TIIE 3IOHXIXG OREGOXIAX. TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1919. GOIN I d t'tfie cozy" BKAL ESTATE. (300 TO W DC8TV $2.VX 4.-f ..i .0 AN D I'P LOW F.iCLD Ni.W BUNGALOWS HOST CITT PARK We have for ea'e m nmhr r' bur.itn Now indkk lOri;.SrJ Op CMaSTRCCTIOX. They. wit w-at r-.er per ;;: tti.;. wt! be f!nin-d In aout djs. at our office and It us I'iow yon the p.acs aid the on- now tnn r e jrs- of construction. The bunrt oi tl. be finished in old Ivory r natural finish, and lil tint wall? and paint tuntilowi to null pur buir. llard-o-d do.- io main rooms. We have sorr.e p'ans for wry nobNv 4-room bur.-ca-lo 9 w . t !i s:ein t? porches. Tce hun ciiOwi srioui 1 appeal to you. Not on.y will yo have , new bun a low. but we an build tn and mak- li;t.e ctisnci to utt your ili.49. T.'1v r nn pav-d wre-ts arl ievr. J. L. HARTMAN C'MKV.W, Nr.. 7 C';tm.'?r of Commerce b.ti.. 41 and Stark. Male JO 5, A 2950. ROS CTTT r.RK e-r.ooM bungalow garage 5250. All rooms on 1 floor, old Ivory fTnL-Oie.l. twaut .ful ec?-ie fixtures. PiSS- tered g::e a "d cor.re-tei Rri bunga low ivi:: . -- hv -iniiriTTif nl. J L. HARTMAJf COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of firmer-- b;d.. 4th and &Lar. -Main 2U8, A ROSE CITY PARK j-rsT n eakim; Cum I'LETION A modern ban r alow, b-jiit for a per manent home. i.ln-ss compels owner to pell. Located la best s-ction ot Kone Ctry Park. Excell-nt garage. Price $-, whlrh Inr'rd. vrv'hine Terms. Laurel hurst Tract ' ff :ce. V i: h, and Glisaa. sep: MR. miow.N TAOR 3i:3 or TA Holt 5! Eves. IN tCAl'MONT TtFAHATH TH2 HILL A mo'lcrn ix-room hvuse: excellent nelchborhood : ail improvements In- Pos sesion w:th.n a shirt time. Price $4'o0. Trrns. Call at Laurelhurst Tract Office, East 39 tli and 0;iin :rrts lor key. MR. BROWN TAPOR 34 iS or TAUOR 59 Eves. IN LArRELHr.R5T A modern harue of sven larx rooms and enc!o$"i Bi--pin pon-h. In flrat !ass cond:iion: one bio k from car. Prlc AouO with urrtu. Immeiiiaw possesion, trail at Lur(-;hurjt Tr.u i oTlice. kial i'Jlh and Oitsa strr--s. fr k"v. MK. iiitowv TABOR 33t or TAftoit Ers. THKhfcJ iUI ONKA $3300 P.mr: a miirr-'r oocl buy; all Improvements pai.1. Alarm-da: &-rooiu dcv bungalow t: ft ;:.irae. $4000 !; :ti y ; i rwm a! most new, i; h tinr. A J - U M! I'EUHl'.NTY Mn 1 7,Mt. or v-itm K:j-"t iiuI'FK.N' ?t' v: r.-roni horne; on Sie pin g pr c h on t : r t f ; o r. two siepirtj ro m s and large i"plntr porh on acond fioor: in beat section lrvncion; houw an-1 yard in A I rendition; b'm.linr la rye f.r our r; s il a "H. t or particu lars, caul upon our ag-nt at 4'4 I'lati I-KOO M rnK!rD rO'iye. 12 K. S'.th St.. furryi! car; ne ty pa'ntd and deco rated insije and out; 1 bock of school, church. s;ore and car; If you want a ei". corvem-'nt fcon. at a bargain, s-e this hu? ; on'v JJ.O. terms if ie;red. A. M HOU'PLU 4"! Porird of Trad. oTMJTl.Y M'lUKKN i-l' N i A i-U V. K. 5lu Ti'ar Hawt-vrr.ft Ae. 5 romn and attit, furnace, frer'aee. buifui dln.nn room nh buffet, bufh kttchn. fine b.i:hrooni; p-vin pid; tm-d-rn homes join ins. Pries -i4"j; U nm ;"I)pp A WTFPnrr-TT. ?4t Fr-rk St. I'OK s-ALK S-roora, modern rc:d-nre ar.d lots. northwct corr.T Eat lth and TUmhIa rt.M.. I hlok from Irvinicton rar td p.irk; the bct of .stirroundinci and I imet lmrroed b---'k in dalhdny s add Hon: Turttier particulars. Phone own P K ' S E S S 1 1 1 N I Al A! K I I A 1 E L. V. 5 roms and attic, finl-s z-i ioc. hard 'irfce ire. t. 9mw rt e e. tnc Ilgiits, j food piU-ribink:; srod t ruis A. H. HI ttRKI.L CO.. 217 .rtrthf('"n lianx Hlds. Vnrshiil 4111. A MIS. A SiLENDtI 1-b 1. rooms, fu'l rem nt bjR-ment. fumare, laundr v. f i re p . ic-, Iutch ki r c h-n, a:rar tt'e p:ci;; st". t l:np. p-:d iot ,"im c r. 2'.Hh and Oregon, price o0o, terms, $ cish. ;.-iDlAr WIEPRfCK. 243 Stjrk St. f 3'."t VF F;Y a:rract;e fix-room bungalo hardwoo-i floors, firep:ace, seeping porch. r renci .lours, ount-ir.a, ciiK kfn house, J.". 10 fe :. two lots 4"ino e.ich. Tbre td.n ks from len Insula I'ark. Tt ruts. 1131 Vh ii.c.in ave., Kenton car. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 5 rooT.. oatu ;nJ furrac-; two lots on eorn-T. level, with lot of trcs; must be soiii: owner con; to t. l-uuis. Mar. 427. KKOuKF. A 3S39. Cu 1 1 Mor. ; m g or Ev nln gsi BF.AUTIFI'L COLONIAL HOME Located In the choicest part of I.atirH h'irtt, one block to cir. ?hd by aptxlnt m-nt oniy; a tplendld buy. Mil. LELA HINTY. M-iia 1700 or Evenings East 20S3. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern bungalow. 5 roonix, sun parlor. large a:tic. 2 tnticts. burdarood floors. cove ceiling. . mirror iioors. rirrpiace Immediate possession. 1514 Thompson at. Tabor 4313. A-ROOM bungalow, Ros City, rear car; 7-room house. b'iununt, blks. carllne. Io not fail to s'c th-se. Terms. Mrl.od A- Taylor. UoO liailway fcxeh. i'hone Mar. .'IJ evening, or Sunday call Eait 11 ill or ool iw n o iA RGAIN i-roorn nou. paved street, ce ment side wait, all assessments paid. n morigH;e: 1 block irom lrvingt"u ime elec iilht. est broom, also a mi.k goat gors ;tti It; sjl.-'Vfiit-.ujit Ilth N, FOR SALE N ice 5-room bunc.i.ow, l'.t:h st. S. i;.. I. ems district, U."-0; $4u0 cash, balance Jit per moiuh. 6 per cent. Writs owner. Uox '17, K. F. l. No, 6. incomer, w asn. Al MOST an acre, seven-room nous-, sun par'. or. sleeping porches, tots o fruit la b-armg. chicken houe and runs, lawn, r.vi. shmootry; HJuu. part caih. Owner, T.it-or 2';M. liAiiGAlN in Alberta Pit.; modern. 5-room bun aicw, lu.; cement ojgent, large artic. lot ..i ntn pric terma !"'.--'re Marsha, i ;'L'K4. 7l7.". YK SA LK or trade, t block. 4 r"on hj'j.:e ; r.cpital pla. f "r pou 1 1 ry t nd grd-n; 1 hM-k from car line. Acl. .Main 300 st. GOlNiS t build o rcp.i;r? Get my ideas T. A:iyn. -ij S;ark st. a: d estimate, hours o to 5 P. M. l'hotit: Maiu JxL pbor e. Tabor 194. COZY 2-room cottage, f urn "shed complete. Fn, m1'". irri4. .iiii.c iiKMin, gas. nk. rrden. etc., I'nen, wood also gi-es. yo ti5kiouet.,J"K. C cir. near lUth. il'NGA LOW Among fine homes, view lot "Kl0: rooms, bath, furnace, ftrepiac. laundry. For s.ile ty onr. ."ali aa time. 10-2 tvaleigh st. Main 5042. 6-KM. modern bunsa.ow. 2 lots .0 100. pa rate. 1 bik. Monia. 1.1a car; f :i) down, biUnce on terms, or will conpiJer tome trade on improved farm. 7 K. 7 1st N. 3x10. 6-ROOM modern house, all built in, hardwood floods, tvt-water r:cat. full cement basemert and aitv; "2ij0, terma Phov.e- Wu.u. 3'.4. PRACTICALLY new 5-rco:n bnr.galow. mod ern; hardod floors. ftrep:je. b!k. Al berta car. g.-ac; $-'.". ternis. Call be f .re I or a:ter 7. 1"M E. -N.'t h N 7-ROOM toue. with furracr. on Stanton s t ree t. ne. r W 1 : ; 1 . :ns a ve. ; must be ..i to tt'.e si estate. Pr.one MarshaU Lll tHU-OM B I" N'lALo "A" 2 sr. n. Str.ttly nio4ern. includes a;iia Ax nsTer ru?. tri'tii $! ' down; lot OuxlOti; ;---r. n-ir I-nT ae. :OIUARI WIEPK i- K. 241 Snrk St. rEN thref-rt.m noue. clo-. in n ths east side. itii h'g.i'y Improved yard, which we ill S1'1 r"'r 1 2ou If taken at ot;, e. For pirf.culars, s--e our agent at 4i p'attN'V 4- KOO.I cot'ac-. lot 7;.t1' 10 ntce fruit tre.