lot, 128x14'.!: 8 fruit trees, lots of blackberries, raspberries and othr small fruit; small house, hut comfortable; terms to right parties. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 7-ROOM house on- 60x100 lot. sewer, water, light, gas, street paved, full plumbing, bookcase, buffet ; In good district; price $.",100, $200 cash, balance easy. JOHN-irON-DODSON CO., 634 N. W. BANK BLDG. 4-ROOM bungalow, close tn on east side, 2 blocks from Laureihurst park, built-in kitchen, buffet, rooms, large and light; price $1S50. .TOHNSON-LODSON CO., Kit N. W. BANK BLDG. ROSE CITY bungalow, bargain, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, elegant bathroom, fireplace, large lo;. cost $000, only $2ir0. AG 35, Ore gonian. DEEDS, mortgages, leases, contracts and all legal papers correctly arawn ana titles examined; all at very lowest prices. J. S. KNAUSS. Notary Public. 416 Stock Exch. Bldg. Main 3270. BIGGEiST SNAP IN IRVINGTON. 15th St., block from arline. beautiful homo, 7 rooms, modem in every detail, $150O will handle; price $42o. Arthur Cackette. Evenings, Marshall 3295. 5-ROOM bungalow for sale, 2 lots, large fruit trees, shruoDery, garage, au modern, furnace, built-in buffet, large fireplace, paved street, block from ear line. Haw thorne dlst.. Tabor 7050, 442 E. 53th t. WAVERLY HEIGHTS $300 CASH. Good five-room cottage; fireplace, full cement basement; $2500; $25 per month, including interest. J. C. CORBIN CO., $05-6-7 Lewis Bldg. L EASY TERMS. HOME PHONE C 1S76. 7 large rooms, modern, paved street paid, no Incumbrances; fruit, berries; 2fl rmn. P. O., car lines; 2 toilets, sleep ing porch; terms for working man. PENINSULA PARK $1800. Five rooms, beautiful 95x100 lot, fruit, shade trees; all fenced; three blocks to school, five blocks to car: terms. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 4-ROOM modern bungalow, full sized base ment, buffet, fireplace and Dutch kitchen: lot 43x100; garden space, berries and cnlcken run. 2 blocks from Hawthorne car; easy terms. Call Tahor 1217. 6-ROOM house, bath, basement, lot 50x100, on Division St., close in, price $2650. Terms $300 cash. E. J, Gelser, 417 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WILL take a Ford and a smati amount of cash as first payment on my bungalow horn e: balance to run 5 years. Tabor 17ol. MUaT have money; wiJJ saifrifice my 5-roflm bungalow, in restricted AJ 264, Orrnian -- ALMOST new Portland Heights 8-room mod ern home: owner. AB 157, Qregontan. FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT. 326 BEN TON STREET. port SALE S-roojr' house, S2500: ."00 down, $30 pcrvmonth. Phone Main 2242. REAL ESTATE. For bale- -H r " AN ARTISTIC COLONIAL CREATION. The design, workmanship and location of this magnificent, nearly new. 8-room LAUKKLHURST home will command your instant attention and approval. It la located on a sightly corner in the very heart of the most exclusive section of Laureihurst close to the park and club. You'll find a large entrance hall dec- orated throughout with hand painted grass Da. per; French doors lead to an immense living room (with massive tile fireplace) running ciear across tha front of the house; two sets of French doors ' open onto a large private cement porch, a cosy den adjoining. The dining room Is a work of art with a gem of a breakfast room adjoining, both of which rooms look out onto the main street and also Laureihurst park. It has a delightful kitchen, back porch witn reingerator. Wide omamentl stairs lead from en tmni-a Hall tra thrpn at! m I area. Well Ven tilated bedrooms each with private dress ing rooat and elaborate baths, the pias ter s room having an artistic. iirtLUiuje hard wo or. f loom throughout. The third floor is finished off into two servant's rooms with bath ana store room ThA hnwnionf 4 nnusuallv light and 1! finished off into aenarate rooms for fruit, coal laundry, etc. A perfect hot-water heating system and garage. Tho nn.-naf had llCAil Y cell ent taSte In the decorating scheme, the house bein beautifully papered throughout an fini.harl in a pi oh ailrl K'ftrV If ham naimn haan nfforpH fnr Salft be fore but circumstances necessitate an arlv sale, and it can be purchased for much less than original cost two years ago. which makes it a rare bargain today; no incumbrances. Shown by appointment only by R. u. Torry. with . n.T i t-'d cr- a TApnnt! pnVPANY. 104 sth r Main 6S69. . , V.', I - n-j r I-.- . C? titnji e.nin.uia riidrrlpf r. rooms and slopTiine tiorch: lot 50x112. truit S1300 J3U0 'cash, E. USth, near Gliaan. 3 rooms, bath, cement Dasen d.nn w m i a mnm. ' rement base' ment, fruit trees, close to car; $o00 cash, balance like rent. 1500 Woodlawn. 200 cash, balance liKe rent. 7 rooms, lull lot and Iruit $1500 Peninsula district, 4 rooms and fireplace, close to car and paved street; easy lerma. e-iaiui i-iwi .h hinnna like rent, r Ko.V. fi.n ocmAnt basement, nhunilnnrta of fruit trees. 