THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, . 3IARCII 25, 1910. 19 I'OR RENT. HMI of Mer.L HuTtL CLIFFORD. 1 East MT-rlon and Fat Sixth. Hut- Clifford i m principal Kat Plae hotel nl Is a tiotel of dljn. ly ai.d refine ment. Dlir rat- 1 -0 "P. tWo rovm, II. 75. WNKly raIl!i,J'Lana-UP: iToRTT'NA-HC'TKL. portsn'.'s uo ntown high-e.i f-im note!: ro:r.a en ?u or, with or b. j.r.i. fu. j-mi in una business m-n an'-l wonr. ci"- the corulurts ol a Lome ' e rate. AN.v'.'XlA HOTKu 124 lth Si. at Rate $i I r ek 70- day. prof; larsf . Jt : ru-riiv -. . .-Insa In rnijMlr.'lt S:d ?:i"I'PH'K I F!r room, I c-r.r.T; I catering ep'' 1" ri- -s -i'ilii OUi GORDON HOTf.. We-. Park nnJ Yam1.!.!, i mod. eenvern r. tonv. n : to tn-j:cr i ahuiDi.i uu-t.-ict. vvcK. r niuau.) rutes. j imTL-l , KI 'lY M.rr;..ri ' ,"th Kats SI per i!ay up. -ek.y. 4 up. a..d tain. rurntn; waT, : - - f 11 1 V AI-l'A Ho.- . irifj!i"n. S' -.z A:; rnfumiliel Koom. THREE ftn. airv. f- TTv'Ttr w r arid . t4Ut:fui te'- srri-.r v p Pon fre. J .ir': U or tali 4:3 t. - :n: rot wat --r, ' LARGE airv room for k- nt to "lo lamt: - . ni-K n-iK i.lorh."l ; S' Miin. IM 1 3;o. 1 ROOM for f-nrVman in 'f -hflor qn.-ir- j living r-Hni., t:it- ii-i-i ' i' r t-.ali rc:-. r- j C'NT. or two ..'.tn "ui I ir f.irni-i'.'d or tfnfumthd c-Tit t tn n n distnet, li'n d:.t'n-..-. .-t 'l dal. 4I1M ti , ic 3 uo I LKASANT front ..-Tl: ? i'V-'m. -trnrjif to -iit. bar wn-dows. i rr..... h.-.:. -.M-t.i ichf. bath ...O r!.o-. Y'V.unv i j", I ilrri,n( room JvlTCHEXt'TTt. p rjits oni . ' I ..i-r-d Tiii I ;.n-i.fc. -Io 13ih. Ma.n 7 Mir It" J it'LLY furiii-hfd fro horn. I hone kist 1 I-t tr--t. r- ..-ii in I rv i r ir tall 0-5 V. I I' KI.Y f iirn:hcd roon Phone Ejat '1J. l-o-fJ if U- .-ir.-d. MPFLT furnt-he-I riHMr. 4'M Clay, 4 min utes from po-toffo-r. . LoVKLY r.". f'in : ..' h uie- k"-p:-r or r M" " "- ' M J.LK'1AM ro.jn. "1 9. TWO an r.-irit". k r.i; r otit 'l ':', !. r;rtr- and i" ii 4. J't'RN ISHKb pn vi I. im f.r rout i X.A I;ijK tront ro-.m p rgonw or; iy. I4TII frTKKKT w.ililinir Ji.-l.tri! I'-r - employed ONK btrorn. f ti r-i i-!: i. furna-- h"at, lc, (Hht.i. Til "-"I -- N- Mar. L'll'r l'K.MSil:n tfdrooi whf;ML 472 Van - o J M HM?HKi r. ..n 1 ' h. rornr Si''ii" I RMSMKh 5 "pin ,tr r-viaurai)t and Rooms V ica ioard. THE MAXIMA V A -H IN' rT.N 5. lu:h it. For bu- n--s! csr s anl ?u Tnt; rtaunar;c r.U'. M.i.-3n..i ll'.M. T A RKVI EVV lKHKli- f! excellent t-ibl' . - erry. 1 P t r JvOOM and board for b-i-ern co;i v;ni- n ( : . . Per week. i:. IT:"-'. 1 ard. i ? s y ; r s : a ' I mo-! -i -J. stance. $a 7th st. P 'tl-Y ftirnih'd bord. 2;i l.:-h. ru r it i j r I w o. with ON wnt sii. horn co'iKin; Kocai Hith Hoard la Praif Family X,a r V polnie to countrv fir t-urmuer wishes .ne or two ina!l to Inward; pirn preferred, p.j-nty of poo.1 nn.k and Call 7k Ore-nuod ave. Sell. PERIECK1 . Iiih! s nurje wl'l care .'or in t ant or nnal( chi'd in home of (deal surround J huuc WUlu. 7 ")ti. AO ti i. 2ri..-K mi'.i care for ciii.drn iaowu lioni.-: nrice reaponaoie ; pod cre. 17 4L K. lath ' wood 1 1 N" : rooms for two people; excellent home moklnff, in an ntf.uaive hciiii!, fioie la. 144 N. I'.'th sf. Itr-aow.iy 4.(14. jt.'f.M -na bo that poes tn rd lor iz I hoy 1". fl-hoo. Ta'-r 742. 1;1M and b- ird K plr.c pri vi :. !:. s. or house- 'a w n II '. Fnrnined Apartments. STKl.W v'. I u: !l l'I.AS. 5 rooms and sl--p.n porrh, a1 pot fiii rooniB. eleiriuit'y a:d r..mpi- y fur--hin. ai.d Turk:-h f.'As and ental furn.. aaiu l. a. so , arwi , S-rotn e i'.:n;lv fi.rn h-'i inint nrs wtth 9.- n.K-i and .c r. paired. s'-'eptr-.g pon-li. witii w -II low f urtiilure ; f leie :i Marshall jv." KOK RENT AT t.M'E. A IT., a l:MMS. FI'R.MTPRr: K'Wt SAI R. fTEAM HEAT A.NU I'HO.N'E. 7 K' -rv ml.. I -i. 2:: ! and TH E K M V. Et.l Ff ( h and um!: Five mi in u t.V walk i" M ,v- Frank Store; j.t.l irro-j:'.im 3-n-m fi!-nihi-d apt . Kronen d r and b . - a i r ; . - nioo- rn I I ou'.-nd-. with! .ni p-r mon Ui. i CH1"E ;.r.-,.n apt. N E. .or. exposure. in.-1 v furni-h-'d i:ro n Apt.. 1 It-i nn. , Umliiil. price $'"' Ptr n:. I'aone Mar shall .V.f,l. fcl X rooms and so bt -t j-i-ttou in t ref-r'no-i. Ir.o,' ping pir h. all mod.-i-v. w.-51 ::. re:. i f i. t ar: ; -on g.. Wll" P V Y Vi'KK ? Fumtshed J-roo:n up;.. 1.L0 per PEN N IS S APARTM ENT-s. M27S B-.m 4-ro.m ajuir:int. st am li-at. -rt-oii-h and p' price $ o Ta-or .".'t lies Ml ...o i.u 2 and rv. i ti:msiii:i J.t f'U j,i.y i-;.i i - I nlunti-hrtl Apnrtmcnta. I. -iira bie t r i uriil - h- -1 ho'ise kc t. gas. v!.c. litfhts. bath. , 1.a;;-:e . ins an Ewrdt. V.H KMSMI h extra large fireplj.e ani t lire ,-i fr mu li", e;c. ;i; - 1 ' It A lit: K " AN t-rooTi ur.i-T'l-n ; .I'lii:: only. i;ii Flat a 4 . L OMS ir.J ba;h. un" .ihrs. g is t h-il w t r a : 1 minu'ti on T-'m: on r paid ; t ae. 1 2.N C r fat. ec:ric !I be int ' .e.l . ir i.rt: $i ;. rj i ; st. i'aor TWM 5-room fats, ciisr in. e-t s including irr. Mow re A; lUiu.n l.umb'T E c h a n pe. 17. , 320 ONE f't f..r rer.r.4 r nd bath, opp- -ite Pt No cV !