-. chicken house. Can be bought for flri..o with 3'0 down, -ui Oregon bljg. Ttroaiwav 1 '" . 5- K00M bungalow, fijd and East Pav:ji; firpiac and nil bu'lr-m effects, lot .".x. on v '.'. wjt h i""'0 down. 203 Oregon b dc. L r rt w ay lrt -V i;ov'S. wilH furnace and bath, on Cor bott str-et. ne.nr N. W. Steel; r"ice J-."(0, eay terms. Qwr.er. 5' Concord bid g. $To.V FOR Irvirg'on hrr:e on full lot near both I. J. and Broadway car lins; a real -verifies, as it must be soM. Main S4i'y. XU PPrTLL A SON. 1421 Sandy. Oldest firm ROSE CITY PARK. Best bargains, houses, burgalows. building lots Tabor 211. JlOI'ERN S-roo in bun alow, full basement, cement t'oor. electric hcht. lot 40x100. P .-e 2- in?.' Ea-t 2:t a st. Nort h. vjo , E W 3-room - hous-, 5 fertile lots, f :j-iturc; Hamihorne car. 3319 Coih sl IDEAL home. S rvm-, cheap. Ir-;n gton di--rtct. Phone owner, Porrland hotel for 1 .ty or.ly. Mtr W. T,. fcC-ibe. S-RC'M hoys for ar.'.e cheap. All kinds of fruit, bungalow style. Call Tabor 5777. JKVINC.TON East .V4 li. T. STREET, IRV. AGENT HCX1 ES. 1.AI" RELHURST. by owner, 57(n equity In fins 7-room rca; so agents. Tabor 5794. REAL ESTATE. For Sale-House. 2t5o . ! $.in T K K M s ??5rt. $iU T E R 1! S $2G50. $nv MOST EXQUIMTB BUNGALOW. Larse. light rooms cor. lot: photo at office; ad). Alameda pk.-. 8 blks. Edwy. far; all built-ins; liens paid; homelike, new and dnubie const'd; choice elect, fix., best enamel standard plumbing, Dutch kitchen. paneling, bullet, bookcases, concrete bus L. FI K Ki'LACK H.VRDWi HJD KLRS. FREE ALTO SERVICE G. C. GOLDENBERG, 21-1 Ablngton bldg. 3d. "35 Vra. in Portland." Main 403. P- S. Also a similar on adj. piedmont with garage. etc., for $25O0. Get next and land one of these they are surely the D-t in town. fL;t0 HOL'SK. PIANO. FURNITURE. Near Columbia Park. We have a pood 6 room home with bath, comr Jot 0(xl00. fruit, chicken houe. garage, all furni ture Including $J0O plsno gues with plac pere is a oi?. big bargain, tee it today. c oe a. Mcienna ft Co.. Main 4Z2. e2 tnji. tloard of Trade Bids. IRVINUTC X TiISTHIPT A very modern 8-rooni home wifh good lumace. tirvp.ace, Dulit-ln effects. h,ird- wood i.oors, nue.y located on Ooxloo lot. which we are told to srll at rock bottom price, run partiru:ars at office. A. H. BIKHELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bids. Marsh:!) 4114. A 4119. 4-ROOM bungalow, modern; 1 block to car: 't30. K. K. STgARMB. 202 Wilcox bldg. -MODERN 4-room bur.galow on 50x100 I'none teiiwood L..o7. LAROK, modem home. S block to cr; 2 lots, fruit treea Woodiawn L'oO. Snborbaa Home. BEARING FRT'IT TREES AND BLRR1KS $ 2150 parkrosf: ACRE TRACT. In hlsh state of cuUivatina. Trees and ber ries properly set and taken care of; fi.i-st kird of soil. There Ij a small 2-ro-un houae with gas and electric connec tions, also a very good raraxe. (About 7J trees and 4 Jonff rows of berries.) ?ti.'i0 ca?h. balance -o month. Including lntr e?t at 6 per ce:.l. J. U HAKTMAN COM PANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg 4 ill and ritark. Iain -OS, A 2Uo0. A FARM WITH CITY CONVENIENCES. 7 acr-. 5 in ru:tivation; p enty of fruit, hoie. barn, chicken house; smail stream; Ideal place for crncker.s and eariy berries; V nilie to eiectrn line, stores. P. and Ji.Kh school; 3mc fare to I'ortiand. &c fare to Oregon City ; pienty work all year in papr and woolen mills. On account of death In family owner has tnov-d away and will ee.l at a sacrifice. Price 10oo, jf-.o rah. balance 1.' per month, a few oter sm-j l tra :s in snrne loca.ity. A. W. KSTi:s. 202 MiKAY HI.D. FINE COUNTRY HOME. Stephenson Rd., near Hoone s Ferry Rd. 15 acres, with strictly modern two-story, K good, large rooms, full cement basement 7 - feet deep, furnace, fireplace, Du:eh kitchen, 2 fine bedrooms and splendid modem bathroom, auic, good barn with cement floor, chicken hou.e with !j acre parking tn woods-; lnd all in cultivation, cxrept about acre, slopes gently from renter, four directions: fine vari"v ut fruit trees In bearing. grap, magnificent iw of mountains; prire GODDARU fe Wlt;PKU K, IMtt Stark St. KAI.K chu'kt n; uanilv 'dace for anta.l chicken rancti and rarneu ; about a i nira of ai irr of ground i:h fire, practically new, modern S-room bungalow, story and a half tpe; all buiit-in c.tnvenlenccs. city wwlrr. cas and electric licht; eceplionally f;ne vie ; lawn and t enn nt idwalka; on automoliilo riod nt Mttltnoniah station. It's a dar.uv buy at ..... terms can be nr r.mgd. N-" Incutnorances, see Atchison, i4 p:tt bldy. - PARK ROSE nALF-ACRE TRACT ? blk. t car, 100 ft, to Macadam road, a few fir trcs. Jnt h-r you wou'd want t buUd. Price ilown. balance nwn-h. J. L. H A HTM A N COMPANY, No " Chamber of Corninerca bldg- -th and Stark. Main 2ts, A 2u."o. BY owner, 5-room bungalow, modern except furnnc, and aero of land; fruit trees In bearinic. private watr system. Tins i.luro is l.Hrat- d at Oak Grove. 011 tho road feeding to the river. List houe on the left-hand side. Price ?3J.'0, Jjr0 off for 5 ACRE?. ONLY ",no. fO down and S1 Pr month. Tocated In the beautiful Tualatin valley, clo.- to elect ric lino. within 10-mile circle of Portland Lies leet. open pasture. Splen did chicken or berry ranch. Owner, otM) Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. NEW S-room nous, a'l city conveniences, two large lots, bearing fruit trees and ber ris. fni view. 0:1 O. E. Ry. at Maplewood station. Wilt sacrifice to close, estate. H. R. Kmp. 2S Front Ft CHOICE SI.'Bl'RRAX HOMES and acr--aae. well located, near car line, from lto up. Inquire third house north of Kisly station, on Oregon City carllne, sirn "Alder Brook." AROtTT 14 acr-s. improved, bearing fruit; near grade and high school: rock road; 14 nubs from Portland; J loOO; terma UD 1 Oreironian. A FEW SPECIAL BARGAINS. Ca!l at our off:ce and s our larce list. OonPARl) & WIEORICK. 24.", St.irk St. For Sale Acremw jrST PUTTING ON TT-TB MARKET. ACREAGE ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY CLOSE TO VANCOUVER AND PORTLAND. $10 DOWN. 5 PER MONTH buys 5 acres of land In this addition ol 6.10 acres. The prices range from $"0 per acre and tip, with terms of $2 per acre down and f 1 per acre per month, no mat ter how many acres you purchase. There Is no rock or gravel or rough land on this addition; some of these tracts are easily cleared, will make an Ideal eubur" bnn home, poultry farm, d.ilry ranch; Is i-;e.il for prunes, English walnuts, filbert nuts or bis. There ts a school on the ad nition; tiio stage and truck lino run by this land. CHARLES DELFEL, S18 Railway Exchange Bids., Portland. Or. : COME to Gresham; good 5-acre home, near Powell Valley road, half way to oresnam; all under cultivation; house, barn, chicken house, orchard, berries: a genuine bar- ga;n. $.;00. 