THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, 3IARCII 25, 1919. 21 STRONG 01 LOCAL BARLEY MARKET Prices $2 to $2.50 Per Ton Higher Than Last Week. FOUR HUNDRED TONS SOLD Valor CllmMn; at All Points on Coat, Ouln;; to Ucarj Export liaylns in California. There Is no iba'mpnt rt th strength of th brlry mrk- l of th Pacific cowt. All markets are deriving their timualion from California, where the expert buying to causing price to advance steadily. Trading wu active at the Merchants Ex Change yesterday at strong prices. The fol lowing prices were posted: Price. J') tons March fed bary $V.M 1m tons April fed barly in o 2"0 tons April "A" barley 50.50 The price paid for standard "A" was $2.50 -er Saturday's best bid, while id was $ higher than at the close of lost werk- At Can Francisco May barley so!d at 2.32S. as against $2.22 4 bid and 12.33 asked on Saturday. The rtsA in barley and also the strength Of corn lifted the oats market It- a ton Sot both Northwestern sacked and Eastern bulk. Corn bids were advanced 50c j ft. The American visible wheat supply com pares as follows: BuheN. recreae. lul.t'3 Ot 9.03.O4O 40. 1 lO.OoO 54.7uT.0O0 1 1. 'J9t.OM 2. til7.n l.UUi oo 1.677.000 MaTch ?. 11... Marrh 2.. rtrch 2'". ir17... ar-h 27 Marc IMS... iUrch ZK 1914... The corn vl5lble supply decreased 5T5.000 feushel and the oa:s visible decreased 1,459,- CKM) bushels. Australian shipments last week were 819, X buhAls to Europe and 56.000 bushels elsewhere. Recent Imports at Sjlb Francisco Included PC33 bales of gunnies and 40S7 bales of Jute. Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: When t.Enrley.Flour. Oats. Hay Portland. Moo.. . l ear ago J-vajon to date..M7S Year a?o 3iHl T a co ma. Sat 3 Yar ago Sa.wn to date..4M9 Year ago 41''. fVattle. Sat. Year ago w S. anon to date. ..rh7 Year ago ;;TH 4 312 19 21 47 843 4 lft.-.-i 140 1 141 1'33 "i 512 17 213 177.-1 5 1072 1425 4 2 270 LOCAL POTATO MARKET IS FIRMER Liberal Movement of Vegetables From Cali fornia Northward. One car of Oregon and two cars of Wash ington potatoes arrived. Tnere was a mod crate demand and jobMnc prices were quoted firm at fl.50frl.65 for the general run of Oregon Burbanks. with ordinary grades going at J1.4" rt 1.50. Oood Netted Oem wtrs held at $ 1.60 j 1.75 and poor stock sold down to $1.25. Oregon potatoes loaded were three cars for 1'ortland and one each for San Francisco and Gerber. The eastern and southwestern potato markets Here stronger. A mixed car of California vegetables ar rived, including cauliflower. which was quoted at $2 3 In stan.lard crates. No Ore gon cauliflower wis on the market. A car f California caMai:e was received. YV t n -Ttlngst-idt was quoted at $,1.75 H 4.25 and Flat lutch at $3 v-3. 5i. A car of California let luce also came In, for which there was a g od demand. Los Angela, stock selling at $4 254 75 and the b-st Imperial valley at 5i 5.23. Of the vegetable shipments from Califor- Ittt Saturday and Sunday, one car of cauli flower was billed to Seattle, three cars of cabbage to Portland and one to Seattle, one car of lettuce to Portland and of mixed veegtables one each to Seattle. Portland, Hugene. Spokane and Yakima. LOCAX, BITTF.K M WSKKT HOLDS FIRM rricee Not Yet Affected by Inclines East and Sfnth. The break In eastern and California but ter markets has not af ice ted pric. s here, hat it has tikn me of the bulii hn it eut f d-alers. Cubes he'd firm on the Street with sales of extras at 514 cents. lrlnts continue to move at the tk i 6.1 -cejit Spread wHh sex-ond-grnde iti'tr.1 at 55 V 5'J cents. Local butter rc-:pts Satuglay as imported by the buTau of markets were: Origin Pounds. California S47 Oregon l'.i Total 7:11 Total rrce:pta in t e k w ere 36.1.;5 pounds, ac tinsi 7. 1-2 pounds In the pre ceding wek: for the month t dut, 172.47:t r-ounds. t-uoplies on hind yeatordiy were M3 cubes and t twx... coTip.Trcd with cutes and 26;l be's on Saturday. I,ocnl4 g'.omge stocks art: b.4 pounds with no movement Sa;urd:iy. The SIS storacr-a that reported storage holdings of creamery bu'ter on March 15 showed total stocks fit 10.tT2.55." pounds. The 50J storages reporting for, March 15 this year and last show present holdings cf 13.52'..017 pounds, compared tvtth 15 71.. 5 9 pounds last year, an ini. re.nee of 5.S JH r cent. ARE tIRM AT PtTlRIMY'S PRICE Kcip4s Are Larger hnt Not In ExreMt 0f Movement. The egg market was unchanged from Saturday, dars again quoting a cash buy ing price of "9 cents. Keceipts arc Tarpe but the movement cont;nies cood. Loca' receipts on Saturday were looo cas-s as follows: Orlctn Fxpress. Kreigbt. 0-.-rtn t4 4io Washington is ;; TotaTs 6,Vs 42 Total receipts last we4 were -jtiM cases, against 42.". cases in the pructdinc week ; since Mareh 1. 12.