-en. a-K o miHltrn flt. . mrwor:n and -a . $1 I.mMbermiii Hr '.1 TW'O tn"! Ttl un'urn heil 'lat. .1 ai:d 4 rom . -'7 and J ; ortn norc Ja"3': E. Ctiaa. Piiaiie TaUr cTltOOM fT.x. ?12. and furniture for fale. J 1." r.l'tl W;" ms ave.. ro. :i KM fa e, wt:h f. n.ti.i e fu -K LEN T .i-ro..m n -iern f at. E..s: 47. i aid ;iian. Tnl-r KurnKhnl Mul. 4-I'OOM f ,.t. w::a t h. : f i.r ....i. . ad-i;i 7" I l- Kjs; Ta or at J.;a L Ppen- E t '" K S HO MS and k-vrhene! t- f-, r Hunt houst k e c p - r g . rt Kx-1 A n k e i.NCENI ELY l-::u.-l.d f ' can M:n p.;;: fi-K'h'M f.irn.s':e! f .t. t,ti2 ...i Ca.. ir:n ! A. V. t M I loose keep irg KtaMns. CNE coiM. " lurr .sr.cvt h. k. room, bath.-ro-m in for. n-.;- ti : p e ,a;;t h-'-re for woman emp:o c : l'1 r n a:e5 w a:k to M Jc F. i .re. ".' 7 M .rket ,tf;. r U P. M. t" ll! l!r,mU !(y "H3. it Ft K.N IS H EI n o,!t:i H K row., sepa rate rntrance with porch, ?1S; ei c. lii.-1-.t. hot sn.i co d at -r and pho-e irclu u d ; w.ilklng dis: ar.r '. est s:dr. 2 hltMk S. S. ear. 4 College a-.. 3d .am 19. 1 iiL'NT 2- rocni apt . sa . lab e (r two lad lee eu: ployed, or man and we; no crt.dren. 21 2 1 Ft'KNISH ED bo'is.'keepmg rooms: ht and cold waer. steam he-.. (a-n;iieri;ial ho tel. 1 .":h an d ash J"-1 ( s . THE MONTiiOM ELY " cor Fct MOrri-nn and F.i-t :h; comp'etely urn.hfl 1 and - 2 -room hou k. epii-.p pi : adult.-. XELL1NGH AM AP TS.. Urge, l.ght. airy ht:sekcep:r,c room. 421 S E Morrison. ONE room, one sleeping room. l.t West Park jwo furnished house keepiat rooms. 3uu Fifth nt- fciVlLE houekep n rooms, n.oileru, 2rC XJtn, corner Jeffersoa. r..t. j e p. r. po-c h a i";.rk. 2.". i T fchffr 1 T.'T. J fiiior, corner K . i - i i l-i- j1 FOR RENT. HautekerptafRoomfc TWO roomi, also single room, very conven ient. hth. laundry, ete. tVOO Fianders. Housekeeping Boom in Private ramHy. TWO large ronms anrl kitchenette, com-p.-te.v furn:shd, $1; atJu.ii. t74 East .. mon. 3 biois north of liua and Haw thorne. - ON E la-re unfurnished room and kitchen ette with sink, private entrance and porch. liKiit and phop furnished. larsliail 4018. N'.l. H II dt-in. t. u K furtu-hed housM-keepins; room; heat, In-lit., gas and telephone; good location; n:ah for one or two employed. Kv.-r -tt t. ONE rom with kifhenette. furnished well. furnace heat, caw. e'tncity iree. i t. .varMian :s . . Hr K fmuhed H. K. room!, sult- fct,.. fljr 2 adult ; porch and yard. splendid iw. Phn aftr V A. U. Jiain --. k 3 rooms. light, airy, pleasant, newly I papered. 034 Morrison st. Call at noon J or evening. " ! LAKiJE room with kitchenette and slep 1 ins port h, hor and cold running water. I rr.i:rr floor, mints only. r. ."in ?. TV. o room.. Has rariB. electric light. ao $ i (M.K.aA NT front hou kipping1 rooms, I evf-ryUiir.s furnished; adults only. 325 1-th j. i HNISHKD room with kitchenette, cloe In. t'NK hourt-kepir.t; room, furnished. 101 U-d North. f y nih'i T. Kith e housekeeping roomi. heat, s. phone. Sllwood 3''7. H. K. lt'MS, 1 room ?. 2 rooms 32Si North 17th. . 1 U i f iii i...-.i'-.l liou.-kf 'pin? rooms, near $.i a r.-k. Main gt. Kl'IINISMKP rl-.i- to .-.lip o-kcpinir roomi for maa; ird. 3t -Id at. f( j y rooms. 12b lth t.. neat Was::i.Kt..n. . t,vo nrat y furnlfhd rooms with kitchen- nkv LV fu-nihd h. k. rooms lor work intu is only .''! lth ft- . 4 ; )M ;ind b.uh. furmned lor n. k 1 p- r month K. Taylor. p H-I'14F.A?ANT lurnl-hH II. K. room 8 1 r fio.-r. Burnside: adults. C houiiTp;in; room for two employed. .' p ; . ;.!. 1,1. -ins e l:n k hoM-keeping room for .)rklne' ip in. inh. Hot:- I. A HC, K In :t of frtfl irnrdf nine protind. P" i n td to oTriTtif orrh-'ird. with 4-room ho-. !o. itvd on prominent street; r- -MiIe :v niiTomotiiio tlurins :ny tlrno ot the v1 ir. I will rent this to r-sion-Mhl partv for the trn f ono year. See vwikt at 44 Tlatt bids. I rol SE for rvnt tu pur-haT of stoves. r:!. etc ; 4 mo-ite. itmdiTii. r!o? In. rt-nt App'y bctwffii 2 and 3 P. M. 4'.i Market, W. on 14th st. lmmedl:ite po- CH'Ii'K .Vrrom fat. lth st.. n-ar Jlon'somTv; funis. firplHt.t. fine view; .diiiTs or.'v: rmt oe Mr. Strong. 3 ' i ;.. Un bid;. WHKN Vol" MOVE le NoUTH WESTERN ELECTRIC liht t rvtce. H roadway S?o. A 747. , i.;o t ; KAN 1 North, vitant A pril 1. three room, yard n. berrts. oxceilrnt location, teniiiu make c p irs. I Owner, even 141 K"t t;th North. T;ibor 7'" '. MoviNii IMano. furniture and haulinjt a specialty. O. V. Truck S.-rvi Co.. H 21 st. Phone Hdwy. T121. m M houe for rent. 14 Thuruian st. t ail this morning. telephone ijroaaway :i:t;w. No -hiblrn. oi'tL) 7-ro-tn housr. lith, gas, e'ec, $21. ! .il oodward. near :ilst.. Kurninhetl Itotisen, l.K KKNT 7-i oom house, ErtPt Klanders. to l.aurelhurM. eonip!t:y furnished, furnitiir- for m e nt a Kr;ain. 7'M) etish. Kent reisonalle. I tufir.- at 4-T1 Limibr Kxehange hide.. bft v mi 1 nnd 6 P. M. M.i-nlay. Tu'.'.iay or Wednesday, 2d and ."ark. 8- li ' tOM modern furnished residence on E. .".:;d st. t. NicIy located and desirable. Kent 'to. Parrlsh. 'a.1kins Ac Co., loti 2d sr. Phone Main 144. PORT LA NT) Heights, furn. 7-room house. ;o Vma ave.. ,or. E'm st. Just vacated bv consul, to rent to adulta; ref. r -mu:--d. ptu f'.. Call Mar. 4M'7. 4-f:t.M fiirr'i?hcd house and seven lots, ga- raire for rent: fruit. 20. Tabor 6359, bet. H and 12 A. M. HANDY TO S P. SHOPS. Fiirrinirc in 3-room house; price $4.. 