Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 26, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Bids Rejected to Prevent Busr
ness Disruption.
Brokerage Pian Applied to Grocery
Stock to STe Expense of Devel
oping Bis Sale Force.
An outline of the activities and poli
cies of the spruce production corpora
tion, since the sliming; of the armistice,
is found In a statement Issued yester
day by Lieutenant-Colonel C P. Stearns.
. who ucceeds Brigadier-General Brice
!. ni.que as head of the big govern
ment project.
lWlnln the policy of the epruce
production corporation with respect to
he sale of the ilrt.v00.00. equipment
property, used by the spruce division
In the production of airplane stocK.
the statement covers
present and ruture of the divines
of the .l board and the disposition
of the immense property.
Colonel Stearns- statement Is as fol
lows: rrvperty 'Well Protected.
I pon the .nlne of the arml.tlc. ord Issued to the property
..Ifirem In our various dl-lrlrta to Inventor, j
t;,r'T ti re.pomible to Vancouver Bar
ArranmntJ were made en a laree scale
to nrt.rt this property at ancouver. to
jnloaJ. to sort out. and to put In salablo
.ndttl..n br such cl-anin. olllns. paintins
and rcpXr.m as mlsht be Justified lit each
- A catalorue board was appointed to
make careful inventory of tlie property re-,-irt.i
at Vancouver and prepare catalogue
for this properly.
Kor ralvae pnrpes It vw necessary
... rt.ln flrld activities of the
llvlinn. m from auch activities it was
poM.ble that the property could be
turned to Vancouver at once, and prot
. k nnAr.tmni Is still arrivini
r,.rftrkR. Since the airnlnr of
the armistice 13-Jt carloads of property be
loncinc to the corporaUon have been nhipped
inf. Vancouver Barracks. In round num
ber, the value of property at that place is
st iioo.ono.
who in unfamiliar with our
operations and methods have referred to this
enormous accumulation of properly a-i a
"lunk pile." Nothlns; could be, further from
l he Irulh. The enaineers In chare of re
ceiving this equipment are to be com
mended for their accomplishment. Ap
proxtraMtely 1 different vla5ses of itetne.
from canned salmon to mill machinery, ire
placed In an orderly array, cleaned, oiled
i.e painted, as the case may require, and
except for certain articles auch aa locomo
tive?, donkey ensines and motor trucks,
too bulky for under-cover-atorare. all have
been placed under suitable abetter and
All have been completely inspected as to
condition and auch condition has been re
corded. In fact, so well taken care of Is
this equipment that on' recent visit and
iiupevtion of the secretary of war and the
chief of staff they made repeated com
ment upon the splendid condition and care
laken of the property, flmilar comment
lias been made aUo by numerous technical
etuerta and men of affairs who have visited
the plant.
Bids Rejected Beeaase Too Low.
Tn addition to the catalogue board, a
rales board was organised. Immediately after
the signing of the armistice, to rttpose of
th property. In order to give the widest
oublicity. and gte persona Interested an
equal chant to purchase at least the more
Important Items, as enon as these Items
could be catalogued, bids were called for
and a month's notice given for prospective
yers to look, over the Items upon which
thi-y desired to make bids. Tneso bids were
publicly opened on February IS. lftlll. but
in spite of the fact that publicity hail called
attention to the fact that bids far beneath
the value of the equipment would not be
accepted, it wa-i found tliat most of th
bids wrre too low even to be considered
consequently, of over loHI bids received,
comparatively few were accepted
There were many disappointed bidders
consequently, much criticism was directed
le sales board, but when the corporation
undertook the liquidation of its a'faira
rested at Marsh field. Or., on advices
from the sheriff's office here on
charge of Jumping his bail bond, was
brought to this city last week by Dep
uty Sheriff Stevens. Cooper was ax
rested in Raymond last fall, charged
with bringing in ten cases of whisky
on the steamer Avalon. Associated
with him was a man named Johnson.
Johnson also Jumped his bail, but was
apprehended. At his trial he was ac
quitted, though he was sent to McNeils
island later on a government charge.
Requests Received From All Parts of
Country for Copies.
SALEir. Or.. March 23. (Special.)
That the bulletin on rural school arch
itecture prepared by J. A. Churchill,
superintendent of public Instruction,
for the use of the boards of directors
in rural school districts of this state
is attracting attention in all parts or
the United states Is shown by requests
being received by the department for
cODles of this bulletin. Walter Burr,
head of the rural organization of
the Kansas State agricultural college.
