THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, MARCII 25, 1019. 5 MORE T E Departure of Transports From France Announced. ,14,000 LANDED IN GOTHAM tenant C. C JIacLaren of Whittler. Cat. were among officers of the Canadian expeditionary forces who arrived hero aboard the steamship Cedric today. Threo Battleships and One Steamer Carrying 6801 Soldiers Arrive at Newport Sewi, Va. WASHINGTON. March II. Addition al units of the 30th. Slat and 40th divisions have called from France. Th war department today announced th departure of transports carrying de licnmfnu of the three divisions. Th 30th division consists of national guard troops from North and South Carolln and Tennessee, while the troops in th 40th and 91st divisions are from PaclfU coast and western states and Alaska. The transport Edgar A. Luckenbach, lue at New lork April S. has th headquarters troop of the 40th dlvi lion, 113th train headquarters; head quarters detachment headquarters com pany. supply company and machine pun detachment of the 159th Infantry. The majority of these units are en route o Camp Kearny, CaL The transport Siboney, due at New Torlc April 3. has on board headquar rs of the second battalion, supply company and companies K, G, and H o the 363d Infantry: field and staff, head quarters, third battalion, ordnance medical detachments, headquarters cup sly and machine irun companies: com panics A. B. I. K, U and M of the 364th Infantry. Most of these miantryme also are to be demobilized at Camp 3earov. Ilrrrdia Dae April The transport Hcredia will arrive a New Tork April 9. with a few casuals, amour whom are &2 nurses. The transport Huron, due at Charles ton. S. C April 4. has on board tn headquarters and medical detachments of the second and third battalions. eisrht companies of the 119th infantry, field and staff, headquarters, ordnance and medical detachments, companies A, and B. of the 113th machine gun bat talion: lOSth sanitary train, medical supply depot, ambulance companie Nos. 117 to 130. inclusive; field hoapi' tals No. 117 to ISO. inclusive. The transport Kentucklan. dne New Tork April 3. is bringing the lieadauarters of the lS2d Infantry brl srade: regimental and first battalion headquarters 'company, machine gun company, medical detachment and com panics A to I, inclusive, of the 363d in fantry. These troops iormea pan oi me 91st division and are asj-igned to Camp JKearny. CaL Briftadier-Cieneral ernon A Caldwell, commanding the lS2d in fin try brlsade. is returning with the ticadquarters of that unit. Artnn Brlasa Casuals. The transport Artesas is due at New port News April 4. with a few casuals. Colonel Robert H. Noble, who held the temporary rank of brigadier-gen nl in the forces abroad and com manded a brigade in the Argonne-Meuse drive, was in command of the men on the Matsonia. NEW TCKK. March J4. Fourteen thousand trooDs of the American ex Tveditioi.arv for-e. more than 3000 of ihr... ronvalcsrine from wounds and l,knes arrived here today from France on the cruisers North Carolina unrt Montana and the stcamsnips aiat fonia. Manchuria and Anticone. For the moM part the home-coming sol diers were of former national guard units of Colorado, Nevada. Utah. An- sona. New Mexico. California, Pennsjl .nt, ntiin n nit West Virginia. The cruiser North Carolina arrived from Brest with 1"1 troops. I'nits included the 13!th aero squadron, three rri,-r and 1SS men. and casual com panics Nos. 970 (Washington state) and j 10 (Nebraska;. Montana Lands 1477 Troops. The cruiser Montana, also from Brest trrirht 1177 troops, including casual Nos. 737 (Texas) and 73S r,i.f..rnl:il and 732 (New York). The Manchuria arrived from St. Na salre with 4490 troops. I'nits includ ed the 36th, 9th. 14Jd. 14Sth. 153d and .141l aero squadrons. i..a aeio pur. Luit squadron. 366th aero supply squad- l-on. supply and medical aeiacnmems Lmd Companies A. M ana oi ine icld signal battalion ana casual torn- loany No. I0 (Washington mum I vere &3 officers and 9J men who aica jT wounded. vr.wrop.T NEWS. Va.. March :4. frhe battleships Vermont. Connecticut New Hampshire and tne transport Kroonland. bearing a total of 6801 offl- ers and men. inciu.nn:; pans oi w liio and Texas national guaro, atnicu Lere today from France. HALIFAX, N. S.. March 24. Lieu tenant C. A. Byber and Lieutenant J. J. Sinclntr of ls Angflfn and l.leu- BAD SPRAINS OR Rub Tain, Ache, Soreness and Swelling Right Out With "St. Jacobs Liniment." Rob It on a sprained ankle, wrist, shoulder, back or a sprain or strain anywhere, that's when you realize