7m? Woodward ave. N U'KLY f urnished 4 rooms, bath, piano; adu'ts. .r7d East Main. : for rent $12.: t and furniture i'oi nuth. nar Stark. Aumnt Keorte. OK A RHA RT For sale or rent. modrn 4- rm cottage, bath, r HI", oregontan. Ntorrt. FIXE space for light manufacturing or busi- ti sm th.'tt cwn use a secon d - st orv floor, .T:;iO snuar fet- Sml floor 123 1st St.: tiext corner of Washington; lots of sky lights: Nw rent. Appiy owner. Graharo O'ass. 5." P. road was. Ba ;;RER liop. downtown location, connec tion wi'h shnesrt:n:n:r pa"tor. space for 3 or 4 chars. Call 31 a in 4!'H7 pto--g. Sout n First st.. 14 feet long, eirh. A 2. (Jr -gonian. Orfir KKP'KS. storerooms and halls; also rooms toii-ahie for li-hl manufacturing: office bin . line accommodations; rent reasonable. Sween.v Investment Co 815 Dekuin bidg.. ."I and W js hln c ton. l,.k;;; m.-i'ern office rooms, one or two. mwlv t.nt-d. jamior and elevator serv i. . Italcipb b!dg., 327 Washington st. Call 5"! . Fl'I'N ISH ED office, also combination suite i-ff.t .-5. parkinie, garage near by. Stock Exchange bldg. . it r inks oprowTryiTiEs. F'il SA l.K Small garage and iepa:r chop m i it v .f i' lias cleared over f a ue.-k t!ie iast year; Just r.glit for two no n. ii- r to go cast u a r. for auLon-.nh. c Iritwr st there; im wi: buy the pje including- service car. V 82M, 1 1" "t . Apjrltnt nts and Ilei:aurants On'y. If vou wish to buy or ieil. come w(ire t'n '.ine is handled exclusively. Call for Mr. l..ach. I i n .HS Ttuchanan !!!(!., RO4-.0i. PACIFIC NORT H W Ef T 1 1 0 TE 1 - JNE WS POOL HALL, right downtown, one of the bt In the city; will Invoice 4Od; dis count for cash or time on part; Id tables, one knn-k'T table; doing $3S to ."0 day; rent S12.Y five years lease. Dc Forest. 3-0 Hrnrv bidg. WE are in a position lo place a god lum ber contract; must have .a rr.a!l pivtvt: on a truck for this work, .osk for" MrW'ilum. W. II. WallingforJ Co., :.22 Ahier t. Broadway 24:2. OLD BILLS. n-tes. etc., collected. Phone or write pirticulars Alliance Collection .-n,.v 7iej paldinr bidg . Main lllfi. iF -u have .1."H and want to make ? 25. 000 .., e ne : n patent, but highly-deveioped p-i-m-sit'ion. N 423. Orcgoman. H A 1 H hi roer shop cheap; good business ( m. e. 2,.' .lefierson SI. 1 7 V E K..od p'Tvinc accident and hea.;h ..A- r.. for sale. PnoneMa rsha 1:1 I J Cpyriht. 1919. by JV.wspap.r Future, Seme. Inc. Gr.t Britain RihU K...rrd. in U. S. r-.tent Ui TCRX DOWN DELICIAf WEU, .NOT IF SHE HAS ANYTHING TO MTe-Bt CLIFF STERRETT. P AC I FTC AGENCT. INC.. 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bid?. Buyers headquarters for GROCERIES, GARAGES. HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES. CIGAR STORES. CONFECTIONERIES. RESTAURANTS. In fact, anything In business, we have It. Also some choice locations for high jrrade business for lease, near Oth and "Washington tree la. - Get the habit of coming- to see us. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 512-13-14-15 SwetlanV Bids. FOR SALE. A No. 1 stock of general merchandise, located in a pood farm and d.-jlry com munity in Washington Co- 7 miles south of Hillt-boro; rock road all the way; stock will Invoice between ilu.0Ju and 12.nuu; wiil either re!l or leape property which con sists of No. 1 building; reason 6f selling, my husband died, thus leavinp me without help to take care of buainess: also have pott office in the buildinp bringing in a nice sum each year. Reference. Alien & Lewis. Mason- Ehrinan, Honey man Hard ware. Portland, C)rtcon; Shuie Savings i;..nk. HiMsboro. Oregon.- Mrs. K. T. Tur ner. Laurel, Oregon. M A N KG. CORP. with factory buildinrs "0.- WH) sq. ft. Iloor space, .1 acr Kroiina, will scii or lease very cheap; might take Interest. Phone Broadway 1603. BARGAIN. Furniture of hi-rnnm house; also par don air:idy planted; rhlckn run; for JtuOO. Owuer, 4oi W. Park. Alain 7364. FOR SALE OR TRADE ice and cold sfor age plant, capacity tons h per uay could easily be doubled: situated In om itt t ho bent small cities in the Ma te eiuipped with hot h iiani and electric power; a gooa pavinir ousinf-bs. h ested write E. F. Magoon. Yamhill. Or. FOR SALE Gi'til. mdse. stock and store uith fitnrM fr rent In a Willamette val lv town: pood farming and dairying rommunltv; stock of around tlO.Ooo; doing hus'ness of $40.(100 amhuaUy: making mon ey, but owner wants to retire from busi ness. AV so. ureKiiiiaii. FOR HA I.K Plumbing busln.-s. stock and inl. Wiiiamette valleV town Of lhX, no i t m petition, plenty of work for two men: about 2.-tH to nunaie or can reduced considerably : cheap rent. Ad dress Tvi, Payne & Son. Sheridan. Or. ri.--: or, vi.n l.tnkinif for work 7 Make tiome and .OD lor yourscn. .un. ..i n . ia n n t ntentv of work for nie who caii take an active part with small Investment in a home building company. M 2". iregonlan. r WONDERFUL hie money-making proposi tion for energetic, amouious man. pre ferablv discharsed officer or motion pic lure man; $jMU required. AO Cl, Ore pouian. ONLY seven more men to invest in corpora tion to manufacture lumber, tie; draw regular scaie f wages and 1-30 of pro ceeds. Ail need not be skilled : possible to make $20 per day. Call Sellwood 12o4 for it ppointmcnt. C I'TION". BUYERS. ifnra fiosinir ileu.1 of so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Bord. PAUL CO WO ILL. Secretary. FOR SALE or trade, sawmill. 