1 block ' frnm cr and zmved streets, x.. J1T00 $350 cash, balance to suit. 5 rooms and bath. ground- 75x00. fruit trees. 1 block from car and paved streets. 71!d, near unsan. ticnn K-..... S 7 nhnra 7 rooms 1 bath, full basement; hard-surfacs streets: :i00 cash. Balance la suu, enon xr s. P. shoes. 4 rooms and bath, lull cement basement, easy terms. .nrnn , , ... . h.lanoa tn .1 1 1 f 5 rOOm.3. bath, full floored attic, .full lot. fruit trees, near Union ave. WATCH OUR ADS. IV K GET KKsULTS. C. A. WARR1NEK. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldsf. NOW VACANT. ti tm a cW,.r)v homfl. rooms and sleeping porch. hardwood floors, all built-in cony., fireplace, tun rement basement, furnace. 1 bedroom on lower floor. 2 and sleeping porch above, attractive corner lot, paved sts. In ral paid. 1000. cash, move in. price $4000, easy terms, j.e l ub bhw , C. A. WARRINER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ROSE CITY HOME. otpu wit vx "RKA1ITY. Here Is a dandy located in the beauty ppot or Rose Ulty proper, o .u-.-. ern from A to Z. beautiful lot. east front. caved sts. in anu paiu. juv tance from car. Price, $4500. easy terms. quick, action neeaea. C. A. WARRTNER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. SQ3-5-7 Ioard of Trade nldg. HAWTHORNE. Have a five-room bungalow, located two blocks off Hawthorne car; has large front livinir-room. 15x25 feet; house only built 3 years, on paved street and only if min utes from business. If you want a bargain call PETERSON'. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO 104 5th streetr Main 6S60. ROSE CITY PARK Car Line. Fine 6-room house ".with newly tinted walls, painted white enameieu built-in effects; full basement and fur tmii h Kohl at ence: East Davis. near" 20th, and 3 blocks from Rose City cariine; real value $4000; terms. .T. LKAKNCpP & CO.. 81 Railway Exch. ldg. x Main 675 5-ROOM HOUSE, ST. JOHNS. $1000. o'.- vniTU U HlT.T.nfifi ST. Good K-room house. Large lot Improved with nil ifiniii of hp.iutiiui enrUDDery, roses, trees, flowers, etc. This is the biggest bargain and prettiest lot in St. Johns today. Look at it ana be convinceu $1000 takf;s it. Terms ? cash. Ll'EDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerrc. ii & wtiTOR SPECIAL. ver been offered for sale before. One f n,n r..r.n hpnrifiil -homes in Portland Lot 00x100; garage; hardwood floors throughout; all built-ins, etc. If you are hmkins for one of the best homes In Haw- lliorne end have $2000. se l.awrcnre at THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY 104 St. Main hSfiO. W.000 HOME, $'J000. -.n n.mnm imiiKe. 4 f ireDlace?. fur- narn. all latest built-in effects; built for h home; house coRt $9000; on corner 1Q0. 100 on Morrison street, ilt. Tabor; beau tiful unobstructed view; a real sacrifice: S'JOOO, terms to suit: city liens all paid. - GRTTSSr & BENNETT. Boand of Trado bldg. Main 7452. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW KNAP. Nice 5-room bungalow, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, Dutch, kitchen, nice bath, ce ment basement, paved street included in price; lot 50x65: J0S0 Arnold st., near Mar guerite ave. Price $i650. Home terms. GRUFSI & BENNETT, Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. SURB shot, real, bang-up bargain. In a real home, at $1S00; on better than a half acre, with fruit enough to start a can nery; 6-cent fare; close to school; 6-room cottage ; chiclsen house ; $600 down, bal ance rent; Lents district. Home Install ment Co., 202 McKay bldg. Open eve nings and Sundays. FOR SALE CHEAP. Fine new tent-house and fly; three rooms with gas, electricity, city water and all built-in conveniences; low ren on nice lawn with large garden; wood ehed, chicken houi"e and Tuna; terms. 5H Railway Exchange or call Tabor 6385. HUNNYSIDB SNAP. 2 good 6-room houses, U12-914 B. Alder, cor. both; full basement, elee., gp(. bath, etc. Price for the two houses $4000, or will sell separate at $2250 on easy terms. GRITSSI & BENNETT, 313 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. -ROOM bungalow. Rose City, near car; 7-room house, .Beaumont, J oiks, cariine. Do not fail to see these. Terms. McLeod & Taylor, 330 Railway Exch. Phone Mar. 2633 evening, or Sunday call East 1101 or "Woodlawn 3752. $3250 VERY attractive six-room bungalow. harawooa noors, ii replace, steeping porcn, French doors, built-ins, chicken house. 15x40 feet, two lots 40x100 each. Three blocks from Peninsula Park. Terms, 1431 Michigan ave., Kenton car. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, lot 70x100, ga rage; on Minnesota ave., near shaver sL Price $4000, . terms. 3a. niLitiiua. 500 McKay bldg. Main 1300. OR SALE Nice 5-room bungalow. 