5 acres of good land near Base Line ro;id, wost of Gresham ; oid buildings, Dart : v cleared, for Slo-U. knder a- Eikington. Gresham. Tel. 17X. CLOSE-1 N acre.ipe. west side: S acre, water and gas. ..c. :i acre, water and gas. $700. 1 acre, water and gas. $120. S acre, water and gas, "0. 5 acres, fi1, miles out, 51-50. 5 acres. 15 miles out, J."oo. Terms to suit you on the above. M. E. I. EE, 5"5 Corbet! Bldg. 50'0 ACRES in Southwest Washington lor sale to settlers oniy : easy terms, iow prices. So per acre and up. Liberty bonds accepted at par. Writo for map showing ion. terms, eic. WKYKKHAEfSKR TIMBER COMPANY, Taco-na Bidg.. Tacoma, Wash. i.I.Mh) BUYS a new five-room bouse, with fii.t vionnn nL consisiina 01 mrrc cuarters of an acre at Multnomah on the Oregon Electric; I am selling the prop-e-ty been use I must leave this district am sacrificing It at S35K. For particu lars, see ernt at 404 Piatt bldg. 60 ACRES: 14 or 15 fenced ami In cultiva tion: 7.t fruit trees; 4IHK strawoerry plants. smc loganberries and raspberries; water plptd :o house, barn and outbuildings, (.l'i'.o; 30 cash, balance 5 yrs., 6 per cent. F K. STEARNS. 202 WIIcos bldg. TEN" acres on S. P. electric, good, first-class soil, handy to store, school, small payment down, balance by the ear. Draper, 201 W Trot h'dg. ACRES adjoining electric carllne at Cot re: I station. IS miles from Portland. All 'oared, v-ry best of soil, 25uO on terma .0., ore eon hide. Broadway lrt."S. FC'R SAL K r'iffip, 2h acres rich, level, cul- ttvae.f land, no buildings, mit irom ruirtouse; cltv afr. Addrei-s A, B., Ill !Th bt.. Or-con City. , A FEW SPECIAL BARGAINS, ra'l t our office nd see our larr list. GODPAPn WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. ACRES. Seaside. Or., all Improved, house, bam. small f-uit; 15V; terms. Evans, 414 G e r 1 i r. ; e r b 1 d . Main fio 5. 10 ACRES, house, bam and well, berries snd frutt tres. 4 miies east of city limits. Owner. 2 East 2'th st. Phone East 2R0. 'li ACRES, ah good, lavs perfect, near city snd cars. 435ou; down. Owner, W 44. Ureganlan. FOR SALE One 2-scre snd one 1-scre tract near Lents. Inquire at 243 Salmon st. CHOICE. c"oe-iu acreage, good soP. well located. wrer. Phn Broadway 4fiS3. 40 ACRES. T-i'amok: snap; 750; $250 cash. F K STEARNS. C2 Wilcox bldg. HomeMfad. Relinquishment. BACK to the land movement is growing. Unc!e Sam's holdings nre growing less every day. Cen'ral Oregon is the para dise of the homes tenders. Come In and talk with me about how to get 610 acres of land. GH'son. 2GS Stark st. 34 ACRES, stock raising homesteads, east ern Washington. Address Parks A Gra ham, homes-tead locators, Oot-, North 6th s'.. Portland. Or. For Sale- Farms. Ill ACRES. Champoeg. -. mile from river, $60 per acre. T ft. Oregonian, REAL ESTATE. Tor S.ile I-arms. 82 ACRES of first-class land, all In high stats of cultivation; 10-room house, large barn, new hog no use. implement shed, pir a Re. In fact al. buildings necessary, first class water system to barns and house, electric light system under construction, S mile to creamery. Place Ideal for dairy ing and hog raising. It is well fenced and is subdivided In small fields, ail in crop. Good family orchard. 1H miles to college, hivh school, oublic school, churches and business houses; free delivery at house from stores. The improvements on place are wen worm u"nu. trice sie,tMu, easy terms. Located between Monmouth and Independence, Or. Address Httx -J 7, Mon mouth. Or. FOR SALE 640 acres and 517 acres. Mor row county. The 040 acres is a section. &00 tillable, bal. pasture: S5 in winter wheat, 20 more plowed; 4 miles to town, rat! road, and farmers' concrete bulk ele vator; good roads, neighbors, etc. ; $l-.&0 per acre, half cash. bal. terms. The 017 acres Is good ranch. 4-mile to pnme town ; 2s fn crop. ti7 paenure, baL being summer-fallowed; abundance epring water, fair improvements; $0 per acre; $:k cash, $fWM in satisfactory Portland property, bal. terms. Complete equipment can be bought with ranch. Owner. Lock Box lone. Or. CHOICE farm. I'OO acres rich soil. 150 acres In cultivation. 100 of which in fall crop, 50 In pasture; living stream, exceptionally pood improvements; house of 8 rooms, hct and cold water, garage. Dam, cow bjrn, stock barn, poultry ani brooder houses equipped for ."000 chickens. Place hog fenced. Prosperous neighborhood, K mile to station; land and Improvements too good to Tent; non-resident orders quick sale .t low price and eaey t rrns. . w. uryan, COS Chamber of Commerce. .Main l'.iti.i. BEST BUT IN OREGON. 20 acres, 12 cultivation, in fall wheat and oats. Al soil, on good macadam road. -u nines irom Portland; new 7-room bun g.ilmv, good barn,, woodshed and dairy, chickfn house, good team, 1 cow, 1 pig. 3 dozen hens, wagon, harness, hack, plow. nrro. oisc, separator, small tools, hay. st raw; t n;s la a buy. act quick : price -uuu aown. x-ia atocK ex change. AMi-n Eby. DEAL WITH OWNER. 118H Acres, all in cultivation except 10 acres or oa timber; iencea ana cross fenced: good house, barn and other build ings, well water, 2 springs 3i miles of two good towns, family orchard; about 75 ares in crop now; rural route and tele phone; railway station on place. Stock and complete line of Implements all gu with place, at S125 per acre. Call CoL HTlorsddrosfl lf03 Stockton st. 1M ACRES, LINCOLN CO. $ TOOO. On Pacific highway, about half way between Tillamook and Wliiamfna. U mile south from Salmon river, surrounded by cheese factories; 60 acres in cult., .balance timber, family orchard; 2-story louse, 2 barns, running water; a splondid dairy farm. Terms JflGuO down, bal. at 5 pr cent. (SODDARP WTEORICK. 24?. firark St. loO ACRES ON" CtiWLITZ RIVER S0OO. Fronts on graveied ro;id. '0 acres bot tom land, 40 acres level, bal. g-niiy roll ing, 2."i acres In cult., 4H acres timber, ba i. brush, t'.- acna seeded to pasture, wro feci s, 2 creeks, ti-rm. house piped un ?iBr, oarn .nfxu, id-fon alio, stock, tioia and implements included. Terms t.inm cash, bal. per cent. t (iOMDAKD & WIEDRIOK". 24 Stark St. Vt4 ACRES Yamhill county. Southern Pa cific electric line runs through place, also w ft std h Ichwn y. which will boon be ntirn surracri; about .i acres under cul tivailon: good poll, no rock:-; hous". pever ouibuiidings. ns.'ortment fruit. Only $36 Pr acre, good terms; or will divide. bC( ACRES. $..00; good black grays, dairy, sneep, rarmins mid: 'J small orchards, room house. 2 barns, wood and tool house, spring water; 300 acres timber; 5 miles to county seat ; on corsI high way ; pos session given. Auareoa nan ay nancn, Gold Beach, Oregon. 1UI-; tiiii-.Ai l.t district in the fast gr at west, Mni nir ciescn pu ve DOOKiet civ ing general description, price and terms or our llsttngi on ranches, dairy, mixed nnu .het farms in Central Aib'Tta. Lar- s..n A- McCuUoch, Ltd., Killam, Alberta, nuaaa. UOSEBI r county. Montana, is the most diversified farming county in the treasure state, for larm lands or stock rand wholesale or retail, address owners; Todd A- Carroll, Inc., L Paul, Minn., Forsyth, .Montana. 