25, 000 capacity, in good running order; 8 miles from rail road on good road, W.ouO.000 ft. of timber available. t. r. iiociiir. nun. ui. PARTNER wanted to handle and manage sale of very desirable line; only $500 re- . quired, which is secured. Call 011 Rail way Exchange. V KTN EK for prospecting in south half of Curry county and northern California no objection to married man. O 475, Ore gon ian. t- v- -I- I"! PnrlntT. Of will Sell OUt first class tailor shop: best location: plenty of work. Inauire Frank the Tailor, Mt Angel, Or CLEANING and dye works, full equipment; owner retiring, will sacrifice; has good, steady trade; best season coming on. Call Ml Railway Exchange. SUBURBAN garage, repair shop; full equip ment, machinery, etc.; a busy place; price S2.Vh; good lease. Call 511 Railway Ex change. i GARAGE and repair shop. 28 cars steady storage good repair business; rent only $55 month: $loo0 cash required. Call room 4o3 Pekum bidg. EST A BUSHED grocery and confectionery for sale, or trade for home, or might take auto as part payment, V 144, ore- gonian. - A CROCEEV on a good corner, cash sales $.V day and no delivery: groceries at In voice and very littl" money for the fix tures. Room 4 0ft Pekxi m bl tig. BUTTER ees. light groceries, etc., a cash store on Yamhill .?t.; big profits, no de livery. Room 403 Dekum bidg. f 3.-.0 CONFECTIONERY, delicatessen and lunch room, good district : Illness cause of selling. Phone Tabor 8383. HOME bakery and delicatessen; a nice lit tle cash store for sale cheap. Call room 4t3 Dekum bidg. AUTO repair business with fujjy equipped shop, lathe, urui, eic. ; e i rrquueu. fully secured. Room 403 Dekum bids'. VERY desirable grocery, doing $7.f day busi ness, good rent and neighborhood. Call oil K a i l.v a y Exchange. CONFECTIONERY, soda fountain and lunch room, doing good business, good reasons for selling. 4ot Wash. it. EXPERIENCED and reliable truck driver with $l"tMt wanted In a partnership on a large truck and drive. BP 131. Oregonian. WANTED partner i" building business; must have $.'to or $snm cash; ample se AR 337. Oregonian. WE tell nil kinds of barbers supplies. Agent for Koken's barber chairs, Kemp Barbers' Supply Co.. 271 Washington sL LUNCH counter. $."."0; making $325 a month. Hotel Amedon. room. 4. after 8 P. M. $3.t0 ttOOD. live restaurant, snap; owner leaving citv. S S3. Oregonian. BAH BE it shop tn best location, for lith St., near ir.irn. FOR SALE Bakery and grocery, good loca tion ou busy street. O f2. Oregcnlnn. PATENT for sale or trade: a jtood thing for the right part y . Cal ' oo i 1 a w n 333 C5TMT AO business oppoRTryrriKS. YOU will know this place it's widely aa vertlsed; a bonafide sacrifice. On account of death of head of family, one of Port land's hih-clasa mountain resorts, in mo toring distance of the city via highway, is offered at a price less than the value of the land. Log cabin type bungalow, HI sleeping rooms and 14 tents furnished with double beds, etc.; dining room seating lo aluminum cooking utensils. mountain spring water, own electric plant run by waterpower. dance hall 40x80. cement swimming poo! 50x100. 3 large fireplaces, plenty wood and farm products from Sur roundings; IS acres of pine and fir wood land; a profusion of the wonderful rhodo dendrons. Half cash, balance your terms with 6 per cent interest. Price to those interested. Come and see photos. The only exclusive hotel, apartmen.s and restaurant agency In the city; hiph clnss and legitimate propositions on.y. Call for Mr. Leach. Main OPS 004 Buchanan Bin g. PACIFIC NORTHWEST HOTEL NEW. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY with 4 rooms and bath. $1200 t.t H'Jp monthlv sa;s: fixtures. $200; stock $10UO. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY with 3 rooms: $i0O monthly sales; fix tures: $'.:.o; stock. $1000; rent only $12.00. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY with 2 rooms on same floor; reul 14.oU, attractive little place: $1too. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY, west side, busy corner, low rent; reiru-i arv sales. $17.50: March Is runnins ; ootter; owner leaving city; snap at op"- MEAT MARKET AND GROCEIIA- Doing $.;500 monthly; one of tue oes; stapds in Portland for $4000. . CARL E. TUGGLE. tt0 N. TT. Bank Bldg Main 3Q02. LOBBY CIGAR STORE. A LITTLE DANDY. This place is doing a nice business ana located in the heart of the -6t Bide fistrict; will sell the fixtures At u .oj price and invoice the stock. -lairy n you wunt this. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO . "0 O ik St Broad wtv 41.