513 !Jtn St. - -e.., L-enis aisirict, ?UoO; $100 cash, balance $10 per month. 6 per cent. "Write owner. Box 247, R. - F. D, No. 6, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE One 4-room modern bungalow. witn cement garage, cement pavement, un furnished, $2100, or furnished. Including player piajio, $2500. Some terms. Seltwood 240S. 5SS Lafayette st- HAVE new 5-room modern bungalow, best part of Milwaukle, worth $2600; exchange for foothill lands, some improvements and suitable for stock raiping. Clear for clear. R. W. Fi sher, 415 S tock Exchan ge. BUNGALOW Among fine homes, view lot 7x100; 6 rooms, bath, furnace, fireplace. laUndry. For sale by owner. Call any time. 1022 Raleigh st. Main 5942. PRACTICALLY new 5-room bungalow, mod ern; hardwood floors, fireplace, blk. Al berta car; parage; $2S50, terms. Call be fore 1 or after 7. 1031 E. 29th N. A 7-ROOM house, with furnace, on Ftanton street, near Williams ave.; must be sold to settle an estate. Phone Marshall 4314 or East 852. $5800 LAURELHURST HOM13 $5800. 7 rooms ; modern ; immediate posses sion. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry bldg. 5-ROOM cottage, lot 75x100. 10 nice fruit trees, chicken house. Can be bought for $1650 with $300 down. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1 658. $4000 FOR Irvington home on full lot near both 1. J- and Broadway car line; a real sacrifice, as it must be sold. Main 8429. HUBBELL d- SON. 1421 Sandy. Oldest firm ROSE CITY PARK. Best bargains, houses, bungalows, building lotjs. Tabor 2161. PRETTY bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, at tic and basement, $2200; 1527 Virginia st., Marshall 847. IRVINGTON HOMES. East 894 R. T. STREET, IRV. AGENT. LA I RE I. HURST, by owner, $5700 equity in fine 7-room res.; do agents. Tabor 5796. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS AND DEN $5250. " Do see this one. One of Rose City Park' real fine homes. This is so far above the ordinary rt- i so downright modern mat we cannot urge too strongly your inr mediate inspection. We are addressfnz this to thoae of you who have looked na looaeu ana have never found just what you wanted. There is a great large living room with French doors between living and dining rooms and between liv ing room and hall. Large dining room with massive buffet. This house is finished in old ivory and white throughout. . The suDstantial construction, the plate glass windows and ali the real good, expensive features so much desired will appeal to juu. kjz course, it has hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, full ctment base ment, furnace, etc Located 473 E. 5oth Mo., just south of Sandy. We want you to tee in is. iou nave nothing to lose and an io gam. it win be a downright pleas ure for us to show you. Immediate poa- cwBoiuii can oe given, reasonable terms. A. G. TEEPE CO- 264 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 3516. .Branch office. 50th and Sandy. ROSE CITY PARK. Do you want an ahsoliillv n-w bnn?n. low in Rose City Park at a moderate price? We have listed with us the 35 new homes to be built by the J. W. McFadden Build ing Co. Would you believe it possible to uuy a. n-w oungaiow witn live rooms ana breakfast alcove, with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, wash trays, and on a paved street for $3350? We have the plans at both the downtown and branch offices. Jf you want to buy In Rose City Park, we want you to see the many good buys we have In bungalows and houses. You know we specialize in Rose City Park. Knowing our ability to get prompt action, owners naturally list tneir nouses with us first. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark t.. near 3d. -.Main 3516. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. ALAMEDA SACRIFICE. MAKE US AN OFFER. 7 -room house and modern to the min ute; just like new; also garage; located in the best part of the district; call us up and let us show you the place. No reasonable offer refused. No shoppers need apply. If you mean business and want a good home at a sacrifice price, call us up and we would be pleased to talk the matter over witn you. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 Oak Street. Broadway 4133. GROVELAND PARK BUNGALOW VACANT MOVE)" IN. No. 448 E. 52d St. Modern. 7 rooms nl Rln5n r nnrph. bungalow, extra large livins: room, with fireplace, French doors open into dining room; beautiful buffet; hardwood floors, 2 bedrooms, bath and Dutch kitchen first iioor, itnisned in white enamel. laook this over and make ua an offer, $1000 oiisn required. jvey at ortice. CLE VELAND-BARK-H ENDEKSON CO., 212 Railway Ex. bldg. Main 6752. WOULD YOU PAY S4250 For a really beautiful bungalow of 6 rooms ana aen c ir yoij nice tne real bungalow type we want you to see this. It has a big living room with fireplace, den with built-in bookcases, dining room with mas sive buffet. Dutch kitchen, bath and three bedrooms, big basement, hot-air heat; the owner requires $2000 cash and will give immeaiate possession. COE A. McKENNA & CO., MAIN 451.2. 