-"T4 cases. Supples on hand yes:erday wire 172S cases, against rises Saturday. The mto-storage move Tiien; Sat unlay was 2S4 cases and storage storks totalled 107 cases. The storages that reported storage holdings of eggs on March 15 showed total stocks of Xt.i4 cases. The siorngA? rporting for March 15 this year and last snow present holdings of :t.'t.!W.i raseg. com pared with 71.171 cases last year, a decrease Of 53,7 per cent. ment on Saturday was 134 pounds with stocks on band yesterday of 10.840 pounds. 9 - - -- Bank Clearings, " Bank clearing of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follow: I'learincs. Balances. Portland .V3-jr..713 $1.;H7.10 Seattle 6.4;j.-".'2 2.044.Ik;2 Ta oma v "t2"4 176.551 bpokane 1.7o. 74a 65". 61" PORTLAND MARKET QCOTATIONS Grain, Floor, Feed, Etc. Merchants Exchange, noon session. Bid Oats March. April. May. No 2 white feed l9.O0 $43.00 $49.00 Bar ley Stanuard fed ........ 30.00 49 50 49 50 Mandard A' 40.50 50.50 30.00 Kaattrn oats and corn, bulk: No. 3 w"hlfe 47 00 47.00 47 V oft lb. clipped white... 4S.OO 49. 00 49.00 Corn No 3 vellow 49.50 30. SO No. 3 mixed 5o.tH 3O.0O 6J.5J WHEAT Government basis, $2.20 per bu. FLOUR Patents. $11.05 per bbl.: bakers, $1 75tr 10 90; whole wheat. $9.b5frl0; gra ham, ;t.659.6u. WILLKttl) Mill run. f. o. b. mill, carlota. flu per ton: mixed cars. $10.50; ton lots or over. $42; less than tons. $43; rolied barley, s52o.'4; rolled oats, -455 5 37; ground barley. 5J ! 54. COHN Whole, ton. $6567; cracked. $61 6 J HAT Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland: Eastern uregon timothy, $308 32 per ton; alfalfa. $23.00; valley grain bay, $28; clover. $26t27. Dairy and Country Prodoce. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 59 00c per lb.; prints, parchment wrappers, extra, box lots, 0u6lc; cartons, 61 & 62c; half boxvs. So more; less than half boxes, lc more; butter fut. No. 1, 62 63c per pound, station. KGGS Oregon ranch, case count, 399 3Vl-a; candied. 4041c; selects, 4243a CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook: Triplets. 34c; Young Americas, 35c; Coos and Curry, f. o, b. Myrtle Point, triplets, 31 Young Americas, 32Vjc; longhorns, 321c. POULTHY Hens, 32 35c ; roosters, 18c; stags, 21c; ducks and geese, nominal; tur kevs. live, 34 35c; dressed, 41 45c VEAL Fancy, l4r20c per pound. PORK Fancy. 23 V 24c per pound; ' Fruits and Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations FRUITS Oranges, nav-ls. $' -SO 9 6.50; lemons, $4.254f6 per box; bananas. bH9C pr pound; apples, $24.25 per box; grape fruit, $3.756.50. VEGETABLES Cabbage. $3.00g4.25 per 100 pounds; lettuce, $3.u05.25 per crate; nnmni. 4."e or Dound: celery. JU & 12 pe crate; artichokes, , $1.65; cauliflower. $2.00 3.00 per crate: squash, 3 Vic per pound; beets, $2.50 per sack; carrots, $2 22.25 per sack, turnips, $2f-.50 per sack, cucumbers, $2.25 per dozen; tomatoes, $4 per box; spinach, $1.25 per box; peas, ls&. 20c per pound, rhubarb, 12'tC-15c per pound; asparagus, 2UQ 25c per pound. POTATOES Oregon Burbanks, graded, $1.50? 1.65; Yak Unas, $1 GO'o 1.70; sweets, 6 cents. ONION 1 Oregon, Jobbing price, $5 5 per sack. Provisions. Loca jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice, 373Sc; stand ard, :i64 'n 37c; skinned. 34c; picnic, 25c; cctla?e roll, 33c LA KD Tierce basis, I9c; compound. 23Hc. DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 2733c; plates. 2325c; exports, 30c. BACON Fancy, 4Jfc 51c; standard, 42 45c; choice, 33 & 40c. Staple Groceiiea. Local Jobbing quotations: St'OAR Sai:k busis: Fruit and berry, $9 55; best, $9.52; extra C, $i.15; powdered in barrels. $10.25; cubes In barrels, $10.45. NUTS Walnuts, 27 & 35c; Brasil nuts. 32c; filberts 2sc; almonds, 24'u30c: peanuts, loC SALT Half-ground. 10s. $15.90 per ton; 50s. $17.25 per ton; dairy, $25 per ton. Klt'E Unbroken. 9"rllc per pound. BEANS Jobbing prices: White, 3 lOc: colored. 8t9c. COFFEE Roaster. In drums. 2o"5 40c, Hops, Mohair. Etc HOP? Oregon. 191 8 crop. 3$3MOc Pr Dound lt19 contracts. 3c per pound. MOHAIR 191U clip. 65g60c per pound. TALLOW No. 1. 5c per pound; No. 2 4c per pound; grtase. No. 1. 3c; No. 2. 3c per PCASCARA BARK Old, 13c per pound. Hides and Pelts, HIDES No. 1 salt-cured hides, 30 pounds and up 13c; No. I part-cured hides. 33 pound and up. llrc: No. 1 grcn hides. 30 pounds and up. 10c; No. 1 salt-cured ;,0 pounds and up. 10c: No. 1 part-cured bulls 5 pounds and up. J'ic; No. 1 green buils! 5 pounds and up. 7c The price on No, hides is tc per pound less than for No. 1 of same kind. No. 1 calfskins up to 15 pounds. 30c: No. 2 calfskins up to 15 Pounds, o 1 kip. 15 to 30 pounds, l?c; No. 2 kip' 15 to 30 pounds, l'ic: dry flint hides. 7 pounds and up. 27c; dry flint calf, under 7 pounds. -'ic: ary suit mut-a, ywuu.