the ' znagtc in old. honest "St. Jacobs Lini ment." because the moment it is applied out comes the pain. ache, soreness and swelling. It penetrates right Into the injured muscles, nerves, licamenta. ten dons and bones, and relief conies in stantly. It not merely kills pain, but soothes and heals the Injury so a quick recovery Is effected. Oct a small trial bottle of "St. Jacobs Liniment" right now at any drug tore and stop suffering. Nothing else sets things straight so quickly so thoroughly. It is the only application to rub on a bad sprain, strain, bruise cr swelling. Adv. Get Kid of That Persistent Cough Ftop that weakening, persistent cough er cold, threatening throat or lung af fections, with Eckraan'a Alterative, the tonic and cpbuilder of SO years suc cessful ass. tOe and JL50 bottles from druggists, or from EC It MAN LABORATORY". Philadelphia Adv. HIGHER FARE IS DESIRED Yakima Line May Withdraw Pro posal Now on File. TAKTMA. Wash., March 14. (Spe cial.) If an informal understanding arrived at In a conference between the Yakima city commission. N. C. Richards, president of the Takima Valley Trans portation company, and E. D. Ridley, accountant for the public service com mission of the state, is carried out the company will withdraw the pro posal now pending before the commis sion for an 8-cent fare instead of the a cents now charged on its city lines, and will file a new proposal asking that it be permitted to install a 10 rent rate for cash fares, 8 cents for tickets and 4 cents for children. Accountant Ridley declared during the conference that the construction of the city lines of-the company evidently was "an economic blunder." The fig ures showed that the company last year carried 1,141.758 revenue-paying passengers, and that its gross earnings were 855,371, while its deficit was 132.927. iTURKEY OBJECTS TO MS CAPITAL CITY Foreign Opinion Opposes Dis? . mantling Empire. RED PROBLEMJS STUDIED E. 51. House Sends Three Americans to Visit Bolshevists. PARIS, March 24. (Special by 'Wire less.) For purposes of gaining an in sight into conditions in bolshevlst Rus sia, the American mission has author ised the visit of three investigators, who will go with direct relations to the delegation, although, they have no offi cial status. The trio is composed of "William Bullett, who came to Paris attached to K. N. House's section; Lincoln Steffens, a magazine writer, and Walter WeyL sociological writer. They are now tn Moscow, havin been placed ia touch with the "red' leaders by sympathizers in France. Re ports already are being received from them for use when the Russian prob lem is taken up by the conference. AMERICA'S SERVICE SOUGHT Internationalization of Constantino ple Proposed by Peace Congress, Received With Dread. CHEHALIS ADOPTS SLOGAN 'Go Ahead" to Be Motto of Clti zens' Club. CHEHALIS. Wash- March 24. (Spe cial.) "Go Ahead" today was adopted unanimously as the slogan of the Che- halis citizens- club for 1919 at its noon day luncheon. Immediately a telegram was sent to Secretary Marsh, who is attending the state convention of com merclal club secretaries in hia capacity as secretary of that organization, as follows: "Citizens club luncheon today adopt ed slogan "Go Ahead.' Chchalls prac ticing what It preaches. Biggest build ing and public improvement year in history city assured, urge convention adopt same slogan for state and carry to all parts Washington." The action followed a stirring talk by John P. Hartman. prominent Seattle attorney, and others. HOQUIAM MAM IS GUEST Cliclialis Club to Honor Kcprcsenta tivc Johnson Thursday. CHEHALIS, Wash., March 24. (Spe. clal.) Chchalis and Lewis county citi zens, regardless or political aiiuiaiion will nay their respects Thursday noon to Representative Albert Johnson of Hoqulam at a luncheon at the Hotel Pt. Helens. The function will be under th auspices of the Citizens club. N. B, Coffman today presenting tho matter resulting in this action. Representative Johnson Is expected to discuss some of the world important matters coming before tho next session of congress from a nonpolitical stand point. Prominent men from all parts of Lewis county are expected to attend the luncheon. WESTERN STANDING HIGH Camp Lewis Leads Nation's Army Camps in Education Test. The current number of School Life, published by the bureau of education, which carried a table of figures and he resume of a statement supplied by he section of psychology of the sur geon-general's office, shows Camp .ewis to rank lowest in tho per cent of illiterates of the 28 army camps in which extensive examination was car ricd. The commission recommends the nactment of legislation whereby all oung persons up to the age of 18 hall be required to attend the sec ndary schools not less than eight hours a week during the school year. URY WILL HAVE TO DECIDE FOR ACUTE ACHES CF THE FEET Frrlnkle one or two Atlen's Koot-Ea jv.4n to the Foot Rath and n and rub Ifcs fl. ll tsllra th. stlr.c out nt Ortrna and Bntn and smartms. a. hlns Thru ftr la.f1nff eomrort. .ri.ko Allen's Koot-Kase lnte your ihff. It takes the frlrtlon tmm the rets th fTt and mak-s walkinc a eellgnt. Always u It tor daartns; pan. n't to hrk la new shoes. Ail Ccaiers aU it.