82 Fourth St.. Board of Trade Bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. VANCOUVER. WASHINGTON. Owner leaving state, must make quick sale oi ms modern, house or o rooms; cement basement, bath. ga-and elec. garage, with gas, water and elec, good chicken house, lawn und roses; lot. 50x100 on cor., with 100 it. of macadam and ceme it walks paid; closti to schools and car line; refused $30 ren;al; price, $2300, terms $500 dowi.. K GODDARD & WliSDRICK, 243 Stark St. $3500 IRVINGTON PARK $3500. 5-room classy bungalow, new, double constructed, best material' and workman ship, hardwood floors, fireplace, very artis tic buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace, cement floor in basement, laun dry trays, attic, hard-surface street, paid; 50x100 lot, Aiberta car; complete home at a bargain. Vacant; terms. Owner on prem ises Wednesday all day and evening. 1249 East 30th street N. Main 3516. Evening, Tabor 9321. $3250, HAWTHORNE PAVED DIST.. $3250. uwner nas lert town, wires sen: 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, fine attic, all "togged up," full concrete base ment, fine place, ak floors, built-ins, etc. It is an ideal home. The price and terms are right. 50 ft. from Hawthorne ave. STILES & WELLER. Exclutdve agents, 624 Railway Exch, Bldg. Alain 3429. Eve nings East 6458. LAUREL HURST. $4650. Here Is a nice, big, S-room home, strictlv modern, 2 bedrooms, down and 3 upper floor, fireplace, oak floors in front rooms, full cement basement, furnace heat, full lot, street and sewer paid. This hume is priced at least $1000 below value. Owner asks only $1000 cash. COE A. J.:KENMA CO.. MAIN 4522. 82 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bids. MODERN 12-roo.m Irvington residence, se lected mahogany and oak finish, hardwood . floors throughout, three artistic fireplaces. tile bathrooms, expensive sanitary pluinn ing fixtures, wails beautifully decorated: sun parlor, sleeping porch, full cement basement, large finished attic, spacious grounds; one of the best built and most artistic residences in Portland; workman ship and materials guaranteed first-class; reasonable terms. Owner, K ft, Orespnian. SEE this lovely home, $2550, and balance $375 on street; all the homes in una neigh borhood are beautiful and the outlook f rd in your living room is fine; 2 blocks north Richmond car, paved district. We've paid about $700 on this comer, hard sur face ( 150 feet grading, sidewalk, sewer; you may have easy terms, say $400 cash. $20 month; vacant; open. Owner. Tabor 854. forenoons. IRVINGTON SNAP. ,2 1ST AND WEIDLER. "Well built, modern 7-room house and garage; hardwood floors, elaborate built ins and dandy sleeping porlh; good fur nace and fireplace; full-size lot with va riety of fruits and shrubbery. This is a bargain at $3000; terms. JOHNSON. 212 Lumbermens Rldff. ROOMS, pretty as a picture, 1H blocks north Hawthorn car, all beautiful homes surrounding, full cement basement, laun dry trays, fine Bartlett pear in front yard, restricted district, paved, sewer in and everything paid. $2550. $375 cash, $20 per montn ; no mortgage; vacant anu upeu. 224 E. 51st st. Owner, Tabor 854. 790 MINNESOTA. $2000. Say, here is a geod buy: a nice 5-room home with bath and good-basement, street ann ivtr im Dr flvemen tm all iu and paid: this is close in; less than 15 minutes by car to west side: $500 cash handles. COE A. McKENNA CO.. MAIN 4522. 82 Fourth St., Board of Trade Bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow on hard-surface streets, improvements an pain, iuu ce ment basement with floor and trays, white enamel plumbing, extra good electric fix 1 lima unnri riirrict. ad iacent Alameda park; posesslon at once. Price $2350, $1350 casn, naiance per raouiu. jm Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. S-ROOM BUNGALOW, ' bath, toilet, light and gas, cement side walk and curbing, large woodshed, fine garden already in, good district- only $1150; $250 cash, balance like rent. See E. W. Hughes, B07 Journal Bldg. Main 2S58. CLOSE IN BUY. Modern 2-story, 6 rooms, furnace, fire place, buffet, good comb, elec fixtures; cor. lot, 50x50, all Improvements in both streets; a real bargain at $3300. Terms, tsnn rlnwn. GODDA R D & W1EDRICK. 