-.. COUNTRY store at a pood poitu ior u ness: the only Ftore there: the owner is postmaster, express man. etc., which alone pavs $000 nnnually: stock and property goes for $000. part time, or good ttotL ranch con-sidered. De Forest. S20 Henry building. ' FLOUR MILL Fin little 25-bbl country mill, modern, water power, good location In Linn County; low price, easy terms. .1 o4u, oregonian. sinena OpKrunUiew Wanted. liU! PACIFIC AGENCT. INC., 51-13-14-la Swetland Bld. MERCHANTS desiring to sell a place of business wMl do well to consult the Pacific Agency. Their large, force of experienced salesmen and continuous advertising has Bht wait, for all We have hundreds of satisfied clients in the city. If your place of busi ness is for sale, come in and see Us. Our commissiom is only 5 per . cent if we sell. Why pay more? PACIFIC AGENCT, INC., 512-13-14-13 Swetland Bidg. -., HAVE -CASH BUYERS for "5 to C'.-room hotels or apsrtments. must stand up to price asked; also want first-class garages. $2..O0 and up; must be doing the business. Call for Mr. CoWert. MOTOR truck hauling contracts wanted by practical, experienced truckman. My plan will-appeal to you. My prices are lovet. Let me prove it. See Mr. Youns at o.O Burnside st. Phone Broadway 478. Respectable furnished apt. or first-class rooming-house: might conaider purchase on terms. References. No agents, Cr til. t iregonian. WE have parties wanting to Juy small restaurant or cafeteria; cash dea Is on lv List with us. 11. & 1L Realty oo.. Ola Swetland bidg. WANTED To buy garage or good r-pair shop on west side; no agents. A. K. Jiiein, 3'.3 oth St.. phone .unui .jt--,,. WA.NTFD A good restaurant or SUee house cheap No agents. Phone Bdwy. lid. PARTIES having a small mill, to lease by thousand, or wilt buy interest in same. WANTKD WooiJworkinR plant to rent with dry kiln, hetweon Portland and faeattle. T (Jrffonian. WANT liKht grocery and confectionery, or Hotfl. and Koomipg Hoait 2X KOOilS- Thl is a dandy good buy anil very lit tle work, a. it is all housokeeplnit; rent onlv two-year lease. If yoil want a VbKX&iJe YnveStmknt CO st. Broatlu-av 411.. INCOME PER MONTH This is all housnkeeplns anc. .ill new furniture One-year lease at So Per month Very Utile work and an apart- ""IiaSleixvestmentcj. ;! Oak St. Broadway 41.. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SEbI a Business. Hotel. BoomlnB or Apartment House of any kind., anywhere. M. WATCH OUR ADVE C ET RESULTS. RITTKR. LOWt t2;U-203-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. -4-room apt. house for Sisr.n. part time, brick Wds in Al location; in apts.; each hnb private bath, steam heat; very liRht 1enP hie income: filroble rea son for s-Illns; act aulck. DeForest. 3-U Henry diok. 1-KT mountain resort in Oregon, with ar Improvements: IS acres of land surrounded by PbeauT'ful trout streams; best oppor tunity on proposed highway; an ideal t. rive the year around: price 1S iioo; $:irv00 cash. Address owner, T uus, Oregonian . r- vOTT TA" TCI. TO-BUY OR SELL List your hotels, apartment and room ing House, with us. We get result. . DORCAS & CO.. n:0 N. W. Bank BIOS. FOR 7l0 will sell or trade my Interest m an IS-room apartment house: rest easy payments; am leaving the city. Phone . o:umo. 13 HtiUSKKKEPINd rooms, new.y reno vated: income Mil! per month: rent west side walking distance, ior appoint- 18-ROOM hotel, select location; dandy proposition for man and wife: pays I W per mo.: $3000 handles; no agents. W ol. POOMING HOUSE 20 rooms, fine location. rent cheap, well furnished, clean, clears over $mo month: snap; $500. Other bar ..m. Garland. 1SS od. BUY direct from owner of the best little money-makers. 10 rooms, housekeeping, lv" i. w ST. Oregonian. close in. - - For" best bargain In rooming or apartment . - of the Realty Board. VaiRValty Co". 249 4th St. ROO M 1NO house for sale; J rooms, fur- n is lira - " 1 ' - - - ' ",...7 ----- - 111 J3d st. N. Main 7fi:!. " MART E. LENT. HOTEL APARTMENT HOUSE BROKER xlux,:'7o34 N. W. BANK BLDG. j-ROOM apartment house, modern, fine furniture; very low rent; price right. Call ln West Park St. Wells ft Andergon. KOOM1XO-HOUSE for sale. 22 rooms, rent $lSi priceS003:S4 .NTth. POLLY AND ?feti r fejEFt 'Bird AkJTrtiAi' 10a i - n zr&sx . x t. BCSI'ESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. 40 R&OMS. center of the city. lease, clearing $200 month; only $2000; terms. 00 ROOMS, Modern, transient hotel, two-year lease, clearing $400 month; only $4000; terms. CARL E. TUGGLE. 630 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3002. OUR LOSS YOUR GAIN. Must sell 27-room house Immediately, rM housekeeping, electric lights, low rent, very central location; always full; good heat: $lHOO will handle, with terms... Call 2ul 10th st. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co., March 22 "and 23: 8 purses, money, 1 kodak, 3 pins, I knife. 1 bunch keys, 1 fob. 1 button. 3 bags 4 pr. gloves. 4 gloves. 8 packages. 2 lunch boxes, 1 ' can. 1 Dall. 1 bdie. sacks. 2 bdls. overalls, 2 coats. 4 suit cases. 7 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First ana Aiaer ' street sta-tion. ; STOLEN From Front and Curry sts., M:irch 1 tVnrH 1117 model tourlntr Ctl r. bearing license No. 715. Car equipped with electric starter and nickel-plated bumper. Left rear fender- silgntiy aam affed; $.0 reward for recovery of car. Gevurtz Furniture Co 1S3 1st St. Mar shall 5DSI. i"oct Monrtnv nirrht. March 17. on Port land-Astoria train or at land slide near Clifton, lady's brown Cordova handbag containing small purse witn money, run able reward for return to G.