-Aadv. nstruclc Verdict in..runcral Case Kcfuscd by Court. SEATTLE. Wash.. March 24. United tates District Judge Jeremiah Neterer today declined to order the jury to re- urn an instructed verdict or noi uiltv" in the case of the government gainst O. M. Butterworth. manager of K. R. Butterworth & Sons, undertakers. harged with defrauding the govern- lent and relatives of deceased sailors nd marines in the matter of funeral xpenscs. The prosecution rested its case ana the opening statements of the defense ere offered. Fifteen or 41 lnaici- ents against Butterworth were vir tually curicken out today. EAGUE RULES, SAYS BORAH Covenant Governs Immigration, De clares Idaho Senator. WASHINGTON". March 24. Senator Thelan of California, democrat, who cabled the American peace commission ers in Paris protesting against any provision in the proposed constitution for the league of nations giving racial equality to orientals, today sent a copy of his cablegram o Senator Borah of Idaho, with a request that the latter support his protest. Senator Borah, in replying to Sen ator Thelan. said that, while in ac cord with this attitude, the proposed constitution in its present form "un questionably gives jurisdiction over im migration to the league." ST. LOUIS, OR., PRIEST DIES Rct. Charles Crepoau Passes Away 'Following Early Mass. GERVAIS. Or.. March 24. (Special.) Rev. Charle Crespeau, resident priest of St. Louis. Or., died suddenly today. He had been ailing for the past week, but gave early mass this morning and returned to his residence and was later found dead by the sisters. ST WILLIAM T. ELLIS, (Copyright by the New Tork Herald Com pany. All rights reserved.) CONSTANTINOPLE, Monday. (De layed in transmission.) The Turkish situation is ominous and the economic conditions, which are daily becoming more difficult, intensify the crisis. Both European and American public opinion, here favors making one nation, trusted by all parties, the mandatary for the entire Ottoman Empire for at least a short term of years, in order to restore peace and normal life and to promote prosperity. Afterward, it is held, all claims of self-government might be settled, with a degree of . autonomy, which might then be possible. However, all well-informed men d clare that there must be a strong, un disputed, benign rule, which is Tur key's first need. Also these men Insist that there must be one nation ruling Turkey from Constantinople adminis tering and policing the entire land and. in reality, conducting all campaigns intended to restore conditions to nor mality. Tarks' Hope in America. In view of the fact that I am the only American newspaper correspond' ent here, I am besieged constantly by men having this plea. Indeed, even some of the highest men in Turkey are coming to me with it. The one thing all elements here agree on is that there is complete confidence by the people in the United States. As a result of this confidence it Is inevitable that the United States must assume large re' sponsibllity in Turkey, where already she has great interests. Men who hold this view insist that the United States should be the mandatary for Turkey. Jn the race of this demand the re ports here that Constantincple is to be internationalized by the peace confer ence are causing Intense interest and even dread in certain quarters. The Greeks, however, are exultant over them, while the Turks are incredulous. The faculty and 500 students of the Turkish university today adopted a resolution for presentation to the pow ers declaring that Constantinople is the head, brains and spirit of Turkey and that Its loss by Turkey will mean the sacrifice of her cultural, religious and national life. They predict that such a step by the powers would have dire effect on the Moslem world. Allies Hare Cpper Hand. The crown prince, Zia-Eddin Effendi told roe that Turkey expects