243 Stark st. HOMES YOU WILL WANT. Don't ask at house to so in except by appointment. $3500 bungalow, 435 E. 26th st. $3500 bungalow 946 Clinton st. $5000 7-rm. house, 439 E. 26th sL East 53d near Hawthonie. $3500 bungalow, hdw. floors, fireplace, excellent surroundings, fine view, $1100 cash, bal. terms. GEORGE ENGELHART, Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. -ROOM house, uncompleted, electric lights, water, sink and uutcn ,Kitcnen, garage, berries, lots 100x150, $1200. small pay ment down or light machine as first pay ment, 96th and E. Davis. MV depot car or Tabor 4026. bet. 5 and 6 P. M. ONE BLOCK TO MT. TABOR CAR. Modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, full cement basement, built-in buf fet and cabinet kitchen. Also new fur niture, complete at a sacrifice; easy terms. JOHNSON. 212 Lumbermens Bldg NICE modern 6-room home cheap on ac count of leaving city. Call any day this week, 830 E. 32d St., near car line, school and S. P. shops; terms if desired ; only $2250. A. M. Howell, 401 Board of Trade. BY OWNER, 6-room house with bath, 2 lots, some fruit trees and berries, fine place for garden, must have $500 cash, balance easy. Make me an offer. 1027 East 33d fit. N. Alberta car. 100x300 RICH garden land with berries and ' fruit; 4-room house, garage, gas, cKy water, telephone In house, lo minutes out, 5c fare, $1650; $500 cash. C. A. MARSTERS, 201 Wilcox Bldg: jg50 5-ROOM house, electricity, gas. water. toilet. $350 cash, balance monthly. 58th . ave., one block Mt. Scott car. Call Main 819 from 11 to 2 Wednesday or Thursday. IRVINGTON By owner, beautiful seven room home,, enamel finish, oak floors, beau tiful decorations. AL 102, Oregonian. 80x200. fine garden land; two-room house, 35 minutes out; price $480; terms. W. G. DRAPER, 01 Wilcox Bids, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Bouse. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW HOME $8000. 24 acres, 15 acres under plow, 3 acres good fir grove, balance stump pasture, easily cleared, black shot soil, all fenced and cross fenced. New 8-room plastered bungalow, large new barn, 2 wells, gas oline pump, family orchard. Good team, 1 cow. 1 heifer, 2 plows. 2 cultivate, 1 buggy, 1 wagon. 1 stump puller, etc. All in first-class condition; mile to graded school, 1 mile to town of Tualatin on Ore gon Electric R. R. ; 40 min, ride from Portland; $2000 cash, balance to suit. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Commerce. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Modern from stem to stem. 5 rooms, sleeping porch and floored attic, all nice ly arranged, full built-in Dutch kitchen, finished ia white enamel, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, cement base ment and furnace, nicely located. Price, $4100. terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. O. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldir ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW 3 ROOMS AND GARAGE ON PAVED STREET. Large fireplace, built-in effects, concrete porch floor. Lo cated in a good residence district. Price $4000. half cash. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. Main 203, A 2050. ROSE CITY PARK JUST NEARING COMPLETION A modern bungalow, built for a per manent home. Illness comoels owner to sell. Located in best section . of Rose! City Park. Excellent garage. Price $6000, which includes everything. Terms. Laurei hurst Tract Office. East 39th and Glisan. SEE MR. BROWN TABOR S433 or TABOR 59 Eves. 'WHY pay rent when you can own your home for same amount you now pay as rentT Advance of labor and material have not changed our prices or terms. Have some very good propositions in bungalows and cottages from $1800 to $2500 In Ter race park. Alberta, Willamette add. or Richmond. Open evenings and Sundays. Home Installment Co., 202 McKay bldg." IN BEAUMONT BENEATH THE HILL A modern six-room house; excellent neighborhood; all improvements in. Pos session within a short time. Price $4500. Terms. Call at Laureihurst Tract Office, East SOth and Glisan streets for key. MR. BROWN TABOR 8433 or TABOR 59 Eves. THREE GOOD ONES. $3300 Rossmere; a mighty good buy; all lmDrovements Da id. (4300 Alameda ; 5-room new bungalow witn garage. $4500 Rose City; 5 rooms, almost new. witn garage, a jewel. MR. DBLAHUNTY Main 1700, or evenings East -2086. IN LAURELHURST A modern home of seven large rooms and enclosed sleeping porch. In first class condition; one block from car. Price $5500 with terms. Immediate possession. Call at Laureihurst Tract ONice, East 39th ana Ltiisan streets, for key. MR. BROWN TABOR S433 or TABOR 59 Eves. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 5 large, airy rooms, best of plumbing. fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, built 2 years. If you are in the market for a beautiful bungalow don t fail to see this. fnce $3800; $650 cash, $25 a month hard surface street all paid; garage. F. B. rurner, main iMi. 4-ROOM COTTAGE, $950. Dutch kitchen, closet, gas, water, small basement 50xl05-ft. lot. fenced: rosea berries; 4 blocks from Wood mere school. 