- ... .c. rtry aalt caif, under pounds. 32c; dry" cull hids. half price; dry flint stags oi bulls, 1?-: dry sait staps or bulls. 12c; dry cull stags or bulls, half price: dry horse h.den. uncording to size and take-off, $1.50 to $'j 5o each: salted horse hides. $3 to $5. PiJLTS Dry long-wool pelts, per pound. Oc; salted long-wool pe.ts. SL54w2.50 each; iry short-haired goat skins, each, 35c to toe SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current n Eggs. Vegetable. Freeh Fruit. Etc., at Bay City, civ FRANCISCO. March 2t. Eggs Fre.-h extras, 4 lc; fresh extra 42 ',c. Cheese New firsts, unquoted: Young Americas, 43c. Poultrv-Hens, large. 36r37c; small, 3S 4 Oe ynun g roo t e rs, 4 5 tfi 5c ; broi ers, 4 f ft 5c; fryers, 55i00c; turkeys, dressed, 42f 44c: gees. 2yt31c; pigeons, $2.253 dozen; sntinb. n t5c pound. STOCK LIST IS UNSETTLED' MARKET AFFECTED BY XEWS FROM H FA GARY. Prices React One to Four Points on Renewed Selling Bonds Are A No neavy. NEW YORK, March 24. The uneven and hesitant course vhich marked today's com paratively dull stocK market was attributed not so much to the impending recess as to the disquieting tenor of the foreign news. intimations that events in central Europe drawala amounted to 3120 pounds Saturday. get her. However, receipts have been so light and dealers have kept their floors so well cleaned up that some traders are doubtful if the situation warrants the weakness noted here today. Saturday'r receipts were 6o(4 tubs and dealers' fresh stocks were reduced by 6215 tubs. 92 score, 63e. New Tork--W4th a decline of 2ic on practically all a res. an unsettled condi tion prevailed on the market today. Trading was only moderate, as buyers were net in clined to make purchases, tomorrow being a holiday. Receipts of 4679 tubs were light and storage holdings showed a slight reduc tion of 472 tubs. 92 score. 63c San Francisco There was considerable trading today, being confined largely to local sales. The market Is undoubtedly much weaker with prices fully 2 cents low er." Some outside inquiries are reported, but prices offered are generally too low to Interest dealers. Saturday's rceipts amount ed to 98.544 pounds, making total ' receipts for last week heavier than any previous week for several months. Storage with- might necessitate radical changes In the gn.OO military policy of the peace conference im pel tea moaerate selling in Tn early ana later stages of the session. An unexpected development was the favor able change in the market for metals. Re ports of a broad inquiry for refined copper, the first since the aeries of drastic cuts In that commodity, lifted that group 1 to 2H points, but much of this advantage was canceled on publication of the reduced Ana conda dividend. United States Steel and related shares lost 1 to 3 points, equipments 1 to 2, motors 1 to almost 4 and snipping 1 to 2. Rails showed all of their recent sluggish ness, several of the leaders ' remaining un quoted. Sales amounted to 750,000 shares. Nominal dealings in foreign exchange, especially lire, reflected further erratic ten dencies. Cail money ruled it 5 per cent und time funds eased, but few loans were reported. Liberty bonds shaded slightly, foreign Is sues were fractionally lower, and the general list was heavy. Total sales, par value. $12. 30O.O00. Old United States bonds, unchanged on calL - STOCK OTTOTATIONS. Closing Sales. Am Beet Sugar. 3,300 American Can.. 7.400 Am Car & Fdry 1,100 Amerli a Loco. . 1.5O0 Am Sm A. Refg lu,7o0 Am Sugar Relg tf.lMM Am Tel & Tel.. 90J Am Z L & S Anaconda Cop.. 32.20 Atchison 40 All G & TV I S S 3.3UO Bait & Ohio. ... 3"0 Bethlehem B . . 16.2'0 Butte A Sup Cop 0 50 4,'MUi 6i 0 93 score, 67c - Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. March 24. Evaporated apples, dull; state. 17H19c. Prunes, quiet; Californiaa, ll0c; Ore gons. 104 U lS'c. Peaches, firm; standard, 17c; choice, 18&19c; fancy, 19&2tc Hops at New Yoefc. NEW YORK, March 24. Hops, firm; state medium to choice, 1918, 3040C; 1917, 20 22c; Pacific coast, 191S, 37 043c; 1917, 25 & 30c. . . CORN BOIJEHTJOR EXPORT CHICAGO MARKET SENT TO HIGH LEVELS FOR SEASOX. STRONG MARKET AT YARDS HOGS ADVANCE 50 CEXTS TO $19 WITH GOOD DEMAXD. Cal Petroleum. Can Panne... I'en Lealhrr... Ch-s Ohio... -hl Mil & Si P Chi ft N W 4"0 C R I P ctls. 1,300 Ohlno Copper... S.M0 Vol Fuel & Iron Corn Prod Hetg 20.0H0 Crucible steel., u.uim) Cuba Cane Sug 1.4U0 Distiller's Sec. . i,SO0 Krle lien Electric S00 C.rn Motor,.... 12,40 ;t North ptd. . . "0 ;t North Or ctfa 1,800 Illinois Central Insplr Copper.. 9.3H) lnt M M pfd.. 1:7.00 Int Nickel 2.300 lnt Paper 1.M0 Kennecott Cop. 3,000 Louis & Cash Maxwe'.l Motors 1,100 Mex Petroleum. 