13 ACRES. NEAR XEWBERG J24O0. rar Lhi-naim center rtiurch; a acres in rait., balance woods and pasture, run ning water, iimny ore nam ; 7-rm. house, b;irn. chicken house. Terms $luno down. GRESHAM 30 acres near electric tar, acre, partly cleared, sprirg and crvYc- also v acres adjoining Grcsham in cnltiva tion, $300 an acre; nice location; will di vide, easy terms. Cleveland & Brown, ttrejnam. i'none 15 1. 4H ACRKS. HOOD RIVER .tri00. 10-3 ere upple orchard, good old house and oarn. irrigation aitcu ; cost ?400 u 1 1 n e r 1 o re c 1 u re . GUDDARU & W1EPR1CK. 243 Stark St. 40 AtRc-S, lamhlll county, 4 mile to elec tric line, about u acres in cultivation, good Bin 1. no rue kb, no use, out DUi Hi : n SB, sortment fruit, ?133U. terms. Draper, 201 l!''OT niog. Io ACRES on Pacific highway. 5011 acres in grain, horses, cattle, sheep, tractor and all farm machinery; one mile from good town. price .?;, ot w. owner would take city property. c. ijfp, .tyo orctt Diag. ! ACRES. YAMEILL CO. 7.0u. K I ght at apato station; :. acres In cult., balance, timber, oid orchard, good GOPDARD A WTETiRTCK. 243 Srark St. FINE, clir farm, near town, on paved road meat tor dairy or gentleman s countrv home. Owner would sell on easy terms or wouia i a we improved city property. M. E. I .ee. .V. Co r be 1 1 b 1 d g. ABSOLUTE sacrifice, orchard farm near Portland, fichest soil, ideal climate, near eicinc line; must sen: make offer; easy terms. John C. Jens. Belmont. Cal. CHICKEN, FRUIT GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland. $75 to $-"0 per acre, easy I'-mis, ut'ii s"ii. rarms ior saie, ail sizes. McE'arland, 602 Yeon bldg., Portland. FOR information regarding farms for sale in Yamhill and Polk counties, write for a copy of "Dirt." or call on C. W. Vail, Carlton. Oregon. 115 ACRES, near Columbia river, beautiful view ; 3.1 ucres improved. R. T. Smith. Bridal Veil, Or. 63 ACRES close to Eugene, well improved; take some trade, E. U. Weygandt, Goshen, Oregon. LOGGED-OFT lands, $10 acre uprunning water, good soil, A tillable, employment; ensy terms. J esse R. Sharp, 83 3d st. WANTED-REAL ESTATE. 150 HOUSES SOLD Since J anuary st BY FRANK L. MctilTIRE. List your house with us for results. We hnve the most efficient selling organiza tion in the city composed of 10 experi enced real estate salesmen each with an auto at his disposal. I will personally In snect. appraise and photograph your house. We onjy want modern houses in good dis tricts "close to cars from $2000 to $5000. See FRANK L. McGTJIRE. To Sell Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 5156. Main 106S. Office Open Sundays and Evenings. I WANT houses to sell. I have the buyers All listings given propr attention. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO , ' 203-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. WANT from owner, no agents, a 2, 3 or 4- room nouse irom 1 to lots, not over $2'K0: will pay from $100 to $2to down and balance $0 with 6 per cent interest. AO 0. Oregonian. 1 WANT about on acre ofland near paved road outsioe Multnomah county, not over 12 miles from Portland. Terms. T loo. Oregonian. WANTED Houses, lots, or farms to list In the real estate buyers' guide; no commis sion charged See Mr. Jschindler, 835 Northwestern Bank bldg. HAVE client who wishes a 5-room modern bungalow: about $25n0 or $3000; what have you to offer? JOH XSON-DODSON CO., 34 N. W. BANK BLDG. $JU0o COMMERCIAL paper to trade for 4 or o-room nouse, win pay cash differ ence Main l-t4. CASH for bungalow, must be bargain, $4000 to suuint, irvington prer erred. o. w. Bryan. 53- Cham, of Com. Main 19C3. 191 S FORD touring car with $200 extra equipment, including electric starter; will sell or trade for lot. 947 E. 20th N. WANTED AT ONCE Modern 5-room bunga- iu, 111 ij 5ov uiauivu 4 011, lre- K-onian. WANT smail farm, give attractive 5-room bungalow, paved, and assume: owner. sf;er -"n. Barney. 303 Srock Exchange. WANT modern bungalow up to $35uO, east side preferred, F 916 Oregonian. WILL pay $300 spot cash for lots In aT berta, Woodiawn. etc, B 190. Oregonian. Farms Wanted. WANTED Farmi. larire or small ImnrnvcH or unimproved, nearby or rar otr. out must In all cases be as represented; especially want nearby acreage to subdivide into small tracts for returned soldiers, ship builders or others wanting suburban , homes; have customers waiting. F. Van duyn. 515 Chamber Commerce. Main 1955. call for Mr. Eathrirk. FARMS WANTED We are in immediate need of 30. 4t. 60-acre farms. ' We can make quick sales for you if your price is rixht. M. Billings, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1390. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Farms Wanted. PACTFTC AGENCY, INC., 7 511!-13-14-15 Swetland Bldff. ' ' RANCHES WANTED. If you have a ranch, big or little. In the Willamette valley or Clarke county, Wash ington, let us have it at once if you de sire to sell. We have cash buyers waiting and will give you quick and Immediate action. Our method of handling; your property is strictly confidential. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 512-13-14-15 Swetland, Bldg. WANTED Large cattle ranch; bargain, uifl Commercial st.. must be Portland. Wanted to Rent Farms. I HAVE an Al farmer wanting to rent BDod farm of 150 to "250 acres, pay cash rent; win purchase personal property. A. (i. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TIMBER LANDS. 7 MILLION ft. timber claim with land. mile from R. R.. GO per cent spruce, bal. ur: j-uo casn. u, a. uoneiton, 44 Sher lock bldg., Portland, Or. WANTED 3000 to growth cord wood; evenings, Johnson, 5000 cords of also slab wood. Tabor 9358. first Call FOB RENT FARMS. 00 ACRES. 22 cultivated. 14 orchard, good Duuaings, near uregon tjity ; rent includes personal; lonear Vancouver, 12 hk plowed, good soil, buildings, excellent neighborhood, rent 1150. sell implements. Owner after 2:30. Barney, 303 Stock Ex- cnange. 10 ACRES, near Villa and ' Buckley aves. cleared, fenced, $h Main 623. FOR RENT 10-ACRE FARM. APPLY 171 1 IliKiJ ST. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. A. B. C EXCHANGES. A 825 acres highly Improved, stocked and equipped, Columbia river dairy ranch for clear Portland income property. Price $40,000. B 90 acres Gresham dist., the best going ranch in Oregon; stocked, equipped, crops pian tea. tine ouiidings. Accept ouuu in clear income property, $4000 cauh and give long time on balance. C 0 acres In best part of Willamette valley, 27 miles from Portland : on Pa cific highway; all in cultivation; owner living in California, has authorized us to exchange this for Portland income. D. 6-room cottatre on Belmont street; valns $4ooo ; exchange for 40 to 80 acres in Wil laraette valley; will pay cash differ ence, E 5-room modern bungalow, lot 40x100, located in Brooklyn district, clear of in cumbrance, together with $1000 cash, for 40 acres in Willamette valley; will assume on an Improved place. F ' Business block and hotel In suburb of Portland, valued ut $000, to exchange for ranch; prefer eastern Oregon; im proved or irrigated. G These are only a few of oor exchange listings. We can match any trade. See us for quick results. ST. CHARLES LAND CO.. trarm Land bpeciaiistsi SL Charles Hotel Lobby. 