2 blocks from hard-surfaced street. Small payment down or will take Ford car as iirst payment, oaianco easy terms. Call rwner at MARSHALL 1606, THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? TVe design and build apartments, garages. residences anything; furnish plans and finance. Established ten years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE, SATISFACTION, L. R. Bailey Co., Inc., contracting archi tects. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA HOME. 7 rooms, modern in every way ; lot 50x100. On account of owner leaving city will sell much below cost to make quick stue ; i i ou casn, oai. very .easy terms. Building alone cost more than our price. 31. JlLlil-Ua, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. NON-RESIDENT OWNER instructs us to sell modern 5-room bun galow. good residence section, one- block to car, for $2250; $10 worth of furniture for $75. This place ought to bring $2750 today, ment. Will show the property by aonoint- see n. Atcnison, .fiatt Diag. VACANT, NEW AND CLEAN. Strictly up-to-date house In Laureihurst lot 50x100. This place cost owner $7000; win sen ior in is wees: ai aqouu; casu, tai. to suit. A. real snap. M. BILLINGS, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390, MUST SELL. To avoid foreclosure must sell my 6- room modern house, cor. lot, paved streets; good dist., near car and school. Bee it and make me an offer. M. BILLINGS, 500 McKay bldg. Main 1390. 6-ROOM modern house. 172 E. 35th St., hunnyeide car; newiy painter, ana ncco rated inside and out; 1 block of school, church, store and car; if you want a nice. convenient home at a bargain, see this house: only $2.-00, terms if desired. A M. HOWELL, 401 Board of Trade. A FAMILY HOME. ' Large 6-room bungalow, three 50-foot lofs. garage, berries, fruit trees, lienhouse. furnace, alt built-ins. restricted district, 1 block of Hawthorne car, corner 65th st and 28th ave., 2743 65th. Apply at barber shop, 17th and Alberta street, for terms. $3700 ABSOLUTELY modern tn every re spect; 7 rooms, hdwd. floors, fireplace, sun room, French doors, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, garage, everything. Pleasure to show it. M. BILLINGS, 500 McKay bldg. Main 1300. SUNNYSIDE SNAP. ' $2000. 5 rooms, electricity, gas, bath, toilet; lot 50x100; fruit and garden; K. 45th. 1 blk from Sunnyside car; easy terms. M. BILLINGS, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. HOME BUYERS Do not fail to look this up. One of the cozy little homes in Rose City, modern improvements. You will be satisfied when you see this at 6S7 Fast 71ft st. N., and priced right at $2250; terms to suit- No agents. SAVE RENT. We have a number of cheap houses priced from $830 to $2000; also good buys ia vacant lots. M. BILLINGS, P09 McKay bldg Main 1390. BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME Located in the choicest part of Laurei hurst, one block to car. Seen by appoint ment only; a splendid buy. MR. DELA HUNT Y. Main 1700 or Evenings East 2086. READY TO MOVE IN. $2250. Gooe 5-room bungalow on F. 8(h st. N.; lot 50x100; $500 cash, $250 first year. $250 second year, bal. 5 yaers. M. BILLINGS, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, bath and furr-ace; two lota on corner, level, with lots of trees; must be sold; owner gone to St. Louis. Mar. 4827. BROOKE. A 3839. Call Mornings or Evenings. 3000 5-ROOM modern bungalow in Alber ta dist.; corner lot 50x100; good basement, furnace, etc; terms. M. BILLING 3, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. BY owner, modern 6-room house and sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, buf fet Dutch kitchen, cement basement and furnace. 1783 Division st. Owner on premises: terms. BUNGALOW 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, laundry, large porch, view lot 75x100. 1022 Raleigh s'.; terms. F. E. Bowman & co 213 C. uf C. bldg. Main 3026. VACANT, all furnished, ready to cook sup per, 6-room bungalow, E. 25th, near 8. P. shops; hardwood floors, hard-surfaced st., sewer, gas, electric lights; all for $3000; $500 cash, bal. monthly. East 3225. 6-ROOM house and -acre; 5 minutes' walk to street car; fine for garden, cow, chick ens, etc.; $1150; $150 cash, bal. $15 per mFnthk. STEARNS, 202 Wilcox bide;. BUNGALOW, 410 Glenn, ave.; hardwood floor, furnace, fireplace,' cement basement, trays, built-ins. old ivory finish; corner lot 50x100; hard-surface st.: garage. Tabor- 0435 (OwnerL BUNGALOW 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, laundry, large porch, view lot 75x100. 1022 Raleigh st. Terms. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 213 C. of C. bldg. Main 3026. COZY 2-room cottage, furniBhed complete. Price, $1400, terms; electric lights, gas, sink garden, etc., linen, wood also goes. 1800 Siskiyou st, 'R. C." car, near 70th. MODERN six-room house, sleepin3 porch, double cement garage; walking dtfftance; reasonable terms. 