43.310 Miami Copper. IH'O Missouri Pacific 1,700 Nevada Copper. W0 N Y Central. .. . " O0 N Y, N H ft H 1.700 Norfolk ft West ...... ' Pacific Mall 1.100 Pennsvlvania .. S,-' PltUburn Coal. . SO0 Itav Consol Cop. 2,5"0 Keadinc ....... l1".0. Rep Iron ft Steel Shat Arlx Cop. . 3.200 Southern Pacific 8.200 Southern Ry... J.'''1 Studebaker Cor. .-00 Texas Co .'o0 1-nl.m Pacific. .. 1.200 V S Ind Alcohol O.soo 17 S Steel j ...." V S Steel pfd.. 00 t'tah Copper... 10.3OO Western Inion. ;oo HiKh. 7 MS HI Btl 70 "4 12S 104 62 K' 2 114U 4S1 07 H 21 -i ; 2'4 15MH 72 A 5T, 38i. 24 , 35 Vz Low. 75 4H1 Sn M :' 124 'i 104', co" 1 112 4S 06 i 21 26 V,. 159 70 '4 5Sii 73 '4 4)4 01 6514 6S;, 124i 104 Tt 53 "i 67 23 tHVi 156 Hi 161 li 04 41 'H'i ' 114:4 2 rt 4.". 1-1 21 "354 1S2'4 24 '4 24' 16 75 '4 30?, '024 44 40 V4 20 V4 K.-i f2H IDS 1024 20 02 213 12i 142 os?4 11. i 74 f-n 47 3S 04H 24 34 V4 ( 52 66 23 hi Jt: 15 v, 1.18 'i 03 i 41 "46H 100 4 25 4 44 Vi 31 344 170 24 24 15 i 74 7, 20i o24 . 43 '4 4S14 10. 84 i 8174 101. 101 Vs 2V. 611, 2104 12S 130H 07 't 11474 72 8 46 Vi 60 4J 01 4S4 66 74 21 . 26V4 159 71 rs 3814 04 24V4 34 41 524 t6 23 e;iV4 "16 VS 156 15S 03 7 41 Hi'. 4T( 100 7: 25 Vi 4o 31V4 ll.i 35 ISO 24 Vi 24 V. 3 0 75 V4 30 104 02 V4 44 4S 20 M 81 '4 10 101 V, 2S14 62 210 120 V4 140 07 11;: 72 46 Vi rr a T Ih iis B8 U S 4, coupon. .105 do 1st cv 4s 04 22!Atch Gen 4s.... 82 A.a "f J- S:tR2.n R ref 5s. 49 So f,t cv 4s'.04 32 -N Y C deb 6s.... 07 Ha fl rv 4 Us. 03. 541 N P 4s 83 do 3 1 4.s T.5.0O;N P 3s 5!) U s rcf do coupon U S 3s rep. do coupon U S 4s reff. Bid. ftfiU ! TT P 4s !!Rt U Steel 3s 1'' "rtft ? T rv ."s 103 "105 Anglo-Fr 5s .... 97hi Money, Kchan;e, Etc. NFW TORK. March 24. Mercantile paper, $4.60; commercial 5 U 'i .i u c. t-. ..Mnm An.rl.iV GO-tiay bills on banks. 4.3; commercial 60- bills pullets, Oregon Apples Firm at All Points. There was no change worrh noting In the local appte market at the opening of the nwk. Prices were firm on the limited sorts and rrades available. Seven cars were hipped from the state to New York. Northwestern extra fancy boxed Wlne aaps ranired steady at $4.234.30 tn most leading Jobbing markets, with tope of $5 or ever in many smaller cities. Trading was licht at shipping points an Ne-x York Bald wins. A S't. sheared Uttle change in most leading Jobbing markets at a general range f $.5tno50 P barrel. Exports from Baltimore to England were S0,13 boxes and 1761 barrels. Cbeee A d nnrm Two Cent a. A 2-cent advance in Tillamook cheese pHcei was snnouncrij y.-strday. Local re ceipts of cheese Saturday were lCOtfo" pounds Irom Oreson and 3."0 pounds from IJaho. A total of 59.434 pounds arrived last week, which compare wtth 4.07 posftids la the $revloua week. Tie out-uf -storage move- v. srtTip4 Ararairus. IWTu'jC pouna. celery, u cr;to of four and five dozen; ,.rMm stiuash. lHcf $1 lug bx: tomatoes. SJ .'tt ': crate or b-x; Ios Angeles lettuce, ofi J. 73 crate, stme at $3; potatoes, pr .en till. Netted Oeins. t2ti 2. !."; rivers, S1.3U 'n 2' sweet, $4 4.5; onions. $3 73 cental; green, river. $1.-5 box; bay. $1.752; rhu barb $-v 2.U0 box; cauliflower. S(1j S3c dozen; green peas. 8ft lc pound: mush rfxms. i'3rSrtc box. according to size; up routs, ttifc; cucuinbers,$4t 4.25 box, hot h-us; spinarh. 731. crate: cabbajre arfy. StV-'frSl per 1W pounds; strlnr beans, 4U,t"jiK: pound. Florida; carrots. $1.751' Kai-k; French. 2'f 2.2$; beds. $1.30- sack; turnips, $- 23 5 2--0 sack; garlic, 50 7V pounl. Fruit I-emons. $3M; orange, navel, wrapped. $4 i " -5 box; tangerines and man dannfs. $;i.rtr4 half box: grapefruit. $iJ5 43.50 box; bananas. ,-7,3c pound: pine apples. $4'd5 Uoz.i apples. Newtown lyippins, $3.1341 3.5U; Oregon Spitzenberg. $3.5t3.30; pears, winter Nellls. $3(a 4, cold sturaire: loqunts. liii lc pound; strawberries, south ern. $173i - -3 crate of 15 baskets. Receipt Flour. 5344. quarters: barley, 343o centals: potatoes. 473S sacks; beans, ll.v. sa-kn; hay. 410 tons; wine, 23,400 gal lons; hides, 1311. SALES OF COPPER ARE HEAVY March Bnsinesa May Approximate- 100,000, 000 Pounds. NEW TORK. March 24. A decided Im provement was reported in the copper mar ket today. The buying movement, which started Saturday, continued, and it was es timated at noon today that sales msde cinre the beginning of buine.s on Satur day amounted to fully 33.0OO.000 pounds, with some of the leading producers In clined to place the business at still higher figurrs. quotations were generally higher, ranging from about 14ic to 14--ic. New York, and lSHc to 13Hc for electrolytic, delivered. Copper authorities declared that if a ma jority of the Inquiries now in the market wcr closed before April 1 the total trans actions for March would approximate 100. pounds. Most of the business booked was at 15c a pound, while a substantial part of to days transactions were closed at 13 c. NEW YORK. March 24. Copper Firm; electrolytic, 14iei51c; closed firm at 15 0 13 1 C. Iron, nominal. Lead Quiet; spot, 5.12H G 5.27c; March, 5.121 ft 5.25c. Spelter Quiet; St. Louis delivery, spot. $6.12 6.21' 4c; March, $6.12 V Q NKW YORK. Msrch 24. The Anaconda Crf company today reduced Its quar terly dividend of $1.50 a share to $1 a share. s P0RK24c. We pay for top block pork, He. We pay for top young veal, 20c. We pay-less for Inferior stuff. We never charge commission. Frank U Smith Meat Co., 2S8 Alder it, Portland, Or. Adv. .i-iv bills. S4.5T: demand. $4.63; cables. S4.B4. Krancs. demand. 