- W. Sanborn, Astoria, Or. STOLEN -or lost, one 35x5 Goodyear cord tire, ribbed tread, mounted on Kelsey rim, with Goodyear inner tube. Hewaro for recoverv-; no. questions asked. WiJ lard Hnwley. Jr.. Oregon City. Or. T.rix (u Hfiiton terrier, license No. name "Bug"; baby's pet: $10 rewai-i for return or information. 141 jitn si. urtai way 2."iGti. LOST A large collie dog, strayed or stolen from 4Lst st. and ."0th ave., name Rover, small scars on nose. Sellwood 3400. ftOOS 41st st. LOST Will person who took uniform apron and suit coat from auto parked at 11th near Washington street, please send same to Miss M. Cook. 1211 Selling bidg ? LOST Nile georgette waist, taupe georgette dress, 1 pair white buckskin baby shoes. 1 Biliie Burk house dress. Liberal reward. Tabor 104. 113 Mirlmar Place. IOST A bulldog at Brooklyn theater Wed. nifrht, cross between a Boston and a pit answers to the name of Jeff; very thim Seiiwood 103JC LOST Monday, on downtown street, lady's gold watch, rfrbon monogram 'M. E. R-. diamond set in back; reward. Phone Smith. Marshal! 702. - ' Kol'ND March watch, cor. Sth and Burrnide; one Identifying same and pay ine ad may have it. 4l G. Pine. LOST Taupe fox fur. Sunday, between Van couver 'nnd Waah.ugal. Wash. Reward. Tabor 21 1 LOST At auditorium. Saturday evening, young lady's Alaska red fox fur boa. Kinder please call l'.ast i LOST Ladv's gold open-faced Elgin wrist watch. Saturday evening. Liberal reward. T'hpnc Tabor .'.7fi7. . LOST Sunday, lady's Ulgln wrist watch, near Alberta. Reward. Sellwood 2704. SOMEW1IE11E north of Pettygrove street, a set of teeth. Reward. Broadway 4.).iq. LOST Saturday. March -2, cuff links. Re ward. Call Kast 410: LOST White bulldog, with chain. Reward. r'2l Glisan St. SPECIAL. NOTICES Proposal. Invited. 6TOCK yards manure Bids for manor, other than carloads will be received until March 1 on all manure at the Portland Union Stockyards with view of contracting year's output. For terms see manager Portland Union Stokyard Co.. NortU Portland. Or. . Bliwellaneooifc PUBLIC NOTICE. The name ot JUNIPER RAINMAKER, coi.ivt-i.ivr: COM I'ANY has been changed to JUPITER SPRIXKI.KR COM PANY bv filing the supplementary of Incorporation March IB, ln,!,-. JUPITER SPRINKLER COMPAS5. Portland, Or. t HAVE bought the business at 1S8 Morrison st. Anyone having bills against said busi ness come see me ai ouvr. ...un. I WILL not be responsible for any bil.s contracted by Mrs. Bruce I.. French after this date. Brnce L. French. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET VALUE. PRICE PAID MONDAY. MARCH 24: 3D ISSUE. S!5.10 FOR $1110 BOND. 4TH ISSUE, 'J.-.3S FOR (HW BOND. LESS USUAL COST FOR SERVICE. BOND RECEIPTS BOUGHT. WILL CASH TOUR RECEIPTS FOR PARTIAL PAYMENTS -ON BONDS AT FAIR VALUE. DO NOT SACRIFICE YOUR RECEIPTS. WHICH REPRESENT GOLD DOLLARS TO YOU. PEE E. BURKETT, SECRETARY. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. ! SELLING BLDG. (SECOND FLOOR) CORNER SIXTH AND ALDER STS. UBERTT BONDS. All Issues Bought and' Sold, Before buy In or slllns; set our quotations. ' , L DEVEREAUX a COMPANZ, OoTarnment and Municipal Bonda, 87 Sixtb etret. Between btarfe and Oak. TJ. S. BOND DEALERS. If you need money and must sell your , Don OS or partly ptiiu. iclcjio, ocii w ao Monday we paid: Second 4s $05.13 (Third 4V.S 5.".15 Fourth 4V4S 95.80 Less 37c biokerage and commission on a $5U bond. . Others may pay less. None pay more. We buy and sell all Issues. e mail checks to out-of-town sellers day bonds are received. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY, Second Floor, Wilcox Bidg. 6th and Washington Established 1009. " LIBERTY BONDS. Also partly paid contracts bought; open till 7:30. DORCAS & DORCAS. 020 N. W. Bank bidg-, Ctb and Morrison. MORTGAGE LOANS. LOWEST RATER. EASY TERMS. LIBERTY BOND & IfORT OAGE COMPANY. 5 JO CORBETT BLDG. MORTGAGES and sellers' equities In real es tate contracts bough t, Oregon or Wash. riroperty. H. E. Noble. 31tl L'mbm'g bidg. HER PALS r TID I j .e ' FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty Bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty Bonds, buy from us. We buy and sell Liberty Bonds at the market TOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAT DO WORSE. On Monday, March 24, we paid the following prices for United States Govern ment Liberty Loan Bonds, which were the closing New York market prices plus the accrued interest: $100 bond. .. .S10U.47 ... K3.41 ... H.V 10 ... !5.i2 . . . !' J. 1 ... .". IS . . . 'Jo. IS Shis ... 1st 4s . . 4s : lKt 4 2d 4s ltd 4 Us 4th 4 Us In purchasing Linerty Bonds we deduct v from the above prices .'ITc on a $50 bond and J2.00 on a (low) bond. In selling Liberty Bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued Interest. ASK ABOUT OUR PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN'. Barglar ftnfl Fireproof Safe Deposit Vaults. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR KENT. MORRIS BROTHERS. INC.. Th. Premier Municipal Bond House. Established over 25 years. 