the allies to be true to President Wilson's prlnci pics. He said that allied propaganda had declared the entente was not war ring against the Turkish people but against the German hold on Turkey and that now all classes in Turkey expect these promises to be made good. The internationalization reports are considered in well informed circles to be the work of alarmists and are not true in fact. The allies have the situation here well in hand. There is great friendli ness among all classes toward Amer icans. All tho Turkish forces, even those in the Caucasus and in Tripoli, have surrendered. The British hold the Caucasus from Baku to Batum. At the same time an armistice has been entered into between the Ar menians and the Georgians. Reports reaching here indicate that some British soldiers have been cap tured at Vladikavkas, an important military town on the railroad just southeast of Ekatetinograd. by the Bolsheviki. and with them was Captain George Gracey of the American relief expedition, who was reported to have been murdered by the bolsheviki at Baku last January. ' Death Reports Disprovm. These advices, therefore, disprove the reports of Captain Gracey's death. He, with the British soldiers taken pris oner, advices said, have been taken northward of Vladikavkas into the government of Astrakhan, north of the Caucasus. An American military intelligence mission arrived here yesterday on its way to Russia. v ith it came 241 American relief workers. The crowd ed condition of Constantinople made it necessary to divide them into three groups, one of which was lodged at lobert college, another at the Amer lean college for women and the third sent to Princes' islands, just southeas of Constantinople In the Sea of Mar mora. The women in the party were lodged at the American college for women in this city. Every member of the party is well. indefinitely. Every day my admiration of the patience of the working classes of Poland, both Christian and Jewish, increases, but I am persuaded that un less immediate measures are taken to deal with the situation, this patience will be exhausted. The politicians in Paris are defining the frontiers of Poland, and the en tente press is demanding a strong Po land as a bulwark against bolshevism. But the work of the politicians will be in vain if the help required to eradicate the danger presented by the enforced idleness of thousands of workers be not given at once. The heart of Po land is sound, but I warn those con cerned that delay, even of two months, may have disastrous consequences, for this country and the rest of Europe. FINISH FIGHT El URGED SUFFRAGE . LEADER APPEALS TO WOMEN OF AMERICA. Organization of League of Volun teers to Push Battle in All States, Is Declared Necessary. ST. LOTJIS, March 24. Organization of a league of women volunteers to finish the fight for woman suffrage and toaid in reconstruction work in America was urged by Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt of New York, president of the National Woman Suffrage asso ciation, in an address she delivered here tonight before the golden jubilee convention of that organization. Mrs. Catt proposed this as the best and most patriotic memorial to the pioneer women of the suffrage movement. As outlined by Mrs. Catt, the chief purposes of the plan of the proposed league of women voters are: First, to use its utmost influence to obtain the final enfranchisement of the women of every state in the United States and to aid the women of all other countries in their struggle to obtain their rights. Second, to remove the remaining legal discriminations against women in the codes and constitutions of the American states. Third, to stabilize the democracy of America and "to make our democracy so safe that every citizen may feel se cure and great men will acknowledge the worthiness of the American re public to lead." To achieve these objects Mrs. Catt called on the women of America "to enlist for a five years service." Five years, she believed, ought to see these purposes accomplished or well under way. At the end of that time she sug gested there shoulud be an accounting of achievements to see if it would be necessary to continue the existence of the proposed league. CHARLES QUITS COUNTRY Anstro-Hnmrarian Ex-Emperor Goes to Switzerland to Live. COPENHAGEN, March 24. Former Emperor Charles of Austria-Hungary and his family left Ekartsau castle Sunday evening on a special train for Switzerland, a dispatch from Vienna says. BASLE, Switzerland. March 24. Aus trian newspapers received