50; cables. 5 79. Guilders, .lemand. 40; rabies, a-m. 7.0O; cables. 7.55. Mexican dollars. 77 He rim. inan.. easier: 00 and 80 days, 5V4 -,U ner cent; six months, 5iP5?4 Per cent 7-.ii .v .troni.-: hlch. per csnt: low 5 pit con t'; ruilnE rate. 5 per cent; closing r. .r r,nt: offered at 5t4 p.r cent: last louii, 51, per cent; bank acceptances, 4 5a per cetjt. LONDON, MarcW 54. Money. SH per cent. Discount rates, short bills and three-months bills. 3 17-3d per cent. Eastern Eb" "nd Cheese. NEW YORK. March Kicks, steady: fresh-Bthered extras, 44c: fresh-Rathered .. nnrthcrn section. 41b 42 c; ditto cen- ,ni nfi .outhorn sections, 40&HIV5C. rheiw. Irremilar; state current make spe cials, saVac; ditto average run, a3j jjc CHICAGO. March 24. Esgs. higher. Re ceipts -H.IOO cases: firsts, ;i! '."1 3 hi c : ordi nary firsts. ?.8j3S3ic; at mark, cases In cluded. SSfc-S'.w. l'oultry. alive, higher. Springs, 33c; fowls. 34c. Advance in Coffee Future. NEW YORK, March 24. After opening un rlianged to R points higher, the market for ipffee futures sold up to 14.40c for July and i:i.!'lc for Uect-mber, or about J5 to 18 points net higher during the middle of the day on a spurt of covering which seemed to be in spired by an advance in the Santos cables. Closing bids: May. 14.40c; July. 14.29c; Sep tember. 14 02c; October, 13.0Cc; December, 13 7iic; J.inuary, 13.7e: March. !3.70c. Spot coffee, dull; Rio 7s, 16'.ic; Santos Is, 21 HC. ' Seattle Livestock Market. FBATTLB. March 24. Hogs Receipts, nt,- hither: urime. S19a 19.35: medium to choice. l!Vi05x IS. 90; rough heavies, $16.60 17.35: plus, l.G0ls.aa. Callle Receipts, 154; steady: best steers, $11,506 14.50: medium to choice steers. S10.50 gill; common to good steers, $7 $10; best cows and heifers. M?12; common to good cows and heifers, 6'3 10; bulls, S6jt.5U; calves, 713. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga., March 24. Turpentine Firm, 69!iS70c; sales. 401 barrels; receipts, 136 barrels; shipments, 1089 barrels; stock, 23,243 barrels. Rosin Nominal; sales, none; receipts, 8 barrels; shipments. 509 barrels; stock. 65,877 barn-Is Quote: B, 13.10; 1 E, S13.15; F, M3.20; G, J13.25; H. f 13.30; I, $13.65: K, $15.75; M, $16.25; N, WG, $16.30; WW, $16.75. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, March 25. Raw sugar, steady; centrifugal, 7.28c. Refined, steady. Cut loaf, 10.50c; crushed, 10.25c; mold A. 9.50c; cubes. 9.75c; XXXX powdered. 9.20c: powdered, 9.15c; fine gran ulated and diamond A. 9.00c; confection ers' A, S.UOc; No. 1, S..s5c. Iwislon Ready to pray. LEWISTON. Idaho. March 24. (Special.) Lewiston orchardlsts are getting ready for spraying this week, having completed their pruning. Most of the spring plowing has been done, and gardens are being planted. Lettuce which was planted last January is now showing and the fail planting will be ready tor harvesting early In the summer. Cotton Market. NEW TORK, March 24. Spot cotton, quiet; middling. 27.65c. ' Duluth Linseed Market. DULCTH, March 24, Linseed, $3.SSH. COAST AND EASTERN DAIRY PBODCCE I Butter Market Conditions 'at Leading- Dls- tributlon Points. Eastern and San Francisco trade reports received by wire yesterday at the local of fice of the Bureau of Markets: Chicago Trading on this market today was practically at a standstill as a result of ths break In quotations here. This de cline was largely thr result of advices re ceived from New York of a similar decline on that 'market. Buyers, a trifle nervous for some time on account of the high prices ruling, were Inclined today to take what butter they needed f-c their immediate trade, some staving off the market alto- First Purchases Made lor Shipment Abroad in Some Time Ad vance N'ot Maintained. ' CHICAGO, March 24. Export purchases of corn here, the first that have been ro-"-in some time, lifted the market jay to new high levels for the sea'.su. Closing prices, however, were unsettled. He net lower to an advance of 2c, with May $1.47 S1.47H and July $1.37?4 G 1.37. Oats gained V4 4i. c. The result in provisions was a set back of 15 (a 37c. ' . pats sympathized with the strength of corn. Weakness In the hog market had a de pressing effect on provisions. Leading futues ranged as follows: CORN. Open. ' High. May $1.43 $1.47 July 1.35 1.3SVi OATS. May 6074 .n9i July 057, .67 MESS PORK. May July 42.13 42.25 LARD. May 2R.00 28.10 27.90 July 27.30 27.50 27.30 SHORT RIBS. May 25.00 25.07 - 24.90 July 23.80 23.90 23.77 ' Cash prices were: Fnn, No 3 VellOW. $1.54111.55 yellow, $1.511.52: No. 5 yellow, $1.4811)1.30. Oats No. 3 white, 67&os!c; standard, 6708V.c. RyeNo. 