"I wish to make special acknowl
edgement of your bulletin, entitled
School Architecture.' received some
time ago in response to my request
for literature that would be heipiui
in the work of this department I
wish to compliment you on this pub
lication, which Is very attractively
gotten up and contains ezecdingly use
ful Information."
Funeral of Charles Crcspcau, Resi
dent Priest, to Bo Held Tomorrow.
OERVAIS. Or., March 25. (.-special.
The funeral services of the Rev,
Charles Crespeau. resident priest, who
died Monday, will be held at St. Louis
Or.. Thursday morning at 10 o'clock
Interment will be in St. Louis ceme
The Dalles Foultrvincn Organize.
THE DALLES. Or., March 25. (Spe
cial. ) At a meeting held Saturday local
pouHrymen perfected a co-operative
organization, adopting a constitution
and by-laws. V. I Upson, poultry ex
pert from O. A. C. explained the htate
Poultrymen's association and the local
body will affiliate. Plans also were
made by the local poultrymcn for
grading their product.
High School Students Aid Drive.
VMAT1LLA. Or., March 25. (Spe
cial.) The high school civics class has
taken the initiative to make a grea
drive for memberships in the Oregon
chamber of commerce, with the result
that the city's quota was oversub
scribed the first day. Essays have been
written by the class and sent to the
local papers showing' the stronfr fea
ture of the rhamDer.
The Best Cough Syrup
1$ Home-made
t public the fact that It would do so
"ith as little disturbance to business con as possible, and It his endeavored
l carry cut this policy. Had this equip
ment been dumped on the market far be-
I'.iv the market price the result upon tl
bjMnrjs of the northwest would have been
s. disastrous that it would have taken
ears for recovery, and alo the government
iiid. consequently, the taxpayer would
Lave loot millions of dollars tbat they are
properly entitled to nave returned.
to the interest of the government and thia
co-iimunity that hls corporation close out
irs affairs slowly and roceive the best
price possible for the property It has
--11. In short, if tho corporation failed to
do what It has been criticised for doinr
namely, holding its property for the best
prices obtainable. It would be subject
condemnation, and properly so. by not only
trie erilire northwest but the country which
it represents.
Brokerage FaUcy Defended.
The sales board gradually gave war lo
a sales department of tbis corporation, and
ull purchases are now being bandied by
that department. Purchasers who desire
an. of the salable equipment, except groc
eries and clothing, do not need to deal with
brokers but may deal directly with re pre
sentatttes of al-s department at Vancouver
Karrackswor Teon building. Portland, rotate
meats which have been made to the effect
i hat property could be obtained only through
brokers are Incorrect thta has never been
trie ease, with the single exception above
Muted, and this exception was made because
tt waa found that the expense of handling
o-cent and $1 grocery and clothing items
ailed for by the public were making the
handling of these articles In this manner
unprofitable, due to the necessity of build
m? up a large sales organisation for a cayi
stuntly diminishing stock. It was also
necessary, tn view of the perishable nature
of theee groceries, to move them rapidly.
It was very necessary, however, to bring
our property to the attention of prospective
buyers. Kor this reason brokers were em
ployed on a commission basis. It should be
born in mind, however, that the principal
object of such brokers Is to help move
tli.s vast amount of property through the
established channels of trade, and it Is
rot necessary for any man who knows what
he wants, and desires to make a purchase,
to make racn purchase through a bro a-r.
A price will be quoted to him at any
in any article he may desire. Recent sales
have emphasised the fact that much of
this property Is wanted and buyers are
tiling to pay fair prices far In excess of
prtces received from sealed bids on February
I s. The total ssles of our property to date
total over K.OiM.OOO.
Business IMstarbaaee Precluded.
JJvery Justifiable means Is being used to
-.ifeguard government property at Van-
.niter. Military guards are thickly scat
red around and through the property;
prospective purchaser are attended and given
assistance and information concerning what
, . v, . ,1 1 ,1 g ta aiioweo to
leave the enclosure without the proper
signed release by a corporation representa
tive who Is familiar with the facts.