651 East Ankeny, cor, 18th. ' GOING to build or repair? Get my ideas and estimate. B. T. Allyn. 243 Stark st. Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone Jlaia 831. Res. phone. Tabor 194. FOR SALE By owner, 4-room house, two fine lots; easy terms; J00; Brentwood Addition. Phone Tabor 7079. 5-ROOM bungalow, cement basement, fur nace, attic, central east side, walking dis tance. 62 East 20th. cor. Oak. Eaat 2689. SMALL house and 150x138 lot, over i-3 acre; $750. terms. G. W. Harris, Oak Grove, Or. Oregon City car. $2550 Rose Olty Park. 6-room bungalow. Phone Tabor 6825. ' LARGE, modern home, Vt block to car; 2 lots, fruit treea Woodlawn 250. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $1500 CASH NECESSARY". Six beautiful large - rooms;- - hardwood floOT-s, fireplace, built-in effects, beam id ceilings, building like new; full cement basement; near Division St., three blocks from car; have a standing offer of $3200 for the property, $500 dowif, but must have $1500 cash, so will make the price on y $3000, which ia less than cost of building. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $3o00 5-room strictly modern, double con structed bungalow, less than three years old, sleeping porch, lull ce ment basement, wash trays, hard wood floors, fireplace, usual built ins. linen closet, imp. ml in and paid. Requires $1000 cash. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 533. 204 Ry. Exch; Bldg. HERE'S A DANDY FOR $1700. $500 down; 4-room house, electricity, . water and gas; lot 100x100, IS fruit trees, all kinds of berries and shrubbery, part of garden planted, chicken house, rabbit pen besides another now building 10x20 ; tic fare on Rose City car. As k ales. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. -NIFTY" FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. On fine cvrner lot, 70th and Flanders sts., 1 blocks to car, good neighborhood, full basemeut; this bungalow ' just like new and ready to move into. Price $2250. $500 cash, bulance like rent. Pretty little homes like this at such low price are mighty hard to find. THE CROSSLEY-VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark st. Main 305?. OSWEGO LAKE COTTAGE. Coay 8-room cottage, cjty water, elec tric lights, I1 acree uf ground, nice loca tion, convenient to trolley; here one can keep chickens, have garden, flowers, etc It beats living in that "stuffy" apartment. Price only $1075. $150 cash will bandly. THE CROSriLEY-VIGARS CO.. 270 Stark st. Main 3052. FOR SALE Very desirable 5-room house, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, built-in book cases, lot 109x109, cherry trees, grapen. berries, garage; 1 block to Peninsula, school on K.nowles ave., less than block to St. Johns car; best neighborhood; clear uf incumbrance; $2750, $750 cash. J. S. KNAUSS, 416 Stock Exch. B 1 d s. Main 3270. SMALL AMOUNT DOWN. 6 INTEREST. $2200 5-room cottage on full 60x100 lui, with use of adjoining lot for gar dening. All imp. lit and paid; near Skldmore and Seventh sts. If you want a good buy see this. Eleclriu . lights, gas. bath, full basement. 4 J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 563. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. WE HAVE a magnificent strictly modern home In the best of condition for $:;o0i less than It cost to build about 2 yearn ago; 5 sleeping rooms, hardwood floors throughout; everything down to the min ute; beautiful corner in the best part oC Laureihurst; owner must have money to engage in business. M. -Billings, 509 Mi -Kay bldg.. Main 1390. $3000 VACANT R. C. PARK DISTRICT. Fine modern five-room bungalow, wi;h sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplac--. bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, big porch cj-. floored attic; one block car; nice full lot.; assessments all paid; dandy chicken house; free use four lots, good for gardening; terms. Tabor 6559. LADD ADDITION. $4730i Full 2-story, 7 rooms and reception hall, with furnace; fireplace, all built-ins. full cement basement. Street Imp. in and paid. Alley. Terms. Only one block to car. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Main 5s3. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. -w-ROOM HOUSE. $650 CASH $15 PER MONTH. This is a good 5-room house, and two lots; has chicken house and yard; ber ries and fruit; price is $1800. Here hs a dandy buy. Hurry if you want it, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 309 Oak St. Broadway 4133. $5700 ALAMEDA HOME. 7 rooms, slep. porch, full bast., garage; $2't00 will handle. East 419. No agents. Suburban Homes. MR. WORK1NGMAN. NOW THAT SPRLNtf IS HERE. you must get ready to make hay. Tho city ia crowded. The country home offers a solution of the high cost of living. Tako the kiddies out on this beautiful 2-acro home and you will never regrot it Thi. place ia at Greenberg station on Oregon Electric about 7 miles out, all under culti vation; 4-room house, water In house, fruit trees, berries, lawn, shrubbery and flowera. Price, $2300. Call and sue photos. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ATTRACTIVE HOME AND GOOD INVESTMENT. 15 acres, 7 miles by macadam road south, of Morrison St.; all in cult, except 1 acre timber; young orchard partly bearing ; also grapes. berrie and asparagus; sprintf and water; fine view of mountains; five room modern house, with attic and base ment tinted walls, furnace, firoplace, bath, telephone, laundry, rural delivery, near schuol. Frice $SO0O, terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 213 STARK ST. A FARM WITH CITY CONVENIENCES. 7 acres, 3 in cultivation; plenty of fruif, house, barn, chicken house; small strcum; ideal place for chickens and early borries: hi mile to electric line," ftores, V. O. and high school; 30c fare to Portland, 5c fari to Oregon City; plenty work ail year lit paper and woolen mills. On account of death in family owner has iiiuv-jd away and will sell at a sacrifice. Price $1500, $t'.0O cash, balance $12.50 per month. A, few othor sma.Il tracts in same locality. A. W. ESTES. 202 McKAY BLD. RAISE chickens; diindy place for small chicken rancu ana garacn; uouui u. "" of an arre of ground with fine, practically new, modern 5-room bungalow, atory and a half tvpe; oil built-iu conveniences, city water, gas and electric light; exceptionally fine view; lawn and cement sidewalks; oa, automobile road at Multnomah station. Ii's a dandy buy at $3750. Terms can bo r ranrd. No incumbrances, fciee Atchison, 4!t4 Piatt bldg. COUNTRY HOME, $10O. 8 mil pb from courthouse and Just off Base Line road, we have strirtly modern H-room homo. 'With fireplace, furnace, hoK and cold water, pood garage and nearly 3 acres of land; this place eot owner $000t. if you can pay $1000 cash you'll get a bar- ECOE A. McKENNA & CO. Main 422. S2 Fourth ht., rsoarn or i rn'in nnis. PARKROSB HALF-ACRE TRACT . blks. tn car, 100 ft. to Macadam road,' a few fir trees, junt wher you would want to build. IJrlc;e $W. fno down. balau:. $20 month. .1. U HARTMAN COMPANY. Iso 7 Chamber or conimerco uio,.. and Stark. Main 208, A 2050. 4 til 10 ACRES, improved, v- iruii .r. ." station, 20c fine; good 7-room house, barn. Hheiln and chicken house: price $.12oU, $u(J down, balance to sit. Ask Walt, A. J. DeFOUEST Ai CO.. 320 ITrnry Bldg. main -iv BEAUTIFUL, suburban home. 5 acres, i f .lUivatlnn: about one all in aero IMbu, - , .,! set to fruit; mill "un u .... ern house. Rood barn. Call at residence ot owner, 3341. E. mill anu. i.ivimuu bid. NEW S-rooni house, all cuy conveni.nci-o. two Iarce lois. Dtaniin " , rles, fine view, on O. E. Ry. at Maplewood station. Will sacrifice to clos, estate. It K. Kemp. 28 Front St. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOM.s and acreage well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire third house nortH of Rlsley station, on Oregon City earllno, stern "Alder urooK. OSWEGO LAKE acre Finest vle-w acre. right at station; urno pi.." rock. Here Is the chance you have waited for. Easy terms. 600 Concord b!o., 2d and StarR ABOUT 14 acres. Improved. Dearing lrul near e-raae ana in.. 14 miles from Portland; $4500; term,. BO 125, Oregonian. . For 6ale Acreage. 2 ACRES. ONLY $M0. $30 down and $j per month; located on county road In the beautiful Tualatin val lay acessible to electric line; partly fenced; fine for chickens or loganberries. Owner WO OO NCOR1J BLDG.. 2D AND STAR K. SNAP 10 ACRES ON ESTACAJ3A CARLINE SOME CLEARED; GOOD". RICH LAND; ONLY $M) PER ACRE. W. H. BURLEY. So IRVING ST. MARSHALL 2UI18. FOR SALE or trade for Portland property. 10 acres Ulgniy imiiro.ou, o-iuuiu noun, near citv, $5000; terms given; no agents. Address Route 2, Box 116. Vancouver, Wash. . TEN acres on S. P. electric, good, first-clasa soil, handy to store, school, small payment down, balance by tho year. Draper, 201 Wilcox bldg. v FOR SALE cheap, 2?i acres rich, leval, cul. tivated land, no buildings, k mils from courthouse; city water. Address A. E., Ill 9th st.. Oregon City. A BARGAIN. 6-acra full bearing, Yamhill county appla orchard at a sacrifice; must sell this week. AG 34, Oregonian. , 2 ACRES, Seaside, Or., all Improved, house, barn, small fruit; $1500; term,. Evanfc 414 Gerllnger bldg. Main 6.165. 10 ACRES, house. Dam and well, berries and fruit trnt-s; 4 miles east of city limits. Owner. 62 East 2"lh st. Phono Eaat 2S0, 20 ACRES, all good, lays perfect, near city; and cars, $;I500; 'A down. Owner, W 44, Oregonian. CHOICE, cloae-ln acreage, good soli, well located. Owner. Phone Broadway 4683. 40 ACRES, Tillamook; snap; $750; $250 casha l K. STEARNS, 202 Wilcox, bllltf.