2, $1.70 1.73. Barley $1.07 ' 1.1 3. Cattle Offerings Improve in Quality and Full Prices Are Realized. Day's Run Good. Sixty-seven loads of stock reached the yards yesterday and there was a strong and active market. Hog trading was the feature of the day, with a fiO-cent advance to the $19 market. The bulk " of sales- of prime hogs brought this price The cattle market was much better than a week ago. There was improvement In the quality of the offerings and buyers took hold in a more liberal way. Two loads of prime steers brought $14, and a load of fancy cows sold at $12.25. No sheep ales were re ported. , . Receipts were 950 cattle, 29 calves, 2822 hogs and 963 sheep. , The day's sales were as follows: xv.. Tri-. I Wt. Price. 988 $12,601 5 steers;. 902 $12.50 1138 14.00 4 steers.. 10O2 l: 13.00! 4 steers. . 10.25,31 steers.. 9.50 23 steers. . 12.50 7 steers. . ",.50 14 steers. . 10.50! 4 bulls. . . 7.501 1 bull 10.651 3 bulls .y 12.00! 1 stag. 10.00!279 hogs. . 11.50 50 hogs. . . 9.00,42 hogs. . . 10.00 101 hogs. . 16 .90 11 hogs. . . 9.00 12 hoss. . . 11.50! 3 hogs 6.00 31 pigs. . .,- 8.00 3 hogs.. Low. $1.43 1.33 .60-4 .65 42.00 Close. $1.47 137 .68 .66 45.00 42.00 27.90 27.35 24.90 2. 4 Timothy $7 10. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $28. Ribs $26 27. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 24. Barley, 5c $1.05. Flax, $3.823.S5H. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 24. Flour, $11.55. Grain Wheat, $2.2$: oats, white feed, un quoted: corn, California yellow, $; barley. No. 1 feed, $2.25rg 2.273. Hay Wheat or wheat and oat, $1921; tame oat. $20 22.50; barley, $1517; al falfa, $15'518; barley straw, 5U&&0C bale. .Meals Alfalfa, nominal; cocoanut, unquoted. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, March 24. Maximum tem perature, 56 degrees; minimum. 36 degrees. Hiver reading. 5 A. M., 5.9 fet; change in last 24 hours. 0.4 foot fall. Total rain fall (5 P. .M. to 5 P. M.), none. Total rain fall since September 1. 1919. 34.49 inches; normal 35.01 inches; deficiency. 1.12 Inches. Sunrise. 0:06 A. M. : sunset. 0:28 P. M. To tal sunshine, 9 hours .M minutes; possible. 1 nours minutes. jjiouiii ir-c, a .o ..... . moonset. 10:43 A. M. Barometer (reduced to sea level) 5 P. M.. 30. 15 inches. Rel ative humidity at noon. 58 per cent. THE WEATHER. 20 steers . . 22 steers. . 51 steers. . 32 steers. . 3 steers. . 9 steers. . 24 steers. . 1 cow. . .. 1 cow. . .. 21 cows. .. 5 cows. ., 11 cows. .. 1 cow. . .. 2 bulls... 1 calf 28 mixed. . 4 mixed.. 9 cows. .. 2 cows. .. 8 cows. .. 5 cows. .. 1 caw. . .. 2 cows. .. 2 cows. .. 1 cow. ... " jows. .. 2 cows. ... 1 cow. ... 9 cows. .. 2 cows. .. 3 cows. .. 1 cow. . 2 cows. .. 3 cows. .. 15 cows. .. 22 mixed 1058 1050 890 10H7 1120 930 820 1024 1170 1150 990 1440 2S0 1006 760 J093 0G0 1030' 1006 1000 835 685 820 90 970 11. -.11 705 640 110 920 830 1143 980. 910 9.00 26 steers. 12.0013 steers. . 5.30'13 steers. . 6.501 3 steers. . 5.0016 cows. . . 10.00! 3 cows. . . 10.251 1 cow 11.25! 2 cows. .. 7.50136 cows. . . . 4.00,11 cows. . . 11.731 3 cows. . . 10.001 1 bull. . .'. 8.50114 hogs. .. 12.25! 2 hogs... 1A.50'43 hogs.-.. 10.50! 5 hogs'. ... 94S 980 107 1 865 893 1230 970 1360 1380 . 195 v 198 .78 1 '6 150 3O0 290 96 416 1195 1020 931 803 1000 910 121 730 1100 1107 800 1210 149 470 170 120 .11.00 12 25 12.75 11.25 11.40 6.25 3.75 8.75 10.00 19.00 18.75 18.50 18.35 17.25 17.00 1S.O0 IS. 75 19.35 14.00 11.50 13.50 9.00 12.00 7.00 S.00 9.50 12.25 11.25 9.00 7.50 19.00 17.35 18.35 17.00 Municipal-Bonds . To Yield 6 $24,000 GREATER WINXIPEf WATER. B Due July 1. 1R21 91.000 GREATER WINNIPEG WATER 5- Due Julv 1. 1922 17.000 GREATER WINNIPEG WATER S Due Feb. 1. 