Tb United estates Spruce Production cor
relation is the same organisation that car
ried on the war-time production activities
of th spruce production division. Since
the armistice It has been possible to cut
down day by day this force, and this has
Ven done, but the men who remain in im
ortant positions in the corporation are
u.en who took part in Its activities during
ar-l;m and ar proud of its accomplisb-nents-
Some are still in the service, some
are remaining tn a civil capacity. It Is
?u war department's desire Mat" the cor
WTatioo liquidate Its own affairs, and I:
ui the fixed policy of the officers of the
.-ornoration to go out of bnsiness with'ss
i.;it disruption as possible for the In
dustries and businesses la the northwest,
with the hope that when the corporation
and It activities have paased entirely into
WL-tory It may be said of it that it helped
-tlier than hindered the community in
'i men it operated.
otit h Bend Defendant Held.
tOLTH r.EXD. Wash.. March 21.
tais asss I J Jaataya Cqmij. tsho w a ar-
H ore's an easy way to ears f. and
yes hare the beat eoogh remedy
yon ever tried.
You've probablv heard of this well
known plan of making couch syrup at
home. But have von ever used it? When
vou do. tou will understand whv thou
sands of families, the world over, feel
that they could hardly keep house with
out it. It's simple and chcao. but the
way it takes hold of a cough, will quickly
earn it a permanent place in jour home.
Into a Pint bottle, pour Z'.i ounces of
Pinex; then ana plain granulated
sucar STTUD to fili no the nint. Or. if
desired, use clarified molasses, honey,
nr corn syrup, instead ot sucar syrup.
r.ither way, it tastes gooa, never
snails, and cives you a full Dint of
K-tter couch remedy than you could buy
ready-made for three times its cost.
it is really wonderful how quickly thia
home-made remedy conquers a coach
usually in 24 hours or lees, it seems to
penetrate through every air passatre,
loosens a dry. hoarse or tight couch,
lifts the phlerrm, heals the membranes,
and fives almost immediate relief. Splen
did for throat tickle, hoarseness, croup,
bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
Pinex is a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Xorwav pine extract,
and has been used for generations for
throat and chest ailments.
Avoid disappointment by asking your
druggist for "2o ounces of Pinex" with
full directions, and don't accept any
thing else. Guarnteed-to give absolute
satisfaction or money prompt Iv refunded
The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Always Ask for Genuine
Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
Only Aspirin Tablets with the safety
"Bayer Cross" on them are genuine
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." owned and
made by Americans and proved safe by
millions of neoDle. unknown quanti
ties of fraudulent Aspirin Tablets were
sold recently by a Brooklyn dealer
which proved to be composed mostly of
Talcum Powder.
"Bayer Tablets of Aapirin" should
always be asked for. Then look for the
safety "Bayer Cross" on the package
and on each tablet. Accept nothing
else! Proper directions and dosage in :
each Bayer nackage.
Aspirin is the trade mark or tsayer
Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of
Salicylicacid. Adv.
i n wi ii ii ismj eiMsusu-am '.
I It tastes good, aids digestion
and bpilds up the system.
We Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or More Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash on Fourth Floor
Portland .Women's Research Club and Ladies of Eastern Star Will Meet Today for Red Cross Work, in the Auditorium, Fourth Floor
Glenwood Butter
2 lbs. $1.25
Fourth Floor No delivery of
butter except with other pur
chases made in the Grocery
Dept. Best Butter, 2 lbs. $1.25
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods '
Canned Goods
Monopole Tomatoes, can 18rJ
Preferred Stock or Monopole
Peas, priced special, a can l!2c
Preferred Stock Corn at 24
Women's $1.25 Silk Hose
Special $1.00 a Pair
Basement Women's Pure Thread
Silk Hose with lisle top, rein
forced heels and toes. Shown in
black, white and brown. Q" fi(
$1.25 grade Hose, pair Dl.lU
W0MEN' fine Cotton Hose in
black, white, brown and OfT,
gray. Priced special, pair '
WOMEN'S Fiber Silk Hose in
white, black and brown. Beauti
ful in appearance. Good CQf
wearing special, the pair Jt
UNION SUITS with bodice
tops; shown in white and a few
pink. Special, 90c1 and $1.00
eral neat styles. Full range OP
of sizes. Wednesday, only
Coverall Aprons at $1
Basement Women's Coverall
Aprons in good full styles with
belt and pockets. Excellent qual
ity percales, in pink, ff
blue and other colors 3X.UU
and dark colored percales. Large
full styles with all around belt and
pocket. Several pat
terns. Basement sale
Hat Shapes
On Sale Wednesday
in Basement
Basement Extraordinary val
ues at the above low price.