309-311 Stark St.. Bet. 5th and 6th. (Ground Floor.) Telephone Broadway 2151. WE SELL AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS. nrs.lfl FOR THIRD M 10! BOND. 85.5S FOR -FOURTH iht'A 1U0 BOND. $50 BONDS ONE-HALF of above prices. NEW YORK PRICES (WHICH WE PAID. PLUS ACCRUED INTEREST, T.ESS USUAL BROKERAGE) MONDAY. WITH INTEREST ADDED, WERE AS ABOVE QUOTED. WE LOAN ON LIBERTY BONDS UP TO !0 PER CENT OF THEIR FACE VALUE AT 7 INTEREST. OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL S P. M. BLWOOD WILES COMPANY. v Stocks and Bonds. 231 ti. S. NationeJ Bank Bidg. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. CASH FOR TOUR RECEIPTS. Come to 725 Gasco bidg.. 5th and Alder. MAIL us your RECEIPTS TODAY. WE will at ONCE PAY balance DUE and on receipt of BONDS REMIT . YOU the -NEW YORK MARKET PRICE, less amount paid out for you and $1 for each S50 or SlOo bond. Mail Today Don't Lose Tour Equity. Remember the Place 725 Gasco Building, Fifth and Alder. CBLLARS-MURTON CO. Money to Txan on TteaT estate. OUR Installment plan Is the beat and surest method of paying a loan. $.12.26 per month for 'AG months, or $21.24 per month for CO months, or $15.17 for H months pays a $1000 loan and interest 1 Other amounts In proportion. We loan on Imp.'oved city property. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS fc LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. . RESIDENCE LOANS. From 6"r to 7 per cent for five years. YOU MAY PAY J1C0 or any amount on principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see us lor lowest interest rates on business property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. Phone Main 254L 1524-29 Yeon bidg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest currant rates on Willamette Valley farms. No commission. No delays. IE VEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. MOliTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privijegea. A. H. B1RRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. A 41 Lb. MORTGAGE LOANS, made on improved city property; prompt action: no delays. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, Northwestern Bank Building. 6 PER CENT MORTGAGE MONEY on Portland homes, 10 -"rs, to repay In monthly payments protected by insurant in Equitable Life of N. X. No commission. FRED H. STRONG. 30tf Oregouian bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 5H PER CENT, tt PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bids. $;00. $1000 AND upward on improved real estate, favorable terms; no delay; no brok erage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bidg. $00. 40U, $500, $t50. $700. $10u0 AND UP; lowest rates; quick action. Gordon In vestment Co., Kii Ch. of Com. Main 1370. $20,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 21o-i;iti Failing bidg. Phone Main 3407. $500 TO $0000, 6 and 7 p?r cent; no com mission. W. E. Thomas. 400-7 Chamber of Commerce bidg. $300. $400, $-'00, $700, $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Ch. of Com. Main 6440. LOANS on city and farm property. 5 per cent up. F. Fuchs, 420 Cham, of Com. SEE US TODAY, loans, any amounts. 6-7. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 720 G asco bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON & CO., 408 Selling bidg. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. MORTGAGE loans, lowest rates. Harding, 312 Railway Exchange. INVESTMENTS, Joans. notes, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 303 Lewis bidg. Mar. Iii33. MONEY TO LOAN on farm and improved city property. K. K. Baxter. 704 Spalding blog. $400 TO $4000; no commission. Main HOli F. H. Deshon, G15 Chain, of Com. bidg. $2000 TO loan. 7 per cent. R. J. McGuire, , 540 Union ave. N. East 54u7. $2000 TO LOAN at 1 on improved city property; no agents. BC S41, Oregonian. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each 1 transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDORSE R. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. - 213 Failing Building. MONEY loaned on pfaos and furniture. W. A. Hathaway, room 208 Wash, bidg. a . i i i Afarr So's 4 f ,T. LWCLfe SAM'L- V i- A .m- " V FIMA.NCIAI. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO TOU NKED MONBTT WE MAKd A SPECIALTY OF LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES AND MOTORCYCLES. If your payments on contract ar to. . large we will pay It up and you can pay tbs Id small amount, to suit your con Y.nleDC ALSO on FURNITURE. PIANOS. VICTROLAS. . etc without removal. Small weekly ot monthly payment, a. desired. LOANS made to SALARIED PEOPLB on their own note, without sedurlty of any kind. RATES REASONABLE. J'0 Dl LAY. PRIVATE OFFICES. All bualueaf CONFIDENTIAL. PORTLAND LOAN CO. S06-3U1 Dekum Bids. (Licenced). JaarahaU 32S& PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Pbon. Broadway 910. 884 Stark 8treet, Near 10th. Loans en tllamonds, watches, vletrolaa, piano., kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musi cal inatrumeuta and anything of valu ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLB 0 PORTLAND TO PROTECT XMJS bCHi KOWEH. City and coanty warrants cashed for fac -ralue- CARKIE MTEnS HERRMAN. Manager. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; all articles held one year. Panama Loan Office. S4 Third, near Oak. GEO. HARVEY LOANS MONEY ON HOUSE. HOLD GOODS, LEGAL RATES. TABOR :;i6. . MONEY to loan on diamonds jewelry; legftl rates: all articles held a year, established since 1SSS Dan Marx. S3 Washington. ians TTantM. WILL pay 3 per cent for S1S0O loan for 3 vears on suburban bungalow; Ferurity A1. See N H. Atchinon. 404 Piatt bidg. No commission. CLIENT will sacrifice on seller's contract of $l.Vo. puvabie $20 per month and interest at ti per cent. Hom-k. Ill 10th s-t. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL. HAIR GOOUh. LOWEST PRICES. 20-inch wavy switch, 3 sep $1.40 All-aruurtd transformation 1.4J llairdreasing, shampooing, face massage, hair boiibing, manicuring, 25c, Hair re moved by et ctric needle; switch made of combings, S0c. Sanitary parlors. 400-41 J Dek'im bidg.. 3d and Wash. Marshall 1702, WILL the lady who wants a suit. coat, dress waist or petticoat at wholesale prices call at Peterson's Manufacturers Outlet? SECOND FLOOR TAKE ELEVATOR. 200 PITTOCK BLOCK. Mail Ordera Promptly Filled. DRINK AND DRUG HABIT. Specialized treatments for alcoh'otlsm. morphine, cocaine, tobacco and ail nar cotic QiUa's. Safe and sure. No sufterlng. i-atislaction guaranteed. N EAL INSTI TUTE. 017 Kearney, bet. 19th and 20th. Portland. Oregon. Phone Broadway 3400. EL EN ORE LL'EBKE PAItRA. formerly liv ing at' KHMi E. 7th st. N. Your brother died In January leaving you one-half of his estate. Communicate with Brown, Pradt & Genrich, attorneys tor estate. Wadsau. Wis. WANTED The people who raw the lady lull from Oregon Elect ric train Sunday evening to call at tfl N. Ivauhoe St., or phone Col. 1020, and leave address. Mrs. George Fold. ": AN "ELECTRIC-CABINET BATH, a tub .and a scientific massage for rheu matism, lumbago, neuritis, etc., at Iron side Institute, 327-8-0 I'ittock blk. grad uate nurse assistants. Phone Bdwy. 312. DETECTIVE United Service Detective, Bu reau; onlv tjxperb-nced operatives em ployed. 07-8 Stock Exchange bidg. Main ,iiJ'. $1 WILL get both your leet fixed up good at r. ljluii a mo .nuu,'uui.i' w - hurt you; 0 years here; exam. nee. O.obe T heater bidg., 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2324. W NTED Photographs handsome young men. v.omen and children for window dis plays; fair price paid. Will caii. Artist, C 210, Oregonian. S W13 l- I IU - Cleaning, pressing, repairing an ddyelng. AUTO -SERVICE. , WILL CALL and DE LIVER. Phone Main 4300. Park & Salmon. MRS. M. L. LAMAR. 235 5TU ST. Instructions in the theory of health, suc cess and harmony. MRS STEVENS. 20 years Portland's re nowned teacher of palmistry and crystal sazing. has crystal for sale.' also her hnok "Palmistry Made Easy.'" 3(0 Taylor. FEB VET & HANNEBUT, leauing wig and toupe makers, finest stock iiuran goods hairdi-esHi.ig, manicuring, face and Ki-aln treatment. 310 Alder. Muin MU. GOITRE, enlarged glands, cure yourself per manently. 1V" .Tl't.""". u. boro, Oregon. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever by multiple needle metnoai. inuumru oj vnj' nicians 504 Swetland bkig., Oth at Wash. SUMMER furs at upstairs prices; re model ing alia lO Oiun , m'"r.. - itoti Swetland bidg. WILL give a small gtrt a good home for company; scnooi uu -""-"-s' Oregonian. , Dlt ELNA SORENSON. R0S Panama bidg.. Druleas methods. Stomach, kidneys, rheu matism, cynstip-'tion. Eves, by appointment GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. " Hours - to t or vty Main 1040. Office 30S C. 30 ' SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles. warLi removed by 10-necdie method; trial fre. Jooio Fin lev t14 Bush & Lane bidg. Main 03HS. . SOPHIA B SrilP, spiritual adviser. 20 .Goodnouh Vldg. Question meetings. Tues; Fri a P. M. Marshall 2503.. jya. W. L. HOLLO WAY, Chiropractor and other orugiefs iiiciiiuun. bidg. Main 4133. Res.. Wood lawn MtJ. I BEST steam bath, massage, vibration, elec tric and chiropractic in R. Dr. Mar garet Haynie. 517 Swetland brdg. Main 1 a GERTRUDE DANIELS, superfluous hair specialist, manicuring, face und scalp. Fliedner bidg. Broadway 892. HOOVER electric vacuum charters rentea. clean cai pels eamem, t-n jv' v. Shall 1M2. RFV MRS J. G. SCHORL spiritual adviser, ilk 15th st. N., corner Buniside. Question nieeting TuesThurs.. 8 P. M. East 30H4. MAY ANDREWS, phrenologist end card teacher. Main 704M. 22 Park nt. PRIMEDA BALM formerly w" Fiu-s. 844 E. 33d. Sellwood 21 A called Balm o? mornings. DOFN'T Tom. Dirk or Harry pay you? See Viereck, collections. Dekum bldg . GERMS lurk In dust; rent a Hoover vac u ant and remove them. Marshall 2:' 20. xtMK GRENELL relievp.s itching scalp, dand ruff. FACE MASSAGE. 230 Fliedner bidg. XdY BARBERS Shave;- l-c: hairrut. line', race nma-i'ts'-'t '"" -J '", - PILES can be cured without operation; send lor iree doom"!, j-. w. IKE PEGER, answer to Agustni Fernandez, North ist St.. runi.iu. i. MISS MULLEN, scalp treatments. 010 Busn Lane bidg- Bdwy.. Alder. '. aTIcE MILES, hair dyeing and bleaching. East S17S. 020 Williams ave. DR NELSON, painless chiropodist, treats! feet very reasonably. 503 Dekum bldg. t6j JLr xioTCfe.