1923 18,000 GREATER WINNIPEG WATER 5 Due June 1,-1923 Assessed valuation $22G,292.739 Net debt 9,013,000 These Bonds are a Direct Tax Obligation of the ' Greater Winnipeg Water District. Net Bonded Debt less than i of assessed valuation. LIBERTY BONDS If you .must sell yosw Liberty Bonds, sell to us. v If you can buy more Liberty Bonds, buy from us. . We buy and we sell Liberty Bonds at the market. ;' YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE " On Monday, March' 24, we paid the following prices for United States Government Liberty Loan Bonds, which were the closing New York prices plus the accrued interest: 3V.S 1st 4s 4s 1st 414s 2d4U 3d4tts 4th 4 Vis 100.47 95.41 93.10 95.52 95.19 95.16 SS.4S - In purchasing Liberty Bonds we deduct from the above prices 37 cents on a $50 Bond and $2.50 on a $1000 Bond. In selling Liberty Bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest. ASK ABOUT OUR PARTIAL PAYMENT FLAX. BnrIar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Vaults SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House EtalliNhed Over 23 Vrnm 300-311 STARK STREET, BET. 5TH AXD GTH (GROUND FLOOR) Tel -'phone Broadway 2151 v Prices quoted at the local yards follow: Cattle ' Best steers '. ; i .......... ;.$1S.OO014.O uood to choice steers.......... Medium to good steers Fair to good steers.. Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers r;iH tn rhlr town tiot'ers. .. Medium to Rood cows, heifers... Fair to medium cowa, heifers Canners : Bul.s ......... Calves block tit's and feeders.. Hogs 11.3041 12. 4 10.00 ft 11.00 9.00&10.00 8.00 ''ft fl.00 J0.5012.25 -4 .... l ! 7.00 8.00 B.OOOp 6.00 3.50tf 4.50 ; H.iiK H "iO 9.5013.50 Prime mixed Medium mixed . Rough heavies Pigs ., Sheep Prime lambs Fair to medium i' Wethers Ewes STATIONS Wind Baker Bnise loston Calgary . . . . Chica ico Denver Des Moines Eureka .... Galveston . . Helena t Juneau .... Kansas City- Los Angeles Marshfield . Md ford . . . Minneapolis New Orleans New York . . North Head North Yakima Phoenix Pocatello Portland Roaenurj? .... Sacramento ... Louie Salt Lake ... .San IMeffo ... San Francisco. Seattle Sitka Spokane Taroma Taioosh Island Valdez Walla Walla. Washington - . Winnipeg . . . :;o. 4t;i.oo;. . ixwicieax :i2, 54.o.mi12!XW Cloudy 40 ;4. 02112 XWjClear is ;tsio.oo lo NE Pt. cloudy 3S 4S,0.OO14i jClear 31,1 4N;0.O0..jXWKain 30 t;o0.on. .;se , . . u.uoi . ,.- 64 "oiO.tiO I'lI'SE 28f 4S O.O01L0 SV 24 :i t! 0.03!.,. j.N 44 2!0.tMl. . S 30 2.0.00!..!SW 3-j r.rt o.ooi. .inw 2! h o.oo. .nw as ;ts.o.oo;iojxi3 .. 7S0.O0j,.S 40 r4:o.oo.i4 XE 40 4 o.oo,:;u x w so ttoo.oo; 3": S2-0.0rt. .W Pt. cloudy 4u .It! 0. "OJ. -iN (Clear .( 5 0.0oj..N (Clear 4fi r.s o.onj. .!SE (Clear 42( o.fto. .;k JPt. cloudy 411; 7i4 il.On l'j XWjciear ' tiOH.i) lii!V !Pt. nloudv -mi iv urn . .XV 'rifMAiir Cloudy Clear Cittudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear - Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear - :C!edr IClear Clear 4Sj .".0'tO0i,.,iV 2 0.0O!. .;X 42..fMi. .jK .12:0.00,10, W 04 0. oof. .X no o.oof. .iw 40 o.ooj. .:x M,o.oo.. aw OO'O.OOj. .IX :ss;o.oof. .sw CloUUv Pt. ciouay Rain . Cl-ar 9 Clear Clear IClear Clear IClear Cloudy 1A. M- today; "P. M. report preceding day. FORECASTS. ' Portland and vicinityFair; gentle north erly winds. Oregon Fair; gentle nortneny winas. Wash in Eton Fair; colder east portion; gentle-northerly winds. Idaho t air. - EDWARD L. WELLS. Meteorologist. is.Tsmoo IH. SO-tJ 1S.75 ' 16.7511 17.30 10.00''!3)17.oO 16.00170 14. 00 15.00 II. OO'fflJ.ifO 9.00 10.00 6.5010.50 Chicago Livestock Market. ' CHICAGO, March 24. (U. S. Bureau of Markets.) Hogs -r- Receipts, - 7000; active, mostly 10 to 15c lower than Saturday. Bulk of sales, ?l.50fii ltt.0.; heavyweight, $19.6o (a 10.75; medium weight, $19.00(5 19.70: light weight, $lS.Ur(u 10.05; light, $17.50&ll.00; sows, $17.2."i?Z1S..mi; pigs, $16.75tl7.50. Cattle Receipts, 17,000; opening, slow; a few early sales steady; packers bidding lower; calves. 00 to 75c lower; heavy beef steers, $1 1. 50 ti; 20.00; light beef steers, $I.7R ffi IS. 50; butcher cows and heifers, G.73Zul5; canners and cutters, $..259.75; veal calves, fl 4. 75 ft 10;- 'stockers and feeder steers, $S $fl4.2J. Sheep Receipts, 18.000; opening, slow: first sales of fat lambs. 00c lower; sheep and feeders, steady; lambs, 84 pounds or less, Sl.S.0ofD20.50; 85 pounds or better, ?19.2.V(f 5u.:i5; "cults, $15.25 fu 18; ewes, medium and good, $12 It 15; culls and comqjon, $6 11.25. Omaha Xivestork Market. OMAHA, March 24. Hogs Receipts, 18. 000, 20 to 30c lower; heavy, $18.0019.20; mixed. $lS.754tlO; light, $18.0019; pigs, $1217; bulk of sales. $18.70 $'10. Cattle Receipts. 7500. 10 to 20c lower; native.' steera. $13.00 fa 1S.00; cows and heifers. $7.00 f 14.20 ; western steers. $10 fu 1 0.75; Texas steers. $iVfp 13.00; range cows and heifers, $7 rn 12.00; canners. $50-50; stockers and feeders, $6.70 10.20; calves', $8 (q 14.00. . ' - Sheep Receipts, 11,000. 