204 Morrison. 12.70 ACRES YAMHILL CO.. $5080. Right at station and on Pacific highway, between Dundee and McMinnville; all in Lambert cherries and Beau d'Anjou pears, In bearing, also logan and raspberries finest deeo soil : good 4-nu. house wit! screened-tn porch, painted white, good well, barn and chicken house; would ex change for modem house to full value. UODDARU & WIEDRJOK, 243 Stark st WILL echance a desirable and well-locate' six-room house, modern, 40x5O corner lot with garage; property, free from indebted ness. good surroundings, close in. east side want a somewhat larger house in desir able location and will assume a moderate amount of incumbrance. Please describe your property fully, with price and amoun of indebtedness. L S51:, oregonian. 160 ACRES GILLIAM COUNTY $2000. NO acres have been plowed, no bldgs., except small bouse: 1 nil. from store, P. o. and church. Trade for house, con fectionery store or tnt. In garage. GODDARD & WIEDRICK,243 Stark st. ARE YOU GOING TO CALIFORNIA? Have some very attractive buys in un lm Droved land in Northern California fw sections and half sections to trade for Portland property. A. W. ESTES. 202 McKay Bldg. WILL TRADE AND ASSUME OR SELL 48 acres good timber, clear or incum brance: make Ideal stock ranch when lim bfr removed; three-fourths mile railroad in vallev ; fine mill location. Gill, with RUMMELL & RUM M ELL, 274 Stark St. NEW store building 24x3, with stock first class eroceries: lot 4tixiJC: rent sju montn value SJ500: to exchange for a small farm Property is in Hoquiam, Wash. Mate Yokovns, 662 Water St., Portland, Or. "LEGITrMATEEXCHANGES WANTED. Desirable listings; no junk, hot air, or Inflated values will be considered. See Mr. Hurd with Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE for land near Portland or Hood River orchard. 3-0 acres, oU'J acres nine from Sllves river. 160 acres at Crane, Or., all located in main valley. L. H. Smith, 563 E. Morrison St. WANTED To trade 7-room, modern house. two residential acres In Altamont. two lots in Manito in Spokane for Portland property. B 205. oregonian. OWNER of concrete building and fine home and other property, all clear, wiwhes to trade for clear farm. M. L. Lee. 505 Cor- brt bldjr. Sl'000 HOUSE AND LOT at Victoria to trade for auto of the latest model; must be new; 3-passenger pre ferred. Phone Marsha!! 2.0S. FOOTHILL SO, some cultivated, old build fni-a orchard, stream. SL'o'H): accept reti dence. Owner, after 2:30. Barney, 303 Stock Exchange. N'ORTHERN WDAHO. Logged-off lands in Idaho to trade for Portland property. a. w. jstes, ju. McKay bldg. WANTED To trade two good lots In Salt Lake City for Portland lots, in a gooa district. M 49, Oregonian. LOT on 53d. R C. Park, and Write T. cash for 5-room bungalow. Hotel Medford. Greeley, viiu kai.K or trade for auto, a 5-room cot tage. 6 lots and outbuildings, located at Seaside, Or. Call or write, no iPin sc. MY" equity of $500 in a house and lot for RUto. diamonds or wnai nave you 1 riiuoo Tabor 2071. ARE you looking for a fine, large home well located and wisn to traoe in smauer piacer Then .see me. M. E. Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. 7 ACRES. Falls City, Or., 7 lots Chehalia, W ash. Want smau nouse. aa .su, ore gonian. CORNER. 100 feet square, clear. Erroll Heights. want single lot or iracuouai one closer in. R 491, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANOrS. WANT to trade three new quarter-oak chairs for baby buggy. Call Tabor 8934. TO TRADE 6 acres, 3 miles from Salem, to trade for late model car. tabor y;. FIRST-CLASS dental work for laundry. library table, cacpet. Tabor 337S. FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicle, Livestock. ON ACCOUNT of auto trucks we have for sale 2S00-lb. team and harness, young and good workers; also iiu-id. mare; cneap. Wood yard, foot Taylor st. 247 HOOKER St., South Portland, two tested cows: one was fresh four weeks ago. A single team for sale. The horse w e t ghs 1100 lbs. AP 22. Oregonian. ONE TEAM. 2200 lbs,; one team 3200 lbs; siund, true workers; cheap for quick sale. Willamette Fuel & Supply Co. Broadway 2144. WANTED To trade horse, about 1350 lbs., for horse about 1600 lbs.; also bay pony fnw l. Pi 1.1 Tran Cn Mrln-u "1 f.K 327 Davis st. TEAM, wt- 2400; bay, horse 6, brown mare 8, with good harness; come, make me an offer. 5624 86th st- S. E. Tabor 6634. IF you have plowing to be done, call Phil Suetter, Main 9109. 2S5 Front st. Crown Stable. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Milwaukie 69J for results. THREE small horses. 950 to 1100, and light harness for sale, or trade for cow, Troy Barn. East Taylor. $25 Good pony, good rubber-tired buggy and harness, cneap. wooayara, loot ox Tay lor St. WANTED Team and harness, about 1700 lbs. each, for lot 50x100 in Rose City Park. O 418. Oregonian. kFOR SALE FRESH MILK GOATS. HALSEY ST. - DEAD horses and anlmais hauled away frea, Portland tendering Co. Call Wood la w 20. DEAD horses taken quickly; cash paid for c o ws and crippled ho rses. Tabor 4203. WANT a horse to work on fiva acres; will pay some rent Mar 347L FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. U. S. STABLES. Just received, 30 bead of Shire and Belgian mares, some of these mares are In foal, some full-blooded Shire horses; ages from 4 to 7 yrs., weighing from 1300 to 1700 lbs.; all well broke, every horse guaranteed as represented. Call and look these mares over before buying. G. D. Williamson, 24S Front st. SPAN of gray geldings, weight 2850 lbs.; free from blemishes and good, sound workers; $2L'5. Span of grays, weight 2G50 lbs., 7 and 8 yrs. old; free of blemishes and In extra good condition; $2G0. Also some nicely mated teams weighing, from 2600 to 3000 lbs. each. G. K.. Uowett, E. 0 th and Flanders. FOR SAlJft, exchange or hire, best lot of corses in .Portland, from 1000 to 1700, an kinds of harness, wagons; all stock guar anteed as represented; liberty bonds, ap- roved notes accepted; open day, night; ire Dy day, week or month, Phil Suetttr, 2S5 Front. Crown Stable, 2 FULL-BLGOD Durham cows, just fresh, giving bet- 4 and 5 gals, each; health cer tificate goes with ach cow; also 2 large jersey cows, neavy raiiKers, just iresn; price around $85 each, and some heavy springers at K. wtn ana b landers. WANTED A good sound horse, weight about 90 to 10U0 lbs. Call John Huber, Tabor 4277- Pianoe, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. closing out used Parlor Organs, $25 and $35 cash; square pianos, $4o to $05 cash ; uprtgnt pianos, $t5, $75, $i)5 cash; uprights, good as new. $i;i5. $160, $100 cash; uprights, new. stored, 265, $-90, 375 cash; player pianos, new, ' f.'JJ;;, $o45, $:tt5 cash. Part cash, bonds and other securities accepted. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Storage 50c month ly. Phone Main 532S. lOD 4th St., at Wash. DISC Phonographs, small, $10 and $15 each; Edison cylinder phonographs, large, $20 and $30 each; new phonographs, $20 to $115; $5 or $10 in records purchased sends home any new model, payments 5oc, 75c, $1 and $1.25 weekly at the tfchwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st.M at Washington. $05 TO $350 saved buying pianos during factory clearance sale; cash or terms; $15 or $25 cash, $6, $S. $10 or more monthly. See oar display advertisement or call at Schwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth bL, at Wash. FIRST-CLASS 2 and 4-mlnute Edison phono graph and 100 brand-new indestructible cylinder records $18.50; $7.50 down, $3 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. TRADE YOUR PIANO organ for a new Victrola and r cord Let us give you our proposition. Seiber-ILig-Lucas Music Co., 125-127 4th St. Main sr. Mi. AN TISELL (good tone) $167 Fischer (small uprignu - Stelnway (like new) $450 HAROLD S. GILBERT, 384 Yamhill. CABINET PHONOGRAPH. Plays all records. Ten selections (five records) at special price of $56.75. Seiber-Ung-liUcas Music Co., 125 4th st. VJCTROLA. $05;. with $:J5 worth of records for $100 cash, or will traue ior gooa nar-ley-Davldson motorcycle. Broadway 3231). Room 1 7. . KIMBALL PIANO. Mahogany case, fine condition, can be bought at half price. Terms feiven. Setber- Iing-Liucao iviuaic -u. 125 4th SL. PIANO WANTED. Let us give you our cash price on your s.?d piano. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 25 4th et- Main S5S6. , PIANO Standard make, piain manoKanj. good condition, at -a price, -terms, aeiuer-ling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st. NEARLY new mahogany finish orchestral upright piano, cost oo new; sen ior nu cash. Call Tabor 3006. NEARLY new mahogany finish orchestral, upright piano, cost $:75 new, sell for $175 cash. Call Tabor r.606. VICTROLA AND RECORDS FOR SALE OR TRADE. NEWMAN, 128 1ST, NEAR AL DER. $100 CASH paid you for your old upright piano. Call Marshall 5323. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st., at W ash i ng ton. MAHOGANY finish Victor Victrola, 34 d. d. records; like new; cost $122; used nix mourns; quick sale; cash. East ,tS72. PIANO Hobart M. Cable, just like new; soil at bargain. Seiberling-Lucas Music to., 125 4th st., bet. Washington and Alder sts. PIANO wanted. Pay cash for bargain from private party. Marshall 1517. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 34 Yamhill St. $66.75 COLUMBIA grafonola outfit (like new), $05. Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill. PIANOS tuned, S574. Grad. $3. George T. Peck, Tabor New Eng. Conservatory. CABINET phonograph wanted ; must be reasonable. AC 488, Oregonian. $i0 EDISON Diamond Disc, In good con dition: some records. Columbia 353. Dob. Rabbits, Birds. Pet Stock. TENNESSEE female coon hound with three pups fine marked; beat hound in west for coon, cat nnd bear; tree barker and stayar, 5 years old Jake Meier, Gaston, Or., R. F. D. No. X, lVj miles south of Dilley. FOR SALE, English-pit bulldog, thorough bred, well trained, good home, cheap. East 1S47. AO 71, Oregonian. Furniture for Sale. BIGGEST SNAP OF THE SEASON. By a lucky stroke we purchased a bank rupt stock of solid oak buffets. There are three patterns, all solid oak, with French plate mirrors and right up to date. They would sell regularly from $32.50 to $37.50; we pass them on to you at $18.7o, $21.75 and $24.75; easy terms If desired. MISH FURNITURE CO., 188-190 First St. YOUNG Durham and Guernsey cow and calf, fresh one day. $40; two Durham ana Guernsey cows; one large Durham cow, one JeYsey cow, all juat fresh and heavy milkers; also one large Holstein cow to be fresh in a few days. 100 E. 9th sL, No. East 4307. FOR SALE Furniture of 7-room houee for $700. very cheap, everything complete ana of best; house can be rented cheap; east eide, good location. Inquire at 431 Lum ber Exchange bldg., between 1 and 6 P. M Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, 2d and Stark. I HAVE 5 big mules, 3 good horses, all In good condition ana true to worn; an nave good breeching harness; stock is young and I will sell cheap; weight 2600 to 3000 lbs. See them at Multo stables, 16th and Jef ferson. BAY AND BROWN team with harness and wagon, team zuu ids.; x nave uo uee iui them so will sell cheap, Ask for Mrs. Reese's team. Jefferson sts. Multo stables, 16th and GOING EAST Must sell our new oak Kim ball piano, dining taoie ana cnairs, two kitchen chairs, brass bed. cook stove; very reasonable. Cor. Harrison. 379 E. 50th st. I AM selling furniture of my 7-room home. must go before April 1st. iskb uroauway car; no dealers. .956 Glen ave. N near Preseott. FURNITURE 4 rooms and good Ford car cheap. M. Hi. oummings, xa t juinnesota ave. FOR RENT Five-room modern flat, $15, and furniture tor saie. nuoa c- " son. Call Tabor 2189. FURNITURE for a 5-roora house: I must leave town weanesaay evening, m. -. jw.hi, 1413 Vlllard ave. HIGH-CLASS mahogany furniture; will sell all or separate pieces; usea monins. leaving city. Phone Marshall 299a. FIRST-CLASS furniture for sale; must sell by 1st. Phone juarsnaii ion, nuaeinenu apt. FURNITURE for sale, cottage to rent; gar den SPOl ana cnictvena. i'Mii.ui.n at. A SNAP in all kinds of furniture at the Pacific salvage -tore. i-u-n iai u FOR SALE Fumed oak dining table, 4b- Inch top. wain FURNITURE of living room, bedroom and kitchen, good conumon. iauur mto, Poultry. LUHR POULTRY FARM. BABY CHICKS. EGGS. GROWN STOCK. Wrhlte Leghorns, Barred Rocks, R. I. Reds, $24 per doz. $30 per doz. $30 per dos. Hundreds of thoroughbred birds to se lect from Correspondence solicited. Vis itors welcome. Estacada line to Kendall station and follow the arrow signs. P. O. address H. C Luhr, Route 3, box 258, Lents station, Portland, Or. WHITE LEGHORNS are the most profitable breed of poultry, it you are in me easi ness for profit you will eventually have them. Earlj broilers, early layers, early PROFITS. We sell only WHITE LEG HORN BABY CHICKS from heavy lay ing HOGANIZED hens. Safe delivery of luil-count live cnicas guarantee a. rncn per 100: February, $15; March, $14; April. $12.50. The Pioneer Hatchery. 402 6th at Petaluma, Cal BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Leghorns, Reds, Rocks, Minor cas, best stock. Safe delivery guaranteed. Prices reasonable. C. N. Needham. box 412, Salem, Or. WILL BUY 2 dozen R. Island reds, pullets and rooster; must be the real article, 10 to 12 months old: deliver Multnomah. Phone Ned Burk. Main 1903. THOROUGHBRED Golden Lace Wyandotte roosters, natcnea last -May, at o, $.J.;u and $4 each. Harry Cummingsr Box 102, Heppner, Or. EGGS FOR SETTINGO. A. C. Rooks. R. I. Reds. $2 for i: white Leghorns, $l.5U for 15. East 1805. ONE fine White Leghorn rooster, $1.50. Phono Tabor 3606. LEGHORN chicks, also Barred Rock eggs. incubator lota Tabor 07U.