Smart new spring styles tur
bans, colonials, sailors, droops
and many other shapes. Milan
hemps, 1 i s 2 r e, chip, novelty
braids and rough straws in black
and a good selection of the most
desirable colors. Spe-QO ?Q
cial in Basement sale 3aW.U
81 -In. Sheeting
50c Yd.
SHEETING of good quality; 800
yards in this special one-day sale.
Limit 15 yards to a customer. No
telephone or mail orders filled.
Basement Underprice Sale of
185 Women's Spring Coats
$15 $19.50 $23-50
WEDNESDAY the Basement Store will feature a sale of Vfomen's and
misses' new Spring Coats at the above special prices. All are new all are
stylish and well made in every particular and not one of them but what is
a real bargain. Coats of silvertone, velour, poplin, jersey, serge and other
desirable fabrics. Excellent assortment of colors also several handsome
models in checks 3 GREAT LOTS SPECIAL, $15.00, $19.50, $23.50
Women's Suits at $23.50
Extra Special for Wednesday Only
Basement See the suits other stores show at $27.50 to $30.00, and then come
to our Basement and inspect these at $23.50! We are confident you will look
no farther. Very smartest spring models all just in by express. Novelty
mixtures, poplins, serges and other material. Braid and buttoned j?OQ CfJ
trimmed. Specially priced in our Basement Sale Wednesday, at 0wO.JU
Spring Dresses
At $17.50
Basement Women's and Misses'
Dresses in charming new spring styles.
Plain and striped messalines, crepe de
chine and wool jersey. Braided and
tucked effects. Light and (PI rj fT n
dark colors. Special at
S. & H. Stamps with purchases.
New Dress Skirts
At $3.98
Basement Women's Dress Skirts in
many smart styles for street, sport
and dress wear. Novelty plaids and
various plain colors. Messalines, taf
fetas, poplins and serges. Wide belts,
fancy pockets, etc. Priced PQ QQ
special for Wednesday, only 0J.iO
Bleached Sheets
At $1.25
Basement 81x90-INCH FULL
did quality. Limit 6 to a cus
tomer, and positively no tele
phone or mail orders accepted.
Beautiful Wash Voiles
Values to 65c Special at
Basement Sheer materials are certain to
be in great demand the coming season, so
don't overlook this great opportunity to buy
high-grade Voiles at about half price. Very
pretty and effective for summer dresses and
waists. Widths 36 to 44 inches. We also
include in this sale several hundred yards of and Orcrandies. Some nieces have
slight imperfections. See display of these fabrics on Main Aisle Tables
in Basement Underprice Store. SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION.
For Spring Suitings
Linen-Finish Suitings that launder so well and
give such good wear. Ideal fabric for middies,
skirts, pillow cases and children's needs. Full 36
inches wide. Wednesday in Basement, 25 a yard.
2000 Yards New Curtain Goods
Wednesday Special, Yard
Basement What a surprising difference
fresh new draperies make in the appear
ance of a room! Every woman will be
anxious to share in this sale of curtain
goods for the values are exceptional. Pretty
figured nets plain and bordered marquis
ettes, some with hemstitched and lace edge
figured madras imported Swiss voiles,
Hundreds of Remnants
Basement Remnants and Mill-End Pieces in a great one-day clear
away at just half regular prices. Ginghams, Percales, Madras, Voiles,
Batistes, Organdies, Table Damask, Drapery Goods HALF PRICE.
Men's Spring Shirts
Special $1.19
Basement Men, here's your chance
to lay in a good supply of fresh
new spring Shirts at a substantial
saving! 1200 of them in this new
shipment choice assortment of
patterns. Stiff cuffs. fl- 1Q
Wednesday in Basement v)l..V
$1.50 Work Shirts
At $1.00
Basement Limit 4 Shirts to a cus
tomer. Made from good heavy ma
terial Full range of g- (f
sizes. $1.50 Shirts at D -L.vU
Men's Sox
Basement Men's Black Cotton
Socks of good quality. Easily worth
25c a pair. On sale Wednes- ftfin
day in Basement, 3 pairs ""v
Men's Overalls at $1.89
Men's Khaki Pants $2.39
Basement Men's Overalls of
splendid heavy quality blue denim.
Cut in full standard sizes and
well made. All sizes. fl- QQ
Priced special, a pair Dl.OU
Men's Khaki Pants a small lot
of 85 pairs on sale Wednesday.
Fine for garden, farm or shop.