1 0f?' 25c lower; culls $7u 10; wethers. $13. OOi 15.00; ewes. $10.0014; lambs, $18.50 2o: feeder lamos, $12&1S; yearlings. S10"7 17.50. WOMAN'S SLEEP BROKEN Physicians Believe Patient Afflicted ' Wtyh Catalepsy- Physicians still are puzzled over the case of Mamie Hiatal, 232 First street, who has been sleeping for the greater part of the time since last Tuesday evening. Yesterday, according to Dr. J. Hunter Wells, her physician, she was semi-conscious at intervals, but has not vet recovered from the stupor. Her illness Is not attributed to "sleep ing sickness," which has been epidemic in New York and other eastern points. Dr. Wells states that she Is afflicted with catalepsy, with a number of other complications which have not yet de veloped sufficiently for a diagnosis. The health bureau officials were called yesterday to 475 Broadway, where they found John Silva suffering from pneumonia. He has been -uncon- EXEMPTED From Federal Taxes PROTECTED By Municipal Taxes $48,000 City of Prosser, Washington Improvement 7 Bonds DATED February 26, 1919 DUE February 26, 1931 Optional any interest date ESTIMATED MATURITIES $6000 February 26, 1920 6500 February 26, 1,921 6500 February 26, 1922 6500 February 26, 1923 Denomination $500 Price for any estimated maturity to yield 6'2 Federal Income Tax Exempt . LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY $6500 February 26, 1924 6000 February 26, 1925 6000 February 26, 1926 4000 February 26, 1927 LUMBER MENS BUILDING Capital and Surplus $600,000 Portland, Oregon FIFTH AND STARK CITY OF PORTLAND, OREGON 6 IMPROVEMENT BONDS - Exempt From Present Income Tax GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD F. 1. Devereaux Rtompany 87 Sixth Street Broadway 1042 Ground Floor WeHs-Farco Building scious for two days, it is said. Dr. Par rish does not believe that this is one of the "sleeping sickness" cases, but in stead is merely unconsciousness, which oftentimes accompanies pneumonia. Carranza Threatens Oil Men. WASHINGTON", March 24. The state department was advised today that the Mexican government had issued a circu lar threatening to punish companies and individuals who engage in petro leum development work without per mission. The threat is said to be aimed particularly at companies which have not complied with President Carranza's decree of last July. - - FACTS NO. 440. ' Developing a Country Oregon is a country of vast distances, limited transDortation facilities. and great natural re . sources. To capitalize the latter asset is the ', purpose of the vast f r o a d - b u i 1 d lng pro gramme to. which the state is committed. The quickness with which a country is developed is manifest -on the roads of Multnomah county Improved within tjje past five year.s, and paved with BITULITHIC WARREN BROS. CO.; Jonrnit-1 Bldff Portland, Oreffon. HALL & COMPANY BDT AND SELi. Railroad Public Utility Industrial Municipal BONDS YIELDING 5 to 7 Foreign Government Loans Local Securities Preferred Stocks Lewis Bldg. Portland, Or. STOCK MARKET DIGEST The foremost authority on west ern and mid - continent securities, discipsses in an un biased and fearless - manner the latest news, physical and market - wise, of -the leading listed. and unlisted securities, gives' pertinent reasons why. certain stocks should be sold and w h y others should be bought. Investors and mar-: ket traders will find this pub lication of inestimabU value. Now running a serier - arti cles covering fully th tanarer & Bnrkhnrnett Texas activi ties. Three months' subscrip tion, together with a special analytical report upon any se curity, sent free upon request; "Know Your Investment" WlliSOX. LACKEY & COM PANY. Stock and Bond Brokers, 414 I. W. Hellraaa Building:, . Los Angeles, Cal. -V To Yield 6.65 A first and refunding mortgage 6 bond of the Public Utilities Co., of Evansville, Ind., at 95M:. Net earnings are twice bond charges. In .f 100 and $500 pieces, also. Ask for Circular OR-212. The National Gty Company Correspondent Offices in 55 Cit is Fortland Ry. Exchange Bldg. Tel. Main CO 05. 70,000 In Use PLAY SAFE ORDER A. Indiana Silo PROVEN RIGHT BY TEST. SPAULDING LOGGING CO. Salem, Or. BANK BY MAI L. MERICAN SECURITY BANK k HT 1 - r "3 FEBcwraan.PrwMlefit" 3 fa v,;ri What is the Market Going to do Now? Which Stocks Should Be Bought at This Time ? Ask for our opinion, given free of charge, with latest copy of . our semi-monthly publication, "Securities Suggestions" Frem on reoaest. Ask for IS "Q" ft.c. M EGARGEL V cd, 27 Pine Street New York Clark, Kendall & Co. Second Floor Northwestern Bank Bldg. Portland, Oregon We Recommend and Offer to Investors Carefully Selected GOVERNMENT, MUNICI PAL and CORPORATION BONDS Denominations $50, 1100, $500, $1000 Till m TRAVELERS' GUIDE. STEAMERS The Dalles and Way Points. Sailings, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 10 P. M. DALLES COLUMBIA LINE Ash St. Dock. Broadway 3454 AUSTRALIA g Honolulu. Suva, Now Zealand UNIDIAX AUSTRALASIAN ROYAL MAIL Largest, newest, best -equipped steamers. For tares snH sailings anply Can. Par. Kail way, S6 Third fct.. Portland, or General Agent, 440 Seymour Bu, Vancouver, U. U