here say the British authorities provided a special train for the trip of former Emperor Charles to Switzerland. Colonel Strutts, who was stationed at Ekartsau by the British government to watch the treat ment accorded Charles, and a number of other British military officers accom panied the former emperor. '"Ssss "' UBERTY CORNEItTlJ J TWO MORE DAYS TODAY-WEDNESDAY ' EVERYBODY'S TALKING ABOUT THIS THRILL-FILLED FEATURE "One, Two- m i THE FURTHER AMAZING ADVENTURES OF "THE LONE WOLF" or "FALSE FACES" Featuring Henry B. Walthall Tacoma Pastor Disappointed. TACOMA. Wash.. March 24. (Spe cial.) Because the First Baptist church, Tacoma. did not develop metro politan problems and grow into a great downtown church. Rev. James S. West has resigned as pastor. He told his congregation that he would seek broader fields of endeavor. Rev. Mr. West's church is near the business center and he desired to make it the place of worship for strangers who had no religious affiliations. He came here four years ago from Bakersfield, California. Sailors Get Too Much Smoke. GREAT LAKES, 111., March 24. Three sailors. R- E. Rothback, E. P. Daubach and H. A. Marten, were over come by smoke while fighting a fire that broke out in a mattress store room in detention camp today. 'ine men later recovered in sick bay. Three fire engines of the naval training sta tion aided by a bucket brigade, ex tinguished the fire with a nominal loss. HUNGRY POLES NEAR BREAK Misery in Largo Cities Declared to Be Appalling. (Copyright "by the New York "World. Pub- ilnea nv Arnniienien'. WARSAW, March 18. (Special Ca ble). The misery in Warsaw and other large cities of Poland is appalling. Most of the workers are kept alive by oles from the government, a demor- lizing system which is unavoidable ow. but which cannot be continued SIRLOIN STEAK, 20c. At Frank L. Smith's, 22S Alder street. Choice Hamburg 20. Heavy bacon 35c Choice botllns beef and pot roast 15c Adv, , . Teach Children to Use Coticnra for Hair and Skin That they may have pood hair and clear skin through lite. Try this treatment (or the hair. At night rub Cuticura Ointment into part ings ail over the scalp. Next morn ing shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Nothing better than Cuticura for all toilet purposes. M cMMm'iaiaavtnOtttaraTahv. At ill Aroclsrt IK. Rate Reduction on- Exports Ordered, WASHINGTON, March 24. Commod ity rate reductions were ordered today by the railroad administration on a number of articles of machinery and their parts for export through Pa cific coast points to Japan, China, Aus tralia and the Philippines . from Mis sourl river territory and eastward. VICTOR iimiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiimimmiiiiiiiiiiiii RECORDS iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The Victor Record is supreme. The Victor Catalogue Is the most complete. Our stocks are in fair condition. As fast as records can be made by the Victor company you will be able to secure them from us. When next you want a record for your ma chine, try us. Here vou will find most courteous, attentive salespeople to wait upon you. YICntOLAS AM RECORDS 149 Sixth Betweca Alder and Morriaoiu 0S Charlie Murray, Marie Provost, "Teddy," "Pep," tne Cat and That Funny Baby Are in "REILLY'S WASH DAY" One of Mack Sennett's Very Best The reductions are specific and are said to range between 15 and 75 per cent. IDAHO FARM HEAD NAMED Commissioner Cannon Appoints II. A. Lyan State Director. BOISE. Idaho, March 24. (Special.) Miles Cannon, commissioner of agri culture for Idaho, the first man named to Governor Davis' new cabinet, to night announced the appointment of H. A. Lyon as state director of farm markets. He virtually tsucceeds Com mission Cannon, who was state director. Mr. Lyon has been in the govern ment service with the department of agriculture. He formerly was located in Bonneville and. Jefferson comities, but for the past year has been in Boise. Commissioner Cannon also an nounces the Idaho prune growers will hold a conference at Payette May 27. GAS in the Stomach Umatilla to Have Chautauqua. L'MATILLA. Or., March 24. (Spe cial.) Citizens of Umatilla have signed a contract for one of the best chau tauquas that can be secured for this section. The company will give one week of entertainment and amuse ment in the month of June. Sour Stomach (heartburn). Belching. Swelling and Full Feeling, so frequent ly complained of after meals relieved in Two Minutes. Almost instant relief from Pains in the Stomach caused by undigested food. SENT