- FOB SALE. EGGS for setting: S. C. White Leghorns. O. A. C. strain, $L50 for 13. CV E. Foster, 1314 Haisey st., Portland, xaoor ami. Machinery. SPECIAL. 1 Mershon horizontal slab resaw. 1 No. 842 Berlin band resaw. 1 pr. 16xlS Ames twin engines. 1 nr. 141S H S Jfc a twin enclnes. ALSO ALL KINDS OF REBUILT SEC OND-HAND MACHINERY. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First st., Portland. Or. FOR DIESEL ENGINES, HOT SURFACE OIL; GAS or STEAM engines and BOIL- .EKS ' FROM 1 H. P. to 10.00 H. P., SEE HANDLES, 221 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 767. " List your boats and second-hand engines with us for sale. ONE No. 2 sawmill complete, planer and edgsr,- for sale or trade on donkey en gihe. Address Deer Creek Lbr. Co.. Rose burg, Or. FOR SALE 9x10 Willamette donkey cheap: four-side planer, 3 steam engines, 30, 43 and 80-H.P; A. B. Loud, Eugene, Or. FOR SALE CHEAP A 6-horsepower Fair banks horizontal gas engine. Main 55J4. 7U- Board of Trade bldg. A 5-H. P. auto traction saw machine, cheap. - Tftb-jr S9.il. Typewriter. RENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now; immediate delivery, reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Company. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send tor price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. retail dept., 321 Wash. St. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. REBUILT typewrite: and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Tease Co. , 1 10 S i x t h et WB will buy your old typewriter and pay you cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 Fifth. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 fr'h. Main 366S. TYPEWRITER supplies and repairs; prices right. 408 WoYeesier bldg. Miscellaneous. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SBWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d, near Taylor street. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANN1CA. Cambridge edition, India paper, cloth, like new, $125; handy volume edition, $75; Stoddard's lectures, lull Morocco. $35; Standard diet., $18, cost new $30; Rid path's history, 9 vol umes, $20. Hyland's book store, 170 Fifth. SAFES, new and second-hand, at right prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO., 1 46 Front street, Portland, Or. Phone Broadway 1966. FIRE and burglar-proof safes bought, sold and exchanged; lock expert worn ana re pairing. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second SL Phone Main 204.. WELL sorted, good size Burbar.k potatoes. raised on high ground, $i.o per nunarea delivered Irvintrton, Alberts, Piedmont and Woodiawn districts. Call Woodiawn 2602. LARGE 3-hole nickel gas plate and oven. $5; large blue enameled on neater, loose pin curtain stretcher, almost new, $2. 931 Woodward. 3 ROLL-TOP desks, bookkeeper's desk, type writer desk, chairs, tibL flat desk, Y". & E. filing cabinets, card cabinets and 2 safes- Busbong & Co., yi iarK st. CAPTURED German officer's helmet and iron cross, by returned soldier in need o money. The Irish Tailors, 10a West Park st. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, soda foun tain, b airbanKs scale, Angieuaie- eeaie, bread case, cigar case and candy case. 24 Second st. Main 342. HOT-WATER tanks, all sizes, in good serv iceable condition, ;u-gai.. ; -iu-gai.. . 201 Adams St., east end steel bridge. Phone East 8516. v.'niiK wardrobe of vounc ladv. size 36-3S: also good abdominal belt ; dirt cheap if sold at once. Main SSS6 or Leonce apt., 186 N. 22d. WANTED Men to wear uncalled-for suits and overcoats at sa.oo ana up. urpneum Cleaners. 355 Stark st. DELICIOUS crabs, clams, oysters, fresh daily. J2 r lrat St., net. asn. ana Ai der, Western Fish Co., Mar. 51S9. FINE BICYCLE MAKE OFFER. DEU, FOR SALE CHEAP; 128 FIRST, NEAR AL- SALISBURY'S COUGH CANDY, 5c; OVER 00 YEARS IN USE. SOLD EVERY WHERE. ONE Williams vulcanizing plant, complete. Inquire of Nyquist Motor Car Co., Inc., Astoria, Or. . LATE model Singer sewing machine, good as new. Woodiawn 4984. 244 & Killings wort h ave., room 4. FOR SALE Garden tools, hose, Stewart phonograph and records, also chufins dish. 12S E. 53d St.. cor. Morrison. A SET of furns ( brown opossum). $25, in perfect condition : good reaoi for sac rificing. East 5974. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 235 Stark st. TH REE marble slabs, about 40 inches by 20 inches, the lot for $10. Call 442 E. 19th street North. Phone East .u83. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and walicases, fixtures; asy terms. W. J. Quigley, 227 First. Main 5339. MUST vacate by first of month; show cses, registers, wall cases and stock, 535 Washington s. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding ma chine and showcase. 174 1st St., corner Yamhill. APPAREL EXCHANGE Suits, gowns, dresses, slightly worn; bargains. Tabor 2S25. ONE kitchen range, $10; one gas plate. $3; two rugs, one perambulator. 495 East 37th st. South, near Division. FOR SALE Handsome. 70-Inch Alaska sable scarf with muff to match: cost $500, will take. $275. Address 3S7 E. 45th st. SAFE, in first-class condition, for sale cheap. For all particulars address O 370, Ore gonian. SMALLEST bible on earth, brings good luck to owner. 50c cash. AG 41. Oregonian. NO W is the time for painting and paper hanging Get an estimate. Tabor 6738. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the right price. 46 Front st. Broadway 1966. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co., Main 8582. EXPERT stove plumbing; parts all stoves, ranges; repairing. East 28! FUR cane coatee or will trade for dark ani mal scarf. Marshall 2vo. BLACK duvetlne suit, never worn, size 36 or 38. BroadwayN&73. CHOICE potatoes, $1.75 sack delivered. Call Broadway 4&4; evenings call bell. 2839, 4-FOOT cigar case, $20, 2 plate glass mlr- rom. o-xiu ieet. so. Main 4Ki. COUNTER account regieter, meat slicer and scaler; bargain. 272 ,d st. FOR SALE 17 rabbits, $12; Flemish Giant. and N. z. Keds. 20 Larrabee et. COAT, 2 suits, 2 dresses, etc, 38 bust; also snoea, cneap. taoor HOUSE to be moved off property. 1131 Haw thorne ave. Tabor 4627. Reasonable. BRAND new $50 Todd great reduction. J 638, check writer Oregonian. LADY'S blue jnannish cloth tailored suit. size 40-4. $ia. Broadway 394 1. TOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1917 BUICK ROADSTER in first-class con dition and good tires; must be seen to be appreciated. OPEN ON SUNDAY MORNINGS. BRALY AUTO CO. 601 Washington st. 1916 OAKLAND LIGHT SIX, four good tires, one extra; perrect conmtion : own er's cash price $600; this car will stand any test. Phone East 6647, or see Mer rick. 307 Oregon bldg. LIGHT SIX Chalmers for sale by owner. Price $775; terms liable party; no dealers need apply. A 7715. DODGE. 1915. touring. In good running con dition, 5 good tires, 2 brand new, spot light, oumper, soou casn. o r. ;. 