Made with belt loops, (go OQ
Priced special, a pair DiQU
Boys' Overalls
At 89c
Basemen t Good heavy quality
Blue Denim Overalls of standard
make. Sizes 4, 5 and 6 only. Just
the thing for knock -about QQ
wear. Basement sale, pair 0Js
BOYS' WAISTS of good depend
able wash materials, neat patterns
and good colors." Basement OPT
Underprice Store special at Ok
Dainty Undermuslins
Special $1.39
Basement Garments in this sale worth fully
double the above price. Envelope Chemise,
Night Gowns and Skirts in a
great assortment of styles,
trimmed with laces and em
broideries. Made of extra
good grade mate- (J" OQ
rial. Special, yard 3X.O
BasementOf white or pink
silk trimmed with dainty
laces and ribbons. Choice of
several pretty styles. Full
range of sizes. In (j- JQ
Basement sale, at DX.jI
Women's Corsets at $1.98
Basement Corsets of fine grade
coutil. Low or medium bust, long
skirt. A few front-laced models
in this sale. Sizes 19 up to 30.
BRASSIERES trimmed with
heavy lace, front fastening or
bandeau styles. Sizes 34 HfT
to 44. Special Wednesday OK
Embroideries, 12 Yds. for
Neat Embroidery Edges and Insertions of fine cam
bric and nainsook special Wednesday, 12 yards $1.00
Embroidery Flouncings, priced special at 19( a yard.
Easter Ribbons at 25c Yd.
Chiffon Veils at 50c
Basement Fancy wide Dresden
Ribbons in a large assort- OF
ment of patterns the yard CiJC
and ends of various kinds remain
ing from previous sales. Somewhat
soiled and mussed. Principal-
ly collars. Priced special only Jv
dust-proof priced very special for
Wednesday's Basement (PI nfl
Three for only wx.ww
VEILINGS a great Wednesday
offering in the Basement Under
price Store. Fancy mesh effects in
black, taupe, brown, navy; good
quality. Priced for Wednes- OP
day's Basement sale; yard JKs
MALINE in a good assortment
of the wanted colors for millinery
and other uses. On sale
in Basement Store, the yard
in all colors priced special JUi
Boudoir Caps, Special 50c
Basement Women's Boudoir Caps 200 of the prettiest ones we have
seen this season on sale Wednesday in the Basement Store. Made up in
dainty silks trimmed with laces, ribbons, etc. Remarkable values at 50
Basement High-grade Ameri
can Semi-Porcelain Dinnerware
at special low prices to close out
odd lines. Gold band decoration.
large size; priced special
Coffee Cups and Sau- Off
cers, priced special at &J
Oatmeal Bowls with 1
gold edge and flower; at Xt)v
Tea Plates with gold 10
edge and flower; special -i-OC
Cream Pitchers at 20 and 230
42-Piece Dinner (P? QQ
Sets, gold and white 30.0
42-Piece Dinner flP7 Q
Sets, pink and gold 5 vJO
I Coverall Aprons
Special $1.39
lr OI
Center Circle, First Floor A special assortment of Aprons taken
from our Second Floor and underpriced for Wednesday. Women
will find this a good opportunity to buy aprons for the spring
housercleaning. Good full styles, made of excellent quality per
cales in assorted light and dark patterns fancy plaids, checks and
figures. Round, scalloped or V necks. Belts and pockets. Q- OQ
Priced very special for Wednesday's selling at only DX
Notions and Small Wares
' At Special Low Prices
do -
Kid Curlers priced special 170
Phoenix Hair Pin Cabinets on
sale Wednesday, special, at 70
3Qi ipnoi iQi
Bargain Circle, First Floor
Kleinert's Justrite Lace Edge
Dress Shields, special today 590
Silko Mending Cotton, regular
8c kind, box of 12 650, spool 0
Tolson's Dress Binding on sale
Wednesday at special, a yard 20
Stickerie Edging priced at 190
Sterling Skirt Markers at 330
Itsoeze Trouser Hangers 120
Bachelor Buttons, per box 80
Pearl Buttons priced, card 70
Art Gum, special, the cake 80
Ribbon Wire, black, white 40
Children's loc Hose Supporters
priced for Wednesday, pair 100
R. M. C. Crochet Cotton 100
Clark's Crochet Cotton 12'j0
Clark's 0. N. T. Crochet at 50
Tarine Garment Bags priced
special Wednesday, 750 to $1.25
01 110001
I 5