FREE OX 30 DAYS' TK1AL Send 6c postage, name and address, plainly written, and we will send yoi1 on approval our stomach preparations, Jo-to, for 30 days, at which timo you are to send us $1.00 or return the un used nortion if not perfectly satisfied Address: Bellingham Chemical Co.. Bellingham. Wash. Supreme Conrt to Rest. washj-NOTON, March 20. The su preme court announced today it would take a two weeks recess beginning next Monday after rendering opinions. SYNOPSIS OF THB ANVTJAL STATEMENT OF THE Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. of Newark, in the state of Nw Jerosr. on tne tftirty-nrt day of December, lHls, ma do to the insurance commissioner 01 tne state of Oregon, pursuant to laws: Income. Total premium income $ 34,673,955.83 Interest, dividends and rents received during the year.... 10,S13,3S4.O7 Income from other sources re ceived during the year...... 3 6,024,103.34 Total income 61,511,474.14 Dlsbnrsement. Paid for losses, endowments. annuities and surrender values S 17.770.697 ftS Dividends paid to policyhold ers aurin-e tne year o.W6. 753.14 Commissions and salaries paid aunns tne year 4,uyx,47.S6 Taxes, licenses and fees paid during the year D18.902.04J Amounts of all other expen ditures 1.667,491.73 31,355,334.77 - 2,863,842.98 89,270,278.40 TWO LAUNDRIES REDUCE PRICES IX WET WASH DEPARTMENT We now do 15 pounds for 65c and 4c per pound over 15 pounds, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Fifteen pounds for 0c and 3c per pound over weight Thursday. Friday and Saturday. Dry wash at 5c per pound. No ironing and no starch. Rough dry at Tc per pound, flat pieces ironed and wearing apparel starched ready to iron. This is the highest quality of family laundry work that it is possible to get for this price. NATIONAL LAUNDRY CO., Tel. East , B STANDARD WKT WASH LACNDHY, Total expenditures . . . . . Asseo. Value of real eslaie owned (market value) . . . Value of stocks and bonds owned (market or value)... Loans or mortxaees and col lateral, etc 100.1S3.721. 05 Premium notes and policy loans 4fl,S01,S54.11 Cash in banks and on hand... 2,167,202.71 Net uncollected and deferred ' premiums .3.29S.6S3.44 Other assets (net) 4,334.710.04 Total admitted assets... ( m V"3f- Making a Living These are days of speed and close competition. With poor vision you cannot expect to do your best, regardless of what your work may be. I offer you the benefit of my perfected system of sight testing, the best-equipped testing rooms and laboratory, and a sincere desire to be of real service to you in mak inng you Perfect-Fitting Glasses. DR. WHEAT Eyesight Specialist 207 Morgan Building Washington at Broadway ....249,12ti,292.73 Total assets admitted in Oregon 24H,126,292.73 Liabilities. ?Jt reserves $211.0Of..4!2.0O Total pollcv claims unpaid.... 1,470.952.71 All other liabilities, Contingency reserve funds.... 6.2S9.596.16 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock 249, 126.292.73 Total insurance in force De cember 31, 1918 JOS7.4S1.7S7.00 Oregon for the year. Total insurance written during the year $ 1,054,524.00 Gross premiums received dur ing the year 234.493.25 Losses and claims paid during the year . 64,591.00 Losses and claims incurred during the year 72,816.00 Total amount of insurance out. standing in Oregon Decem ber 31. 1918, per tax state ment 7.240.930.00 MCTCAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. FREDRICK KRELINGHUTSEN, Pres. J. W. JOHNSON". Sec. Statutory resident attorney for service: Stuart K. King, general agent, Spalding buildias. Portland, Or. i GOODRICH TIRES Sold by Auto Rest Garage 10th at Salmon y , If - A&r if i Bcmkers WouIdAsk," Who's Be bind It r 9 That's the first question a banker would ask were you to seek his advice on an investment. Only human brains, integ rity and responsibility can v make an invest ment safe and no one knows it better than your banker. Safeguard your truck tire investment the same way. Lookfor the name GOOD RICH. In DELUXE Truck Tires it means quality service first and last an investment as safe as a government bond. For behind the specially toughened. slow wearing treads of De Luxe stands the fifty years of GOODRICH rubber experience. And experience has never ,rof V;1a4 4-rk 4-Vio best teacher. r Increase your truck and tire dividends by letting us apply DE LUXE. Applying stations: DISTRIBUTORS Leavens & Howard, Portland. Ackley & Miller, Tillamook. Peterson Bros., Hillsboro. Ira Jorgenson, Salem. Bend Hardware Co., Bend. W. F. Hankel, Vancouver, Wash. 5) I J 7AwC MAM p I ml .