20th, corner Taggert. 1917 BUICK roadster, looks like new; otily anven b"j nines; i ax mecnanicai condi tion; $125 worth of extras; a snap. Call Frank Smith, Broadway 1130. 1916 LYONS Knight aluminum body, tour ing car; a real Dargain at $050. D 719, Oregonian. 1917 HUP.; like new; just overhauled and repaired; must sell at once. 490 Burn slde st. " ' 1918 DODGE TOURING. Al condition; see this one; price right. John Deere Plow Co. bldg.. Alder st. side. DRAKE BROS. Oakland roadster, like new; cord tires all around, and extras. 351 Burnelde st. BUICK light touring, model 25C; new tires; extras. Phone or see Henry, at Y. M. C. A. Tuesday. FOR SALE 1917 Ford truck, $450. Strong, Main HOo. CADILLAC S. in good condition. 1056 Tilia mook st. Phone Tabor 2097. LATE model Buick. first-class condition, by private owner. Phone Marshall 29i5. 1917 REO FOUR in Al shape, with good tires; always terma Bdwy. 2492. "Jaka." FOR SALE AUTO MOBILES. BIG STRIKE ON! Out on the Sandy river a sood USED - CAR will get you there. SPRING IS HERE! Are you going to ride street cars all summer? You will b a long time dead. ' Enjoy yourself while you can. We can . supply you with a car to get you to that fishing stream. b WE HAVE THEM ALL MAKES. FROM $100 TO $2000. FORDS. chevrolets. 'maxwells. BUICKS. FRANKLIN. STUDEBAKER. COLE a. REO. APPERSOX. PEERLESS. NASH. HUPMOBLIE. ELGIX. A 1919 LICENSE FREE. SERVICE IS OUR LONG SUIT. ALWAYS ON THE JOB. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. If you can't come early, come any time. AUTO SALES CO., NINTH AND COUCH. USED AUTOMOBILES. We will take your old car as part pay ment and your liberty bonds at face value. - Our time payment plan will interest you. Large stock of late-model cars to select from. Here are a few we offer for your, ap- . proval: 1918 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyIinJer $1150 191S Mitchell, 7-pahS., 6-cylti o r 1250 7 Mitchell. 3-pass., 6-cylinder 90n ; ; J017 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cylinder 1050 ; 1913 Cadillac. 5-pass., 4-cylinder 475 - 1911 Haynes, 5-pass., 4-eylliider fi0 1!13 Hudson, 5-pass., 6-cylhider 6""i. 3914 Overland. 5-pass.. 4-cylinder. . . . 400 e. 1911 Pierce-Arrow, 5-pass., 6-cyllnder, model 36. electric lights and start er. new one-man lop, 5 ord tirus (snap) 1250 ;t 1914 Suidebaker, 5-pass., 4-cylinder.. 250 . SEVERAL OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. ; USED CAR DEPT., MITCHELL. LEWTS STAVER CO., East First at Morrison street. Phones; East 7272, B 1216. y PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 1916 OAKLAND 32, five-passenger, new cords on rear, new wire grips ou front; some extra equipment. OVERLAND 5-passenger; good condi tion. MAXWELL, newly refinished. CASE, 5-passenger, $100 will handle. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Tenth and Burnside sts. Bdwy. 52L CHALMERS "36"; NO STARTER. BUT CAR IN FINE SHAPE; 4 PASSENGER BODY; $300, TERMS. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 514 ALDER. A VERY LITTLE MONEY WILL BUY: 3916 Grant Six, new battery, 5 tires. 1915 Velie. 5 tires. 1011 Apperson, 5 tires. 1913 Hudson, electric equipment. 3911 Cadillac, fine condition. Light Studebaker, fine condition. Four-cvl. Mitchell, first class. D. C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Main 780. 58 N. 23d. BUICK 1917 roadster, vlctoriatop, convert ible into 4-pass. speedster in one mmme; newly painted, emerald and black. 4 cord tires, one brand new fabric; just over hauled bv Cook Gill; guaranteed per fect condition; $350 extras; snappiest ,1ob In Portland. Owner going east this week, must sacrifice for best cash offer. Tabor . 900. , 1917 VELTE 1017. Rich cherry fin., cream-colored wheels; driven onlv 9000 ml.; unusual pep; strik ing appearance; guaranteed first class; llI?'C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. Main 780. 58 X. 23d. GOOD USED TRUCKS. 2-ton Reo, good condition; 2'-ton Ster ling with good body; -ton Sterling with body, electric lights and starter; 1-ton Gray used as demonstrator. Koehring Machine Co., N. W 254 Hawthorne- ave. , East 642. . : 5-PASS. CASE TOURING car in first-class , mechanical condition; good tires and' paint, electric lights and starter; a rare baTpENOON",0SUNDAY MORNINGS. BRALY AUTO CO. 60l Washington st. 1918 MAXWELL CHUMMY. This car has been run only 1P00 miles: has one new extra tire; snappy buy. CaJJ Bdwy. 2492 and ask for "Jake. SPECIAL WINTER PRICES. Insure your tires now against blow- . outs and punctures with our guaranteed relmers. Phone East 1393. We will call. UNION AVE. TIRE & BATTERY SHUP. 4S8-490 Union ave. N. 1919 VELIE 1919. Driven very little; Just nicely broken In; sell at reduction and give factory guar- anD?C. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO Main 780. CHUMMY ROADSTER. One of these snappy, rlassy little sixes, 32-lnch tires, 2 extras; car is ilka new in every way; a snap, $1200. Terms. Call Marshall 97C or Broadway 11S0. A HUDSON automobile, model 54. In good condition and has been driven very little only on paved roads; must be sold at once by owner at great bargain. Phone Marshall 4314 or East 852. DANDY roadster, Haynes, like new fuUj equipment, extra tire, newly painted. No. 1 shape; trade for good, clear lot. Rose -City or Hawthorne dist. Phone Marshall, . 858 404 Gerllnger bldg. 1917 VELIE 1017. Chummy 4-pass., thoroughly overhauled, excellent condition and appearance. $1150. D. C. WAKKJJ- J.w W y 1A Mnln 780. 68 N. 23d. liUS MAXWELL runabout, with burnpor and-, new spare tire, all like new. used only on pavements; driven 2100 nilies; snap a: $siiO- terms to responsible purchaser. Broadway 4"4fl. room 401. ., HAVE THREE 1918 BRISCOES in good con-., dition; come in and get our terms on these.; dandy little cars. Wallingford's, 522 Alder. - LATE model Winton touring car. new cord tires, car is mecnanicany ruuu . ---jo - , paint: price $000; will consider some terms. ,tr ; G 634. Oregonian. , OVERLAND 1918, A-l running condition; must sell. 754 E. 14th sL North. Call, bet. 5 and 0. CHALMERS SIX, sell cheap; good condition; - consiaer " . . - 2917. HUDSON enper Six In good condition; will consider v Ford In trade. Tabor 5560. FOR" SALE 1918 Dodge touring car. com- plete equipment, m tuiiuinuu. Morgan 1913 CHEVROLET, good shape; $230 will J handle this good buy. Call Jake at Bdwy. A SNAP and perfect mechanically; satisfaction to all. Smith Auto Co., Park and Couch. FORDS Lots of them; see us before you buy. Smith Auto Co., Park and Couch sts. LET US SELL YOUR CAR. QUICK ACTION. AUTO SALES OO..- W i rt. U OOUOrt. WHITE gas 80 ; make us an offer. 143 Front st. Alain 44U, jasi oeoe. 1018 FORD Sell cheap; must have money. 1SS onaoman at. 5-PASSENGER car, good condition, owner lust sell $325. call at zii wann. st. REASONABLE. 1917 Ford touring car., cor. 58th ave. and 101st st. -Mt. scott car. FOR SALE 1917. 6-cylinder, 5-pass. Butck. good tires, good suape. a. 1